The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 10, 1910, Page 6, Image 6
u TIIK NORFOLK WKKKL . _ L _ NEWSJOURNAL. . FRIDAY , 10 , 1910. * * SPORTS OF THE DAY ! Gotch Back to the Farm. Chicago. Hinc I Finnic Goteh miyu lit > will no\\ ret lie to Ills fin in In low u In a statement uulay lie mild " 1 won anil now I am thiough with the wioHtllng game I am I ! ! ! yeiuu old unit Itslll bo thu Hlmplo llfo for mo In iho fntuio. A good many of the wioHlloiH linvo waltoil too long anil have boon beaten. I am going to try to avoid that. Tlio lliHt fall with Hybscko en me as I had planned ; the HecondMIH hard In fact aa tough a bout at ) I have been In. There was no time wasted and I could not hnvo tin nun the Pole bofoio I did. 1 will leave foi thu coast and BOO If I can help Jeff i lew out. and then thoiolll be 11 long lent coining to me. " X > bucko until : ' It was no dlsgiaco to ho beaten by a man llko Gotoh. Ho Is a Y.v clone. ' That Ishut vou call it , Is It not ? I had hoped to defeat the champion and take the tltlo hack to Emopo with me No\v , Hlneo I hn\o lost I am go Ing homo Just the .same as fust as the boat will cany mo. I bavo no piotost on the Hist fall. It Is tiuo 1 not set and had at least expect- I'd to shako hands \\ltb my opponent. 1 w.i * slightly hint In the second bout , whidi to some extent accounted for in > defeat. " "BROKE" BUT NOT "ALL IN. " Chicago , June I. A. C. ( Pop ) " An- BOD , the votoian baseball man , who managed the Chicago National League team lor twenty-two yoais , won six penants and letlred ftom tbo league In IS'JS ' with u fottuno leputed to have been $300,000 , Is "broke. " The last llnancial stiaw blew away yesterday when a mortgage on his homo was foieclosed In default of notes aggiegatlng ? G,800. ' Out I'm not 'all in' by a long shot , " said Anson. ' You can't keep a good man down , so just say that I'll get along some how ' \nson is said to ha\e lost a laige sum in a billliud ball \ontiiio which ondid tinoo jonis ago. In recalling bis business failuie he had only this comment : ' I failed because I didn't make money. " "I vv ained 'Pop' not to go Into busi ness " said Mrs. Anson. "Hut It's all light no\\ ; I've had my lltle cry , and well give up the home \sbeii It's call ed tor. We've Ihcd heie twenty-six years , though all thiougb 'Pop's' ptospeious days and , of course , it's bard to ba\o to lea\e. lint Anson Is in good health and so long as that is the case we'll got along all light. 'Tbo only tioublo with 'Pop' is bo's been too honest and easy going. Ho has tioated e\eiybody squaiely , but has not got square tieatment in 10- turn " Stanton Beats Nelinh. St.uiton , Neb , .lune I Special to The News Stanton high school de feated the Nollgh high school ball team by a siore of G to 3 , in a well plaved game heio B.Utoiles , Stanton , IlawUns and Ciipes , Neligb , Leonard and Millei Uinilio. ) Hopper. Take Note , J. Johnson. J ! n Lomond. ( Ml , June 1. Jim Jcf fn s n now in magnlticent condition , and if no accident or sudden illness h' > ' ills him , he will enter tbo ling on JuH 1 foi Ills championship battle \\nli Jack Johnson In poifect physical tiim that is the gist of a statement is- stud by Or. ( Mimics V. Cioss , United State- , examining physician of San Fiaiuiseo , who jestuulay made the most complete and painstaking exam ination the big fellow has had since be began tialnlng for bis coming bat tle l"oi neaily two hours the physl- dun watched and \\oiked over Jeffiles in bis nibbing loom at the local camii ai d be gave out this statement : In the eouise of my piactlce I have PX.IU ined fifteen or twenty thousand men and I ha\c ne\er teen an } thing so wonderful as the stiength , power and pei feet condition of this man , His e\e is dcai and steady , indicating a tool and well balanced judgment , Hib beait action sin prised me , for .itt-r bis vigorous exeicises and while bo wan being rubbed and kneaded by four pairs of bands , his heait pulse was only sixty eight In the a\eragc man it would ha\o been eighty or over , The Lunps Are Sound. 1 was especially caieful to search bis lungs for any trace of the piieu monia with which he was seilously at tlictod some years ago. The lungs showed absolutely no evidence of the pneumpnia and his respiration organs me entliely free and normal. Ills breathing machinery is excellent , too , Six parts of the physical man must be right for him to bo strong enough to enter n strenuous athletic contest his brain , heart , lungs , stomach , kid nejs and liver. Every one of these organs In Jeffries Is perfectly sound and free from Haw. I found nothing In my searching examination to Indl cate that the stories of hidden disease In Jeffries are true. " Doctor Cross , who recently attend ed Johnson , took occasion to compare the former champion with the negro Johnson Is Fatter. "As to n comparison of the physique of Johnson ami Jeffries. " he said "there is not n largo margin of dlf forence. Both mon are In line bodily trim Johnson , like Jeffries , Is sound throughout. Ho has considerably more fat on his body , but when the pah stop Into the ring I bollovo they will bo almost an cvon match so far ns condition goes. I am convinced that Jeffries' great reduction in weight ho must have rid himself of at least llfty pounds has not Impaired his Htamlna " The phynlelan noted that Jeffries' miitu'los have been massaged and han dled with Hclontlllc caio and ho said that the lighter's muscular condition Is little short of marvelous. Doctor CIOSB concluded : "Ho Is practically In lighting condi tion now and needs only to watch with extreme caio that ho does not ov IMI each himself before the day of the battle. " SOME CRITICS SO AMUSING , v Bat Masterson In New York Fires a Broadside at Wise Ones In Frisco. Now Yoik. Juno I. It would bo amusing , weic It not so absuul , to note the way some of the sporting critics of San Fiancisco handled the exhibition given by Joftrles at Dream land last Fiiday night. The ciltlcs seemed to think that because Jeff had failed to sail in and slaughter his lit other Jade and ( Mioynskl , both of whom acted as his span ing partnois at the exhibition , the big fellow's con dition was still something of n mys tery. tery.What What any sane poison expected Choynskl and Hi other Jack to do , or lather , make the big fellow do , Is a mystei.v to me. When Jeffiles ar- tanged to appear In a public exhibi tion in Filsco it was not to show what he could do as a lighter , but merely to give the Frisco public nn opportun ity to judge bis physical appealance to satisfy public cuiloslty on that point , as It weie. So far as bis looks woie conceined , the ciitlcs found no fault. The only thing that seemed to wor ry them was the fact that Jeff fallen to knock the daylights out of his span ing paitnors. To any one who knows Choynskl and Jack Jeffries , the idea that either , no matter bow earn estly he might tiy , could make Jeff ex tend himself , is simply ildiculous. Supposing , for instance , JofC had tinn ed loose at Cboynskl and his bi other , Jack , and Knocked them out of the ling into the ciowd in the Hist lound , how could that have had any bearing on bis condition ? An > one who knows Jeff must iea- ll/o that had ho felt so disposed , that is exactly what he could have done and not half tiy. Even had Deb Ann- stiong essayed to act as a span ing partner there is no icason to believe that ho would have fared any better. Some ot these sporting ciltics aie ceitalnly the limit when it comes to banding out an unadulterated article of nonsense. Now that Jim Coibett is on the giound , we may expect to bear some' thing iellable concerning Jeff's ical condition. Coibett was in pretty fait shape himself for a shoit bout when he left heie , and utter be gets the kinks out of his legs duo to the long lalhoad jouiney to the coast , it need not suipiisc anyone to bear that the ex champion had hooked up with the letlied champion in a sine enough seiap Coibett's intentions when be left heie vvoio to give Jeff a trj out some moining in leal cainost and the out come of the tiyout would fuinisli him with a line on the big fellow's chances w hen he meets the negro champion on the rouith of July. Cor- belt told me before leaving that any time ho put on the gloves with Jeff it would not be with any intention of engaging in a fiiendly bout. "I'll make Jeff light eveiy minute of the time I while I last , " was Coibett't > emphatic dedaiation. These training camp bouts with span Ing partneis aie all light in their way , but they amount to little in put ting a man to the test. "I know Jeff bettei than any man in the world , " Coibett continued , "and I'll hnve a ptotty fail idea ot how good he ia when I get thiougb with him , or rath' I or when ho gets through with me. I don't expect to take him over a very ; I long distance of giound , but I'll make him step mighty lively while we are at It. " Coibett's Idea ot what Jeff requires is no doubt the coriect one , and while I don't look to see him go a gioat way in a mix up with the big fellow. In case bo staits , noveitheless I feel that he'll bo able to give Jeff the only real woikout he has had since bo's boon In tialning. Maybe Jim Coffrotb , the boxing pio- motor , did really say this and then again maybe he didn't. Anyhow , here is what "Sunny" Jim Is supposed tc have said about Jeff after witnessing his peiformance at Dienmland Friday night : "I did not think Jeff could get down so line in weight. Ho looks tc mo to bo In the same condition aa when ho was tialnlng for his boui with Munioe. I have never seen Jefl look as strong and healthy , and I have watched him closely In many a fight , I am of the opinion that ho is n bet tor man today than he was ten years ago " This ought to make Jim a 1C to 1 favorite. NOLAN MAY MANAGE JOHNSON. It Is Reported that Nelson's Former Boss Will Take Charge of Negro. San Francisco , Juno 4. That Billy Nolan , formerly manager of Battling Nelson , will eventually assume com1 mnnd at Johnson's camp is a story that Is gaining credence hero. The story Is , In fact , backed up by the light that took place between Maim gor George Little and SIR Hart , one of the training staff. As gossip goes there has been anything but harmony between Little and Hart , and it final ly culminated In a physical contest in which Little Is said to have stretch ed Hart out on the road , while the members of the camp were playing baseball There was an end to the iffnli only when Johnson gave n Lit tle a tongue lashing ho will long ie- member. It Is goneially understood that Lit tle 1ms been shoin of nil teal autlioi- Ity. Nolan admitted that he has been indliectly appumchcd on the subject and doclaied that If ho is to become manager bo must have full charge. Nolan was Instrumental In having "Billy" Delaney Installed ns chief ad viser at the Johnson camp. Dog Fights a Rattler. Lanuo Advocate : Wo bad a chance to observe an Incident of tiuo western countiy this week. Some tlmo ago Don Foster of Dallas gave a valuable dog to ono of Billy Btown's chlldion on the V Cioss lanch. The bov and the dog became fast fi lends and con stantly pln > oil together. One day this week Mis Blown honnl the dog ImiIc ing tuilously and the boy shouting. Upon going out to ascertain the cause ot all the noise , she discovered the dog had coinoied a huge inttlesnake up against the side of the house and was between it and the boy who was tiylng to get to tbo snake with a stick. Mis. Blown quickly dispatched the tattler which can led twelve i allies and a button. These weie sent to Don Foster at Dallas and along with them went one ot Billy Biown's best cow ponies as a piesent to Mr. Fostei's lit tle daughter , Joannolto , Enough Names On Petition. Moie than enough slgnatuics have been secuied for the paving of Fouith Btioot fiom the M. & O. tiacks on the not th to the Noithwestein tracks at South Norfolk. Theie Is moio than enough fi outage by 500 feet , alieady on the petition. The petition calls for the paving of fifteen blocks and it Will bo piescnted to the city council Monday night. "And a largo number of other slgnn- tines could be obtniiieul if they woie needed , " said L. P. Pasewalk. The seeming of enough signatuies for the Thud stieet distiict , between Biaasch and Madison avenues , and fifteen blocks of Fouith , Is consldoied nothing shoit of romaikable , when the time lequiied for the woik but n poition of a week is consideied. Thornberg Trial Now. Neligb , Xeb. , June 4 Special to The News : The jury In the Thorn- berg-llakow mm dor trial has been called to appear in this city at 11 o'clock Monday moining. Thornberg is charged with the shooting and kill ing bis neighbor , August Hakovv , dur ing the early part of last October. Befoie this easels opened , however , Distiict Judge Welch will pass upon the foity or more counts that thn at torneys for Joe McKay have placed on Hie , and setting foith vniious reasons why they claim the latter should not be gi anted a new trial. If the motion is ovoiiuled by the judge the case will be taken to the supreme court. Steel Coaches On Omaha. The Omaha load has added another featuio to its "safety system" in pro viding all stool coaches and smoking eats , foi passenger tiains. At picsent these new cais me in service in the Badger State Express between Minne apolis. St. Paul and Chicago , but all thiough tiains aie being equipped with all steel coaches ns rapidly as they aio lecohed fiom the cai build- eis. The cms tliioughout aie constructed of steel , and aie made not only Hie- in oof but a huge beam inns fiom one end to the other undei the car , so that they aie built in a laigo measuie to stand the stiain of collisions without telescoping. The llooi of the car is ot concieto and the sides , roof and ends ot steel , and even the framowoik of the seats Is made of steel , so there is scaicely any wood in the entnu c.u. HELD ON A THEFT CHARGE. Sensation Results Over Arrest of Gre gory County Men. Sioux Falls , S. D. , June 1. Some thing of a sensation has been created In Giegory county by the arrest of Isaac D. HIckey and his partner , Ar thur Lewis , on tbo cbaige of stealing a whole caiload of cattle belonging to Hammer & Johnson , stockmen In the legion tiUnitary to the Missouri liver. The anest was made by Deputy Shor- Ik Ed Blakey. The preliminary hear ing of the two accused men will beheld held Juno 8. The owners of the cat tle claim they will be able to make out a stiong case. Complaint in the case was made by Hammer & John son. Residents along the Missouri river In Gregory county have during the past few years been greatly annoyed by what appears to bo a regularly or ganized band of cattle thieves , who have become unusually bold of late. Whether or not the two accused mon have been implicated In these whole sale thefts will bo determined by their trials. Death of a Child. Gordon , Nob. , Juno 4. Special to The News : The 4-year-old daughter of Ot to Pfelffer died Thursday morning at 7 o'clock. The llttlo ono had not been sick long but death was caused by a "gathering" In her throat , which , breaking strangled her. Gordon to Celebrate. Gordon , Nob. , Juno 4. Special to The News : Gordon will celebrate the Fourth of July this year. The exor cises will bo hold in the largo picnic grove near town. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. J. M. Paul of Emoison was here. J. A. Fiavos of Carlock was hero. G. S. Graves of Untie was In the city G. W. Evans went to Sidney on busi ness. ness.Miss Miss Nellie. Halght of Enola was In tbo city. N Miss Ncttlo KOIIh lolurned from Crolghton. Sheriff C. S. Smith of Madison was in the city on business. Miss Ll/lo Hnbnch of Pleico was hero visiting with friends. E.x-Scnator F. J. Hale of Alkinson was In the tit } on business. Miss Noia Stlik of Battle Crock was hoiolsltlng with fi lends. Mis. M. NOHOW wont to Pierce to spend Sunday with friends. Mr. and Mis. Allan Kuhn went to St. Paul , Minn. , for a visit. Mis. Klmball Dreheit of Foster is in the city visiting with relatives. Mis. Benjamin Bleier of Council Bluffs Is heie calling on friends. Finnic Lehman has gone to Sioux City and South Dakota on a business trip. Miss Ell/aboth McFailand of Madi son Is In the city visiting with loin- lives. Geoigo E. Schiller of Contial City is in the city visiting with his brother , R. F. Schiller. Miss Hose Steften of Sioux City is in the city visiting with her hi other , Piofessor August Stoffen. llev. Edwin Booth , jr. , wont to Mad Ison to deliver an address bofoio the Clnlstlan Endeavor union In session theie , Mis. F. E. Lillndnhl and chlldion of Pierce spent the night in Noifolk with ft lends on their way to visit at St. Edwaids. Mis. A. A. Bley and son , Arthur Bley of Madison , onrouto to Rapid City to visit with iclatives , stopped off heie to visit witli fi lends. D. C. O'Connor of Randolph Is In the city visiting with fi lends. Mr. O'Connor foimoily was superinten dent of the Noifolk schools and later siipeiintciident of public instruction in the Panama canal 70110 Mis. G. W. . Cypheis and daughter , Miss Alice Cyphers of Valentine aie visiting at the home of the formers sister , Mis. J. F. Pfunder , and attend ing the commencement exeicises. They will go on to Omaha tomoiiow noon. Ex-Fiic Chief Ed Mullen is repotted ill. M. W. Spenner , tailor at the Not- folk Dve Woiks , is lepoited voiy ill. R. T. Waite , fonneily a tiain dis patcher of Michigan , lias accepted the tbiid tiiclc at the Noithwestern ollice at the Junction. The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesdaj afteinoon at 15 o'clock with Mis. Kidder - der on North Ninth fatieet. Ed Hans has moved his paint and sign business fiom the Moldenluiuci building to the Beels building. The Northfoik Is cutting a channel around the dam at the sugar ractory and threatens to leave the old dam high against the west bank. The old boaid sidewalk on the Mar- quaidt building piopeity has beentoin up and workmen aie busy making ready to put a cement walk In its place. Mis. Mai tin Kane and Mis. J. IIoi- iskey entei tallied forty membeis of the Sacied Heait chinch Altar society at the home of Mis. Kane Thui&day evening II. W. Woodwoith , fonneily of Not- folk but now assistant cashier of the Secuiity State bank at Croighton , is to bo man led in July to Miss Lauia Ki use of that city. Mis. Geoigo Schiller , mother of R. F. Schlllei , managei of the Oxnaid hotel , is very ill at her looms at the Oxnaid. llei husband , Geoige Schil ler of Ida Giove , la , is heio. O. C. Hauptli , loimeily a Northwest- ein dispatcher beie , who went to Winslow - slow , Ailto accept a similar posi tion with the Santa Fe , is i dinning to Norfolk. He will piobably take up bis foimer duties at the Junction. Miss Maltha Koehn has lesigned her position as stenogiapher and book keeper at the Ransom & Andoison ical estate ollice. Miss Koehn has not decided what she will do but ex pects to spend a few weeks visiting w ith friends out of tow n. C. S. llajes retuined fiom a busi ness trip * at Pilgei , wheie he says laimors aie doing womloiful woik on the good loads pioposition. Three miles south of Pilger fifty-nine teams are busily engaged in hauling diit , which is dumped on the sandy loads. Fire at 1 o'clock Fiiday alteinoon badly damaged the Jim Davoy icsi- dence at 1201 South Second sttfot. The house was occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Aitbur Lowrev. Mi , Lowiey Is a mail clerk on the M. & O. railroad. His family woie out of town when the lire occmred. The lire oilginatcd from the kitchen range and burned a largo hole in the floor of the kitchen , dining room and the bedroom. The Fourth ward hose company did good work in putting the lire out. None of the fur niture was damaged , It having been taken out by the lircmen The Insane Asylum for His. Ncligh , Neb. , Juno 4. Special to The News : The man with a grip full of "perpetual motion , " who had cre ated a stir In Norfolk , Is today in jail at Neligh. His name Is John E. Hayes and ho was yesterday pronounced by the Insanity board to be Insane. He will bo taken to the Norfolk hospital today If there's room In the placo. A couple of years ago Hayes was nlghtwatch in Nollgh for two months. Ho claims to have received injuries while in the employ of the Northwest ern railroad , and enl } lasl week re ceived several hundred dollars from that company. Ho worked at Chad- ron. Now the money Is all gone. Try a News want-ad. Ooo PEOPLE'S PULPIT. . . Sermon by PASTOR RUSSELL .CHARLES T. HOMEWARD RUSSELL , BOUND Paslor Brooklyn Tabernacle. "As the Watc-s Cover the Great Deep" ( Isaiah xi , 9) ) . - Ooo . . . . . . . . . . . O OQ * * * * * ' ' " ' ' - " * ' II. n.11 * .a ii. O Pastor IJussell Is retuinlng to Amer ica In good condition after having ad- diessed the public of Gteat Biltaln , Ireland , ( Jotninny , Warsaw , Russia ; Rome n ml Jerusalem In all forty times. Ills laigest audiences were nt London , about 7,000 , with Glasgow a good second. Mid Ocean , May 2 * . ) . As I look abioad mid see water , water exer.\ . beie , without a sped : ot land In sight , anil us l tellect that we aio passing over vtii.vlng depths , some of whldi are as gloat as five miles. I am leminded of the piomlse In the Lotd's Woid that ultlm.itel.v the whole eaith , the vvoild of mankind , shall have sudi an abuu- , dam knowledge of the Cie.itur ( mil. tbo Redeemer , as to be lUly lllustiated l > y the depths of ttu > BUH , I have there- foie vluHtm as my text the woids. "The em Ih shall bo full of tbo knowl edge of the Loul as the waters cover the sea. " I lemember also the very similar piomlse bj ( lie Lord. Uitoilk'll the Prophet ( IlnbaUuU II , 11) ) , "For tlio earth shall he tilled with the knowl edge of the gloiy of tbo Loid , as the vvateis covei the sea. " I am tvmltidod also of the Piophet's decimation Unit the time will come when "Eveiy Knee shall bow , nnd every tongue shall con less" ( Isaiah xiv , L'3i And again "That at the name of Jesus every Knee shall bow. of things In heaven , and things In e.uth , and things under the e.uth ; And that ever.\ tongue shall toilless that JoMis Chi 1st is Loul , to the glory of God the Father. " And 1 am also leminded that in that d.i.v , "Theyshall te.uh no moie ovei.v man his neighbor , and OUM.V man his bi oilier , sa.vinj ; . Know the Loul , for they shall all Know me , fiom the least of them unto tbo gtoatost ol them , sailli tiie Loid" ( Jeiemiah xxxl , oil The question pioperlj aiNes. To what extent shall we considei these statements litei.ill.v tine ? What l.ind ot liillillment should we expei t them to have ? If we looU out upon the heathen vvoild , however s.v iiipathetlc we may be in respect to foielgn missionary woik , doing all in our power to in.iUe know n to the heathen the of God , and the great Redeemer , we are nevertheless compelled to admit that theie Is abbolutelj no hope of our ever causing eveiy Unco to bow , mid every tongue to confess Chi 1st in heathen lands , even sis we have long ago given up hoi e ot accomplishing s'udi worL In clvill/.cd lands. The woiK is too gicat fjr us , and the eiiois of heathen dom aie too deeplj seated to be quick- Ij ( ia Heated Coveinineiit statistics show -js theie ale twice as in.inv heathen tod.i.v as theie weie a centur.v ago (1 ( , theiefote , any of us had been thutoiliig ouiselves lespecting our abil ity to accomplish the convei&ion of the w01 Id , it Is time for us to acknowledge our ei 101 and to look to the Loul , i callIng l/Ing that in him alone Is the vvoild's hope. Doubtless tills is just the les son ( lint the Loid wishes us to loam He does not wish us to give up our of- foils to "Do good unto all men as we have oppti tnnltj , especially the house- bold of taith. " for our own blessing is associated witli sudi activity on behalf of otbois. But Oed does wish us to reali/e that of oui selves we aie unable to cope with the situation. lie wishes us to realise that onlj thiough the es tablishment of the Kingdom of God's deal Son can the gloilous blessings of the Millennium ever be hoped for. Alas ! We must admit , and should feel deeply humble bj the admission , that even In clvill/eil lands , the number of footstep followers of the Lamb of God is very few. The number who aio "walking , nut after the flesh , but after the Spirit" In civilised lands Is very few , in compniison with the population as a vv hole. We are not In this setting ourselves as judges of the. lie.uts of our fellovv-ci cat lues remaikably few make an ) pietentlon to walking In the "nariow wa.v , " which alone now leads to life cveilasting ( Matthew vil. 11) ) . The Necessity For Knowledge. Many de.u Clnlstlan people , de sirous of thinking well of the heaven ly Fathei. are so befogged with the teachings of the past , that they try to imagine that the waj to eternal life Is not so nuirow as the Master said ; they try to Imagliio that somehow thu heathen will bo saved In their igno rance , notwithstanding the Apostle Bays , "How shall they believe on him > f whom they have not heaid" ( Romans i , li ) . And again , his assurance that "there Is none other name under heav en given among men , whereby wo must be saved" ( Acts iv , 12) ) . The error from the past which led to this Inconsistency is the teaching that all of the heathen arc going to eternal torture , mid that they never will have an opportunity of accepting Christ in the future They rebel against the thought which has como down from the dark ages that God foreknow the Ignorance of the heathen nnd predes tinated their eternal torture ; that the.v should not hear of the only name under heaven or given among men whereby thcjr might be saved mid Used their en vironments HO that they never ncaid The whole dltllculty , wo sue , lies In the fact that God's people In the past have uot studied his Word as they should have done. Some of us subscribed to 0110 creed nud BOIUO to another , saying to oui solves , Our creed Is not satisfac tory , but It Is piobably as free from I'll or as othet needs. Wo consoled oinselves with the thought that all Christendom was coiisldouihly befog ged , and wo no more than otbeis. Some of us piobably tiled to satisfy our minds by sn.vltig that those fea- lines of our deeds which dlshoiioied God , and implied bis 1m If of wisdom , or vvoiso , his willingness but lack of Justice , or lack of power Unit these tilings woie m.vstoiles whldi must bo bellevid , although thoj could nut bo lecoiiflled with human loasoti and common souse Homo of us oxen tiled to poisuuilo ouiielves tint wo were exorcising oxUaoidlniny faith In these matters , bul In leallt.v we weie moie- 1 } Ignmaiit of God's Woid , and cied' uloiis of the wisdom of our eieed-umU en of ( he | i\n , \ | , True Light Now Shining. But now , thank God , "The night li far spout , and the day Is at hand" ( Romans xill , 12) ) "Now Is our snlvn tl'Ml ' noilKT than when we believed" ( Romans x'.li. 11) ) . The evidence that we me In I lie inoinliig of the new dis pensation multiplies on every hand ! We mo evidently In the period which the Bible dot lares ns "The day of God's picpaiatlon " God Is propailng to usliir in the long piomlsed pcilod of blesslni ; nnd lefieshment , which bo has foiotold thiough all the holy prophets The wonderful Inventions of our dnj along the lines of chemistry , steam nnd clei tileity me fulfilments of the wondeiful "Day of Chi 1st , " which Is iHMiing God's people have failed of gioat blessings In not sooner noticing this fad We stood , ns It weie , will ) our links towaid tht > East , looking tor the sun to Use In the West ; wo were lool Ins ; to our own elToits to convoit the woild. i.nhor than looking to the Loul Iiom whom alone must come the help Hence the glow In the East b.'iil assumed considerable piopor- tlons before wo noild-d It and ninny of oui bioilnon me still looking to tbo West , and migill.v refuse to turn and follow the dawn of the New Dispensa tion , w lileli now may be so clearly seen bj the of f.iltli Lot us note well the Apostle Peter's woids , nssinliiK us that the vision ho had on the Mount of Tiaiisfiguiatlon made a deep iiupiesslon upon him Ho. tolls us. nevoitbeless , that "We have also a more sine word of piopheoy ; vvhoieunto .vo do well that ye take heed , as unto a light that shineth In a place , until the day dnvvri , and the d'lj star mlse in jour hearts" the "imiinisla" ( pieseiice ) of Cluist , the "Moining St.ii " Knowledge a Necessity. But admitting ( lie piumise of tho" Sciiptuies that the know ledge of the Loul shall be woihlvvidc nnd ocean deep that ovor.v cie.itme shall bo brought to nn nmnnto Knowledge of thu tiutli , In due time ( I Timothy U , I G ) , vvheiefor Is the neeessltj for this ? Is know Indue loallj Indispensable to salvation ? Is It not written in the Sniptuios of the Apostles Peter and John , that "The people poicolved that they weie ignoiant nnd imlc.iincd menV" If tboii Ignuinncu mid lack of teaming did not hinder them fiom hav ing God's f.ivui , and obtaining salva tion thiougb Cluist , nnd even obtain ing Apostlcship , why should so much sttess bo laid upon knowledge ? Hoes God really emc1 for knowledge ? Hns he luedotormlned that all who would be In his tnvor must be educated , nnd that lie em es nuught for the ignoiant ? Uo we not lead to the contiaiy Hint , "Not many wise men after the Hush , not man.v might.v , not many noble , aie called ; but God bath chosen thu fool ish things of tile vvoild to confound the wise" ( I Coilntbiaiis I , 2(5 ( , 27) ) . "Hath not God chosen ( lie poor of this vvoild ikh In faith ? " ( Jmnos ii , fi ) Vor.v tiuo , we answer With God the wisdom of this vvoild is foolish ness , and witli this world , thu wisdom of God is foolishness. Knowledge may theiufore bo viewed fiom two stand points. So far ns woildly knowledge commending nn.v man or woman to God , or making any man or woman mote lit for divine favor , we believe the contrary to be tiuo. Unwillingly we mo forced to the conclusion that the great colleges of the vvoild aie the most destiuctivo agencies in the earth , ( s respects the Divine revelation , tins Bible , nnd the tine knowledge of God , which is essential to salvation and eternal llfo. We therefore slim ply dis criminate between emthly knowledge mid heavenly knowledge , nnd between the wisdom of men nnd thu wisdom of God. God.Our Our Lord Jesus gave us the key to this question of the Importance of know ledge In relationship to our at tainment of eternal life. He said , in praying to the Father , "And this U llfo eternal , that they might know thce , the only true God , and Jesus Christ , whom thoii hast sent" ( John xvil , 3) ) . Only such as attain to this knowledge mnj have eternal life. Con sequently wo see at a glance that re markably few of our race have thus far attained to the degree of knowl edge which God would bo pleased to recognize. At first this might seem peculiar to us ; wo might say to our- pelves or to others , Why does not God give it out fieely to all ? The reply of the Script in es la that God Is giving his knowledge freely tow to a certain class , and that by and by ho will give. It to all the families of the earth. This essential know lodge IB promised to the faithful In the world , He that nook * oth Hndcth , mid to him that knockoth It shall be opened. "The secret of the Loul Is with them that leveionco him , innd ho will nhow them bin Covenant. " i i "Blessed are vour o.vcs , for they HOC , nnd jour oars , for they hoar. " Suoli us thus abide In covenant relationship. , with the Lord Jesus me Indeed taught of God In the School of Cluist , ami mn.v trulj glow In gince nnd knowl edge. A distinction should bo observed In knowing about God. mid knowing God himself. It Is not siilllclont ( hut wo should toco''iil/o ' God ns the Almighty Cient or , for devils also bollovo that. On the other hand , to be Intimately acquainted with God means Unit we must come Into Intimate fellowship with him , mid this menus that wo must come unto the I'nthei thiough thu .Sou , hj faith By thus coming to our bonvoiil.v Father b.v an noiiuiilnt- nine with his Woid , and thiough nn appreciation of Ills gloilous win U. past , piesent , nnd fill mo , wo got n view of the lengths , nnd breadths , mid heights and depths of "lovo divine , nil love ox- ] colling" In piopoitlon ns we behold the outline of the Divine chmaolcr , we peuelvo out own doflcion.t'hw und tiy the moie to ild outso\vus \ of thoni , mid nt least manifest la ( he Loul Unit our bemts mo In limmony with tlio ptlnclples of. The Son of Righteousness , ' Very nppiopi lately the Scilpturos speak of the present as a night-time. Thej toll us that now "Daikness cov- PIS the ( clvlll'/od ) o.ntli , and gross daiKnobS the people ( Heathendom ) . " They nssuio us that now God's people need the lamp of Divine lev elation to guide their tootsteps until the day dawns. The.v as nne us , however , that the moining will bo usheied In by tbo gieat Sun of Righteousness tbo Chi 1st , the Messiah , I'lophet , Mediator. King of Glory. ] Now Is the Chinch excluded hoiii this woik of shining upon nnd enlight ening the vvoild nnd scnttcilng Its dmkiiess. The Master gave us to un- , derstnnd Unit the Church with himself will constitute thu Sun of Righteous ness , which will then mlse with heal ing In ItH beams. Thus In the parable of the \ \ boat and Tares , he plctuie.s the entile woik of this Gospel Age nnd Its consummation , which bo styles " 1'he harvest the end ot tlio ngo. " Ills vvoul UKpectlng the sepmntlon of ( be wheat Horn the tmes Is that the wheat shall be gatbeied into bis hnrn changed Iiom the can lily to the heavenly naluie , mid he adds , "Then shall the lightoous shine ns the sun In the Kingdom of their Father. " "Ho that hath nn ear to hoar , let him hoar. " The flguio of thu Using sun scattering \ ing the darkness , ignoiancc mid .super stition of the wet Id hnrmonli'us with the other pietute , which lepresents tlio Kingdom of God snpei soiling the king dom of Sntnn. nnd thosu deluded by Satan , stjled in thu Scriptuies , thu kingdoms of this world. I Be Glad and Rejoice , ' Wo may well sympathise with our foiefatheis , to whom it vvns not grant ed to sue as cleat Ij ns we may now sec thu gloilous fullness of the Dlvlno put pose to eventually enlighten the whole enrlh , b.v cnuslng the know ledge of the gloiy of God to fill the wholu earth ns the waters cover thu giuat deep. To us , tbuiefoie , is especially appliiahlo the pioplietie woids , "Bo ye glad and lojoho lor ever in that which I eie.ite I'oi behold , 1 ciente new hea\ens ami a new cailh , and the for mer shall nut bo lemembeied , nor come into mind" ( Isaiah l.xv , IS , 17) ) . Thus docs the Loul plttuie tbo new dispen sation in ginphic language. The now heavens s.vmbolli ally lepiesout the Chinch In its new and gloillled condi tion , exercising supeiior control over thu nfr.ilis of mankind. Likewise , the new eaith s.v mbollcally lepiusents the new state or condition of society the new social older of things which will be Intituluccd ns a pait of tbo Xuvv Dispensation. Imperfection Is now vviitten upon ev ei. v tiling with which men aie associated , pattly because of our fallen condition tlnougb heiedlty , and pmtl.v , ns ( lie Si-riptuies declare , thiough Satan , the god of this world or age. who now wotks in the homts of the chlldion of disobedience prompting to sin mid selfishness , piidu and ambi tion , and in eveiy sense of the word tending to alienate the hearts of men from the wavs of lighteousness More- ovoi , the Adveismy Is hugely responsi ble for the gloss onois of misconcep tion of the Divine diameter , which dining the centuries past have been creeping into Hie minds of those who weie feeling after God , If haply they might Hud him. All who mo of the light Rpiilt , truth seekers , nnd truth lovois , will bo glnd to abandon the cr- rois on this subject , which so long have hlndcied a pioper appreciation of the glorious chai actor of our heaven ly Father. By teaching us through false doctrines to diend the heavenly Father , the Adversary has Implanted In our minds a fear which constitutes n bar rier. The Lord speaks of this saying , "Their fear of mo Is taught by the pre cepts of men" ( Isaiah xxl.x , 13) ) . Letv us then usu more diligently than ever before the wonderful Bible which Dl vlno I'rov Idence has placed within the reach of all of God's people , that wo may know him , whom to know aright will mean to us llfo eternal. The Chinese Way. In its wars with England and Franco in ISM CO China was easily conquered and forced to a humiliating peace. The I'ekln Gazette , the official organ of the government , however , reported the following concerning that treaty of / pence : "As the western barbarians have ad \ mitted their wrongs nnd humbly so licited for peace , the emperor In bla infinite goodness has granted their prayer nnd , moreover , 1ms made them n present of n largo sum of money ( In- dcmnlty of war ) to enable them to be gin an honest life , so that they may not again be driveu to murder nnd rapine. "