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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1910)
WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL . . . NIOI5UASKA. KU1DAY. Jl'N'K ' 17. lffu7 ! ' TEX HICKARD MAKES THIS AN NOUNCEMENT TO PUBLIC. $120,000 IS'GUARANTEED THEME SO GOLDFIELD GETS MILL UNLESS - LESS OFER IS RAISED. AND THAT'S HARDLY PROBABLE Upon Receipt of a Tclcjjram From Morrh ; Sullivan at Goldficld , Flick- arcl Mnkco Announcement of New Location for Fight July > t. S-jun Kraiiehien , May 17. Tex Kick- aril announced to llio Associated Press loday , on receipt , of a telegram fiom Morris Sullivan of Coldflold , Nov. , that ( ho Jol'frlcs-Johuson fight would beheld held ( here July < l. Sullivan guaran teed $ li0H ! ( ) ( ) to the promoter ; ) . "Sullivan is an old friend of mine and absolutely dependable , " said Rick- ard. "I have no doubt , for 1 know llio limn. You can announce the light will go lo ( loldflold , unless a much bolter offer uhould come from homo oilier Nevada city , " 1 think 11 Is hardly possible that any olhor city will raise ( loldflold'u bid. " Militia to Stop Thin One. Governor Gillette has ordered Adju tant General Lund ; to have Iwo com panies of militia under arms and ready to slop the Langford-Kaufiuan fight tomorrow , should any attempt ho made to pull it off. General Lauck arrived hero this morning I'lom Sacramento and presumably is now in conference with the governor. Neither of them can bo located. promoter Snya Fight Goes On. Promoter Louis Hint of ( he Lang- rord-Kaiifmaii light , aflor hearing ( ho governor's decision , declared that ho would hold the contest as "ho had ad I/ vert Is'ed it and compel the troops lo Htop the light. " FOR A'BUREAU OF LABOR House Committee Decides to Recom mend Such a Cabinet Department. Washington , June 17. The house committee on labor today decided teleport leport lavorahly a hill creating a do- parliueul of labor with a seat in tlio president's cabinet. \ AVERT A RULES FIGHT. Concession is Made to Prevent Smoth ering of Important Bills. Washington , Juno 17. Tlio decision of the house rules committee today to ropurt a "reform" rule designed lo pre vent I'TWuUon being "smothered" In coiiniiiUi'c makes another light on the ( . in llio house at tills fossiou im- riu rule la practically thai prepared the dt mocratlc conference known ( lu Clark Shorloy resolution. Oklahoma Case Postponed. : ; iithrio , Okla. , June 17. Decause of ' to .secure a. special federal ( Nnp-t ; { d t to li'-ar the case today , Judge ,1. m [ . Cotiffull loday postponed till Mou- luy lime ' - ' ( ) . the hearing of llio appll- in of Gulhric for u temporary in- | uu-lion restraining ( he slate n.Nccu- ( tiu oltUMs from transferring the rec- I" Oklahoma City or transacting tin M < HI''S official business there. IwKi Ralph Campbell of Muskogee 1 > - htuii assigned to tlio case. HASKELL IN A PROCLAMATION. Officially Declares Oklahoma City is the State Capital. OKI iliom.i City , June 17. Governor ll.hl.ill I'.s-ucd a proclamation deelur- In > in. cipitul location bill carried , u i iillii uilly declared Oklahoma Cily In u iv received llio greatest number ( n \nii.i. Tlio proclamation is based iiimii tinoiuploto election returnsI'ur- i -li. d tin- governor by llio slate elec- ' . . 'ii Imard. The measure carried by > inui majority. d i\i i nor llusUoll said that the over- i Hint : nf Ills demurrer by Judge Hus ti'i' ' in Guthrie will not in tlio least n.i rt. . it with the determination of the ( it ) , . i.iU to remain permanently ii HI i ihinna City. ' 1 he demurrer waa merely a bash fori iinng a writ of prohibition it i IM it \\.is overruled , " said the gov i n-i.i ( . llaskoll did not indicate Ms Intention with reference to a wri I I | . lull. A mcssugo from William J. Dryai to ( enernor Haskcll congratulated the t ni-rnur mi his administration of sluti Another Week On Bleached Flour. KUIIKU.M City , Juno 17. The belief I ti , i Ma bleached Hour case being triei i r in the United Slates dlstrlc i- HI \\ill require at least anotlie \ \ . K's time. With thn government' PHI. , concluded today , tlu millers saj they can furnish all of the oieces huiy evidence with fewer than half the ulluowu'H placed on the stand by llio government. More than two weeliK have boon loipilrod to lake the I'-Mliuony of llio government wll- IKVOH. Nicaragua Revolution Spreads. WunliluKlim , Juno 17. Wet d roach- d the Hlalo department thai tlio rev- ( ilutlnn In Nicaragua is manifesting ( self in partK of the republic other ban thai onlrollod by Kxtriuhi. Ac- ending lo advices from Managua , rov- ilulinnl.MlH nro Increasing lu number n Mio vicinity of Granada , ( 'nimbi- . . ' < < luanlfoHlatliiu of a revolution- < jiililt also Is evident In western " vua. Tlio newspapers are hold ' \ Hlrlcl censorship by Madrl/ , HI generally hostile In tone to ho , \l States. General Lara , who van " 5 , urge of some of ( he Madrl/ oreo , \nillng against Dluellolds , las u < j'd ! to Managua. Nolh 'Si , ' * ' \s been lieaid of I ho stat ist of l" * sPltliiiaii , the American vim laid 'nines ' at Dluellelds and vas ouptufcd by the Madrl/ forces , 'lie secretary of the stales has opened n Inquiry to Consul Mofl'atl to do- 'oop | the facts. Provisional President ladrl/'s protest against tlio Intorfer- neo of the trilled States naval of- icom in the revolution lias reached 'resident Tuft , coming by cable by lunugun. The president lias referred lie communication to llio department , f slnlo , which will make answer in he course of a day or Iwo. Peru-Ecuador Peace Falls ? Lima , Peru , Juno 17. It wna rum- red today that the attempted media- Ion between Pom and Kouudor had ailed , owing lo the conditions imposed iy Kcuador as a basis for the peace icgnliulions. IRST HORSELESS BURIAL SER VICE IN THIS REGION. IELD FOR THE CARTER SUICIDE Horseless Hearse and Twenty Cars , With No Buggies , Attended the Last Ritea Over Remains of Brice Hat- ton Not a Relative There. Dallas , S. D. , Juno 17. Special to The News : The llrst exclusive aulo- uobllo funeral conducted on the Rose- 1 was soon at Dallas Wednesday , vhen ( ho remains of Drico Halton , vim reoenlly committed suicide at Car er , were brought in from Winner in in automobile and about twenty auto- uobllus , filled with friends of the do- eased , lined up and followed the aulo- uohllo hcarso to the Dallas comolery. A special sermon was preached and simple but impressive funeral services ( inducted by Dr. Henry Cullen of the 'resbytorian church. Several friends lad brought ( lowers and llio remark van heard : "This is as 'Dlondio' vould have wished it automobiles Hid red flowers. " The deceased had uany friends , but his relatives could itit bo reached and no relative attend- tl the funeral. CHINESE MEMBERS OF A CREW LEAP INTO THE SEA. WOULD ESCAPE ; FOUR DROWNED The Other Three Are Captured Sen sational Effort of Members of a BritIsh - Ish Steamer to Get Away as Ship Leaves Philadelphia. Philadelphia , Juno 17. As the Drit- isb steamship Highland Monarch was proceeding down the Schuylkill liver loday bound lor Auckland , New Xoa- land , so\en members of the Chinese crow leaped overboard In an effort lo escape. Four were drowned and llio remaining throe wore capluied. TWO BOYS LOSE LIVES. 16 Year-Old Youths Believed to Have Been Seized With Cramps. Dcadwood , S. D. , Juno 17. A tele phone message from Murdo , a small town east of Rapid City , tells of the accidental drowning lliero of John Cunnory and a companion named Pom- horr. Ilolh boys , who were It ! years old , were swimming in tlio railroad dam at thai point and are supposed lo have been seized with cramps. Nei ther body lias been recovered , al though dynamite is being used. TO LEAVE U. OF S. D. Professor Thompson Will Go to Uni verslty of Minnesota. Yormllllon. S. I ) . , Juno J7. Prof Carl W. Thompson has resigned his position as director of the school o commerce and professor of economic * and sociology in the University o South Dakota , having accepted a cal to the Unlvorsilyof Minnesota , where ho will hfive work In the doparlmonl ot economics. MAY BLOCK POSTAL BANK INSURGENT SENATORS OPPOSE CONCURRING IN BILL. MAY MEAN DEATH OF MEASURE Senator Cummins Says It Would Be Better to Allow the Bill to Die This Year Than to Adopt the Measure Sent From the House. Washington , Juno 17. 11 was devel oped on the lloor of the senalo loday thai the oppo.-dlion of the program of concurrence ! by the tioualo in house 1)111 ) lo create postal snviugu banks would not bo conliiicd lo the demo crats. "Insurgent" lopuhllcans are opposed to the huuiio bill and quite a formid able force Is preparing to insist that the hill be sent lo conference. "Hut It might be impossible for the conference lo report an agreement tills session , " said Senator Smoot to Sen ator Cummins , who had suggested that , there should ho changes in ( lie house measure. "I3vou that would he preferable to taking the bill as it is. " said the Iowa senator. "The conferees should make their report to the nexl session and no great loss would result to the country by reason of delay. " All of this discussion was informal and it spread to all parts of the cham ber , disclosing the fact that there is no general sentiment In any quarter for the postal bank 1)111. ) O'NEILL ' SEWER BIDS HIGH Exceed by $3,000 , the Amount of Bonds That Were Voted. O'Neill , Neb. , Juno 17. Special to The News : The bids illod with llio oily for llio installing of the sewerage system adoplcd by the voters last mouth were opened by the council and the lowest bid was found to exceed the amount voted for by $3.000. This came as a surprise to the people who had the proposed lines carefully surveyed by a competent engineer , who fixed the amount necessary to build the sys tem at $ liOUU. ( The principal reason assigned tor the high bids submitted was tlio nature of part of the ground to bo worked and thn danger of quick sand existing. To the city ollicials this is not Hiillleiont reason to warrant such unusually high bids and they are in- vobtigating. That the system will bo nstalled there is no doubt , and con- idonco is expressed in the judgment if the engineers who made the orig- ual estimate. The excavaling of the basement of he addition to Saint Mary's academy s nearly finished , and the building will bo rushed to completion as soon is possible. MULLEN MURDER TESTIMONY. State Claims Mclntyrc Killed Hamil ton With Gun in Saloon. Mullen , Neb. , June 17. The jury , va secured in tlio Mclulyro murder trial and the taking of testimony be gun , following tlio outline of tlio cane > y the prosecution and defense. 11. : j. Mclnlyre is accused of the killing if O. F. Hamilton , an aged lawyer and and agent whoso body was found several months following ills dlsap- ifaranco in a sand dune near the u\\n of Mullen. Hamilton , it has loon alleged , aroused the onomity of uany people in this section by tuni ng government informer In land cases In Nebraska. The prosecution in its statement said it was prepared lo prove ( hat Mclntyro killed Hamilton in a saloon , iy striking him over the head with a revolver ; that two witnesses were present al tlio killing , and under Ihroals helped bury the body. Tlio allegation of the defense is Ihat Mclntyrc was not present at llio kill ing but that Krunlc Clovonger , who confessed ho was present and inform ed on Mclntyro , was Ilm actual slay- op The testimony was limited to the story of the finding of llio body and the nature of the wounds on Hamil ton's head. Former supreme court Justice W. D. Oldham is assisling in tlio prosecution and former Chief Jus tice .1. .1. Sullivan lias been retained by the defense. Improvements at Gordon , Gordon , Neb , , Juno 17. Special leThe The News : Work was resumed to ward llio completion of Robert IJoylos' now restaurant building. The con crete basement walls were built some time ago and delay -1-foot joist tim bers in arriving has necessitated tlio walling. The brick work was started Wednesday. Rosollns , who built the Gordon State hank building , is in charge. The building is two-story and basement. IMxGO feet. Tlio walls are brick faced with nn inner wall of hoi low brick. Mr. lloylos has boon in Uio rcslau rant business hero for several years but was obliged to give It up for u tlmo last fall and winter. When In business he commands u large trade owing to excellency and neatness o service , together with llio best mca for the money. The restaurant wll ho ready for operation within six weeks or two months. Row Follows Divorce Testimony. Nollgh , Neb. , Juno 17. Special to 1'ho News : N. W. Job and A. IJ. Juekmastcr wore tirroHlod last even- lig on ( ho charge of lighting and us- ng profane language. Tlio quarrel nose OUT llio testimony Mr. Job had ; lvon In the licit I2gboil divorce cusu Wednesday , to which Mr. luckmn ! ( er ook exceptions. Doth pleaded gully | o the chargi ) before Police Jndg' ) Me- Mllster and paid the' lines of $ ( i.'JL' in ach case. Actor Held for Train Robbery. HI Paso. Juno ! 7.--Matl Smith , a ' ( inner student nf the University of Texas , formerly of Dallas , Is being told In jail al Alma Gordo , N. M. , for examination in connection with the loldup of thn Kl Paso and Southern .rain at Carri/.o/.o , N. M. , lasl week , lie claims he can prove an alibi. Of- leers say ( ho Pullman porter and one KiKsonger pointed Smith out lo them jefore he was arrested. Smith Is an ictor , and came to Carrl/o/o recently rom Kansas City. BREAKS DOWN FOR FIRST TIME SINCE HIS ARREST. FAMILY COMES TO SAY GOODBYE On the Eve of Being Taken to the State Penitentiary for the Rest of His Life , McKay Breaks Dov/n in Jnil and Sobs Like a Child. Neligli , Neb. , Juno 17. Special leThe The News : Joe McKay , who will bo ukcn lo the stale penitentiary today o serve a life term for tlio murder of A. G. Drown at Hrunswlck last De- einber , broke down yesterday after- loon for the llrst time sluco his ar- est. He cried in his cell at the jail. During the afternoon McKay was visited by his wife and two children ind by other relatives. They had : ome to say goodbye lo the man who vas taken away by tlio sheriff today o spend the balance of his life as a : onvict in the murderer's cell at the .tale prison. And for the llrst time hrough all of the menial strain that ind lieon put upon him by the arrest , ho trial and the sentence , Joe McKay ; ave way to real tears. Ho sobbed ike a child. The Crime a Hetncrus One. Dut be said nothing ( o indicate' Ihat 10 was willing to change his declara- ion of ( lie day before when , in bo ng sentenced by Judge Welch , ho said , "I'm not guilty , your honor. " McKay is about I0 ! years old. The tapers to imprison him were made out luring the afternoon. The murder of Drown at Ilruiiswick , iloue in his lllllo homo , was one of he most villainous ci lines in llio an- uils of tlio state. Ills body was iound n the cellar , the head crushed in , and v bloody ax at its side. It was claim- d McKay killed Drown for money. Judge Welch adjourned court till the fall term. Senate to Consider Lorimer Charge. Washington , June 17. A meeting of tlio senate commit too on privileges ind elections has been called for lo- morrow to consider bribery charges in connection with the election of Sen- itor Lorimor of Illinois. It is expected a resolution will be reported providing for an invesligulion. AN AD. TO BRING BRIDES. Illinois Minister Believes in Using the Newspaper Space , Mollne , 111. , Juno 17. A precedent in the ministerial advertising world lias been established by the Rev. R. S , Haney , pastor of tlio Second Con gregational church ol this city , who has inserted a display advertisement in the daily papers calling attention to tlio fact that it was his business to marry persons. The Congregational minister always has boon known as a progressive ad vertiser , but his latest venture has startled oven bis most intimate of friends. "June brides , attention ! " In heavy black typo is the way llio advertise ment is headed. Dy way of explana tion , the pastor's ad. continues : "Last jour six couples called at my house to bo married while I was at tending oilier weddings. If you will please drop me a letter staling when and where you desire to bo married 1 will try to make my plans conform to yours. .All communications will bo kept coiilldontial. " What effect the advertisement will have on the oilier ministers of the cily is u topic of considerable discus sion. It Is generally believed his stop will bo censured by the Ministerial Union , of which ho Is a member. Mr. Hanoy Is at the head of what isknown as nn liislltutionaPcunrch and ho advorllscs It extensively in many ways. Ho has a card Index system containing the names of the members of his church and his con < grcgation. He never misses sending birthday anniversary cards to jiioni' ' hers of his flock or any ono whose name is in his index. If a parisliiouci loaves the city , Mr. Haney always scuds him or her several postcards If .tho pastor goes on n journey lit never neglects Bonding n postcard t ( each of his friends. DID CHARLTON MURDER HER ? ITALIAN POLICE MAKE DIRECT CHARGE AGAINST HIM. SHE WAS LAST SEEN WITH HIM They Dined nt nn Inn She Wore the Same Gown That She Lntcr Was Found to Wear in the Trunk Reconstruct - construct the Murder Scene. Como , Italy , Juno 17. Aflor run- ilng down the few authentic ami HCOI-OH of fanciful clews In llio mys- ory of the murder of Mis. Mary ihai'llmi , whos body was found In , ! ilto Como , packed in a trunk , lai I ' 'riday , the king's proseculor for .ombardy , Count Ciuiglla , practically las charged Porter Charllou with the nurder of his wife. Mr. 1-elshmau , 'nlted ' Stales ambassador In Home , ind the United Stales consul In Mi an , both are in Como and are llrm n llio belief that bolh Charllon mid lis wife were killed by robbers and bat llio body of Cliarllon is In llio lepths of Lake Coinu. The Italian inthorllles are concentraling their fforts on a searcli for the missing iiishand. C'liarllon was last seen at Mol- raslo , near llio villa ho occupied with ils wife , on June 8 , two days after lie disappearance of Mr.s. Cliaillou , ind two days before her body was 'omul in Lake Como. Tills effectual- y disposes of the theory that Churl- on and his wife were murdered at he same time. There are nnauthontlcalcd reports .hat Charlton was soon on n train ind bound for hu/.crno on the night of June 1) ) , and that he had been seen In Switzerland , disguised as a priest. Jount Gniglla , however , Is of the opinion that Charlton unless ho was ivlthout funds and has committed suicide has made ! ils way to Kng- and and will attempt to get to Now York. The Russian , IspohifilolT , has clear ed himself pretty conclusively of any suspicion of tlio murder , hut lu > Is still held by llio authorities on the round that ho may know something if tlio crime. All that ho will say s that Cliarllon and his wife were n continual squabbles and that he lelicvcd lliem both lo bo rraay. What is regar'ded as slrong proof igalnst Cliarllon , in view of lliis es tablished fact that ho was insanely lealous of his wife , is the discovery n tlio trunk with the body of ninny eve Ictlcrs which llio woman \violo .o her llrst husband , Castle , b'-fore hey were married. These letters were returned by Castle to Mrs. Charllou after they were divorced. It s regarded as unlikely that any one nit Charlton would place these let- ers in the trunk with the body. Mr.s. Charlton was last seen alive iy the people in this vicinity on the night of Sunday , Juno 5. She took Tinner with her husband at an Inn , i fcbort distance from their villa. The iVoman wore the identical black gown in which her body was dress- d. Apparently she was murdered within a. few hours after sh" and her insband left , the Inn for their villa , which \Y.IS Jibont 11 o'clock at nifint Hunting for Charlton. Although divers worked all day In llio waters of lake Como , their la.bor.s were not rewarded with tlio finding > f anything that would aid in Lolviug the mystery of Mrs. Mary Scot } Castle Charllon's murder or a clew lo ' .lie fate of I ho woman's missing husband , Porter Charlton. Nothing was discovered that in any way would justify the supposition l.f t Charlton's body is in tlio lake , mid the searcli tended to strengthen the belief entel'taiiied all along ny the police thai Cliarllon has , nado his way out of the country and may be now on board some outward-bound steamer. Temporarily llio examiiialion of Ispolatof , the Russian suspect , has been suspended while the efforts of llio piosocntor are being directed to u thorough Investigation of the scene of the murder and the domestic and social lelations of Charlton and his \ \ ife. CUDGEL A OTATUE OF LOVE. Mrs. dial-icon Was Felled With an Emblem of Affection. Como , Italy , Juno 17. The local In- vostigalion of the murder of Mrs. Mary Scolt Castle Charlton shifted to an analysis of the manner of the killing. This is held 10 bo filgnill- c ut of progress , a.s heretofore tlioHO interested have devoted their ener gies cliielly to determining the iden tity of tlio slayer. The villa on the lake shore occu pied by Porter Charlton and his wife up lo the time of llio lalter's death was again visited this afternoon and examined with a view of foregoing a chain of incidents that led to the tragedy. As a result of the Invrsllgation it Is assorted that Mrs. ClmrHon was atlacked in llio dining room and that the llrst blow was struck with a terra ra cotta statue which tlio artist hac named "Lovov" Kxpcrts framed a plausible story of the violent scone , somewhat aftpr ( he manner of the French police , who enactwhat Is called "tho reconstruc tion of the crime. " According to this , CONDITION OFJHE WEATHER Temperature ( or Twenty ( our Hours. Forecast ( or Ncbraskn. Maximum lH ! Mlnliniiin lU ! Vvorago 77 Paromotor illU'iS Chicago , Juno 17. Thu InilluHn IH- Miictl liy ( lie Chicago station of tlui Hulled Stales wcuthor bureau gives llio forecast for Nebraska an followH : Giuierally fair nuil ( ' 0111111110(1 ( warm- ur tonight anil Saturday. hero was a dinner In the villa al \lilcli much wlnovan drunk. The lolleo do mil profess to nay who llio liners , other than Mrs. Chnrltou , vorc ; lint the light that , followed Is : onlltk'iily ! attributed In part to a iraln Inflamed with drink. Admitting this hypothesis , it hi mild hat a ( | imnol look place and that lie woman was wtiuek on the head with the statue , receiving a wound 'ioin which the blood flowed freely. \Vllh tlio blow llio statiio was then ) rol < en. Airs , Charllnn appears to have lied 0 the chamber above , seeking refuge n her bed , where the sheets wern saturated witli her blood. While tit ill on bur foe I , investigators say , she vas struck again and full , her head Iropping on a pillow which bears urge red stains. Proslrulo on the led the woman , It Is assorted , re ceived six olhor blows which render ed her Insensible. The stairs and the walls adjoining ire stained , indicating , the Inquirers say , that alter having been made un conscious , Mrs. Charlton was then 1 ragged through the loom and down the stairs to the ground lloor and hero placed in the trunk , which was ator weighted and sunk in Lake Como. The books found In the villa wcro levels , the authors including Do Man- mssaut , Provost and Oscar Wilde. J'ho slnglo exception to this class of itoratnro was a llttlo volume at llrst ) verlooked , but which , on examina tion , proved to bo a hymnal present- 'd , .so the inscription ran , to Porter Chailton on his birthday by his moth er. MR. AND MRS. PHILLIP JOHNSON OF BROKEN BOW. STRUCK BY FAST MAIL TRAIN Visiting Relatives at Cedar Rapids , la. , the Couple , Aged 70 , Stepped In Front of Northwestern Train and Met Instant Death. Cedar Hapids , la. , Juno 17. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Johnson , each 70 years of ago , of Broken How , Nob. , wore Instantly killed by a Chicago & Northwestern fast mall at Mount Ver- ioji , today. They wore visiting relu- .ives and aflor alighting from an east- louiid train stopped In front ot the train going in an opposite direction. HUE NO , 1 BUNCH OF FIREWORKS EXPLODE IN A SPENCER STORE. AND SET THE BUILDING AFLAME Fourth of July Combustibles Explode From Unknown Cause in Smith < . Mohr Store , and for a Time Entire Block is Tnreatened. ' .Spencer . , Neb. , June 17 , Speqlal to The News : About $1,00 worth of lire- works in Snijlh & Mohr's stpre ex ploded yesterday morning nbqut U o'clock. The building and conti'iils were damaged considerably. The alarm of lire was turned , in and the department responded promptly. The promplness of the lire depart ment and citizens prevented n spread of the Humes and saved the qntiro block , is composed of frame buildings. .Luckily no ono was hurl , pxccpt Mr. honey , ono of Ibto iircmon , who was sevorly cut on the hand , The cause of the explosion Is.un , known. Messrs. Smith and Moln wcro in llio aloro at , thp time , but were unable to say just how the explosive plosive caught lire. The stock was insured. i Coal Miners to Resume. Fort Smith , Ark. , . Junp J,7.r-Coil operators of Arkan # 5 and Oklahoma at a secret meeting hero decided ti begin operations under the open hhoi policy next Monday if a conference at Kansas City today bctwcpu the execu live commit too ' -f the .Southwest Operators raters association and President l > pwir of the miners' union falls to result li an agreement. The class A gr.nup Is composed of Oklahoma and Arkunrns operators. Six companies nro Involv odi in the decision to re-open the mines. HI TO CREET FOGGY WEATHER , | N NEWYORK ( DOESN'T CHANGE PLANS. " . M. DUE AT 700 ! IN MORNINO And Even If the Steamer In Delayed a Bit by Fog , the Pronrain Jo Not Planned to Start Until 9 O'clock ; New York Is Thronged. New York , Juno 17. Colonel Thno- lore Roosevelt Is today fasl Hearing New York , whcro a wplcoiup nwulln ilm tomorrow on bin return from for- 'Ign lands. A wlroloBH dispatch from the steam- hip Kalsorlii Augimlo Victoria with Colonel Roosevelt and , hn | family iboard , states that thy liner w s -tii : : nileii easl ot Ambrose lightship at ( i iVIoek. This would bring the steamer iff the Sandy Hook reached at 7 I'eloek tomorrow morning , \Veatiijr ) oudltlonfl for tie | welcoming Hoint ! i bad this morning. A milky fog which screened the bay and a shinties ) ) drl/- .le made New York a sodden spot to- lay , but the wcalhor map hold out u Illlp prospect of clearing. Fog at HUJI night delay the KalHortu Augustu Vic * orla , but as the program iloos mil cull or the steamer to bo In quuraiitlm ) mill ! ) o'clock , Captain Knsor hasBomo eeway In time. "There will bo no postponement of my of tomorrow's program on account ) f the fog , rain or anything else , in he weather line If tlio Knlsorln Aug- isto Victoria gets In on time , " was .ho statement made by the reception oinmitteo today. All Plans Completed. , All preparations for the former pres- dent's welcome hnvo boon completed. When tlio vessel drops anchor off quar- intino Roosevelt and Ills family vill go aboard the rovonno Manhattan or breakfast after wjileh thpy will ) o transferred to the larger cutter Androscogg which will load the water ) aiade up the Hudson and back to the lattery , where Mayor Gaynor will wel come the returning hunter. The exercises at the battery wll | bo ollowcd by u 'jnrndc up , Droo.d\yny ind Fifth nvcnup , visiting organlza- Jens having riosilloiiB assigned ( hum Uong the line of .march. CJolouol loosevclt goes to his homo In Oyster 3ay Into In the afternoon. , All in coming trains brought largo lumbers of visitors to tlio city today. T. R. DUE AT 7 A. M. f Steamer- Maintains Prepept Speed ; But Fog May Delay. Kaisorin Auguste Victoria ( by , Mar coni wireless to Slasvojisctt , Muss ) , Juno 17. rT.hls steamer , which if * carrying ainpng Its passengers , fpru- } qr President Hoosovclt homeward bound after more Hum , n year from home , was 43:5 : milqs cast oftho , Am- Ijrpz chapuol lightship at G o'clock this morning. . , i , New York , Juno 17.-rlf the iKaJsprin Augusto Victoria maintains 4bo speed mlie.atod ii | the above dispatch fthp should bo off.Sandy Uopk at 7 q'clock omorrow morning , , However , if the > rovailing fog continues .along . the Liopg Island coast Uio steamer will H-obably be somewhat delayed. , Won't Welcome Roose.velt. , New Y.orlc . , Junq 17.T-Former Govor- loi1' B. I } . Odell anoniinced that ip had declined to servo on tluu , com- iiltteo to rcceiyn Qolonql R < jp&oyelt next.Saturday appointed ) by , CUaJrinnn nimotliy L. Woodruff of- the rep ibll- : nu state committee. He had no ex- > lanation to make. STATEHOOD BILL IS PASSED. ' Separate Statehood for New , .Mexico and Arizona Seems Ajcurcd. Washington , Juno 17 , After .reinaln. ing , on the senate calendar , for Ihreu months in a stato.of . nncprlaipty asto Its fulu , the bill provJiilng fpr , mjssiou of the torriloriqs of tyqvy. l\Jox- \ ien and Arlzpna tp separate statehood wfts lnkon up by .the senatp.aud . puns > cul after u debate consuming llttlo nuiro than two hpiirs. , All thp speeches were favorable , , to. the , crea tion pf twp slates , but the democrats favored tlm house bill. , , ; When the vote was reached thcrp was a .divJslpu , on tip | senate .iHib/jtl- . / tiito for the house billi but with that amendment acpeptpd , the senate vnt- cd , solldy | for the passage of the hill , The semite substitute was udpjutod , usj an amendment to the hou o nieajtiirp l > y a party vote , the ballot standing lto 19. i , , , Heprcsenlatlve Hamilton , of. iticljl- gan , cbairmaji .of thp IIOUBQ , committee - tee of territories , said UinL l\o \ bad up donht now pf the pnaptmnnt of ( h" Htatehood bill Into law at \lilt.KCSS.OU \ } , | of cpngrpBS. IlQ.hnd confldonco that the house will adopt the conference report when made. i Bishop Sends Message. n Kdinburg. Juno 17. Today's .fea . tures at llio world mlsHloimry coufpr- cnco were the reading of a pgttor from ajpnslgnor J3on ( mpU > ; f > Roman Cath- pile .bishop of Crcuionla , Jtnly , and the presentation of thp sqarch of the com- jultisloii . , pf il.ucatlou . .ill rql tjon t | ) cJiristlanl/.atloii of national life. Tlio comnuinlc ( tlon oftliobishop wfl In roHpoiiBo to nn Invitation Tor him to contrlbuto n mcsaaeo ,