THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , . . , , NOKKULK NEBRASKA. J 'KIDAY. ,11'NH Ii4 1 ! ) 10 INSANITY WILL BE CHARLTi , S -fc. DEFENSE CONFESSED WIFE MURDERER IN JAIL SEEMS UNCONCERNED. EXTRADITION WILL BE FOUGHT CONSUMPTIVE AND OF UNSOUND MIND , FATHER SAYS. FEARS MEETING HER DROTHER ARRESTED WHEN HE STEPS FROM STEAMER IN NEW YORK. CONFESSES MURDERING WIFE AT FIRST DENIES IDENTITY , IS GIVEN "THIRD DEGREE. " TRIES W SHOOT POLICE CHIEF P6rter Charlton , the American Whose Wife Was Found Dead in a Trunk In Lake Como , Italy , Reaches New York on Steamer Prinzess Irene. New York , June 24 Apparently un concerned over his desperate plight , Porter Charlton , the young bank clerk , who stands the confessed murderer of his wife , the former Mrs. Mary Scott Castle at Lake Como , spent a restful night in his cell in the Hoboken - ken jail , where he was lodged after his arrest on the North German Lloyd line pier yesterday and calmly awaited - od his arraignment in the recorder's court today , Quits Talking of Himself. Obedient to the advice of Uls at torney , R. Floyd Clark , the youth has stopped talking about himself and his affairs and it was only to his anxious father , Judge Paul Charlton of Wash ington , who with careworn face was \ early on the scene , and to his legal advisers that Charlton had anything to say. A Shower Bath Tn Jail. His comfort during the night was tuaterially increased by the kindness of the jail officers who , when the boy expressed a desire to take a bath , rigged an Impromptu shower In his cell and permitted Charlton to Indulge in an unwonted luxury , for prisoners are rather meagerly bathed In Ho boken lock-up. Fears to Meet Wife's Brother. A desire to avoid Captain Henry Harrison Scott , his wife's brother and the man whose vigilance and re sourcefulness played such an Impor tant part In Charlton's chase , and aversion toward the attentions of newspaper photographers , were ap parently still the youthful prisoner's main concern as the Important pro ceedings of the day were awaited. Hearing Postponed. While much hinged on the attitude of the Judicial officers In the New Jersey district where the capture was effected , it was understood before the arraignment today that when Chart- ton was brought into court an adjourn ment for twenty-four hours at least would be asked to enable a better pre paration to be made for Charlton's defense. To Take Him Back to Italy. A rather Imposing marshalling of forces on both sides was Indicated. It was understood that former State Senator William - . Edwards had been retained to assist in Charlton's defense - fense while on the other side were found Italian officials who were ex pected to ask Charlton's extradition to Italy to bo tried for the murder of his wife. Italian Officers on Hand. Here from Washington to appear in the case was the Marquis Dl Montag- lalrl , charge de' affaires of the Italian embassy , who had with him the Ital ian vice-consul In New York , Gustavo DI Rosa. Fight Extradition ; "Insane. " It was expected that the opposition to Charlton's extradition would large ly hinge on the young man's physical and menta } condition. "A consumptive whose actions point to an unsound mind , " was the way the prisoner was characterized by his father. Proof of such a condition of affairs it was thought in some quarters might even influence the Italian gov ernment to forego an extradition demand mand and it was considered certair In any event to weigh heavily will the action to bo taken on any sucl : demand by the Washington authorl ties. Another Bath Under Dlshpan. Whatever nervousness Charltor might have felt over the ordeal o his tg" % nt did not effect his early % - J > f preparation for the day. t % iy after rising he , took an /.h under the big dlshpan thu xm"d been punched full of holes , hung from the celling of his cell and fitted out with a hose at tachment. He emerged refreshed and cheerful In appearance and with a hearty appetite for his breakfast of eggs , coffee , rolls and cereal. Reads All the Papers. Then Charlton sent out for nil the papers and read with evident eager ness every story of his own crime that he could get hold of. Ho was oc cupied thus until along toward the time for the convening of court. Meantime a big crowd gathered out side the city hull , where police head quarters , Jail and courtroom are grouped together In a convenient jumble. A policeman at the door of the building kept the throngs back. Insanity His Defense. An Indication of likely procedure was given by R. Floyd Clark , Chart- ton's counsel , who said that In the event that the Italian government moves for an extradition It would be two weeks before the papers can reach this country. In the meantime , Mr. Clark says an inquiry will be made Into Charlton's insanity. His Acts Point to Insanity ? Friends and relatives of Charlton reiterated today their conviction that while many circumstances of the crime pointed to Irrationality on the young man's part , his actions after the commission of the murder , partic ularly In his flight to this country , and his attitude on his arrival , offered what they considered conclusive proof of his unsoundness. Guard Him , Fearing Suicide. Lest Charlton might make an at tempt on his own life , a close guard was kept on him last night. Charl ton's slumbers , however , were unin terrupted , the guard said , the youth hardly turning on his cot after the early hour when sleep claimed him. Mr. Edwards arrived after 10 o'clock. Mr. Edwards , addressing Recorder McGovern , said that he bad just been called into the case and had not yet * had time to make himself acquainted with Its Intricacies. He thought an adjournment would be agreeable to all concerned and ask ed the court to carry the case over a few days. Case Continued Till Tuesday. Prosecutor Garven offered no objec tion and the court ordered the case adjourned until next Tuesday at 10 o'clock. The question of what dispo sition should be made of Charlton was discussed at some length , and It was finally decided to commit him to the county jail at Jersey City. Arrested As He Steps From Steamer. New York , June 23. Porter Charl ton , husband of Mrs. Mary Scott Cas tle Chnrlton , whose body was found stuffed Into a trunk which was taken from Lake Como , Italy , recently , was arrested as he stepped from the steam ship Prlnzess Irene In Hoboken today. Give Him "Third Degree. " Charlton at first denied his Identity , but after being given the "third de gree" he admitted that he was the hus band of Mrs. Charlton. Charlton made a signed statement 0 the Hoboken police. Tries to Shoot Police Chief. While he was being sweated under .he "third degree" he became infuri ated and drawing a revolver tried to shoot Chief of Police Hayes. Confesses The Crime. He was disarmed and a few minutes ater confessed the crime. Charlton's Signed Statement. Within a half an hour after his ar rest Charlton had signed the following statement : "Wy wife and I lived happily togeth er. She was the best woman In the world to me , but she had an ungov ernable temper. So had I. Wife Was in a Rage. "We frequently quarreled over the most trivial affairs and her language to mo was frequently so foul that I knew she did not know the meaning of it. Quarreled On Fatal Night. "The night I struck her she had been quarreling with me. She was In the worst temper I had ever seen her In , 1 told her If she did not cease I would leave her and put a stop to U. She stopped for a little while and started again. Kills With a Mallet. "I took a mallet which I had used to do household repairs and struck her three times. I thought she was dead. I put the body In a trunk in which I also threw the malleL Drags Trunk to Lake. "About 12 o'clock that night 1 brought the trunk to my house and dragged It down to a small pier anc throw It overboard. I left the follow Ing night and went to Como and fron there to Genoa , where I took tin steamer Irene three days later. Murdered In Sleeping Room. "The room where I killed her was ai outdoor sleeping apartment. ( Signed ) "Porter Charlton. " At the suggestion of an nttorno ; whoso service he secured , shortly ai ter his arrival at the police station Charltoa added this postscript to hi story : AN INSURANCE FAKER CAUGHT O. J. SCOTT OF SCRIBNER IS TAK EN AT NELIGH. WRITING NORFOLK POLICIES Man Wanted at Brunswick , Royal , Or chard and Other Towns In Northern Nebraska , Is Arrested and Pleads Guilty to Two Counts lu Jailed. Nellgh , Neb. , June 24. Special to The News : O. J. Scott , representing himself to be an Insurance agent , was arrested yesterday afternoon on ttoo counts filed by County Attorney Rice. The defendant pleaded guilty on both charges , was lined $100 and costs , which he was unable to pay , and Is now In the county jail in this city. Scott had at one time been employed by the National Accident Insurance company of Lincoln , and had , It Is re ported , been discharged by the com pany a short time ago. He managed to have a good stock of blanks on hand and was doing business on his own hook and pocketing the money , which was later sent to his family at Scrlbner. He did remarkably well at Brunswick , Royal , Orchard and other towns up the line. Twenty policies wore written by him In the town of Concord , Dlxon county. Writing Norfolk Policies. H. W. Robblns , adjuster for the Na tional company , had finally got on his trail and located the gentleman at Newport. Scott was caught In the act of writing a policy for the Elkhorn Valley Life and Accident company of Norfolk. According to the county at torney he had not been employed by these men ns agent , and was doing business on the same scale as that of the National of Lincoln. He was brought to Nellgh by Mr. Robblns and was sooii arraigned on his complaint and that of W. M. Barr of Brunswick , and the above fine and costs soon fol lowed. In all probability there will be many other counts filed , and his stay In jail will be of an indefinite pe riod. A want ad In yesterday's News , in serted by W. M. Barr of Brunswick of fering a reward for Scott's address. BLIND MAN'S ' FALL FATAL * C. L. Craig , Formerly Station Agent at Royal , Neb. , Is Dead. Orchard , Neb. , June 24. Special to The News : Notice of the death of _ . L. Craig at Struble , la. , has been received by the local lodge of the A. O. U. W. of which the deceased was a member. On June 16 , Mr. Craig , who Is to- ally blind , fell from an open window of a hotel in Struble to the sidewalk , a distance of about twenty feet , re ceiving Internal injuries from the ef- 'ects of which he died Tuesday , June 11. Mr. Craig was for a number of years station agent at Royal , at whch time ils eyesight began to fall and he was finally compelled to leave the position and became totally blind. At that time the general lodge of the A. O. U. W. raised funds to send ilm to New York , where he was un der the care of eye specialists , but nothing could be done for him. He leaves two daughters , his wife having died some years ago. He made a visit to friends In Orchard and Royal ; he week previous to the accident. FOR KILLING WILLIAM KRU6 Reckless Omaha Auto Driver Held for Criminal Negligence. Omaha , June 24. From the testi mony of nineteen witnesses a cor oner's jury last evening found AI Schultz , driver of the automobile that rammed another and killed William Krug Tuesday , guilty of criminal neg- Igence and recommended that the county hold him for prosecution. Picnic for Dr. Tlndall. Niobrara , Neb. , June 24. Special to The News : The Niobrara Methodists held n picnic and fishing party on the Island In honor of Rev. Dr. Tlndall of Norfolk , who delivered an interestIng - Ing lecture on Palestine In the evening in the Methodist church. Sell Lots at Auction. Gordon , Nob. , June 24. Special to The News : Allen Strong and Ray Lyon sold their holding of lots in the town of Clinton at auction. There were a large crowd of enthusiastic buyers. The thirty-six lots sold at from 9 to $155 apiece. Point for Oklahoma City. Guthrle , Okla. , June 24. Holding that W. H. Coyle , the complainant , had no standing In court , Judge Ralpl Cample dismissed on jurlsdlctlona grounds the action brought to enjoin Governor Haskell and Secretary eState State Cross from removing the cap Hal of the state to Oklahoma City The court did not pass directly in va lldlty of enabling action. Seventeen Passenaers Hurt. Carllnvlllo , 111. , June 24. Seventeor persons were injured , several serious ly , when the Chicago and Alton pral rie state express train was wrecked t mile and a halt north of Carllavlllo a { 25 p. m. , due to spreading rails , 'orty-llve passengers were on the rain. KETCHEL-LANGFORD FIGHT OFF Hester Washes Hands of It Ketchel Has Been dissipating , Reno , June 24. Promoter Hester ontlrms the announcement given out iy Tom O'Day In San Francisco con- ernlng the calling off of the Langford- Itchel match. Hosier said : "I am In receipt of Information that Cetchol has not been taking proper are of himself , and Is not now and ould not get Into proper fighting hapo. Rather than burden the poo- ilo of Reno with a juatch of this sort , have decided to wash my hands of he whole affair and'call ' It off. " NORFOLK TAX IS INCREASED BOARD OF EQUALIZATION RAISES NORFOLK 25'PERCENT. ' OME OTHER TOWNS INCREASED he Assessor Brouqht in a Report Showing Norfolk's Assessed Valua tion $26,279 Less Than a Year Ago and the Board Boosts It. Madison , Neb. , June 25. Special to The News : The board of equalization aised the assessment of the city of Vorfolk 25 percent , the returns rought In by the assessor being $2G- 279 less than the assessed valuation a rear ago. Tllden will be raised 10 icrcent , Grove precinct 16 % percent , ! reen Garden precinct 10 percent , the Ity of Madison , 10 % percent , and Schoolcraft 25 percent. Falrvlew will e reduced 8 % percent. Emerlck 16 % percent , Shell Crek 10 percent , New- nan Grove village 16 % percent , and rladlson 5 percent. The other pre cincts of the county will remain as re- urned by the precinct assessors. IT IS ( MINING IN NORFOLK After Forenoon of Hsavy Clouds , a Downpour Begins at 11 a. m. It began raining hard in Norfolk at 1 o'clock Friday morning. The sun was shining in Omaha at 1 o'clock. There had been no rain here. Great , heavy black clouds covered Norfolk at 11 o'clock Friday morning and the crack of lightning and roll of hunder promised welcome rain. Oth- ir parts of north Nebraska reported ilouds with promise of thunder- torms. Deadwood , June 24. Crops today are much more hopeful. Since yes- erday afternoon Considerable rain ias fallen In practically every part of he northwestern and western section if South Dakota and parts of Wyotn- ng and Montana have had a soaking , lay and potatoes are in the worst ondltlon but small grains are Iniprov- ng. More rain Is predicted for to day. TO OP N MORE DAKOTA LAND Senator Gamble Secures Passage of Cheyenne BUI. Washington , June 24. Special to The News : Senator Gamble secured mssago of the bill opening to settle ment surplus lands in the Cheyenne ndian reservation in South Dakota. This bill will throw open 1,210,000 acres and an appropriation of $160,000 s made for schools In territory to be opened. . Senator Gamble also secured an amendment to the Indian omnibus bill to pay the Mission Farm company on the Rosebud Indian reservation and others for losses sustained by fire proved to have been caused by carelessness of Indian police. The fire occurred last September and the oss was 8,000. TAFT SAVES CANNON'S SEAT. Insurgents Promise Not to Depose Venerable Speaker. Washington , June 24. "Uncle Joe' Cannon will be permitted to end this session as speaker of the house of rep resentatlves. The Insurgents have sheathed their snickersnees and wll allow the venerable standpatter to de part In peace and seek the suffrage of his follow citizens for re-election to an ordinary seat In the next congress. President Tnft Is credited with hav Ing succeeded In calling off the Insur gents from the plan , which has been under consideration off and on for several oral weeks , of ousting the speaker The president doesn't want any more quarreling in the house this session He wants to get all the bills on hU program through , and the accomplish ment of this d uiands the utmost peace and quiet In the legislative halls. The president In the last few day has done a lot of conciliating amoiif the Insurgents , and it has transplre < that there no longer Is any thought o an overt move against the speaker. Several Insurgents , Including Llnd bergh of Minnesota , have gone horn assured there will be nothing attempt ed In the eviction line. LABOR UNION NOT EXEMPT PROTECTED FROM PROVIS IONS OF ANTI-TRUST LAW. TAFT PUTS UP ALL-DAY FIGHT The President Finally Wins His Point Against Exempting Labor Unions From Prosecution Under Anti-Trust Law Fought It as Class Legislation Washington , June 24. Labor or- animations have lost tholr fight to aln exemption from prosecution un- er the anti-trust and Interstate com- lerco laws. Following a lively debate , and ' < y vote of 138 to 130 , the house agreed o the senate action striking out n rovlslon in the sundry civil bill that ; ould have effected this immunity. When the sundry civil bill was be- ore the house that body tacked on u amendment by Mr. Hughes , New ersey , a democrat , providing that no art of the appropriation for the en- orcement of the anti-trust laws "shall e spent In the prosecution of any or- anizatlon or Individual for entering iito any combination or agreement laving in view the Increasing of wages , shortening of hours or better- ig the condition of labor , or for any ct in the furtherance thereof not in tself unlawful. " The senate struck out the amend- lent. The house instructed its con- erees to stand by that provision , and he senate conferees , resenting such n ironclad exemption , refused to con- Ider the Item. Mr. Tawney of Minnesota , one of lie house conferees , moved that the mi so recede from Its position and oncur with the senate's action. The lotion stirred up a hornet's nest. Taft Fought It as Class Legislation. The action of the house of repre- entatlves In preceding from Its labor mendment to the eundry civil bill larked the successful termination of n all-day fight by President Taft gainst what ho termed class legisla- Ion of an Improper sort and appar- ntly relieved the last real obstacle n the way of an adjournment of con- ress within the next few days. President Taft spent the day and ent every energy toward the defeat f the house amendment * which pro- iosed to exempt labor unions from peratlon of the Sherman anti-trust aw. He threw his wnole influence In- o the fight , sending for several cores of representatives and urged hem to defeat the provision. Mr. aft said that if it cast him the sup- jort of every laboring man In the ountry he would not approve such a irovlslon of the law. The laboring nan , he believed , was only entitled o equality before the law and was ntltled to no more. T. R. KISSES 010 NURSE She'll Live at His House May Never Make Political Speech. New York , June 24. "I don't know .hat I shall ever make another pollt- cal speech , " said Theodore Roosevelt esterday. The colonel had Just popped out of ils office late In the afternoon , his col- ar wilted and his face red from the leat. He saw a group of Interviewers , and stopped. They told him that his Irst political utterance was awaited with the greatest Interest and when , please , would he make It. "I have no Idea when I shall make a political speech , " he replied. "I shall nake no speech of any kind for tw months , and my first speeches In Kan- ias City , Cheyenne , Milwaukee and Jhicago will have nothing to do with ) olltlcs. I do not know that I shall ever make another political speech. " "What ? Never again ? " someone asked. "I didn't say never , " he corrected , "I simply don't know. " But speeches or no speeches , con ferences will continue. Glfford Pin- jhot and James R. Garfield , former secretary of the Interior , went to Oy ster Bay last night. Two or three of the rough riders were the colonel's guests at luncheon today. Mr. Roosevelt velt did not reach his office until 10:38 : o'clock yesterday. The place was belling - ing all day long. Interviewers , pJiotog- raphers , old friends and people bent on every sort of mission besieged it. After luncheon Colonel Roosevelt spent an hour at his editorial office where ho talked with Louis and Tern pie Abernathy , the boys who rode on horseback from Oklahoma to see him Then In an automobile for Oyster Bay , on the way to East river ferry Colonel Roosevelt stopped at the home of Mrs , Bridget Flyn to visit her sis ter , Mrs. Mary Ledwlth , who nursed his children during their Infancy. Col onel Roosevelt kissed her and aske ( when she was coming to visit them She will have u homo with the family the rest of her days. She Is 85 years old. OLDFIELD AGAIN LOWERS MARK Makes Mile In Auto in 49 % Seconds Cutting Off 3& . St. Paul , June 24. Barney Oldfloh In his 200-horse power Benz ngali lowered the one-mile record for a circular track at the Twin City avla tioa meet. He drove the mile In 495s CONDITION Of [ HiWlATHtR Temperature ( or Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum On Minimum tin Average 80 llnroinc'tor 29.88 Chicago. Juno 24. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of tlio United States weather bureau gives tlio forociiHt for Nebraska as follows : Oonornlly fair tonight and Satur day ; cooler Iti west portion tonight. seconds which Is two fifths of n sec- iul butter than the record ho made Vednesday afternoon and 1 % seconds otter than the time made by Ralph ) e 1'altna on the same tracl : one ear ago. Glenn II. Curtis made .1 15-tnlnuto xhlbltlon Illght In his aeroplane. , T. Mars , In attempting n Illght In a 'urtlss machine , ran Into a fence and ho machine was considerably dam- ged. EFF WONT TALK TO JOHN L , ulllvan Is Turned Away From Jef fries' Camp Uncermonlously. Reno , June 24. Ex-champion John j. Sullivan was told by ex-Champion . J. Corbett that his presence was not leslrcd at the camp of ex-Champion ainus J. Jeffries. "Why , " asked Sullivan , as he stood it the gate that had been closed tear ar him from Jeffries' cottage at loana Springs. "Because , " replied Corbett , "you mve knocked the big fight and called t a fake. Jeffries wants me to say hat ho will not shake hands with ou. " "That's a mistake. I've been mis- luoted , " protested the veteran John L. "I don't believe you were mlsquot- d , " calmly answered Corbett , and af- er a brief colloquy Sullivan moved away and returned to Reno , with his nanager , Frank Ham. The incident , which was witnessed iy a number of Jeffries' trainers and lewspaper men , created a profound ensatlon and tonight is the talk of he town. The outcome Is a matter of conjee- ure. ure.Speaking Speaking for Sullivan , Manager Ham eclared that John L. refuses to regard Jorbett as Jeffries' spokesman and hat he will return to Moana Springs ind make another effort to see Jef- rles personally. Speaking for Jeffries , who at the Ime of Sullivan's call was lounging in ils cottage , Manager Sam Berger as- erts that Corbett was fully empow ered to speak for Jeffries and that if ullivan makes another effort to seek dm out , he will be accorded the same eceptlon. "Of course , " said Berger , "as the public Is given access to our camp Sullivan has as much right as anybody 3lse to come and watch Jeff work , but Jorbett quoted Jeffries correctly In elllng Sullivan that he will have noth- ng to do with him. " Sullivan , in a statement to the As- oclated Press , said he was totally un- irepared for the treatment given him , nd has no intention of forcing him- elf on Jeff If Jeffries/ does not care o receive him. 'He ' declared there was no founda- ion for the belief of Jeffries' trainers hat he had "roasted' Jeffries and had prmpd the coming fight a "frame-up. " SENSATION IN BRIBE TRIAL. Witnesses In Larimer Scandal Were Given School of Instruction. Springfield , 111. , June 24. Disclos ures of a sensational character were made before the Sangamon county grand jury of the existence of a sort of "school of Instruction" for witnes- es who have been summoned by States Attorney Burke. The activity of certain representa ives of the accused legislators who have been watching for the Issuance of the subpoenaes and the arrival of witnesses caused a quiet investlga Ion. tl appears that the witnesses were coached as to what to say be 'ore ' the grand jury. So positive Is the evidence of such a plan to thwart Justice that Indict nents were drawn against several per sons. NELIGH LIMITS EXTENDED. Judge Welch Annexes Considerable Territory to the City. Neligh , Neb. , June 24. Special to The News : An effort has been made for several months past by the city officials to take In additional terri tory and increase the limits of the town. This was accomplished yes terday when District Judge Welch de cided that the city of Nellgh was en titled to annex such lands and resi dences that heretofore have derived city benefits but were outside of the limits. The territory taken in is twenty rods wide and three-quarters of a mile long on the north and west of town ; the depot grounds and property south , extending east and taking In the park and all residences and lots both sides of the C. & N.-W. railroad tracks. The portion of the Conger farm , the George Romlg farm and the Roach & Anderson addition was left out. The parties that have been fighting the annexation wore : C. J. Allison , M. O. Daxon , A. J. Anderson and Brodor Ketelson. Attorney Charles H. Kelsey - soy represented the city and J. F Boyd , E. D. Kllbouru and O , A. Wil liams represented those not In favor of coming Into the limits of the town , TAFTIS PLEASED ISSUES SIGNED STATEMENT RE GARDING WORK OF CONGRESS. PARTY PLEDGES ARE FULFILLED ; REPUBLICAN PARTY HAS KEPT ITS ENTIRE CONTRACT. AN UNUSUAL RECORD FOR YEAFf Heretofore It Has Been Customary to Fulfill Pledges of Party During Entire - tire Term of President This Time They're Finished In One Year. Cincinnati , Juno 23. In a signed statement in the Times-Star , President Taft Is quoted today as follows : "Washington , June 23. "I am elat ed at the legislation which has boon enacted by this congress. It has ful filled the pledges of the party. It Is a great satisfaction to mo that we have accomplished so much. It lias been the custom In the past to try to fulfill party pledges during the term of the president elected ; wo have secured what we set out to get during the first regular session of congress. "We now have the best railroad reg ulation law wo over had. The provi sions for the supervision of capitaliza tion wore omitted but that does not mean that they have been abandoned. Renewed efforts to enact them will be made at the next session. "I think the party in power has en acted legislation which will inure greatly to Its benefit. It hoa kept Ita contract. "Tho congress which is now closing Its first regular session has done what It promised the people to do , and the republican party has good record to- take the people In the coming elec tions. " Building Bill to Conference. Washington , June 23. By unani mous consent the house today non-con curred with the senate amendments to the public building bill and the meas ure was sent to conference. Rebels Occupy San Vicente. Washington , June 23. General Mena. and his force of 1,500 men occupied San Vicente , a few miles from Acoyapa , yesterday , according to dispatches re ceived this morning by Dr. Castrlllo , representative In Washington of the Estrada government of Nicaragua- General Mena was then advancing on Scoyapa. Only a few miles of com paratively country and the Tipitapa river now separate the Insurgent army from the city of Granada , where the people are In sympathy with the In surgents. This brings the insurgent army to the same point where it received n crushing defeat from the Madrlz troops early in March. BOYS GAVE ALARM. Save Train Near Crowell From Going in Ditch. Crowell , Neb. , June 23. Passenger train No. 1 was delayed half an hour Tuesday forenoon caused by bridge No. 46 , one mile east of town being on fire. The blaze was first observed by George and Rudolph Stelnhoefel , two small boys , who ran for assistance to have the train stopped Just in time to avoid a serious wreck. The bridge Is not seriously damaged. The cause la unknown. Bouqht Minnows of Maybury. Nellgh , Nob. , June 23. Special to- The News : John Maybury sold two dozen minnows ( as they run ) to W. H. Compton yesterday afternoon. Mr. Compton is a musical director and has been Instructing bands In music In different parts of the United States for a number of years. He Is now vis iting relatives at Tllden , and has been making weekly visits to Neligh in structing the concert band of this place. While In town yesterday he conceived the idea that the weather conditions were about proper to catch a good string of bass and crapples , and upon inquiry was Informed that May- bury always had plenty of bait on hand and the best variety. The deal was soon made and the order calling for two dozen minnows as they run waa handed to the purchaser , who cheer fully wended his way to the Elkhorn. In the meantime John had posted N. W. Job to meet Mr. Compton at the bridge to call his attention to the fact that bait was a scarce article below the dam , but that they wore plentiful at the upper dam more than one-half mile distant. Mr. Maybury does not reveal the balance of the story , but It Is supposed that the Joke was on the purchaser , as usual , who without doubt "tumbled" to the fact before he hud gone far In that hot sun yesterday afternoon. The Worden Funeral. Nollgh , Nob. , Juno 24. Special to The News : The funeral services of Marvin Worden were hold yesterday afternoon at the Methodist church , Rev. J. V. Hawk ofllclatlng , after which the remains wore placed at rest in Laurel Hill cemetery. The deceased Is survived by a mother , two slstora , one brother , a wife and throe children.