The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 24, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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William Banner Hurt.
William Hannor WIIB ( lie victim of u
Jailing ladder. Ho IH reported painfully -
fully Injured. Mutt Shaffer , Firemen
JIuehholz. Luu and a immlior ot other
liook and ladder ini'ii were among
those on the burning walls which col
lapsed JiiHt as the men reached nafot )
on the pile of let .
Deal the Traveling Men.
In u flint and exciting game of loss
than tin hour's duration a ] ileU-up
team defeated the traveling nien'H
baseball team by a score of G to 5 In
utx InnlngH. All through the gamu the
traveling men allowed up some line
team work and with their able battery -
tory would probably have como out
the vk'torH had the full nine Innings
boon playod. Me.MastcrB proved a
mystery In the pitcher's hex for the
travelers and WIIH a Htar all-around
player for the inon with the grip.
Kollehor pitched for the pick-ups and
made good.
The Kcoro by innings :
J'iek-upH 0 1 0 It 1 1 C
Traveling Men 0 0410 0 5
Hattorles MeMastor and Holbrook ;
Kelloher and Lonzer. Umpire.
Jeffries' Cnmp Without Snap as Re
sult of Glllett's Order.
Jeffries' Training Camp. June 20.
Wo are all like a stale bottle of pop
absolutely without any snap or ginger
and once more Jeffries disappointed
me by resting and not doing any box
The gloom thnt was cast over the
camp by the announcement that the
governor had ordered the fight
stopped lias not disappeared and no
body felt at all like working. We all
wanted to just loaf and think , and
that's all .we did.
Of course Jeffries did punch the
bag and play two games of handball
in the morning and he interspersed a
little rope skipping into ins morning
Avorkout. Hut I noticed that he did
not put the vim into the game that he
generally does , and I proved an easy
victim for him because of my own
gloomy feelings. I was totally with'
out ambition and felt a little bit re
llevc'd when I learned that Jeffries
had Cut out work for the day.
Mind you , what Jeffries did he did
well , but he just did it in the manner
of a man who wants to keep in shape ,
not in the vigorous slam bang style
that has characterized his work be
fore. You see I'm using my own feel
lugs as a barometer of Jeffries and 1
think I have him gauged right. How
ever , way out here where we are nl-
most cut off from civilization we can't
tell exactly what's going on in the
city , and understand that a lot ol
things have transpired and developed
that we know nothing about.
Jeffries 'insists upon making him
relf think that the light will bo held
in Frisco , and he will continue tc
think that way till he's officially notl
lied to the contrary by Tex HIckard
Up to date ho has not been notified
If the scene of battle Is changed , ant !
it appears likely that it will be , 1
should advise Jeffries not to ask for r ,
postponement. He already is in great
condition and I do not think he coult
improve on himself physically by tak
ing more time.
Personally , from what Informntior
I have at hand , I do not think there' ;
n chance for the light to be held ii
Frisco now. Hut until Jeffries has
his mind set at rest regarding this
point I do not believe ho will attempi
any boxing whatever. And that's
what is worrying mo just now UK I have said all along , Jell
needs it , and needs It badly. It's al
well to say that he never boxed mucl
in training before and that he has
done more glove work for this fighi
than he did for any other one he evei
had , but it is also true that he nevei
has stacked up against such a clevei
boxer , outside of myself , as this same
Mr. Jack Johnson. My light with Jeff
ries at Coney Island Is what we hai
to go on in trying to figure the com
ing battle.
"But Jeff won , didn't he ? " say you
He did , but we must remember tha
that was ten years ago , and ten yean
makes a big difference. And we als (
must remember Jeffries has not had i
glotn on In seven years , whereas IK
was boxing right along when he wen
against me. If he did not do it whih
training he was doing It in the rlnj
for blood. The fast work at boxlnf
will get Jim's eye and distance rlghi
and then there'll be nothing to It
That's absolutely all he needs now
and I know It will help him greatly
James J. Corbett.
Herrick's Baseball Team.
Herrick Press : The leaders of Her
rick's baseball organization went ou
among the business people Monda ;
and solicited donations of funds wltl
which to purchase new ball suits
mitts , and other paraphernalia usei
In the games. Our people respondet
to the call liberally and in the coursi
of an hour or two nearly $150 wai
raised. Herrick Is to have a goo (
team this year , but Intends to adhen
to the rule of playing local parties
only , which we believe should be fol
lowed by all the towns In the Inter
est of good , interesting baseball.
With "Unloaded" Gun.
Wisner Chronicle : While Willlan
Schmoldt was shooting at a target a
his father's home last Sunday with i
small rille , a bullet struck Mona , tin
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Join
Dewitz , who was playing at thel
home at a distance of several blocks
The ball passed through a small per
tlon of the llesh on one of her limb :
and grazed the other. This acclden
demonstrates the danger of using fire
arms in the city. It Is Indeed fortu
nate that the ball did not strike tin
little girl in n vital spot or It wouli
Lave caused a terrible tragedy.
The Clanging of the Tlmplece Bother'
e'd the Singer.
New York , June 20. Not for every
one IH the old town clock of Irvlngton-
on-tho-Hudson stopped. Hut last night
It came to a stand for Lillian Nordlea.
The songstress did not stop It her
self. It was done by polite town olll-
clals. This Is why :
The other day when the singer visit
ed the town hall , In whoso tower Is
the old clock that has not stopped for
years , Hhe made a few minor altera
tions In the room for the concert
which she gave last night for the ben
efit of the Hudson Kiver Franchise as
sociation. As she stood on the stage
the old clock boomed forth the hour.
"Mercy me , what , was that ? " ex-
lalmed the singer.
She was told that it was the clock
sounding the hour.
"Hut I can't sing with that going
.HI. " she declared.
So the clock was halted In Its prog
ress. It was allowed to strike the
lour of 8 , just before the concert be-
; tui , and then it was silent until 11 ,
when the concert was over.
Mrs. J. W. Oliver Asks $25,000 for the
Alienation of Affections.
Chicago , Juno 20. Mrs. Ida Loft Is ,
wife of Joseph S. Loftls of the diamond
mend linn of Loftls Itros. & Co. , was
sued for $25,000 for alienation of affec
tions by Mrs. Ada F. Oliver , wife of
John W. Oliver , SOti East FIfty-llrst
street , a real estate man connected
with the firm of Oliver & Co. , 110
Dearborn street.
While the suit , which was filed In
the superior court by Attorney Hiram
I. Keck , representing Mrs. Oliver , has
attained only the dimensions of a
praecipe , it was gathered that Mrs.
Oliver claims to have met Mr. Oliver
and Mrs. Loftls together in the Con
gress hotel recently. They did not
recognize Mrs. Oliver , according to
the story , and In consequence Mrs.
Ollvod was enabled to surprise her
husband by accusations when he had
reached the Oliver residence that
night. Thorn was a family smash and
Mr. Oliver departed from the prem
Over the telephone from her resi
dence at 4011 Sheridan road , Mrs. Lof-
tis , the defendant in the case , made
vigorous answer to the allegation con
tained in the bill.
"Tills is absurd and Impossible , " she
gasped , when told of it. "This is the
first I have heard of the charge. "
The story about the alleged meetIng -
Ing In the Congress hotel then was
recited In detail to Mrs. Loftis.
"Absolutely absurd and Impossible , "
she repeated.
"Who Is Mr.Oliver , ? " asked the In
"My husband will discuss this case , "
responded Mrs. Loftls firmly. "I am
not going to go Into my affairs with
you. "
"Is Mr. Loftls there ? " asked the in-
tervlewer , who was perfectly willing
to talk with him.
"Yes , he's here , but he's sick and
can't come to the phone , " responded
Mrs. Loftis. "But he'll talk to you to-
morrow. "
"This is a surprise to me , " said Mrs ,
S. T. A. Loftis , wife of another mem
ber of the diamond firm. "I know
nothing of this trouble. Yes , I know
the Olivers that is , one family ol
that name. "
Mrs. Oliver was found at her resi <
deuce. She proved to be a brunette
with flashing eyes. She was In higli
dudgeon and spoke wrathfully to the
reporter. In point of speed her words
competed with the flashes of her eyes
"I won't talk about this to any re
'porters , " she announced. "You can'l
bluff me into talking. "
The reporter spoke soothingly ; , bul
she refused to be beguiled by his re
presentations. She wouldn't tell where
her husband was if she knew. etc.
etc. Then she bounced back into hei
flat and slammed the door.
Mrs. Walter D. Oliver , 4501 Drex
el boulevard , said she had not heard
anything about the trouble.
"I didn't know that they had had
any trouble , " she said , referring to the
Oliver family Involved in the suit. " 1
cannot discuss their affairs. "
The Loftis brothers gained some no <
torlety In 1908 , when a shooting oc
curred in their office during a bus !
ness meeting of the company. Samuel
Loftls was shot and slightly wounded
and the central police were called.
Samuel came into public notice
again last August when he was expelled
polled from the South Shore Country
club "for conduct Injurious to the
peace and good order of the South
Shore Country club" by a vote of the
board of directors.
It was alleged at the time that Mr ,
Loftls had used unbecoming language
to his wife and had laid violent hands
upon her. The evidence was to the
effect that Mr. Loftls did not strike 01
slap his wife , but that a scene wai
created In the club that was Impro-
Norfolk Has Water Famine.
If Norfolk had had a fire Fridaj
night or Saturday , or if It has one to
night , there would have been and
there will be serious danger. There
isn't enough water in the standpipc tc :
play tag with the smallest kind of n
flame. Residents living near the
stnndpipe can't get a drop of watei
and there's only a little trickle In
other parts of town , when the hose is
turned on. So your town's In danger ,
The city took back the water pump
Ing proposition to its own account
some weeks ago. and hasn't been able
to maintain pressure.
Part of the time the city buys olec
trie power but It has Its own steam
pumn at the water works. Supervl
sion of the pressure rests entirely with
the city.
The city mayor himself says the
water barely leaked through a garden
hose at his home. The mayor's telephone -
phone was kept busy by Inquirers who
asked to know what the trouble was.
Ho made an Investigation and found
that there was very little or no water
at all In the standpipc , though the
electric pump was working. "I don't
believe there was ten feet of water In
the Htandpipe last evening , " said the
"In ease of a fire , we would be with
out protection , would wo not ? " he was
asked. *
"Absolutely , " replied the mayor. "I
ordered the city's steam pump fired
up this morning , " continued Mayor
"Unless we can get pressure with
the'steam pump , which is all out of
order at this present time , 1 will have
to ask the citizens to quit using water
until a now heater for the steam pump
arrives. We linvo no heater now and
cold water Is thrown into the boiler ,
whereas before it was heated at about
ISO degrees before It entered the boil
er. It will cost us about $1,000 or
more to put our steam pump In con
dition. "
The mayor ajso believed It would
cost more to fix the pump in tiptop
shape before the city could have the
plant in first class condition.
The city street sprinkler was shut
off during the afternoon to save water.
"The electric pump is a 4'JO-gallon
capacity machine and the city steam
pump ibout i > 00 gallons , " said one
man , who has been running the pumps ,
and both together can't keep the
stamlpipi' filled well enough to pro
tect the town against fire. The pumps
haven't the capacity to meet the de
mand , at the rate Norfolk is using
water now. Hose allowed to run in
the lawn all day long Is commonplace ,
and the result is that If Norfolk should
have a fire , there'd be serious consequences
quences possible. "
Conservatory Commencement.
The final program of graduation of
students from the Norfolk branch of
the Western Conservatory of Music
of Chicago was rendered at the Audi
torium Thursday evening before an
appreciative and enthusiastic audi
The graduates were Misses Grace
Hills , May Schwenk and Emma Lane.
The musical program by the graduates
and post-graduates was very fine. The
post-graduates taking part were Mrs.
Lily Jaycox-Mitchell of Pilger , Oscar
Schavland of Newman Grove , Edyth
Nelson-Ulrich of Plainview , Harold M.
Diers of Madison , Maude Wliitla of
Meadow Grove.
Dr. TIntlall , In a neat and Instruc
tive address presented the diplomas
to the graduates , also presented three
books of musica.information \ to three
members of the'Conservatory for punc
tuality of attendance , not having
missed a regular lesson during the
year : Misses Elva Templeton of Win-
side , Linda Magdanz and Ruth In-
holder of Pierce. The gold medal was
presented to Oscar Schavland , class of
1UOG , as reward of merit for progress
in music since graduation. An unus
ual feature of the year's course was
the booklet of recitals during the year
past , containing the alumni roster ,
prepared by Mrs. Cora A , Heels , the
inter-state teacher and director , to
whose indefatigable labors the success
of the institution is due.
11-Ycar-Old Lad Becomes
- - Entangled
In a Rope While Playing.
Miller , S. D. , June 18. The 11-year-
old son of Jacob Holsworth , living
north of here , while playing in a barn
got tangled in a rope and hanged him
Lyle Jackson Admitted to Bar.
Neligh , Neb. . June IS. Special tc
The News : Lyle E. Jackson of this
city passed the examination and was
admitted to the bar at Lincoln on
Wednesday evening of this week. He
is 114 years of age and is the second
son of Hon. N. D. Jackson and wife ,
Lyle was born and reared In Neligh ,
His qualifications as an attorney are
beyond question and the future before
him is certainly bright. Mr. Jackson
has been a student in the law depart
ment of the Creighton school of Oma
ha for one year , and has studied In
the olilce formerly occupied by Me
father and Charles H. Kelsey for the
past two years.
Result of Contest for Land Commls-
slonershlp In Doubt.
Pierre , S. D. , June 18. It will take
an official count , which probably will
be made some time next week , to set
tle the land commisslonership nomina
tion contest between Foster , stalwart ,
and Brlnker , Insurgent.
Earl Ransom returned from Dallas ,
Miss Mary Thomas of Verdel was
E. F. Wentz of Humphrey was in
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gilraan of Ver
del were in the city.
C. S. Hayes returned from a busi
ness trip at Madison.
Miss Selma Neuman has gone to
Stanton to visit with relatives.
W. S. Hutterfield Is here from the
Wausa ranch for a few days' visit.
H. W. McKeen , editor of the Madi
son Chronicle , transacted business
here.Mrs. . W , A. Moldenhauer has gone ta
Stanton to visit with the Gus Fechner
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gates of Lin
coln are In the city visiting with the
A , II. Vlelc family.
Mrs. G. C. Ellis and her daughter of
Maquoketa. la. , arc hero visiting with
her sister. Mrs. R. S. Lackey.
Miss Anna Fair has gone for a week
camping at Crystal lake with Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Berry of Wayno.
Mrs. W. R. Hoffman and daughter ,
Miss Kathleen Hoffman , returned from
a visit with relatives at Omaha.
Mrs. James Allbery has gone to
Omaha to spend a few days with her
daughters , Mrs , Watt and Miss Hnttle
James Pile , F. W. Pile and James G.
Mine * of Wayne were In the city at
tending n meeting of Damascus com-
mandery , No. 20.
Robert Mollencroft , a night tele
graph operator at the Junction , lias
gone to Freeport , 111. , to spend n few
weeks' vacation with relatives.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Emll Heck-
man , a daughter.
Physicians report a number of
cases of whooping cough hero.
H. M. Culbertson of 4' ' South
Fourth street Is another victim of
chicken thieves. Last Sunday his
barn was entered and thrity-llve three-
weeks-old chicks were stolen.
The funeral of Silas Ball was held
from the Second Congregational
church Saturday afternoon at 2
Miss Helen Lobdoll , librarian of the
Norfolk public library , left Saturday
for Iowa City , la. , to take a six weeks'
course in library work.
The Salter Grain and Stock com
pany and the Farmers Elevator com
pany each sent a load of hogs to the
South Omaha market , striking a " 10-
higher" market Saturday.
S. C. Peckham. a brother-in-law of
Mrs. Ingles of Norfolk , a prominent
farmer living near Pawnee City , Neb. ,
was Instantly killed last Tuesday by
being kicked by one of his horses. He
leaves a widow and four Children.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa K. Leonard have
moved their household goods Into the
house recently vacated by the W. J.
Stadelman family on Koenlgsteln av
enue. Dr. P. H. Salter has rented the
entire upper floor of the Leonard
building and will have it remodeled.
Earl and Claud Housh were called
before Justice Elselcy at 2 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon to answer charges of
assault and battery filed against them
by Harry Howarth. who is wearing
his head in bandages as the result of
being struck with bricks , lie alleges
that the two Housh brothers attacked
him Friday evening.
Notwithstanding the protest filed b.
the local W. C. T. U. members against
the appearance of Carrie Nation at
the Norfolk chautnuqua , Manager IIol-
llday of the chautauqua , In a letter to
the executive committee here says
thnt Mrs. Nation has a large number
of open dates and will be sent here to
The W. C. T. U. institute of Madison
county will be held with the Norfolk
union nt the Methodist Episcopal
church June 21. There will be busi
ness at 10I0. : ! A picnic dinner In the
basement at 12 o'clock , afternoon ses
sion at 2:30 : and a matrons' entertain
ment at 8 o'clock In the evening. A
cordial Invitation is extended to all to
attend these meetings.
Arrangements for the firemen's pic
nic which will be held nt the mill
grounds Sunday have been completed
by the hose companies. A large at
tendance of firemen Is expected. A
number of contests are scheduled and
the firemen declare they have spared
nothing to make the event' success.
The mayor and city council have been
invited to spend the day with the fire
In Quaint Old Venice.
Venice , May 10. Of nil the cities of
the eartli this is the most unique , for
it is bnilt out in the Adriatic sea on
120 small islands , about ten miles from
the mainland. The city is connected
by 4f > 0 public bridges so that the
streets are made of water , and gondolas
dolas are the vehicles for travel.
Horses and carriages have never
been seen in the streets of this an
cient city. Venice was founded by n
few men seeking an escape from
Attila , who was looked upon as the
"scourge of God. " This Venetian city
withstood the storms and attacks of
enemies for over a dozen centuries ,
and still defies the sea that constantly
Hews through its streets.
The first bank of deposit In Europe
was started in this city , and here the
first newspaper known to the world
was printed in St. Mark's square for a
coin , called The Gazetta. Venice was
the first town in Italy to print books.
On the Grand canal is the RIalto
high bridge mentioned by Shakespeare ,
which Is curious and attractive but
worn by the lapse of years.
Rogers says , in describing Venice :
"There is a glorious city in the sea.
The sea is in the broad , the narrow
streets ,
Ebbing and flowing ; and the salt sea
Clings to the marble of her palaces.
No trace of man , no footsteps to and
fro ,
Lead to her gates. The path lies o'er
the sea
Invisible ; and from the land we went ,
As to a floating city steering in
And gliding up her streets as in a
dream. "
It's a Slow Life.
It is strange ! All through the city
are the waterways for the gondolas ,
which are the only means of transpor
tation. How would Norfolk people
like to live in such a city ? Always
life. No sound of rolling wheels or
bear one away to business or the
store. It Is indeed a very slow , quiet
waiting for a gondola to come and
clattering hoofs.
The noted church In the city is St.
Mark's , so named because the apostle
St. Mark is buried near one of the
shrines. It was built In 830 A. D. Out
side the portico are four bronze
horses , the work of Lyslppus the Co
rinthian artist. They were presented
to Nero , who caused them to be har
nessed to the chariot of the sun , after
wards used by Troian and then
brought from Constantinople by
Doge Dandolo in 1204. Inside the
door of the main entrance is a stone
on which it Is said Pope Alexander
III made Frederick Uarbarossa pros
trate hlmnolf. and placed his foot on
the king's neck and made him recog
nize the papal power. This was July
23 , 1177. This shows how some men
use power when It Is given unto them.
In front of this church Is a largo open
court or rlazzotta , where people feed
the thousands of pigeons trom 2 to 4
o'clock each day. and 1 am sure our
party enjoyed this novel experience
very much , and then the birds are so
tame and will eat out of one's hands.
Nearby Is a clock tower on which are
two bronze figures which strike the
hours on the big bell and then bronze
figures come out to mark the time , one
for each hour , and the days here are
marked by from 1 o'clock up to 24
The square Is surrounded witli shops
and stores of a thousand kinds. Near
by Is the Doges' palace , on the Grand
canal. This Is a wonderful building ,
now used for a picture gallery. The
best and finest paintings here are :
"The Israelites Crossing the Dead
Sea" ; "Christ in Glory ; " "Jacob's Re
turn Home" ; "The Angel Driving the
Vices Away" ; "The Battle of Lepan-
to" ; "The Adoration of the Savior. "
Hut the most famous of all Is "Para
dise , " by Tintoretto. This picture Is
GOxlOO feet , and if Paradise In any
wise competes with this , as wo truly
believe thnt it greatly surpasses any
picture , it is Indeed a grand good hap
py place and most of all to be sought
Infamous Prison Under Palace.
rndorneath the palace is the in
famous prison where the captives wore
kept , and these are dingy damp cells ,
and death would surely be a pleasure
Instead of years spent In these horrible
rible places. Just above these cells
and over a canal is the Bridge of Sights ,
where women , wives and sweethearts
came to weep for loved ones who had
been sent to Imprisonment.
The cheapest ride I ever had on a
steamer was in Venice , where I took
an hour's ride for two cents. It was
here I met a Mrs. Ilutchlns of Indian
apolis , a classmate of mine while a
student in DePauw university.
Venice Is a city of 2r)0,000 ) people ,
and thousands of tourists are dally in
the town. From Venice we took a
long run on the train to Uelluno , a
beautiful little city in the mountains.
Here we chartered a coach and took a
two days' coaching trip through the
Tyrolese Alps of forty-seven miles.
This was a beautiful trip , as we wound
our why up over mountain after moun
tain , each one covered with the eter
nal snow. We spent one night at Cor
tina , just over the line in Austria. It
was very cold here , snow being all
around our hotel. We secured car
riages here for a still higher drive
over the new Dolomite road of ten
miles through a region of unsurpassed
beauty. It has been called the pearl
of the Tyrolean mountain-world , and
Its sublime grandeur surely justifies
Its name of the Alpine Paradise of
Tyrol , for not even the wildest Imag
ination can possibly conceive a more
bewildering array of phnntnsticnlly
shaped mountain giants or more va
riegated lines of richly tinted peaks
and spires that tower into the blue
sky on every side , all white in the
glistening sun. The ancient burgs and
castles scattered over the mountains
increase the charm of natural beauty.
A large snow plow had to go before us
and open a road for us. After passing
over the mountains we were told 8,738
feet high , we came to Toblach , where
we took the train for Innsbruck ,
Again we passed through a wonderful
mountain scenery , leaping from moun
tain to mountain and passing from one
feet deep on every one. We came at
last into a beautiful valley to the oily
of Innsbruck , the capital of Tirol , a
city of 50,000 people. Hero we spent
a. few days and feasted on the pictures
in the royal palace and visited the
tunnel to another , rnd snow ten to 100
"Hofkirche , " named after the patriot
Andreas Hofer , who fought against
surrendering Tirol to Bavaria. Gener
al Hofer was captured and ordered
shot by Napoleon.
As I sit in my hotel and look down
in the valley I see parks , gardens ,
green trees and fruit , then I raise my
eyes up the mountain and they are
crested with the snow. So here I am ,
in one second I see the summer scene ,
but the next I see the frost of the
north pole. Our party Is all well and
we are having a great time.
I must say goodbye.
Charles Wayne Ray.
Innsbruck , Tirol , May 13 , 1910.
A Visit to Dresden.
Dresden , May 22. We have spent a
very delightful time in Dresden , the
capital of Saxony , located on the Elbe
river , 11C miles southeast of Berlin.
This is a modern , up-to-date city of
600,000 people and is a popular center
for American tourists , and just now
the town is flooded with these globe
trotters. Some are here for a few
days only , but others are here for one ,
two and three years.
The streets are elegantly paved
with either block , wood , s one or ce
ment and are clean and well kept.
However , you will often see that the
street sweepers are women some
times real old women. The stores are
large and fine in appearance , but are
generally confined to one line of goods
one store for gloves , another for
hats , shirts and so on , and on Sunday
these stores are all closed and canvas
is placed over the show windows so
that goods are not to be seen on the
Sabbath. The railway station Is a fine
large marble building , very neat and
clean. There are three beautiful
churches here the Presbyterian , Luth
eran and Roman Catholic.
The royal palace is a magnificent
place. It is the homo of the king of
Saxony. The decorations , furniture
and furnishings are very costly. On
the outside wall facing the main street
are painted the pictures of all the for
mer kings.
The royal art gallery commands the
attention of the world , for it has 2.GOO
pictures , Most of those are master
pieces. One of the principal attrac
tions hero Is the "Grosao Garten , "
which Is a large park , two miles long
and one mile wide , and Is a.very beau
tiful place. Flowers , trees and nature
beauties are elegant ; then the little
lake Is a mass of fishes and I thought
how M. C. Ilnzcn. Dr. 1) . K. TIndall
and 1) ) . Mnthowson would like to have
a chance to drop their hooks In and
try their luck.
Meat Cheaper There.
The big steamers ply up and down
tiie river and do a large business. 1
have noticed that moats are cheaper
here than In America. Ham and ba
eon are Hi cents per pound.
One can rldo several miles on the
street cars for two cents , and on a
bus for one cent for a rldo.
This Is a center for musicians , and
many are here from America and also
from England. The much talked of
llnlley's comet has passed over with
out any serious injury to our world ,
and people here who were very much
excited before have settled down to a
once more quiet life. The recent re
port concerning the navies of the world
gives the United States second and
Germany third , so that Americans may
well be proud of their place , hut the
day Is near when we shall staud first
In the navy , arm and commercial cen
ter. Even now the English are con
ceding that New York city has the
lead of London for business. Our
American future and greatness , viewed
from the narrow confines of these
small countries , twenty of which may
be pitched Into our country and lost to
sight , is very amazing and unparal
leled In the history of any other coun
try. Long may the stars and stripes
float over a free and united people.
One of our greatest needs Is , 1 am
sure , a stricter enforcement of our
laws. Too much freedom is given and
we are too easy on some of our law
You will hear from me from Berlin
after a few days.
Here's to the health of Norfolk cit
izens. Charles Wayne Ray.
Charles Bode Pleads Guilty to Bur
glary and Gets Year In Pen.
Stanton , Neb. , Juno 18. Special to
The News : The adjourned March
term of the district court of Stanton
county came to an end. One remark
able fact connected with this term is
that every case on the docket except
five was disposed of during the two
sessions of this term. This is the first
time in the history of Stanton county
that but live undisposed of cases were
on the district court calendar.
The more important matters tried
were the following : State of Nebras
ka vs. John S. Hancock , charge em
bezzlement ; defendant acquitted.
August Schumacher vs. Louis W.
Siecke , verdict and judgment for de
City of Stanton vs. William Loebe ,
et al. , being an attempt to extend the
city limits of Stanton ; objecting de
fendants successful.
James V. Robinson vs. Al Marks ,
judgment for defendant.
State of Nebraska vs. Dennis Me-
Clure , case dismissed.
State of Nebraska vs. Charles Bode ,
plea of guilty to a charge of burglary
and sentence of one year in peniten
Louise A. Carson vs. Julius Herman
Carson , decree of divorce for the
Wayne Normal Notes.
The program for commencement is
now being planned and will soon be
in the hands of the printer. The ar
rangement of tills is no small matter.
Among new students entering this
week are : August Nordgren and sis
ter of Newman Grove , and Miss Hallle
Cornell of Tilden.
Already the registration of students
for the last term of the year is tak
ing place. It already exceeds that of
last year , which indicates a large en
The faculty" will be augmented by
the addition of Professor T. Reese
Solomon of Norfolk , Miss Edith Beech-
el of Laurel ami Professor Huntemer.
The latter returns from the famous
Stout Manual Training school , bring
ing all the Improved , up-to-date plans
of drawing and manual training for
public schools.
Miss Emma Martlny received no
tice this week that she has been elect
ed as primary teacher at Allen. Ches
ter Jones , a member of this year's
scientific class , will be principal.
Owing to the standard having been
raised , we did not expect nearly as
large a class completing the work as
our records show we will have. This
is most gratifying to the management ,
as well as to the students.
The examinations will be held on
Thursday , Friday and Saturday of
this week. This will be a very busy
time for all.
Miss Carroll's girls' classes In physi
cal culture will give a program in the
gymnasium this evening. The enter
tainment cannot fail to bo Interesting.
Professor Huntemer arrived Sunday
and is spending this week In getting
everything ready in his department for
next term. His classes in handiwork
promise to bo very large.
A number of high school students
from different towns , who lack a few
credits or would have to bo condition
ed , will bo In school next term.
Now He Breaks His Wrist.
Veron Gill suffered a broken wrist
as the result of falling from the wagon
lie was driving at 4 o'clock yesterday
afternoon. The wagon was heavily
loaded with sewing machines and
struck a ditch on Norfolk avenue west
of Fourth street. Gill was thrown to
the ground , face forward. One of the
machines fell on top of him. Ho
threw out his hands to brace himself
with the result that his left wrist was
Gill a few days ago ran away with
the Gollmar Brothers' circus and was
NotHirxg EquaJs
Old Dutch
Clean&er *
For Cleaning Milk
Pails arvd
Croum Scitnrntars , Hltclian
antl Citolihtfj IHonslls
"Wet the ntticlc , sprinkle with
Old Dutch Cleanser , wash thorough
ly with a cloth or brush. Kuisc
well in clciui water and wl | > e or let
stand to dry. This removes dis
coloration , corrosian , spots and
grease , such as ordinary cleansers
will not remove and does it quicker
and easier. "
It is the best all- ' round cleanser
ever discovered and is perfectly
harmless. It keeps everything
about the farm house spickand
span and saves a lot of labor ,
time , expense.
. Avuitt cnustic unit
( tent cleaners.
( a uiuh-
puu-der. ]
found at O'Neill working with a side
show. He Is 17 years old.
Golf Match a Success.
Pa Burnhnm's Blues won the day.
Storrs Mathewson's Reds faded away
in defeat.
It was the first Country club golf
match and a corker at that. Every
body there Imped there'd be more of
'em right along. \
They played foursomes and there
were forty-four folfists on the field. V
Afterward the Indies of the club serv
ed an appetizing lunch on the lawn
in the shade of the club house. The
Blues won by 20 points.
Here were the teams and their
scores , the Blues being listed first ;
Mayer and Carter 88 vs. Butterfleld.
and Hazen SC.
Burnhani and Bridge 74 vs. Mathew-
son and South G8.
Brush and Klesau SO vs. Degner and
South CS.
Sam Erskine and E. F. Huse 58 vs.
Delaney and Verges ol.
Xutz and Degner 7S vs. D. Mathew-
son and Weatherby 72.
Rainbolt and Salter 84 vs. Reynolds
and Tiiew 94.
Hiintington and Zutz 115 vs. Logait
and Parish 78.
Braden and Hold 77 vs. Maylord and
McGlnnis 84.
Killian and Stafford SS vs. Parker
and Haaso 81.
Past-walk and Witzigman 71 vs.
Beels and JJuelow 78.
Haol and Bridge 77 vs. Jacobs and
Pasewalk 78.
The Norfolk Ball Players.
Because a number of the directors
and officers of the Norfolk city base
ball league were nnablo to attend the
meeting scheduled for last evening ,
President W. F. Hall postponed the
session until next Tuesday evening ,
when the schedule and other arrange
ments will be made. Probabilities are ,
however , that the league will play a
series of twenty games. There are
five teams In the league. The dates
will probably not bo listed , owing to
uncertainty of some of the teams. The
games , however , will be announced n
week or two In advance.
The five teams have announced
their players , subject to change. The
teams composing the city league are
as follows :
Clerks Clarence Raseley , manager ;
Gllssman , captain ; Krahn , Butler ,
South , Schelly , Moldenhauer , Seyraore ,
Clark , FairfielU , Wilde , Schady.
Firemen L. V. Kenerson , manager ;
Rome Kelleher , captain ; Pasowalk ,
Hulac , Monroe , Hoofs , Hauptll , Leu ,
Miller , Boehnke , Bacon.
Railroad Men William Beck , man
ager ; Miller , captain ; Fotler , Bltney ,
Schlzenborger , Smiley , -Taylor , Ryan ,
Walling , Botlce , Hutler.
Bookkeepers Cleo Lederer , man-
agcr ; Charles Durland , captain ; Blake-
man , William Persons , Carl Personh ,
South , Delaney , Stafford , Mapes , Odl-
erne , McFarlane.
Traveling Men C. W. McMaster ,
manager ; J. M. Campbell , captain ;
Ross , Dltson , Dlchcns , Skee , Bendall ,
Martin , Atwood , Beels.
Charles Ward , manager of the Edge-
water baseball team , has announced
that his team Is now organized and
that he Is ready to sign up with the
city league. With tills additional team
the city league will ho Increased to six
teams. The members of the Edge- \
water team are as follows : Charles
Ward , manager : James Cook , captain ;
Fred Cook , John Cook , Elmer Cook ,
Howard Cornell , Daniel Klug , Henry
Sehultz , Louis Wotzol , Max Klug , Aug
ust Dresner , Richard Ahlman.