The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 15, 1910, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. . . . , . N'OHKOLK. ' NKMKASKA. F1UDAY. ,11'IA' lo. 1'UI ) HUNT FOR ' CRIPPEN LONDON POLICE AROUSED OVER AMERICAN MURDER. ALL SHIPS BEING OVERHA' > ' Great Britain Has Not Been Stlrr. \ Much In Years by a Murder , as This Slaying of the Popular Amer lean Vaudeville Artist. London , July 15. The first story of what may have been the actual com mitting of the crime was told by neighbors of Dr. Ilawloy Crlppen , In the collar of whoso homo was un earthed the body believed by the po lice to be that of the physician's wife , who was known on the stage as Hello Elmore. Since the discovery of the body and the disappearance of Dr. Crlppen and his typist. Miss Ethel Clara Lonevo , the Scotland Yard detectives have in quired diligently among those living In the vicinity of the Crlppen homo for some Information that would throw light on the domestic habits and rela tions of the American Doctor and his actress wlfo. Heard Woman's Screams. Nothing was learned until today/ when the proprietress of a small shop at the rear of the Crlppen residence told of hearing n woman's screams nnd pleas for mercy arising seemingly from the cellar In which the burned nnd mutilated corpse was found. Mrs. Crippen disappeared in February last. It was four or five months ago when the screams wore heard , the woman said. Her shop overlooks the little garden b/ck ; / of the Crlppen home. To the police the shopkeeper said : "I had often heard revolver practice in the garden. One night about font or five months ago , I cannot place the time exactly. I was awakened by a woman's cries. It was midnight. The screams appeared to come from Dr. Crlppon's house. I listened nnd heard a woman's voice pleading : "Don't , Oh Don't. " "Don't , Oh don't. " "To me it seemed that the cries were from a woman in the basement of the house occupied by Dr. and Mrs. Crlppon. As nothing developed fur ther I soon forgot the occurrence and did not recall It until I learned of the tragedy discovery. " The Music Hall Artist guild issued nn official statement today declaring that the books and accounts of Mrs. Crlppen , who was treasurer of the guild , were found to bo In perfect or der and that no funds of the organiza tion were missing. London , July 15. While the police authorities were exhausting their re sources today to lay hands on Dr. Hawley - ley H. Crippen , the American , and his woman typelst , physicians were exam ining the mutilated body of his wife with a view to determining the man ner in which the murder was done. The finding in the cellar of a revolver volvor gave weight to the report that the vaudeville artist had boon shot be fore the body was battered into an unrecognizable mass and buried in the cellar of the Crlppon home at Hllldrop Crescent , North London. It also was reported that traces of poison had been found by the * doctors. The latter will present their theories as to the cause of death at an inquest to be held tomorrow. Causes Stir in London. It has been a long time since a mur der case in London has attracted such attention. The fact that the murdered woman was an American , as Is the husband , who is charged with tne crime , has spurred the police to un usual activity. The full force of Scot land Yard , under the personal direc tion of Superintendent Forest are malt ing a thorough search for the fugitive doctor and Miss Ethel Clara Leneve. The officials are leaving no avenue of escape , unguarded. They have no tilled trie authorities at every port to search steamers recently sailed from . this country on which Dr. Crippen am' ' Miss Leneve might possibly bo fount among the passengers , and have asked for the arrest of the two wherever found. The /authorities also are searching and following every cle\\ throughout Great Britain. BELLE ELMORE OF NOBLE BIRTH Her Mother Came to America From Poland and Married Again. New York , July 15. Belle Elmoro was born in Kunisunde Mtkomarkski of noble Polish descent. When she was 2 years old her widowed mothe married M. F. Marslnger. nnd the little tlo girl grew up with American step brothers and step-sisters. Her step father , Mrs , Mills the step-sister t whom the "Loniso and Robert" lotto was addressed , and other relative were found today In Brooklyn am Quoons. llor mother Is dead. "While she was still a young glr she showed a fondness for the stage We did not approve at first , but sh was headstrong and we let her Ji her way , " said her step-father today "On one of her tours through th west she met Dr. Crlppen I don know just where and they were mar ried about fourteen years ago , as near ly as I can recollect. Wo did not sec much of her after that. She was a handsome girl , and very clever. " Dr. Crippon Is said to have prac ticed medicine with success , both In Brooklyn and Manhattan. He always appeared to have plenty of money and I his wife wore handsome Jewelry. ' 1 One of the step-sisters visited tbo Crlppctm In London within a year and found them living comfortably there , still with plenty of money. There wore no Indications then of any nn- happiness In the family. Hunting for Dr. Crlppen , Now York , July 15. The first of the big 1 ; liners on which it was thought Dr. Crlppen might reach here from Ens- land passed up the bay early today ) 'tor having undergone a search at vj , rantlno which failed to reveal any o * 4 , ) f the American doctor whose < y. k us murdered in his London o ' -o steamer was the Lusltnnla , * , * % ; England on Sunday. The ' ' stt Qfc' * vaul , duo from Liverpool n & . .iiidnil other steamers om i. , dh ports reaching hero with- i the i.e'xt few days will be watched y the New York police. Pirates Hoist White Flag. Hong Kong. July 15. The pirates i the Island today hoisted the' Hag of rue in order that they might remove , ielr wounded. The , Chinese authorities have sent n gunboaU and 1,200 soldiers to the one from an Island so that they may ready to assist the Portuguese sellers - lors If necessary in extermination of ie outlaws. Several Chinese students have been cscut'd after months of captivity. It as the Portuguese campaign to free ie students which brought about il.e gliting. The hospital at Macao Is fill- d with wounded soldiers. NEBRASKA CARRIERS RAISED. ay of Letter Men In This State is In creased in Some Cities. Washington , July 15. The post- ft'lce department announced promo- ons of letter carriers in llrst and econd class cities of the country to .ike effect July 1 , as follows in No- raska : Omaha One from ? GOO to $ SOO , live : om ? ! )00 ) to $1.000 , and four from 1,100 to $1,200. South Omaha One from § 000 to SOO , and six from $1,100 to ? 1,200. Lincoln One from $800 to $000 , nnd ulrteen from $1,100 to $1,200. Alliance Three from $800 to $000. Fremont Two from $1,100 to $1,200. , Grand Island One from $800 to 000. one from $900 to $1,000 , and two om $1,000 to $1,100. Hastings One from $1,000 to $1.100. Kearney One from $1,000 to $1.100. York One from $800 to $900 , and ie from $1,000 to $1,100. Unify Korean Police. Washington , July 15. The unifica- Ion of police forces In Korea , a cheme often tried , finally has boon ffectcd by General Terauschl , the new apaneso resident-general for Korea , le has decided to abolish the metro- itan police bureau , incorporate the apanese and Korean policemen with he gendarmerie and , according to ad- ices reaching hero , the commander of he gendarmerie will have augmented uthority. Try to Wreck a Bridge. Pittsburg. July 15. An attempt was nade today to blow up the West Belt lies' now bridge on West Carson treet. The contractors who are ullding the bridge , are having some rouble because of their Insistency to he open-shop policy. The detonation , robably of nltro glycerine and dyna- ulte , rocked buildings and broke win- ows throughout the west end district. \To arrests have been made. 25 Injured in Car Smash. New York , July 15. Twenty-five per ons were Injured In nn accident on he Manhattan approach of the Queensboro bridge over the East river oday when a crowded car from North Beach with a party aboard crashed nto the rear of a Flushing car. Pas sengers In both cars were thrown to he floors In a heap and the woodwork of the cars was badly splintered. All of the Injured will recover. Discuss Indicted Nebraskans. Washington , July 15. The Indict ment of eight persons In Omaha last \prll , charged with conspiracy to de rand the United States by dealing cli roctly with Indians In disposing of heir lands Instead of through the government , was the subject of a con ference between United States Attor- ioy Howell of Nebraska and Supervis or Holcomb of the bureau of Indian af fairs. The indictments relate to lands on the Omaha reservation. Shippers Want Money Back. Chicago , July 15. Claims agalns the railroads operating between Chicago cage and the Missouri river , seeking reparation for freight rate overcharges aggregating nearly half a million dollars lars , will be presented to the Inter state Commerce commission nox week by the shippers of Omaha , Kan sas City , St. Joseph and Sioux City The claims arise from the Missour river rate case which has been pencl Ing for more than two years and whicl has just been decided by the supreme court In favor of the Missouri vivo shippers and the Interstate Commerc < commission. The claims will cover al shipments of classified freight , com prising principally merchandise am high class manufactured articles sine August 25 , 1008 , the date when , th commission ordered Its reduced rate in effect , and will amount to the indl ferenco between the rates charged by the railroads since that date nnd these prescribed by the commission as rea < sonable , with accrued interest , NEBRASKA CITY EX-MAYOR HURT HE AND HIS WIFE AND ANOTHER , HURT IN AUTO. CAR IS STRUCK BY LOCOMOTIVE ohn W. Steinhart , Former Mayor of Nebraska City , His Wife and Mrs. Harry Van Wyck Benner Are Thrown from Auto and Injured. * Nebraska City , Neb July 15. Ex- layer W. Steinhart , his wife and Mrs. Inrry Van Wyck Benner , were In ured last night when Mr. Stelnhart's irge touring car was struck by a loco- iotIve near Sutton. The party was nronte from this city to Hastings , ml when within a mile of Sutton they ame on the Burlington track , encouii- erlng a weedburner enroute to a sld- g. Chauffeur Walter Armstrong tried o escape from being run down and tit on full power. The engine caught ie rear end of the car and threw it lear off the right-of-way. It hurled Ir. Stelnliart and Miss Coe clear of iie machine , while the others wore Inionud under H. Mrs. Benner was even-ly bruised about the body ami ad her right armhiokcn in two laces , while Mrs. Steinhart has sev- ral scalp wounds and Is severely rutsod about the body. Mr. Steinhart scaped with severe bruises on the ead and body. Miss Marie Coe , Mr. Stelnhnrt's niece , and Walter Ann- trong escaped uninjured. The train rew stopped and picked up the In ured and their machine and took lipni to Sntlon. BIG GIFT TO TfiAINMtN VlcHarg Gives Year's Salary to All 20-Year Employes , Waco , Tex. , Juyl 15. H. K. McIIarg f Stamford , Conn. , Who recently sold is holdings in the Texas Central rail- oad , has notified the present manage ment that he will give a year's salary o all employes who had been in the ervice for twenty years. In addition o this gift every conductor , agent , rakeman and porter on the entire Ine of almost 300 miles will receive a ' lonth's salary. EASTERN CATTLE RATE UP. Rates on Cattle and Dressed Beef to the East Not Suspended. Washington , July 13. The inter- tate commerce commission announc- > d today that recently filed tariffs miking advances in the freight rates in cattle and dressed beef between Miicago and New York had not been uspended. The advance amounts to c per hundred. Raise Pay On Lackawanna. Scranton , Pa. , July 15. Negotiations ) etween the Lackawanna railroad nanagement and Its engineers with espect to a1 new wage scale came to -amicable ending tills afternoon vben officials representing the parties signed an agreement carrying wltn it in increase in wages which will av erage almost 13 percent. Pinchot in Kansas City. Kansas City , Mo. . July 15. Gifford inchot , ex'chlef forester of the gov ernment , who will be the principal speaker at the dinner of the Knife and Fork club here tonight , arrived this norning. In an interview he said : 'The country owes a debt of gratitude to the insurgents in congress for their nlluonce in securing good legislation during the last session. " A Traveling Man Suicides. Atchison , Kan. , July 15. Fred W. Plumnier , a traveling man of St. lo seph. Mo. , disappeared here last night leaving a note stating that his body will be found in the river. The note was in his hat. which was found on the Missouri river bridge. Fire at Owl Restaurant. Fire broke out at the owl restaurant at the Junction at 2:40 : o'clock Friday afternoon. LEASING INDIAN LANDS. Good Land in Tripp County Towns to be Had Very Reasonably. Dallas , S. D. , July 15. Special to The News : It Is the general oplnloi that farm lands allotted to Indians aix allowed to lie'in a dormant condition without Improvement or cultivation This idea Is erroneous , however , as the government encourages the idea of Indian leases and is anxious to get as much of the same In cultiva tlon as Is possible. Sourroundlng the towns of Dallas , Winner , Jordon nnd Carter there are thousands of acres of high class farm land of this kind and the farmer who is paying a higi cash rent In the cast can take ad vantage of the upportunltles. Government leases are made for term of five years and upon very rea sonnblc conditions considering th proximity to good towns nnd with hlg class land to cultivate. The following statistics have jus been sent the department of the it torior at Washington , D. C. , showln acreage farmed In the south half o Trlpp county : Acreage farmed by Indians , 1,55 acres ; acreage farmed by the mixo bloods. 0.825 acres ; acreage farmed by leases , 13,180 acres ; applications for lenses on file , 11,000 acres ; con tracts pending for lease. 8,000 acres. One year ago there was barely 12.- 000 acres of Indian land under ctiltl- vatlJn. Thus Is easily seen the ap preciation of the opportunity to farm this land , now that it la possible to secure the same. GREAT FIRESJ MONTANA Drouth Causes Countless Number of Blazes Loss Is Millions. Helena , Mont. July 15. Scores of. forest fires , big and small , are among * ie consequences ot the long drouth ' i Montana. From every section ot 10 state and from adjoining states , omes news of the destruction of tim er by finmes , stories of gallant war- are against fire by forest rangers id settlers , and tales of peril to the } gglng camps , ranches and villages. The losses are difficult to estimate s they are growing hourly and will row until a shift In the wind comes' o aid the fire fighters. The damage ready will amount to millions of ollars. MISTREAT AMERICAN PRISONER ittman Found In Filthy Cell , Starv ing to Oeath in Nicaragua. Washington. July 15. Confined in a Itliy cell. 0\5 fert. unfed save by rangers , William Pittman , an Am- rican captured by Madriz' forces ear Bluefiolds , was * found In an over- owded local prison at Managua by onsul Olivaries. The consul , who is stationed at that olnt , telegraphed the state depart- lent that he visited Plttmnn , discov- red the revolting conditions and trough protests forced Dr. Madriz to irnlsli the adventurous American bet- or prison accommodations. Pittman , hose relatives live at Cambridge , lass , told the-consul that ho left reytown , July -1 , that since then his aptors have failed to provide him ith food , leaving him dependent for ubsistence on charity. Pittman was tarving. The consul reported no defi- ito action regarding Pittman had ecu determined by the authorities ml he , Olivaries , will exert every of- ort to insure fairness and human 'catment ' for Pittman. When the United States originally tamed of Pittman's arrest , Dr. Ma- rlz assurred Olivaries that the pris- ner would be treated fairly and con- iderately. Constant complaint from Vmerican citizens at Matagalpa , rela- ive to the threats ma < } e against their ves and property by agents of the ladriz government , are being rccelv- d by United States consular ropre- entatlvcs. Consul Olivnrles cabled o the state department that anti-Am- rican feeling in the western part of sicaragua , the section under control f the Madriz faction , is growing more itter. Mr. Olivaries has made vigorous rep- esentatlons to Dr. Madriz and relt- rated to him Secretary Knox's wani ng that this government will hold the ladriz faction strictly accountable for he security of American life and prop- American Consul General Eberhart , vho is detailed at large and happens o be in Nicaragua on a tour of Inspec- ion , cabled the state department cor- oboratlng the alarm of foreign resi- lents over the threats of Nlcaraguans. He says that the opinion at Mntagalpa vas that these anti-foreign demonstra- Ions were instigated by the Madriz action , whose officials openly have hreatened Americans and other for eigners. Holdrege Farmer Killed in Storm. Holdrego , Neb. , July 15. During the evero electric storm , accompanying aln here , Rudolph Vollman , one of hllip county's most prominent farm- > rs , was struck by lightning and In- tantly killed at his home nine miles lortli of this city. The victim was a opular German farmer. No Violence in Korea. Tokio , July 15. Lieutenant General Viscount Trauchl left here for Seoul o assume the duties of Japanese resl- lent general of Korea. At the mo- nent of departure he said that Japan vould not use the mailed fist in Corea or antagonize the residents of ivoreans or those ot foreign powers , ladlcal changes .in the system of gov ernment would , however , he though > o necessary. BARRIE WILL WE DAGAIN ? Lord Esher's Daughter of American Descent Is Much in His Company. London , July 15. The report here is that J. M. Barrio , author and play wright will marry the Hon. Dorothy I I Eugenie Brett , the elder of Lord I j Esher's two daughters. Miss" Brett Is ' considerably younger than the famous dramatist ; she is 27 , while ho Is 50. I Lord Eshor , who someone styled 1 "The empire's handy man , " nnd his family arc well known in Bohemian society. Barrio has long been n friend of t the Brett family , and since his divorce he has been in their society a great deal. At Lord Esher's house ho meets j the literary and dramatic friends 'vith whom lie dclights-to associate. Miss Brett has American blood in her veins. Her mother was a daugh i- ter of Baron Von dor Meyer , once Bel I- gian minister to England , whoso wife was a daughter of Joslah Bates of Bos ton , tin American partner In the great banking house of Baring. TOUGHED FOR ' WAD OF $275 LONG PINE RAILROAD EMPLOYE HAS POCKET PICKED. HE WAS RIDING ON THE TRAIN . HE WAS RIDING ON THE TRAIN . Lyman Cox , a Northwestern Employe Who Had Been to Omaha to Settle With the Railroad Company for an Injury , Loses His Pile. Long Pliie , Neb. , July 15. Special to The News : While coming home from Omaha on Wednesday night , Ly- man Cox had the misfortune to have $275 taken from his pocket , nnd up to the present time no trace of the moii'\v ' has been received. Mr. Cox was ie- turning from Omaha , where he went to settle with the company for an In jury lie received while working on ( he switch engine. Wishing to make a few purchases before he returned he had his check cashed and placed most of the money in his inside vest pocket. At Norfolk he noticed that the money was in Ills pocket , but ho discovered bis loss as the train was leaving At kinson. The train crew was at once notified ' and a search was made for the ! missing roll , but without success. It is needless to say that the loser of the money could ill afford to do so , as ho has now been away from his work for a long time. Members of the crow and also members of the Elks who were on the train promised to keep n lookout for the missing money , but it Is doubtful If the guilty party will ever be found. Striking Miners Penniless. Oklahoma City. July 15. Penniless because of their long strike , riany miners in the coal districts of this state are said to bo in destitute cir cumstances and an appeal to the state federation of labor has been made In their behalf. Corn Good at Fairfax. Fairfax. S. D. , July 15. Special to The News : A good rain fell here on Wednesday night from 7:30 : to S ; about one Inch of water fell. Corn crop In good shape ; small grain only about half or two-thirds crop. Hay very short. A little small grain al ready cut. Water for Winner. Winner , S. D. , July 15. Special to The News : The Winner Water com pany lias received Its incorporation papers and yesterday perfected its or ganization at a meeting wherein G. W. Mitchell was elected president of the company , D. A. Sinclair , secre tary , and C. S.-Roe. treasurer. The capital stock of the company is all paid in and it Is the intention to at once Install the permanent system of four and six inch mains over the en tire city. Winner has been amply supplied for the past ninety days by a temporary system of smaller mains which are extended the length of Main street and in a portion of the residence district , but the rapid growth and development of the city demands that the new mains with extensions be Installed at once. Win ner has an abundance of water of ex cellent quality which Is furnished by a battery of wells. They were thor oughly tested during the three days of celebration of the first of tiie month , when thousands of strangers were the guests of the city , as at Unit , particular time , this part of South Dakota was visited by excessively hot weather. Fire protection Is also ndw afforded the property owners of the city and worry from this source is now eliminated. THE ROSEBUD CROP OUTLOOK. Continues Good , Particularly on the Soil That Was Old. Gregory , S. D. , July 15. SpeciaJ t < The News : The crop outlook for the Rosebud country this year Is one ot the surprises of the northwest. While reports concerning the dry weatlior In other sections have been allowing tip in the newspapers from time 'to time , this section of the country has been favored with good soaking rains at intervals of about a week. As a result the small grain crop here wll come up to the general average of bumper crops raised on the Hosebud ever since tills country was thrown open to settlement six years ago. The corn Is In line shape , strong and com- Ing out wonderfully well. That portion of the Rosebud conn- try lying in Tripp county , which wild thrown open to settlers last year , has suffered from the dry continuous south wind. The soil there Is too new , most of it being sod broken out this sea son , and for this reason dries out veiy quickly. All of the old ground that j was well cultivated , however , will pro- duce good crops In Trlpp county. The j sod crops are in a bad way with the new settlers and few will harvest ! more than a half crop. The dlfforenco In the crops on the well cultivated ' , ; iold ground from that on the sod is ' markedly noticeable , and wherever " ono Hilda a tract of old ground In the ( 3new county , which has had proper at tention , the crop shows up In good 1 shape. If the copious rains of the CONDITION OF THt WtATHtR Chicago , July 15.-The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of the United States weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Oenerally fair and continued warm tonight I and Saturday. ( past three weeks keep up the corn crop i on the sod In Trlpp county will come i out wonderfully , and will yield t heavily. 1 The sod small grain crop In | Trlpp county , however , 1 * doomed and < no amount of rain can now suvo ill. I The new settlers , however , are far from being In n bad way. The North western railway has grading crows at , work on their new extension across Trlpp county reaching to the Mollotto county line at the new town of Car- er. Activity on the part of the Mil- ivaukeo system Is reported In the lortheastern part of the new county , be survey of that railway running west and south across the northern uirtlon of Trlpp county from the new own of Rosolnnd. While the Northwestern Is already it work grading Its line , and the Mil waukee Is planning Its now extension via Hosoland , another railway line hat iast Its covetous eyes on the new ountry , and surveyors are now busy i-unnlng out a line for the now ox- ension of the Burlington system from Uunvell. Neb. , up through Trlpp coun-J" \ y. crossing 'Into Mcllelto county , at be new town of Carter , the terminus of the Northwestorn's new line , nnd mining on across the White river Into Murdo , a town on the Milwaukee's Ino from Chamberlain to the Hint-It lllls district. This new extension of the Burlington will tap a rich section of the country and give the Burlington - ton the Edge on Trlpp county aiid Mel- ette county business , as their line lown the Platte valley will give til- ect connections with Omaha , Lin- ? oln , St. Joseph and Kaunas City. The Milwaukee's new line will give direct connections with Slonx Falls , Minne apolis , St. Paul and Chicago , while the Northwestern's line , now building , will continue the direct connections his country now has with Norfolk , Omaha and Sioux City. Mellette county will undoubtedly be opened to settlement next year , and another vast section of the Rosebud Indian reservation will be added to : he .agricultural area of the state. This opening appears to be the Incen- : lve for the three roads In their race to buUd Into the new country to be developed. As the matter now stands Lhe Northwestern will Ije the flrst line , In all probability , to be running trains to the Mellette county llne Thl railroad development will mean much for the wholesale cities , whose Inter ests will be affected , and will mean a great deal more for the settlers who are now holding Trlpp county land , as the advent of such new extensions is bound to send the price of land in that county , now comparatively cheap , up to a good figure. LADY HOBBLE IN DISTRESS. Being the Story of a Brave Knight and a Scant Skirt. New York , July lo. Lady Hobble came into peril today at Fifth avenue and would have been grievously wreck ed had she not been saved from a tied-in skirt by a gallant knighh Wherefore there Is some evidence that chivalry Is not dead. Motor cars course up and down Uie avenue and at Forty-second street they are checked every two or three min utes by the trafllc police , who make a channel through which pedestrians may cross from one curb to the other , and then the tide of vehicles closes again at a signal. A woman inclined to be portly was proceeding under reefed skirts ? in the temporarily open space when the shrill whistle , meaning to close up the lane , was heard. She started to run , out her gait was so shortened by the tight ness of the skirt in gaskets below her knees that she made scarcely any pro gress and finally tripped and fell. Ever been In a sack race ? Ever rise and then tumble all over yourself and then look around helplessly and wait for the umpire to call "time ? " Well , a hobble skirt is just like a sack oiily worse. The woman who wore It got one French heel In the lower cornice of the skirt and there was a sound' of devastation. She squirmed and kick ed , and the more she tried to get up the more she sat down. Once In awhile her gray suedes , like mice in a panic , peeped out and then ran in again. So It was when a young civil en gineer of this city recognized with j | practiced eye that even If she had a Wying start she could not negotiate the other side in a skirt four feet in circumference with only eight Inches radius. All of whicji ho determined 1 by multiplying the radius of gray suede by the cosine of cobweb stock- Ings. A great red taxlcnb was coming' at full tilt. If the hobbled lady roll- ied back she would bo overwhelmed , If she tumbled forward she would bo struck In just twenty-live of her stops ifrom the western curb. All this was calculated more rapidly than can bo told. The engineer sprang forward , seized the woman about the waist and carried her to the opposite sidewalk , as she kicked fatuously from the periphery of the bound-In skirt as If trying to mark time. She was placed , still distressed , but grate- tful , In a place of safety , and she them thanked her rescuer and said she nov- er , never would wear a hobble again. AND ANOTHER AVIATOR DEAD I DANIEL KINET , BELGIAN BIRD. ' MAN , SUCCUMBS TO INJURY. FELL WITH MACHINE ON SUNDAY The Rudder Broke , Allowing the Bel gian to Dash to the Ground Ha Held World's Record for Flight With a Passenger In Aeroplane. ( innil , Belgium , July 15. Daniel Kl- liet , , the Belgian aeronaut who foil when the rudder of his machine broku last Sunday , died today from hla lu- Juries. Klni't held the world' * record for an aeroplane Illght with a passenger. On May 15 he remained In the air with n passingi'ifor 2 hours and 51 minutes. BURKETT GIVEN AN OVATION Lancaster County Republicans Favor County Option Plnnk. Lincoln. July 15. The Lancaster county convention endorsed < utility \option and Instructed its delegation to the ' state convention to favor miHi a plank ' : in the platform , together with a iludge that the governor would sign such a measure as passed by tinlegis - ature. The administration of ITCH- ! lent Tuft was endorsed as was n dl- ect legislation amendment to the state convention , and a recommenda tion for a non-partisan board of con- .rol of state Institutions. Early In be session a motion was carried note o endorse or denounce any camll- lates. George Toboy , candidate for con gress in the First district ; C. O. Who- Ion , candidate for senator , and Pena- .or Bnrkett addressed the convention. Senator Burkett was given a tremen- : lous ovation when ho went to the lilatform. His speech , which was a recitation of whtt ; congress had done with the record of the republican uirty for the last fifty years , was leartily cheered. The senator said the last congress had enacted more ( regressive "and constructive legisla tion by 20 percent than had any other congress , and to President Taft ho gave his unqualified endorsement and inlimlted praise for the work he has done. Endorse Taft and Senators. Tokamah , Neb. , July 15. The re publican convention adopted resolu tions favoring county option , but do- egates were not instructed to vote for such a plank. The resolutions , un animously adopted , heartily commend the administration of President Taft and the course in congress of Senators Brown and Burkett , Endorse Taft and Hayward. Plattsmonth , Nob. , July 15. The Cass county republican convention was held in Union. While no i evolu tion was passed endorsing county op tion eacli delegate as called upon de clared for county option and it i = un derstood that eacli delegate to the state convention is for county option. President Taft and the administration were endorsed and William Hayward for congress was unanimously ender sed. Would Repeal Primary Law. Falls City , Neb. , July 15. The Richardson county republican conven tion was held here with 171 delegates present , thirty-one not repoitlng. Fourteen delegates were chosen to the state convention with instructions for the repeal of the primary law. The motion to Instruct for county optlou was carried by a vote of 158 to 13. The convention was unanimous for William Hayward for congress. A County for Hitchcock. Blair , Neb. , July 15. The demo cratic county convention was held at the court house. Governor Shalleber- : ; gor was present and spoke at lo'.gth to the convention. Thoxconvontion by resolution voted for the initiative and referendum and against county option and endorsed Shallenberger , Hitchcock and Lobeck. Mrs. Procter Asks Police Protection. New York , July 15. Mrs. Percy Procter , wife of the wealthy member of the soap manufacturing company of Procter Gamble of Cincinnati , o sit ed Police Lieutenant Funston today for protection on her trip from New- York to Cincinnati. Mrs. Procter will start west this afternoon to answer the suit begun by her aged husband for the recovery of 100 shares of iho stock of Procter & Gamble , which , she says , were given to her as a wed- ding gift. She made the announcement that ' her husband , who is said to be : ibout 70 years old , but called himself 50 when ho married the beautiful yotins widow , Is being detained against his wishes in an asylum in Cincinnati. Mrs. Proctor is a Russian ami speaks imperfect English. She Is 25 years old. She formerly was the Doroness do Kllfuss and arrived last Monday on the Mauretanla. The Pennsylvania Approves. Philadelphia. July 15. At a upetial meeting the directors of the Pc-ni > l- vnnlii railroad adopted resolutions ful ly approUng the course of its off tiers In resisting the demands of Its em ployes.