The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 20, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tlltf NniM.Y TK Wl.'RTfT.V MPWfl. .mtTTJMAT , W1MI1AY XT AY Oil 1010
A. Bollnu went to Beatrice.
Mrs. R. Rohrku of Hndar was here.
Dr. H. T. Holden returned from
j T. C. Cantwull returned from
< O'Neill.
. C. Ransch went to Sidney on
M. J. Sanders went to Wayne on
Miss Frankle Burner of Stanton was
In thu city.
Mrs. H. E. 'Mason of Meadow Grove
| was In the city.
Harry O. Steele of Omaha was In
i thu city on business.
Mrs. H. L. Kindred of Meadow
(5rove was In thu city.
t Mrs. Aaron and daughters of Hos-
. kins callt-d on friends here.
Mrs. W. N. Huse returned from a
visit with her mother at I la warden ,
Miss Lillian Llerman , who has been
hero visiting friends , returned to Ha-
i dar.
Mrs. R. G. Rohrko and son of Hos-
kins wuro In the city calling on
Mr. and Mrs. Emll Llchtenberg of
IlHilar wuru In thu city calling on
t friends.
L. B. Nicola has gonu to Antelope
1 county for a short business trip to the
Durland ranch.
Almon Batka of Fairfax was a vis
itor In Norfolk. Mr. Batka Is a prom
inent farmer In Gregory county.
Mrs. J. R Lindsay Is reported quite
Thu social meeting of the Joint hosn
companies Is called for Wednesday
night , May 18.
Conductor Hartman of the M. & O.
on the Sioux City run , was here calling
on friends. Conductor Hartman says
he will be on the regular freight run
from now on.
The Fourth ward hose company has
reorganized with the following olli-
cers : President , M. Shaffer ; foreman ,
H. Wltte ; treasurer , John Koorbor ;
secretary , E. R. Taylor.
John H. Pettibone , of the Fleming
drug store force , reports the arrival of
bis household goods from Valentine.
Mr. and Mrs. Pettlbono will make their
homo at 307 North Eleventh street.
Reports brought in by the rural mail
carriers show that the rain Is doing
splendid work in the way of bringing
out the oats , which they say never
looked better. The grass In the pas
ture is coming up well.
S. C. Pedersen of Columbus , former
ly a traveling salesman and an em
ploye of the Drexel Shoe company of
Omaha , has accepted a position with
the A. L. Killlan company of Norfolk
as shoo salesman In their store.
Lamario ( Wyom. ) Republican : Dr.
McLean this afternoon said that Mrs.
H. E. Owen's condition continued to
Improve daily , and that she Is getting
along quite as well as anyone could
wish. Her pulse Is good and her tem
perature nqrmal.
P. L. Gutzmer and Miss Anna Me-
Neill , formerly of Norfolk , will be
married at Omaha next Sunday , it is
reported. Mr. Gutzmer recently re
signed his position at the state hos
pital for the insane , where he was em
ployed for five years as bookkeeper.
A A regular meeting of the Norfolk
Commercial club directors was held
at the Oxiiard hotel at noon. The
drawings and reports of Civil Engineer
Schreiner , who inspected the proposed
Norfolk-Newman Grove Interurban ,
were discussed , this being the feature
of the meeting.
A game between the clerks and the
high school baseball team ha.s been
arranged for Wednesday evening. No
admission will be charged to the
grounds and a large crowd of fans are
expected. The clerks have been put
ting in their lunch hours and all spare
t time practicing and will give the stu
dents a hard rub.
| - S. F. Heitzman , a well known Nor
/ folk contractor , died at his homo on
South Ninth street at 3:30 : this morn
Ing from Bright's disease and other
ailments. Mr. Hcitzman was 44 years
old. Funeral arrangements have not
yet been made. Relatives from out-of.
| town are expected hero today. Mr.
! Heitzman had built a number of North
{ western depots in this territory.
\ While unloading heavy machinery
at the Norfolk steam laundry yester.
day afternoon a drayman In the em
ploy of Millard Green narrowly es
caped being crushed to death when a
, piece of the machinery weighing about
3,600 pounds slipped and caught him
between the building , slightly injuring
his shoulder and neck. Ho was , how.
over , able to drive his team to the
W. F. Hall returned from Columbus ,
where he witnessed two baseball
games between the Columbus and Has
tings state league teams. The former
Norfolk players who are now with Co
lumbus are playing line ball , says Mr.
Hall. Boveo won the game for Colum
bus Sunday and Tony Neno is out In
the center Held playing well. The urn
pire , says Mr. Hall , is treated like a
king and never hesitates to bench a
man if any abuse is thrown at him by
the player.
Would Cut Into Our Territory.
Sioux City Is Interested In the pro
posed Valentine-Sioux City Interur
ban. Tills is what the Journal says :
The most .gigantic interurban and
power project yet launched In this section - ,
tion , with Sioux City as a primary ter
minal , was announced last night by E.
W. Cornell , president of the First Na
tional bank of Valentino , Neb. With
a special grant of congress In his pos
session ho will harness the Niobrara
river at a point four miles northeast
of Valentino , thus securing the power
necessary to operate an electric line
between Sioux City and Valentine , fur
nish electric lights to the greater num
ber of the cities along the projected
line , and still have power enough to
operate 100 miles more of electric
Mr. Cornell Is a guest at the West
hotel and will bo In Sioux City for a
few days consulting with business men
In regard to his project. With repre
sentatives of eastern bonding compa
nies of the highest financial standing
lie has Jtmt completed a minute survey
of the route the projected Interurban
will take Into Sioux City , and he has
laid the detailed statement of engl-
neers concerning his power project
before them with results of the most
encouraging nature.
Plans Nearlng Completion ,
The project , while given some little
mthuntlc notice during past years , has
uuen the development of years of con
sideration. The plans of Its originator
ire well on towards complete realiza
tion , and with the matter of Incorpo
rating n power and a railway com
pany at Pierre , S. I ) . , the next step In
ilnclng the plans on a working basis ,
Mr. Cornell last night discussed some
of the larger details of the project.
Something like four years ago Mr.
Cornell secured , through congress and
[ ho pre.ldent by special right , the
'ranchlso for water power to bo gen-
rated by the erection of a mammoth
dam across the Niobrara river near
IB ! homo town , Valentino. A gorge
llfty feet deep with a bottom 100 feet
wide , and with an opening at the top
of 310 feet will be crossed with a dam.
mid over this the water will bo drop-
lied to the turbine wheel some llfty
feet. Here a power plant , generating
7,000 horsepower from the big wheel
will bo erected and the plcnt with the
In n will represent u total Investment
) f at least $1 , 000,000.
Plenty of Power.
Some Idea of the power Is gathered
from the declaration of engineers who
leclaro that the big plant of the Nlo-
irara could move every wheel In Sioux
City , run every factory , every elevator ,
every car and still leave a balance of
! > ewer that would operate an electric
railway some 100 miles In length. The
river being harnessed , Mr. Cornell pro
posed to use his power llrst In the
movement of tralllc on an electric road
between Valentine and Sioux City , a
distance , according to the survey
made , of50 miles.
The survey , with all the engineering
details for the water power and for
the railway from Valentine to Spen
cer , Neb. , has been made , but the ex
tension east of Spencer has not been
made , and It is said ii ) be quite prob
able that this survey will bo rim at
The engineering work was done by
the W. K. Palmer company of Kansas
City , which reported on the water
power project , that with the dam stip
ulated In the plans a potentiality of
7,000 horsepower could bo easily de
veloped , with the power to operate a
line from Sioux City to Valentine , and
to furnish the electricity needed to
give the towns through which the line
passes complete lighting systems. The
cost of production of this power being
cheap , it was the declaration of engi
neers that it would bo easy to find in
vestors to back the project , with the
result that the matter was taken up
with larger eastern capitalists.
Total Cost , $5,250,000.
The specifications of the engineers
call for a roadbed such as that re
quired for steam railway work , and
the cost is estimated at between $21-
000 and $22,000 a mile , which would
bring the cost of the proposed line ,
using the lowest cost for a basis In
figuring , up to $5,250,000.
The line , Mr. Cornell says , will run
from Valentine north to Harmony ,
Neb. , and across the state line Into
South Dakota. It will follow the south
line of Todd county to the Intersection
of Todd and Tripp counties , where it
turns south Into Keya Palm county ,
passing through Springview and then
swinging northeast to Uurton. Above
Hurton it will cross the Keya Paha
river at the mouth of the Burton. It
goes northeast into Gregory county , S.
D. , passing through Jamison , Naper ,
Uutte and Spencer , and then down Into
Boyd county. Here the detailed sur
vey work ends , and from Spencer on
the exact route has not been deter
May Use Combination Bridge.
Mr. Cornell , with promoters , looked
over two routes on the trip into Sioux
City , which was completed Saturday ,
and since which day ho has been at
the West hotel. The route as roughly
proposed will run through the north
eastern portion of Holt county , and
then on through Knox , Cedar , Dixon
and Dakota counties into this city. It
is believed by some that the company
would probably use the Combination
bridge to cross the Missouri river. .
Mr. Cornell roughly drafted two prob
able routes from Spencer to Sioux
City. One proposed route would fol
low Mie Niobrara river , and , crossing
the Northwestern north of Vordigre ,
would work Into this city. The other
would bring the line out at the head
of Louise creek and would follow a
more southerly course , crossing the
Northwestern between Winnetoon and
Would Open Territory.
The proposed road would have a
territorial zone of from five to twenty
five miles In width , through one of
the richest farming sections In Nebraska
braska and South Dakota. The terrl
tory Is now meagerly served by the
Northwestern road and has vast pos
slbilities yet to be developed. The
Northwestern works through the coun
try both north and south of the pro
posed route , and all the produce , all
the banking business , and all the pur
chasing power of the territory Is now
paying tribute to Omaha.
The Omaha market is at least fifty
miles farther from the territory than
Is Sioux City , and it is properly the
field for the local jobber , and purchas
er of cattle and grain. The shippers
in portions of the territory have been
lighting for connections through the
Northwestern road with this city and |
have even offered to give the right of
way if lines were run from Newcastle
to Niobrara.
Will Pay No Damages.
Mr. Cornell will not bo forced to
pay damages for the erection of the |
dam in the Niobrara because ho owns
all the abutting property on the side
of the river on which his big power
plant will be erected , and the govern
ment military reservation stretches
away from the other sldo of the rivor.
The Niobrara river is a stationary
stream , its depth not varying more
than two Inches during the course of
a year , and in the detailed resume of
the power situation Mr. Cornell has
the government statistics for years
amply demonstrating the stationary
character of the stream. The feed
streams are never swollen , maintain
ing an average How because the rains
work Into the soil through the entire
section and through springs furnish a
constant flow of water.
The power project over which a
fight IB now on In the courts , and
which Is under thu control of 10. L.
Kirk of this city. Is not In any way
connected with the Cornell project ,
although thu site of the project Is on
thu Niobrara river. The determina
tion of the question whether the power
of Nebraska streams can be utilized
outside the state will come up for ad
judication early In June , and It IB un
derstood the power from this situ will
ho used largely In this city.
Thu Kirk project , It IB understood ,
will develop 10,000 horsepower , and
will be thoroughly developed. The
fact that numerous Interurhan pro
jects now are being pushed , with Sioux
City as a focal point , will give the
water power development ft wide
range , In the opinion of experienced
Adopt Rosebud Land Dill.
Sabath Amendment Permitting Regis
tering by Mall , Is Killed.
Senator Gamble secured the adop
tion of the conference report on the
Rosebud and Pine Ridge reservation
bills. This report eliminates the Sab
ath amendment of the house which
permitted applicants to swear to their
applications anywhere.
Dr. Kelly Has Resigned.
Assistant Physician at Norfolk Insane
Hospital Will Leave.
Dr. Ernest Kelly , assistant physi
cian at the Norfolk Insane hospital ,
has sent his resignation to Governor
Dr. Kelly says that ho has resigned
to go to Utah for the purpose of In
vestigating a very flattering offer
which will multiply his present In
come several times , If , ho accepts It.
The nature of the work Is physician in
a mining camp and Is a partnership
with a former classmate.
This is the second Norfolk hospital
ofllclal to resign within a week , P. L.
Gutzmor , the bookkeeper , having re
signed last Saturday.
Cumlng County Young Woman Sent to
Norfolk Hospital.
West Point , Neb. , May 17. Special
to The News : Miss Margaret Collins ,
a well known Cumlng county school
teacher , has again fallen a victim to
mental troubles and lias been commit
ted to the hospital at Norfolk. Miss
Collins has been before the insanity
commissioners several times during
the past few years , but has always re
covered under treatment. It is be
lieved that the mental strain of teach
ing is the cause of the recurrence of
her malady.
Lutheran Synod.
West Point , Nob. , May 17. The
42nd semi-annual convention of the
North Platte conference of the Evan
gelical Lutheran synod of Nebraska
closed its sessions at West Point. The
following ministers were present :
Revs. Hunimon , president , Omaha ;
Ringer , Wayne ; Dletz , Ponca ; Dr.
Groh , Omaha ; Melick , Omaha ; Hammond
mend , Homer ; Kistler , Benson ; Deut ,
Tckamah ; Snyder , Omaha , and Pow
ell , West Point. Ollicers re-elected
were : President , Rev. J. E. Hnmmon ,
Omaha , and secretary-treasurer , Rev.
L. J. Powell , West Point.
West Point Masonic Officers.
West Point , Neb. , May 17. Jordan
lodge , No. 2G , Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons , have elected the fol
lowing oflicers : Worshipful master ,
R. M. Campbell ; senior warden , E. W.
Sass ; junior warden , L. Goldsmith ;
secretary , August Hanft ; treasurer , J.
B. Tharp. Installation will take place
on May 24.
Moves to Dallas.
West Point , Neb. , May 17. Special
to The News : William Borkenhagen ,
of the firm of Borkenhagen & Kuedke ,
business men of West Point has re
moved , with his family to Dallas , S.
D. , where lie will farm. He was one
of the successful drawers In the Rose
bud land lottery.
Going Abroad.
-West Point , Neb. , May 17. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Hunker of West Point will
depart on May 22 for a six months'
tour of Europe and the holy land.
They will be accompanied by their
granddaughter , Miss Cammille Hugg
of Humphrey.
Avery to Talk.
West , Point , Neb. , May 17. Special
to The News : Commencement exer
cises of the Beemer high school will
take place on May 31. Chancellor
Avery of the state university will de
liver an oration.
Superintendent of Sioux City Division
of Northwestern Quits.
Sioux City Tribune. S. H. Brown ,
superintendent of the Sioux City di
vision of the Chicago & Northwestern
railroad has resigned to leave the ser
vice of the company June 1. Ho will
take a six months' leave of absence
on account of his health , and may at
the end of that time resume his rela
tions with the company , which ho has
served for more than twenty years ,
four of which were spent in charge of
this division. His successor , it Is un
derstood has been chosen In the Chicago
cage office , but no announcement of It
Is yet forthcoming here.
If Mr. Brown returns to railroad
work , however , it will not bo to the
Sioux City division.
Mr. Brown will make his residence
at Lake View , la. Ho is a large stock
holder , and vice president of the Lake
View Sand & Gravel company , which
has recently acquired extensive hold
ings of sand and gravel land. Ho and
Ills associates expect to develop this
land and sell the materials to contract
ors for highway purposes.
Mr. Brown has been continuously In
the service of the Northwestern's oper
ating department for more than twen
ty years. Ho was years ago road-
master on the Iowa division , later was
made superintendent of the Northern
Iowa division , and came to Sioux City
In 190G to take charge of the Sioux
City dlvlaions , succeeding Fred 11.
Hammlll. who was transferred to the
Northern Wisconsin division. Ho has
a large acquaintance In Sioux City
and numbers many friends. Ills leav
ing will make vacancies In both the
Elks and the Hawkeyc clubs , and
church circles will lose an enthusias
tic worker. Ho Is president of the
Men's club of the First Congregational
A Game at Crelghton.
Creighton. Neb. , May 18. Special to
The NUWB : The Creighton ball team
and the Creighton high school crossed
bats here yesterday and the former
won In a hard fought 13-lnnlng contest
by a score of 4 to 8. Frank Thlessen
pitched for Creighton and Ralph
Moore did the work for the high
school. Both boys accredited them
selves with honor and both received
good support. The score :
Creighton 100100002000 4 8
High school . .001011000100 0 4
Northwest Weddings.
Blanche Chance wore married at Sioux
C. Moran and Miss Ida Clark weii ,
married at Leigh.
Robert Casey and Miss Anna Roy
alty were married at Fairfax.
John Kosta and Miss Elizabeth Hoff
man were married at Fairfax.
Paul Ahlman and Miss Marie
Braasch were married at Pierce.
George W. Purdy and Miss Margaret
Peel were married at Springview.
Edward Alberts and Miss Minnie
Parker were married at Bradsliaw.
E. F. Dahlman of Stuart and Miss
Miss Helen Williams and Howard
Bradstreet were married at Ewing.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers of real estate for the past
week. Compiled by Madison County
Abstract & Guarantee company. Of-
lice with Mapes & Hazen.
Carl Xessin to John Weiand , war
ranty deed , $3,200 , lot 11 , block 20 ,
R. R. addition , Newman Grove.
John Prauner to Fred C. Pranner ,
warranty deed , $575 , 8 % ne'4 25-23-2.
John Prauner to William Prauner ,
warranty deed , $575y \ \ , neVi 25-23-2.
W. W. Weaver to Walter T. Recroft ,
warranty deed , $2,200 , lot G , block 2 ,
Durlnnd's First addition , Norfolk.
Frank Byerly to Irnm Batlike , war
ranty deed , $ GOO , part ne'/i ' sw'4 2G-
J. B. Elseffer to Martha A. McMil
lan , warranty deed , $2,125 , lot 5 and
h lot ( j , block 3 , Koenigstein's Second
end addition , Norfolk.
W. Slmklns to Sarah .1. Simkins ,
warranty deed , $1 , part se4 ! swVi 23-
Daniel Sullivan to Peter D. Sulll-
van. warranty deed , $4,000 , swVi 8
Anna M. Mallory to Fred Ellerbrock ,
quit claim deed , $1 , lot 5 , block 7 ,
Pasewalk's Third addition , Norfolk.
George W. Phillips to David Phil
lips , quit claim deed , $1 , nw'4 ne'4
and ne'4 nw'4 and se'4 nw'4 18-24-3.
George Jockens to RojChittenden ,
warranty deed , $8,000 , sVa se'4 15-22-2.
J. H. Jackson to C. C. Wilson , war-
rnnty deed , $325 , part outlet 1 , Lewis
addition , Meadow Grove.
Samuel F. Sharpless to T. E. Odi-
erne , warranty deed , $1G5 , lots 1 and
2 , block G , Hillside Terrace addition
and lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block 4 , Beacon
Hill addition , Norfolk.
F. R. Lenser to Myra E. Brlggs , war
ranty deed , $2,050 , lots 2 and 3 , block
1 , C. S. Hayes' addition , Norfolk.
William B. Tee to Willis E. Reed ,
Warranty deed , $14,400 , ne'4 and e fc
nw'/i and n'y se'4 3-22-2.
William G. Berner to W. A. Emery ,
warranty deed , $500 , lots 12 and 13 ,
block 1 , Mathewsoii's Second addition ,
Fanny Emma Emery to Frank Sten-
gal , warranty deed , $4,000 , lots 12 and
13 and south 101 feet of lots 14 , 15
and 1G , block 1 , Mathewson's Second
addition , Norfolk.
Frank H. White to Anton Kasik ,
warranty deed , $11,000 , sw 4 3-21-3.
Paying Space Rates.
Norfolk , Neb. , May 17. Editor
News : Commenting on my criticism
of the newspapers in my paper before
the state medical association for the
prostitution of their functions to give
publicity to fraudulent and injurious
medical remedies and agencies , Bixby
In the State Journal Inquires , "Why
blame the newspapers ? The manu
facturers make their own statements ,
furnish their own testimonials and pay
for the same regular space rates. "
That is exactly the point of my pa
per , and I had thought that the
"blame" was clearly defined. Let me
quote from my paper : "The criminal
practice of creating and fostering hab
its and perverted appetites that induce
lowered vitality , susceptibility to dis
ease and degradation to vice and
crime is a commercial iniquity. MillIons -
Ions are Invested In the business of
furnishing to expectant mothers and
Impressionable children habit-forming
and nerve-destroying dope. Medical
booze and depressive sedatives mas
querade under the alluring names of
cure-alls that are a blighting course to
mankind. The press , for a considera
tion , prostitutes Its columns to recom
mend every proprietary abomination
that beguiles the innocent into taking
dope that debases and destroys. Do
prlvo the manufacturers of their ad
vertising and the humbug would die.
Herewith are a few exhibits taken
from current newspapers and upon
which I based the above assertion :
"A true medicinal whiskey. " * * * *
* Recommended by clergymen and
prominent hospitals. * * * * * Cures
consumption , pneumonia , grip , coughs ,
colds , malarial fevers , stomach trou
bles and all wasting diseases. Sent
direct. If you need medical advice
write our medical department. "
Here Is another :
"Consumption absolutely cured In
all stages and entirely eradicated by
Alterative. Wo refer to
clergymen , priests , nuns God's mln-
istera to the sick whoso word could
not be bought for any money. "
Another :
"Cancer absolutely and completely
cured without thu use of the knlfo by"
The list is legion. There Is the sug
gestive ad to ladles who are unfortun
ate In being delayed , and another to
"men only , " and the sensational fea
ture story without a mark to disting
uish It from an editorial or news ar
ticle and containing a BUbtlo sugges
Mr. Blxby goes on to say that the
doctors are to blame for the evils of
dope taking , that they surround their
art with an aura of mystery and that
much of their prescribing Is for psy
chological reasons because people
want to be taking something , and that
people will not stand for to bo told
the truth.
Any educated person can get a work
on medicine and understand It , so
there Is no aura of mystery. The use
of latin Is , as In all professions , for
definite and scientific accuracy. GrantIng -
Ing that doctors glvo medlclnu for
psychological reasons , do they give In
jurious remedies ? You can go over
thousands of physicians' prescriptions
upon the Hies of druggists and not
find one calling for whiskey. Who
ever heard any but a charlatan guar
antee to cure every case of cancer or
consumption , and what nan anyone
think of the suggestion to consult a
distillery for medical advice ? I am
not concerned with the ethics of news
papers advertising whiskey or those
who doctor the ills of mankind , but to
persist in advertising a fraud , to mas
querade as a boon to the sick and
claim the endorsement of "God's min
isters" for a very poor article of whis
key is a palpable prostitution of the
press , even if paid space rates.
Dear Blxby , getting gear witli ease ,
Recks naught of whom wo squeeze ,
Nor whose must be the tragic fate
The excess freight to liquldirte.
Oh , nix bekanten are the tears ,
The guilt and gyves and blasted years
Adown the pathway of the race ,
Of those who pay the printer's space.
J. H. Mackay.
Defense in McKay Case Trying to Lay '
Foundation for New Trial.
Nellgh , Neb. , May 18. Special to
The News : The latest reports in re
gard to his condition , Henry Nagel of
Brunswick , who is now in Sioux City
under the care of Dr. Mallarian , an
old friend , is reported this morning as
getting ' along nicely.
The doctor states that no alarming
condition ( is apparent , and only a
change ' of scene for a few days will
restore i his natural health. He is still ,
at ! times worrying over the fact that
he may be accused of the Brown niur-
der. (
O. A. Williams as the attorney for
McKay rustled a great deal to secure
affidavits from several of the leading
men ' of this city yesterday. Mr. Will
iams is making an effort to secure a
new ' trial on the possibility of Mr. Na-
gel's insanity. In this respect , and
according to legal authority not inter
ested ' in the case , it is said : "It Is an
impossibility in the case of this wit
ness to prove that he was suffering
from insanity when he was upon the
witness stand for eighteen hours or
more , and the talented attorneys who
conducted ' the cross-examination were
unable to discover tills fault until this
time. H is certainly unreasonable at
this time. "
Attach Moving Picture Outfit.
Pierce , Neb. , May 18. Special to
The News : Frank McSeaton and Dick
Peebles , who have been running a
moving picture show here for the past
three months , were arrested at Nor
folk last Friday on complaint of R. H.
Patrick for jumping their board bill.
The chief of police , George Goff , noti-
fled the olllcers at Norfolk that the
young men were wanted and that they
had left the evening before and were
supposed to be In that city. They
were brought back the next day by
the sheriff of Pierce county and ar
raigned before Judge Kelley. They
acknowledged their indebtedness to
the landlord to the amount of $28 , but
claimed that they had no money to
settle the same. Thereupon the judge
fined each defendant $5 and costs , and
ordered the sheriff to keep them in
jail to serve out the amount of the
line and costs. As soon as they are
released they will be met by attachment
ment- proceedings , Messrs. Nelson & I
Johnson , automobile dealers here , hav
ing a claim against them for rental
during the most of the time they op
crated their picture show here. To
protect their claim Nelson & Johnson
attached the moving picture maculno ,
slides , lenses and other paraphernalia
belonging to the show won.
That's a New Institution Established
In Norfolk.
Norfolk now has an up-to-date veterinary - c
erinary hospital and the sick horses
will soon have a place that they can
call their own. Dr. C. A. McKim has
leased the George Stalcup property on
South Third street and Madison av
enue , formerly the old Norfolk steam
laundry building , which has undergone
a general remodeling. It is now n first
class veterinary hospital containing
ten stalls , an operating room , two of
fices , and a barn.
The operating table has arrived and
la being placed in the operating room
where the sick animals will bo treat
K. W. Rathman of Dallas was here.
O. H. Gillespio of Madison was here.
John Best of Battle Creek was In ,
the city.
Mrs. Arthur Kaun of Pierce was In
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Blair of Gregory
were In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Slaughter of
Dallas were here.
W. F. Johnson of Hosklns was In
the city on business.
Judge Douglas Cones of Pierce was
In the city on business.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Klerstead of
Tllden were in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pofahl of Hos
klns were In thu city calling on their
Miss Lizzie Klentz went to Cedar
Rapids , la. , where she will visit with
Among the day's out-of-town visitors
In Norfolk were : P. Copps , Spencer ;
Art Rice. Spencer ; Mrs. Lawson.
Creighton ; W. F. Smith , Tokanmh ; C.
Haas , Wayne ; John Crohan , Wayne ;
II. W. Donaldson , Dallas ; M. O. Dox-
an and wife , Nellgh- ; . H. Wertz ,
Creighton ; C. A. Jenkins , Blair ; James
Wert , Nellgh ; Leonard Blair , Gregory.
Hurt Mapes went to Wausa on busi
Miss Anna McNulll of Omaha Is in
the city.
Mrs. W. 10. Powers of Pierce was In
the city.
C. 10. Burnham went to Omaha on
William Llchtenborg of lladar was
in Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Abornothy of Stanton
wore hero.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Maas of Hosklns
were here.
Mrs. 10. Tanner of Battlu Creek was
In the city.
M. Nichols of Pierce was In the city
on business.
Mrs. Ida Soldol of Stanton called on
friends here.
R. G. Rohrke of Hoskins was In thu
city on buslnuss.
George B. Chrlstoph went to Pot
ter , Neb. , on business.
Sol G. Mayer made a business trip
to Sioux City yesterday.
Miss L. Goutsch of Stanton was in
the city calling on friends.
Mrs. F. Haase of Battle Creek was
In the city calling on friends.
Dr. P. H. Sailer made trips to Plain-
view , Madison and Stanton yesterday.
L. B. Nicola returned from Antelope
county < , where he spent a few days on
the Durland ranch.
Mrs. L. C. Lehman , who has been
here visiting with her son , W. L. Leh
man , returned to her homo at Stanton.
10. W. Hutz lias gone to New Him ,
Minn. , to attend a meeting of the trus
tees of the New Ulm college , Mr. Xutz
being one of the trustees.
Mrs. A. Phillips is reported very ill.
Miss Bertha Fowler has accepted a
position with the Nebraska Telephone
The Ladies Aid of the First Con
gregational church will meet at the
church parlors on Thursday afternoon
at 2:30. :
H. F. Barnhart lias purchased the W.
B. Donaldson property at 315 Nortli
Twelfth street.
The Ladies' guild will meet with
Mrs. Frank Scott Thursday afternoon
at the usual hour.
Charles Rice has moved Ills whole
sale liquor stock into the Krug build
ing on Norfolk avenue.
Mrs. H. F. Barnhart has gone to
Verdel to visit her daughter , Mrs. Sel
ler , who is reported very ill.
B. Heeler of Eugene , Ore. , father of
L. M. and F. A. Beelcr and Mrs. Ingles
of Norfolk , is reported very ill.
Dr. Bear is having the Ed Becker
cigar store enlarged. The rear of the
building is being moved further back.
All arrangements for the Woodmen
of the World debate have been com
pleted. ] The event will take place
Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Reid returned
from Omaha , at which place Mrs. Reid
underwent an operation. Mrs. Reid is
recovering her usual health.
Arrangements are being made to
put on a home talent play In the form
of a light opera in which about 100
people are to participate for the bene
fit of the Norfolk library.
They Are Friend of the Farmer , Kill
Inn Off the Pests.
Carrying a live bullsnake In a box ,
a farmer living north of the city ar
rived here a few days ago and request ,
ed that a business man mount the
"The bullsnake is a harmless
snake , " said the taxidermist. "In fact ,
it destroys many ground squirrels ,
which are the enemy of the farmer ;
it Is not poisonous and docs no harm.
took the big snake far to the south
of Norfolk and turned him loose. It
seems to me that a bullsnake , which
does no harm , should have its life and
be allowed to do good , but a post , for
instance a ground squirrel , which does
harm , 1 believe should bo killed. "
The speaker went some length into
the story of bullsnakes , telling of a
man who followed the track of one to
many holes into which it had crawled
and finally came upon the snake It
self. It had boon killed by some farm ,
er. Wishing to see what the snake
captured In his wanderings through
the many holes , the man opened the
snake's body and found eleven ground
squirrels which the snake had eaten
for breakfast.
Next the Thornberq Case.
Nellgh , Nob. . May 17. Special to
The News : Attorney Kelsey of this
city and M. F. Harrington of O'Neill
will represent the defendant , Thorn-
berg , who Is charged in the killing of
A. G. Rakow last October , and which
will come up for trial In tills city on
Juno G. County Attorney Rico will bo
assisted by Senator Allen In the pros
To Church for Heart Trouble.
A Norfolk drug clerk who Is a suf
ferer from heart trouble cases his dis
ease by going to church , and says ho' ( i
Is well satisfied with the treatment.
"You see , " saya his employer , "when 1
his heart starts hurting him hi > gium
to church , but as noon as the trouble
disappears hu quits the church. "
Newman Grove Is Interested.
That Nowinau Grove and the south
ern part of Madison county arc very
much Interested In the projected Nor
folk-Newman Grove Intel-urban rail
road , was Indicated by a telephone
nii'Httago from W. R. Martin , tine of the
farmers of Sehooleraft precinct , In
which he told of an enthusiastic moot
ing held at Newman drove. Tuesday
night and the plan for a big MUIHH
meeting there next Tuesday afternoon
to further discuss the proposition ,
Mr. Martin said that Norfolk would
be Invited to HOIK ! a delegation to the
Secretary Panowalk of the Norfolk
Commercial ( club has been trying to
get > In communication with the engi
neer on the Valentino-Sioux City sur
vey , to get his export opinion on the
Norfolk-Newman Grove project.
S. F. Heitzman.
Funeral services over the remains
of S. F. lloltzman. who died yesterday
morning from Brlght'H disease , took
place nt the family homo on South
Ninth street at 2 o'clock Wednesday
afternoon. Services wore hold at the
First Methodist church at 20 : ! ! , after
which the remains were Interred In
the Prospect Hill cemetery. The fol
lowing members of the Modern Wood
men , of America , t" which organization
Mr. Heitzman belonged , acted as pall'
bearers : W. R. Hoffman , R. N. lloyd ,
Burt Mapes , G. K. Hudson , John Flynn ,
T. Wllle.
The deceased leaves i . widow and
four children tu mourn his loss. The
children are : Laura , llattle , Clarence
and Warren.
S. F. Hull/man was born In Canada
forty-llvo years ago. When 2 years
old his parents moved to West Point ,
where ho grew to manhood and was
married. Fifteen years ago he moved
to Oklahoma and tlience to Battlu
Creek , from which place he came to
Norfolk two yearn ago.
Among the relatives who attended
the funeral were his brothers , John
and George of Emerson , and their fam
ilies ; Herman of West Point , and bin
sister , Mrs. Ella Larch of Emerson.
Delia Howard Thomas.
Funcrni services over the remains
of Mrs. James Thomas , who died after
undergoing an operation at Omaha
Tuesday morning , took place at the
family homo at 4:30 : Wednesday after
noon , Rev. Roy Lucas and Rev. Dr.
rindall holding services. At 4:10 : ser
vices were again hold at the Meth
odist church , whore Rev. Owen Rum-
mcl had charge. The remains were
interred at the Prospect Hill cemetery.
The pallbearers were : V. V. Light ,
C. Morgan , Cleo Lederer , Charles Ahl
man , Dr. O. R. Meredith , C. L. Daniels.
Delia Howard Thomas was born in
Norfolk March 7. 1S8G , and grew to
womanhood in this city. She received
her early schooling in tills city and In
1OG ! ) went to the Moody institute in
Chicago. After having received in
struction and training there , she took
a position with the Nebraska orphan
age Homo society under the supervi
sion of E. E. Qulvey.
In the Trlpp county , S. D. , land lot
tery she drew a claim and selected n
homestead near the town of Carter.
She went on the homestead May 10 ,
1009 , and with characteristic push and
energy she struggled to improve her
property with the view of making that
her home.
Four months ago she became the
bride of James Thomas of this city ,
on January 12 , and the young couple
settled upon the Tripp county farm
with prospects of a prosperous life.
But a tumor at the base of the brain
developed and ended her life.
During her life in Tripp county sht
started a frontier Sunday school out
on the plains , which attracted wide at
tention. She was an interested church
worker all of her life.
She is survived by her father ; by
her mother , Mrs. Lambert ; by a sis
ter , Miss Nellie Howard , and two
brothers , Charles and Miles Howard.
Besides these there is a stepfather ,
Justice Lambert , and a half-brother
and half-sister , Myron and Margaret
Brian Has Filed Name.
L. G. Brian , state treasurer and for
merly of Albion , has Hied his name
with the secretary of state as a citndi-
date for the republican nomination as
congressman in the Third district , t
succeed Congressman Latta. Mr. Brian
is quoted as declaring that his plat
form is as follows :
Should I succeed in getting the nom
ination and being elected I will sup
port President Taft in ids efforts to
fulfill the pledges as promised by the
last republican national platform. On
questions other than platform pledges ,
I will In so far as they do not conlllct ,
in my opinion , witli the interests of
the people of the Third district , be
governed by the wishes of the presi
dent. In ( ho absence of platform
pledges or the known wishes of the
president I will use my best Judgment
as a citizen of the Third district to
vote for the measures which I boliovw
will be beneficial to the people of the
Should the tariff question bo pre
sented to congress during my incum
bency. I will bo for the revision down
ward on all things that are to the in
terests of the greatest number of people
ple whom I represent ; I shall bo for
the progressive legislation at all times ,
that will bo consistent with the In
terests of the people of my district.
As I have been a farmer all my life
with the exception of four years ns
county treasurer of Boone county and
four years as state treasurer , my In
terests are Identical with the agricul
tural interests upon which the Third
district and the state depend for Its-
prosperity In all its lines of business.
I believe that my knowledge of the
needs of the farming clement of the
district will bo sulllclont to represent
the district to the satisfaction of all
thu people who nro dependent upon
the farmers' prosperity.