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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1910)
TUB NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. FK1DAY , JUNE 24. 3910. Tin Norfolk Weekly News-Journal The NUWH. EBtnb'llBhed 1881. The Journal , Established 1877. THE HUSE PUBLISHING COMPANY. W. N. lltiHc , N. A. lluse. President. Secretary , Kvory Friday l > y mull per yc-ar , $1.50 Knturuil ut thu iioHtulllcu at Norfolk N b. , IIH BeeOIld Class matter. TelepluTnf'51 Eflltorlnl DepaiUncut No. 22. Business Olllco ainl-3ob Rooms No. 11 22. The uvuriiKC "HtntcBinon" nro polltl clans BUgar coated with a little pat riotiHin. Roosevelt got out of England be Jure Alfred AtiBtln could write a peen Hbout him. Snrnli lUirnhurdt threatens to pla > another farewell engagement In this country next fall. Seventy thousand Kansas farmer * .arc riding In their own automobiles Yes , farming does pay. New York critics want a national musical Instrument. What's the mat ler with the phonograph ? Even the insurgents are well satis iied with the railroad bill. No out can say that the railroads wrote it. The man who Invents a straw hal that will not turn red or yellow the llrst time It gets wet will win wealtli and fame. A Connecticut man lias been arrest cd for stealing J1.500 worth of watch s. He should be sentenced to keep Jug them wound and properly adjusted , Colonel Roosevelt paid duties on all .articles he Imported. This Innovation Is a reckless assault on established custom. A normal student who was asked to name the products of China , after some hesitation , said , "tea and laun < dry work. " IB It the cost of living that makes the holes in the pee-a-boo waists grow bigger , along with the holes in the doughnuts ? Having spent five hours in a New Jersey swamp , Aviator Hamilton can now incorporate a trust under the Jaws of that state. New York children are to get ice cream July 4 instead of. fire crackers. Most of them will choose their stomach ach as against their ears. Thomas A. Edison has declared war on the horse and says he should not be allowed within the city limits. Mr. .Edison neglects to inform us who will .haul in the broken down automobiles. Two hundred drowned in German floods. That's the kind of thing ex pected in an old country where there are few forests to hold back the Jreshets. Now that Halley's comet is off on another seventy-five year tramp , we shall have to hunt up another scape- Boat to bear the responsibility for all Ihe freaks of the weather. Massachusetts school teachers by a new law must teach thrift to chil dren. If the teachers were thrifty themselves many of them would be doIng - Ing housework for higher wages. The people who sent messages to the colonel on board the steamship , will not be able to sell the replies to the autograph dealers with the mere signature of a wireless operator on them. It is fortunate for the development of the aviation industry that there are some people to whom the tedious routine of every day work does not cffer a sufficient chance of getting all smashed up. The wisdom of the world constant ly tells us that money cannot give us satisfaction , but to judge by actions very few even of those who repeat the trite saying believe it. The superintendent of the public schools in Chicago , Mrs. Young , la quite revolutionary In some of her Ideas. For instance , the memorizing of dates in United States history Is to be largely dispensed with , much to the delight of the pupils. A New Foundland fog will be noth ing to the dense profundity In which the New Foundland controversy will be wrapped by the time Senator Root and his six legal assistants have pre sented the United States side of this vexed question at the Hague tribunal. An exchange asks , "Are the multi plied millions which we spend in edu cation to produce good citizenship , lost when the ballot box is reached ? Are we all taking to kill time while the manipulators and the members of the legislature get away with the goods ? No , It Is not so bad as that , all senators are not Lorimcrs. Recent experiments made by the surgeon general of the United States army , with a regiment of soldiers In the Philippines , proves that red un derwear Is several degrees warmer than white of the same weight and texture. Now we mny look for a re newcd demand for red underwear. So rapidly are motor earn displacing the horse In London , that whereat ten years ago -iGO.OOO horses wen staliled In London , there are now enl } 110.000. This does not prove that tin horses are going to become extinct' li a few years , by any means , but mere ly that In the great cities the machim is more convenient and economical. EdlBon's clerkless store , where tin customer may , by dropping a coin Ir a slot , get what he wants done up li a neat package , will never bo a sue cess until ho Invents a return slot li which Bhe may deposit the purchase to be exchanged for something else Just a shade lighter or darker. A Massachusetts banker has beoi sentenced to prison for appropriating money ho gave to charitable liiBtltu tions. That should be a warning tt trust magnates who imagine that ii Is fair to take anything from the pee pie so long as the colleges and othci Institutions receive generous slices 01 it. lloth American and German paper makers are busily engaged in experl mentlng with all sorts of fibre plants in the hope of finding some success ful substitute for wood pulp to sat isfy the growing demand without fur ther slaughter of pulp trees at this present time. Hemp , cotton , bananr fibre and many other substances arc being tried. The great African railroad running from Cairo to the Cape of Good Hope which was the dream of Cecil Rhodes life , will be realized in a few years Through trains are now running near ly one-half the distance and the sur veylng of the entire 5,600 miles will be completed this year. The develop ment of darkest Africa has been phe- nomenal. President Taft gave some timely ad vice to the graduates of Ohio North ern university especially regarding the law profession which he knows from long experience how to advise , He said the profession is going alto gether too far in the defense of criml nals ; that the extremes to which the counsel resorts has much to do with the disgraceful condition in which we find the administration of justice. Good roads are expensive , but they pay not only in the actual facility with which farmers can haul theii produce and the Increase in comfort and speed , but good roads and streets give a far better Impression of thrift and value to visitors and investors , The Increasing value of automobiles now make Interstate trips common and the character of the highways has everything to do with turning the tide of travel and determing Its The Chicago Advance says In speak ing of the disrepute into which Sena tor Lorimer has brought the slate : "There are no more dangerous men In the state than those who can so manipulate affairs behind the scenes as to bring a state to shame and yet maintain their own respectability in the open. Reform will not do Its per fect work until it reaches these men as well as the creatures whom they use in politics. " There are but few obstacles which American engineers aie not capable of overcoming , but the recent heavy land slides at the Culebra and Cucara- cha cuts of the Panama canal are causing them much apprehension. A mass of stones and dirt estimated at 500,000 cubic yards broke away from the sides and slid into the canal. The government should not be too cock sure that the waterway will be com pleted by 1915 it may never be com pleted. About 3,000,000 German women are engaged in agriculture , yet even this number of laborers added on the soil , Intensive farming , the use of modern machinery and scientific fertilizers , does not avail to keep prices down , Potatoes , milk and vegetables are all somewhat cheaper , otherwise the Ger man pays about the same as the American for his food stuff. They have the advantage , however , of econ omizing and saving a great deal more than the Americans do. Colonel Heny Watterson's idea that journalism is now in a sort of transi tion state , having abandoned the old order of personal journalism which prevailed In the earlier days of Mr , Watterson's experience , and not hav ing quite adjusted Itself to the new order of Impersonal journalism with its ideas of commercial honor and public obligation , may be about right in many Instances. The southern in clination toward the "old fire eating" style of editorial utterance dies hard , Wendell Phillpps was on one occa sion lecturing In Ohio , and while on a railroad Journey going to keep one of his appointments , ho met In the car a crowd of clergy , returning from some sort of a convention. One of the minis- tors'felt called upon to approach Mr. Phlllpps and ask him , "Are you Mr , PhHIpps ? " "I am , sir , " "Are you tryIng - Ing to free the nltfgers ? " "Yes , sir ; I'm an ubolHloulBt.f Well , why do you prrnch your doctrine here ? Why don't j you go over Into Kentucky ? " "Excuse I me , sir , arc you a preacher ? " "I am , sir. " "Are you trying to save souls from hell ? " "Yes. Blr ; that's my bus iness. " "Well , why don't you gci there ? " The assailant hurried into the smoker amid a roar of unsnnetl- - lied laughter. In Hrltlsh East India , no self-re spectlng native woman will marry a man until he has secured , as tro- , phles of his coinage , the heads ol three victims from a neighboring , i trlbt * . It is a gruesome and most bar barous practice , but it serves to show the power that even heathen women exert. It is even more marked In civilized countries , though shown in I \ery different ways. The American i woman decides the customs and fash- j ions In dress , In the home and its fur nishings , In entertainment and all the details of life. What they decree , pre vails. The postal savings bank bill Is briefly , as follows : Deposits of Individuals ( viduals are limited to $100 in any one month , and to a total of $500 each ; deposits will draw 2 percent interest as against 3 or 4 percent In private savings banks ; depositors have the option of putting their savings Intc government bonds , to be Issued In de nominations of $20 , $ 0. $60 , $80 , $100 and $500 , bearing 2Vj percent Interest ; the postoliices are to put the deposited funds In national and state banks , which must pay 24 percent Interest and give security In the form of pub lic bonds approved by the postal sav ings bank's commission ; the govern ment is to retain 5 percent of the de posits and may use 30 percent for In vestment In government bonds , but 65 percent must remain In the local banks where it will be available for local business uses. The bill creates a board of trustees composed of the president , attorney general and the secretary of state , who shall say what postofllces shall receive deposits , and what bonds will be accepted as securi ty from the banks receiving postal savings bank deposits. The bonds of fered as security must be supported by the taxing power , which means that they may bo national , state or municipal bonds. THE MAGAZINES AND TAFT. President Taft is not receiving many words of praise from the maga zines. These conscientious moulders of public opinion are trying to get even for the effort that was made to In crease their postage rate. It is little wonder that the magazine venom should be taken with a grain of salt. THE DLOODY FOURTH. Another bloody celebration of Amer ica's Independence will soon be at hand. Already one fire has resulted In northern Nebraska from Fourth of July fireworks. And the pity is that there will be another annual list of injuries sustained by the celebrators in many cases by little children. Although the celebrations have be come saner In many cities , the Jour nal of the American Medical associa tion says that the number of tetanus or lockjaw victims has increased. And so right now it behooves the parent to treat the burns that the children may receive from powder , in order to reduce the lockjaw danger. No matter how slight the powder burn , it should be treated immediately by a physician. "Nothing less than thorough surgi cal cleansing , supplemented by a pre ventive dose of at least 1,500 units of tetanus antitoxin , " says the Journal , "should sufllce to satisfy thb con science of any physician. Certainly the experience of the last six years has been conclusive enough as to the almost absolute protection afforded tetanus anti-toxin when given early to patients with properly treated wounds of this kind. " THE HOT WEATHER. After a cool , slow spring , Old Sol is again strenuous and the same people who have been grouchy because they were not sweating and perspiring , are now groaning because they are not shivering. American climate has two or three months in summer which calls for no little good nature , but the heat of which is absolutely needful for our happiness. When the sultry oppres sion Is at Us worst , let us stop to think that all our prosperity depends upon the ripening of the crops , and that without the usual amount of heat and humidity , few of us will have the money to pay for keeping our houses warm and comfortable next winter. Heat has Its physical blessing , too , as well as Its material benefits. Sum mer's heat enables everyone to live in the open air and fill the lungs with oxygen , thus relieving us of the many throat troubles that have their origin in the bad air of the heated homes and offices of winter. Moreover few people could stand the nervous stim ulus of wintry air very long. Like wine it provokes to over exertion , and the relaxation of summer is needed , as n reminder that the physical or ganism should not be pushed beyond its real strength. SAINT SOPHIE. We are prone to think of saints as belonging to the dim and misty past. While wo give them readily a certain place of honor In our minds , yet wo usually Imagine them as safely located with thu angels , having a good time with some blissful occupation whlcn they are entitled to by living an un earthly life while on the earth. Hut once In a while \\e mnkp an excep tion even In this commercial age and recognize n leal genuine saint who Is still actually living here and now. New Orleans has such a woman. HIT name Is Sophie Wright. She was born In poverty. She is a cripple and has never been able to walk without crutches. Yet this woman is recog nized ns New Orwin's ! best citizen , because Bhe has demonstrated that the most blessed thing to do in all the .world . is to help the unfoitunnte and make more hopeful the lives of those who are lowly. Like others who suffer some peeul- iar misfortune because of her lame ness , Miss Wright matured much earl ier than her associates. When only 14 years old she started a school for girls. This was a bold Innovation ( , against the conventional Ideas which prevailed in the south nt that time as it was accepted among the canons of good taste that well-bred women in i New Orleans did not work especially along lines that savored of a public career. But from the start the school grew and prospered so well that the little , slight cripple girl rounded out her own education by attending a normal school and teaching little children In payment of her own tuition. So earn est was she in her desire to help and teach that she was finally besought by a hard working boy to Instruct him at night. This was the turning point in her career. She accepted him. Soon others came and It was not long before her home was filled with boys and men to whom she gave free tui tion at night. As her number of students gr w the problem of how to meet the demands upon time , space and money became more serious. She rented another building and this she used for the girls in the daytime and doing so earn ed the money to carry on a free night school for the boys. But the demand for more room continued incessant and never flinching under her grow ing burden she finally managed to buy a larger building on credit. It was at this juncture when she had so bravely done her best and dared to take chances that she might be still more helpful to the young people , that the yellow fever scourge swept over the city and compelled her to close her school. This took away her in come and although penniless and de feated , she immediately ignored her own troubles and gave the most un tiring devotion to the sick and dying about her. When the dread fever scourge abated the leading men of New Or leans arranged a mass meeting and in the presence of thousands of people , presented Miss Wright with a loving , cup. Inside the cup was a check and the amount It stood for in money was sufficient to pay off all the indebted ness on Miss Wright's school building. She still lives there , using a part of it for her home and her school con tinues to be a source of blessing to thousands of the poor and more neg lected children of New Orleans. She is known as "Saint Sophie the best citizen of her native city. " "There is nothing so kingly as kindness , nothing so royal as truth. " AROUND TOWN. Ho's back. How's your wheat ? Don't rock the boat. So's the man who says : "Is It hot enough for you ? " Water you going to do when the water goes dry ? Little old N. Y. and U. S. A. are good enough for T. R. The mercury was 95 In the shade Friday and it's going up. If the Btandpipe goes dry , Norfolk people may have to bathe in milk or soda water or pop or champagne. It is gratifying to know that , even if the standplpu does run dry , there's still something brewing at La Crosse. For one moment T. R. I must stand aside and let the spotlight fall upon T. R. II , who gets more attention than the average bridegroom. What would we do without that kind soul who , at 7 a. in. , mops his brow and tells you that It's going to be another scorcher ? The Blues won a notable victory , when you stop to think how much they were handicapped by a stairstep acci dent earlier In the week. There's a house In Norfolk that you can pass any day of the week and see , halnging In an upstairs window , a long bunch of false hair. There are some girls so sot unon June as a wedding month that , if they don't marry within the next ten days , the chances are they won't marry for the next year. The lions and other African animals in the Forepaugh circus realized that he was back on his native land , all right , all right. That was when the tent blew down. The sun doesn't fcocin to be In a league with this sane Fourth move ment. Or did It start that lire just to get that many explosives out of the way ? The regular army exports have by oxpoilnu'iits discovered that led un- donvoar IH several dogiees warmer than white. If you really cant keep warm those days , switch to the red. Norfolk has pretty nearly been dry for t-ovoral days but not In the SOIIFO that the county nptlnnists would plan for. It's the town pump that's at the bottom of the drouth. It's gratifying to know that T. R. . despite all the horoworshlp bestowed upon him by the civilized world , Is still human. He gave his daughter- in-law-elect nn old fashioned kiss when he reached New York. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. Don't be encouraged by a fool's promise. Men with lofty souls and lofty Ideals and ambitions , bore us nearly as much as drunkards. There Is one satisfaction for those of us who are being ground down by the Iron heel of Guggenheim : poor houses are becoming more comfort able every year. When a woman's kin comes to visit her , should she apologize to her hus band and say that they are coming awfully fast , or should she accept it as a right , and say nothing ? A woman hates to room at a private house. She Is afraid members of the family will go through her bureau drawers , during her absence , and read her letters , and look at her things. People aren't familiar with the names of strawberries like they are with the names of apples , but you oc casionally encounter strawberries which ought to be named Ben Davis. "Daysoy Mayine Applcton was on the street yesterday afternoon , " writes a subscriber , "wearing a dress much too short. Her mother is Invited to take notice. New scheme of lifting the lid in Kansas City on Sunday : Beer bottles are wrapped in blue overalls , and pur chasers carrying them out look like railroad men going to work. People are always saying it Is "aw fully quiet , " as though they are en titled to rushing business every day. Whereas every sensible man should know that , except Saturdays and cir cus days , it is always quiet. We can look at any man's dinner pail and tell if his wife loves him. A woman shows lots of her personal feeling in the way she packs boiled eggs and sandwiches In a dinner pail. Every time a man shakes the pepper shaker on the table , he frowns at him self because he mistook it for the salt ; then he reaches for the salt shaker , shakes it , and frowns at his wife be cause it i& empty. When a man and wife call at a neighbor's , and the man eats a dish of berries or any other delicacy the neighbor has to offer , the wife always says : "I don't see why he is hungry ; he Just got up from a perfectly ele gant-dinner. " Subject for discussion at tonight's meeting of the Lancaster Literary so ciety : "Resolved , That the Kansas Magazine is not typical of the state , and that the publisher should either change its character , or change its name to the Wichita Magazine. " A Russian lately arrived in Atchison who is unable to sppak any language known in this town. He soon secured work in a well known factory and was such a particularly steady man that he was given a dollar a week extra. Rut he has somehow managed to tell about that extra dollar a week , and make trouble for his employer. In these times when every one seeks for more beautiful thoughts , don't say as "white as a sheet. " Sometimes sheets are made of unbleached mus lin , and it is therefore , a more beau tiful thought to say "as white as a tuberose. " 'At least that is what the Kansas City Post says of the wife of Dr. Hyde , and the Post is doing some beautiful writing about the Hydes. Daysey Mayme Appleton once de cided that she could get more en joyment out of literature if she un derstood French , so she took up the study of that language , and this Is the way she went about it She invited - vited ten girl friends in to tea , and , somewhere between the fruit salad and the ice cream , there was talk of getting up a class to study French. After much discussion over the new est way of doing the hair , It was de cided to meet again a week later , and this time they played cards , still talkIng - Ing between deals of how nice it would be to be able to throw out sentences In the French language. "And , perhaps , " some of them said with enthusiasm , "we may some day write..a French novel. " This was last fall , and the girls have been meeting nt regular Intervals over since to talk of the advisability of organizing a class to study French. At these meetings Daysey Mayme has won seven prizes at bild \vhlot , four at high-five , learned three now ways of making fudge , and two now ways for doing her hair , but has enjoyed most of all the carrying of her text books on the French language through the streets. Home Course In Domestic Science VUL Useful Labor Saving Devices. By EDITH G. CHARLTON , In Charge of Domestic Economy. Iowa State College. Copyrljthl , 1910. by Amerlun Pitt * Auociilion. hns always HOUSEKEEPING to n certain ex tent by tradition and some su- perstltlon. Until recently few women thought of making Investiga tions for themselves regarding ques tions In general housekeeping , the word of some groat-grnnilmother being usually milllelunt. The fact that 111 * grandmother had no opportunity to study the laws of nature ns seen In the ordinary process of living did not disturb the average woman's faith In her opinion. Hut now a chnngo Is gradually moving across the country , and the up to date housekeeper Is alive to anything which suggests Im proved and easier methods of work. She will Investigate now plans and try practicable suggestions which seem to offer grtater facility In her work. But there is yet In our midst the con servative housekeeper. She Is slow to adopt new methods or to provide now and better equipment for her work. HOMEMADE FIItEIjES3 COOKER. There may be and often Is another reason besides conservatism which makes her tiesltato to change her mode of work. It is because the men. who are generally the money earners , are often averse to spending any sum of money for house equipment. Not being familiar with the details of do mestic work and having larger Inter ests In their own business , they are very apt to think women can get along with almost anything or. rather , they think that housework can bu accom plished with any sort ot tools. Occasionally n woman dislikes to ask for what she needs , or sometimes she will not accept modern Inventions when they are offered to lier , and now and then we find one who will not use them when they are actually In her possession. It is not always easy to tell just whore the lault lies or what it is. but one thing Is certain , there has been less advance in House keeping during the last twenty-five years than lias been made by any other industry. , Agriculture as It Is carried on at present is no more llko farming twenty-five years ago than truck gardening Is like ranching , ir the same Interest had been taken In household affairs there might have been similar advancement ID that roost important ot all Industries. There are numerous inventions OB the market for making housework easier. Some of them are valuable , and others are worse than useless. Unless an Implement after tt has been given a fair trial Is found to be a saver of both time , labor and energy It Is not worth bouse room. The Handy Firelcts Cooker. Among the most useful articles that have been brought Into the kitchen within the last five years Is the tire less cooker , or , as It was llrst named , the "hay box. " The conception of the tireless cooker Is a very old one , as some of the primitive races knew all about and practiced the art of cooking after this manner. But It was forgot ten or neglected by civilized people until n few years back. Now the "hay box" has proved Itself so useful as an economy of energy and fuel that It has come to stay. There are some handsome tireless cookers on the mar ket that can be purchased for the moderate price of from $8 to $10 , and so complete and perfect are they that freezing , steaming and roasting can be accomplished at the same time in the three separate compartments. On several occasions 1 have frozen n mousse In one compartment , steamed corn bread In the second and cooked meat In the third at the same time and have had each dish "done to a turn" when It was needed for the ta ble. With the additions of the hot Ronpstones that are included In some cookers meat may be roasted and bread , cake and pies baked most suc cessfully without requiring the slight est attention after they are put In tha baker 1 know one housekeeper who does all her cookinc , baking and roust- , ing with the help of n tireless cooker nnd n tireless baker and n tvo burner gasoline stove. She bus proved , too , / 1 that she accomplishes more work with better results at about one-half the cost of fuel and twice as much saving of her own time and labor an when shu used a tlrst class eoal range. Really the term "tireless cooker" Is a misnomer , and a much better nanio would be "heat retainer. " for tliero must llrst be heat tMiviteh to hrl'ig whatever IH to be cooked to the bellIng Ing point or until It has been hinted throughout to at least ISO degrees. This can be accomplished over any kind of fire. Then the bent is simply retained by the cooker for several hours or until the cooking Is com pleted. The Homemade Cooker. It Is not necessary to ljuy a cooker , though one or more should lie Included In every up to date kitchen equipment. Very satisfactory ones have been made out of a wooden box or pail lined carefully with hay , wood , excelsior or paper , which Is covered with outing ; llannel or iinbcstus , leaving a hole In the center to lit closely around thu utensil Inhleh the food Is cooked. The principle Involved In using the- cooker Is that the receptacle Is mndo of and lined with some nonconducting material which holds the heat hi the food until It is cooked. For this rea son a wooden box , barrel or pall IH used for the outside part. This IH lined three or four Inches thick with wool , paper , excelsior or In some cases with exhausted air. A space Is left lu the center which fits closely around the covered granite utensil In which food Is cooked. A padded cover tits tight over the top of the cooker , thus allowing no chance for the outside air to enter or the heat to escape. The temperature the food material Is wheu It Is put Into the cooker will be re tained for several hours , and thu fall In temperature Is very gradual. The principle Is the same for freezing as In cooking , a low temperature being- retained the same as a high degree of heat. In the baker two soapstones are heat ed for fifteen minutes directly over the fire , and then one Is placed above- and the other below the article to be- baked. Cooking Cereals In the "Fireless. " The flreless cooker Is especially adapted for foods that require long , slow cooking , but Is not intended for articles which require rapid boiling. It Is particularly well suited for ce reals of all kinds , because the princi ple underlying the cooking of alt starchy foods is that it should be slow , thorough and prolonged. In a previous article the statement was made that the breakfast oatmeal may be cooked In the tireless cooker. The directions for doing this are as follows : To two cupfuls of boiling water add one teaspoonful of salt. Stir lu gradu ally one cupful of oatmeal. Let it boll directly over the lire for live minutes , then place lu the cooker for eight ; hours or overnight. If the oatmeal IH cold In the morning reheat over hot water. Many persons are familiar with the coustructlon ot the lireles.i cooker , but are not quite sure bow to use one. For such a few general rules may bo- helpful. Some General Directions. As there is no evaporation in the- . cooker , use less water with cereals of. / any kind. While cooking the food over the tire leave the vessel uncovered. This will permit the gases formed In cooking to escape. This is particularly necessary In preparing ( -1111-1:011 : and other meats for the cooker. If the granite utensil used lu the cooker Is too large for the amount ot food , us.0 a smaller vessel lu which to- cook the food and set It inside the larger utensil , surrounded by hot wa ter. To insure perfect success there- should be two vacant spaces in the- cooker or utensil. This method of cooking is splendid for chicken fricassee , stews of all kinds , pot roasts , soups and for any meat dish which requires slow cook- Ing. II the piece ot meat Is large re heating it after It has been In the- cooker four or live hours and then con tinuing the cooking four or live hours longer will give better results. The length of time the lood is to be- cooked over the tire depends on the size and nature of the food. A ten pound ham should simmer , never boll , for about forty minutes and cook in. the cooker Kr ten hours , with a second end reheating alter the first four hours. The tireless cooker Is not Intended ; for fresh vegetables of any kind. These , as previously stated , require- * * ? rapid cooking , which cannot b accom plished In it. If the potatoes are cook ed In it they are sure to be heavy and more or less watery. If meat is liked brown this should be done before or after being put into the cooker. Practical Cooking Utensil * . The variety and kind of utensils to- be used In the kitchen are always aa Interesting topic to all good house keepers. There is only one point to emphasize in equipping a kitchen , and that is that the best material Is none too good ; ( Lisa the extent ot the equip ment should bo equal to the needs of the housekeeper. 1 have been lu many klteheus where/ the utensils were In such a wornout : oudltion ami so insufficient lu kind und number thut 1 was not surprised to hear the woman say she disliked to cook or that she was an unsuccess ful cook. An Anxious Inquiry. When little three-year-old Ada was iold the story of Lot's wife being turn- id Into n pillar of salt she asked her mother anxiously , "Is all salt made of adlcs ? " Different. Larry My wife went away yester- lay morning Harry Is that what uakes you look BO glum ? Larry No , she came back last ulght. Exchange.