The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 22, 1910, Page 7, Image 7
/ TI1R NOKKOLK WEHKM , NBWS.JOtTHNAL , FJtlDAY , JULY 22 , 1910. 7 Sr SATURDAY SITTINGS. \ C. U. GrooMbeok returned from Dal las. las.C. C. J. UorlMkey returned from North I'lntte. George U , McDonald of McCook win In the city. Sheriff C. 8. Smith of Madison was In the city. Sheriff C. S. Smith of Madison wax In the c-lty. M. J. Sanndors has gone to Omaha on luminous. Hnrrv Leggelt of Dallas was In Nor folk enronto to Fargo , N. IX , to visit his brother. Constable J. F. Flynn has gone to Omaha on business. George F. Drown of Wakollcld was In the city on business. H. D. Neal of I'lalnvlew ' was In the city transuding business. Miss Lonn Anderson has gone to Stuart , Nob. , to visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kennedy of Creighton were visitors In the city. Miss Margaret Hamilton has gone to Plalnvlow for a short visit with friends. Mrs. Dora 13. Smith has gone to Fos ter to visit with her daughter , Mrs. W. I. Uatey. Mrs. William Degnor and daughter have gone to Creighton to visit with relatives. MlsB Alice Rees has returned from a week's visit with Miss Ida Lawson at Spaldlng , Neb. Mrs. August Deck nnd Mrs. Kd. Marotx of Ilosklns wore In the city calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Wichort have returned from a visit with friends at Sioux Falls. S. D. Special Agent W. J. Stuart of the Northwestern railroad company has returned lo Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. William Mnrolz and Miss Herlha Marotz of Hosklns were visitors In the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Troesler. who have been liere vslllng with relatives , have returned to their home at Lin coln. John K. Hays returned last evening from Lincoln , where ho delivered an address before the convention of Ne braska postmasters. L. J. Hawk , a prominent ranchman of V-jrdlgre , passed through the city with three carloads of cattle for the South Omaha market. Rev. J. J. Parker of Genoa , formerly pastor of the First Congregational church of this city , is In town , a guest at the home of his son , Dr. C. S. Par ker. ' George Fredericks of Willow Creek passed through the city enroute to his home from Omaha , where ho reports topping the market with a few loads of cattle. Mrs. F. L. Anderson , her son , Har old , and daughters , Misses Ida and Helen , have gone to Fairmont , Minn. , where they will spend a few weeks visiting with relatives. Miss Ida Jones of Winnetoon , accom panied by her lionsln , Miss Clara French of Ashland , Wls. , who have been attending n house party at New man Grove , are In the city visiting with Mrs. O. I. . Hyde. Mrs. John Phinney underwent a nasal operation at Fremont yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Phinney had been \ troubled with her eyes and for near ly a year had constant headaches. It was discovered that several Final ! bones In her nose had decayed. These bones were removed. Reports from Fremont state that Mrs. Phinney Is now slightly bettor. Law ton Phin ney , her son , is with his mother at Fremont. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Nenow , n son. The olllce of the Midwest Life insur ance company is being moved from the Oxnard hotel to room 3 , Dlshop block. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Kidder Tuesday afternoon on North Ninth street for a social afternoon. Everybody is welcome. Mrs. Louis Taylor , formerly of Nor folk , who moved to Omaha nnd later to St. Paul. Minn. , died in that city after an operation for a tumor on Jul > ' 5. The national sangerfest to be hole in Omaha July 20 Is being much talked of in Norfolk German circles. There are probabilities that a number of Nor folk Germans will attend the event. In a practice game the bookkeeper ! baseball team defeated the traveling men's team on the driving park diamond mend by n score of 13 to 5. The game was full of feature plays and long hits. Durland and Morrls6n wern the battery for the bookies. Fairfleld nnd Bacon did the same honors for the traveling men. The Madison county jnll is prett > nearly tilled up to * Uie limit , and run nlng over. There are ten prisoners behind the bars as guests of Sheriff Smith at this time , nine of them from Norfolk. City Attorney H. F. Barnhart wen to Meadow Grove , where he presentee to the village board n now set of or dlnances which he drew up for the village. The new ordinances will be published in pamphlet form. Elmer Hlght reports the theft of his bicycle , which he left standing in front of the George H. Chrlstoph drug store Friday. This is the second time Mr. Hight's bicycle has been stolen. The authorities have been notified of the theft. Miss Mildred Rees was hostess at a slumber party Thursday evening. The guests wore Misses Gladys Cole. Lois Hardy , Beulah Hayes , Marian May- lard , Ruth Witzlgmnn , Bess Sprecher. Miss Elsie Housch of Nellgh was the out-of-town guest. Arthur Davis , known here ns "Long Distance , " the colored porter formerly employed nt the Pacific hotel , wants to come back to Norfolk. Long Dis tance resigned his position a short time ago nnd went to Omaha , where he says he is not doing as well as In Norfolk. Get your fortune told ? This Is the pncRcd along through Norfolk all ay yesterday. A large band of gyp- ICH arrived In the city and were busy 11 day making their rounds , lly the Izt'B of ihe bundled they carried with lioin ( luring the evening their haul von a good one. RoportH from the 1'rlday-Frnnor Rinp on the Kiiuit/ farm Ktnt < > that Irx. Friday him Hlinoat entirely re- overed from her ( llxrninfoit after bo ng laid up for nearly four day * with n attack of poison ivy. The mayor nd Mr. Primer succeeded In landing a u-pound cat fish last evening. Norfolk traveling men and their In- les have received an Invitation from he Sioux City traveling men to at om ! the large traveling men's picnic t Sloilx City Saturday , July . ' 10. The Sioux City travelers are planning to nake the event a big success , every- hlng being free to the visitors. There was a vacant chair In the vorkshop of P. J. Fuesler Saturday , "rlday night W.x R. Gough and Miss Cllzabcth Manske. accompanied by H. i. Wiles , went to Omaha where on Saturday Miss MniiHke and Mr. Gough vere bound In wedlock. Mr , dough's IstiT of Atlantic , la. , met the party t Omaha and acted as bridesmaid at he wedding. Mr. Wiles was grooms- nan. Mr. and Mrs. Gough will make Xorfnlk their home , returning from Omaha Monday Norfolk will got a large list of race lorses for the coming races , according 0 reports received from Madison , vhere a long list of inquiries from lorsemen have been received. P. M. iarrett. who will have charge of the N'orfolk races , has also received sev- ral Inquiries and says there Is no oubt but Norfolk's list of horses will > o big. The Inquiries have come nostly from Nebraska points , with ome from Kansas , Iowa , and South Dakota. The Norfolk race track is in oed condition and workmen are kept jusy at the driving park to make the rack a perfect one. Ex-Marshal S , H. Creppen of Plain- Mew was In the city Friday calling on rlends. Mr. Creppen is still suffering rom the wound he received at the lands of Leasner , who is now an in nate of the state hospital for Insane , t was live years ago when Leasner , vho was Intoxicated , got Into a dls- into over religion with a minister at 'lainview. Mr. Creppen was the vie- im of the quarrel , Leasner running a sabre through the marshal's body. Mr. reppen says he will not visit his as sailant on this triji to Norfolk , but on 1 former journey he visited the man. vho he says told a Plainview citizen sometime ago that ho ( Leasner ) would ill ! Creppen when lie was given his iberty. Mr. Creppen , however , does lot worry over the threat. A Satisfactory Cleaner. How would you like to do all of the lousework in half the time and with lalf the effort ? You can do it , and in i way that is much better and more ; enerally satisfactory. An easy way hat gets right down and takes off the lirt better than the ordinary and old- fashioned cleanser. Old Dutch Cleans er is the modern cleanser. Use it and ee. It cleans quickly , scrubs thor oughly , scours and polishes brightly. Use it In all your cleaning for wood- rk , all kinds of Moors and painted walls , cutlery and glassU-are , pots , > ans and kettles , in the bathroom and .hroughout the house. Contains nei ther caustics , acids , alkali nor grit ind its uses are unllmi' d. Doctor Pinned Under an Auto. Lindsay , Neb. , July 1C. Special to The News : Dr. D. G. Walker sustain- id a compound Potts fracture of the ight leg in an automobile accident early yesterday morning while return- ng from the firemen's tournament at N'ewman's Grove. It seems that La\ie- \ sen and Walker started from the rove and in the heavy fog , lost sense of direction and were going south Instead of east. At a point about a mile before the accident oc- urred Lauesen stepped out to crank the machine and after cranking it , Dr. Walker in a spirit of mischief , started without him and Lauesen said he was clearing the fog some by lis remarks , but when about a mile 'urther on ho run across Walker pin- oned under his car which had up set , with his leg splintered and badly bleeding and the hot water from the caking radiator scalding him. Ho thought later he was very fortu nate. He roused some of the farm- rs after walking about two miles In a fog and summoned a physician from Newman's Grove. After about three ; iours under the car he was taken to Newman's Grove where he Is now resting. The machine sustained but very lit tle damage , tipping over on the side after trying to climb 'a bank about < our feet high along side of the road. The car acted like a runaway horse. No damage to speak of to It. HOW ABOUT BRYAN ? Will His Present Attitude Lead Him to Defeat ? Splits His Party. Lincoln , July 1C. William J. Bry an has entered upon the most mo- mentous' tight of his career In so far as Nebraska politics Is concerned , and its result will determine to a great extent his standing in the party at large. He has started to place n county option plank In the democratic state platform over the objections of his most ardent supporters , and ad visers and closest friends. At the Lancaster county democratic conven tion he drew the line "For county op tion ; Against county option. " "Those who will follow me come on. " he said , "We are going. Those vho will not follow me stay at home. " Immediately after ho had made this dramatic statement the convention adopted the platform he wrote In structlng the fifty-seven delegates to the state convention to vote for the endorsement of county option In the party platform. Among those who op posed him were P. L. Hall n life-long democrat and friend who Is now the chairman of the national committee ; J. 11. Harlry , one of bin best support- era ; P. W. Brown , an intimate , who i represented him on the resolutions ' .committee of the national convention. In fact practically all of the lighting democrats of Lancaster county , or at least those who have held up his hands In that county and In the state many long years. H ? accused the brewers of having caused his defeat for president and he Insisted that had It not been for republicans who have state pride and thus voted for him. they would have carried Nebraska against him. Ho iccused the Omaha World-Herald of jelng untruthful In this light and of icing unfair to Its democratic read ers. To offset the influence of the lemocratlc organ and to got the truth before the people , Mr. Bryan started out Monday to make speeches n various parts of the state. He will ell his hearers that the brewers had caused his defeat for the presidency i mi that they caused Missouri to cast ts vote for the republican candidate for president. Five Boys Bound Over. With the exception of Wallace Dor- wy. live of the boy bandits were [ indeed into carriages Friday evening ind taken to the Madison Jail to await their trial In the district court. Dor- sey's case was continued thirty days and he was released on a $200 bond. Dorsey , it is said , is the only boy of : he MX who has not practically ad mitted his guilt. Those taken to Mad- son Friday evening by Constable ; ' "lynn and Special Officer Wheeler were : Emery Honney , Stanley Ainme- .Ion. William Slioregge. Kenneth Rich- irdson and Chester Iloush , the latter to be placed In safe keeping to await from the Dawes county officials. Bonney , Ammedon and Schoregge pleaded guilty Thursday evening , but lUehardson and Iloush did not get heir hearing until Thursday evening , when they were bound over to the dis trict court by Justice Elseley. These two boys did not plead guilty at the learing Friday , but the ollicors say they admitted their guilt. Before taking their prisoners to Madison , the ofllcers took the youths to a barber shop , where they were given a bath. He Inspected Cement Streets. ' City Engineer H. II. Tracy returned Friday evening from a tour of concrete paving inspection at Sioux City , Ma son City , Fort Dodge and LeMars , la. ; Omaha , Chicago and' Gary , Ind. Al though the engineer made a Hying trip , his report to the council Monday night will , be as complete as was re quired of that body. Mr. Tracy , al though in favor of brick , has not let his personal ideas as to paving Influ ence him on his inspection trip , and says he saw some very good samples of concrete paving. At Sioux City he says there are no streets paved with conciete , but many alleys were paved with this material. Sioux City's concrete paving is the worst sample of cement paving he saw on his trip. Fort Dodge is now put ting in 50,000 square yards of concrete paving , he says. The price they pay for it is $1.61. per square yard. At Gary , Ind. , many streets , including the main street , is paved with concrete and looks very good , he says. In Chicago cage he also saw some good concrete paving. Mr. Tracy is now hard at work pre paring an estimate for the paving of Norfolk avenue with concrete. This estimate will be handed to the council at their meeting Monday night. The advertising for bids can bo started im mediately after Monday night's meet ing , says the city engineer , if the council desires. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. Tariff Critics Weak Case. Sioux City Journal : When the last Insurgent republican convention has been held and there probably will not be very many of them it will be found that not a single flat-footed de mand has been made for the immedi ate revision of the Payne tariff law. It will be found , however , that there are several demands for a permanent tariff commission. The situation will illustrate the Intrinsic weakness of the case against the present law. The present schedules can be criti cised , of course. It can be said with some posltiveness that certain sched ules ought to be lower. Hut no critic will undertake to say just what the duties ought to be. If the critics should undertake to suggest new du ties no two of them would agree. In fact , most of the critics are willing to admit that if President Taft should call a special session of congress In September to revise the tariff It could not accomplish a more accurately scientific revision than was made at the late extra session. Some of the most distinguished insurgents in the late tariff fight are already on record to this effect. This explains why the demand for a "permanent" tariff com mission takes the place of a demand for immediate further revision. It is admitted there no good can come from further monkeying with the schedules until after a commission has provided a foundation of fact upon which scientific revision can ho built. Proscription In Nebraska. St. Louis Globe-Democrat : "An all- garchy based on beer , " is what Bryan calls the democratic state of Nebras ka. What do his friends , Governor Shallenberger and Congressman Hitchcock , say about this ? Or has Bryan cast them out , too , as he did the democratic state senators several days ago ? STANTON AGAINST OPTI0N. Republicans of That County Turn Down Mr. Bryan's Pet Issue. Stanton , Neb. , July 18. Special to The News : The republicans of Stun- ton county met in mass convention here. W. W. Young was elected chair man and James E. Peters secietary. | The following delegates were chosen1 ( o attend the xtato convention to beheld held at Lincoln'July 1C , viz : Andiew Spence , Louis Smlthberger , W. W. Young , Krvln Nye , G. A. Maylleld. The following resolutions were adopted : We , the republicans of Stanton county , In convention srthembled pledge anew our allegiance to those fundamental and historical doctrines of republicanism , which spread our country's statute books and carried Into effect by wise admlnistiators have promoted the welfare of our common country and conserved the true Interests of our common citizen ship.Wo Wo further endorse and commend the wise , patient , vigorous and vigi lant administration of the president of the United States William Howard Taft and re-assert our confidence In his courage , his statesmanship , and his fidelity to the true Interest of the common people. Wo point with pride to the record of wise , just , and equitable laws , en acted by the present congress of the United States ; to the platform pledges of our party which have been so largely redeemed and kept , and es pecially do we commend and en dorse the work of our senators from Nebraska , Hon. Norrls Brown and Hon. Elmer J. Bnrkett , both In the field of general legislation and In their efficient and faithful representa tion of the Interest of Nebraska. The county option question came up and was decided without debate. A motion was made that the delegates be Instructed to support the Incorpora tion of n county option plank in the state platform. A motion was prompt ly made and seconded that this mo tion be "tabled. " This motion pre vailed. The following resolution was then placed before the convention : "Resolved , That the delegates from Stanton county to the state conven tion In Lincoln , July 2C , be Instructed to use their best efforts to prevent the Incorporation of a county option plank in the republican state plat form. " With commendable promptness a county optlonist moved that this reso lution be "tabled. " This motion , how ever , was defeated. The principal mo tion was then adopted by a large ma jority. Stanton county will thus be a unit against the county option plank. The county comention then select ed the county central committee and elected the following officers of the same : Chairman , Louis Smithbcrgor ; secretary , James E. Peters , and treas urer. George A. Eberly. FAVOR REDISTRloTING STATE. Pierce County Republicans Don't Touch County Option. Pierce. Neb. , July IS. Special to The News : At the Pierce county re publican convention , held in this city Saturday , the following delegates were selected to the state convention at Lincoln : Thomas Chilvers , O. S. Spillmoii , August Schwichtenberg , D. L. Crellin , A. G. Cole , Elmer Record and Rev. Mr. Kelley. County Attor ney Charles Stewart was selected as chairman of the convention and A. G. Cole as secretary. The resolutions as read by Chair man Brando of the resolutions com mittee endorsed the administration of President Taft as being able and wise and expressed a belief that his admin istration would go down In history as one that was strong and courageous as those of his illustrious predecessors sors , William McKinley and Theodora Roosevelt. The record of the late republican congress was heartily endorsed in that it enacted more progressive and con structive legislation than any previous congress. ' Referring to the services of our sen ators the resolutions said : "We hear tily endorse the records made in con gress by our United States senators , Elmer J. Burkett and Norris Brown , and heartily commend and express our thorough appreciation of their work and official conduct in upholding the hands of our president in securing the passage of the pledges made in the na tional republican platform at Cht cago. " The following slap was directed at Congressman "Check-Book" Latta : "We denounce the action of Congress man Latta of this congressional dis. trlct in voting against the postal sav > Ings bank bill. And in voting against his own party's substitute for the bill , which was offered by the democrats in congress , thereby repudiating the national democratic platform on which he was elected in 1908 ana proving a traitor thereto. " The redlstrictlng of the state for legislative purposes by the next legls lature was demanded. The resolu tlons were adopted without a dissent ing vote. The local option question was not mentioned in the convention at any period of the session , though some of the delegates from the precincts ol Plum Grove and Dry Creek , it was said , had come down with the Inten tion of forcing a county option plank In the resolutions. The majority of republicans of Pierce county do not believe In being made a catspaw to the whims and vagaries of Mr. Bryan In the scrap he has started In his own party they believe it good politics to climb a good high tree and from a safe position enjoy the fight of the democratic Kilkenny cats in the ranks of the enemy. CARTER GROWING RAPIDLY. Looks as If It Would Be Terminus for Two Railroads Soon. Carter , S. D. , July 18. Special to The News : From daylight until dark you can hear the ring of hammers In Carter , for building IB going on that keeps every carpenter busy. One en crgctlc fellow is even building bis own home nt night by lantern light. [ | Where four months ago was nothing hut prairie and one little building , to day stand two-story buildings and plate glass fronts that would credit n city of lO.omi and are a wonder , as Carter Is "ahead of the railroad. " I'lTinnncney of construction Is noticeable - able from the first , for the people ap preciate that with two or more rail roads and undoubtedly the terminus of both for some time , combined with the throwing open of Melletto and Ilennett counties to homestead right , Carter is the key city to the whole of the northwest. Chicago and Northwestern railway graders are throwing dirt as fast as losstble between Dallas and Carter ind at the rate they are moving , the grade will bo Into Jordan and Carter early this fall. Five outfits are at work and are hiring all the local teams possible. From the south a crew of surveyors , followed by an en gineering outfit which Is cross-section- ng , and those followed by a right-of- way agent who Is paying real vioney for right-of-way. Is making rapid prog- ess. It is assumed that these railroad nen represent the B. & M. The sur vey and cross-sectioning which they lave done runs across the southwest orner of Carter and about 300 feet east of the site chosen by the Chicago t Northwestern for their depot grounds. Rumor Is prevalent , and based upon good authority , that the survey which was run last year across the north mlf of Tripp county through the town- bite of Carter and headed southwest o Alliance. Nob. , was conducted by he Great Northern , which corpora- ion is endeavoring to secure a lirongh line from Dnluth , Minneapolis ind St. Paul to the coast and by fol- owing the survey as their engineers napped out last year , this can easily ) o accomplished. The first two In stances are realities and the Great Northern's survey Is more than prob able. able.With With such conditions existing , no wonder Carter is on the jump to pro- wre Itself to care for the thousands of people who are contemplating n nove to Trlpp county and the west. Dallas experienced the trials of car- ng for over a hundred thousand people ple In the three weeks during the opening of Tripp county. Melletto and Bennett counties comprise a much greater area and Carter , being the gateway to tills gardenspot of home stead land , will experience a rush of three times as many people , inasmuch is from Carter the people can , with greater case and less expense , EO to ho land in question. Carter is the most accessible railroad point for the farmers and residents of all that ter ritory and its growth will be very rapid and much more marvelous than the development of its sister city , Dallas. TO BUILD SUMMER RESORT. Crystal Lake to Have An Amusement Park. Sioux City , la. , July IS. Special to The News : Assurance of the comple tion of elaborate plans for a summer resort at Crystal lake , Neb. , which will rival any amusement place in the cities of the middle west was given out by Riley Howard of Orchard , Neb. , who recently obtained the controlling interest in the Sioux City , Crystal Lake and Homer railroad. The build ing of the amusement park and resort will constitute an outlay of $100,000. The promoters assert that It will be completed by next June. A contract with the Combination Bridge com pany , which was closed yesterday , gives the railroad company the use of that structure for thirty years and as sures good transportation facilities be tween Sioux City and the park. OPENING GUN FOR DEMOCRATS. It Will be Fired at Chamberlain Saturday - urday by C. L. Wood. Vermillion , S. D. , July IS. The opening gun of the democratic cam paign will be fired in Chamberlain Saturday evening when Chauncey L. Wood , democratic candidate for gov ernor , will speak at a big democratic get-together meeting. Chairman R. F. Lyons returned to his home today from a scouting trip , and ho Is very favorably impressed with conditions in South Dakota polit ically. He said he found considerable dissatisfaction with the manipulation of affairs by the republican leaders , and believes that the rank and file of the party are ready for n change. The democrats are hopeful of al least electing a governor and two con gressmen this fall , and would not be surprised If the whole ticket , from top to bottom , went through. Plans are already under way for an active campaign , and more speakers will be In the field for the democratic cause than ever before. AUTO WRECK AT WALTHILL. Pender , Neb. , People Injured in Spill at Race Course. Walthill , Neb. , July IS. The race track here was the scene of a serious automobile accident. A largo crowd had gathered for the horse laces. Teams and automobiles wore lining up along the course when G. P. Meyers , driving n Reo machine , and T. L. Sloan , of Ponder , driving n Ford Ilcrrnrc of Olndnentn for Cutnrrh thnt Contiiln Mercury , as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ana completely derange the whole system when unterlnp It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians , as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo , Ohio , contains no mercury , am Is talton Internally , acting directly up on the tilood and mucous surfaces ol the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. Ii Is taken Internally and made In To ledo , Ohio , by F. J , Cheney & Co. Tes timonials free. Sold br Druggists. Price , 76o per bottle. Take llall'H Family Pills for cons.l- patloa , | M | You no longer need wcnryour- self out with the weakening heat of an intensely hot kitch en. You can cook in comfort. Here is n stove thnt Gives no outside heat. AH its hcnt is concentrated nt the burners , An intense blue flnmc ( hotter thnn cither white or red ) is thrown upwnrds but not around. All the heat is utilized in cooking none in outside " Oil Cook- entirely removes the discomfort of cooking. Apply n match nncS immediately the stove is rcndy. Instantly an intense heat is pro jected upwards against the pot , pan , kettle or boiler , and yet there is no surrounding heat 110 smell-no smoke. " * * ' Why ? Because The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove is scientifically and practically perfect. You cnnnot use too much wick it is automatically controlled. You get the maximum heat no smoke. The burner is simple. Ono wipe with n cloth cleans it consequently quently there is no smell. The New Perfection Oil Cook-Stovo la wonderful for year-round use , but especially in summer. Its beat oper ates upward to pan , pot , or kettle , but not beyond or around. It Is uoelcia for heating a room. U has a Cabinet T p with shelf for keeping plates and food hot. It has long turquoise-blue enamel chimneys. The nickel finish , with the bright blue of the chimneys , make * the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1 , 2 and 3 burners ; the 2 nnd 3-burner sloven can be hud wither thnt the . . _ . . . , . . , or without Cabinet. rcatlt New Perfection r.Mry iirnliT FtrM flirrit If tint M T"Mir , wile * for Deicili'tlvt L'lrculnr to the hciiinlAtciicj oltlU Standard Oil Company ( Incorporated ) ourlng car , came on the track. Mey- > rs was speeding his machine about hlrty-llvo miles an hour , according o hiH statement. He was followed by Sloan , and on the second time around the track , when rounding a curve , the Ford car turned over twice , nit righted Itself. The occupants , Sloan , James Hognn of this place , Airs. Minnie Hamilton nnd Mrs. Kred Griffith who live east of Walthill , were thrown from the car. Mrs. Orlf- 1th was seriously injured. She sus- aincd a broken arm and rib. Her condition Is uncertain , llogan was lainfully injured , losing three teeth , irenking one or more ribs and re ceiving several bruises about the face ind bed } ' . It is said by spectators that llogan was thrown through the wind shield. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton escaped unharmed. The car , owned : iy D. II. McXamara of Ponder , was badly damaged. Tells of Tripp County. Sioux City Journal : Frank Ilutts was in Sioux City from Winner , S. D. , a new town in Tripp county , which he says has grown up like a mush room In the night. Mr. Units says it is a common occnrenco to see a build ing hauled into town on wheels , being moved from some other town to Win ner , which has bright prospects for getting the Northwestern railroad ex tended from Carter. S. D. , a thriving town thirty miles distant. Mr. IHitts was suffering two broken ribs sus tained on July 4. when he made an at tempt to ride a western broncho. Ho said he no more than hit the saddle than he went up In the air like a sky rocket , and came down horseless , with disastrous results. Perdue'o Platform. Following is the platform of Frank S. Perdue , formerly of Madison county and now deputy state superintendent , who is a candidate for the republican nomination for state superintendent : 1. The extension of industrial edu cation to every school room in the state. 2. The addition to the present high school cnricultim of a practical busi ness course for the benefit of the 95 percent who do not now finish high school. 3. Providing high school privileges for those now debarred by living in districts exempt under the law. 1. An appropriation sufficient to give a normal training course to every four-year high school. 5. A rural high school by the grad ual consolidation of small districts. G. A standard yet flexible course of study for the state normal schools. 7. Increasing the efficiency of the county siiiicrlntendeiicy through in crease of'salary and provision by law for adequate olllce help. S. Hotter country schools In all parts of the state , with necessary Htntt * aid to accomplish the same. ! . A graded reading circle course with adequate recognition for teachcrH who complete the work. JO. At least one agricultural high school In every county. 11. A uniform and definite system of certification of teachers by normal schools and colleges. K' . A square deal for all the school Interests of the state. Woman's Eyes Pulverized. * Hot Springs , S. II. . July IS. Presi dent ICdwaid A. Setter of the Fifth National bank of Cincinnati , whose ? wife was injured In a wreck on the Hapid City , Hlnck Hills and Western railroad , has chartered n special car and will have his wife taken to a hos pital in Omaha. The party loft over the Northwestern last evening , pass ing through Norfolk at noon today. Mrs. Seller may lose the sight of both eyes. eyes.When When the accident occurred she wna thrown ten feet against the foremost portion of the car , her eye-glasses be- j ing literally hurled in her face , the lenses cutting the muscles holding the eyelids and lacerating the nerves. Her nose is almost severed from her face and she will be horribly disfig ured for life. Mrs. It. M. Fulweiler , her sister-in- law , although scalded from head to foot and her backcomb sticking in the flesh at the nape of the neck , assisted in rescuing the Injured , and only swooned when the victims had been made comfortable. She and the other injured are resting comfortably at Ibo hospital. Suits aggregating JlTiO.OOO are threatened against the railroad. 1C prosecuted , it Is feared that It will bo necessary to appoint receivers. The Land Fraud Probe. Pierre. S. IX , July IS. Congressman. Utirke , chairman of the house commit tee appointed at the last session of congress to investigate charges of fraud In sale of Indian land , made by United States Senator Gore against William McMurray , attorney of Mc Allister , has notified members of the committee to assemble at Muskogee , on August 4. The Investigation will begin on that date. Senator Gore has agreed to be pres ent nt the meeting of the committee according to Congressman Hnrke , who i has returned from Mankota , Minn , ' where he had a conference with the senator. Low Round Trip Rates Beginning February 1 and ending December 20,1910 , very low Home- seekers' rates will be in effect the first and third Tuesdays of each month to the West and North west via the Union Pacific "The Safe Road" Dining car meals and service "Best in the World. " Ask about our personally conducted tours to Yellowstone National 1'ark. For full Information address your Local Auont. C. W. Landers , Agent