The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 22, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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Norfolk Weekly News-Journ I I
Tilt NOWH , EBtnbllshed 1881.
The Journal , Established ISj
3V. N. liuse , " N. A. Huso.
PreBldont. Secrotni
Bvcry Friday. Uy mall per your , $1.1
Bntorexl nt tlio postolllco at Norful
Mob. , UB Hocond clitHH matter.
Telephones ; Editorial Dopnrtme
Mo. 22. Business OIllcc and Job Uooi
No. 11 az.
To lie human "Just one of t
folks" Is to bo helpful.
Secretary Balllnger Bnyu he's i
made of the resigning material me
] the pity.
Up to July 4 the republicans usu
ly Ht-rap. After that they prefer
overlook family disagreements ratli
than see a bankrupt party appoint
received for Uncle Sam.
The jobbers of political merchandl
nre now planning styles and fnshlo
lor the fall of ' 10 , and soon the pi
pie 'will walk up and purchase
meekly as the women accept t
vrblms of Paris.
Commuters around New York fit
railroad rates. However , farmers a
business men all over the country r
taxed so New Yorkers can enjoy in
ropolltnn business chances and rui
cheapness at once.
An English nobleman announces
Is willing to marry u beautiful a
wealthy American girl. There f
thousands of bright young men rip
liero at homo that would be tickl
to death at the chance.
The politicians are making pllgri
ages to Oyster Bay , like the Mohn
mcdans to the tomb of the propl
nt Mecca , and to many the gleam
the Roosoveltlan teeth is about
fertile as the sun baked Arab sands
In 1912 Spain is to have an int
national exhibition at Bclboa in hi
or of one Christopher Columbus. Clit
topher is far more popular now th
lie was when he discovered Amc
A Montana juror lost his mind el
Ing the trial of a case. In many
the states they would be careful
select jurors of such a quality tl
there would be little fear of such
Colonel Roosevelt Is evldentaly g
ting ready for a strenuous fall si
EOH. He has already promised to spe
In Massachusetts , Indiana and N <
York , with all the balance of t
country to hear from.
The loss from forest fires duri
the dry spring and early summer w
serve as an urgent reminder to t
conservationists that here is one i
portant source of waste which nu
be prevented in every possible way ,
If a dollar bill yields nlnety-t'
million microbes , as stated by govei
inont experts , how many would
twenty or fifty have ? Yet there n
people so foolhardy ns to carry bl
of large dimensions.
King George is "making good'
lor King George. He already as
? C5,000 more a year than they ga
King Edward. But Englishmen ha
n great craving for royalty , and if
comes high they will appreciate it
the more.
The Philippine Islands have be
under American control for ten yen
nnd the transformation towards pn
perity nnd civilization that has tak
place is wonderful. Using Preside
McKinley's words "benevolent ussii
latlon" has been a great success.
The South American countries ti
all increasing their naval nrmnmcn
If the old saw "look for toruble a
you'll find It" holds true of natioi
it begins to look as if the whole woi
would soon see perilous times.
Colonel Bryan is rushing ahead
bis party on the county option plar
nnd whether he will be able to dr
his party after him is exceeding
doubtful. The democrats of the nor
Lave never been noted for their stro
anti-liquor sentiment.
The secretary of the treasury (
plains that there would have been
surplus at the close of the fiscal ye
on June 30 , If he hadn't paid out t
money for something else. The seci
tary should be Informed that Urn
Sam still trots lit the majority class.
Physicians are experimenting wi
n new anti-typhoid serum which ,
injected , into the upper arm , will re
tier the patient immune to this drei
disease. The surgeons who are cc
ducting these experiments have ve
strong hopes of eventually eradicatii
typhoid front the country.
The balloonlsts found during the i
cent excessively hot weather that 1
, going up about 2,000 feet one can
Into a cool nnd delightful atmosphci
When airships become a family nece
city , the sky will be black with the
on hot summer nights. It will be t
easy way ( o escape heat , dust ni
In Bplte of all the efforts made fi
a fin 9 A tin tl xano Fourth of July , the
were many tragedies which are sk
ly reaching the public. Among tin
that of n North Carolina man w
died while plowing his field on ini
pendcncc day. And plowing Is i
coiiHldered a dangerous pastime , el
Mrs. Frances Cleveland was pr
cut at the breaking of ground for t
new library to be named In her hoi
at Wells college , Now York , whc
she graduated as a girl. Mrs. Cle
land Is not less beloved in her mo
orhood nnd widowhood than she u
as a bride when she came to the wh
The valuation of real estate a
special franchises which are class
as real estate in New York City hi ;
Increased during the last year $2 !
000,000. In round figures the nsse
ed value of real estate including n
road corporation property nnd fri
chlscs in the American metropc
reaches the enormous total of $7,0'
John D. Rockefeller declares tl
the time has come for a single denoi
nation for all Christians , and tl
there is room for them all In 1
Baptist. John D. doesn't seem to r
llze that state after state is gel
"dry , " and that an attempt to ph
them In the "wet" column would i
The Union Pacific railroad compa
Is operating a correspondence scln
for the benefit of its 20,000 employ
The benefit of such a scheme out
to be threefold. The public ought
receive better service from the n
road , the road should get better we
from the employe , nnd the emplc
ought to become fitted for a bet
paying position.
Mexico has consented to act
mediator between Nicaragua and I
United States. .It. will relieve t
government of a very disngreea'
duty If Mexico administers the spni
ing which Nicaragua is in crying ne
of , nnd it is quite evident that Mf
co will thoroughly enjoy giving 1
needed discipline. Diaz' governnu
is specially designed for dealing w
such problems and has had wide
p'erience. '
Down near Port Arthur , Texas , 1
mosquitoes are so thick that ma
people are seriously ill from th
bites. Two big oil refineries hr
shut down that their men might
cape the mosquitoes , and 10,000 b
rels of oil have been donated by 1
oil companies to cover The surface
ponds , swamps and other breed !
places. In the northwest It is so i
that mosquitoes are very scarce
alas , are the crops.
One happy change nas come to Ci
stantinople since the young Turks f
holding sway that is the exterml :
tion of a large share of the dogs whl
thronged the streets. They were
lowed for years to throng the stre <
by thousands , because of the we
they performed as scavengers. I
since the city has become sufliclen
civilized to possess a sewerage s
tern , open plumbing and regular g
bage collectors , thousands of vagrr
dogs have been disposed of by t
The steel passenger coach Is fi
supercedlng the old wooden coa
The railroads which advertise sti
coaches are likely to benefit largi
from It , thus persuading their comp <
tors to get similar equipment. T
steel conch has many advantages , I
the most important is that It cam
be burned , or crushed Into deai
splinters , in a wreck. They are a
easier to keep clean nnd afford fe
er hiding places for germs. In a c
llslon the steel car stands the imp :
better than any device yet contriv <
The day of the wooden coach is she
If William Loeb becomes the repi
llcan candidate for governor of N
York , as now seems probable , his el
tlon would almost surely result , sir
lie would have behind him t
strength of the administration
Washington , together with the c
dial support of the Roosevelt folk
ing. His nomination under these ci
ditions will be not only good politl
but it will -exceedingly good i
the state of New York to elect h
as chief "executive. What the emp
state needs Is a law enforcer nnd tl
is what Mr. Loeb has proven liltns
to be.
They used to tell us that weste
Nebraska anywhere west of Madis
county washout of the rain belt ; n
that the Rosebud in Dakota nev
could get into It.
The rain guago would show tl
year that that region "out of the ra
belt" has bad a heap sight more rr
than that territory in the rain belt ,
than a good many eastern nnd in
die western states that used to bon
about their own superiority.
And crops in the country "out
the rain belt" nre going to be gee
While other portions of Amor !
are Buffering from drouth , settle
even leaving some small grain locn
tiee because of lack of crops , it fal
to northern Nebraska and pouthei
South Dakota once more to becon
the garden spot of the world.
Corn IB king in this great , rich lie
and the corn crop this year promts
to be the very best that ever wi
known. Weather has been Ideal f <
corn throughout the season , hot ni
abundant moisture to soak down at
feed the thirsty roots.
It's a rare delight to travel ov
this territory today and to look at tl
rich green fields of cornstalks , Bhoul
or high and strongly built , waving
forecast of prosperity to the forme
and to the business Interests nt lari
of this great northwest.
There's been enough moisture
the right times to insure a bountlf
harvest of small grain , but the gre
backbone of this region Is corn , ai
the cornfields today are a beautlf
sight to Bee. They point to big bu
ness in the fall.
Have you some real estate that yi
want to flell ? It is easy enough.
Many people who have for sn
houses or business properties wor
? r.,000 , will hesitate about a little a
vertlsement costing but a few di
lars , nnd In the end sacrifice hundre
because they did not take the pal ;
through advertising to llml some mi
who really wanted the property.
There are n lot of people son !
where who want just the kind of
thing you own , and want It badly ,
is worth paying the newspaper w <
if It can find not merely the mi
who would buy If you sacrifice , b
the man who is looking for just th
kind of thing nnd will pay almost ni
price , if he finds just what he wani
Hundreds of people read the re
estate advertising every day , mere
for the pleasure of imagining th
they own the properties advertise
A well written notice , giving the o
act detail of your farm , location ,
business , will set hundreds of peoji
to wishing they had it. Is that n
more hopeful than to/ trust only
the questionable energy of your re
estate agent , and then pay him u b
commission on the sale , wlujp ]
makes it at a sacrifice ?
Ton years ago the automobile wi
no further advanced than the fiyli
machine is today. Ten years hen
the flying machine will be moro _ coi
mon than the automobile is now ; I
cause of its immensely smaller fir
cost and cost of maintenance. Na1
gatlon of the air has been accomplis
ed at last.
The transformation has come abe
with surprising suddenness. For sc
oral centuries men have been expe
menting with balloons , without ma
ing much progress. Then came tl
aeroplanes , with their great possibi
ties of dirigibility. Finally , the d
velopment of the gasoline englne'ga'
a motive power nt once strong ni
light , and the whole problem was the
solved. The flying machine today
no longer a novelty and no longer
In every part of this country fllgh
are being made almost every day 1
ambitious pioneers of the air. :
Germany the carriage of passenge
as a commercial venture has alreae
begun. Within the past the n
\i' 'e in tre control nf trieleui i"i
ha.-- been wo-icVfi'l. Wh"i iite V/n l
brothers begtm to starlit.1 tinui irti
only yesterday as it seems th <
kept control of their machines on
because years of practice had mac
them expert. They kept them in tl
air with difficulty and at great ris
of life ; and for any one less skillf
to meddle with them might bo sudd (
death. Now the aviator can learn h
trade almost as easily as the chav
four or the motorman. He is in i
more danger , ho can make his m
chine do anything that ho wants , ni
about the only field remaining to 1
conquered is the problem of easy bt
nnclng when winds are high or a
It appears to be a certainty th
practically everybody will fly In a fe
years hence. The miracle has becon
n spectacle , the spectacle changed
n plaything , and already the playthii
Is transforming itself Into the dal
Instrument of business and plensur
With nil these facts happening in tl
plain sight of everybody , it Is nma
ing that nothing has been done in a
vance toward the framing of that vei
largo body of legislation that mu
be adopted for the public protectle
when flying Is as general as the us
of the automobile is today.
The announcement of the cnndlda <
of Judge Boyd for the republic ! )
nomination for congress in the Thli
district , will clear the atmosphere ar
should mean the return of tlio Thii
to the republican column. ,
Judge Boyd was a strong represe
tatlve In the lower house of congres
He went down to defeat in the Brya
wave that swept over Nebraska tv ,
years ago a wave that swept ov (
all party lines.
And since then Mr. Lntta has den
onstratcd that he is a failure as a re ]
resentative of the people of the Thlr
district. A banker with a big chec
book , he will probably make n strei
uous fight to retain his scat. But th
people of this district are going t
want to know a few things , and whe
Mr. Latta gets to explaining , his chec
book may not help. For example , bet
democrats nnd republicans are gel
to be Interested in knowing why
was that Mr. Latta allowed his o\
private Interests as a banker to ovi
rldo the party Instructions he h
been given , on the postal bank bl
l.attn was one of the few congressm
who voted against the bill. His bai
Ing lute-rests were of more Importnn
to him than any thought of the Th !
Judge Uoyd's record IB a good o
and there seems every reason to 1
lleve that he will win both the 1101
nation and election.
Some cool breeze , that.
Who really owns that good lookl
Bummer they're wearing C. E. B.
John R. H. ?
Charlie Groesbeck , jr. , has a
weeks-old coon that answers to t
name of "Jack Johnson. "
Can't use that $10 golf offer , thnnl
Don't care to get Into the professloi
class and be barred from intcrnatloi
One of these days some democra
county convention will make the m
take of endorsing the party of "J
fries and Johnson" Instead of Jeff
son and Jackson.
It doesn't seem natural to see I.
Macy running around in an auton
bile. Seems as though he ought to
bending over a lot of negatives in tl :
photograph gallery.
A news item said yesterday tli
"some golf player will get $10 fornu
ing a Bogey score of 41. " It Is cc
ceded without argument that whoev
gets Braden's prize will be "som
golf player.
Correction : This column said y <
terciay that "the old man" of T
News had "packed ills pajamas" a
gone to Omaha. Reliable Informatl
now says that the old man never wo
pajamas In his life he still clings
the old fashioned nightshirt.
Although a married man , a Norfc
shoe clerk believes ho is making
big lilt with the Indies. A few da
ago an out-of-town customer at t
shoe store called to have a pair
shoes fitted. She left the btore wil
out making a purchase. \ day lat
she called and askeil for the Kind &h
clerk who waited on Imr the prevlo
day , to bid him goo-l-by.
In the absence of "the old mai
who has packed his pajamas Into
grip and -gone to Omaha to make
speech before the national convent !
of tlie Associated Ad Clubs of AUK
lea , The News force , from the olll
boy down , arc today feeling that t :
gle of joy and pride which comes
human hearts when human eyes s
their owners' names "in the paper , "
For The News got "Its name In t
paper" yesterday in the other f
low's paper. It was on the front pa
of the Omaha Sunday Bee and thei
along with the generous story frc
the flowing typewriter of the genl
managing editor. Col. T. W. McCi
lough , was a picture of "the chief e
glneer" of The Norfolk News , as t :
Bee put It. W. N. Huso. This Is wh
the Bee so kindly said :
W. N. Huso of The Norfolk News
on the program for the ad men's cc
vention this week , being scheduled
talk on Tuesday afternoon on "T !
Country Newspaper as an Advertlsli
Medium. " What Mr. Huse does n
know about his topic has been to
out of the book. He can also tell t :
ad men some other things of Intere
about a country newspaper , for he h
been the chief engineer of a live wi
proposition in Nebraska since the da ,
when his section of the country w
really on the frontier. It will be ea
for him to regale the eastern Tislto
with some stories of the day win
editing a newspaper in Nebrasl
didn't mean picking nt a typewriter
dictating to a stenographer , while ti
compositor rattles the beyboard on
typesetting machine. Mr. lluse begi
the publication of Ills newspaper bai
in the really pioneer clays of the nort
ern part of the state , and has stuck
out through all the hardships and p
vatlons of development and growt
he has watched the Indiali recede I
fore the tide of the white man's coi
ing ; has seen the seservations opem
and settled , and has watched tl
building up of a prosperous and pi
gresslve community from what was
mere venture at city-planting when 1
cast his fortunes with the thriving v
lage of Norfolk. In all of these even
he has had the part of a vigorous ai
aggressive editor , and while his tor
tory has grown his business has I
creased until the little weekly he s
out with more than a quarter of a ce
tury ago Is now one of the brighte
nnd most progressive of the dnili
published In Nebraska.
A man's idea of right is that whii
affects his pocket.
"My stomach Is nearly as weak i
[ am. " Drake Watson.
The women believe It Is a sin , for
man not to be busy.
Every man who departs from natu
is courting trouble.
Most clever people tse their cleve
ness In looking for victims.
The defeat of Jeffries is now la !
jn. cigarettes. We knew It wou
: ome.
"I don't care to argue , but I like
icar others argue ; It's funny , " Pa
son Twine.
The mon nt the poorhouse nro vei
severe in criticising the mistakes i
President Tart
Thle is the Beacon when everyboc
Blums the screen door.
A woman can be thinner and. at ti
same time , be healthier , than n man.
A man falls In love when 11 or
years old. and Is never out until
passes CO.
A certain Att-hi&on man has no (
position ; but ho eoems to have abe
as much trouble as anybody.
An Atchlson man Is so lazy that
has never completed the few detn
necessary to draw a pension.
One of the things no boy can v
derstand Is how anyone can consld
riding on a train hard work.
Will some wise man kindly expln
why war and football are such glo
ous events , nnd pugilism so deprave
A man forgets his good luck nt
day , but remembers his bad luck un
next year.
People are always expecting clrc
men and politicians to finally do wli
they promise.
A man will walk quite a ways In li
weather to create n thirst for son
thing cold and expensive.
A souvenir spoon Is the ugly kli
t iat are of no use , nnd which you gi
the person you love , or greatly admli
Ever remark how many peoj
there are who , want you to neglc
your own affairs , In order to gl
them "encouragement ? "
Hospitality is a great Instltutli
but always remember that the do'
gate to a convention isn't half as w
come as the money he spends
Advice to the girls : When you rl
horseback , don't wear puffs , whii
nre apt to bob up and down in a funi
A man who Is afraid of his wife a
preaches her as a little country di
approaches a big town dog that lee !
somewhat cross.
The sport writers blame everyboi
but Jeffries for the humiliation
Reno. , Nov. , last Monday. We blan
no one but Jeffries.
Speaking of honesty , isn't it a fa
that when you play a slot machlii
you use the raggedest nickel yon ci
find in your pocket ?
Occasionally you meet a Miaselu
umpire whose work is so coarse as
arouse the suspicion that he was ed
catod for the business by the wome
Every really good newspaper in tli
fountry Is distinguished by a brief ec
torlal page. There Is nothing quite i
tiresome as an editorial , except a le
Some people are still Indlgnn :
about the tariff law. We don't ho
resentment that long ; we've alreac
forgotten our disappointment becaui
Jeffries was whipped.
When a man talks a great do
about "standing on his record , " It
usually because he believes there ni
a few details that have not becon
public property.
"What's the matter ? " a man said
a friend ; "It seems to me you are vei
quiet here lately. " "I've been talke
about , " the friend replied ; "that's wl
I am so quiet here lately. "
In Japan , the women comb the
hair about once a week , and. barrii
princesses with a lot of leisure Urn
American women will finally be forcr
to adopt that oriental custom.
The Roosevelts are bound to gi
theirs. The old man settled down i
Oyster Bay yesterday , but Teddy , j ;
was married today , and "the new
paper boys" are now crazy about Te
dy , jr.
It is generally said that if the prh
fight pictures are exhibited , boya wl
see them. When you consider tl
things boys do , looking at moving pi
tures of a prize light is a blessed r
As soon as the hot weather permii
a quorom to gather , the Lancasti
Literary society will attempt to d
cide which a man hates the mosi
files , or being told to close the scree
door quickly.
When you walk around town in tl
evening , those who sit on porches an
see you pass , will gossip about yo
Sure. Therefore , when you walk ou
wear a mask , so people on porchc
won't know you.
There will be a circus In Atchlson
week from today. We intend to Iti
off nil day , nnd revel in the circus n
mosphere. A king , on a Colonel Rees
velt , or a Jack Johnson , doesn't Ir
press us as a circus man does.
After a woman reaches a certal
age and weight , she engages In sera
good work ; when she becomes
little older , and heavier , she become
a suffragette , and makes speeche
Nordlca. the opera singer , lias reache
the age and weight when she desire
to do something for her suffering si
The neighbors will "mnko garden
on lots of the same size , nnd same sot
One man will mnko his garden pro ! )
able , by means of Industry nnd can
whereas the other man , being laz
i nd shiftless will grow nothing hi :
weeds ; his seeds will cost him mor
than the vegetables he gathers ar
worth. The same thing IB true in life
3f two men who have exactly the sam
chance , one will become rich and th
other will become a socialist
Home Cours <
In Domestic
X. The Modern Kitche
la Charge of Domeitjc Economy , lo
State College.
Copyright. 1910 , by American Prcn
the Importance
CONSIDERING to the rout of t
home , It Bceuis strange that
should very often be the lor
attractive room from every point
view in the house. We find it tuck
off In some dark corner with little
no ventilation , its wall nnd floor cc
urlng dark and dingy nnd ita c-qul
inont so meager it would be linpossll
to find any pleasure In working wl
Tin1 kitchen Is the workroom of t
home. Its arrangement , pleasant
otherwise , very often gives the kc
note of conditions In the home. A
Idt-a ofa real kitchen Is this :
bhould be as bright and cheery as ai
room In the house. I would much pi
for a gloomy parlor than a dark , u
pleasant kitchen. If possible 1 shou
have a north and east exposure. Tl :
would insure sunlight in the mornli
and a cool breeze on hot Rummer afu
noons. Then 1 should be careful
have n good view from the kltchi
window , something beautiful to lex
out upon , like a stately tree , n bit
green lawn or a trim vegetable garde
The outlook from , kitchens In tow :
and cities Is too often brick walls
adjoining buildings , untidy bad ; yan
or high board fences. From kltchei
in the country we often look out up <
an unsightly woodpile or barnyai
Illlod with a clutter of old farm Impl
mon Is. With such dally views It Is i
wonder If the women , who must spot
three-fourths of their time In tl
kitchen , have very little love for nous
There should be nt least two wl
UOWH and. If possible , an outside rtoi
opposite ones window in order to ha' '
good ventilation nt all times. Tl
kitchen should not bu unneeessari
large , but its size will depend on tl
number of persons In the family ai
the amount of work that Is to be doi
ln It. Too much space between tl
different pieces of furniture necess
tales too many unnecessary steps ,
suitable moderate sized kitchen
about 12 by M feet.
The kitchen should be convenient I
the dining room , either opening dlrcc
ly Into It or. still better , having tl
pantry between the rooms. In the hi
ter case there should be a cupboar
with sliding doors opening into bet
kitchen and pantry for conveniem
in sc'tting the table nnd removin
dishes to the kitchen. The cut give
n plan of a convenient kitchen , shov
ing position of windows and door
also the larger pieces of furniture.
In this plan note the position of tl :
refrigerator , which can be reache
from the outside so that Ice may t
put Into it without coming Into tl :
kitchen. There Is also a window I
the cool room to which a window cuj
board can be attached. This rooi
with Its cupboard will take the plac
of the refrigerator In winter nnd ma
be used as n baking room in he
The sink , with draining board , is li
cated on the side next the pantr ;
Sliding doors are arranged at the bac
so that dishes washed In the sink ma
be placed on the pantry shelves will
out going into the pantry itself. Ai
other convenient feature in the ni
rnngement of this kitchen Is the pos
tlon of windows between range an
work table , giving good light and vei
Illation. If possible avoid having
door leading upstairs opening In th
kitchen , because In such cases it Is n
most impossible to keep the odors o
cooking from penetrating to the uj
atatrs rooms.
Wall and Floor Covering.
The kitchen to bo sanitary In ever
particular should be finished In som
way that will permit of frequent wasl
ing. The best wall covering is the slu
plest and most easily cared for mate
rial that can be purchased. There i
nothing better for this purpose tha
sanltas , n material similar to ollclotl
The first cost is n little more tha :
paint or tinting , but when carefull ;
applied It Is more lasting. Sanltns 1
put on with paste in horizontal strip
nroutul the room. The edge of eac
piece must be pasted down sccurelj
nud care should be taken to avoli
wrinkles. If a tnblcspoonful of me
lasses Is added to each quart of past
it will stick moro firmly.
The painted wall Js suitable fo
kitchen and pantry provided a fla
finish is glve-n ami a color used In prel
erenco to whltn. A glossy surface , par
tlcularly a white one , is bard on th
eyes nnd becomes very mouotonouc
Wall paper Is not a desirable coverlni
for n kitchen wall because it absorb
moisture uud odors and cannot l >
cleaned satisfactorily.
Kor the floor the bent corrrliiK la in
Inld linoleum. Tills to my ml ml In
better than the1 pollNhed floor , which In
nlwayn Hllppery and IH himl on the ;
foot. Tlit-M thereIH the imlntoil tle > e > r ,
which has both advantage : * atul illn-
lulvuntiiKCH , chief among the latter be
ing not vc-ry durableeiualltles. . The
kltche'ii tleior nhi > uld not be * covere-el
with carpet , lic'cniiHc that IH Insani
tary , neither xliemlel It bu dovold or
any covering and HO require scrubbing.
This Is one of the Itenm of work which
Hhould be eliminated from the house-
keeper's schedule. The white Hiindeel
floors , tables , etc. , nro attractive to
the eye and a joy to a certain type or
houKokce-pcr , but they represent too
much energy nnd labor to be Included
in modern methods. Floors should be >
covere-d with BOIIIC tnnte'rlnl canlly
cleaned , and tables. Kinks , shelves , etc. ,
should be painted or covered with zinc ,
tile or oilcloth. The zinc table nnd the
tile Rink arc n lasting pleasure and
lessen work to mich un extent that
they HOOD more than pay for the Initial
Kitchen Furniture.
This Hboiild lie * wimple , durable and
adequate for the > ne'e-els of the houw-
keeper. The kind nnd number of
ple-ceB will largely depend on the char
acter of the heime. But In every kitch
en there- should be a good range , at
least one work table and n convenient
tdnk supplied with running water and
modern plumbing. The-se three artlcli-8
should be near neighbors bucaiiHc they
arc so frequently used nt the same
Whatever the- fuel coal , wood , gat )
or gasoline- should be burned In a
good range- , erne that IH perfect In nil
its parts and equipped with a gooel
baking oven. No part of the hoiiRofur-
nlBhlng Is more Important than thei
kitchen stove and no piece of farm mn-
chlnery , however necessary , should bo
bought by sacrificing the new stove.
Since the preparation of food for the )
table IH an absolute necessity in every
home , the- stove , whatever Its style- ,
should be as good as any part of the
equipment of the entire establishment.
The work table should be high
enough that the worker need not ntnnel
in an uncomfortable position while
Ironing or baking. Kitchen tables nro
made thirty Inches high , which Is not
enough for a woman five feet six Inch
es In height , and to bend over It , as
she always must , results In an unnec
essary weariness or backache. Either
the low table should bo set upon sup
ports or a higher one should bo order
ed. The high stool Is a simple piece
of furniture which should' ' be in every
kitchen. It can be slipped under the
work table when not in use and IB n
convenient seat while preparing vegetables -
tables , ironing and doing tlio number
less other tasks which can be per.
formed sitting just as well as stand-
A clock is necessary In the kitchen ,
also n pair of strong scissors , a pin x iX
cushion with pins nnd some coarse noodles
dles and thread , both white and black.
These are constantly needed , nnd it
makes unnecessary steps to be obliged
to go to the living room for them. It
Is hardly possible to have too many
drawers , shelves and cupboards , and
yet these ought not to be used to en
courage cllsorderllncss. There Is some
times a temptation to hideaway things
In cupboards or drawers that would
better be destroyed at once than have
them add to the task of straightening
up later on.
The modern kitchen may have other
useful pieces of furniture in addition
to the above. If there Is money enough
to provide them. Among these may
be mentioned a water or electric motor
or oven a small one horsepower gaso
line engine , any one of which will run
the washing machine mangle , churn ,
cream separator and can be attached
to the sewing machine. This llttlo
contrivance IH not so expensive that It
need be excluded from even moderate
homes , considering the amount of
work It will accomplish and the
strength It will save. When a woman
Is obliged to do all her housework It
ought certainly to be counted as one of
the necessities. The kitchen cabinet
with separate compartments for nil
kinds of groceries jind supplies Is
sometimes preferred to the pantry. It
Is entirely a matter of personal pref
erence which should be chosen , for
both arc most convenient. Reason
able care must , however , be taken not
to leave groceries lying about loosely
In the cabinet , for these will attract
Insects ns well as mice. But the
housekeeper endowed with oven the >
most ordinary degree of order may
easily avoid such a misfortune.
The electric or gasoline Iron is n
handy little appliance for making
kitchen work lighter and Is incxpen-
elve when usefulness nnd labor sav
ing qualities nre balanced with dollars
lars and cents. In the country , of
course , the gasoline Iron Is generally
the only one possible , but these have
now been brought to a degree of per-
'ectlou that makes them satisfactory.
The Use of the Kitchen.
Ono last Important point to remem
ber in furnishing n kitchen Is that its
real purpose Is a workroom , not a liv
ing or dining room. A workroom
should have Its tools conveniently ar-
anged within easy reach of the work
man. All utensils and evidences of
rcltchen work should not be kept in
Hhcr parts of the house or stoweel
uvay in obscure places in order that
: ho room may bo presentable- when
strangers come. The modern kitchen ,
s not Intended to till the place of n
cceptlon room , and only in exception-
il cuscs should it bo used ns a dlnlug-
A Musical Opinion.
"What selection is that the orclies-
ra.hiis Just finished ? "
"I don't know. Sounded to mo llko
leurnlgln expressed in music. " Lon- \
lon Tit-Bits.
Hypnotism and M rraje. !
A Georgian complains that his wlfc-
'hns ' hypnotized him. " That la a habit
Tomen have ; otherwise there would
> no marriage. Charleston Neiws anii