THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS. JOURNAL. FRIDAY. JULY 8. 1J110. A Fine Tor Mrs. Alice Fierce. New York , July f > . Mm. Allco I'lorcCi horhewoninii , divorced wife of Tom Pierce of UoBton , nnd who wns committed to Uellevuo hospital follow- liiK a disturbance which she crcnted nt the Cnniiio In Centrnl park Tues day night , WUB arralnged before Mag- iHtratu Krotel In the Yurkvlllo police court today , charged with disorderly conduct and lined $5. Abern.ithy Doys Home In a Motor. New York , July fi. The Ahernnthy boys , LOUH ! and Temple , who rode from Oklahoma to New York on horse- hack to bu at the welcome of Mr. Roosevelt , will start back Wednesday by-motor car. The brothers will pilot the way In a runabout and their fath er will follow In a larger car. They Intend to bivouac by the roadside wherever nightfall IInils them. Ruined Her Gown , but Caught Man. New York , July fi. After a chase of nearly two miles , In which she ruinth ed n white satin evening gown which Hho WIIB wearing to a dinner party , Mrs. Catherine Campbell , an agent of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , appeared in the Yorkville pollco court yesterday to press -the charge against the driver. Mrs. Campbell was just entering a cafe with a party of friends when she saw the driver beating his horse. She called on him to stop nnd lie laughed at her and drove away. Catching up the long train of her dress , Mrs. Campbell made n run for a street car and caught it and followed the driver tint l ho wns caught in a blockade , Tlion she called a policeman and he was arrested. After the driver hai' been nrrainged Mrs. Campbell went.oi back to her dinner party. Hunter Dies From Lockjaw. Green Bay , Wis. , July 5 Frank Pryanskl , a miner of Crystal Falls , while hunting some time ago , stopped for a moment to roll a clgaret. In so doing he leaned the muzzles of his gun against his side. He accidentally touched the trigger nnd the gun went off , shooting him In his side. Blood poisoning set in , nnd he died here of lockjaw. Pryanski was 30 years old , and leave a widow and one child. BUSINESS CHANGES AT NEWPORT The Rock County State Bank at New port Changes Hands. Newport , Neb. , July 5. Special to The News : The Hock County State bank at Newport , founded by C. M. Thompson in 1899 , and since owned by him , was sold this week to O. P. Turner , P. McGiverin , Charles May , Otto Schurman and other gentlemen of Fremont , Neb. - * f Mr.McGlverJn Is' president a'nd Mr. Schurman is cashier of the Commer cial national bank of Premont. Mr. May Is at tht head of May Bros , wholesale grocery house of Fremont. O. F. Turner will have active charge of the bank at Newport. This combination gives Newport one of the strongest banks on the I Northwestern rond. The successful future of the institution is assured. Mr. Thompson has many kind / \ words for Newport and her citizens . and states that he will probably re main a resident there , looking after his private affairs. MARJORIE GOULD IS ILL. An Abscess in the Ear Troubles An thony Drexel's Bride. New York , July F > . Much concern is expressed by friends of the George ? Gould family on account of reports from London that Mrs. Anthony Drexel - el , Jr. , who , prior to her marriage n few weeks ago , was Miss Marjorie . Gould , is suffering from an abscess in the ear which may necessitate a dan gerous operation. George J. Gould Idft has quietly , but hurriedly , slipped off to Europe following the receipt of dis patches from Mrs. Gould. UNDER A HAT. A BONNET. Latest Parisian Headgear Includes a Coiffure In Its Duality. Paris , July 5. The artists who designed Iele signed Mine. Liane de Pougy's "Little : Hat of Saint-Germain , " about which there has been such an uproar lately , has now created a matinee hat which | seems destined to popularity. It is a combination affair which , while ap , pearing at first glance one and indi- visibinatlon coiffure-hat caused n sen > sation in Chnntilly a few nights ago. It Is likely to be seen in the theaters frequently in the future. LOUIS THOMPSON OPERATED ON ) Well Known Norfolk Young Man Under - der Knife in Dubuque , la. Louis Thompson , son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson of Norfolk , was operated upon nt Flndlny hospital , Du- lnujue , In. , Saturday. He has been ill for a year and a half. Reports from the hospital are that he is doing nice ly and his hosts of Norfolk friends are hopeful for an early recovery to good health. WHAT SHOULD A WIFE BE ? Mrs. Winifred Cooley , Suffragette , De scribes an Ideal Husband. New York , July 5. What is the modern woman's ideal of n husband 1 ? Mrs. Winifred Harper Cooley , suf fragette , author of "The New Woman hood , and a daughter of Ida Husted Harper , says that the ideal husband of the modern woman : "Must bo n man who will bo some thing besides a husband and n father , just ns women aspire to become some : thing besides wives nnd mothers. "Ho must not be Jealous. Jealousy is the product of Inordinate exclusiveness - ness , distrust and a deslro for pos- > tession. The man who kept a harem could conceive of no sensation in love save the desire for possession. "Ho must trust the woman he loves variety in taste nnd also believing In virtue. "He need not be possessed of brute strength. Woman's admiration for mere physical prowess is on the de cline. "He muBt be handsome handsome In the accepted sense of straight fea- lures , and a line figure. "He must be a man as pure nnd gen tle ns he Is strong. "He must be a man who recognizes that a wholly developed , versatile Individual - dividual desires many experiences In life besides protracted nnd all absorb ing domesticity from the age of IS until death. "He must bo equipped mentally to become a true comrade , for , as Professor ser Slosson of Wyoming university , lias said : 'Tho future of civilization depends more upon the proper mating of the rising generation than on any discovery they may make in the arts and sciences. ' 'He must be n man who understands that a woman does not earn her board by living with him ns his wife. Mar riage | is the voluntary union of two loving ] souls. "Ho must not be ashamed of nor apologetic for his wife , nor glory In | her Ignorant helplessness. " | LONGER PIERS FOR BIGGER SHIP. I New York to Follow Liverpool In Pro viding for 1,000-Foot Ships. New York , July f > . The news from London that the Mersey Dock and Harbor board has decided to begin at' once the construction of docks large enough to accommodate C0,000-ton i steamships has renewed agitation ' here for a similar move on the part . of the New York harbor authorities. The coming of the 1,000-foot liner has long been heralded. Such a ves sel could easily enter this port , but' where it would berth would be a vexE ing question. The piers In the New , Chelsa section are about S25 feet long and alongside there Is a depth of forty - ty feet. The following table shows how , in the last few years , the sie of the' Trans-Atlantic vessels h&s steadily in creased : Length , Beem , feet. feet. Tons. Lucania 622 Cfiifc l',500 rj Deutschland flS4 67 10,502' Kaiser Wllhelm II 700 72 20,000 Mauretnnia 790 88 32.500 Lusitania 790 88 32,500 Titanic SCO 88 45,000 Olympic SCO 88 45,000' Proposed Ham burg-American .870 88 45,000 Burnham's Horse Runs Away. The big family driving horse of C. E. Burnham was frightened by n' automobile speeding In the night last'c night without lights. The horse ran away and a handsome surrey was de-1 molished. The horse wns hitched in front of the Burnhnm home on Nor folk avenue. How Norfolk Got the Fight. Norfolk was the only city of its siife In the United States that received ( complete returns from the big prize fight direct from the ringside. There were few cities in America of less than 50,000 population that got the bervlce Norfolk did on the battle. On ly three cities In Nebraska got the complete btory Omaha , Lincoln and Noifolk. These are the only three cities In Nebraska In which an Asso ciated Press leased wire is maintain- led. The News being the only newsI paper In the world In a city of this i size , which has Its owu Associated ' Press wire. Other cities hi Nebraska , outside Omaha , Lincoln and Norfolk , I depend upon "pony" reports for tele I graph service they get 500 words a day , whereas The News gets many thousand words every day by wire. A packed house at the Auditorium listened to The News bulletins ns they flashed in from Reno. About 1,000 people were guests of The News for the afternoon. Among them were out- of-town men from all over northern rna. Nebraska and southern South Dakota. It Was a Jeffries Crowd. It was u Jeffries crowd at the Audi- torium and every time Jeff made a move that looked like lighting , n cheer went up. A cheer went up , too , when the Hash came that Johnson had won jnr in the fifteenth but it wasn't a cheerful : - ful cheer. It wns a downcast crowd kda that wended its way out of the thea ; - ter- Ten columns of telegraphic matter from Reno were telegraphed to The News more than 10,000 words dur ing the day , on the prize light. - The Wire Fairly Sizzled. The News leased wire fairly ed ns those 10,000 words burned over it from the ringside. Karl Stefan , the expert telegraph operator on The News wire , took stuff so fast that it bothered his typewriter to keep pace with his fingers. Mr. Stefan is one of the most accurate and one of the rest- steel ceest telegraph operators in the United States and the way In which he ate up the electricity from Reno was an admirable sight to see. Busy Moments for The News. They were busy moments for The News from the Instant the flash came Dethat the fighters "are off , " until the Instant when the final flash came , "Johnson wins In fifteenth. " Every nerve fibre of the newspaper ) tuforganization wns at high tension. The antelegraph Instrument's metallic race seemed to be fighting against the clicking of the linotype machines trying to bury them with copy. But Bethe linotypes swallowed the fight dope nnd asked for more , so that within nofive minutes from the time the fight ; had ended , the extra edition wns ; ready for the press. The page forms of type shot down an elevator nnd oswere locked In the press , a motor buz- zed , there wns a heavy rumble as the gigantic machine started and then it began belching forth extras at the rate of 0,000 an hour all printed nnd for tin ; malls. Out-of-town subscribers were sup plied with the extra , and train news agents sold hundreds of them. An incident of the afternoon that was appreciated by the crowd/was the free distribution by Ed Becker , a toov bncco dealer , of 100 choice cigars. Commissioners' Proceedings. Madison , Nob. , June L'R. HMO , 1 p. in. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present , Commissioners Henry Sun- derumn and Burr Taft. The minutes of the meeting of June 20 , 1MO ! , were read and approved as read. | read.This being the date set for the hear ing In the matter of the proposed drainage ditch No. 2 , of Norfolk , Neb. , the board adjourned to the olllce of the county clerk , where said matter was taken up. It appearing that the requisite notice had not been served upon the heirs of Augus't Haase , .de ceased , the said hearing was adjourn ed to July 11 , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. in. , In order to provide for the service of said notice. The board then proceeded to the consideration of other matters , as fol lows : The matter of the road ordered opened by the commissioners along the north line of section 1 , township 21 north , range 1 west , was taken up nnd on account of the absence of Com missioner Md lone was laid over until the next meeting. On motion the following bills were ' allowed : W. P. Ulxon , grading , C. D. No. ; ! , claimed JS5.55 , allowed by order of W. P. Dixon. to John Catron ? 51.80 . . To E. H. Crook 33.75 | I W. P. Dixon , grading , C. D. No. I 3. claimed $20 , allowed by or- I ' der of W. P. Dixon to E. H. ' Crooks 20.00 E. H. Crook , livery 0.20 E II. Crook , livery for superin tcndent 7.50 Paul ' Renner. work. R. D. No. 10 3.00 I Geo. Hobus , work , R. D. No. 0. . . 9.50 ' [ j ' Geo. Hobus , work , R. D. No. 21. . 13.00 O. H. Gillespie , road drag for R. ' D. No. 20 40.00 W. R. Snyder , work , R. D. No. 20 93.00 L. E. Uurch. Work , R. D. No. f. . . 8.00 J. P. Keeney , work. R. D. No. C. 4.00 John Behrens , wolf bounty S.OO W. L. Dowllng , attorney for Pe- ' ter Nelson 20.00 ' W. L. Whitlit. work , C. D. No. 2. 35.00 i Win. Lowe , work. C. D. No. 2. . 40.00 Howard j : Risk , work , C. D. No. 2. 20.00 Madison Chronicle , supplies 2D.OO , On motion the board adjourned to 0July , 11 , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. in. S. R. McFarland , County Clerk. Scenes Around the Ringside. Cities throughout the United States ' not fortunate enough to have an Asso- ' elated Press wire , have been dealt n hard blow by the announcement of the Western Union , that the company would not give out any Information in regard to the Jeffries-Johnson prize fight nt Reno. This as far as known is the first time In the history of telegraph clr cles that the Western Union or Posta' ' ' j ' will not handle light bulletins and the t saloons , theaters , pool halls , clubs j , and other public gathering places arc the losers alongside the large telegraph - graph concerns who heretofore have reaped a harvest by selling the figh returns. Norfolk , however , Is fortunate. Tin Daily News will have its leased win I attached to the ringside wire nnd not a second will be lost in giving the [ i people I the results of each round nnd a : story of the fight. Bulletins will bo , displayed ( In the Auditorium nnd no admission fee being charged , the pub- i lie 1 will bo guests of The News. The story of how large telegraph [ companies and the Associated Press handle fight returns is an interesting one. one.Here's Here's how the Western Union used ! to handle a big fight : Operator Sits Near Ring. Close to the seconds' corner at the ringside long before the fight is be gun were a number of telegraph in struments , behind which only the best operators in the country were seated. Prom these instruments were wires leading to the main offices of the telegraph companies where through repeaters the wire ran east and west on the best copper wires the companies had. No Receiver Could "Break. " All the way to San Francisco , Seat tle , Portland , Omaha , Denver , Chica go , and further east through other re peaters the wire was connected eid hundreds of operators were stationed at the instruments called "blinds" ow > ing to the fact that the receiving operator rater , should he fail to bo able toile "read" the clicks from the ringside iloh could not stop the sender even though he open the key. A. P. Wires Direct. Only to the larger offices aid the lieo direct wire run , except by the ; o elated Press who cut in all their offices Hire ces direct. At each large office there were from four to eight operators stationed , supplied with typewriter nnd manifold paper , each taking about ten copies of the fight bulletins. These copies were usually sent to the de livery department through pneumatic tubes and handed to the messengers who at once mounted their bicycles and delivered them to the anxious crowds at their destination. Many of the saloons ordered loops attached , to the main line and an operator was made nervous receiving the returns behind n bar or on the stage In front of a cheering and noisy crowd. Ringside Operators Had Grief. While this was going on the operator rater at the ringside V having his : grief. As he watches tf o crowd como into the arena ho opens his key nnd commences his work , Probably John L , Sullivan enters the arena , a second end later the entire United States knows of It. Then he hears the bets going on nnd that too , ho sends over the line. The number of people is ers , actors nnd other well known people ple are pouring In and the people hun dreds of miles away find It out In n | moment. It requires not only an ex traordinary telegrapher to handle the work , but one who Is familiar with everybody < of note. San Fran Manager the Best , t'sually at San Francisco the man ager of the Western Union of that ' city , himself , sent the fight returns. I 1U is considered the best man "on the job" In the country. The preliminaries are soon on and as the lighters Jab at each other each jab , Its weight , where placed and each movement of Jhe fighters Is sent by the tcelgrnpher. Tells of It Round by Round. The big fighters come Into the dressing rooms , and the crowd cheers. They are weighed In and one enters he ring. The people all know It. Ie sits in his corner , nnd the opera- or tells of it. Then he tells what olored trunks this pug wears and .vhluli corner he has. Then the r lighter comes Into the ring nnd he referee Introduces them. The rowd cheers. Some fighters dial- enge the winner. They pose for he moving pictures and soon the fight s on. The public has the entire de- crlption of the ring , arenn and can ilniost In fancy see the entire scene , md nre ready for the result. The fighters shake hands and at his moment the telegrapher is a tri- Ie behind and the sparks from his icavily battcrled instrument can be seen. He has caught up with the ight and with ease he tells of how the battle is fought and who is the vie- or. No Interest In Frame-Up Talk. Whether the fight was a "frame-up" was of no vital interest to the great telegraph companies of the United States. Their only objective point be- ng the question as to how many sub scribers they could get for their bul letins and how satisfactorily nnd econ omically they could furnish the coun try witli the news direct from the ring side. It Is estimated that every city in the United States having a telegraph ollice formerly received the bulletins of ! big fights. And how did the West ern Union and Postal furnish all the cities and towns the returns ? This Is a question which probably many light fans have never though about. All that Norfolk people know about It is , that they have ordered the bulle tins from the local operator. Linemen strung loops all over the country which ran from the main tel egraph offices to pool halls , saloons , clubs , gambling houses , amusement parks and every imaginable place of note and otherwise. Extra telephones were Installed and n large force of ex tra messengers hired nt a high salary. Telegraph Company's Attitude. The Western Union Telegraph com pany has announced that they will under no consideration handle the Jeffries-Johnson prize fight returns. Many applications for the bulletins by Norfolk people have been turned away by Manager Lancaster of the local office who received the following tele gram from C. J. Nelson , superinten dent of the Western Union : 'All applicants for reports of the Jeffries-Johnson fight on July 4 should be notified that we will not handle the. service in any manner whatever , and' ' that regarding it no bulletins or oth er information will be furnished. " No Arrest In Flene Case. Wayne , Neb. , July 5. Special to The News : No arrest has yet been undo in the Louise Flege murder case. Yesterday afternoon the two detec- Ives working on the case sent out in he country for William Flege , the brother with whom the girl lived , and hey kept him here for some hours. , The two detectives are still here. Day Claims Seven in Omaha. Omaha , July 3. A "safe and sane" Fourth of July in Omaha resulted in seven fatalities and numerous kinds of excitement , taken together , which gave the police a lively twenty-four hours. Four persons were drowned in Cut-Off lake , one was run down and killed by an automobile , one was suffocated as the result of a practical joke and the seventh fatally shot dur ing a quarrel. Four are Drowned. The four drowned persons are : Theodore Lind , John Barton , and their wives. The Llnds and Bartons were friends who were taking an outing at Court- land Bench. They rented a large row boat and it is believed they capsized when the members of the party at tempted to change seats. Lind wns the only one of the four who could swim nnd wns the last one to sink after the boat overturned. All sank before aid could reach them. The bodies were later recovered in eigh teen feet of water. Boy Killed By Boy Autoist. Elliott Robinson , n 17-year-old mes senger boy , was run down and killed by an automobile driven by Robert Hamilton , another 17-year-old boy , at Twenty-fourth nnd Corby streets. Young Hamilton is under arrest. Negro Killed In Quarrel. Henry Anderson , a colored employe of a local hotel , was shot nnd killed by another negro , Red Dale , In a Four teenth street saloon. The shooting resulted from n quarrel. Dale surren dered to the police. Dead In Practical Joke. Tom Green , a barber's porter , wns tied to a chair in which ho was sleep ing nnd left in that position by prac tical Jokers. When found in the stuf fy room by a police , the negro had been suffocated. AN IDEAL DAY FOR FOURTH. Norfolk Stayed at Home and Enjoyed June Weather Fireworks at Night. It was an Ideal Fourth ot July. The weather was rather that of June than on the Fourth. Norfolk people divided their attention during the day , most of them remaining nt home. The Coun try club wns a favorite spot for n Inriuc number. A big crowd stayed 'lowii town In the nfternoon to get the Ight returns. There were fireworks all o\er town at night. The Stuart Penny. A pamphlet published in 1C77. enti tled "TheVoith of a Penny ; or-A Caution to Ki-i'p Money. With the Caul's of tin1 Sitiri'lt.x and Misery of tin- Want Thereof In Tlu-so Hard and Merciless Tlmi" < . " coimiliiM a list of articles ohlnlnablo for a penny In tlif days of Charles II. Thexe Include "a dish of cuiU't1 to quicken your stomach ach anil n-lresli your spirits" "a fair curiiniU'r" and "portions of Much com modities as ifuts. vinegar , grapes , cake , onions and oatuleal. " The catalogue of pennyworths obtainable at an apothecary's [ a a lengthy one and In cludes "lettuce to nake you sleep , mlthrldate to make you Hueat and ani seed , which may save your life In a fainting or Hwound. " This In the way of recreation "for n penny you may see any monster. Jack- anapt's or those roaring boyes , the lyons ' ; you may bear a most eloquent oration upon our English kings and queens * ' ' If you listen to him wholieeps monuments ! at Westminster ; you may have ! all the news In England and other countries of murders. Hoods , witches . , fires , tempests and what not in the weekly newsbooliB. " London Scraps. NEVER ANY MRS. BURTON. Ohio Senator Puts Himself Out of Marrying Class. Strictly speaking. Senator Theodore E. Burton of Ohio may not be n woman hater , but- Preceding a recent function in Wash ington the society editor of n Washing- BENATOB THEODOltE E. llDnTON. I [ "Never ! " ] 1 ton paper determined to descrlho the gowns of all the senators' wives pre.s- mt. "Mr. Senator , " she said as she ac- osted the Ohio statesman , "will you bo kind enough to tell mo what sort of gown Mrs. Burton will wear ? " Taking his eyeglasses from hla pock et and putting them carefully upon his nose , the vcmitor fixed the girl with a plaiK-e that nailed her to the mast and frigidly replied : 'Madam. th re Is no Mrs. Burton. nnd If I have anything to sny about it there never will . , Religion In Holland. The following incident was told me by Lccky In somewhat whimsical Illus I' tration ' of his belief that If religion were to die out of all other European nations It would still survive in Ho | . land : A Dutch peasant was In sore straits about the impossibility of uiak- ug his bens observe Sunday. Ho came to his pastor with a present of eggs. lie regretted , he said , that he could not prevent his hens from laying these un Hie Sabbath , but be made what amends he could by giving them to Cod's minister that they might be handed over to the poor and Intirm.- 'Old and Odd Mcinorlefi. " FIGHTERS ON THEIR WAY. Jeff and Johnson Each Leave Reno In a Special Pullman Coach. Reno , July 5. Jack Johnson , with his bass viol , his trainers nnd his camp equipment , is speeding toward Chicago cage in his special car Redondo on a train that left Reno soon nfter mid night nnd will reach umcago Thursday morning. Ho is under contract to fill vaudeville engagements for a time nnd says he will be glad to get another fight soon , but so far as can bo learn ed no man in the world Is really eager to get into the ring with him. Jim Jeffries , the wealthy farmer , will leave for his homo In southern California on his special car Gray- mont tonight. As n result of the fight he Is probably $100,000 richer , and the damage to his body and tbo humilia tion of his spirit will bo healed la time. time.Most Most of the prize ring celebrities hnvo departed and Reno , yesterday the capital of the world , has shrunk to Its normal. The negro population of Reno Is not nearly so happy today as might bo ex pected , for ninny risked money on the fight. Johnson Is not a hero among most of his race who have met him. Sam Berger , manager for the de feated champion , said today : "Jeffries , of course , Is bitterly dis laer appointed. Ho feels ns ho said after the fight that the weight of He opinion drove him back into the n nnd that his failure may not bo viewed lightly , although ho knows ho did his best "Jeffries Is in good spirits , consld- back to his quiet home life. We ex pect to spend n day or two in Snn Francisco nnd then go south. If we don't make connections , wo will go ! down tomorrow. " Berger said that all of the loser's share of the purse and picture money had been turned over to Jeffries. The swelling around Ills right eye was \cry evident and ( hero wen1 nu merous slight bruises and contusions around his nofcc and mouth , but his face showed little discoloration , the work of the rubbers and trainers liav-i Ing gone far toward removing the signs of defeat. Mrs. Jeffries was not to be scon. It was said about the camp that she had completely recoveicd from the shock caused by her husband's defeat , but she still feels the strain. Jack Johnson was ? 120f > 00 richer when Jim Jeffries went down for the last time In yesterday's fight. He took CO percent of the $101,000 purse , which amounted to $ CGOO ( ) , a bonus of $10- 000 , and ho sold his picture rights for ? 50.000. Jeffries took a fortune out of the defeat at Johnson's hands. He re ceived -10 percent of the purse , amount ing to $40,400 , the bonus of $10,000 , nnd he sold his picture rights In this for ? GGCGG , making his total $117,000. , Picture Men Hope for Million. The owners of the picture films are calculating on a million dollars profit. FINDER OF WILD PIGEON NEST Canadian Claims $1,000 Reward Offered by Naturalists. Dr. Clifton II. Hedge of Clark uni versity announced the other day that the probable winner of a $1,000 reward offered for the discovery of the first nest of North American or passenger pigeons In America Is C. II. Patience of n town in Ontario , Canada. Dr. Ilodue would imt reveal the name of the town. A telegram 1ms been received from Mr. 1'atlciice stating that lie had ills covered a nest , with a female sitting on it. nnd Dr. Hedge stated that bo would Immediately go to Ontario to In vetliinie the claim. The re waul Is part of n subscription of $3.SOO by naturalists of the United States and Canada to be used in the work of preventing the extinction of j the bird. This particular breed of pi geon was- numerous in America up to the early eighties , but since then has been gradually dying out until now the species is very rare. "Chantecler" Profits. A French publishing house is said to have received orders for 200,000 to 300,000 copied of its three francs fifty centimes edition of "Chuntecler , " and the weekly I/Illustration is paying M. Rostand for the serial rights thereof a oum which the most conservative re ports set at 75,000 francs un act -that Is,300,000frnnc8 in nil , other publishing , house has purchased for a sum which it Is safer perhaps not to specify , but which is admitted to Jj large , the right to issue a de luxe Illustrated edition of Rostand's com plete works. This edition will appear In seventy weekly Installments of twen ty pages each. To these emoluments may be added the considerable sum paid for serial rights by a London weekly. | . . . . . . . . . , „ . . , . . . nese actress , who had boon a friend o ! the assassinated Prince Ito from tier childhood , told the following amusing anecdote ; "In my frequent quarrels with my husband we sometimes asked Prlnco Ito to judge between us. One day when we had had a more than usually violent dispute at Chlgn nkl the prince came In unexpectedly , and t asked him to decide the question. But be declined , while proposing the follow ing solution : " 'Go down Into the garden , both of you. and lifrht it out like sumo tori ( wrcstlersi. The one that wins will naturally be the one who Is In the right. ' "No sooner said than done ! In n trice Kawakami and I were In wres tling trim. By good luck my husband wns just recovering from n serious ill ness , and as he was very weak 1 soon threw him to the ground. This amused the prime enormously , \\lio. of course , had foreseen the end of the unequal match " Cemeteries Where Women Gossip. Friday , the Sabbath of the Moslems , when all true believers of the mascu- Une gender make a point of going 11ti 11o [ fhurch. their wives , sisters and daughters till ters resort to the cemeteries and wall for the dead. But all their time Is not i i spent in weeping , and sorrow is not [ t the only emotion they display , on tbesu occasions. They take with them bunches and garlands of ( lowers and decorate the graves of their relatives and pray and weep over the dead fern n time. Then when this pious duty la performed they gather In little groups [ and have a good time gossiping about the living. Thus the day of mourning IKo is very popular among the Moslem wo men. It gives them almost the only opportunity they have of cultivating tliH acquaintance of their neighbors. Played Two Good Games , Sunday's doublehender at the . driv - ing park diamond gave much interest to the large grandstand filled with en thusiastic fans. The clerks nnd the firemen played the best game of the afternoon , which resulted In n score of H lo 2 In the clerks' favor. All through the game the firemen showed bettor team work than over before nnd it looked as much their game ns the clerks' . Kolleher pitched a fine game and Lucas made good in the catcher's box , hut the support was still weak Falrfleld and Gllssmnn proved ikho strong battery for the clerks , and the team work was good all around. Uecker , Wnler and Cook were the Edgewntor batteries , but poor team Chases Did Avoid Caustic and Acid Use Old Dutch Cleanser lilts handy , all-'round Cleans er is entirely free from caustic , acid and alkali ; it is hygienic , cleans mechanically.notchcm- ically. It is not only the safest , but also the easiest and quickest cleanser ever discovered for Cleaning , Scrubbingf Scouring , Polishing It is the Only cleanser to use on milk- pails , pans , separators and on all cooking utensils. Use it for all cleaning through out the house. How To Clean Windows The Boat Way Sprinkle Old Dutch Cleani- er on a cloth or sponge , just dampened sufficiently to hold the powder , without dusting , and apply to the glass , rubbing briskly. Then polish with a dry cloth and a very little Old Dutch Cleanser. If the above directions are followed excellent re sults will be secured with less work than by ordinary methods , or with other articles LARGE SiFTER CAN practice helped to their defeat by the railroaders , who took the game from them by a score of ! l to 1. Bltney anil Miller were the railroaders' battery , nnd with the good work of the other players they made a good showing. The scores : R. H. E. Clerks 0200100 3 C 0 Firemen 0 0 0 0 6 2 0 2 5 C Batteries : Falrfleld and Gllssmnn ; Kellehcr and Lucas. Railroad Men..O 32040 * 9 7 2 Edgewater 100000 0 I 4 T Battery : Foote and Miller ; Waler , Uecker nnd Cook. Norfolk A B. R. H. PO. A. E. Gllssmnn , c 2 2 111 2 1 Brueggeman , Ib 4 0 1 11 0 0 Krahn , ss r. . II 2 0 2 0 Butler , 2b 4 I I 1 1 0 South , 3b Clark cf : ? 0 2 0 1 0 Wilde , p 4 0 0 0 II ! 0 Schelly , If 15 1 0 2 0 0 Compton , rf II 0 1 U ii Totals 28 ! l T L'7 21 3 Carroll AB. R. H. PO. A K. Roe , lib n 0 1 Honey , cf 5 1 1 2 o 0 Carter , ss fi 0 2 0 1 0 Grow , rf 4 0 0 0 1 0 DWPIIS , p 4 1 1 1 10 0 Hughes , 2b fi 1 1 2 15 0 Bruner , If 15 0 0 1 0 0 Stenet , Ib I ! 2 1 11 0 1 Ward , c 15 1 0 7 0 2 Totals 'JC S S 24 15 4 Score by Innings : Clerks 10400013 * 9 Carroll 10003013 0 8 Summary Thiee-baso liltsOwens. . Base on balls : Off Wilde , . " ; off Ow ens , C. Two-base lilts : Roe. Carter , Gllssman , Krahn , Brueggeman , Butler. Struck out : By Wlldo , 11 : by Owens , H. Hit by pitched ball : Stenet. Gliss- man , Compton. Stolen bases Roe , Bruner , Stenet , Krahn , Butler , South , Clark , Schelly. Newman Grove , Neb. , July 3. 'Spe cial to The News- Newman Grove had a steady rain for three hours Sat urday evening. It wns badly needed. Jessie Rouse. Jessie Rouse died nt the home of her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. R. ROIIFO. She has been seriously III for the past month , having n tumor on the brain. She is survived by her mother , father , two sisters and three brothers. She was born nt West Point , Nob. , and wns 29 years of ago nt the time of her death. Funeral services will bo held at the house Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Jackson M. Spencer , H. M. Wells and M. M. Snilsgiver worn each fined $10 and costs In Justice Elsoley's court Tuesday for driving the automobile Monday night without lights , which caused the Burnham horse to run away. nevrnre of OliitnirnU for Cnlnrrh Hint Contain Mercury , aa mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell anil completely dernnRo the whole"system when onterinK It through thn miicoiiH mirfiu-i's Such artich'H should never l ) used except on prescriptions from reputable physi cians , as the dnmnKU they uill do In ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from thorn. Unit's irrh Cure , manufactured liy F J flun > & Co- Toledo. Ohio , contains no men ury and IH taUen internally noting diretfy up on the load and miuous s < irfuos of the system In liuylng Halls Catarrh Cure ho sure you ot the genuine It Is taken Internally nnd made In To ledo Ohio , by K J Cheney & Co Tes timonials free Sold by Druggists , Price , "Bo per bottle.