The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 20, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Sixth Wife Turns Up and Apparently
There Are Othera.
PlttHburg , PH. . May 1C. A Hlxtli
wlftj of "I'oloni'l" James T. Tetlow
IIHH bobbed tip. mid tin-to miiy bo many
othurH. The polli-i ) bollovo Totlow'H
matrimonial exploits may excel In
number thornof Johnnn Hoch of Chi
Before leaving PlttHburg the hand-
homo "colonel , " who mild liu had
Hcrvcd In the First United StatoH cav
alry , to liuvo fotiKlit under llouHovolt
In Culm and to have received severe
woundH In the lloor war and to have
boon decorated with thu CTOBH of the
Legion of Honor , had promised Annie
I'ohl to marry her , It IH assorted , when
the girl became HuapleloiiH that a cor-
oniony In a public park when the col
onel placed a ring oh a Bold CTOHH was
not Hiilllclont.
Mr . Anna Tetlow of Center Falls ,
H. I , , IIIIH coinmnnlcatcd with the po
lice. Mrs. Tetlow of Wheeling , W. Va. .
IIIIH Hhown he obtained a divorce from
Tetlow In South Dakota by a letter
from her mother , who forwarded a
copy of the decree. The Wheeling
Mr . Tetlow IH lending assistance to
the authorities and linn told Clara Jor
dan Tetlow that her Hlster , Ethel , IH In
the clnlchoB of so terrible a man that
It IH worse * than being at the mercy of
a lion.
Mrs. Clara .Ionian Tetlow , the latest
"deserted wife , " continues to receive
letters from women who are positive
they have been duped by the same
man. If half they promise Is true , the
exploits of some of the most sensa
tional bigamists will be cheap records.
New York Senate Favors BUI for Do-
mestlc Relations Tribunal.
New York. May 10. A bill for the
establishment of domestic relation
courtB In New York has been favor
ably reported at Albany. The courts ,
If established , will bo the llrst of their
kind In the world. The legal aid bu
reau of the educational alliance Is
sponsor for the proposed tribunal of
marital justice. Hcrniml Robblns ,
attorney for the alliance , explained
the plan today.
"It will bo a stand for present
tlon of the home , " ho said. "In Now
York , a city that spends approximate
ly 142 million dollars a year for Its
various Institutions , not ouo dollar IH
spent for the preservation of the fam
ily , the cornerstone of the national
"Tho laws and courts today pro'
scribe how divorces shall bo obtained ,
Wo have no legal provision for the
holding together of families.
"The domestic relations court will
be a court where matrimonial matters
and domestic troubles will bo deall
with exclusively , where they will receive >
ceivo the calm and earnest consldera1
tlon to which they are entitled.
"My experience has taught mo that
domestic troubles are In a great mea <
sure duo to Ignorance , misunderstand' '
Ing and a misconception of the mutual
obligations and privileges forming the
basis of family life , " continued Mr
Robbing. "Many women seem to be
Hove men have only duties and nc
rights. Many men , on the other hand
do not seem to realize the rcsponsl
blllty marriage places upon them.
"Domestic troubles vary In character
tor and degree. Not a few of then
are due to existing economic condl
tlons. Among the wealthy , superllu
Ity and dissatisfaction with the things
they have create dissension in the
homo. Among the poor , need am
want cause friction. Such of the do
mestlc troubles as are due to mlsun
dorstandiug and not Immorality , an
amenable to reason , persuasion am
onllghtment. These it will bo tht
duty of the court of domestic relation !
to provide. "
Northwest Weddings.
Mrs. Louisa Reiss and Ed Broph ;
were married at Nollgh.
Miss Karllna Zeltner and Ferdlnam
Arp were married at Napor.
Jacob Stutz and Miss draco Wheele
were married at Ainsworth.
Grant Denny and Miss Mattle Wll
son wore married at Stanton.
Thomas Leahy and Miss llarban
Bauer were married at Ewlng.
Prank Beaulieu and Miss Grace Mr
dcraa were married at Winner.
William Eicke and Miss Laur
Schulz were married at Pierce.
John Brosnahan and Miss Sadie A
Welch were married at Tllden.
Harry Sheppard and Miss May Jac >
son were married at Ainsworth.
Leroy Gehrls and Miss Emma liar
son were married at West Point
Frank Pribnow and Miss EIIle Join
son were married at West Point.
Herman Peterson and Miss Ell
Schramm were married at Pierce.
David H. Clauson and Miss Margr
ret Shaw were married at O'Neill.
Chris Sorensen and Miss Magglo A
berts were married at Ainsworth.
Gustav E. Miller and Miss Emm
Cech were married at West Point.
Merritt Sennitz and Miss Maud
Humphrey were married at Wlsner.
Albert Hasmusson and Miss Nettl
McKenzie wore married at Stanton.
William Rnmler and Miss Kat
Montgomery wore married at Pierce ,
V. L. Hurrlngton and Miss Gem
viove Farrlnton were married at Uutt <
Business Changes.
Joseph Hrothers have opened a me
chamllso store at Valentino.
W. H. Hassed has purchased tl :
Evans pharmacy at Sprlngvlew.
John Schneider and Max Sogor ha\
opened a general store at Stuart.
George E. Lezotto of Uonesteel hr
rented the Lnollyn hotel at Gregory.
Gcorgo Gishpert has purchased tl
R. S. Stolnkraus pharmacy at Pierce
J. II. Seller of Hutto has purchase
the Fred Pfaff general store at He
J. P. Draden has sold his snloc
business at Leigh to Aaron and Jol :
H. Rogern IIIIH opened a store at
A. Zorlm of Derrick IIIIH purchased
the Ed HuakliiBon and company atoro
at Honostoel.
W. W. AhreiiH and HOUR havu pur-
chiiHod the Wollor-Young moat market
at Plalnvlow.
S. JOIIOH has sold his 1,320-acro
ranch near Alnsworth to E. J. Dan-
Hi-It of Sioux City.
H. P. Simons IIIIH traded his resi
dence property at Lynch for an Inter
est In a lumber yard at Spencer.
Neligh Boys Took Victory.
Nollgh high Hchool defeated the Nor
folk high school team hero Saturday
afternoon by a Hi-ore of 12 to 3. It
was all a one-sided game after the
fourth Inning , when the local players
Boomed to go to pieces and Bcemed at
the mercy of Nollgh , who outplayed
Norfolk all around. It was a fast and
exciting game for an even four innings
when the Bcoro stood 1 to 0 In favor
of Norfolk and the local fans Boomed
confident that Norfolk had a walk
away , when suddenly Nollgh socmed
to find the Holutlon of Kolloher's
cnrvoH and pounded the hall.
Kelloher pitched a good game but
his support wan bad both In the In and
outfield , where HOIIIU easy catches
wore either fumbled or dropped. Er
rors were also frequent on both Hides
and the heavy wind aided in carrying
the ball from the players' mitts. In
the fifth Inning Neligh brought In four
runs and added six more to that num
ber In the Hlxtli.
The feature of the game was the
wonderful work of Ryuii , the Neligh
second baseman , who stopped some
hot liners. Ho was all around the in
field and never let a ball go by. Leon
ard pitched a good game , but the Nor
folk lads found no trouble In hitting
him , though due to his good support
and the team work of the Neligh play
ers the Norfolk hits proved fruitless.
The score :
Nollgh AH. R. II. PO.A.E.
Summary Two-base hits : Durland ,
Kelleher , Sellery , Miller , VanAllan.
Struck out : By Kelleher , G ; by Leon
ard , 7. Hases on balls : Off Kelleher ,
1 ; off Leonard , 4. Wild pitches : Kel-
, leher , 2 ; Leonard , 1. Hit by pitched
balls : Hy Leonard , 2 ; by Kelleher , 1.
Passed Halls : Morrison , 1 ; Miller , 1 ,
Umpire , Norton Howe. Time of game ,
two hours.
Foul Tips.
Ryan was too anxious to make a
double In the fifth and forgot tc
| , place his foot on the base before he
threw to first , where the runner made
' good and his victim stole third.
Hrlggs and the wind were chums ,
Mills bunt for a sacrifice filled the
j ( bases.
! In the fourth the Neligh batter whc
hit that high fly believing it was a
foul ball should have started running ,
Instead he twirled his bat and watch'
ed the ball hit the ground while the
umpire said "fair ball. "
I The yelling of the Norfolk fans
. at close range to the Neligh batters
, did not feaze those * gentlemen , whc
plugged away at the ball.
I Mapes made good at picking up tht
I hot ones but often threw too low tc
first base where Durland held dowr
i the bag with much credit to himself
Umpire Howe's first job of the sen
son was ably officiated and there
wasn't a solitary threat heard againsi
his life.
Three Young Women Who Started 01
Water Are Now Drinking Milk.
Garden City. N. J. , May 1C. Monda ;
nothing , Tuesday twenty glasses o
water , Wednesday less water , Juici
of two oranges and one lemon at !
o'clock ; Thursday glass of milk ever ;
This Is a summary of the bill o
fare thus far last week for the threi
young society women who are trylni
to attain health by means of an ab
brovlated diet. They entered upon i
new phase of their self-imposed tasl
today , shifting from water and orangi
{ juice to milk , a glass of It being takei
upon the least desire to cat.
A Consignment of 200 Comes for th
Rockefeller Institute.
New York , May 1G. Two humlrei
chattering monkeys which were a va
liable part of the cargo of the line
( rat Waldersee. just In from Han
burg , are consigned to the Rockofolle
institute , where they are to bo use
for experimentation. The conslgnmon
is to be used , it is said , for "studio
of the brnin. "
Thieving In Trlpp.
Gregory County News : For th
past several months there has been
systematic series of thievery goin
on in Dallas ami only few who hav
had stuff laying around convonlentl
have not suffered from the wor
n which has been going on. On Tuei
day a clew was discovered which led
to the landing of a suspect and later
a confession was obtained from him
and an Investigation of his claim ,
which Is located about six mllcH west
of Dalian , dlBclosod a resort of whole
sale thievery. James Vysoclal is the
man In cimtody charged with the of
fense. Ho was one of the "luckles"
In the recent Rosebud land lottery
having drawn No. 110 and from him
was learned that he had boon repeat
edly offered $3,000 for his relinquish-
inent but refused to sell. His claim
Is Hiild to bo one or the most desirable
In Trlpp county.
The case of Vysoclal Is one hard to
comprehend and ho may certainly bo
placed In the kleptomania class as
there was nothing which ho could lay
hlH hands to that ho did not appro
priate , and a great deal of the stuff
which ho appropriated was apparently
of no value to him. His barn and
yard were literally covered with tools
and utensils of every Imaginable de
The warrant for his arrest was
sworn out by C. F. Fuller of this city ,
who had lost a tool chest containing
perhaps $70 or $100 worth of tools.
They were found on his place and re
turned to the owner. It was upon
this count that he was brought to
town and arraigned before Judge Ed-
elsteln and was bound over to the cir
cuit court under $500 bonds. Ho Is
now In the custody of the ofllcers.
The following Is a list of the arti
cles found on his premises which Vy-
social says ho stole. The olllcors are
today bringing the plunder to town
and returning them to their rightful
One hundred and twenty-live pounds
of white lead , six cans of lard , one
McCormlck pump , two wire stretch
ers , one three way ; one cistern pump ,
one three way pump , one sledge ham
mer , two log chains , ten mower sic
kles , ouo 1-horse drill , fourteen plow
shares , one case of coffee , one sack
of rice , one sausage stulTor , one small
case of prunes , ton kerosene and gaso
line cans , one case sardines , four
breaking plows , one new end gate ,
Hoosier seeder , four stubble plows ,
one lister , one two-section harrow ,
two palls of lish , one case tomatoes ,
one old tank , one ten-pound pall axle
reaso , one Black Hawk corn planter ,
one case of sugar cake crackers , one
Cracker-Jack corn planter , one saddle ,
two no-pound sacks of flour , one hay
sweep knocked down , one force tank
pump , shovels , spades , axes , whiffle
trees , two hand corn shellers , one top
buggy , one spring buggy , one chest of
tools , box with two pairs of shoes ,
nine spools galvanized wire , hog and
cattle wire , one feed grinder , one box
potatoes , one set double harness , two
levels , one combination anvil and vise ,
two sickle grinders , one case of
crackers , two hay rakes , two carriage
lamps , four telephone poles , one load
of IxG 10-foot lumber , three pieces
4xG 14-foot lumber , 1,000 pounds hard
and soft coal , mixed , one shot gun ,
several feet well pipe , different sizes ,
one 50-pound balance weight for scale ,
four 4xG 21-foot , one 4x10 14-foot , one
pipe wrench , one rod threader , one
pulverizer , one corn plow , one slip
scraper , twenty-three chickens.
Richard Fausel Says He Loves to Fast
Just for Fun.
Chicago , May 14. Fifty days with
out a morsel of food !
This is the record reached by Richard -
ard Fausel long time faster and he
claims he has scarcely more than
Seven weeks ago Fausel , who IE
staying at a sanitarium at Forty-sec
end street and Grand boulevard , de
elded he was getting too fat. So he
quit eating.
Going without food hasn't bothered
him at all. Ho has a lot more time
to do other things. Fausel loves tc
fast. He docs It every once In ti
A year ago he weighed 370 pounds
He went over to Battle Creek and fast
ed for forty-three days. It cut dowr
his weight to 235 pounds. Then he
went back to his home in Doland , S
Several weeks ago he decided tc
begin another fast. Since he came tc
Chicago and quit eating ho has los
a pound a day. Fausel thinks he cai
beat the record of eighty days , am
Is out after it now.
"Tomorrow makes my fiftieth daj
without food , " ho said. "I'm nil right
Look ! "
He picked up a chair in each ham
and waved them around as if the :
were feather ( lusters.
"I drink about three glasses of Lak <
Michigan water that's thick enougl
every day , and that seems to bo al
I need. I fast every once In a whlh
when I get too fat. I've done It i
number of times.
"I am going to keep this up untl
the sixtieth day. If I am feeling gooi
then , good as I do now , I'm going after
tor the long distance record.
"It isn't a hard trick at all. Tin
first two or three days are uncoinfort
able. Then it Is easy. Only be care
ful when you start eating again
A little grape juice and an apple onci
a week is all you dare tackle at first.
Charles Carey Rumsey Likes to Pla ;
at Being Poor.
New York , May 14. "I like to b
poor ; it's more romantic , you know
That's why I live hero Instead of li
an expensive studio building. Er-
have you or had your breakfast ? "
At 7:30 : o'clock this morning Charle
Carey Rumsoy , engaged to Miss Mar ;
Harrlman , second daughter of the lat
Edward II. Harriman and heiress t
an Immense fortune , tiptoed soft !
down from his little studio on the to
lloor of 55 East Fifty-ninth street.
"You see , I shouldn't have come on
so soon , but I was getting hungry ,
feel really quite helpless what do yo
want me to say ? "
It was still BO dark In the hall that
the reporter couldn't see what he
looked like when he said this , but the
Interviewer gathered from his tone
that he was not very close.
"Well , how long have you been en
gaged ? " the reporter asked.
Mr. Rumsoy removed his glasses
slowly , wljied an imaginary speck of
dust from them , adjusted them again
slowly and replied :
"Not very long. "
"One year ? "
"About six months , " ho finally ad
"And how did you meet Miss Harrl-
man ? "
"She posed for me and I made a
has relief of her. She was charming
ind well , you know It was quite ro-
iinntlc , we fell In love at least 1 fell
n love or we both or you know. "
Again the glasses needed attention.
"And when are you going to get marled -
led ? "
"Oh , just as soon as 1 possibly can , "
10 admitted.
Hy this time ho was on the front
stoop. The morning light revealed a
very boyish young man In a blue suit ,
vlth twinkling light blue eyes and a
noutli that fairly twitched with mor-
"You are very young. "
He laughed.
"I'm almost 30 ! " with a touch of
"And very rich the janitor said so. "
"Oh , no. not rich ! Do I look it ? "
"Hut your people are ? "
"A little , perhaps but I am poor
t's so much more romantic to live In
i garret and struggle , don't you think
so ? "
This very Ingenuously.
In answer to another question , Mr.
lumsey said that he had studied art
n Paris and In Cambridge , Mass.
"I'd rather be a poor sculptor than
a rich Wall street man that's all , " he
volunteered , and hurried into the lit
tle lunch room next door.
Bad to Eat a Peck of It Before You
Die , Health Office Says.
Chicago , May 1G. Kiss goodby to
ill those old household sayings that
wo blindly thought held so much of
iclpful truth. The Chicago health do-
mrtment says they are only "dirty
plgrams , " and has prescribed them.
In their stead it gives us a hunch of
so-called healthgrams which are the
xmcrete expression of the accumu-
ated knowledge of the city's official
These are some of the "folk say-
ngs" that are sent to limbo :
One must eat a peck of dirt before
he dies.
The street child Is healthy.
People were healthier in the good
old days.
A goat keeps a stable healthful.
Gas works are good for consump
In lieu of what is taken from us ,
what do we get ? Here are a few sam
ples "healthgrams" all :
Open windows close the door to
Your lungs can't bo washed out , but
: hey can be aired.
One fly swatted in May is equal to
1,000,000 swatted in July.
Mother's milk for babies ; cow's milk
for calves.
Floods of sunshine in the home may
fade carpets , but it puts the bloom of
health on your cheeks. Take your
In Whole Steel Industry.
Washington , May 1G. The condi
tions of labor existing at the Bethle
hem steel works at South Bethlehem ,
Pa. , as set forth in the bureau of la
bor , recently sent to congress , are
more or less common throughout the
entire steel Industry , according to a
statement Issued by Dr. Charles P.
Nelll , commissioner of labor. He re
ferred to the conditions in the blast
furnaces as shocking. This announce
ment was brought forth by a protest
made to Secretary of Commerce and
Labor Nagel and Commissioner Nelll
by President Charles M. Schwab and
other representatives of the BethlO'
hem steel works regarding the sum'
niary issued by the bureau of labor ol
the report of its agents on wages and
working conditions at the steel plants ,
Mr. Schwab complained that the sum
mary was unfair to his company In
failing to state that conditions found
at the Bethlehem steel works were not
peculiar to that plant , but were general
oral In the steel Industry.
The Drexels are Trout Fishing.
Now York , May 1C. Marjorie Goult
Drexel and .Mr. Drexel are spending
their honeymoon at her father's Fur
lough Lodge in the mountains neai
Margaretvllle. Mrs. Drexel Is teach
Ing her husband to catch trout. She
Is an expert angler and has caughi
several fine messes of brook troui
with rod and fly. According to UK
report Mr. Drexel has been unable
thus far to get a bite , but It is salt
that Mrs. Drexel Is determined t <
make an expert fisherman of him.
Only Two Periods More Immoral Dr
Harry Pratt Judson Says.
Chicago. May 14. Dr. Harry Prat
Judson , president of the University o
Chicago , in his address yesterday ai
president of the Northern Baptist con
ventlon , said the present ago Is tin
most decadent in history , with the ox
caption of the day just before the fal
of the Roman republic and before tin
French revolution.
"If there Is to bo social and polltlca
regeneration in our republic and litho
the rest of the world , " ho wont on , "i
must be by a tremendous regonoratloi
of moral Ideals.
"Wo recognl/o In the world's Hf
today four prolific sources of evil , am
from those sources come the dlsrui
tlvo forces which arc BO Borlousl
tending to disintegrate the society of
the twentieth century. One of these
is International ; It is war.
"Another source of endless evil is
dishonesty , permeating public and pri
vate life allko , tainting administration
of justice , tainting our legislative hulls
and tainting the conduct of private
business , polluting at times even the
church Itself.
"Another vital source of Infinite evil
Is drunkenness.
"A fourth source of Inllnlto evil In
every modern society Is Impurity of
word and "act. "
So He Bought the Potatoes.
Gordon , Neb. , May 1G. SpoelnfTo
The News : A man representing him
self to bo a salesman for Hnller com
pany of Philadelphia and Omaha , has
relieved the farmers minds of the
problem of disposing of their last
year's crop of potatoes and likewise
relieved their pocKetbooks and neg
lected to pay help or board bills.
On Wednesday , April 13 , a man
named Leroy V. Hallor accompanied
by his wife and a man named Thomas ,
registered for board at the Commer
cial hotel. Hallor stated that ho WIIH
selling groceries to farmers and ranch
ers at wholesale.
During the day , however , he learned
that farmers bad not sold all of their
last year's crop of potatoes. So ho
dropped his Idea of selling groceries
and began buying potatoes for ship
ment. Ho got a force of men togeth
er to go sort potatoes out In the coun
They soon had a car loaded which
Haller shipped to Chadron. lie went
to Chadron the same day to dispose
of the potatoes taking one man and
leaving Thomas to attend to the ship
ping of the second car.
The men working here began to
need some money and n hurry call
despatched to Chadron April 30 ,
brought Haller hero Sunday , May 1.
He paid some of the men and wont
back to Chadron the same night tak
ing his wife and has not appeared
in Gordon since. While here ho or
dered the second car shipped to Oc-
tnviii , Neb. , at once. The last heard
from him ho was peddling potatoes in
Olerlchs , S. D.
One car of potatoes stands on the
track here now and the farmers are
beginning to realize that they were
vorked by a smooth-tongued sharper.
t is now believed by all that he is
he same Haller who worked Keya
'aha farmers for $2,000 a short time
Mr. Thomas says he did not know
laller till a few weeks ago when he
net him at Bassctt.
Haller has fooled the farmers here
ind judging /rom the past perform-
inces , If he be the same Haller who
vorked the Keya Palm farmers , ho Is
irobably engaged in working a slmi-
ar game in South Dakota. If he can
only be found and brought within the
urisdlction of the state , a warm wel
come awaits him from those he has
swindled out of board , money and la
McKay Guilty , Up for Life.
Neligh , Neb. , May 16. Special to
The News : McKay guilty of first de
gree murder. Life imprisonment.
This was the verdict of the jury in
the case of Joe McKay of Brunswick ,
who had been on trial all week for the
nurder of Albert G. Brown , a bach
elor harness maker at that place , De
cember 7.
The killing of Brown was one of the
nest fiendish crimes in the history of
the state. McKay showed no emotion
ivhatsoever when the jury announced
: hat ho had been convicted of the
It was learned today that the jury
took three ballots. The first stood 9
or conviction , 3 for acquittal ; the
second stood 10 to 2 ; the third 12 for
The verdict of the jury is as fol-
ows :
"Wo , the jury in this case , duly Im
panelled and summoned , do find the
.lefendant guilty of murder in the first
degree , and we do find and say that
10 shall be Imprisoned in the state
penitentiary during the remainder of
ils natural life. "
Signed :
Frank George , ,
H. C. Bomar ,
Howard Ulry , .
H. Costello ,
Henry Ullarich ,
Frank Kemp ,
H. W. Elckhoff ,
John Elssler , jr.
J. L. Springer ,
Jacob Schlnk ,
Frank Wirges ,
Warren WIlcox ,
A brief history of the case is as
follows :
Albert G. Brown was found murder
ed In his cellar on the 8th day ol
December last , with an axe found
beside the lifeless body and his head
crushed In at three distinct places.
The coroner , W. F. Conwell , Sherlfl
Miller and County Attorney Rice ol
this city wont over to the village ol
Brunswick on the morning of the 9tl
day of December and held an In
quest upon the body. Suspicion al
that time was strongly upon Joe Me
Kay as being the murderer , and aftei
the Inquest he was arrested by the
county sheriff.
Find Money at McKay's.
The county attorney and a mimbei
of the prominent citizens of the vll
lage of Brunswick went to the rest
donee of the defendant that aftornooi
and made a search of tno house
They therein found a pockethook con
tnlnlng $20 In bills , which wan hlddei
awny In a boxful of clothes. Mrs
McKay was questioned about tin
purse and money and told several con
Hiding stories as tp how It came t (
bo there. This purse was Identlflec
during the progress of the trial ni
being one of the murdered man'i
To the sheriff and county attorne ;
on the night of Thursday. December
9 , when the accused was placed in
the county Jail and questioned in re
gard to the money found , ho told an
entirely different story than hud been
previously told by Mrs. McKay to the
Late the next day , Friday , Decem
ber 10 , the county attorney received
word from Brunswick that the mur
dered man's keys had leen found hid
den away In some hay In his barn ,
and that other elreuniHtaneoH were
being dlHcovered which disclosed a
motive for the murder of Brown.
The county attorney thereupon
started for Brunswick that night and
re m til tied the next day lu running
down all circumstances which would
tend to disclose the assassin Ho at
that time put the wife of the ac
cused through a searching examina
tion , and she denied that her lumbaml
had been on the Brown premises at
all for more than a month , and claim
ed that ho had not arisen on the
morning of the 7th day of December ,
till about the hour of S o'clock.
Say Hog was Brown's.
It was also discovered , the state
claimed , that the hog which had been
on the Brown premises up to the
morning of December 7 , and which
McKay had sold and taken away on
the morning of the 7th. was In reality
the property of Brown , the murdered
The preliminary In the case was
held before Justice John M. McAllis
ter , at Nellgli , on Monday , the 21st
day of December , at the conclusion of
which McKay was held to the charge
of murdering Brown to the next term
of the district court without ball.
The relatives of the deceased had
employed M. F. Harrington of O'Neill
to assist the prosecution and the de
fense secured the services of O. A.
Williams of this city and Senator Al
len of Madison.
On Monday , May 2 , the case was
called for trial. And after nearly two
days a jury was secured and sworn
in. It was then that Senator Allen
moved to discharge the accused be
cause of a clerical error In the infer
mation. The motion being overruled
by the court and the prosecution per
mitted to amend the Information. The
trial then proceeded.
The state took the testimony of
about fifty witnesses and forged a
powerful chain of circumstantial evi
dence connecting the accused with
the crime. The summary of the most
important points of this great mass
of circumstantial evidence Is as fol
lows :
The Chain of Evidence.
That the person of Albert G. Brown
was alive about the hour of G o'clock
on the morning of Tuesday , Decem
ber 7. This being the morning that
the defendant had taken the hog from
the Brown promises to support Its
contention ; that the deceased was
nlivo on this fateful morning , the
state showed that a heavy snow bad
fallen on Monday night , December G ,
that amounted to three or four Inches ,
ind that on Wednesday afternoon the
parties who found the body of Brown
in his cellar , could see his tracks in
this snow where he had been about
during the early hours on Tuesday
morning doing his chores.
A pan full of ashes had been emp
tied on top of this snow ; where he had
dug through the snow in the coal box
to get fuel for the lire ; and that the
body when discovered was fully
dressed , Including overshoes and cap.
The examination of the finding of
the body of Mr. Brown disclosed the
fact that his pockets had been rilled.
It was shown by the evidence that the
murdered man had always carried
large sums of money upon his person ,
as he was afraid of banks.
Saw McKay at Brown Home.
The state also showed by the wit
ness , Mrs. Ed VanKirk , a neighbor
who lived to the south of the Brown
home , and In the same block , that she
had seen smoke issuing from the
Brown home , and In the same block ,
that she had seen smoke Issuing from
the Brown chimney at about 0:30 : on
Tuesday morning. The state showed
by an eye witness , William Woolley ,
that McKay came from the rear end
of the Brown house at about 7 o'clock
that morning , and instead of coming
around and out of the front gate , he
had gone directly north through snow
drifts that were hip deep , and across
the fence on the north of the premises
into the street. Upon seeing Woolley
the defendant told him ho had been
over feeding his hog. Ho had no has'
ket or pail In his hand at this time
The state showed by the party that
had bought the hog from McKay and
the two assistants who went with him
that they went to the Brown hog shed
that morning about 9 o'clock to get
the hog , that the snow about the hog
shed door plainly showed that the dooi
had not been opened that morning
nor had the porker been fed ; and thai
there was no slop bucket about the
The prosecution also showed that al
no time after the 18th day of October
last year , when the defendant ha <
moved away from the shack in th <
roar of the Brown residence , where he
( McKay and wife ) had been living foi
I the past eight or nine months , had the
I defendant over been seen by any o
the neighbors going over to the Browi
place to feed the hog. The state alse
showed a number of conflicting sto
rles told by the defendant and wife m
to how they came to got the hog fron
Aside from the pocketbook contain
Ing the $20 , which was found In th <
defendant's homo , there was als <
found a pocket knife , which wai
shown to have boon Brown's knlfo
and which the defendant In his tostl
mony claimed to have borrowed fron
Brown about a week before the lat
tor's death. The state pointed out 01
this day that , Ioc > McKay was In tin
employ of his brother Alec , abou
three or four miles out In the country
The Jury was out from 4 o'clock ii
the afternoon until 8 in the evening
Old Dutch
your clean
ing work in
the kitchen
o u t the
This One Cleanser
in handy sifter can
keeps the house and
everything in it spiclc
and span with half
the time required
with old-fashioned cleaners.
. ,
For porcelain ware and on the
bath tub. Old Dutch Cleanser
is the one safe cleanser to use.
The New
Better Way
Sprinkle Old
Dutch Cleanser on
a wet cloth , tub
well , wipe with a
clean , wet cloth.
Takes off all dis
coloration a n d
scum and will not
scratch. Use it
for all your clean
ing. The one
best cloanscr for
the farm.
The court will pass upon the ruling of
a snbmittaueo before the supreme
court on Juno G. In any event , Mc
Kay will ho taken to the state peni
tentiary shortly after the above date.
Won't Move the Bridge.
Spencer Advocate : The Holt coun
ty board composed of M. P. Sullivan ,
Otto Nllson , J. M. Hunter , C. Kramer ,
Anton Prusa , H. D. Slovcst and Sup
ervisors Long , Danker , Hasche , Drown
Post and Anderson of Boyd county
met hero and drove out to Inspect the
Whiting bridge last week. There was
some talk of moving the bridge up
the river to Dodgo'H ferry but after
a thorough Investigation the boards
decided they would leave well enough
alone and not stir up any feeling with
the people on both sides of the river.
Where this removal idea originated
we are unable to state , but was Inform
ed by one of the Holt county supervis
ors that they knew nothing of such
a move until they arrived over here.
Such an Idea Is not practicable at all.
The Whiting bridge has stood the
test , Is on a direct road between hero
and O'Neill nuil accommodates more
farmers than a bridge at any ether
point would. The board drove up the
river to the Parshall crossing where
it Is likely a new bridge will be lo
cated. They need a bridge In the
west end of the county and It is to
be hoped one will be built as soon as
the funds will justify such a largo ex
The Reported Marriage to a Groom
Still a Mystery.
New York , May 1C. Miss Ethel
Croker has not gone to Europe , although -
! though It was believed she was a pas
senger on board the Adriatic of the
! White Star line , which left this port
Wednesday. She has been at the
country place of her brother , Richard
Croker , jr. , at Rye , since Friday.
John J. Hreen , whose alleged mar
riage to Miss Croker In Hoboken , Ap
ril 28 , has boon attested before Email-
uel Englor , a justice of the peace , but
who still denies ho Is the husband of
the retired Tammany chieftain's
daughter. Is no longer employed by
Charles A. Schwarta.
Order of Hearing of Final Account.
In the matter of the estate of Aaron
C. Anderson , deceased.
In the county court of Madison
county , Nebraska.
Now on the llth day of May. 1910 ,
came C. E. liurnhain , the administrat
or of said estate , and prays for leave
to render an account as such admin
It IB therefore ordered that the 14tl
day of Juno , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. in. at
my olllco In Madison , Nebraska , be
fixed as the time and place for exam
ining and allowing such account And
the heirs of .said deceased , and all per
sons Interested In said estate , are re
quired to appear at the lime and place
so designated , and show cause , if such
exists , why said account should not
bo allowed.
It Is further ordered that said C. E.
Burnham , administrator , give notice
to all persons Interested In said estate
by causing a copy of this order to ho
published In the Norfolk Weekly
Nows-Journal , a newspaper printed
and In general circulation In said coun
ty , for three weeks prior to the day
set for Haiti hearing.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and afllxod my of-
Ikial seal this llth day of May. A. I ) .
1910. Win. Hates ,
( Seal ) County Judge.