The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 13, 1910, Page 5, Image 5
vT/-\iif. r\t if itn.M.M.-t v Mi.'M'O ir\lTI > MAl li TJir\ V Af A V 1' ) 1Oin So Dry He Couldn't Talk. I/N Out After Two Glauses of Deer , His Voice Returned. . 1'loroo London A forlorn look I UK citizen loiuiotl against u I'lorco bur , whllo ho wrote the word "boor" on n dirty envelope and passed It up to the bartender. The bartender lillod n glass with HOIIIU liquid and much foam and placed It before him. The liquid and the foam dlHappoarod. Ho miido signs for another and that alHO disap peared. Then ho dug up a dlino and laid It on the counter. "Keep your money , " said the bar- tundor. "When a inun can't talk ho has a hard enough time getting on In the world without paying for boor. You are good for a drink hero any I lino. " "Don't worry about mo , " said the customer. "I can talk. I am from Plainvlow. I was HO dry 1 couldn't talk whoti I came In hero. " Balllnger Still on Stand. WiiHhliiKtnti , May 10. Secretary Bnlllngor continued under examina tion under Attorney UrandolH , conn- Hel for L. It. GlavlH and others when the Balllngor-Plnchot Investigation was resumed today. The congrcn- Hlonal committee will meet on four days this week In the hope that the attorneys will conclude their quos tinning of the Hocrotary by that time. Mr. Dennett of the general land of- llco and Chief of Field Division Schwartz will be the next witnesses to take the stand for the defense. Women's Clubs Convene. Cincinnati , May 10. Delegates rep-j resenting 800,000 club women of the United States are arriving on every train for the tenth biennial convention of the general Federation of Woman's clubs. The delegates spent the day sight seeing and In social functions ar ranged for them by the local women's organizations. A concert tills evening ; was scheduled as the chief of those . events with Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. Louis , president of the general fed eration , as guest of honor. Home Talent at Nlobrara. Nlobrara , Neb. , May 10. Special to The News : A Niobrara home talent company presented "A Soldier's i Sweetheart" In the opera house. The i actors spoke their lines with under standing and aplomb and worthily en acted a worthy piny. The comedy was a happy blending of human interest c situations , pathos ami clean , unforced fun. So many waves of mirth splash ed on the shores of the audience's consciousnes that it was won in the llrst act. Thenceforward an undercur rent of chuckling , broken at times by roars , marked the temper of the hear ers. The absences from the lines of profanity and libidinous suggestions was truly grateful and commendable. BY AN UNKNOWN MILLIONAIRE. More Than 5 Millions In Proposed New York Foundation , It Is Said. Albany , N. Y. , May 10. Interested in New York's mysterious millionaire who desires to give away a fortune without letting his identity bo known quickened today when it was learned that instead of two and one-half mil lion dollars , the man may decide to distribute twice that amount and p slbly oven more than that. The assembly , without opposition and1 without making inquiry as to the Identity of the founder , passed the bill yesterday incorporating the Econ ! ' omic and General Foundation , through which the man's millions will bo used to bcuclit humanity. Assemblyman Artemus Ward of New York , father of the bill In the lower house , and others who might know the name of the modest philan thropist , decline to give the slightest clew to his identity. "Would the man's name be familiar if it were heard ? " he was asked. "No ; I doubt If one person in 10 , ' 000 would remember hearing of him He is a distinctly modest person who has met with splendid success in bus Iness that Is all. " Water Works at Winner. Winner Journal : L. II. Taylor , civ il engineer , who has charge of the In stallation of a waterworks system Ir Winner , returned from Chicago the latter part of last week. While in Chicago Mr. Taylor purchased the nec essary machinery and material for the waterworks and they are expect , ed to bo in Dallas within a very short time. Work has Ijoen commenced on n well and before many weeks Win ner will have a lirst-class waterworks system in operation. Dr. Mackay Reads Paper. Norfolk Physician on Program for Opening Day of Medics. Lincoln , May 10. Special to The News : The State Medical associa tion convened this morning , Dr. P. II. Salter of Norfolk being Introduced as president. He Is presiding over the sessions. Dr. J. II. Mackay of Norfolk read the following paper on , "Health , a National Asset : " There is no wealth except life. It is the only earthly exchequer whose coin Is Impressed with the olllgy of God. Destroy or debase this coinage and gold and Its accessories , the com modities , paraphernalia and Instru mentalities of commerce , become worthless aa the' scoria of n dead world. Pass briefly before your minds the pageantry of ancient civilizations. Kmpurpled kings , noble warriors , storehouses of grain and gold and gems , treasures of-art , statues , sculp tured columns , marbled terraces , hang ing gardens , temples , viaducts and all the kaleidoscopic scenes and harmonic or confused sounds of thn gamut of life , labor and love of u vast multitude - now erased , silenced and extinguish ed , until , shop "They say. the lion and the lizard keep The courts where Jamshyd gloried and drank deep. " Such , however , is history , such ho' ambition of the present and , no doubt , the dostlny of the future. The glut tony of conquest and the lust for gold victimizes a nation Into gambling In human life , the only bank account pos sessed by any people , and when that Is degraded or dissipated , decadence anA downfall are Inevitable , and noon or late , the clock of destiny strikes the hour of dissolution and the abrad ing desert sands write upon Its bleachIng - Ing skeleton the epitaph of a nation perished from the earth. Commercialism sweeps Its llamlng fhorubln athwart the Kden of sane and natural living today and enslaves and brutalizes the race. It robs the children of their congenital prospects of being born right. It tramples upon the weak and corrupts the strong. It pollutes the air , poisons the streams , blasts the forests , adulterates the food , spews a venom of pestilential Infec tion broadcast over the laud and an esthetizes the national conscience Into the somnolence of apathy. Here , In separable from the eternal laws of outraged nature , lies the primary and root cause of our health problems. The physical , moral and spiritual prob lems of the race are the outgrowth i of social conditions and these arc constructed upon the foundation of the almighty dollar. "Hark ! From the tomb , " is not a cheerful refrain , yet wo must take an Inventory of our graves to ascertain the status of the living. "Let me bury my dead out of my sight and get back to buslncns , " Is our breathless national motto with I reference to all questions affecting1 mortality. We suffer In the United [ States an annual preventable loss of ( .00,000 . human lives , a daily senseless sacrifice , as Professor Fisher puts It , of 1,700 human lives. There are con stantly , according to the same author ity , 3,000,000 cases of avoidable slck- | ness i and. perforce , Idleness. There are 500,000 persons suffering from con sumption. Expressed in currency , the 'financial ' loss to the nation-from con-j ; sumption Is $300.000,000. The total I1 I annual economic loss to the country I from preventable sickness and death Is one and one-half billion dollars. Fifteen years could bo added to the overage human life Immediately by applying : the sclenco of preventing dls- j | ease. < Of COO.OOO school children ex amined ' In New \orlt 05 percent were dental cripples. The ratio will per haps hold true elsewhere. Add 'o ' this defective vision , obstructions of the- throat and 'lose from adenoids an < i enlarged tonsils and wa IIUNP a frl'httul handicap placed upon the children of the nation. Defective den- tltlon prevents developments , obstruct- ed or foul nose and throat interferes with breathing , prevents chest devel opment , harbors the germs of disease and predisposes to tuberculosis. Tills is but an Instance of our neglect to promote the ellicieiicy of the race. Infinitely worse than our neglect is the criminal practice of creating and fostering habits and perverted appe tites that induce lowered vitality , sus ceptibility to disease and degradation to vice and crime and this also is a commercial iniquity. Millions of dollars lars are Invested in the business of furnishing to expectant mothers and impressionable children habit forming and nerve-destroying dope. Medical booze and depressive sedatives mas querade under the alluring names o cure-alls or get-well or stay-well spe cifics that are a blighting curse to mankind. The nress of the country is largely to blame or this great Ameri can fraud. For a consideration It prostitutes its columns to recommend to the public any and every nostrum or proprietary abomination that beguiles - a1 guiles the innocent into taking mod 1- leal jags that debase and destroy. Deprive | prive the manufacturers of their ad vortlslng and the patent medicine humbug - ii,1 bug would sink Into oblivion. Eliml , - ,1id mite from It alcohol and opiates and no one would buy the stuff. The gl- ply Incredible and its Influence upon legislation , press and public nmaiiing. The kindest word that can be said for it Is that it is extracting Mood money from the people. Ten years ago we Introduced into the United States what Is now known nU as our national health scandal. At that time the bubonic plague , the most fatal epidemic disease of history was discovered in San Francisco. A medi cal quarantine was established but the commercial departments of our national government , the treasury de partment , annuled the medical restric tions and the disease was allowed to . spread until today , after ten years and ' an expenditure of $10,000,000 wo are 'finding on the Pacific slope Infected rats and squirrels a thousand miles apart. It is now only a question of time until the ground squirrels all over the country will be infected and at any time we may have the most fatal epidemic in the history of the ' country. It symbolizes our national attitude towards the Importance of questions like the above and burlesques the value of expert medical knowledge that our health bureaus are under the dominance and administration of heal treasury , commerce and agricultural departments at Washington. This Illustrates 11or lustrates most forcibly the needs for a national health department. Time will permit only a brief ref erence to the necessity of taking stock of our national vigor as a valuable resource. We are spending $30,000- 0ti 000 to maintain the insane of continental timl nental United States. Fifty thousand new cases of insanity occur annully of whom 10,000 are physically defec tive. Thirty percent of our feeble ) minded are defective physically. Out of every 1,000 inhabitants ten are in prisons under sentence for crime. Juvenile delinquency Is rapidly increasing creasing and the offenses against pro perty are overwhelming the business of our courts. A majority of the cases of Insanity in this country are duo to preventable causes. The same is true of the feeble-minded ami to a largo extent tent of the criminals. Can we afford to breed criminals , insane and per verts ? The government is spending $15,000,000 annually for the protection and propagation of pigs and plants It Issues numberless bulletins relating to every conceivable means of making money , but the public gets no reports regarding the ill health and misery caused by the wide dissemination ol venereal disease. The government forbids a railroad to transport diseased plants or animals , but places no ro strlctlon upon the transmission of din ease germs or the carrying of persons who convoy them. There Is no ob. talnablo information from the govern ment on the disease sown by trans continental railways traversing the country with open closets. There are ' ! no tables and summaries of sources of Infection and how to avoid them , or the numerous questions that relate to the sanitary well-being of the pee ple. The fearful significance of the unrestricted journeying from place to place of those carrying Infectious dis eases , and the criminal negligence that permits It has not yet dawned upon our senses. The assessor and the census taker eiiumerato every thing but the pathetic tragedies of human life. There are no bulletins on the causes of Individual failure or defeat , which , too frequently , have their origin In n national wrong. The woes of the submerged and Inolllclcnt , the causes of human grief and despair , the hopeless struggles against adver sity , the predisposing Influence of toll , privation , Ignorance , wrongs and over crowding to begot disease , vice , crime and mental and moral obliquity are not bulletined by the department of commerce that Issues the government reports and yet they are essential to elucidate the problem of conserving our national vigor as a people. These are really the dominant factors that determine a nation's destiny and not its forts and battleships or the state of the weather or the condition of the ; crops. Racial vigor is not an Immutable thing , like the orbit of the earth or the recurrence of the seasons , beyond human adjustment or modification. It touches every angle of our indus trial energy , partakes of every phase , of , human relations and affairs and j | Is ( influenced largely by the viclssl- tndes | of its environment. It Is not 'a ' , medical or u moral question but an 1 economical , one. It is not divine reve lation | but humanism wo need , not psychological but physical methods we must employ. The effacement of pov erty would do more to extirpate dis ease than all the Utopian dreams of would-be reformers. The abbreviation of the hours of toll and the establish ment of wholesome menus of recrea tion , the practical application of the i science of eugenics , the entightnient and education of the public on vener | eal , tuberculosis and other diseases iiiiil sanitariums accessable to all would do more to Invigorate the race than all the crusades and propoganda of those who work in the spot light to blight the leaves of the tree that Is getting its vitality in the dark re cesses behind the scenes. The rampant neuroticism and psy- comania that Is disturbing our civil life and social order is conceived an < J born and bred in our industrial idol- tary. The selfish commercialism that poisons and exhausts a race makes an avenue through which misery and death must enter. The unjustifiable waste of human life , the criminal dls tributfon of preventable disease , the incapacitation. vice , crime and Insan ity caused by Inexcusable processes of commerce or methods of govern ment are large and comprehensive interrogatories for rulers , legislators and humanitarians , rather than physi cians and sanitarians. Until the gov ernment realizes the economical Im portance of spending more money for its health agencies than it devotes to its Interstate commerce commission , until the church realizes Its opportun ity and the Instrumentalities it has at hand to save men through physical means and the public schools are made something besides a gigantic wheel , upon which the children of the nation are physically broken , ours must be a work of education and en- lightment. It does seem discouraging to attempt to uplift a people that do not desire to be elevated , but ours is the duty to keep sowing the seed , to "He to other souls , The cup of strengtn In some great agony ; Be the sweet presence of a good dif fused , And in diffusion ever more intense ! " He Recognized the Machine. Fairfax Editor Interested in The News Press His Brother Invented It. A visitor stood in the press room jof The News plant , watching the big j I perfecting press grind out the papers at an alarming rate of speed. They came out printed , trimmed and folded ( , ready for the mail. "It's a great press , " somebody said to him. He admitted that it was. "Great head that worked that ma chine out , " was suggested. "Yes , that was my brother's head , ' said the visitor. The man was W. H Cox , editor and publisher of the Fairfax , S. D. , Ad vertiser. He was in Norfolk , with his little son , on business. "The Cox Duplex press" is the name [ of the machine named for Mr. Cox's brother , who invented It and built it at Battle Creek , Mich. For twenty years the Fairfax man was foreman of the Sioux City TrI bune plant and later was foreman 01 the Sioux City News. Meadow Grove Has a maze. Meadow Grove , Neb. . May 10. Special to The News : The building and stock of general merchandise sf and furniture owned by F. B. Bay- l singer and the implement building - owned by M. L. Perkins were totally destroyed by fire at 4 o'clock morning. , The implements in the latter building Idor ing were all removed save one binder and small parts of machinery. . The loss amounts to between $10- . . 000 and $11,000 , partly insured. The ' - fire started in the back room of the store from unknown cause. S. H. Layman , a Norfolk piano man lost about $1,200 worth of pianos which were stored in the furniture building and upon which there was - no insurance. TO WHISTLE INTO TOWN. , Omaha , May 10. Special to hoIty Omaha and South oinana uusiness men are within it mile of Norfolk on their South Dakota-Nebraska trip they Intend to announce their coming with long blasts of n siren whistle whlcli they have attached to a baggage cai ? that it may bo blown on the entire trip without changing from one engine to another. The party will arrive In this city Ityml promptly at 2:50 : p. m. May 24. and after their march to the prlnclpa street intersection , will visit the merchants chants and business men in theli okto see as much of the town and learn as much about It and the country sur rounding It as possible. Those towns which have a siren whistle to give lire alarms will prob ably have some useless runs If they don't remember the time of the arrival of the Omaha train , as the blasts of the whistle have taken many a recep tlon committee from the depot , where they Intended to meet the visitors , to grab a hose cart and run to put out a lire. For this reason the Omniums want It known that they will blow such a whistle and avoid the trouble of looking for a lire. The party has the sheep bells for souvenirs , but almost every one of the one hundred firms represented has a special souvenir besides , thus the at mosphere will be left full of advertis ing matter of the latest design and children meeting the visitors will have the time of their lives. Real Estate Transfers. Transfers of real estate for the past week , compiled by Madison County Abstract and Guarantee company , of fice with Mapes Hazen : Woods Cones and wife , Ida. to Clin ton S. Smith , warranty deed , $8,000 , nwVi swVi. no'/t seVi. d part nw4 so'/ , 2t-24-l. ! Silas W. Deuel and wife to William , Coltman , warranty deed , $2,000 , part > 2G-1M--I. m v4 - - - Susan Bley to Archie R.vel. warranty- deed , $000 , lot 111 , Durland's sub lots , Norfolk. Peter Sullivan to Peter S. Sullivan , warranty deed , $200 , lot 1 , West Mead- ow Grove. I. W. King to Charles Olson , war ranty deed , $2,500 , lots 7 , 8 and i ) , block 7 , Railroad addition , Meadow- Grove. Fred E. Evans to T. F. llleronymus , warranty deed , $1,050 , part block 7 , Meadow Grove. August Degner to Alwlna Llerman , warranty deed , $1,500 , lots 5 and 0 and part lots 7 and S , original town of Norfolk. L. O. Waterbnry to John J. Buhosen , warranty deed , $3,500 , part 110 % nw'/4 l'J-24-4. John J. Bohlsen to L. O. Waterbury , warranty deed , $000 , lot 1) ) , block C , Kimball & Blair's addition , Tilden. Lawrence W. Rlorden to Thomas Long , warranty deed , $ S,000 , seVL 25- "john A. Wright to Samuel P. Hud dle , warranty deed. $5.000 , lots 7 and 8 , F. J. Hale sub lots , Battle Creek. William CoHnian to Joseph II. Buf- flngton , warranty deed , $4,800 , lie'8 - 24-3. 243.Albert Albert E. Remender to Fred J. Bon ier , warranty deed , $8,000 , part lots 3 , 4 , 5 and C , block 21. F. W. Barnes' Second addition , Madison. F. J. Hale to Thomas Evans , war anty deed , $1,000 , part block 4 , Mead ow Grove. Frederick Pike , sr. , executor , to Lili an E. Pike , executor's deed , $1,000 , ot 4 , block 3 , Railroad addition , New- nan Grove. William Weber to E. B. Clarke , war ranty deed , $300 , lot 4 , block 2 , Card- icr & Braasch's addition , Norfolk. Henry Wedeklml to F. G. Coryell warranty deed , $15,000 , sw 4 nwVi.and sV > sw'4 , and nw'4 sw'4 , and e'j j seVl and w-i/j se'4 20-23-1. Pioneer Town Site Co. to Thomas G Hight. warranty deed , $80 , lot 4. block IS , Western Town Lot Co's. addition S'orfolk Junction. Elizabeth Wldeman to Isaac T. Cook warranty deed , $100 , lots 8 and 9 block 10 , Edgewater Park addition Norfolk. COULDN'T TAKE THE BET. Norfolk Man on the Pacific Was Too Seasick to Cover Wager. Two Norfolk men have retnrne < from a western trip and although they report an enjoyable journey , they both seem very glad to get back tc dear old Norfolk. The trip on the , bosom of the ocean was taken , bu not enjoyed. Arriving at Los Angeles , one of th Norfolk tourists whose wish it hat been for many years to take a trip 01 the ocean left his companion at th hotel and going to the pier , purchase a ticket which called for transporta tlon to Catalina Island. The boa started and everyone on board wa happy. Men and women promenade the decks looking at the fast disar pearlng wharf , men looked up at th skies with the manners becoming th thoroughbred seamen and even song were heard from lips of the happy pas sengers But a change came. The cabin which before had been deserted be came now fully occupied and at the rails a long line of passengers were leaning , evidently watching the beau tlful phopliorus in the water. A sailor passing along the line remarked , "All going out and nothing coming in. " On the return voyage the water was - still more choppy and the salon was more deserted than ever. "Thank heav en" was the remarks of many when the gangplank was dropped and the passengers weary and tired , found their way to their different hotels. One man , however , remained behind to look back at the waters. A moment [ later he felt dizzy and wanted to lie down and rest. "I lost a thousand dollars , " ho said to his companion whom ho joined at , the hotel. "The devil you say , " re- , plied his companion , who demanded : an explanation. "Well , " was the answer , "a man In the berth next to mine on the steamer 11lS er wanted to bet anyone that ho was lSHI more sea-sick than anyone else on board the beat and I was too sick to take the bet. " An Old Romance. Ainsworth Democrat : The death in inm February at Ainsworth of Dyer Crnni has just brought to light at Harlan an Interesting story , says a press dispatch Isrs patch from Harlan , Iowa. Many years ago Crum was a resident of Shelby jyn. county , a few miles east of Harlan. n.k Ho Inter left the country and took up his residence on a farm near Ainsworth. - While residing hero Crum became Involved In a dlfllculty over n love - affair , being shot and badly wounded , and later making his way to the home of Joseph Gardner , then realdlng In Polk township , this county. Crum was waited on and his wounds dress ed by Maggie Gardner , the daughter of Joseph Gardner. Crum was then without money , but told the girl that ho would remember licr. He then returned to the vicinity of Ainsworth , Joined the Modern Woodmen and took out a life Insur ance policy for $1,000 payable to Miss Maggie Gardner. In the meantime the young woman had married Joseph Olson and It wno only the other day that her residence was discovered , ho came to town , signed a voucher ml received $1,000 for her kindness > the wounded man. Crum was irown from a horse near Ainsworth , ; bruary 211 , and killed. A Ferry at Doncsteel. llonesteel Pilot : The little steel hull- d , 3-horso power motor boat pur- liasod by S. M , Dudley and sous ar- ved last week and on Sunday was ikon to the Missouri river and uinclied. The little craft was con- Igned to the mirky bosom of the Big luddy with ceremonies witnessed by ic Llndley family and a few friends , t was named Helen in honor of the harming young daughter of Mr. Lind- ey , and as It slid from the bank to 10 moving water the young lady roke a bot'tle of pop across its prow ml oxglnlmed , "I christen theo Ilel- n. " The day was not pleasant ow- ig to a chilling wind and falling ain but Irving and Johnny Llndley ave the little boat a try-out and say he behaved beautifully , ploughing its ay nip stream at a ten mile an hour peed. TUESDAY TOPICS. Ed Pfell of Hosklns was here. G. D. Butterlleld went to Chicago. F. G. Coryell returned from Stiinton. L. M. Hobbins of Gregory was In the Ity. Ity.Mrs. Mrs. Carl Albert of Hosklns was in he city. Ernest Hans of Battle Creek was In he city. W. S. Slaughter was in the city from Spencer. Woods Cones of Pierce was In the Ity on business. W. E. Heed of Madison was in the Ity on business. Mrs. Victor Miller is at Wayne visit- ng with relatives. J. B. Donovan of Madison was in he city on business. Mrs. Leonard Brown of Meadow jrove was In the city. Mrs. II. M. Harwood went to Stan- on to visit with friends. Fred Haase of Battle Creek was in he city calling on friends. G. H. Seller returned from a busl- less trip at Missouri Valley , la. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Braasch of ladar were visiting with friends. Mrs. Buckleman and daughter of Merco were here calling on friends. E. A. Gray , an attorney of Fremont , was In the city transacting business. Mrs. H. Xiesche and son of Neligh are In the city visiting with relatives. J. A. Huebner and family of Hoskins were In the city visiting with friends. Arthur Pew , editor of the Mediator of Omaha , was in the city on business. J. W. Ransom , D. Roes and W. A. Witzlgman went to Wlnside on bus ! ness. ness.C. C. W. Mnnke , a former Norfolk clti zen but now of Hosklns , was in the city transacting business. Dr. P. H. Salter went to Lincoln to attend the meeting of the state med ical society , of which he is president. Raasch Brothers have opened a real estate office in the room formerly oc cupied by Herbert E. Gooch In the Bishop block. D. Matnewson has been suffering foi several days with a severe attack of neuralgia. The first Baltimore oriole of the sea son In Norfolk was seen Tuesday morning by G. B. Salter. C. W. Fuerst of Randolph has ac copied a position with the Star Cloth ing company and has rented a house on South Eleventh street. J. F. Fleming of Texas , who has en tered into partnership with G. R. Set ler , has gone to South Dakota with a number of real estate men. C. H. Groesbeck , Norfolk district manager for the John Gnnd Brewing company , has received word of the death of the president of his firm , John Gund , at LaCrosse , Wis. Norfolk's river fleet of boats have been launched. All of the gasoline launches and ninny row boats were filled Sunday with passengers to the Country club grounds and other beauty spots along the river. Mrs. George B. Chrlstoph , Mrs. L. B. Musselmnn and Miss Edith Viele have gone to Omaha to attend the three days' session of the grand chap ter of the Eastern Star , as delegates from the Norfolk chapter. Company D of the national guard held their regular drill at their armory- last night , the streets being too rough to drill outside. The soldiers will prob ably appreciate the paved streets after they are finished. A busy session of the Norfolk Commercial nrd mercial club was held at the Oxnard hotel at noon. The interurban ques tion was discussed. The civil engineer who will look over the power situa tion on the Elkhorn is expected here this evening. Ho will bo met by a committee of the Commercial club. Martin Machmuoller , a farmer living north of the city , sustained a broken leg yesterday as the result of being kicked by one of his horses. Mr. Machnineller , who was about to climb Into the hay loft , accidentally touched one of the horses with his foot. The animal , probably frightened , commenced ines menced kicking , one of the strokes esW breaking Mr. . Machmueller's leg below the knee. The city Is full of posters announcing icd ing the coming rally day of the Mod- > ern Woodmen of America. District Deputy Hallsted- who Is hero propar- irrd Ing for the event , states that n record breaking attendance of the Woodmen from all over the state and South Da kota Is anticipated. From every con spicuous place In the city largo bul letins announce the coming rally day , which occurs May 25. It's a goat and not a mule that will Initiate the Columbus Elks next Fri day. The Norfolk Elks who are sched uled to do the Installing of the Colum bus organization have secured the goal which will do the work. The goat will be In charge of one of the Norfolk Elks and head the parade when the Norfolk lodge men reach Columbus on their special train which leaves hereabout about 0:110 : Friday evening. By no means has Norfolk lost all of Its baseball fans. Much Interest IH be ing shown by business men and old time baseball fans over tomorrow evening's game between the store clerks and the high school team , which Is called at ( ! :30. : The clerks have been practicing quietly and all say they are In good condition and feel as surance that they will beat the school boys , who are considered fast players' AMOUNT LEFT BLANK. Banker Asked to Certify to Check Be fore Amount Was Written In. "Will you please certify this check , " said a customer at a local bank a few- days ago to the cnshler. The banker looked over the blame check which was handed to htm. "It's not filled out for any stated amount , " lie replied , handing It back to the customer. "Well , you see , " was the reply , "I don't know Just what the bill will amount to , so I thought I would 1111 It out later. " Another One On a Shoe Salesman. A bashful clerk in a Norfolk shoo store got himself In an embarrassing position I a few days ago when , after vrapping up a pair of now shoes for a Norfolk woman , put the old shoes on he wrong feet. "These don't feel like my old shoes. " aid the lady when leaving the store. Booking at her feet the salesman sud- lenly discovered his error. "Pardon mo , madame , " ho said , "but 'vo put your left shoe on your right bet and the right one on the left. " Are Gambling in Pool Hall. Gambling is going DM TII Norfolk , said Councilman Coleman at the conn- Mi meeting , and as high as $400 has icon won and lost in a Norfolk pool oem which ho recommended should be investigated. One person lost $200 ; another $ I00 ! and $400 , said Council- nan KaulTman , referring to the same liool room. The license for this pool I oem has not yet been Issued and it was the sense of the council that it should bo held up pending investiga i- tion. The committee was instructed to investigate more thoroughly the case and report at the next meeting , which takes place next Monday night. To Have a Dog Catcher. Norfolk will have a dog catcher in the person of Ira M. Hamilton , who was appointed city dog tax collector by the mayor. The city attorney will draw up an ordinance crnatlng such an office in the near future and the dogs which' have no tags will be taken to the city pound by the collector. More Power for Committees. More power will be given to the va rious committees. With this plan It Is believed by the councllmen that business will be done more rapidly and probably more successfully than bringing many minor cases before the council before action is taken. Railroad to Pace Own Property. City Engineer Tracy received a com munication from Omaha Including IVP IVa blue print of the M. & O. railroad prop erty here. The communication states that the road has agreed to do all their own paving on their Norfolk avenue under the of the right-of-way plans 10 Norfolk paving district and under the leh supervision of the city engineer. Oth er railroads have been communicated with and it is believed they will fol low the lead of the M. & O. Elseley Wants More Pay. A communication from Police Judge Eiseley asking that the Judge's fees In the old ordinance be changed to reac from $25 per month to $35 , Is believer : o mean that the police judge Is not making enough fees and would con sent to work under the ordinance i the salary was increased $10. The judge is now being- paid from fees col lected. Arrests of the Year. The annual report of Chief of Police Marquardt shows that 103 arrests were made and $102.50 In olllcers' fees col olto lected. Two prisoners were sent to the reform school. Ho recommendec ( that n new floor be put In the city lock : up and other minor repairs bo made The matter was referred to the public lih works committee , who report that the jail is in a very dilapidated condition and will need a general overhauling igk They were given permission to make the repairs. This committee also reported tha the city buildings have all been in sured. The city hall carries $3,000 fo three years and the city pumping st : tlon $2,500. The Trenopole case was agaii ilU brought up and the committee Invest gating the affair varied in their re ports and were instructed to get to gether on the case. Councllmar Kauffnian reported that ho had coi 01y foroncos with former city attorney who advised him that a settlomon should be made with Mrs. Tronopol for $150. Councilman Winter , on th same committee , reported ho also ha i had conferences with the former clt attorneys and reported that their llg nres for a settlement varied. Mrs Trenopolo a couple of years ago stun bled over a defective sidewalk an broke her arm. Fire Driver's Term Out Soon. The lire driver term of olllce expire Juno 1 anil contracts for bids for the olllce will bo arranged by the fire ind police committee , who have power to ( net In this matter. In their arrange mentH of the contracts the commlttt'o will outline what duties are requlnMl of the tire driver aside from those of driving the fire team. The street sprinkler will ho sold IT favorable sottlemenl of the fran chise for the street sprinkling Is mndo. rhe purchaser of the sprinkler , It IK said , will get the franchise for thu street sprinkling. Two Licenses Arc Granted. The saloon license question in Nor 'oik has been settled for another year. Pho compromise forecasted In The News Monday was exccuti'd at tlu council meeting last night. Charlo * Rice occupies the Krug building with his wholesale house and the remon strances against llt'verldgo Rodmor mid Martin'Sporu were withdrawn , II- [ enses being granted. It Is said that the Krug people se cured a contract In the compromise which was satisfactory to them. Council Proceedings. Council met In adjourned regular session at 8:40 : p. in. , Mayor Friday presiding. Present , Illakomaii , Win- ler , Coleman , KanlTnian , Fiioslor , Koor- her ; absent , Dullii , Fischer. Remonstrance against Martin Spurn was withdrawn and on motion or KauCfninii , seconded by Kocrhcr , bond was approved and license granted. Remonstrance against Redmer ft Beverldge was withdrawn and on mo tion of KaulTman , seconded by Koor- ber , bond was approved and HCOIIKO granted. . Petition of Charles Rice to have li cense changed to new locution , lot 13 , block 4 , Original Town , was read and on motion of KaulTman , seconded by Fuesler , was granted. Ordinance No. 34i ! was read the second end tlnio. Petition of C. F. Elscley for an in crease of $10 per month salary was referred to the ways and means com mittee , to report at the next meeting. The report of the chief of police wn read and on motion ordered filed. Moved by Coleman , seconded by Winter , that the matter of repairing the jail be referred to the public works committee with power to act. Carried. The street and alley committee was instructed to purchase two scrapers for street work. Moved by Coleman , seconded by Winter , that the Park avenue ditcli matter be referred to the public works committee with power to act. Car ried. Moved by Kauffnian , seconded by Blakemaii , that the matter of advertis ing for bids for driver of hose wagon o referred to the lire and police com- niittec , with power to act. Carried. Moved by Coleman , seconded by Vlntcr , that the city sell sprinkling : agon and clerk be Instructed to ad- ertise for bids on same. Carried. Moved by Winter , seconded by Koer- er , that street and alley committee ; e instructed to advertise for bids for enient walk. Carried. Moved by KaiifTman , seconded by 'oleman , that city clerk notify all phy- icians in the city to comply with or- inanco No. 187. Carried. Moved by Kauffnian , seconded by 'olemnn , that public works committee ; e empowered to have pump rebuilt ml boilers and connection overhauled. Carried. Moved by Kaiiffnian , seconded by Coleman , that public works commltteu out suitable office room for city en- glneer. Carried. Council adjourned at 12:45 : a. in. WAS A HARMONIOUS SESSION. Crowd Groaned With Disappointment When No Storm Broke. After all it was a harmonious meet- ng of the council. Immediately after the council seated tself Hurt Mapes , counsel for Ben Nellson , the saloon license remonstrator - or whose identity has up to this time lot been learned , although It has been stated that he Is a business man of Omaha , notified the council that rc- nonstrances against the two saloons were withdrawn. The large gathering- of seekers of excitement almost ; roaned at this announcement , evi dently disappointed at the prospect of. a quiet meeting. The Martin Sporn license was takerf up llrst and passed without comment. The Boverldgo and Redmer license was then taken up and also passed along smoothly with the exception of one halt , when it was decided that the Initials of each saioonist should ac company the petition. The change was made and the license approved and later Issued by the clerk Attorney Gray ot Fremont , counsel for the Fremont Brewery whose I ; r the Redmcr & Bevoridge saloon sells\ closely inspected the license issued by the clerk. Ho took charge of it anil later turned It over to the Norfolk saloonlsts. Nothing was done with the Ed Lamb and Walsh petitions and soon the council was busy disposing : of other matters and the council cham ber was deserted by the curious crown" . Only once did Mayor Friday refer to the saloon licenses later In the meeting , when he stated that mem bers of the street and alley commlttfiiu were not attending to their duties as they should and from notes whrch ho had prepared he stated that the chair man of that committee was also neg ligent in his duties. "I don't moan all of the committee , " said the mayor , "but some of them. They seem to- have time to see who should have sa loon licenses , but they have no time to attend 'to business which they should be doing. The committees should take care of their own busi ness. " A B , & O. Fireman Killed. Clarksville , W. Va. . May ( i. A heaif on collision between freight trains No. ! 7 and No. 84 , on the Baltimore * and Ohio railroad four miles cast of hero resulted in the death of Fireman Haddock of Grafton , W Va. , mid the sorioiis Injury of Engineers Crook and goVernon and Fireman Webb.