THE NORFOLK WBEKLL NBWS-JOUHNAb , FRIDAY , JUNE 3 , 1910 , The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal The News , Established 1881. The Journal , lastabllshcd 1877 THE HU8E PuusmG OMPANY. ' W. N. Huso , N. A. HUHO , President. Secretary Every Friday , lly mnll per year , $1.60. Entorud at the iioatolllco at Norfolk , Nob. , na second class matter TelephonesfcJdltorliirTJoparunont : No. 22. Business Olllcc and Job Rooms No. 11 22. _ _ If "llmo Is money" there arc n Rood ninny spend-thrlft millionaires. With the IJnlllngor controverHy now closed nnd the coinot vanishing , life ought to ho somewhat more restful. Short terms In Jail have been found wonderfully Improving to the memo ries of witnesses In bankruptcy cases. Any able bodied man who desires to visit the I'aclllc coast this summer will Und thM "Weuton's way" Is open to him. Congressmen all appear at the capl- tel In hot weather dress. This must bo an outcome of the shirt-sleeves di plomacy. Hurglars tried to loot a smallpox hospital at Louisville , Ky. They ehould bo put where they will not "break out. " The great need for the month of Juno Is an entirely new set of adjec tives and polite phrases for reporting the weddings. Lieutenant Shackloton knows how to boom the south polo. Besides dis covering Immense coal Holds ho reports - ports signs of gold. King George V Is a successful stamp collector. Como to think of It King George III made a failure of coV looting American stamps. Great Britain 1ms fought no great naval battles for many years , but It has sent many a battleship to the junk pllo during that time. Munich , Bavaria , now has a regular airship service , but as a three hour trip costs the passenger $55 , it will not be over crowded at least for n time. Think of n supposedly intelligent man wasting an hour nnd n half en deavorlng to keep a cigar alight , and then boasting of the valuable acconv pllshmont. ' Two hundred and llfty Apaches ol Geronlmo's band which were placed under armed guardianship twenty three years ago , still remain prison ers of war. London no longer holds ilrst place among the cities of the world in its foreign shipping , but has given waj to New York , while Antwerp crowds the world's metropolis Into the third place. Professor Karl Harries of the Kiel university has taken years of experl mentlng to find that rubber Is dime thylenjalooctaoien. If ho had put n ploco on a hot stove ho would have found It out at once. It is a significant fact that mosl injuries which result in lockjaw are very slight. The reason for this is that more serious wounds arc giver attention by nurse or physician anei are properly cleansed and cared for. A New York judge whose Integritj was questioned because he acceptec the "private convenience" of a home telephone , defends his action on the ground that Instead of being n private convenience It was a personal nui ennce. Much doubt was expressed as tc whether the United States Irrlgatlor projects would pay or not , but on th < North Platte project In Wyoming am Nebraska more than one-half the farm era were able to make their payments before they were due. The aim and purpose of "optimist so cloty" for the cultivation of cheerful ness is poetically expressed in th < following couplet , " 'Twpen optimls nnd pessimist , the difference is droll Ono of them sees the doughnut am the other sees the hole. " Recent Investigations in German ; show that there will bo a possibility of obtaining heat from the Interio : of the earth If all other sources fall Scientists have bored to the dcptl of 7,400 feet and find there a temperature turo of 182 degrees Fahrenheit. King Edward's greatest lite worl was the complete reconciliation of hi ! nephew Kaiser Wllhelm and the Ger man people. That the roconclliatior is likely to ho lasting Is ovlduncci by the kaiser's words concerning hit uncle. "Wo learned to undorstam each other late In life , wo linally dlt understand each other and a frlendlj understanding it was. " The Olympic and Titanic of tin White Star line which will probablj bo ready for launching next fall ante to bo 45,000 ton vessels and will fai exceed the tonnage of the Mnuretanlr and Lusltnnla. It is one thing to bulk these monstrous ships and another tx lock them. America must hasten HF channel nnd dock Improvements 01 lose a share of the mammoth biiHlncsF which these great ships will handle. The bubonic plague hint spread from the rnt to the ground squirrels whlcl : ore BO numerous In California , and through ther.i city nnd country have both become infected. Considerable uneasiness Is felt by health nuthorl tics over the condition and the cosl uf stamping it out will now be great lo say nothing of the constant and unremitting efforts which alone wll check this dread disease. The other day n small boy picked up n wreath of roses that had beer dropped in the street during a funern procession. He gave It to an old wo man and said , "Me believes In decornt Ing folks before they die , " says ai exchange. Is not that a great be lief to live ? It Is glorious to deco rate. There are many ( lowers , noi all roses , but kind words and lovlnf thoughts to decorate your friends in they pass your garden gate. The International Paper companj Is doing some very practical reforcs tratlon on quite a large scale on i tract of land owned by the company near Phillips , Maine. This year 150 , 000 Norway spruces have been 1m ported to bo set out on this wast < tract , where the good work was begin last year by setting out 10,000. Ii this manner the company expects t ( solve the problem of deforested wastt and provide n future supply of ma terlal for its pulp mills. Pulaski and Kosculsko , the Polls ! heroes of revolutionary fame , hav < both been honored by monuments n Washington to which the Polish-Amcr leans ns well as the government con trlbuted. A monument to Kosculski has also been placed at West Poln where ho superintended the construe tion of important fortllications durlni the revolution. It is fitting that tin American should honor the service of these men of foreign birth win aided her In her struggle for liberty. No present increase In the numbe of battleships Is made by the launch Ing of the Inter vessels , as old craft were retired from bervlce , but tin number of big guns was increase ! from sixty-four to eighty-four and tin elllciency of the navy greatly strength ened in other ways. During the nex two years It Is the plan of naval ol Ilcers to continue replacing inferlo craft by the best until the batter ; strength of our war ships will h doubled , although their number wll bo increased only live. The Pacific coast records the larf ; est salmon pack ever known. It I thought by those who have studiei the matter that the depletion of th Bering sea seal herds has an Imporl ant bearing on the increasing suppl ; of salmon. As these herds of sen go north to their breeding ground they Instinctively follow the run o salmon and fishermen estimate thn the greedy seal kills his weight ii salmon every day. While the exterml nation of the seal is to be deplore it is some compensation to have si delicious a fish as the salmon increases George Bernard Shaw , the Englis writer , is noted for his "bad breaks but when he recently announced tha ho was ashamed of the land of hi birth and publicly apologized for ii he went farther than most peopl will bo willing to follow. He woul do well to spend a few hours memc rlzing the familiar lines of an Amer can poet "Breathes there a man wit soul so dead , who never to htmsel hath said , 'This Is my own , my natlv land ? ' " Having stirred himself up little by this patriotic exercise pet haps he could do a little somethln to bettor the conditions which he d ( plores. Europe Is not only being greatl benefited and built up by the million that American heiresses hand over t their titled husbands and the othe millions that American tourists fu : nish , but now It Is being dlscovere that millions more are being sent foi ward to European countries by th immigrants who have become proi perous here. In Sicily , in Hungary , 1 Russia , whole villages uro being tram formed and made flourishing by th small individual amounts sent back t relatives from this side of the watei Not only Is liberty hero enllghtenln the world but opportunity Is swlngin wide the gates of cheer nnd hope , nc only to the thousands who come , bv the many who stay In the old coui tries. THE PAVING IS UP TO YOU. The paving bonds will carry if Noi folk will get out the vote. That seems to bo accepted ns fact. fact.All All Norfolk wants the paving. An consequently it seems fairly sure thn all Norfolk will make it n point t turn out to the polls on Tuesday an give the small bond issue needed fo intersections , an overwhelming mi Jority. If every citizen of the city will enl make himself a committee of one , th bonds will carry by a splendid marglt But Indifference may cost the dofon of the paving. And every man wh favors the upbuilding of Norfolk wi iclp to insure this very much needed Improvement by appointing himself a committee of one to boost for the bonds on election day. It's up to the Individual and encn Individual must vote nnd 'get hln neighbors to vote , If the bonds are to bo assured. Tuesday's the day to vote for the bonds. OUR SOLDIER DEAD. Once again the nation mourns IU soldier dead the dead who bled nnd fought and suffered that the stars and stripes might bo perpetuated. It Is fitting that this great republic should take a day off to pay loving tribute of honor to those brnvo soulf who saved this union. And nil that we can do the placing of beautiful llor nl tokens upon their graves Is hul n slight tribute , indeed , when the suf fcrlngs that those men endured with out flinching , is recalled. To them the old soldiers , living and dead , the United States owes n debt that It never , never can repay. THE BLUE AND THE GRAY. Whatever sectional differences inaj remain in this country , It is a source of satisfaction that the veterans ol either side are always able to get to gcther and find some basts of commor sympathy. During recent years manj of the G. A. R. reunions have beer held on southern soli , nnd the veterans orans have always been treated will respect. Were confederate veterans to hold reunions in the northern states they would receive the same deferen tlal treatment. .After nil , sectional differences arc usually the work of politicians. Mer that stood up to bo shot at did so Ir any case from pure motives. Even man who has been through that ter rifle experience has more In commoi with the fellow on the other side whe assumed the same hazards , than h < has with the man of his own part ) who stayed at home when the call was ringing through the land , or than hi has with the younger man born since that time , who has no conception o the sufferings of that grim epoch. Lei us all , therefore , in every state re cognize heroism and self-sacrifice wherever we find It. THE PAVING , 9 CENTS A YEAR. If you pay $10 a year in taxes this year , your share of the expense o : paving seven blocks on Norfolk ave nue will be 9 cents a year for the next ten years and 27 cents a year foi the ten years after that. The tola cost of the entire job to you , witl twenty years to pay it , will be $3.60 Can you afford to pay the price oi one cigar a year to have Norfolk's business street paved ? Is there i man in the entire city of Norfolk whe will vote against those bonds ? A committee of business men .1. E Haase , W. A. Witzlgman , H. A. Paso walk , J. S. Mathewson and M. D. Ty ler Investigated the exact cost am found the figures printed above. Ant ns more property valuation Is addee to Norfolk , this estimate will be cui down , so that the chances are th < total cost in twenty years will b ( $1.80 to the average taxpayer. Nine cents a year for a paved city isn't It ridiculous that there evei should have been the slightest argu ment raised against voting thos < bonds , In any quarter ? THE BONDS WILL CARRY. Everything is ready for Tuesday'i paving bond election and the bondi are going to carry. Tuesday will b < one of the genuinely eventful days ii Norfolk's life. The bonds will carry because Nor folk all Norfolk wants paving. Thi city wants to go ahead and the vita necessity of paving is universally re cognized. And It is readily recognized too , that other Improvements will rap Idly follow upon the tracks of the pav ing. People planning to come to Norfoll to live or to Invest their money Ii Norfolk , arc awaiting the outcome o the bond election. They want to bi reassured that Norfolk has confldenci in itself. The cost of the paving is so sraal as to be not the slightest factor ii the bond election. The expense wll be 9 cents a year to the averagi taxpayer. The paving will bo one of the mos Important steps Norfolk has ever tak en. The citizens of the city welcomi the opportunity to vote for this prc gressive improvement. And the bonds are going to carry for every man In Norfolk Is going t < do his share by getting out nnd vet Ing. HAPPINESS AND THE SHADOW The great purpose of life Is happl ness at least the nearest approach t < It that Is possible. It Is for happiness that we toil , as Mire , cultivate ourselves , love , marry accumulate property , nnd perform al the wholesome duties of life. Yes , it is for happiness that w < loaf , cheat , lie , steal , and commit nl sins and crimes. There Is no other ultimata aim tha Is known to the human mind thai happiness. Our conception of hnppl ness determines our lives. There Is a true happiness , the sub stance , and the false happiness. Iti shadow. The one lures us upward through noble endeavors ; the othe Is a mocking will-o'-the-wisp that al ways leads us Into morrasses of dis appointment. Are you getting the genuine article , or the spurious imitation ? Then IE this to be remembered : Genuine hap piness does not cent anywhere as much ns the falsevariety. . Perhaps the only one to be en vle-tl , and yet the one least envied. IE the one whose Ideals are humblest and best lit Into the hearts. For true happiness consists not In the imiltl plication of material wants , but Ir the slmpllllcntlon of them. There IE likely to be more of It In a simple wayside flower than In a conservatory tilled with exotics ; more of It In the singing of a wild bird than In the braying of brass bands ; more' of It In the worklngmnn's bowl of bread and milk than In the sumptuous spread designed for the perverted pal nte of the rich ; more In the tremu lous "I like you" of a modest youth or maiden than in the dramatic "I adore thec" of a dissembling world. True happiness lies not In whal the eyes may. set- , the ears may hear the palate tastes and the hands hold but In the soul that senses these things. And he who thinks he must tool the big brass horn or beat the bass drum to be happy will find the whole show of life a delusion and a disap pointment. LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK. The News Is not friendly to prohl bltlon and is much less Infatuated witl : the Idea of county option. Nebrnskr has the best liquor law In the Unltee States today , and we are much bet ter off than Kansas and Oklahoma with their prohibition laws , and theli slack methods of enforcement. The Slocumb law with the 8 o'clock clos ing proposition , comes about ns neai controlling the liquor question ns it possible. But a portion of the demo crats are following Mr. Bryan In his new county option fad and the same element In the other party seems de termined to force the issue upon the republicans. > We do not believe conn ty option by legislative action is go ing to satisfy its adherents when thej get it. It is perhaps true that the time lias come when Nebraska slionU take up the question and settle it otherwise the agitation will continue indefinitely with its consequent ten dency to keep business interests , polit leal parties and communities in un profitable turmoil. If the question must be met now , ii would be much better for each politi cal party to incorporate in its plat form a plank promising that the leg islature at its session next winter wil agree to submit to a vote of the pee pie a constitutional amendment pro viding for statewide prohibition. Coun ty option Is a cowardly make-shift ai best nnd it would be far better t ( have statewide prohibition , dolnt away with the strife between neigh bors who live on opposite sides ol county lines and the county line roae houses which are sure to follow the adoption of county option. Let the question be submitted to a vote o : the whole people of the state , whlcl puts it squarely up to everyone as te whether we want prohibition or not This is the only fair way to meet tin question , and the responsibility foi the result will rest- with every votei in the state , not with a few members of the legislature. As the matter stands now , both the leading political parties are split upor the question. In both parties there is a faction trying to secure the noml nation of candidates for the leglsla ture pledged to county option , while another faction In either party is en deavoring to elect men opposed to the proposition. Before the campaign is over this situation is going to lene to a chaotic condition of affairs , If ii may not be said that they are alreadj so , and frequently will lead to th ( defeat of the regular nominees anc the election of Independents. This whole proposition might b ( mightily simplified by all parties agreeing to submit the question to ; vote of the people , applying Mr. Bry an's principle of initiative and refer endum , if you please where it right ly belongs. AROUND TOWN. Did you vote for the bonds ? The swimming season is backward Now on with the straw hat , you fel lows with nerve. Who'll be the first' Norfolk avenue is going to be pavoi with something better than good in tentions. Another Memorial day is at hand And there's this to remember : It's t funeral day and not n day for joyfu celebration. Wouldn't you like to bo a boy ngair Just for the privilege of enjoying this week ? It's the last week of the torn nnd examinations are on. Here's another first of the month These bill collectors don't seem to de anything but Just come back. Thoj could give lessons to Jeffries on that "I wish I could preach just one ser inon , " a Norfolk man says. "And mj text would bo : Tnko the cards tha are dealt to you , and play the game. ' If you pay as much as $10 a yeni taxes now , the paving of Norfolk avenue enuo will increase your taxes 9 cent ; a year for the next ten years. Cat you stand the expense ? In the to any punlshm6nt known t ( this world that would be adequate ti hand to a newspaper man who wouh dellbe'rately scoop his own paper ni entire we'ek on the arrival of a nev boy at his house ? Grand Island began talking nbou paving last fall. The subject hadn' been discussed up until then , In an ; concerted way. Today Grand Islam has forty-live blocks of paving nil Un Ishetl. Three streets are paved fo nine blocks each , with all cross stre'oti between them. ATCHISON GLOBE SIGHTS. The most disgusting liar Is the loafer or who claims to be ns good as ai Industrious man. Me > st people have maudlin sontl ment mixed with what they call thel : sense of justice nnd right. We wish we were so situated thn wo didn't need to care whether th < farmers used the road drag or not. How It pleases a foolish , obstinati man to hear some one say , "Ho hai the courage of his convictions ! " What has become of the old-fash loned man who attended a wedding and Insisted on kissing the bride ? If a foolish woman will tell a mat she Is such a fool , and not smart llkt he is , he will decide she Isn't a fee at nil. "If I should buy an automobile , " snli an unlucky Atchison man today , "whn a lot of fun my hoodoo would lmv < with me ! " When a farmer gets gout , It Ii from over-indulgence In Ice crean and cake , and from drinking to < much coffee. When we hear anyone say , " wouldn't He to save my own life , " wi begin to doubt their other state ments. too. When the paper announces that ! man has bought an automobile , every one involuntarily checks off wha neighbors will get a chance to ride Ii it. When the first baby is new , iti mother , with pain still sharp In mom ory. always says. "It is the first , and intend it to be the last , " and when oh fashioned women who have had nlm or ten children , hear her , ' they go inti another room and almost laugh them selves to death. The shawls are "coming hack. " Bu what use will there be for them sinci there has passed out of sight foreve the women who wore hers as mucl to protect the baby she1 carried undo It as to protect herself. The discouraging feature about i woman having a higher nmbitloi than to be a butterfly , is that after i man has eaten a good meal some ant wife has prepared , he plainly show : ho would like to have some butterfl ; amuse him. A man must not only attend all tin family reunions , but after his wife I dead he must hunt up all her stra ; dead kin and bury them in the saint lot with her , so that her family re union may be perpetual , if he wnnti to be entirely satisfactory. When the girls are grown , nnd gt out in the evening with young men their mothers get lonesome , but the ; more than make up for this neglec later In life. After they are marrlee nnd the babies have come mother * ! lonesomeness is constantly on thel minds. "Mother Is lonesome , " thi daughter will say , " and I will sent the children over to keep her com pany while I go down town. " "Deai mother , " the thoughtful marrlei daughter will tell her husband , "Ii BO lonely. I have decided to ask he to come over and keep the baby fo us this evening while we go out. Hi is teething , and so cross that dea mother will forget how lonely slit Is. " And so the dear daughters plai all their days with an eye to tht comfort and happiness of dear moth era. Not so very many years ago thi family gathered around to hear Daugh ter sing , "Wait for Me at Heaven'i Gate , " "Pass Under the Rod , " "Shi Sleeps in the Valley So Sweet , " "Rim the Bell Softly , There's Crepe on tht Door , " or a song with a similar sentl ment. The Cold , Cold Tomb figurei In every song , and It was a popula notion that n girl couldn't sing unlesi she sang with such "feeling" that shi brought tears to every eye. But wha a difference now ! "Has Any Ono Hen Seen Kelly ? " Is the most popular soni of today. It Is said that one musli store In Kansas City sold 1,000 coplei In one day. "Has Any Ono Here Seei Kelly ? " has nothing in it about Heav en or the Tomb ; no one will shed i tear over the sentiment of the soni though It may become so popular tha tears will be shed because It Is suni so often. "Tho Christening of Ahra ham Lincoln Jones" is another hot fn vorito with Daughter these days ; als < "The Big Cry Baby in the Moon.1 "What's the Matter With Father ? ' "Be Careful , Mary , " "Do Your Duty Doctor , " "Helnzo is Pickled Again , ' "Stop That Rag" and "That Mesmeriz ing Mendelssohn Tune. " If the love ; of music doesn't like these songs per Imps ho would like The Hardwooi Rag , The Dish Rag. The Chantecle ; Rng , The Cabbage Leaf Rag , Klddc Rag , or Pickled Beets Rag. If thii doesn't suit either , all that Is loft foi him Is to get a Jew's harp and pick on "Massa's In the Cold , Cold Ground1 for himself. GOOD ADVICE TO ROAD BUILDERS SIMPLE METHODS FOR KEEPING HIGHWAYS IN REPAIR. 300D DRAINAGE IS IMPORTANT 'Don't Leave the Work for Others ; Supervise It All Yourself and You Will Meet With Success , " Says Don aid McCoskey. A prominent physician who Is an enthusiastic road builder makes the following KUKKestlons. which In terest ttl In thi ? eniiso will ( hid very valuable : First go to work ; talk afterward. MaUe up your nllnd at the start what kind of road you are going to build. Tlie'ii when you begin work on the road give It your full attention. If you do this mue-h yourself you will lean : more about how to make country roads better In two hours than I could tell you In print in fourteen weeks API I n. I repeal , go to work ; talk tifierwaul. The second tiling Is study the needs of the little stretch of road upon which .von actually do your work. Moke that stretch of road a model of good road way In every particular See to It that every Individual \\lio drives over your road becomes a talking advertisement for highway Improvement. If .sou must blast out rock to afford gooel drainage1 for die Hide gutters along jour road. why. blast them out. Don't wall to talk about it. Earth nnd water spell mud , and a muddy road Is not a good rotid. and A CONCUETK OULVEIIT. ( From Good Roads Magazine , New York. you cannot get rid of water until tin water lias the right .slope of n druinagi channel to carry It off. Culverts constructed out of concreti are believed by many authorities to hi the t > e-.t means of carrying the wate from a well tin lit road. Third. It you can. do It yourself , or It you must , have some one else do I tor you. but be sure to get good , livi photographs of your road befoie yoi start u > work upon It. alter soveru Hours' work lias been done and ugali at tlie conclusion as the final exhibl tion test of your work. Get as muuj good , live people as you can to trave over your road with the specific pur pose ot examining It in comparisoi with othei roads negle-eted In youi i mined late neigh borhoud. tJt't your newspaper men there. Ge the members of your automobile clul there. Get prominent members 01 your local board of trade there , foi every business man In every torn realizes that the better the road ; which lead from the country to hi ; town the more farmers there are wh ( Will travel to town and the more bust ness he can secure. Fourth , adopt the platform of P B. Shaw of Wllllamsport. Pa. , ono ol the "llvost wires" for good roads 1m provemcnt In the United States. Mr Shaw's platform Is "work and talk. " New Dust Layer. Vice Consul W. Washington Bruns wick furnishes the following informa tlou concerning experiments made ii Chemnitz with a German antl-dusi sprinkler : During the last summer extensive experiments we-re made with "antl staublt" to pre'veut dusty roads Ir Chemnitz. The material was bought by the city from potash works al Ascherslcben and cost $20.18 per met rlc ton of 'J'J.O-IO pounds. The antl staublt Is sprinkled over the road bj means of the ordinary street sprlnklliif curt. After carefully cleaning the street and moistening the mutcria ! with water it is thus strewn whor first applied , and for each square me ter about one Ullo ( ii.2 pounds per 10.J square feet ) is required. All subse ijiient sprinkling Is done with a solu tion of f > 0 per cent water. According to the experience of the Chemnlts street cleaning department , the dust preventing effect of nntl-staublt lasted from twelve to twenty-four days , nc cording to the amount of tralllc and the general condition of the streets. To Build Road of Slag , At Colfax. la. , steps ha\e been tak en to Improve one of the roads loadlii ) . ' out of ihe city with slag. The ma terial to be used Is not blast furnace sing , but tlie refuse from a coal mine in the neighborhood. It consists prln clpally of slate particles mixed wltl : coarse fire clay and Is said to make an excellent roadway. Try a News want-ad. If you rent good furnished rooms , want advertising will find good room ers for you. If they're not good rooms they ought not to bo advertised and , of course , will not bo. Try a News want ad. CARE OF ROADWAYS. They Should Always De Duitlett to D * Considered Ideal , The Rood roads cru has begun In many states , and alri'iuly the H tea in roller , the piles of crushed rock along the roadside Mini the digging out of the original roadway are familiar sights In many of the eastern states. The rends built are generally of up- proved macadam construction , which , completed , are perfect strips of white ribbon running through the green UelelH and hills of the rural sections. Thcso roiuls are perfectly built , anil ns soon ns completed the farmers anil other ratepayers contentedly alt buck and feel contented. Thin Is a surlous error and one being mndo In many states. Many fall to realize that whenever dust Is raised a road Is being destroy ed. This Is particularly the CUBO on smooth macadam surfaces , where there la nothing to hold the dust on the road and where every cross wind blows off any loose material. As noon as roads nre built arrange ments should lie miule to keep them In repair. Some dust preventive should bo used Immediately macadam roads are completeel In order to prevent dust Oil , tar and many npeclal prepara tions are now on the market , and the communities should he educated to look upon these additions us n legiti mate part of the road maintenance. California linn Its oiled roads , over which motoring Is n pleasure ) to the motorist and not n dust path to the citizen who happens to be on the road the same day or who hn. t the mlflfor- tune to reside along n well traveled highway. Massachusetts has proved that road treatments nre u success and more economical than continuous applica tions of water , and In England dust preventing Is always considered a part of the road problem. HIGHWAY OF THE FUTURE. One Constructed of a Material Durable For Heavy Motor Traffic. All road builders are now engaged In trying to devise a road which will Btaml motor trafllc. Many new meth ods have been tried with varying de grees of success , lint none of them seems to be perfectly satisfactory. If broken stone Is to form the wear ing surface , then some means must be found to hold the binding particles so firmly that they cannot be sucked out. and sulllelent strength must bo given to the mass to enable It to with stand the sliding action of the wheels at bends and turns. Several kinds of tar macadam answer fairly well , but they are expensive. It would seem that the most promis ing kind of road for heavy automobile traffic Is what Is called dtirax In EUK- land. It Is a pavement of three inch Irregular cubes of bard stone laid in small segments of circles. These stones can be cut by machin ery nnd are comparatively Inexpen sive. They are laid without grout , but there seems to be no reason for Its omission except the cost. Great quantities of this kind of pavement have been laid in Germany. Unique Roadmaking Plan. Judge William E. Porter of Law rence county , I'a. , lias a unique idea i for improving the roads. His plan In a jail on wheels that Is. a place where prisoners can be locked up at night nnd transported from place to place nnd employed In roadmaklng during the day. He put his Idea to a test , and the results were eminently satisfac tory. Tlie prisoners graded away a high hill on the West Plttsburg road near Newcastle and constructed a cement bridge over n culvert eighty feet long. Tlie only expense to the county from this Drldge that would ordinarily have cost thousands of dollars lars was for the material and the serv ices of an engineer. The men em ployed were sentenced from ten to ninety days nnd were Informed that the sentence would be materially lessened If they would work on the roads and not attempt to escape , and they worked. Good Road Maxims. A Rood road affords an excellent way to church. A dollar spent on the road la as food as two spent on the farm. A community Is known by the roads It koeps. Better go two miles on a good road than half a mile on a bad one. The wide tire maketh the glad path master. A bad road and Its travel are soon parted. Many path masters spoil the roads. A little gravel Is a dangerous thing. Sow deep or wallow full and spring. The horse knoweth the bad rord and letleth his cars drop. Many country roads nre paved with good intentions , but for the most part with lumps of sod , stones , roots and rubbish. Improvement Mottoes. If an embargo of the same force were laid on the ports that is laid on farm traffic by bad roads the noise that would follow could be heard around the world. If the money Is expended wisely nnd honestly n people can tax themselves rich for the construction of good roads. Road repairs to be effective must be continuous. "Push ! If you can't push , pull. It yon can't pull , please get out of the way. " Caused by Lack of Good Roads. The lack of good roads to remote re gions In held to bo ono of the cMlef causes of the decline of British apri- rulture. His Voice. Polly rinktlghts-What sort of voice has the new toner ? Fanny Footlights Bum ! You can almost sop through the crack In It. Philadelphia Record.