I i THE NOHKOLK WKKKIA NIOWS..JOURNAL. 1'MUDAY. A1MUL S.JjHO. . SPORTS OF THE DAY He Says Fight Will be Fixed. The big lighten ) , JolTrloH and John- Him , and the promolors wore given an awful panning in the Washington Her- nld last Sunday In n signed article hy John It. Robinson , manager for Bat tling Nelson. Robinson states thai If the light Is on Hie square Johnson will win , hul wouldn't bet counterfoil money on II himself. Ho makes no effort to conceal Iho fact thai lio's mire al Jefferles because thu big Call- fornlan asked for olghly per cent of the receipts In the world's tour of Jofferles , Wolgast. Nelson , Moran and others. Part of his wall : "I saw Johnson work In his gym nasium In Chicago one weekago. . On February 20 ; Iwo days before Nol- mm and Wolgast fought , I saw Jef- forioH go through about eight minutes of work in San Francisco. I "If Johnson and Jeffcrles light on the level , Johnson will whip the boll- ermaker sure as falo. Jefferles can never 'come back. ' Johnson Is Hit greatesl hoavywolghl llghler the world , has ever produced. He Is faster than j Corbell , can lilt almost as hard as Jeflorles could when the latter was ' In lilt ) prime , is craflier than Fllz- \ Simmons , a greater ring general than I Jo > Choynskl , a grander boxer than I McCoy or Tommy Ryan. "This Is Johnson as a lighter. As a man ho Is conceited , a natural-born vagabond , mean and lyranical and petty , a moral coward , and a discredit to the negro arco. Ho spends money so Dial people may witness him and marvel. Ho wants to associate with the whites. Says Jefferles is Fat. "Jeffories as I saw him four weeks ago , weighs 245 pounds , is slow and fat , looks older Ihan Hie average man of forty , short-winded , slow-moving the very opposite lo the smooth , grace ful , powerful JolTorlos who seven years ago was Iho wonder of Ihe ring. "As a man he is lazy , dissipated , greedy , a poor sportsman , and next lo Johnson a poor excuse for defend ing Ihe honor of any race. "Ho came back Into the limelight not because ho wanted lo defend Ihe honor of Iho while race. Ho came back for Ihe $2,000 per week for twenty weeks offered by a New York theatrical firm for his appearance on the stage. stage.It's It's a Frameup , Sure. "Now lo gel down lo Iho real meat of this batlle. It presents the great est mystery In Iho annals of modern puglllsim. "Personally , I would not bet coun terfeit money on the bailie. That statement It not original ; it is bor rowed from Batlllng Nelson. Nelson made 11 months ngo and at present ses no reason to change It. Nelson saw Jefferies work In Buffalo in De cember. He watched the big fellow- work and telephoned me in Detroil as follows : 'Afler looking Jefferles over today. I believe bo Is through for all time , and 1 would not bet counterfoil money on his chances. ' "Two days before lighting Wolgast. Nelson again looked Jefferies over and made the same statement Berger is On It , Too. "Burger and Gleason are business associates. Tex Rickard is in the combination simply because he is the gambler of the outfit the fellow who is taking the big risks and whose iron nerve Is required to handle Ihe fighters - ers and Iho officials. When It comes to holdups , a California county or city ollicial runs a close second to a trust senator. It takes n man like Rickard to handle them. "Berger swung the fight to Gleason and Rickard. The purse of $101,000 will be posted after the advance sales reach thai amount. The big money gatherer will be the moving pictures. I heard a legitimate offer of one-halt' million dollars made for those pic- lures in Chicago a few days ago. It Jeff wins , they will be worth n mil lion dollars at the lowest. If Johnson wins , they will be worth not less than $300,000. And here Is wheie the mys tery comes in. Jeff Will Take no Chances. "Throe-fourths of a million swayed between three men. Enough money to put the average man beyond the ken of want. Jofl'eries , the most conceit ed , egolislicnl man on earth , flghl- ing a negro he despises. Bullheaded , ho would never take a chance of los ing that light. Berger , behind the guns , crafty and wise , able to talk St. Peter into giving Joe Cnntillon the keys of the pearly palace ! Johnson , money loving , crooked , a recognized faker , lacking backbone , handled by a man who made his money out of the lowesl form of vice on Ihe Chicago cage levee here Is Ihe combination against which the great American pub lic must line up. "Tho combination Is a ono to 100 favorite. The poor public Is up against a harder clique Ihan the beef trust ever dared to form. Pick the combination and write your own lie- ket. " ' The Omaha Athletic Meet. Three Men Fall Exhausted on the Track Nebraska Gets Honors. Omahn. April 2. The first annual indoor meet of the western division of the Amntour Alhletlc Union occurred last night and brought together one of the largest gatherings of athletes which has even attended a similar h meet hold in n western city. Nearly 8,000 people crowded the big auditori um to witness the twenty-eight events for which there wore 294 entries. II Chicago. Kansas City and Omahn di vided honors fairly well ns cities , but the universities of Kansas , Iowa and Nebraska excelled in the competition for college honors. About twenty smaller colleges and high schools also participated and competition among the young athletes from those Instltu-1 tloiiH WIIH even slrongor than among thu older OUCH. | Running inroH there wore nplonly , I dashes iind relays. The quarlor-nillo < laHli which closed the evening's run-1 nlng ovonlH was the fastest , and was participated In by some of the fleetest men In the west. Hoelu'lman of Chicago cage hent out Will Tollman of Iowa university hy a few Inches , and Guy E. Heed of Nebraska university was third , less than u yard behind Toll man. man.The relay races were spectacular In many Instances and repeatedly the MK crowd cheered Us best when some run ner displayed an extraordinary burst of speed. Three runners fell exhaust ed from their efforts during the even ing , but none of thorn was seriously Injured. Summary : ( iO-yard dash Y. M. C. A. cham pionship Hugh E. Wallace. Omaha Y. M. C. A. , llrsl ; W. P. Maybury , Kan sas City Y. M. C. A. , second ; Matt Seanlan , Council Bluffs Y. M. C. A. , third. Time : :0& : % . r > 0-yard dash , W. A. A. A. U. cham pionship V. B. Roberts , Kansas uni versity , llrst ; Fred T. Haddock , Kan sas , second ; A. E. Mcssenhoimer , K. C. A. , third. Time :0r : > % . r.O-yard . dash , high schools Leslie Man , Lincoln , llrst ; Hen Gates , DOS .Moines. second ; Frank Swltzer , Slater , In. , third. Time :05-fe. : ' Jeff Discredits Joke Rumor. lx > s Angeles , Cal. , April 2. "Not a bear did hit ? duty , " laughed .Mm Jef fries on his return from the Mount Whitney country , happily paraphrasing Roosevelt's allusion to the fact that the king of beasts bad failed to mis take him for a T-bone steak. I Instead of a mangled man , as many of the sporting fraternity expected to see , the "hope of the white race" was as whole as over. A wild rumor Moated around reporting that Jeffries had been mashed up under an overturned auto and that a largo bear had bitten huge chunks out of his right shoulder. Fi nally the rumor dwindled down to a slight fracture of the ulna bone. | "Jimmy Hritt has that story copy righted , " Jeff replied to bis friends. No Hankers Bowled. The bankers' bowling club look a week off and no game was played In the series this week. They arc , however - over , arranging for a fast game next Thursday evening. WHY CANNON DOESN'T GO HOME. "I'm as Common as an Old Shoe In Danville , " the Speaker Says. Washington , April 2. "Would you like to know why I stay in Washing ton ? " Speaker Cannon asked the question at a dinner given by one of the mem bers of the cabinet. The president , the speaker and the other guests had withdrawn to smoke following dinner , and the stories were going thick and fast. Everybody wanted to know why the speaker insisted upon staying in Washington. "You see , " said the speaker , "when I am in Danville I don't amount to much. I walk along the street and nobody pays any particular attention to me. 1 am as common as an old shoe. In Washington I can bo some thing of a personage. Besides , hero I find everything I want or need. We get the tinest products of any clime , brought specially for us. The liquors come in the wood from Scotland and France. " J. Kling is in Training. Kansas City , April 2. A well built athlete , carrying a catcher's glove and a bat walked out on the diamond of the Kansas City Athletic club park yesterday afternoon wearing a Chica go National le'ague uniform. It was John G. Kling , the reinstated member of the Murphy-Chance combination. After reading that "dope" from Cincin nati yesterday , " .lawn" Kling decided it was about time to open the old baseball'trunk and pull out those pas time "rags" which he used in the world's championship scries of 1908. "Jawn" tried out that right whip of his yesterday afternoon and after an hour and half's workout be de cided that ho would do as a member of the Chicago National league base ball club in 1U10. Kling's arm seem ed to be Just as strong and accurate In throwing to the sacks as it was last year when he played in the Inter city league. Kling believes that ho will receive an olllcial "call" from Manager Chance in a few days and ho wants to be ready to play when ho joins the cubs. Of course , "Jawn" hasn't iixed up bis financial affairs with C. Webb Murphy yet , but he is confident that "Murph" will fix things all right. "I will be ready to play the day 1 join the team , " said Kling yesterday. "Don't bo surprised if I catch the llrst game of the championship season. " FINE KLING $700. Cub Catcher Must Pay Fines to Play Baseball. Chicago. April 2. The national com mission has decided that Catcher John Kling must pay 1700 fine and must play for at least one year with the cubs at his 11)08 ) salary of $4,500. Kling Is satisfied. "That $700 is a lot of coin , " ho said in Kansas City , "but I suppose I am stung. If things go along all right , I expect to join the cubs In about ten days maybe , " The finding of the national commis sion was mnde public officially. The finding provides that the Chicago club may not trade , sell or release Kling for a period of 0110 year , and that neither the Chicago club , nor any oth er club or person connected with or ganized baseball , shall pay Kllng's line or reimburse him for Its pay nieiit In any way , directly or indirect ly. The verdict also calls upon the Chicago cage club to show cause why It should not he lined for tendering Kling a new contract after ho had made him self Ineligible. The feeling here Is that , In spite of the national commission. Charlie Murphy will probably lose $700 where Kling can find It , and thus pay the catcher's line. Advices from Kansas City say Kling Is worried about the clause forcing him to accept his old salary. In view of the fact that it was reported the Brooklyn club offered "Noisy John" $10,000 a season to bo manager ol that club , his old 1908 salary is quite a come-down. PEARY'S LAST DOG DEAD. Public Exhibitions Hastened the Enc for the One Survivor. Portland , Me. , April 2. The last survivor of the pack of dogs whiet reached the north polo with Com mander Robert K. Peary , died hero today , his strength worn out by the approaching , spring weather and by the unaccustomed surroundings of dot , shows at Boston and Portland , where he had been placed on exhibition. The dog was Commander Peary's favorite selected by him as the first of the pack to go on the last stage of the , most memorable exploring expeditioi in the frozen north. BE CAREFUL OF YOUR FACE. The Beauty Doctor Tells of Pit Falls in Flesh Reduction. New York , April 2. "No greater mistake can l > e made by a woman try ing llesb reduction than to adopt i method that will decrease fat ant not at the same time shrink the skii which covers It , " a beauty doctor salt today. "For to fail in this , is to cause folds of loose skin , or a ilabbiness far worse than flesh itself , and this is truer of reduction of the face thai of any other portion of the body Massage and applications that maj extract the natural fat must bo fol lowed immediately by astringent agents that will tighten the skin. "Another point which cannot bo re garded as too important if improve ment is desired is that cords and mus cles shall be equally shortened or shrunk. A costumer from whom I hoard recently was distraught because In trying to get rid of a double chin the flesh had so sagged the contour of her face was worse than It had been previously. On inquiry , I found that she had used artificial aids for decreasing her chin , straps and bands that had so supported the muscles that the latter had become weakened through disuse , and simply relaxed like a piece of overstretched elastic. Bands and straps may aid , but mat.- sage and astringents must be employ ed at the same time. "It is an error , I believe , to mas sage without following the treatment with a tla h of cold water. I like this even better than such pronounced as tringents as cologne or alcohol , be cause the latter are likely to ho over- drying and chap the flesh. Cold water dashed on for a moment , sufficiently long to chill the surface and wiped oil at once , will do no harm to the most delicate complexion , and it will tight en the muscles and close the pores , thus rendering the skin firm. " FOR A SANER FOURTH. Omaha Women's Club Plans to Ban All Kinds of Fireworks. Omaha , April 2. Members of the women's club of this town have declared for the sanest kind of a Fourth of July. If they can have their way , and it looks as If they were going to have It the small boy will not be able to get much real fun out of Inde pendence day. Members of the women's club have in course of preparation an ordinance , which they are assured will be passed and be signed by the mayor , placing a ban on everything that heretofore has made the Fourth of July an enjoyable holiday for the boys. The ordinance prohibits the sale or use of any gun , rifle , revolver or pistol real or toy. It bars the sale or possession of all kinds of fireworks , naming ftro crack ers , torpedoes , rockets , Roman candles and dozens of other kinds of explosive articles. Club officers say they are not seek ing to cheat the boys and girls out of a good time , but they want to save lives , arms , legs and eyes. Chester Tinker Near'Death. Nellgh , Neb. , April 2 Special to The News : Chester Tinker , son-in- law of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. J. W. Tegar- den , who was government revenue Inspector specter In the city of Omaha , was taken 111 of typhoid fever In his homo there about ten days ago , was remov ed hero and has been under the con stant care of a trained nurse. The re port given out by one of the attending physicians late last evening Is to the effect that It Is Impossible for him to survive for more than ten hours , and death Is expected at any time. The parents of Mr. Tinker who reside In Lexington , Nob. , have been called to the bcdsldo of their son. Nebraska Girl a Suicide. Grand Island , Neb. , April 2. MIsa Emmn Christine Tngge , daughter of a farmer , attended the wedding of her brother. Quitting the festivities , she went home , secured a shotgun and , go ng to the woodshed , shot herself dead , lulling the trigger with her toe. Her icalth has bcun poor , hut she gave no ntlmatlon of Intention to take her ife. The hotly watt not found until nornlng. Confess to Horse Theft. NIobrara , Neb. , April 2. Special to I'lio News : Dave Kilo , an Indian , vol- inlnrlly surrendered to Sheriff Vlas- ilk ami ( .niifcHsod that he and a con- fedeialo ( name of latter not learned ) iiad stolen horses from John Promcau mil John Pappan several months ago. The sheIII' ) and Constable Earncsl Conklln started with Klto to ariest Llie accomplice , who wan bolltnod to be on or near Kilo's place. It Is re ported that both prisoners are now lodged in jail at Center. Thu man who was shut near bore several days ago is now iccoverlng from Ills wounds. B. & M. SHOP MEN STRIKE. Will Walk Out at Havelock , It Is Said , Unless Wages are Raised. Lincoln , April 2. Boilermakers and helpers In the Chicago , burlington & Qulncy shops at Havelock to the num ber of 2S5 nave given the officials un til today to sign a now wage scale. The men demand the abolition of piece work and the substitution of a fixed wage of 40 cents an hour for the boilermakers and 110 cents for helpers. All the union painters and paper-1 hangers of Lincoln , about 1GO In iium- her , went on strike to enforce demands for an increase from lift cents an hour to 40 cents. The boss painters offer ed to compromise on \ \ \ < > cents but it was refused. Sixty Omaha Autos Burn. Omaha , April 2. The garage ami automobile livery of II. K. Frederick- son and company at Twenty-second and Farnam streets was entiiely de stroyed by a fire which stalled shortly before 2 o'clock this morning. Sixty automobiles were stored in tin gnrago and none were saved. They belonged mostly to private ownet.i. The loss will exceed $70,000. Raid at Orchard. Orchard News : Sheriff Miller and County Attorney Rice were in Orchard on Tuesday with complaints against local parties on the charge of selling liquor. A search was made of one' business house and three barrels nfj "Cream of Hops" found and confiscat ed. The proprietor was , however , rc-j leased on his own recognizance , to appear - pear at the next term of the district court , after having waived preliminary examination before the justice. The wet goods found belong in the class of socalled temperance drinks , and it is generally believed that the party is entirely innocent of willful violation of the law. Two other parties were , however , taken to Neligh , where they were releasetl on bonds for their ap pearance at district court. Another Spanish Letter. Another Spanish letter has been re ceived in Norfolk. Tills time the letter - tor was addressed to William C. Ahl- man , who is offered $100,000 if he an swers the letler by cable , and later goes to Madrid to pay the expense of a trial of a Spaniard who claims IIP is a banker and under arrest In Spain. The alleged banker says he lias in the secret pocket of a trunk which is being held by the Spanish officials , a document which will enable him to re cover $180,000. This lie wishes to save for his "darling daughter. " The contents of the letter are about the same as those written toothers in tills territory recently and the hand writ ing , although in English , is identical with that of a previous letter , which was written in Italian and Spanish. The letters will probably be turned over to the postal authorities. The letter follows : Madrid. 11-IM910. Dear Sir : Al though I know you only from good references of your honesty , my sad situation compels me to reveal to you an Important affair in which you can procure a modest fortune saving at the same time that of my darling daughter. Before being imprisoned here I was established as a banker In Russia as you will see by the enclosed article about mo of many English newspa pers which have published my arrest in London. I beseech yon to help me to obtain a sum of 480,000 dollars 1 have In America and to come here to raise the seizure of baggage paying to the registrar of the court the expenses of my trial and recover my portman teau containing a secret pocket where 1 have hidden the document indispen sable t recover the said sum. As a reward I will give up to you the third part , vix. , 100,000 dollars. I cannot receive your answer In the prison but you must send a cable gram to a person of my confidence who will deliver It to me. Awaiting your cable , to intrust you in all my secret , I am sir , yours truly , Demldoff. First of all answer by cable not by letter as follows : Cgosalvez Gacometrozo 23 Tercero Cctra A , Madrid. "Yes , " Ahlmann. SHE HAS FASTED 45 DAYS. And Still 'a Cleveland Girl Refuses to Eat. Cleveland , April 2. Cora Osek , 22 years old , was arrested yesterday af ter she had fasted , her friends said , for forty-live days. The girl was taken to the county jail , where no persuasion could prevail on her to eat. She was so weak that she could not stand upright , but she Insisted that she would fulfill an oath of fasting for two months even If It killed hor. Major Fowler Dead. Oelrlchs , S. D. , April 2. Special to The News : Major Fowler , for ninny years a resident of Stuart , Neb. , died hero Thursday. ON THE Stage I. . . The Travellna Salesman Soon. Not In a long time has tlieie been manifested In advance of a play's coming so much interest an Is already expressed hy Norfolk anil surround ing towns In thu forthcoming produc tion of "Tho Traveling Salesman , " which will bo the attraction at the Auditorium Saturday , April 10 , for matinee anil night. E\erybody seems to have heard of this play , which Is said to bubble oxer with wholesome mirth , and which keeps the audience laughing from Ihe rise of the cut tain to its fall. Henry B. Harris , who is sending "The Traveling Salesman" to Norfolk has alieady made good \vith local theatergoers in. "Tho Lion and Thu Mouse. " and "The Third Degree. " James Forbes , author of "Tho Chorus Lady , " made famous on the stage by Hose Stahl and now running In serial form in The News , is author of "Tho Tiavellng Salesman. " The slory of "The Traveling Sales man" concerns "Bob Blake , " a jovial drummer , who is compelled to spend j his Christmas day in a lonely village ! ; of Ihe middle wesl , and on arrival i Hurts in Ihe present of "Beth 13111- ' oil , " Iho llckel agoi ; ' al the depot , a most congenial person. They strike up an acquaintanceship which soon ripens into affection , and for the first time in Ills life , the young , well-meant drummer discovers Hint he is enthrall- i ed with the sweetness and beauty of ' a charming young lady. Through her ho learns that she is about to lose a tiacl of land , and he at once takes stops to protect her rights , and there hy runs counter to Ills employer , who has laid plans to obtain what the girl thinks is a worthless piece of real estate , but which has suddenly as sinned considerable value , as it is needed by the railroad company to complete some improvements they j have in view. "Blake" jeopardizes ills I own position in espousing the righls of Ihe girl , and this leads to many Interesting complications. The com edy of the play is of a most delicious \ , ' character , and seldom before in the | ' history of the stage lias there been j a play which includes so many laughs as docs "The Traveling Salesman. " So well does it depict the life of the ' ' drummer on the road Ihat it lias won Iho indorsement of the United Com mercial Travelers of America and the Travelers' Protective association. If the success attained by this play in New York and Chicago is any crilcrion crowded houses should awail ils ad vent in this cily. Henry H. Harris will send "The Traveling Salesman" lo Ibis clly with the original New York and Chicago company , which includes Mark Smith , James O'Neill , jr. , Clifford Stork , Law rence Sheehan , Theodore Kchrwald , Daniel Jarrett , Guy B. Hoffman , Em- mill Sliackleford , Robert Hamilton , Miss Miriam Nesbitl , Miss Diana Hunoker , Miss Marion Stephenson and Miss Virginia Hamilton. Says a Los Angeles dispatch : Mrs. Leslie Carter in sixteen years earned $2,000,000. And when she quit David Belasco she had just sixlv-live cents in the world. She began again owing $250,000 , wilh mortgages on her moth er's home , on her own costumes , her automobile and on her future. She has been forced through bankruptcy , but Is paying every legitimate debt she owes as fast as she earns the money. Recently she paid $1,800 to her creditors. Supremacy thrives on vicissitudes , it is said by philosophers. If that be true , Mrs. Carter is having Ihe best of training for the fulfillment of her am'oition , which is lo produce the greatest play with Ihe besl acting - ing of modern limes. SKINNER TO BE CHANTECLER. Frohman Picks a Leading Man for the Rostand Play. New York , March 29. It is unof ficially anounced thai Olis Skinner is Charles Frohman's seleclion for Ihe title role in the American production of "Chantecler. " Nearly every xvidoly known aelor in America has hoped that lo him might fall the distinction of acting the principal part in this play , already world famous. Whatever may bo the American verdict of Rostand's work , the play is sure to be the most wide ly discussed of next season's outputs and to the actor of Ihe lille role lliere is endless advertising. Vague hints have suggested several distinguished actors for the part of the rooster , xvhich M. Guilry Is act ing in the Theater Porte St. Martin production , and llio xviseacres have been al Iheir xvils' end lo guess in which dlrecllon Frohman's lighlnlng would slrike. At one time II was rumored that Mr. Froliman might give the part lo Maude Adams , and lit an other limo lliere xvas n report Ihat Edwin Slovens might be Intrusted with the role. Mr. Skinner is at present on tour in "Your Humble Servant. " PLAY AT 2:45 : A. M. Press Representatives of Middle West Guests of Liebler & Co. Chicago , March 29. For the first ( line In the history Chicago a tlioal rical performance is lo bo given on which the curtain will rise at 2:45 : a. in. In commemoration of the one bun drod and lifllolh performance of "Tho Fourth Estate" in this city on April 12 , Liobler & company will act as hosts to the working newspaper men of Chicago and editors and corres pendents from towns in the middle west. Every seat In the Studebaker theater will bo occupied by report en , editors , printers In fact , em ployes of every department of this city's newspapers. Illaborato Invitations shortly will lie sent out to the editors of Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin , Michigan and Indi ana. A committee of active nowspn- per men has been formed xvhlch will take charge of the Chicago arrange ments and handle the tickets for the employes of the nexvspapers of this toxvn. Sioux City Is to got "Tho Third De gree" tills mouth. It's Iho sanio com pany Norfolk got lasl fall. ADDRESS OF GOVERNOR HOCH. He Brings "A Message From Kansas" to North Nebraska Teachers. Ex-Governor I loch of Kansas , In bin lutioductlon of "Tho Message From Kansas. " praised evGovernor Folk of Missouri , who spoke here Thursday , as a man "who Is loved hy good men and feared by bad men. " To the Ne braska teachers the Kansas governor said lie brought greetings from 12,000 Kansas teachers and to the county su perintendents he brought greetings from HI. ) superintendents of Ills state. The governor did not mention politics but during ills address , in which he de tailed almost the entire history of KansaSi he stated thai he was In favor of woman's suffrage and believed llial any sensible man , when It comes to the question of purely taxation , was In favor of a woman having her rights when she is paying her own laxes. Thu governor's message fiom Kansas was a boastful one and , although he stated that Ills state , being the hub of the United -Mates , had the largest col leges , normal schools , etc. , he also stated that l.e would not say they were the be.-t. "A message from Kansas , " said the governor , "in tnie to nature. I believe the world is groxxiiiK belter every day. To mo It's a beautiful world and I pity the IP-HI who cannot take himself by the 'H..I d and say , "Shako , old boy , I trul.x .i"i glad you were born. ' " He ouiliii'd Iho history of Kansas light .ii.aln.-t the Standard Oil com pany a i d MI.VS by the laws Kansas has put Ihiough they are now paying live cents less lor oil Ihan Nebraska paying. Ho also took a shot at the trusts and advocated lower freight rates. < From his long history of Ihe work of Kansas Ihe governor suddenly ar rived at Iho proliibillon part of his address. "Without It. " lie said , "the message from Kansas Is not com plete. " Vogel's orchestra ended the evening and final program of the North Ne braska Teachers' association with a march entitled , "Our Victorious Na tion. " High School Section. On account of the absence of Supt. J. H. Kemp of Wayne , who left the cily afler he had been taken 111 at the Pacific hotel. H. H. Hickman of Wausa presided over the high school sectional meeting Friday. Snpt. C. W. Demel of NIobrara was absent but his sub jects , "Should the County Supurlnlen- dent Conduct Eighth Grade Examina tions for Town or City Schools In Ills County ? " was discussed by J. L. Mc- Brien of Lincoln and several others. The paper of Jennie A. Hall of Ne igh on , "The Comparative Value of the Study of German and Latin In the High School , " was also missing but hoi subject was thoroughly discussed by Miss Kingsbury , teacher of German and Latin of the Wayne normal school , who compared the values of Lnlin and German. Chancellor Avery of the state uni- versily who was lo address Ibis sec tion did not make his appearance be cause of his recall to Lincoln. Miss Amy Leigh Paine , principal of the Norfolk schools , however , read a very Interesting paper on the "Handling of The Retard Pupil. " She showed how to induce the pupil to come to school and later how lo bring him or her up In the class , mentioning several methods to be used. Supt. Simon M. Moss of Wlsner rend a paper on "The Ideal English Course for High School. " J. S. Elliott of Wynot presided over the grade sectional meeting. Clarence Galbraith of Beemer rend a paper on Ihe "Teacher and Ihe Com munity , " which was interesting. W. T. Stockdale , superintendent of the Madison schools , read a paper on "To What Extent Should Agriculture bo Taught Below the High School ? " Mr. Stockdale snid that agriculture should be taught in the grades lo a limited amount , such ns school gar dens , elc. Supt. N. A. Housel's paper on "What is the Eighth Grade Pupil Expected to Know ? " xvas folloxvcd by a discussion on the snmo subject by Supt. A. L. Btirnhnm of Stnnlon xvliose paper xvas a live one. Ho said that examinations are put to him with questions which great educators have never settled. Supt. R. M. Campbell of West Point rend an Interesting paper on "The School Spirit on the Parl of Teachers , Pupils and Parents. " Dr. Frank Loveland was scheduled to address this section bill he failed lo pul in an appearance and was sub stituted for by J. L. McBrlen of Lin coln xvho addressed his audience on "Extensive Teaching. " Mr. McBrlen advocated an appropriation of $100,000 for the purpose of establishing agricul ture and manual training and domestic science courses In at least twenty high schools of the state. Rural School Section. In the auditorium of the high school the county superintendents and rural sections held forth , Supt. C. B. Ward of Nellgh presided. The first address xvas by Supt. A. V. Teed of Ponca who spoke on "Teachers Trained in Scien tific Agriculture for the Rural Schools. " According to Mr. Teed there la much difficulty in teaching igrlculturo In the rural schools lie- T auso the touchers xvho touch Ilic-so ! schools are from the towns and cities mil ( hey are hardly nblo lo tench it. 1'hls undertaking ho said would be u lilg one. Mr. Teed's nddroHH XVIIH ably illsciiHsed by W. II. Clements , prusld- i'iit of ( he Fremont Normal college. Piesldent Fred M. Pllo of Wayne xvas not present at the meeting but his scheduled topic , "Boiler Teaching : if English and Language In Rural Schools. " was ably discussed by Sit- peiliiteiident ICIslo Little of Wayno. J. J. Malono. supeilnlemlent of Hum phrey , read a paper on "How Should the Compulsory Education Law lie En forced to the Best Adxantago ? " In this address Mr. Malone said ho be lieved and fell that the county super- Inteiidents are not enforcing the law as rigidly an It should bo and Hint at the present time there \van too much violation of this law. Mr. Malone's paper XMIH thoioughly discussed by A. " 1. Murphy of Knox county. Superinten dent Elrtlo Lltllo of Wayne , and Stale Supt. F , S. Perdue. J. L. McBrlon addressed Ihl8 assembly - bly along the lines of educational pro- gioss , the lospoiisiblllty and thu op portunity of the teacher , and on the bright future for the schools. Miss Bertha Knoll of Wlsner pre sided over the primary section. Miss Xellie Wilson of West Point read an Interesting paper on "My Ideal of the Interior of a Primary School Room. " xvhlch Mho said should lie xvell venti lated , sanitary , appropriately decorated with pictures and taught by an Ideal teacher. Miss Sadie White of Boomer discussed Miss Wilson's paper. Miss Edith Stocking of Wayne xvho xvas to address this section on "Art Work in Primary Grades. " was absent but her topic xvas well discussed by Mls.s Florence Hey of Bloomlloid. Testing Seed Corn. The Nebraska university has Issued the folloxvlng bulletin on testing send corn : Testing every ear of seed corn xvill cost about fi to K ) cents pei acre , and may mean fi to 10 bushels per aero increased yield. Do It now before the rush of farm work. In many parts of the state not one-half the seed corn \\lll grow. Reports from farmers insti tutes in various sections indicate that the vitality Is very loxv. First make a preliminary test of your seed. Select 100 ears at ran dom. Take three grains from each oar , each grain from a different part. Place 1100 grains in a germination box. Use any shalloxv box for a germinator. Place saxvdust , sand or soil In the bottom. Cover witli cltan aloth or blotter. Scatter grains , cover with an other cloth or blotlor and pni some more saxvdusl , sand or soil on top. v Wet down thoroughly and keep In a warm place. Grain should be sprouted In to 0 days. If ! 5 per cent of the grains germinate in the preliminary test , your corn is safe to plant. If less Ihan SS per cent germinate , it will pay to make the ear test. Lay out all your seed ears side by side on floor , shelves , or boards. You should have at least 12 ears for each acre. Keep Ihem In such order that you can easily locate any ear after test Is completed. This is easily /11s done by marking the ears which o < - eupy the first space of oacli row in the tester. It may also be done by numbering each ear to correspond xvith the number of the squares in the tester. Prepare the germination box by placing 2 to ! i Inches of sawdust , sand or soil In the bottom. Cover with xvhite clolh marked in 2-lnth squai us. Remove fi kernels fiom eacii ear. Iwo from near Ihe bull , txvo from Ihe middle and two from near Iho tip. Turn the ear partly around each time. Place the ( j grains from each car in Iho germination box in the same order that you have the ears laid out. Remove - move the keinels with < a knife blade and bo careful not to Injure the germs. Cover the kernels with a cloth , and over this place some sawdust , sander or soil. Keep well moistened , and in n warm room. In 4 to G days germi nation should bo complete. Discard all the ears that have not shown a good , strong germination. A handy rack for drying seed corn and for keeping track of the ears in testing may bo made by the use of 2x4s and heavy smooth wire. The cars In the rack correspond to the squares in the germinator , so that It is not necessary to number either the oars or the squares. The tesl is shown afler it lias been in the germinator for U days. It should bo left longer lo gel Ihe besl results. Six grains from each ear were taken. Some of the ears were absolutely dead. In others the sprouts were weak , while with some the sprouts were vigorous. If one ear in every forty fails to grow , you will lose ono acre out of every 10-acro Held. It Is a very simple matter to make the tenl al homo. No malorlnl need lo bo purchased , as every farmer possesses rough lumber of which Ihe boxes can be made , and clolh that can bo used for Iho cover. The only thing thai Is necessary is to keep an accurale record of Ihe cars and lo keep the germinator moist and in a warm place. There are n number of patent gorml- natorn now on the market. In many Instances these can bo purchased av. a reasonable price , and some may find It more convenient to buy ono ready for use. Chicken Show Here in Fall. There'll bo a chicken show In Nor folk next fall. The Northeast Nebraska Poultry ns- soclntlon Is the nnmo of the now or- gnnlznllon of Norfolk poultry fanciers , formed Insl night. Following are the officers E. H. Brewer , president ; B. Dlxon , first vice president ; E. I. Custor , second - end vice president ; John J. Lolk , sec retary and treasurer ,