T- THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. Fit IDA Y. .1PT/V ft. 1)10. ! ) The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal The NCWR , EHtabllBhed 1881. The Journal , EatabllHhed 1877. THE HU8E PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. N. II use , N. A. HUHC , President. Secretary Kvcry Friday. IJy mall per year , $1.GO. Kntorod at the pobtolllco at Norfolk , Neb , , as Hccond clatm matter. Telephones TTtTltorliil Department No. 1 ! ! ! . HtiBlnoBB Olllce and Job Itooms No. II 22. The farther you got on July 4 from the larger cities , the moro unrestrict cd the URO of dangerous explosives be i clime. The Hinall boy who finds all his cycH , ears and lingers Intact , views In alarm the spread of the safe and bant July 4 movement. Freight rate on lemons Is ordered reduced. This will cut the cost of one necessary of life during the con ercBBlonal campaign. Knowing that the house lly lives but ten days , the boarding house keeper Joels it is needless to put In screens SOT BO short a period. July 4 must have marked the ad vent of a higher civilization to Nc vada , as a day when the fighters were ut least governed by n referee. The government now has a surplus of $9,000,000. How fortunate no one told the congressmen about It before they got away from Washington. Mr. Tnft Is studying national econ omy , although to n congessman men tlon of mieh a subject IB as 111 man iicred as profanity before ladles. Mayor Gaynor of New York vetoes a tag day proposal. He believes hold ups should be limited to the wild west Pullman cars , and summer hotels. The Zionists are in convention at Plttsburg thiB week , but a. visitor to New York nt any old tlmo must re gard It as a perpetual Zionist meet ing. The Reno divorce colony turned out 4n great shape to see the fight. It may be quite useful In their businesb on the next round of the mntrimonla mill. Now we ehall see if Teddy will get -the pelts of those New York leglsla tors to place In the Smithsonian insti tutlon along with the rest of his tro phlee. Joseph Thomas , inventor of the lioop skirt , has just died. As a fifty years' resident of Hohoken , his pun iBhment seems to have lltted the crime. Colonel Roosevelt now uses an au tomobllc to avoid newspaper men. The reporters , however , can do their Inter views quite well without leaving tht railroad station. Cotton mills employing 100,000 pee pie have- shut down. Owing to the growing scantiness of bathing suits and peek-a-boo waists , they natural ! } would have less to do. The city of Paris will honor Kinj , Edward by changing the name of one of the best thoroughfares In the cit > the Rue Royale and rebaptizing It in his majesty's name. The move for a "Father's day" prob ably means pulling father's leg for an excursion for the whole family. Now that auto tires are up 20 per cent July 1 , the advance In cost ol living Is getting beyond the speed limit The rest of the columns of the Out look will be like the church socin news when a presidential election is being reported. Mr. Taft would not expect to dodge politics during vacation could he but see the host of ofllce-seekers about to bivouac at Beverly. The Zeppelin airship Is wrecked. This getting up so high that a big tree looks Just like a feather duster does not appeal to us. Crops are being more consjdered than the tariff In the booking of new business for the fall trade. Concrete Is being laid on some of the Panama canal locks at the rate of 4,000 cubic yards a day. Mr. Hamilton , the aviator , says it Is as easy to fly by night as by day. It has always been considered easier. The first bulletin coming out of the census bureau gives Texas a great boon for rapid increase in population. Frances Hodgson Burnett says , "There's nothing so strong as rage , except that which makes you hold it in that's stronger. " Columbus , O. , Is searching for a slo gan. Several cities have more or less damaged slogans which might be purchased at a bargain. The Greek colony which located at Alberta , Canada , have decided that the climate Is too strenuous and are planning to remove to Texas. i r * yn- It IB confidently predicted that the Bclentlflc farming will double the pro duction of the United States In the next ten years. The deposed shah of Persia has taken up the study of medicine. An other proof that It IB never too late to make one's self useful. Senator Culberbon of Texas gets reelected - elected after spending only $27. In other states Its costs about $27,000 for the people to kick out a man tliej dent want. Insurgents and regulars alike come away from Roosevelt with an exhlhl tlon smile nailed on. The reporters seem to expect they will be hanging to the seat of their trousers. J. P. Morgan gets the degree of doctor of laws out of Harvard , but many of our trust presidents have proved themselves master of laws In their tussles with the courts. Medical scientists claim that a man who observes the laws of health should live 120 years. This would give Bryan a chance In several more campaigns. The woman lawyer who exhausted every other resource at her command In a trial ended up by crying. That IB an argument no male attorney has ever been able to answer. Colonel Roosevelt spent his last da > In Europe chasing song birds. The only thing In that line popular over here Is the kind you buy a $5 orches tra seat to hear. An American woman is found cut uj In a trunk at Lake Como , Italy. The > are learning New York methods of Improving the manners of people who get themselves disliked. Insanity has Increased 100 percent In the last fifty years , said a Boston authority , and at the present rate o Increase we shall all be insane 265 years hence. Cheerful prospect ! Nicaragua wants ns to intervene Having lost their only asset , a pos sible Bite for the isth.uian canal , they naturally want to get some one to do the Job of governing them for noth Ing , The passangers on the Zeppelin air ship were able to climb down through the trees , which Is much better than being seasick on a liner , with only the sea weed on which to get to ter ra flrma. So far as we have been able to learn the British unicorn , which divides the honors with the lion on the British shield , Is the only animal which Teddy Roosevelt failed to bring home a spec Imen of. One of the " " largest "melons" ever sliced for the delectation of stockhold ers will be cut by the Singer Manu facturing company , which divided $30. 000,000 dividends among its stock holders today. It will undoubtedly be the work of the airship to bring the nations of the world into closer touch arid in time to make war ridiculous. When the world takes to airships , then , wll Iy-nille , peace is enacted. It has been kindly suggested that in consideration of the millions whlcl Mayor Gaynor is saving New York City he ought to have his salary raised or be given a Saturday half holiday the year around. A Zeppelin balloon passenger line is one of the prospects in the east In the near future. The organization of a company to run them is now being attempted. Even a balloon line will not float its own stock. The Danes paid America a dcllcato compliment when they said they be lieved Dr. Cook's story because he was an American. It is to be greatly re gretted that their confidence was found to he misplaced. Fifty-five thousand teachers In Bos ton this week , once known as the great center for books and Icebergs , now principally noted as always hav Ing a ball team at the foot of one of the big leagues. The great advance In railroad regu lation is due to the republican policy of a strong government at Washing ton. The democrats want to fritter away all power by dividing It all up among the states. The agricultural speeders of Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas and Missouri seem to have lost all Interest In bank div idends , for 427 banks In those states say $15,000,000 has been spent for automobiles in their neighborhood. Colonel Roosevelt was to retire from the political game , but after a few days self repression on the bleachers , here wo have him down on the side lines coaching Hughes to bat the cover off the direct nomina tions ball. The Texans welcome joyfully the new steamship passenger line from Gnlveston to European ports which enables the people of the lone star state to go abroad without taking n long railway Journeyv before taking | COni , ship pact-age. Governor Proctor's birthday gift to hla son of one of the Green moun tains would be nn acceptable gift to almost anyone In the good old sum mer time , yet it was rather an unus ual gift. Are mountains likely to be come popular as holiday gifts ? There Is little doubt but that the adjournment of congress will hnv decidedly beneficial effect on busi ness conditions , li will remove that element of uncertainty as o what legislation may be enacted which al ways exists while congress IB In ses sion. Switzerland IB expecting a larger and hungrier horde of Americans to Invade her borders this Bummer than over before and is putting up prices for board and lodging until they compare favorably with the height of the mountains with which the hotels are surrounded. How much better IB the new Rus so-Japanese pact , comprising a full ad justment of all the points of differ ence between the two nations signed with a pen In black and white than that settlement with swords a few years back which cost so many lives. Surely "the pen IB mightier than the Bword. " The administration of the Imperial chancellor , Bethmann-Hollweg , Is not proving successful. The able colonia secretary , Herr Dernberg , has resign ed and other changes are anticipated As a servant of a chancellor like Prince von Bulow he was very valuable , bu as chief of a ministry he has failed in about every particular. William James Sidls , the youthfu Harvard prodigy , has evolved a ne\\ idea of motor power for an airship by which he calculates that It will be possible to make a trip to the plane Venus In twenty minutes. Such math ematical calculations aa these maj show a remarkable mind , but most o us would not care to accompany the boy on his first visit to our siste planet. Mayor Gaynor of New York City ha issued an order that will Insure a sane Fourth of July In that city. His orde positively prohibits the sale of danger ous explosives in that city , which 1 vehemently protested against by 1,500 manufacturers and Jobbers who de clare the enforcement of the orde will ruin their business. Better do that than sacrifice a number of live and malm and disfigure possible hun dreds of others simply to dispose o articles that carry with them sorrow suffering and death. For the second time In Its histor > an American girl will divide honors in ruling India. King George's cab Inet has decided to appoint Honorable Lewis Harcourt as viceroy of India to succeed Lord MInto. Mr. Harcourt's wife was Miss Mary Burns , a daughter tor tf the late W. H. Burns of Now York. If Mrs. Harcourt Is as popula In this honored position as her pre decessor , Miss Mary Letter of Chlca co , who became Lady Curzon , she will be able to do much for the people of India. Lady Constance Lytton of London In the disguise of a charwoman smash ed a number of windows "in the Inter est of the woman's suffrage move ment" and was sent to jail. She had assumed the name of Jane Walton but soon tiring of her Imprisonment she disclosed her Identity and was promptly released. This shows how Justice is meted out In England how there is one law for the rich and an other for the poor. As plain Jane Walton this woman was a criminal , as Lady Lytton she was innocent. President vTaft's public utterances are nearly always worthy of the high office which he fills. He has wide and unusual experience in two hemi spheres , added to his early legal edu cation. When a man of such nccum ulated wisdom points out as he did recently to the young men of Ameri ca tke "Ignoble side of easy profit' ' and bids them to be men of high cour age , of accurate Judgment , of a love of the truth and real patriotism , he gives advice so good that If we do not take it will argue more than Indif ference. California , er at least large sections of that great commonwealth , has changed its attitude completely with regard te the Japanese laborer. The state labor commissioner declares the desperate need of laborers in the field , orchard and vineyard Industries and has Invited the erstwhile despised Japs to "come over to Macedonia and help us. " It Is probable that San Francisco which was always the seat of the anti-Japanese sentiment la as strongly opposed to the Mongolian In- vaslon as ever. But the rest of the state is feeling the lack of help to harvest their crops BO keenly that It s not only willing , but eager to wel come the little brown men. St. Louis Is also roused to the need for commanding a safe Fourth of July and a public meeting was recently leld to Inaugurate some plan for a sensible celebration. Archbishop John J. Glennon was ono of the speakers. "I don't see any patriotism in noise , " declared the bishop. " 1 don't see any heroism In the man carried with his wounds into the hospital after a glor ious Fourth , lior In the explosion of n toy cannon when the boy explodes with the cannon. All this Is noise simply nolJc and nothing more. And the reason can you think of any oth er than recrudescence of type ? " The head of the police board promised the cooperation of his department , and many Important local organiza tions were represented In the move ment. Canada Is not making as much of a stir about conservation of natural resources as the United States does , but IB doing a great deal more. There are now twenty-six forest reserves In the Canadian northwest with n com bined area of more than cloven million acres. The policy of the government calls for annual Increases of this area as surveys are pushed Into the wild erness. Homesteaders are allowed to cut enough lumber In neighboring re serves to erect their homes and build ings. But foresters Bee that the lum ber Is properly cut without waste or injury to young trees. Clifton Slfton is the dominion forester and a most wise and clllcient official. The Immi gration bureaus which have carried on such a remarkable campaign of pub licity and have lured a million set tlers to the lands of the Canadian northwest were organized and con ducted by him. The United States could use a few more such olficers as Forester Sifton , who keep out of poli ties and attend to business to good advantage. W. H. BUTTERF1ELD. Friends of W. H. Butterlleld of Nor folk , who returned yesterday from southern California where he had spent the winter , will be pleased to know that his health Is very greatly improved and he is feeling better than for some time. He withstood the ef fects of the journey across the contl nent with remarkable vigor. TAFT SAVES US MONEY. President Taft has not enl > achieved great legislation. He has run a wonderfully successful adminis trntlon from a business standpoint In saving sixty-eight million dollars In the ordinary run of the year's bust ness , and In cutting down our defici ninety-three million dollars , Taft has done service that the nation doesn" give him full credit for. It's a most remarkable record. TAFT AND ROOSEVELT. All the silly talk of those enemies of the Taft administration , to the ef feet that a coolness had developed between tweon the president and Colonel Roosevelt evelt , was knocked into a cocked ha' ' when the colonel and the presiden threw their arms around one another Thursday afternoon at Beverly and enjoyed a two hours' visit such as only two warm-hearted men who love each other , can enjoy. There was no concealing the fact that the two big men were the best friends in the world. They were like two big brothers who hadn't seen one another for more than a year. They always have been friends and they're better friends than ever. It had often been said before , bul some of those who have done their best to toss mud at the Taft adminis tration , had seen fit not to believe It that Roosevelt would bo delighted with Taft's work during his first year in the white house. No reasonable American could he anything but well pleased with the great strides In con structive legislation that the adminis tration has made. Roosevelt knows , and the country will agree before Taft's first term Is ended , that no president has done greater work In so short a time than President Taft. Why shouldn't Roosevelt evelt slap his old friend Bill on the shoulder ? AROUND TOWN. Be sure it's a sane one. It's Jack , the giant killer. No , he couldn't come back. Has anybody here seen rain ? Now for those Christmas presents. Now the "I told you so" man can shine. Did you bet against the golden smile ? It's the same old feeling on the morning after. Are you betting on the bollermaker or the big cinder ? Keep you eye on The News for the fight dope while it's fresh. Northeastern Nebraska has had moro than Its quota of murder stories this week. If you want It round by round , bo a guest of The News at the Auditor- urn Monday afternoon. Here come two holidays In a bunch. 3ut bo sure you're sober enough to go to work Tuesday morning. Limping around on crutches for hreo weeks In the middle of the sumner - nor Isn't ' what It's cracked up to bo. Won't some generous soul make a sacrifice hit by leaving the baby bug gy out over night ? That'll bring rain. Nobody cares particularly what you say yo * said about the fight before it happened. Nobody will believe that that's what jou said , anyhow , unless you really had money up on It. "Please let me have a good loud alarm clock. " Bald a customer In a local Jewelry store a few days ago. " 1 want a loud one so the woman can hear It. You see she goes out and docs washing. " "Jack London , Reno , Nev. , July 5. Please rush 1,000 wonlB on the kind of breakfast food MlBtah Johnslng eats. Also , does he shave himself ? What kind of shoes does he wear ? Etc. Sport Editor. " ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. If there Is a hole In the Iloor of n store , every man who comes In will spit In it. If any suffragette was ever loved by a man It was before she joined the movement. To a boy a steamboat whistle Is as attractive as the rich rumble of a clrciiB wagon. It Is as foolish to throw away your health as it is to throw away your money. In fact , It's worse. Many a man who won't cat a Dutch lunch ( -Miring the day , at regular meal time , will eat it at midnight. There Is little In the newspapers lately , except advertising for cheap skates who are running for office. We never cared for gold fish , either. And we once gave away the best canary bird singer ever heard in Atchison. Lysander John Appleton lias never had a chance to amount to much ; so much of his time has been given to encouraging others. Having seen Halley's comet , we arc Inclined to doubt the statements that It once worried Europe as much as the coining of the Turks. When a man tells you what people are saying about you , tell him what people say about him ; that will quick ly take his mind off your troubles. When a friend calls on you , and grumbles and growls what he really desires is that you whip his enemies while he looks on from a safe dis tance. Any perfume that smells like a tuberose should be used only by wo men wearing crepe , so that people can see what is coming and get out of the way. It must be nice to be a bull dog ; a bull dog is let alone so much. People ple are not particularly kind to a bull dog , but It isn't kindness a man longs for ; it's being let alone. To the girl in love from Sunday evening to Sunday evening is a long dreary time , but to the girl reading a continued story in a magazine the time between installments is years longer. They tell of an Atchison girl who wears her dresses shorter and shorter as she grows older. As she has reached 27 , and is still growing old er , there is cause for real alarm. We are not disposed to fuss , as a rule , particularly with farmers , since farmers are the bulwark of our na tion , but we are compelled to say that Jim Morrow needs a new buggy horse. When a man Is crippled , and needs crutches for a few days , he never buys a pair ; he borrows from a neigh bor who has needed a pair , and re covered. John O'Neill has returned his. Americans love twaddle more than any other people. A leader can excite the French by appealing to their cupidity ; by promising them the priv ilege of gutting the stores , and getting groceries and clothes for nothing , but the French are not easily fooled with twaddle. An American , however , loves twaddle ; a leader can make him cry any time with twaddle , and , while he is blind with tears , and can't see , rob him. When a man Is cross there Isn't anything In the world more aggravat Ing than a house with all the connect ing doors down , or one that has doors that close noiselessly. A man likes to slam a door. He gets more good out of slamming a door , In his opln on , than any one could get out of re liglon. It Is his protest against c\- erythlng in the world that is wrong , and it means that he Isn't much older than the child that beats its head on the floor. Every time there Is a marriage the pastor , at a certain place In the cere mony , says : "If anyone knows good reason why this marriage should not iako place , let him now speak up. " We have always doubted that anyone ever spoke up at this particular place , and demanded that the ceremony stop , iut it seems we were mistaken. At Coolldge , last Wednesday , two young icoplo wore being married , and , when he preacher Invited anyone to speak up If ho knew why the marriage should not proceed , a man stepped up , and said : "I hold the proxy of Miss Sara Mllllgan , to whom this young nan was formerly engaged , and I am uithori cd to imiUo a fuss. " But the > reuched decided a fuss couldn't ho nado by proxy , and the ceremony iroceeded. Home Course In Domestic Science IX. Attractive Table Arrangements. By EDITH G. CIIARLTON. In Chnrfie of Domeitlc Economy. Iowa SUte Col'.cgo. Copyright. 1910. \ > j American AuocUlion. In importance to the propel NEXT of food la the way It Is nerved and Uio order In which the table la laid. The attrac tive oppcuruuco of well cooked food appeals strongly to the appctlto and prepares the dlgestlvo organs for their work. Probably every person has ex perienced the feeling of being suddenly hungry when souio especially attrac tive viand has been displayed before him. Equally true is It that almost every one has known hunger to van ish at sight of a table laid with soiled linen and china and food carelessly arranged on serving dishes. The home ly hash bus not a musical numo and generally calls up memories of unou- Joyablo meals , yet i have known a platter of It to win as sincere approval as has ever been bestowed on a porter house steiik. True , the hush was serv ed piping hot on a pretty platter. It was well browned , Hanked perhaps with pouched eggs and garnished with sprigs of parsley. Its llavor , too , was just as pleasing and tempting as its appearance. It may take a moment or two longer to garnish the dish of meat or vegetables , but It certainly pays for the trouble. Itather than neglect It I would suggest omitting one or two dishes from the menu. He- ferrlng to menus brings to mind the fact that in some homes , those In the country especially , tliure Is a tendency to serve too many foods of the sam kind at the same meal. For Instance , I have many time seen three kinds of cooked fruit , thre or four kinds of vegetables and a least two kinds of pickles or dessert served at nn ordinary dinner. Thl means unnecessary work , unnecessary expense and so much time spent li preparation that very likely there wa none left for dainty serving. A knowl edge of foods and food values should teach the housekeeper that onr food o each of the above mentioned kinds 1 sufficient at one time for any family. In many homes , too. It is the custom to put all the food on the table a once and bai t the various dishes pass SIMPLE 11REAKPAST TADLI1. ed from one person to the next with out any attempt at serving. While am at all times nil advocate of slm pllclty. 1 do like to see the head o the house presiding at table , carvlnj , and serving the meat at least and his wife , at her end of the table , presid ing over the coffee and serving those dishes which rightfully fall to her lot It seems much more like true hos pitality when this is done than when platters and vegetable dishes follow each other in quick succession around the table , each Individual helping him self. The extra minutes which serv ing requires Is the best thing In the world for the family , because It al lows more time to masticate the food and for social conversation , that best of all sauces for the digestion. Setting the Table. The keynote of good taste Is sim plicity , and nowhere is It displayed to better advantage than in laying a ta ble for n meal , be that an everyday family affair or n formal gathering of special guests. It is not my intention to outline a set of rules for the hostess who plans to entertain on an elaborate scale. She probably will have the ad vice and assistance of the professional caterer. But my wish Is to give a few of the important points to be observed in setting the ordinary table for the ordinary meal. And 1 want to preface what I shall say with the hope that all women who preside over homes or who have the training of young people ple In charge will Bee to It that no carelessness is permitted either In ta ble manners or in the simple act of Betting the table , because such things leave an Indelible mark in after life. The table , which may be either round , square or oblong , aa preferred. Is to be first covered with a alienee cloth , a pad of asbestus cloth or double faced canton flannel. The first is more ex pensive , but Is better because of its protection to the table and because It Joes not become moist from hot dishes and stick to the table. Over the pad Is laid the linen cloth , which should extend ten Inches over the edge of the table on all sides. The fold In the enter of the cloth should be exactly u the center or tintable. . In arranging the places allow at east twenty inches space at cue tame or eacl ) person. The china , glass and liver set for each person make what IB commonly unown tin a "covur. " In placing I In1 HIIVIT observe thin order : Ln.v the Hllvrr nn cither Hide of thn piiitc In tin1 under In which It In to bo lined , beginning at tinoutHide. . 1'laco the knives on the right Hide , Handles wliout oiu * inch trom vdgu of tntiio , ( harp edge I timed in. Lay all the forks , with tht > exception of the oymur fork , on the left Hand Hide , tinea up , handles on a line with the handles of the Itnlves. Tlii' oyster forl ; Is althor placed on the tight Hide outside the knives or tdantlng across the oyster plate , handle toward the right hand. The Npooim are properly placed on the right side , the soup spoon otiusldo the knives. The teaspoon at dinner Is next the plate * . For breakfast It may Do outside the knife If It Is to bo used first. It lu considered more correct for a formal dinner to have the silver brought to the table with enrh courao after the naiad has been served. The table napkin is folded In n sim ple square and la placed on the left Ride at the lower edge of the plate. If bread and butter platea arc used thcno are placed on the left just above the napkin. The water glass Li placed on the right side nt the top of the kntfe. A pair of nalt and pepper shnkern In placed conveniently between each two persona. UB a rule. It la well to bavcBome decoration on the table , even If It be nothing moro than a simple potted plant or BO mo aprays of wild tlowera. A small pot or growing parsley In winter H better than no decoration. The centerpiece- should be low and Hat rather than high , for the latter obstructs the view of people sitting on opposite sides of the table. Dishes of celery , olives , ptc- klca or confectionery may bo on the table from the beginning of the meat and If so should be arranged near the center around the Moral decoration. If tea or collet Is to be served on the table the cups , saucers and service Bhould be neatly arranged In front of the hostess. Serving the Meal. In many homes where there la only one maid to act as cook and waitress the serving must be as simple an pos sible. Very often , In fact , the house keeper must herself act as both coot and waitress , and then the serving must be even more simple. Hut In any case try to avoid the too common hab it of putting everything on the table at once and allowing each person to help himself. When there are boys and girls in the family they should be taught tc- take turns In serving. In that case or when the housekeeper Is alone the tlrst course may be placed on the table be fore the meal Is announced. If it la soup served from u tureen the hostess serves It from her end of the table , or the soup may bo served in the kitchen and put nt each place before the family Is seated. The soup plates and tureen are removed before bring ing in the next course. The meat plat ter is placed at the head of the table before the host , who uhould carve It and. putting a portion on each plate , pass it to the person sitting at his- rlght. This person keeps it if spe cially requested to do so or passes It on down the table. The potatoes and other vegetables may be served by the host If the family Is small or by some person sitting near him. The dinner dishes that is , the plates on which the meat course was served should be removed before bringing In the salad or dessert. If both are in- eluded In tlie menu the salad is gen erally served by the hostess. It Is quite permissible , however , to have the salad arranged on individual plates- in the kitchen and placed on the table at the beginning of dinner. Dessert should be served by the host while the hostess pours the tea or collet * . Pudding - ding sauce and cream and sugar are passed. Hrcad and butter are usually on the table throughout the meal and are passed as needed. Celery and olives are passed with the soup and pickles with the meat course. Jelly Is often passed with chicken , and apple sauce should accompany roast pork. In some households the business of serving at table without a maid has been brought to a perfection which is worthy of emulation. In order that It may be absolutely devoid of awk wardness It is necessary for euch'mem ber of the family to bo well schooled In Ills or her part. It Is nowadays the fashion In sonic households to dispense- with the services of a maid , at least during the simpler meals of tin * day. When there is a waitress she Is ex pected to take the plate from the hester or hostess and place It before the per son for whom it was served. Shfr must place all dishes at the right sldo and pass those from which the person helps himself at the left. All plates and dishes are removed from the right side. In clearing the table after eacti course nil dishes used In serving It must be removed as well as the Indi W - vidual plate and silver. After the salad and before serving the dessert all dishes , bread , butter and relishes should be removed and the crumba brushed up on crumb tray. Water glosses should be kept filled as required without removing them from the table With a little practice any meal can be served simply and correctly , and in a short time It will be found that Its enjoyment has been greatly Increased. In buying chlnu or silver remember that quality la of much more consequence quence than ornamentation , and m ilther the simpler designs and color- ngs arc preferable. Plain white china of good quality la much more satisfy , ng In the end than elaborate designs n pronounced colors. In nothing are irtlstlc sense and feeling more strong- y shown than lu the appointments of the dining table. Stated a Fact. "Do you see the horizon yonder ivhero the sky seemu to meet the arth ? " "Yes , uncle. " "Boy , I have Journeyed so near there hat I couldn't put a sixpence between \ ly head and the sky. " "Oh , uncle , what a whopper ! " "It's a fact , my lad. I hadn't one to ut. " Pearson's Weekly.