The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 08, 1910, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL , , , , , NORFOLK NKIWASKA KHIIXAY AI'KII S 1)1 ! ) ( ) BROTHERS ON OPPOSITE SIDES A REPUBLICAN CONGRESSMAN LEADS IN DEMOCRAT BROTHER. THEIR MOTHER HELPS CHEER'EM A Unique Congressional Scene Paint ed When Foss of Massachusetts Is Escorted to Speaker's Stand by Foss of Illinois. Washington , April 7. The demo crats of the house today engaged In n noisy demonstration when Bugone N. Foss of Massachusetts ( democrat ) was escorted by his brother , George B. Foss of Illinois ( republican ) to the speaker's desk In order that the oath of office might bo administered to the now member who succeeds the late Mr. Loverlng ( republican ) . Their Mother Helps Cheer. Republicans remained In their scats quietly as the democrats arose on- masse applauding and cheering. On the front row of the speaker's gallery a sweet faced old lady joined in the applause. She was the mother of the two brothers who were the center of attraction. Her two dnughtor-ln-law sat on either side of her and joined in tjie demonstration. A Unique Situation. Almost every member of the house was In his seat when the two brothers marched down the central aisle , Rep resentative Ollio James of Kentucky having mndc the point of no quorum aw soon as the house assembled , In order that a full attendance might greet a democrat who succeeded a re publican congressman. In no other case do brothers occupy seats on the floor of the house , and never before have brothers of oppo site political faith boon members at the same time. WOULD LIMIT GOLD STORAGE Storage Over Year Adulterates Food , . Says Senate Committee. Washington , April 7. A limit should bo put on the use of cold storage for the purpose of advancing prices'aul- I'lclally. This Is the judgment of the senate cost of living committee and Chairman Lodge today Introduced in the senate a bill to moot the recom mendation. Mr. Lodge's bill provides that food kept in cold storage for more than one year should bo considered as adulter ated and that any food taken out of cold storage and erroneously marked as to the time it has boon in cold stor age should bo regarded as misbrnnded in violation of the pure food laws. Fatal Wreck On Georgia Road. Augusta , April 7. In a wreck on the Georgia railroad near Berselin , two men were killed and ono white man and four negroes seriously hurt. Mis understanding of orders is said to have been the cause. Omaha Black Hander Sentenced. Omaha , April 7. Pasqualo Mazzoo , an alleged member of the Black Hand organization , was sentenced to thir teen mouths in the federal prison at Fort Leavonworth with a fine of $100 by Judge W. H. Munger in the United I States district court today. Mazzeo pli-aded guilty to sending two threat ening letters through the mails to an Italian banker at Geneva , N. Y. , de manding money. SILVER RAINED IN THE STREET. Bank Sack Filled With Quarters Burst , Broadway Was Quite Upset. New York , April 7. Several hun dred near mine prospectors , composed mainly of newsboys , peddlers , white wings and street Arabs took part In a maddened rush for the silver re gions which were temporarily situat ed in and around the Citizens' Central National bank at 320 Broadway , about 10 o'clock this morning. A largo can vas bag containing hundreds of dollars lars in quarters , burst open and sent a. stream of flashing silver coins in all directions. The motor car which brings the treasure to the bank had drawn up to the curb and was being unloaded un der the watchful eyes of Dennis Mahoney - honey , a policeman. As the bag with the quarters was taken off the ma chine something ripped and the quart ers rolled out. Dennis blow like mad on his police whistle and from all di rections came the traffic men , officers In plain clothes , men and others. They formed a circle around the place whore the quarters had fallen and just in time. The sight of the silver , twinkling here and there as the coins rolled In all directions , sot Broadway mad with the lust for gain. Everybody tried to grab a coin or two , or throe , while the cops stood guard and beat them off. Fruit vendors loft their stalls , I / business men loft tholr offices , news . / boys stopped shouting "Extra , " , traf vj. fic was blocked north , south , east and west while the scramble for quarters wont on , But most of the coins wore recovered by the owners. There was one real benefit. Street cleaners swept as they never had believed they could sweep and that block was the cleanest in all the city. T , R , AS BRIDEGROOM AG/HN / He nnd Mrs. Roosevelt Renew Drive on Slope of Alps. Spozln , Italy. April 7 Theodore Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt began the day with a carriage drive along the Htiuny slopes of the Llgurla Alps , the road they followed as bride and groom twenty-four years ago. The day was as beautiful as could he wished. They expeet to reach Genoa late Saturday. Storing Up the Eggs. Chicago , April 7. Seventy-two mil lion eggs are said to have been taken off the open market recently and deal ers said one of the effects of this wilt bo to keep up retail prices. It was de clared that the entire central west was being canvassed for eggs which were being rushed to cold storage , rather than to the retail market. To Raise Western Freight Rates. Chicago , April 7. Progress toward an advance In the freight rates on many commodities on the part of the railroads running west c" iCeiV'stu which has been feared by II for several weeks , was made , it is bo- lloved , at a mooting of the presidents and chief executive olllcors in charge of trallic of the western linos. A "MONSTER" WITH 21 WIVES. "Baron Lichenstein" Also an "Abom inable Liar , " the Judge Said. Now York , April 7. In sentencing Arthur V. Zimmerman , known as Baron - on Llchonstoln , who was convicted of perjury In connection with his mar riage to two women , Judge Dike , in the county court of Brooklyn , today severely denounced the prisoner , re ferring to him as an "Inhuman mons ter" and "abominable liar , " nnd declar ing that the evidence had shown he had at different times married twenty- one women. Judge Dike gave Zimmerman the limlt of the law , sentencing him to Sing Sing for an indeterminate sen tence of not more than nine years and eight months and not less than four years and six months. As the court imposed sentence Zimmerman stood before the bench , palo and trembling , continually shaking his head in pro test as the denunciation was heaped upon him. The judge's statement fol lows : "Zimmerman , you have been mar ried to twenty-one women , eleven of whom have become mothers of your children , and ono the mother of twins. 'From all those women ypu have ob tained money. You thought by run ning away to Canada you were safe from our laws , hut you forgot you had committed the crime of perjury , and through this you have been con victed also of the crime of bigamy. It is impossible to show how many women you have married. "You shake your head as you stand there , but you know that this is true , because you have confessed to the de tectives. You are an inhuman mons ter. Yon are an abominable liar. I give you all the law allows. " Zimmerman , who is about 50 years old , a rather distinguished looking man with a goatee , was arrested in Hamilton , Out. , on complaint of Mrs. Louise Hall of Brooklyn , one of his many wives. Bigamy not being an extraditable offense , a charge of per jury was preferred against him in that ho had sworn falsely in taking out the marriage license. Posing as a Ger man of noble rank , the man is al leged to have married many women in different parts of the country and deserted thorn after obtaining money from them. A MAN DEFENDS HAT PINS. Washington , April 7. Washington women may jab holdup men and mash ers with long hat pins all they desire and no ono in congress will rise up to cry "Outrage,1" according to Major Sylvester , superintendent of police of the District of Columbia. "Wo have In Washington 16,000 more women than men , " said Majoi Sylvester today in discussing the agi tation against long hat pins. "Such predominance of the gentler sex can have only one result. Numbers of women are obliged to go about the streets at night without escorts , and numerous Instances have come to the attention of this department where wo men assailed by marauders at night have used hat pins with telling effect. "Of course , there always will bo Isolated instances of accidents , but it seems to me that when nil is said and done on this subject , the hat pin's value as a weapon of defense to a woman so far outweighs all ar guments as to its danger that this de partment does not feel justified in is suing a restrictive order. BOSTON BAD FOR BABIES. Percentage of Deaths There Greater Than in New York or Chicago. Boston , April 7. A larger proportion tion of babies die in Boston before they are 1 year old than In Now York Chicago , Plttsburg , San Francisco , St. Louis , Cleveland , Milwaukee , Clncln uati or Buffalo. Boston does not per mil the death of as many out of 100 as Fall River , whoso married women are in Its Industries and whoso mothers ors , at the mercy of machinery , lost 260 out of 1,000 babies born to them In 1900 and 380 In 1908. More died In Lowell also than In Boston , for the same economic reasons. In 1909 Bos ton lost 173 out of every 1,000 babies born. These statements are taken from the report of the Milk and Baby Hygiene association. THREE BANK ROBBERS SHOT FIVE BANDITS SECURE $5,000 IN BANK NEAR CHICAGO. POSSE FIRES , CAPTURING TRIO The Men Captured the Nlghtwatch- man and the Night Engineer of the Electric Light Station Then EC- caped on Santa Fe Train. Chicago , April 7. Five masked ban dits escaping with $5,000 stolen from the bank of Coal City , at Coal City , 111. , exchanged shots with a posse today , three of the robbers being wounded and captured. Coal City is twenty-six miles south west of Chicago. The population was aroused by the explosion in the bank. U Jiinu'i iv-Ui . Society entered the town on _ _ Hid began operations by capturing Barney Ghetto , the night- watchman , and Washington Fryo , the night engineer of the electric light plant. The men entered the bank , blew open the safe and , with the money they found , fled to the railroad , where they leaped on a Santa Fe freight train. Part of the plunder consisted of stamps. Throe hours later three men , suffer ing from shot wounds , were arrested at Morris , 111. The wounds were re ceived , it is reported , when a posse formed along the line of the Santa Fe came up with the fugitives. Phones the Next Town. As the train carrying the bandits pulled out of the town , Ghetto suc ceeded in cutting his bonds and rushed to the telephone and notified the nightwatchman at Mason , seven miles south of Coal City. Ho , with Dr. E. D. Watts laid in wait for the robbers. Watts was armed witli a repeating shotgun and Marshal Miller carried a revolver. Twenty-five Shots Exchanged. At JMason the freight train stopped to switch cars. The bandits leaped from the train and hid In a clump of shrubbery near the track. Miller and the physician discovered their hiding place and opened fire , which was promptly returned , twenty- five or more shots being exchanged. When the train started the bandits leaped aboard nnci again escaped. Autos Race After Train , Men Shoot. Immediately the sheriff at Morris was notified. Several automobiles were pressed inj.o service and the pur suit began , the machines following the Santa Fe right-of-way. After a time the motor cars sped directly along side the freight train , members of the posse occasionally firing at dark ob jects which were thought to be the bandits. When the train came to a stop at Veron , near Morris , the cars were searched by the sheriff and Ills men. Capture Three Wounded , Two Gone. Three of the fugitives were found. All were wounded. The other two had fled. It is believed they leaped off the train from the side opposite the pursuers and escaped with the booty. The prisoners were taken to Morris , whore they refused to give their names. Shipload of Dynamite Explodes. Tokio , April 7. A lighter loaded with dynamite in the harbor of Kobe caught fire today , causing an explo sion that killed three persons , wrecked many houses on the water front and causing a monetary damage of $250- " 000. Memphis Aviation Meets Start. Memphis , April 7. Knowing that the opening day of Memphis' first aviation meet proved a distinct dis appointment , thousands of visitors wont to the trl-stato fair grounds to day. The program arranged for yes terday in the aeroplane events was postponed until today on account of the high wind. Glenn H. Curtiss planned to break his standing start record and Charles F. Wlllard to re duce his accuracy record of twenty- five feet. Nearly Lost $1,000. Aberdeen , S. D. , April 7. Peter Greenstein doesn't believe In banks. 'J hereforo when he sold his house the other day preparatory to moving on a claim in the west part of the state ho did not deposit the money , $1,000 , in a bank , but hid it away in an old bu reau drawer. Later during Mr. Green- stein's absence Mrs. Greenstein sold the bureau to n second hand furniture dealer. When Mr. Greenstein reached home his wlfo proudly told him of the bargain she had made , nnd was as tonished when her husband with a yell of consternation broke for the door and ran hurriedly down the street. He was just in time , for the second hand dealer was dickering with a customer for the bureau when Greonstein ap peared on the scene , rushed hurriedly to the piece of furniture , pulled out a receptacle and rescued the $1,000 all In crisp greenbacks. STREET CAR STRIKE AVERTED Columbus , Ohio , Car Men Vote to Ac cept Companys' Offer. Columbus , O. , April 7. The newly formed union of the motormcn and conductors of the Columbus Street Car company voted early today to ac cept the offer of the company and thus the threatened strike was averted. Tlit > compromise was brought about by Joseph Bishop of the state board if arbitration. The compromise gives the man a cent an hour Increase , being based on the time that the men have been em ployed by the company. An addition al half cent an hour will b > > given the men after January , 1911. SECOND BROOKLYN OANK PALS The Borough Bank of Brooklyn Closes Doors Deposits Two Million. Now York , April 7. The Borough Bank of Brooklyn closed Its doors to day and the superintendent of banks has taken possession of Its business. The hank has a capital of $200,000 , with deposits aggregating over $2,000.- 000. B. It. Shears is president. This Is the second bank failure In Brooklyn within a week , the first being the Union Bank of Brooklyn. Another man had his foot crushed shortly before McMillln was killed. Superintendent Chenny said that the conditions attending the closing of the hank were almost Identical with those which led to the closing of the Union bank. As was the case witli the Union bank , the Borough was obliged to sus pend during the panic of 1907 and was reorganized later. The new manage ment was obliged to assume liabilities which have been a heavy load and the suspension of the Union bank had a bad effect on the Borough , which was known to bo in the same position. The Borough bank closed its doors In October , 1907 , and on the charge that the Institution's funds had been mis appropriated , its president , Howard Maxwell , and its cashier , Charles W. Burscher and Arthur D. Campbell were indicted. President Maxwell commit ted suicide a few days later by cutting his throat. HE WOULO BE IOWA GOVERNOR WARREN GARST FORMALLY AN NOUNCES HIS CANDIDACY. TO OPPOSE CARROLL AT POLLS Garst Was Lieutenant Governor Un der Senator Cummirs When the Lat ter Was Chief Executive of State. Runs on Progressive Ticket. Dos Moines , April 7. Warren Garst of Coon Hapids , la. , lieutenant gov ernor during the last term of Senator Cummins as governor , today an nounced himself as a progressive can didate for the republican nomination for governor of Iowa , opposing Gov ernor B. F. Carroll. BRYAN MAKES STATEMENT. Wont Run for Senator , Nor Start Pro hibitionist Paper. San Juan , P. H. , April 7. W. J. Bryan , who is touring the island , took occasion to deny certain reports which have reached him as to his intention on returning to the United States. He smilingly declined to say what lie would do , but declared himself on some of the tilings he would not do. Ho said he would not start a prohibi tion paper and he would not be a can didate for the senate. The change in the rules committee of the house of representatives lie said , "pleases mo. " Mr. Bryan will be a passenger on the steamer Caracas , which sails for New York April 13. He has been greeted by large crowds at Uie various town in Porto Hlco through which ho has passed. He delivered a lecture at the municipal theater here , the pro ceeds of which will go to charities. DISCUSS IT AT WHITE HOUSE. Cardinal Gibbons Makes Unexpected Visit and Talks With Taft. Washington. April 7. Cardinal Gib bous made an unexpected visit to the white house yesterday , and when leav ing snld that the Incident at Rome had boon mentioned. "Both the president and I expressed regret , " said the cardinal , "but I as sure you the mention of the affair was entirely casual. " Killed By Train. Fremont , Nob. , April 7. A moment after ho stopped onto the track at the Northwestern coal chutes at East Bud yesterday noon William M. Dodson , a laborer , was struck and fatally Injured by passenger train No. 310. The vic tim died wliile being taken to the hos pital. Dodson was employed at the coal chutes as a coal henver. He had boon In the coal house for a few min utes and had just stepped out onto the truck whore the accident occurred. plho door opens within a few feet of the rails. The body was thrown fully twenty feet from the tracks. Fighting In Turkey. Prlstiua , Turkey , April 7. The ar rival of heavy reinforcements has en abled the Turkish troops to temporarily arily check the advance of the clans men who have been threatening Pris- Una , but it was only after severe fight ing for two days In the vicinity of River Lnbdur with losses on both sides that the government troops were able to bar the victorious inarch of the Albanians. The latter are await ing reinforcements from the clansmen to the southwest , when It Is expected the fighting will be resumed. CLIMAX IN THE BIG GRAFT CASE INDICT FRANK N. HOFFSTOT , CAR COMPANY PRESIDENT. BANKER CONFESSES HE BRIBED Hoffstot , President of the Pressed Steel Car Company and One of the , Most Prominent Business Men In the Country , Held for Bribery. Plttsburg , April 7. The climax promised In the Pittshurg graft ex posures came , us promised , late yes terday with the presentment by the grand jury of a lengthy report in which is recommended the Indictment' ' of Frank N. Hoffstot , president of the ] Pressed Steel Car company and one | of the most prominent business men In the country. Simultaneously in open court came a plea of Bmll Winter , president of the Worklngmans Savings and Trust com pany , that he had no defense to make to the charge that ho gave a $20,000 bribe to former Councilman Morris B. Instolii. Hoffstot Paid a $52,500 Bribe. The following In abbreviated form are some of the most startling find ings in the grand jury's presentment made public last night : 1. That Frank N. Hoffstot , presi dent of the Pressed Stool Car company and president of the German National bank of Allegheny and prominently identified with other banks , paid to Charles Stewart , a former councilman , the sum of $52,500. 2. That the money was a bribe used in influencing the votes of councllmon to pass an ordinance naming three banks in which Hoffstot was interest ed as official depositaries of the city's millions. I ! . That the arrangement for the payment of the money to Stewart was made in the spring of 190S and that the Into James. W. Friend , at that time an official of the Pressed Steel Car company , \sas an associate in the transaction. Attorney Refuses to Take Part. 4. That the original plan which Friend had was to obtain the services of William A. Blakeley , who was then a practicing attorney here but who is npw the district attorney in charge of graft prosecutions , as a stakeholder of the bribe money until the ordinance had passed. fi. That Attorney Blakeley declined to act in the capacity named and warned all parties of the criminality of the proposition and of the liability to prosecution if It went further. 6. That subsequent to Mr. Blake- ley's refusal , Messrs. Friend and Hoff stet complete an arrangement with Stewart whereby Hoffstot would payer or cause to be paid to Stewart the sum named $52,500. 7. That the transaction was ar ranged to be made in New York city and took place there in June , 1908 , in order , if possible , to avoid criminal liability in Allegheny county. 5. That Hoffstot did also solicit and secure from ono James N. Young , cashier of the Second National bank of Pittsburg , the sum of $21,000 , to be paid Stewart to insure the selection of the Second National as one of the favored city depositories. Stewart Demanded a Bribe. 9. That Stewart did demand from the now deceased Friend , who was act ing as agent for the Second National bank , a bribe for Stewart's vote in favor of the bank ordinances. 10. That in accordance with the findings , it be recommended that in dictments charging conspiracy and bribery be returned. The Banks Involved. Banks named as ultimate principals to profit by the bribes alleged to have been paid by Hoffstot , to Stewart , are : The Farmers Deposit National bank , the Second National hank of Pittsburg and the German National bank of Al legheny. In addition to these three the Co lumbia National bank of Plttsburg , the German National bank of Plttsburg , and the Workingmens Savings nnd Trust company of Allegheny wore named as city depositaries in the ordi nance passed July 9 , 190S over the mayor's veto. Banker's Confession a Sensation. The plea of nolo contendero made by President Bmil Winter of the Workingmens Savings and Trust com pany was no less a sensation than thi ; report of the grand jury. Ho was charged with the payment of a $10,000 bribe to Morris B. Insteln , a former select councilman. When Winter ap peared in court , Judge H. S. Fraser , who is presiding in graft cases , asked to bo excused from hearing the pica. Judge Fraser explained that on ac count of his long and intimate friend ship with Mr. Winter ho wanted to have nothing to do with the case. Winter was then taken before Judges Thomas D. Cnruavan and J. M. Sear- Ingou and entered the formal plea. Sentence was postponed. Hoffstot Figured In Recent Strike. Frank N. Hoffstot , as president of the Pressed Stool Car company , ono of the largest Industries of its kind In the country , recently figured promi nently In the public eye while a strike was on at his plant In McKocs Hocks. During the long mouth's suspension there wore many riots nud many per sons killed , nnd the state troopers were called out. CONDITION OF THE WEATHIRi Temperature for Twenty-four HDUTK. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum 7 < i Minimum -if ! Average lil Barometer 29.70 Chicago , April 7. The Itullotlii Is sued by the Chicago station of the 1'nltoil States wuather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Fair tonight and Friday ; cooler to night. ' IN SOCIALISTIC MILWAUKEE Newly Elected Mayor Tells What He Intends to Do. Milwaukee , April 7.-"The first step of the socialist-democratic party will bo to reassure the people and relieve tholr minds of apparent fear that our victory moans the entire overturning of business In this city , " said Bmll Seldol , Milwaukee's newly elected so cialist mayor. i ' " 1 hero will bo no Utopia , no milieu- turn , none of the wild antl-overytlilng that our opponents have charged to us. There will be no policy bosses , no one-man policy. i "Wo shall give every ono In the party a chance to bo hoard and to voice ills sentiments. "Our plans are now In an embryonic condition , so 1 can not discuss them at length. i "As to corporations , we shall make them pay their share of the taxes nnd improve the lot of the worklngman. "We will do nothing revolutionary , nothing that would turn the tide of sentiment against us. "If any question arises which the administration can ubt handle , we will refer It to the electorate as a whole. "After all , they are the only bosses. The socialist party has been given a chance to show its merit. We can do tills by insistent and consistent con servation. "In a way wo are on trial and will show the people of what mottle we are made. 1 "This election was not the result of one campaign. It is the victory that comes to a cause after twenty-six years of the hardest kind of work. Wo have flooded this town with literature and have had men on the stump in and out of campaign times , educating the workingmen to the opportunities that lay before them. "We have not promised the work- ingmoii or the city at largo an Imme diate panacea for all ills. Wo have promised the best government that wo can give and wo are going to live up to that promise. " Rain is Needed. West Point , Neb. , April 7. Special to The News. The continuing dry weather is having disastrous effect upon the small grain sown throughout the country- Wheat Is up , hut owing to the loose , friable condition of the topsoil is making very little headway and in some instances has been blown out o ftlie ground. Oats are lying dormant in the ground there being ab solutely no moisture on the surface , not sufficient to germinate the seed. Bvery slight wind raises clouds of dust and the air is filled with flying particles of dirt. Rain is badly need-1 od throughout tills entire portion of tlie state. Voting On Strike. Cincinnati , April 7. The joint com mittee representing the Order of Hail- road Conductors and the Brotherhood of Hallway Trainmen , whose demands were refused in part by the Cincin nati , Hamilton and Dayton railroad on Tuesday , ordered a referendum vote among the members of the two unions as to whether or not to call n strike. WON'T MEDDLE WITH TARIFF. Chairman Payne Refuses to Take Bill Onto Floor of House. Wnshington , April 7. Flatly declin ing to precipitate "tariff disturbance" by calling a mooting of the ways and means committee of the house to con sider placing cattle and meats on the free list for one year to relieve the high price of foods , Chairman Payne In nn open letter to Hoprosentative Foolker of New York , declares that a majority of the committee opposes any amendment to the tariff law. Mr. Foolker in a reply asks the com mittee to reconsider and "if they will not grant mo a hearing and are op posed to the bill that they will report the bill adversely and thus give the members of the whole house a chance to sny whether they are in favor or against the measure. " Mr. Payne , who is republican floor leader , says in his letter that he can vassed the republicans of the com mittee and that they are opposed to the Foolker bill because they did not believe the tariff which it proposes would Improve the law and that if the committee brought in Kich a bill , and It came up in the house for consld- , oration , the tariff law would bo open to amendment In every paragraph and schedule and would disturb business so long as the result was uncertain and halt , If not destroy , the wonder ful advance In business which would follow Immediately after Its enact ment. "I can not think of anything which would bo more- disastrous , " ho says. Mr. Payne comments on the great de mand for foodstuffs. Increase in busi ness and wages and universal employ ment of labor and says ; "All the people have plenty of mon . ey , which tends often to extravagance i and waste. " THREE i BOYS I J ! TO PRISON MYTHICAL BANK FRAUD SCHEME LANDS THE YOUTHS. NONE OF THEM OVER 20 YEARS I The Lads Faked Up a Fictitious Bank Which Gave to Themselves Outlnnd- Ish Credits , Enabljng Them to Se cure Merchandise. Covlngton , Ky. , April 7. Three .vouths , each less than 20 , were taken to tlu federal prison at Atlanta , On. . today to serve sentences of a year Im posed by the United States district court for a fraudulent banking si-homo which they conducted In the llttlu mountain town of Orr , Ky. A fourth was sentenced to four months In jail. The boys profited about $2HOO by tlii'ir scheme , which Included the es tablishment of " " a mythical "hank" which gave wholesale dealers glowing accounts of their credit , enabling them to obtain large shipments of merchan dise. David Prince and Marion and Richmond Sparks were sent to prison and George White received the Jail sentence. HASN'T ANSWERED INDIANA. Will Walt a While Before Making Up Mind to Change Plan. Washington , April 7. President Tnft has not yet replied to telegrams from Indianapolis urging him to re consider his decision not to visit that city on May 5. The president has been informed that other telegrams and lei- tors are on their way to Washington and ho will make no answer until all are received. To the callers at the white house today President Tnft de clared politics hail nothing to do with Ills decision , lie said he had read Senator Beverldgo's speech some tlmo ago. before lie accepted the invitation. Wliilo the president had the opportu nity to read Senator Boveridge's speech It was not submitted to him by the Indiana senator , nor was it sub mitted with any idea of executive ap proval or disapproval. Havelock Boilermakers Strike. Lincoln , April 7. Special to The News : Ono hundred and fifty boilermakers - makers in the Havelock shops struck at ! t o'clock this morning. Dissatisfac tion with the piece work system was the exciting cause. Other boilonnak- ers in Burlington shops in the state are expected to quit work. CAMPAIGN AGAINST FLIES NOW. Topeka , April 7. Dr. S. J. Crum- bine , secretary of the Kansas hoard of can to show how dangerous flics rrn and how easy it is to bof rid of them. Within a short time we will bcnln sending out the 'swat the fly' placards to be posted in every postofllco and I wherever the local health officers can place them. | "The placards are about the most effective plan wo have of fighting the little pests. They arouse the citizens to clean up and keep their places clean. "The university is mnkiiig experi ments with the parasite that kills largo numbers of ( lies late in the sum mer. We are going to Hud out about tills parasite and see why It does network work earlier in the year and try to propagate it and then send the para site out like they do the fungus for f l.incli and green bum " health , is preparing to start the "swat the fly" campaign. The first move will be a letter to every mayor of a Kansas town. The letter will urge that every manitir and j trash pile he cleaned up and oilher burned or covered. "These barn refuse and trash pile.s are the breeding places of the flies and to remove thorn is the preventive measure nnd is many more times ef fective than any euro , " said Doctor Crumbino today. HUMAN EYE A DECEIVER. Objects are Falsified by Nerves Which "Correct" Images , Says Doctor. Chicago , April 7. The eye is not us accurate as any well made optical Instrument , " was the state ment made by Dr. Henry Gradle , pn- fcsKor emeritus at Northwestern medi cal college , in a talk on "Illumination and the Bye , " at a luncheon given by the Blectric club yesterday. "Tho optic nerves , which 'correct' images in the eye. really falsify ob jects , " Dr. Grndle said. "No eye is as accurate as n well made optical Instru ment a camera for Instance. The eye has a wonderful power of adapt ing itself to different degrees of il lumination. If we outer a dark space * we see nothing distinctly at first. But soon the eye adjusts itself and objects begin to loom up. "In order to avoid fatiguing repeti tions of this adaptation it Is host to have any artificial illumination uni form and not concentrated In any part of one room. That Is , It is bolter to have several lights around a room ami not ono big chandelier. "To relieve the fatigue of concen trating the eye on ono object , as In sowing , for instance , whore a certain i focus Is maintained , it Is n help for the seamstress to look off Into the distance for n second or two at per iods of five or ten minutes. "