The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 17, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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'i ' 5s. SOCIETY
I W\
* + * * * > * * * * * + * - > * * * ! * < * > *
Pleasures of Week.
A Jolly crowd of yontiK people on-
Joyod.n picnic nt the Country club on
TiiuHtlriy. The party was comprised
of Mlnntm Marie Hull , Hnotah Itnya ,
Unlit Hprechor , Glodyu Cole , Mildred
Rues , Until Wltzlgmiin , Lolfl Hardy ,
Mnrltm Mnylard and ( Jny Perry , Earl
KrautThuinnB Odlorno , Carol Lo-
Kim , Luhind Landorri and Leroy Gil-
lutto. MHB | Vorna Coryull chaperoned
HID party. After n ploulc supper , dan-
( jlniVIIH : enjoyed for a couple of
( J. a. Bridge and daughter , Millie ,
( mlnrtalniid a Htnall company at ( !
o'clock dliinor on Tlmrxday. Places
AVOIO laid lor Mr. and Mrs. I ) . MiUhow-
MOM , Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Miailun , Mrs.
1C. A. ItiillOck and Mrs. C. J. llnllock.
A parly of friends visited Paul Luob-
Uo Wi.'dnosday ovonlng , at his homo
on Norfolk nvontio , to help him cole-
lirato IIH ! birthday. The ovonlng was
a merry ono and the fuHllvltlcH lasted
until a lalo hour.
The ladles of the Presbyterian
dmich unit with Mrs. Hold , 1211 South
Bucond utioot on Krlday afternoon.
1 Personals.
Kathor Walsh of Hattlo Crook wan
in the city Krhlay bidding iood-by ; to
Norfolk friends. Ho leaves on Sunday
for a lour months' vacation lrl |
abroad. Ho will Hall on thn Hamburg
of the llanibnn ; line from New Yorl <
about tln > 2lsl of the month. II in llrsl
landing will bo at ( ilhraltar , and fron
lliuio ho will go to Naples. After I
vltill al Homo hu will loltmroly gt
overland to lioland , and sail tor lionu
tiomo t'inii ' In Seplomher.
Miss Payne li'fl Monday for hoi
home In Iowa to spend her vacation
Hho will return to Norfolk In the fal
and her poult ion In the hbb ; school
Miss Payne lias made her homo will
Mr. and Mrsi. II. A. Drebort during lb <
.past yi'ar and Mrs. Drebort accom
panled hoc to Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrn. Ajthnr L. Tucker win
have been visllliig Mr. ami Mrs. N
A. IhiHu , loft Tuesday evening feWest
West Point for a short visit with Mr *
TnoUor'H parents. Mr niid Mrs. J. I1'
Loscli. On Thin . . ( ! , . . > .l.i-y will gen <
on to Holso , Id.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. L. Weaver leave tc
morrow lor a two weeks' visit will
their daughter in Leavonworth. Kan
The younger mombora of the famil ;
will be guests in the homo of Mr. am
Mrs. J. C. Stilt during tliolr parents
Rev. and Mrs. J. C. S. Woilis havi
routed a cottage on 1'asowalk avenue
and expert to occupy It next weoli
llov. ami Mrs. Cologrovo will occnp ;
the rectory , upon their removal her
from Vork , Neb.
Mrs. Minnie Leonard who cam
from her homo in Los Angeles , Cal
to bo present at the graduation c
her cousin , Misa Carrie Thompsoi
letiirnud to her home on Tuesday.
Mrs. .1. Dlgntin went to Clinton , la
tin Monday , to bo present at the gra <
nation of her son Harry from the big
school of that city. Mr. Dignan fo
lowed a few days later.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Morrison of Oms
ha were guests last Sunday of M
and Mrs. Sonthworth. Mrs. Morriso
spent the week lioro and rcturnc
.homo this morning.
Mrs. M. IX Tyler and son Koiinot
went to Omaha Krldiiy morning for
short visit. They will also go to U :
coin for a short visit with Mrs. .1. *
.Miss Solmn Neumann of Ilallar
Neb. , Is in Norfolk to spend part <
her summer vacation in the home <
her grandmother , Mrs. W. A. Molde
Mrs. C. E. Doughty ard danghtc
Myitice. have gone to innian for
two weeks' visit with Mr. and Mr
Leon Tompklns.
Mrs. .1. a S. Wollls ani Miss Holt
Reynolds wont to Elg-Ji on Momlr
to be present at the graduation i
Logan MeHride.
Mrs. George Davenport and fin VI
tor of Madison were visiting Nffo
friends Krlday ami Saturday.
Airs. II. S. Thorpe and daughtc
Muriel , will go to Omaha next wet
for a visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. S. M. IJraden retnr
ed Wednesday from a trip to H
Springs , S. IX
Master Richard Losch of We
Point is visiting his sister , Mrs. J
A. IIusu.
Miss Helen Maylard Is oxpectt
homo tomorrow from a visit in Okl
Mrs , .Mary Davenport has boon F
rlously ill the past week.
At the Christian church parsonni
Thursday evening at S o'clock occi
red the wedding of Otto II. Keller
Carter , S. IX , and Miss Lena Cowln
Dunkirk , Ohio. llov. Hey Lucas pi
iiouncud the words which bound tl
young couple In wedlock. The youi
couple will maku thulr homo no
Carter where Mr. Keller owns a chili
tor. Keller has Cor somollmo boon ci
jiloyod In the Carter bank.
W < iyn Hi'.ih ! i6l\ool \ Grndu.ites.
\\iiyni' . Neb. . .Inno I l.--Hpoclal to
The NI-WH The hlKli Hchool baccalan-
icnto Hcrmon by Chancellor Davidson
will br given Juno ll1 ; clauB day .Inne
Hi ; communciMiiont oxurclneH , luno
17. ( iriiiluiituH Hro .fames Miller , Itiith
Kortnor , Colin Olldcrsleovc , David
Meeker , Nelllo Strickland , I'anl Paw-
lukl. Prof. .1. II. Kemp has given ox-
rollout HatlHfactlon the piiHt year.
School endB lalo in the year on ac
count of delay In starting last fall ,
dno to erection of the now building.
Well Dressed Young , but Drunk , Look
ed at Norfolk Bookkeeper.
A stranger In the city entered a lo
cal hnslnostt IIOIIKO and wnlkod up to
the desk , where the young lady clerk
was busily engaged with her books.
The stranger , whoso attlro of dross
wast perfect and whose general appearance -
anco was that of an upright young
man , stood at the desk for almost
three minutes stared the young lady
in the face. Ho often smiled and for
MIIIIO time the lady believed him to
bo a long lost brother or some friend
whom Hho did not recognize at the mo
ment. Hut ho kept on staring and
smiling sweetly until the young lady
became frightened. Then he relieved
her anxiety by suddenly lifting his hat
and with a low bow made his way out
of the store. When bo arrived at the
sidewalk * ho wn scon to stagger and
enter a saloon. I'ho young lady Is
vondorlijg what ho wanted and who
ho Vns. The question was solved lat
er by x city olllclalvho says the man
was "dinr.'c. ' "
Will Back Vesncy.
Slouv Kails' S. IX , June I L George
W. Kgan , of Slonx l 'nlls , will not
make the race for governor of South
Dakota as a petition candidate or In
any other way. llo says so himself
in language which cannot he mistaken
and which sends foith Die ring of
absolute loyally to his party and to
i lie recognized rules of fairness in n
fight In which he lost out by a small
margin hi the best contest ever put
up by a man singly handed within the
lie said today :
"Complete returns show that I nm
beaten , which ends the campaign HO
far as I am concerned. All talk ot
my Independent candidacy Is without
foundation. I am a republican and
the men Indorsed by the people at
Iho republican primaries shall have
my support. I am proud of the fact
that the official returns show lhat
Iho voters who defeated mo were men
Into whose faces I had never looked
and Into whose counties I had ncvei
gone. I am proud of my homo county
with its : i,12S for Egan and 715 fet
I am doubly proud of the
fact- that wheie the most slander and
vlllillcalion of my private life anil
public dial actor was conducted was
wTiero I received the greatest in. .
dorsonient from the men and women
of South Dakota.
"It was a great light. I had no or
ganlzation , no newspapers and sup
port except the voluntary conlilbn
lions of time and money from a few
loyal friends. I fought the light irce
from personalities and directly to the
people. I had nobody looking nfloi
my interest at the polls except In mj
homo town. The greatest vote that
was given me was the free and volnn
tary ottering , uninfluenced and unln
limldated , from the people who liar
attended my meetings , read my plat
form and understood the situation
The consideration and favor showr
imo during the campaign Is honoi
r. enough for one man and although de
featcd , financially embarrassed ant
d without a profession or a business ,
yet count myself rich and foi Innate
"George W. Egan. "
Party May Reunite.
Sioux Kails , S. IX , Juno ll.-Stal
waits and progressives alike an1 re
joiring over the victory of Goveino
Vcssey after it was feared Egan hai
won out. It Is believed on good rcsul
of the scare from Kgan's heavy vote
will be the reuniting of the republl
can party in South Dakota , and doini
away with the factional lights In tin
future. As the ticket which will hi
placed before the voters of the stati
at the election In November will hi
s. made up of both stalwarts and prc
iresslves , the factions will have m
difficulty in reuniting and fighting ur
on common ground for the cause o
republicanism. This and the unltlni
of the party for future campaigns wil
leave no further opportunity fo
scares such as . . -xt just experlencec
Richards to Continue Flrjht.
Huron , S. D. , Juno 11.-Returns 01
the state or congressional tickets ar
not complete , hut Chairman Richard
announces the nomination of Vespo ,
nnil predicts the nomination of a Inrt ;
proportion of the state ticket by larg
n plmalities. llurko and Martin nr
gaining , indicating their nominal 101
Kor this Richards declares that fc\
oral hundred postmasters over th
state arc responsible , they bavin
been especially active during th
latter part of the campaign.
Mr. Richards will continue to ni
.pose Senators Crawfoid and Gambit
assigning as his reason that In hi
opinion both are Identified with nil
way interests , Crawford with th
Northwestern and Gamble with th
Milwaukee ; that neither are conali
tent on the tariff and railway men :
ures as advocated by progressive re
publicans , and therefore not entitle
to the support of that organization.
ot Johnson for State Treasurer.
at Aberdeen , S. D. June 11. Tim sta
" wart commltteo claims the nomliipMo
10 of W. ( i. Smith for railroad commli
slnncv and II. I ) . Anderson for stat
ir auditor. Johnson's ronnnilnatlon fo
" stale treasuier Is conceded by the It
" ' siirgents. The remainder of the slnt
is still in doubt ,
otage ;
"A Fool and His Money" Tonight.
The Kennttdy Stock company will
be HCCII for the lifth consecutive Sat
tday at the Auditorium lonlKhl In
society comedy , "A Keel and His
loney. " It Is said to bo a screaui.
ho company ban shown Norfolk thua-
ergoers Its ability lo cleverly produce
; oed co'nu'ily ' and the audlnnco should
e a largo one. 1'opultir prices.
. Commencement Mccltals.
The secoml of the consorvnlory re-
Hals was given at the Auditorium on
Thursday evening , by IhO Intermediate
last ; under the dlrocllon of Mrs. Cora
, . Hcnhi. The performance was corn-
lute In every detail , the cluss exhibit-
d the ampleness of their teaching ,
ml the audience had an opportunity to
vltncss the musical culture which
ow constitutes such a largo part of
he system of education In Norfolk.
On Tuesday and Thursday evenings
f next we"k , Juno M and 10 , the flu-
I programs will he lendercd , with an
xhlbftlon of skill in playing classical
ilislc. Mrs. Heels has drilled her
nplls during the entire year with the
i'low of bringing out the very best
Jevelopment of the student , and In
giving that Interpietatton of music so
iiucli sought for by ( he world's gmit
misters. * * fy < J
This Is the fourteenth annual conv
nencemont of the Norfolk branch of
ho Western Conservatory of Music ot
Jhlcago under Mrs. Heels' manage
nent and direction.
No lover of Jiinsic can afford to miss
iltondlng the exercises of next TnoS'
lay and Thursday evening. The tllplo
nas of graduation will bo presented by
> r. Tlndall of thy M. 10. church on
I'bursday evening who will have some
lilng to say on the Importai'co of mu
The following took part :
Klorence Iliewer , Marguerite Stuck
y , Lorinda Cones , Jeanotlu Mayor
'hill-lotto ( 'raven , Ruth Rohrko , Rutli
Oavenport , Doils Iliickendorf , Dalsj
lavenport , Dora Cones , Ksthor Walter
'orlniie Ilirsch. Gladys Meredith , Win !
'rod lirande , Anna Rehmns , Itcrnlct
llallantyne , Helen Heels , Dorothy
Needliam , Mildred McNamee , Klsk
lineggcman , Holop Ctaven , Edith
' .ultorflold , Rnobon Ahlnian , Allai :
Marshall , Hernlco I Ilbbon. Caroline Dy
sart , Lois Templeton , Dorothy Will
nan , Leola Rish , Dorothy Chrlstoph
Hernoi , ICImor Heeler.
Theatrical Notes.
May de Sousa , lately a prlma donna
> nt now a comedienne , and who wil
play ono of the principal parts ii
.lames . Forbes' now comedy success
'Tho Commuters , " which opens' ' ai
the Ciitorlon theater , New York , 01
Monday , August in , will spend hoi
summer near Lake Placid.
Charles Klein is summering at 111 ;
country homo at Rowayton , Conn ,
where lie is busily engaged putting 01
the llnishing touches to a new plaj
for Rose Stahl , with which she wil
conic into Now York , after llnishinj.
In "Tlio Chorus Lady , " the latter pan
if next season.
Arthur Shaw who will play one o
the leading parts in Edgar Selwin's
now play , "Tho Country Hey , " wlilcl
Henry H. Harris will produce thli
coming season , will endeavor to taki
on a coat of tan , and take off a fev
pounds of adipose tissue al Siasconset
Wallace Kddinger , who opens ii
Wlnchell Smith's new comedy , "Bob
by Ilurnit , " at the Theater Republic
New York , on Monday , August 22 , mi
der the management of Henry U
Harris , will return from abroad 01
July 15 , to begin rehearsals.
Gertrude Coghlan Is summering a
Konnebiinkport , Me. Miss Coghlai
will continue next season with "Th
Traveling Salesman , " playing her 01
Igiual part of Hoth Elliott.
On Saturday , May 28 , E. A. Ebcrlc
who has been playing Dr. Hernsteli
III 'The Third Degree , " rounded on
his fiftieth consecutive year asnn at
Prisoners Shown the Way Back to th
New York , June 11. A course o
lectures on agriculture in the Tomb
rny seem an odd combination , but i
is i."liig tried and is pronounced
success by the prlbon authorities.
All the prisoners in the instilulio
heard the first lecture of the serlc
yesterday and were highly interested
The lecturer was George 1C. Manchester
tor , a farmer of Winsted , Conn. II
pointed the way for those who deslr
to turn from their old ways and g
"back to the soil" after their release.
Nol long ago the Rev. Charles 1
Tinker of the Protestant Eplscopti
city mission , a regular visitor at th
Tombs , decided ho could Interest th
prisoners in a series of technical let
tn res.
The plan was approved by the di
partmonl of correction and may b
adopted in other prisons and rofori
Institutions throughout the country.
To Submit Option Amendment.
Lincoln , Juno 11. Editor The News
At the i ocular mouthy meeting of th
headquarters commltteo of the Ant
Saloon League , hold on Wednesda
afternoon , the following were present
S. 1C. Wnrrlck , D. C. John. W. R. Pa
rick , with proxy from H. K. Kollmai
T. M. Wlmberly. M. M. Clallln. J. J
i Julio. S. / . Hatten , J. M. Leidy an
M. S , 1'oulson. Inasmuch as Lysl
I. Abbott has been appolmeii receive
of the Independent Telephone cnn
pun ) , and Is unable lo give the tlin
li > i tf.i \ > ork. W It I'uMlih.IH naked
to frame a xlmrt amendment to the
Sb't-iini law that will give the people
of a county the right to settle the
quuRtlon of license or no-llconse by
direct vote. This amendment Is to ho
submitted lo se\eral lawyeis for tliolr
opinions , and will then be sent to the
state headquniters for the consldein-
lion of the headquarters committee.
This Is in harmony with the plan of
Hit * league as announced last winter ,
at which lime It was determined to
call nUher the long or the short
measure of the .Nebraska county op-
Ion bill. The principle Involved Is
lie saino In.either case : I. e. the right
f the county to settle thu saloon
uostlon by direct vote of the people ,
f It Is decided to seek the amend-
mill ( as Is probable ) II will not bo
i change of policy , but simply n
hango in the method designed to so-
uro the right of direct mandatory
ote. This action on the part of the
icadqiiarters committee Is not In any
enso to bo construed as reflecting
ipon Mr. .Abbott , who has boon slm-
ily prevented from doing the work
iccauso of the detail work incident to
ils receivership.
M. S. Poulson.
Wayne Normal Notes.
The advanced elocution class gave
a most enjoyable entertainment Mon <
lay evening In the chnpcl. It was
veil attended and most thoroughly en <
Professor Huntomor relurns Ibis
.voek and will bo found al Ihe head
if the manual training department foi
ho remainder of the year.
Messrs. Chrlstenson , Sears anil
Ward are the Y. M. C. A. delegates
lepartlng for Cascade , Colo. , lo at
end the students' conference thlt
Among the new students to entei
this week are : Misses Lulu Taylor
Iim bank , S. IX ; Mary Hi-Ink , Hatlli
Jreek ; .Delia Larson , Wausn , and Jo
sepli Chicolne , Jefferson , S. D.
The summer term opening Juno 2C
iromlses to bo ono of the largest li :
iho history of the school. Many alum
ii are planning to bo hero , sis well
is many now students. The courses
offered are what teachers and pros
icctlvo teachers wish. No oxpenst
ms been spared in arranging lo maki
this a most valuable two months foi
hose in attendance.
Mystery in These Rlhrjs.
A large number of genuine dlamoni :
- have been brought into Norfolli
ny a mysterious stranger and sold al
tomarkably low prices within Hie pasi
lew days. Where have Iho rings
come liom ?
This is i ho question asked by loca
lowelers who have been asked to determine
tormino the value of certain genii
hi ought to them by purchasers of tin
jewels who "got llieni cheap" from :
"certain party. " The rings are al
about the same size , a small stone o
about one-eighth karat , set in an en
gasement ring. ' ,
As far as can bo learned , the orlg
inal lot of Iho rings wore shown lo !
Norfolk business man , who says Ihen
were n large number of them almos
alike. They were brought in by :
man who had them neatly laid awn ;
In a case. This man said he pur
chased them from another man am
Ihero Iho mystery resls.
Since Hie original batch of ring !
wore seen , several local colored mei
have appeared with at least two apieci
of Iho rings. Some of the jewels wen
sold to Norfolk people.
People With Young Cogs and Peopli
With Old Ones , All Object.
"Are you going to tax that poor lit
tie thing ? " said the Norfolk Ia'v ti
the dog collector who had his oyc
glued on the little dog in question
"Why he's only six months old , am
all last summer he was sick and
pulled him through with blood mcdl
cine. lie's bettor now and > on ar
going to tax him ? "
One lady confronted the oollcclo
with a story just opposite. "Why
have had that dog for thirteen years ,
she said , "and I never had to pay la
for him. Now in his old ago you ar
going to tax him. It's a shame a dir
grace to the city of Norfolk. "
"I'd advise farmers to leave the !
dogs at homo lest the dog catche
take the animals when Iho owners ar
in town , and end the canine lives ,
said ono man.
He Ran Away With Circus.
The smell of sawdust and the roai
ing of the lions were the temptation
which led Veron Gill , formerly en
ployed at Iho Hoffman & Vlele stort
to leave his homo to tnko up the fo
lowing of the Gollmar circus.
Gill left home without saying a wor
to Ills parents , Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Gil
ills mother is said to bo worried eve
her son's departure. Gill Is 17 year
Mr. Gill is a well known travelin
salesman , living at 1213 Taylor in
An Office Is Robbed.
While Dr. II. J. Cole was abser
from his oflico al the noon hour ,
thief entered his dental parlors an
stole $20 In money and about $2
worth of gold which Is used for flllln
teeth. The thief unlocked a door an
rolocked It upon leaving. No clue t
the thief has been found.
He-fort ) leaving the olllco Dr. Col
locked the door leading to his prlvat
odlce. In a drawer of a ease ho ha
left a $10 and two ? : . bills. The thh
probably opened the door with a ske
eton key and took the money. Tli
door was locked when Dr. Cole n
turned. In the work room ho too
over an ounce of gold , but left Iw
sheets of gold In the same drawe
which , ire valued at about ? I0. ! Tli
theft Is bolleved to have been by bom
talent and the fact thai the remalnln
gold sheets were not taken , make
u thu doctor believe thu thief was in
lamillnrlth till' Millie ut tiio motiii.
Other dentists In the tlty were no-
tilled to he on their guard , It being
thoughl possible thai thieve * who
make a practice of stealing gold
from dentists' olllces were "making"
till * city.
The authorities are on the lookout
for the offenders. Some months ago
thieves entered Dr. llolden's olllces ,
which adjoin those of Dr. Cole , and
stole a number of valuable pictures
which were hanging on the wall.
Two Attempts at Burglary.
Last night was a great night for bur
glaries In Norfolk , but none proved
successful , for the thieves wont away
fruitless ,
The Krahn tailor shop was thu scone
of an attempt at robbery , the thieves ,
using a glass-cutter , cut half the pane
of a i ear window away and endeav
ored to tnko the pane out by cutting
away tin' putty. They were piobably
frightened away by employes working
In the kitchen of the Merchants cafe.
The Ed Hecker cigar store was an
other goal for the thieves , a similar
attempt at burglary being made there.
The panes In the rear windows were
loosened , bill had they been taken out
the opening would have been too
small to allow an entrance and the
thieves probably gave It up as a bad
Some years ago when the Krahn
shop was located on Second street ami
Norfolk avenue thieves got away with
? ; tOO worth of clothing.
Had to Fight the Pair.
Jainos Miles , a Norfolk liveryman ,
had an encounter with a white man
and a negro , employes at the S. T ,
Nappor ranch west of town , over : i
livery bill , and Is walking with a cane ,
Miles could have whipped either man
alone , ho says , but when two com
bined against him , lie stood no show ,
The negro was Joe Phipps , the no
torlous Hattle Creek coloied citizen
who has a long police court record In
Norfolk anil who was jailed circus day
for lying drunk under the seats sit llu
Phipps and tlio white- ranch employe
weio being driven homo by Miles wlici
a dispute over the faro arose.
"We'll not argue this. " said Miles
"We'll drive into this farm yard am
I'll Whip yon , " speaking to the wliitt
So ho drove in and stopped the
team. The light started and Miles was
getting tlio bettor of the battle whoi
the negro jumped In and made an 1111
even light against Miles.
Mrs. Buckles in Norfolk.
Mrs. Mary lluckles and children oi
Cherry , 111. , are in tlio city visltiiu
witli Mrs. Duckies' mother , Mrs
Schwartz , on Soulli First slreel. Mrs
Duckies is ono of Iho iiiifortunali
mothers who losl a son in Ihe Clierrj
mine disaster sometime ago. She lia :
been busily engaged at Cherry In re
lief work.
Better Count 'Em.
Newman Grove Reporter : The Nor
folk News publishes a list of the auto
mobiles in thai city , which numbers
forty-live. While we have never talc
en the lime to count them in this city
it is safe to say thai we have mon
than that number here.
Miss Dcssie Story of Pierce was
Miss II. A. Graven of Long Pine wai
in the cily.
James Grant of Madison was In tin
city on business.
Mrs. Mappes and daughter , Helen
have gone to Sioux Cily.
Mrs. A. J. Huebner and Mrs. L. Bris
sow of Iladar were in the city.
Miss Lena Hubble and Lenore Her
bert of Pierce were hero visiting will
Martin Wagner returned from Wan
watosa , Wls. , where ho had been at
tending college.
Mrs. W. P. Hall returned from Cc
Inmbns , whcro she spent a , few day
visiting with her parents.
James C. Pierce of Creighton , foi
nierly night clerk at Iho Oxnard hotel
was in the city calling on friends.
Lawrence Harnes has gone to Doai :
wood , Lead , Rapid City and IIo
r Springs to spend a few weeks' vacr
Miss Lizzie Harbor has gone t
Omaha to visit with her sister , Mrs
Mrs. A. Teal and granddaiightei
Elane , left at noon for Madison , Wls
and Grand Rapids , Mich. , to spend th
W. J. Stadeltnan returned froi
Plattsinonth and will go to Sioux Clt
to Join ills family in about a weel
when they will leave for Los Angeles
A. H. Vlele and C. E. Buniham n
turned from Omaha , where they a
tended the meeting of the Mosni
grand lodge. Mr. Vlelo was appolnle
grand junior deacon of Ihe gran
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Krei
tun , a daughter.
Miss Odella Walters Is sufferin
from an Injured hand , which she ace
dentally cut on n piece of glass.
John Klyim has bought out the ii
torest of A. Desl in Iho real cslate an
insurance linn of King & Dost.
Ernesl Raasch and John 1C rant
went to Rawllns , Wyom. , whore Ilic
expecl lo purchase fifteen sections t
Charlotte Mathewson , the llltl
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mail
ewson , Is suffering from an attack t
scarlet fever.
The baseball game between Hi
clerks and Iho bookkeepers , schedule
for last evening , was postponed c
account of the wet grounds.
P. M. Harrctt has gone to Omaha I
visit "Kid" Hall , who has been suite
Ing from blood poisoning and undo
went an oporalion recently.
Now paving petitions covering Till )
and Fourth street will bo drawn i ;
iand circulated , the original documen
b.\liig been loiind to be dofrctho.
M , W. Speuner. who linn boon oil-
onsly 111 , haw now sulllcleiitly iccov-
ercd hi * usual health to bo able to bo
buck at work again. A week uio ; bin
IIfo was despaired of.
Rev , Edwin Hooth , jr. , has been alii
sent nil this week In attendance upon
the state Sunday school convention ,
held lu llcalrlce. He will bo back for
Sunday for the Children's day enter
Hascball uniforms for the firemen's
team have arrived. They are hand
some suits tif dark grcon with the let
ters , "Norfolk K. IX" In white on the
front of the shirts. Thn caps are also
of dark green. The hose and beltH are
Herbert Wlchinan , a clerk at the
postolllco who took an examination for
the railway mall service last year , has
received nollco of an ojienlng in thu
service for which lie Is eligible. Mr.
Wlchinan has refused lo accept , pre
ferring his present position.
The Hosklns saloon ease will he
heard by Judge Welch at Wayne Sat
urday. In this case Mrs. Augusta
Deck remonstrates against the Issu
ance of a saloon license lo Carl W.
Anderson. Should thu defendant win
Ihe case the lid al Hosklns will again
bo lifted.
Word has been received by Norfolk
friends of E. II. Tracy , formerly of
Norfolk but now with tlio Prudential
insurance company and located at
Kansas City , thai ho has gone higher
lu the Insurance business and has been
transferred to the homo olllco al New
ark , N. J. Mr. Tracy will move from
Kansas City to Newark soon.
One of the Gollmar Brothers' circus
mployes said Harnuni & Halley'H big
ircus would probably make a stop In
Vorfolk on July 21) ) or HO. The big
how , which Is now playing In the
'list ' , will soon bo making their way
o the west , Intending < o play on lh < >
vestern coast in August. They are
filled to play in Kremont on July 28 ,
otning Iheie from Minnesota.
Twelve new candidates will be InHaled -
Haled into the Norfolk Elks lodge
Saturday evening , alter which the
intlered organization will hold a so
ial session and enjoy refreshments ,
riio candidates that have been rccom-
iicndod and will be initiated Saturday
veiling are as follows : Dr. M. D.
Jaker , Tilden ; C. G. Prlsclimann ,
Jrcighton ; George S. Jewell , Crelgh-
on ; J. G. Pollock , Tilden ; K. A. Pol-
ock , Tilden ; Harold W. Klngery , Tit-
Ion ; Dr. C. C. Harr , Tilden ; Henry G.
Wiles , R. H. McKlnney , A. J. Ryoi.
liram A. Jacobs , Ross H. Tlndall , Nor-
" Ditch Notice.
To the County of Madison , Nehras-
< a , August Knasch , Obed Raasch , Aug-
isl ilaase , O. Dederman , J. Koenig-
stein , .1. S. Malhowson , Augusta Haase ,
, oulsa Haase Palm , Enielle Ilaase
Mueller , Josephine Ilaaso Huolow ,
lonry Haase , Julius Ilaase and Anna
laaso Hnobner.
Yon and each of you are hereby no-
Hied that a petition is pending before
lie hoard of county commissioners ot
Madison county , Nebraska , asking foi
ilio location and establishment of a
Iraluage ditch , which petition is n
follows :
To the Honorable Hoard of County
Commissioners of Madison county , No >
biaska Your petitioner respectfully
represents :
That lie is the owner of land in the
lorth one-half of section 28 , in tov.-n
ship 24 north , range 1 west of the sixtli
P. M. in Madison county , Nebraska ,
That a ditcli for the purpose of drain ,
age be located and constructed as foi
ows : Commencing at a point at tliu
first bridge west of August Rnasch1-
liouse , located in section 2 ! ) , townshlj :
24 , north range 1 west of Iho sixlh P ,
M. In Madison counly , Nebraska , run. .
ning thence in a southeasterly dlrec
tion Ihrongh sections 2 ! ) and terminal'
ing in section 28 Ih said township at n
point where "Corporation Gulch'
( drainage ditch No. 1) ) empties intt :
the slough in tlio pasture of the Hnasi.
estate land in the southeast quarter ol
.mid section 28.
That tlio necessity of said Improve
iiient is the drainage of all Ihe cou
lipnons lerrilory , tlio same being low
wet lands.
Thai Ihe following is Ihe roporl ani
a tabular statement of the apportion
nient made by Iho engineer and sur
veyor appointed by the board to inukt
the survey of the route of said ditch :
Norfolk drainage ditch No. 2 , Madi
son county , Nebraska.
Description of ditch and apportion
ment of bonelits.
Tills particular ditch shall be knowi
as Norfolk drainage ditch No. 2 , am
all reference made hereafter to Nor
folk drainage ditch No. 2 shall lie con
sldered as referring to Hie ditch gov
erned by the following description
Beginning at a point on the scclloi
line between sections 20 and 21) ) , town
ship 24 north , range , 1 west , two thou
sand nine hundred sixty-two (2.U02 (
leet west of Iho corner between sec
lions 20 , 21 , 28 and 2 ! ) , and cxtendlm
south eleven degrees east to statloi
K ! . Station Kl equals station "A" C
From station "A" O , turning left ( iC
l0' ! and extending in a course sout !
77" HO' east to station 48 "A" , thane
turning It" 00' right and extending i
a course south tiS" : ! 0' east to stntio
57 "A , " thence turning 23 ° 00' right 1
a course south 45 ° ISO' east to stalio
71 "A , " connecting with drainage dltc
No. 1 at station 41 ! of drainage diu
No. 1 , which Is the end of Norfol
drainage ditch No. 2.
Drainage ditch No , 2 shall Imvo th
following dimensions : Depth of ditc
4 ft. , width of ditch on the top , 8 It
width of ditcli on bottom 1 It. C ii
Bonn approximately 4 It. wide on eac
nldo of Ihe ditch. The total length c
the ditch Is eight thousand four bin
dred (8,400) ( ) feet , and the appropriat
cost of the actual work of coimtrn
lion Is elghl hundred ( $8.00.00) ) du
Norfolk drainage ditch No. 2 crossi
the property of the following pcrrom
I'l.i nr i , i r tiio n\\ ' i nt M'lti'in " , l
and tlio swVt of the tii'of ' meet Ion 2'J '
and IhoVj of the suVi of Iho no'i ' of
st'Hlon 20 , all In ( owiitthlp 21 north ,
range I went , and belonging to Augimt
RaiiHcli. AlHo the 0 % of tlio no'i ' ot
the 111-14 of section 2 ! ) . township 21
not Hi , uui o t west , belonging to Obed
llaano. Also the o't ' of the sw't ' of
nwVi of suction 2S , township 21 ninth ,
range l west , bclonxtiig to August
UHORO. Also the i".j of the ew't ' of
the nwVi of section 28 , towm-hlp 21
north , rangeI I west , In-longing to o.
Dedermiin. Also the m'V'i of the nand \ \ t
and a corner of Ihe wVfc of the n\\ ' , ot
tlu < no' ' ' , of m'ctlon ' 28 , township 21
north , range I west , bi < longlng ( o J.
KoonlgHti'ln. Also the nwVi of the
bo"i of section 28 , township 21 north
l-auge I west , belonging to K. A. llaiim-
The nppoillonmcnt of the cost of
: msliuctlon of thn aforesaid dltih m
w follows : To Madbion county a <
( Hint of draining the road on Iheior
on line between sectlomi 20 and 2l ! ,
no-fourth of the total cost of the
Itch or $200.00. To August ItntiHrli
ne-Hlxteenth of the total cost of Iho
lleh or jntuio. To Obed Itaasch one
Ixloenth of Ihe total cost of the dm h
r $ , 10.00. To August Ilaaso one six
eenlli of the total cost of the ditch
f JliO.ou. To O. Dederman one six
couth of the total cost of Iho dili-li or
5(1.00. ( 'I'o , | . Koonlgsloln ( Inei'sK-
L'oiilhs of the total cost of the ditch
r $150.01) ) . To ,1. S. MnthewHon thivo-
ixleonths of the total cost of the
lldi or $150.0(1. ( To I lie llaase oitnlo :
ne-elglilli ot the total cmt ol the dltili
T f 100.00.
You will take notice that mud po
Itlon , surveyor's report and nppor
liniment will bo hoaid by the board of
iniiily romiuisslouers at the court
( iuio : in Madison , Madison county ,
Sfbinska , on the 2.Sth day of Juno , A ,
) . Mill ) , at the hour of I o'clock p. m. ,
ud ( hat all objections thereto , or up-
ilicatlous lor t onipoiimitlon and dam-
gos on account of the location and
onstrucllon of said ditch muni bo
lade in writing and filed \\llli Iho
oiinly dork before said day of honi
ng and dial all exceptions to said ap >
Kiitlonnicnl or to claims for compon-
: illoii ur damages must bo made In
vnliiigand tiled with the county dork
iijloio tlio lime sot for said hearing , or
aid ditch will be located and con
itrucled , damages allowed and appor-
ioiimeut of the cosl of said ditcli will
10 ma tin wit bout leluronco thereto.
Dated at Madison , Nebraska , HUH
si day of June , A. I ) . i'JIO. '
S. R. McKai-liind ,
( Seal ) County Clerk.
Order of Hearinrj on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administratrix.
The state of Nebraska , Madiium
ouiity , ss. At a county court held al
lie counly court room , in and for said
ouiity , May 27 , A. I ) . I'Jio ' , present ,
Win. Hates , county judge.
In the matter of the estate of Sam-
iel F. I loil/.iimn , deceased.
On reading and tiling the petit ion ot
leliuda Hoitzman , praying thai adiiiln
stration of said estate may be granted
o Belinda Heitzman as administral
Onlorod , Thai June 27 , A. IX 1010 ,
il I o'clock p. m. is assigned for hear
ng said potiUiSnhen all persons in-
erosted in said matter may appear at
a county court to be held al the lourt
oem in and for said county , and show
nuse why tlio prayer of petitioner
should not bo granted ; and thai notice
of the pendency of said petition and
.lie hearing Ihcreof , be given to sill
icrsous Interested in said matter by
mblishing a copy of this order in tlio
Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , a week-
y newspaper printed , published anil
circulated in said county , for three
successive weeks , prior to said day of
[ A true copy ] Win. Hales ,
[ SealJ County Judge.
WANTED Suiccs : : Magiizimj tone >
ono wilh experience , Imt would con
sider any applicant with good natural
qualifications ; salary ? 1.50 per day ,
tuires the services of a man In Nor-
'oik to lo'ik after expiring subscrlp-
; ions and to secure now business by
means of special methods usually ef-
'ectlve ; position permanent ; prefc *
with commission option. Address ,
with references , R. C. Peacock , Room
102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New
( Wilt 1114 1420-24 LAWRtNCt DtNVCR COLO
_ , , l.ctrli KIH ! dcwrlfitlnn mnj
Quick i ii.v Mnln our c > i * 4ot ! fruo wlittlior ati
iiii ntli < i > IH inolmlilr imieiiti i'H. ' tiimiiiunlrn.
tloiinHiriciiirc iiUiiuiitlnl. HA'IQLOOK ' on I'ntt'iitii
tout frvu. ( lent nu-ciirr fur mMiitiiiv imlrnli.
IMtPMto . . . . Ink M vliniuwa .Munii .V Co. r ) CClvo
| C \vi'li ' rjt t-hntC3 , lu tlio
A liiimlfoniolr.lHirlrntiM V.T'.IT , Ijirvmt dp
u. ill . . .ii < I mire iim : ili' l.jtiiiml. Tcriui , 13 a
) iiuir iiiuiiiUt , tL bgW liyall
. a. V ft , Waimutiou , 11 , u