The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 25, 1910, Image 1

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, . . . ,
NORFOLK NIOHKASKA. Kill DAY. KKIUM'.MIY ! > : > 1)10 ! )
Caught In the Act of Secretly Working
Up a Movement to Transfer a Thriv
ing Norfolk Company to Omaha ,
Secretary Is Tossed Over Transom ,
II. E , Williams In no longer secre
tary of the Elkhorn Life and Acci
dent association of Norfolk. He was
summarily llred at a meeting of the
directors last evening. He has been
guilty of what the officers consider
gross treachery to the company , and
when ho refused to comply with the
request to resign he was simply kick
ed over the transom and the transom
locked behind him. J. B. Maylard ,
vice president and auditor of the
company , was placed In charge as
secretary until other arrangements are
Trick to Move to Omaha.
Mr. Williams was caught In an ef
fort to remove the headquarters of
the company from NorfoU to Omaha ,
without the knowledge , consent or
sanction of a single officer of the com
pany except himself. A few days ago
he Burreptlclously sent out a circular
atrongly advocating the removal , and
asking pollcyholders to vote upon the
question as to whether the headquar
ters of the company should remain in
Norfolk or bo removed to Omaha.
While these circulars purported to
come from the office of the company
and were sent out on company station
ery , as a matter of fact they were sent
from some other place , so that his as
sistant in the office did not even
know what was going on. He very
carefully neglected to mail a single
copy of the circular to any policy-
bolder or member of the company In
this city.
News Comes Like Thunderbolt.
The llrst known of the attempt to
move the company was yesterday af
ternoon , when one of the officers re
ceived from a pollcyholder In an out-
aide town , a letter containing copy of
the circular and return postal card ,
asking what was meant by the move.
The audacity of the scheme came
as a thunderbdii to the officers of the
company and a meeting was hastily
arranged for last evening , when Mr.
Williams was confronted with the evi
dence and asked what he was trying
to do. Mr. Williams very cooly told
the directors that be proposed to move
the headquarters and If they did netlike
like the situation they might all re
\ He Is Instantly Fired.
They declined to see things his
way , but on the other hand requested
him to resign Instanter. When his
resignation was not forthcoming the
board discharged him and elected J ,
B. Maylard as secretary. Mr. May
lard immediately took possession ol
the office and ordered Mr. Williams tc
keep out.
The Elkhorn Valley Life and Accl
dent association was organized sis
years ago as a Norfolk Institution and
has been doing a splendid business
having at the present time over $50 ,
000 In first class securities in thi
hands of the secretary of state , anc
considering assets and liabilities ii
Is one of the strongest companle li
not the strongest In the state.
A Norfolk Company.
It Is officered by some of Norfolk'i
leading business men , Dr. P. H. Salter
tor being president and medical dl
rector ; J. B. Maylard , vice preslden
and auditor ; T. P. MemmlnBer , secom
vice president ; Jack Koenlgsteln
treasurer ; Burt Mapes counsel. Thesi
men , with George D. Buttorfleld o
Norfolk , Dr. Morris of Wisner , and J
C. Osborn of Battle Creek , constltuti
the board of directors. D. W. Ziegle
Is superintendent 01 agencies.
There Is no criticism of Mr. Wil
Hams' method of handling the busl
ness of the Institution.
It Is a mutual company partlclpatci
in by polieyholders residing all eve
the northern part of the state , and be
ins an Institution that Is making good
the officers who are all Interested li
the upbuilding of this city and th
northeast part of the state and fos
terlng as many sound enterprises li
this section of the country as possible
are particularly enraged over the ai
tempt to remove the company t
The annual meeting of pollcyholder
is to be held next week , when a nei
secretary will bo elected. It was c
this meeting that Mr. Williams ev
dently Intended to spring his proxle
to remove to Omaha , and If ho had nc
been caught at It Norfolk would hav
lost another first class Institution.
Picturesque Scene When Nlobrar
House Starts to Burn In Night.
Niobrara , Nob. , Feb. 24. Special I
The News : James Garvoy's house i
have past 1 o'clock a. m. was parti
burned. An overheated stove set soir
of the woodwork on lire. A masqu
rado ball was In full swing and mar
of the dancers In their plcturesqi
costumes helped to extinguish the fir
Fay Melons Salt * Out.
Enola , Neb. , Jfcb. 24. Bpoclal
'he News : Fay Miilouc , formerly of
Ciiola , now at Nampa , Ida , , lias sold
IH wholesale grain and feed business
> the Caldwell Mill and ICIevator Co ,
no of the largest concerns In the
oHt. Fay was elected manager at a
, oed salary.
"X E. Thompson In Lincoln.
. ] ; ' ' ) , Feb. 21. I ) . 10. Thompson ,
. 4 * ' - < lor to Mexico and now
rcHld fy " .tho Pan-American rail-
ay , an ' " this city fioin Mexico
la New 4fcNl < ' will look after
rlvnto Intel. " < 1 \\111 leave for
hursday's Record Price , $9.70 , Was 5
Cents Higher Than That of the Pre
ceding Day and Other Markets Re
flected the Advance.
Chicago , Feb. 24. Another step to-
, 'ard tlio $10 hog of 1870 was taken
oday at the Chicago stock yards when
vo hogs sold at ? 9.70. This was an
dvance of 5 cents per hundredweight
vor yesterday's record price of 19.65.
South Omaha , Fob. 24. Hogs sold
s high as $9.30 here today , as against
9.35 yesterday.
Nebraska Democrat , Tired of Running
for Governor , Will Try New Plan.
Lincoln , Fob. 24. George W. Berge ,
: iree times a candidate for governor ,
as about decided to switch , and Is
; ettlng ready to come out as a sena-
orial candidate. Berge was nomlnat-
d in 1904 , and made a strong race
gainst Mickey. He was elbowed aside
the two succeeding conventions for
Shallenbcrger , and has made up his
iilnd that if he gets into the race
gain ho would simply divide the coun-
y option and temperance vote and per-
nit Mayor Jim Dahlman to walk off
vlth the gubernatorial nomination.
W. H. Thompson of Grand Island is
he only man who has so far announc-
d himself as a candidate for the dem-
cratic nomination for senator. The
ntest gossip Is that Congressman
Iltchcock prefers his present certain-
y In the lower house to the chances
f losing out altogether.
The one man that' ' most of the can-
idates fear Is former Senator W. V.
Mien of Madison. Mr. Allen insists
hat ho has given no one permission
o use his name as a candidate , but a
ireat deal of pressure is being brought
o bear to get him to announce him-
elf. Although a populist , Allen has
, -ery many warm supporters among
he democrats , and county leaders like
Ed. Falcoon of Richardson county , de
clare he would easily win.
Allen has been plugging steadily
away at the law over since his retire
ment , and insists that he is happy and
prosperous and not particularly anx-
ous to get Into the senate again by
way of a terrific primary fight followed
by a partisan contest.
Marvellous Value of Coal Lands There
Causes New Legislation.
Washington , Feb. 24. The recent
startling testimony concerning the
value of coal deposits In AJaska giver
before the senate committee on terrl
lories by Manager Birch of the Gug
genhelm-Morgan Alaskan syndicate
: ias resulted in a movement In the sen
ate In the Interest of permanent reten
tion of the title to the Alaska coal de
posits by the United States and bills
looking to that end were introduced
by Senator Boveridge , chairman of th (
committee on territories. The bills
wore referred to the committee or
public lands and Senator Nelson
chairman of that committee , gave assurance
suranco that such legislation would b <
Naval Committee Demands Evidenci
That He Reached North Pole.
Washington , Feb. 24. Peary's proof :
that ho reached the nortli polo wen
called for by the naval committee o
the house.
During his last leave of absenci
from the navy department Mr. Pear ;
worked under the direction of that dc
partmcnt. A member of the nava
committee said that they hud uothini
more than "general reports" tha
Peary had reached the polo and tha
the committee felt that they should b
furnished with something official.
Snow Blockade in Dakota.
St. Paul , Feb. 24. A dispatch froi
Goodwin , S. D. , says that a Northwesi
ern passenger train was stalled in
drift for nine hours near that plac
and that passengers were taken 1
wagons to the city , where they remuii
ed until snow plows arrived and n
leased the train. The Dakota an
Black Hills express on the Northwes
ern road arrived at Wlnona , Minn
shortly before midnight , the fin
through train to reach that city froi
Rapid City In three days. The passei
gers were weary and suffering froi
the cold.
Vlr. Crumb wns Riding Across the
Country with Five Companions He
Was an Old Resident of Brown
County Bachelor 50 Years of Age
Alnswortli , Nob. , Fob. 21. Dyei
'rutnb , a prominent rancher residing
ifteen miles north of Alnswortli , wat
brown from his horse and lnstautl >
tilled last evening about 6 o'clock
Mr. Crumb was riding across countr >
vtth live companions when his horsi
oil , throwing him to the ground. Mr
Crumb was an old time resident ol
his county , a bachelor nbout CO years
Mall Car Breaks Down.
The mall car on the M. & O. trair
running from Sioux City to Norfolk
ast night , broke down at Hoskins.
Mississippi Senator , Retiring , Preside :
Over Senate an Hour.
Washington , Feb. 24. Colonel Gor
ion , the venerable senator from Mis
slssippi , celebrated bis last official da ;
n the senate by presiding over thai
body for nn hour yesterday.
When Vice President Sherman re
sumed the gavel the senator handec
over with it a piece of papep on whlcl
10 had been writing while occupying
ho chair. On the paper appearei
hose lines :
sat in the president's chair today ,
When the senate was drowsy and thii
Vnd a nice young chap was prattinj
Who had never had hair on his chin
V bright little fellow by namcj of
Brown ,
Who should be at home in his awn lit
tie town
Studying on some primitive institutioi
The A , B , C's of the great constltu
'vo been chased by the Kanks am
have suffered from sin
And have writhed In my bed from terrible
riblo pain.
But if God forgives me for where I
have been
' 11 promise never to sit here again. '
Senator Brown of Nebraska , whi
was speaking , is referred to in tlv
Huron Insurgents Plan to Prevent Re )
erendum Vote.
Deadwood , S. D. , Feb. 24. It ii
learned on excellent authority that i
firm of Huron attorneys Is now pre
paring papers in a suit that will b
shortly filed in the state suprem
court to prevent the recent law crt
ating congressional districts in Soul !
Dakota from being referendumed.
This is declared to be a trump car
of the Insurgent republicans in th
fierce battle Just commencing betwee ;
the stalwart and insurgent factions o
the party. The last legislature , con
trolled by the Insurgents , passed a la\
cutting South Dakota Into two dls
trlcts , thus causing the two congress
men who are now elected at larg
throughout the state to be voted on ii
a much smaller section. The object c
the law was to defeat Congressma
Burke by placing him In a district coi
trolled largely by insurgents and wit
almost no stalwart counties.
The stalwarts then got busy and cii
culated petitions requesting the lai
be voted on at the next general ele <
tion in November. This was done ui
dor the initiative and referendum la'
In force In this state.
Now it Is claimed that lawyers 1
the Insurgent ranks have dlscovere
that It is contrary to law to reforei
dum such an act as that passed by th
legislature redistricting the state an
that law must stand until repealei
To prove their assertions they wi
bring suit in the state supreme com
against Secretary of State Policy , wh
Is made the nominal defendant , t
prevent him from placing the referei
dum on the ballot to bo voted on.
is expected that the question will b
decided before the Juno primaries an
in plenty of time so that If the suit :
won both Congressmen Burke an
Martin must be voted on in separnl
dlstiicts in the Juno primaries. Shoul
tills be the result , as anticipated I
the Insurgent leaders , It would in a
probability defeat Burke by leavlu
him In a strongly Insurgent terrltoi
and elect Martin for the reason thi
the Black Hills and much of the dl
trlct west of tlio river in which I
would bo placed by the district law
strongly stalwart. The insurgen
would therefore gain ono congrcssnu
by the deal.
Senator Thomas Morris of LaCrosi
Gives up Gubernatorial Fight.
Milwaukee , Wis. , Feb. 24. Sonati
LoFollette has bad four troubles
Wisconsin this winter , In the form
four aspirants for the republican noi
inatlon for governor on the LaFollet
One of the four troubles disappear !
with the announcement of Bonat
ThoimiB Morris of LaCrosse that he
had decided to give up the race for the
llrst place on the ticket , and would be
Instead a candidate for the lieutenant
Yankton Adopts Commission Plan ,
Ynnkton , S. D. , Feb. 24. This city
adopted the commission form of gov
ernment by a majority of 30 to 1. A
light vote was polled.
Elliott's Services From July 11 , 19C i ,
to March 4 , 1907 , Have Never Been
Paid for Was Deposed by Former
Senator Klttredge.
Washington , Feb. 2I. Special to
The News : Senator Gamble secured
the passage of a bill appropriating
$2,599 due James D. Elliott as salary
I for services performed as United
States district attorney for the dis
trict of South Dakota rroni July 11 ,
90C , to March 4 , 1907.
Early In the administration of Presl-
ent McKinley , Mr. Elliott was ap-
lolnted United States attorney for
lie district of South Dakota and his
ppointment was duly confirmed. At
lie end of the term- for which he was
ppointed bo was re-appointed and
erved a full second term. His sec-
nd term having expired he was re-
ppointed by President Roosevelt for
nether term , and under this reap-
ointment ho continued to serve after
lie expiration of his second term from
uly 1 , 1906 , until March 4 , 1907. Ow-
ng to the purely personal and fac-
ional opposition of ex-Senator Kitt-
edge his re-appointment by President
Roosevelt failed of confirmation with
he expiration of the Fifty-ninth con
gress , March 4 , 1907.
Secretary of War Dickinson Changes
Mind and Recommends Fund.
Washington , ' FVb. ' 24. Senator
5rown and Representative Klnkald
iad a conference with the secretary
f war relative to a bill which they
ointly introduced in their respective
ranches of congress providing an ap-
iroprlation of ? 50,000 to aid the city
f Crawford , Nob. , in construction of
water works , the present water sup-
) ly being polluted by hewage from
'ort Robinson. When the bill was
riginally introduced the secretary of
vnr was inclined to oppose it , In fact
10 did not see why the government
hould aid the town of Crawford
whatsoever. At yesterday's confer-
'nee Senator Brown and Representa-
Ive Klnkald produced evidence tend-
ng to show that the government ,
hrough Its military post at Fort
loblnson , was fouling water now bo
ng used at Crawford , greatly to Its
letrlment and to the menace of pub
ic health. Secretary Dickinson was
so impressed with the arguments of
he Nebraska representatives that he
agreed to change his former decision
ind send to congress a report favoring
he enactment of the legislation sug
gested whereby the town of Crawford
may be aided to secure a water works
The Government to Keep Faith.
Washington , Feb. 24. The bill pro
viding for the payment of overtime
laims of letter carriers excluded from
judgment or barred by limitation was
favorably reported by the senate com
mittee on claims February 21. A sim
ilar bill will probably be considered
ty the house committee on claims at
its meeting next Monday. The car
riers had boon Informed ollicially by
the post department that the depart
ment would settle with them for over
time work , but it did not do so , and
when carriers brought suit in the court
of claims they were met with the plea
of the statute of limitations wherever
the pay had accrued more than six
years before they sued the govern
ment. The committee takes position
that as the postofllce department told
the carriers that it would pay , it Is not
3 equitable for the government to plead
the statute of limitations to a suit.
Special Bill for Nebraska Children.
Washington , Feb. 24. Special tc
The News : The house committee of
public lands agreed to make a favor
able report on Representative Kiiv
kaid's bill to allow Fred K. and Lulu
Smith to remain upon the homestead
entered upon by their father some tor
years ago In Loup county , to live upoi
the property and make certain im
provements and prove up within three
years. It appears the father of tin
children , aged now Ifi and 12 yean
respectively , died about ton years ago
The body of the homesteader , Smith
was buried upon bis homestead am
the homestead and the children wen
cared for by neighbors. The statute
of limitation ran against them ai
heirs and it was found a special act o
congress would be necessary to prevent
vent the general land office under thi
law from ordering the cancellation o
th entry.
Dr. Hull's Attorney Immediately Ap
piles for a Writ of Habeas Corpus ;
Warrant Issued on Instructions from
Prosecuting Attorney.
Monroe City , Mo. , Feb. 21. Dr. J. 11
lull was arrested here at 8:30 : o'clock
his morning on a warrant Issued in
connection with the death of Professor -
ser J. T. Vaughn at Kirksvllle , Mo. ,
by Justice J. P. Carrothers at the re
quest of Prosecuting Attorney Helger
of Adalr county.
Dr. Hull's attorney applied for a
vrlt of habeas corpus as soon as the
varrant was served.
Later Goes to Kirksvllle.
When the warrant which charges
Dr. Hull with being implicated In the
nurdor by poison of Professor Vaughn
wns served , he was In consultation
with his attorney , U. A. McClintoek ,
) r. Hull submitted to arrest with much
igltation and his lawyer rushed to the
office of Justice Bell for a writ of 1m-
jeas corpus to prevent the prisoner
jelng taken to Kirksvllle. Although
Or. Hull's lawyers started for the Jus-
tlce's office , he did not ask for the
writ. He announced late that no writ
would be asked for and arrangements
were made to take the physician about
noon for Kirksvllle.
Says It Was Natural Death.
"I am confident It will be shown
; hat Professor Vaughn died from na <
tural causes , " Dr. Hull said after his
arrest. "I am well acquainted with
lira and bis wife's family , and have
.reated them all at times , and it is my
opinion that Professor Vaughn was a
sufferer from Bright's disease.
"Full acquaintance with the facts ol
iis death may show that it was poison
Ing from Bright's disease and , ol
course , explain his convulsions. I was
not present when he died and had nol
seen him for some time before that
and only offer this as a possible ox
Says He Furnished Poison to No One
"Whatever the cause of his death , ]
have nothing to fear as I : mi innocent
of It. I could have had no motive in
the matter , and I assuredly did nol
furnish any poison , In any form , tc
any person who could have admlnis
tered it to him. "
Another Arrest Expected.
Dr. Hull denied that he had visltet
Quincy with the other suspect whosi
name was frequently mentioned during
the Interview , who has not been ar
200 Picked Regular Army Veteran !
Help Maintain Order In Strike.
Philadelphia , Feb. 24. Mounted anc
amply equipped for any kind of ser
vice , the four companies of the Penn
sylvania state police , numbering 20 <
men , arrived here today ready to as
sist the local authorities in maintain
Ing order while the Philadelphia Rapic
Transit company attempts to operaU
its cars. The troopers are all plckec
men , veterans of the regular army
who have seen riot duty in all parts o
the state. Their presence Is expectei
to have a salutary effect upon the law
less element that has been wreckhif
street cars in different sections of thi
The first attempt to operate cars a
night since last Saturday will prob
ably be made by the company thli
The movement started yesterday b ;
prominent churchmen to bring abou
arbitration is regarded as an encout
aging sign by the strikers who al
along have claimed that all they de
sire is a fair arbitration of their griev
The rapid transit officials maintaii
there is nothing to arbitrate. The ;
say they would not take back any o
the strikers if they were willing to re
turn , and say further they have enoug ;
men to operate all their cars if the
are given the proper protection. Th
heavy sentences inflicted upon som
of tlio rioters in the courts yesterda
are expected to have a good effect 1
the work of maintaining order. On
man was given six years and a nun
her of others wore sentenced to term
of two years each.
The strike has had a serious effce
on business generally.
Telegrams have been sent to Pres
dent Taft and Senator Penrose by th
officials of the street car men's unlo
"Union men on strike here offe
services for operation of mail an
newspaper cars as was done throng ]
out lubt strike. Company refuses t
allow union men to continue to o ;
crate mall cars and lias today orderc
them off their mall cars by summat
discharges. Interference with mall o
orations therefore comes from tl ;
company and not from the strikers
Union mon claim the company is ii
terfering with the operation of ma
cars to give it n chance to ask for fe
oral Intervention.
Indict New York Milk Magnates.
New York , Feb. 24. Eight dlrcctoi
of the Consolidated Milk exchani
were Indicted by the grand jury whl <
Temperature for Twenty-four Hours.
Forecast for Nebrnska.
Maximum 14
Minimum . t
Average . 7
Haromoti'r JiO.lU
Chicago. Foil. 1M. The bulletin is
sued by tlio Chicago Htutlun of the
United States weather bureau gives
tlio forecast for Nebraska as follows :
Generally fair tonight nnil Friday ;
slowly rising temperature.
has been Investigating milk condi
tions in tills city. Tlio names of those
Indicted have not been made public.
If the South Dakota Progressives Fall
to Allow R. O. Richards to Run
Their Convention , He Announces
He'll Start Independent Move.
Huron , S. D. , Feb. 21. To keep the
ranks of the insurgents united for the
battle against the stalwarts nt the
coming state primary , the insurgents
of the state will be forced at their
conference today to accept the plat
form of R. O. Richards. That they
will accept is the belief of the pro
gressive leaders already gathered
Richards has announced that if the
progressives do not willingly take
over his platform he will be forced to
head a movement looking to carrying
out the advanced progressive policies.
Richards , through the leaders , will
submit resolutions asking that the
office holders of the state be placed
on a civil service basis. Taft will be
endorsed but in no rousing fashion.
Cannonlsm and Aldrichism will be de
No party ticket will be named on
the conference floor but the record of
Governor Vessey will come in for
commendation , and by agreement
candidates will bo brought out to rep
resent the prey , us-jlv s for nlovpn of-
llces at the primaries.
John Shrader of Rapid City will
have the progressive support for con
gress and Thomas Thorson is spoken
of as a possible congressional candi
date. As yet the rest of the plate is
ndetermlned. In all probability a
tate committee will be named on the
ont'crence floor In the afternoon to
ead the progressive fight.
Bair Was Intoxicated.
Burke , S. D. , Feb. 23. Special to
The News : It was In a livery barn
hat W. U. Bair , the farmer trampled
o death under the hoofs of his horses
icre , met death. He was intoxicated
xnd was trying to hitch up his team
vlien they kicked and trampled upon
ilm. His Jaw was broken and he sus-
allied other injuries. He was dead
vlien the doctor arrived twenty min
utes later. Ho was a bachelor and had
relatives in Iowa.
Lamro Votes to Incorporate.
Lamro , S. D. , Feb. 23. Special to
The News : A special election was
icld here for the purpose of voting on
he proposition of incorporating the
own of Lamro and it carried by a
vote of 82 for and 2 against.
Jttleton , for Allds , Promises Startlinj
Albany , N. Y. , Feb. 24. The firsl
day of Senator Jotham P. Allds1 replj
o the Conger bribery charges was less
a defense than at any time. Outline
of Allds' case , laid before tlio senate
by ills attorney , Martin W. Littleton
was a burst of denunciation , invlctivc
and accusation that , if proved , wouk
; ay the bridge companies , one of the
most important industries in the state
open to prosecution for both conspir
icy to defraud and legislative corrup
In striking the bridge companies Lit
tleton hit also Senator Benn Conger
who witli ills brothers stood high ii
the counsel of the bridge building com
bine and still , it Is said , retains ai
interest in the business.
If Littleton carries out his promise ;
he will prove , first , that the Congo
charges and their support by Hiram G
Moo are untruth ; second , that Alldt
activity In suppressing legislation hos
tile to tiio bridge companies in 190
was due to the orders of United State
Senator Platt , the republican stat
leader ; third , that Conger's statement
are unworthy of belief and that test
mony of many of his witnesses , quit
as untrustworthy because they represented
sonted corrupt corporations which 1
Littleton's own picturesque languag
"have laid a trail of sllmo over flv
states. "
The afternoon was devoted to th
examination of the clerk of the asscn
bly , Internal affairs committee of 190 :
in an effort to prove that Conger I
that year deliberately Juggled cortal
highway legislation until It came 01
of the committee In a form that suite
the bridge Interests.
The Great Tammany Hall Organlza >
tion In New York City Is on the
Verge of Collapse as Result of Gay-
nor's Election to Mayoralty.
New Yoik. Feb. 21. The New York
Kenlng Telegram says :
Unless Charles F. Murphy proves by
March 1 to tlio rank and tile of Tam
many hall that ho ean "deliver the
goods , " with the present city adminIstration -
Istration , there is likely to bo a shakeup -
up In that political organization un
precedented In Its history.
Political stock taking after two
months of the administration of Mayor
Gaynor reveals a condition that bor
ders on a panic. What has been re
garded as the most effective political
machine In the country Is now faeo
to face with a situation it has not
known before. The district clubhouses
are for the most part deserted Many
of the braves have stopped paying
duos , some because they have lost
their political positions and cannot
afford It , and others , in olllce , because
they can see no benefit to themselves
In contributing.
Leaders Sit Alone.
The district leaders , who ordinarily
after the election of a democratic
mayor would sit in state and send for
those they wished to punish or reward ,
now sit all hut alone in the deserted
headquarters. The few who keep
them company are there in gratitude
for beneiUs received rather than In
hope of favors to come.
Mayor Gaynor has three years and
ten months more to serve. No Tam
many man cares to predict what the
condition of the organization will bo
at the expiration of his administration.
In some districts there is talk of clos
ing headquarters for a time , or of get
ting cheaper rooms.
Any district leader will admit that
Tammany hall , as an organization ,
would be bettor off if Mayor Gayuor
had been defeated. Then the lose of
'I * * * vruttf t' j which meaim not alone V'4l
llstribution of places , but Influence
with the administrative departments
is well , would bo attributed to the
ortunes of war.
It Is hard work to make the Tara-
nnny workers understand why , with
he election of the man they worked
or , cheered for , and fought for , the
district leader cannot prevent the po-
ice interfering with a corner saloon ,
obtain favors in the lire department
and keep laborers on the payroll in
lie park department. The district
eaders are passing this responsibility
on the Charles F. Murphy. They had
loped when Mr. Murphy began his
visits to the city hall that results
would come , and they are waiting still.
The Blows for Tammany.
The mayor has administered a
series of shocks to Tamamny hall.
One has followed the other in quick
There has been a saving of more
ban one million a year in the dls-
iharge of men and the reorganization
of the different departments. In the
ire department enough men have been
removed from easy details , a part of
.hese by the installation of now and
ip-to-date systems , to equip five flrt > -
houses. A reorganization of the bu
reau of street openings will save "mil
lions , " according to his findings.
Tammany has suffered the loss of
: he enormous patronage that it had.
in the ofllces of the borough presi
dent of Manhattan and the Bronx.
L'omptroller Pendorgast has been dis
missing the Tammany men in the fi
nance department.
Expelled From Wall Street.
New York , Feb. 24.- Clifford M.
Washburn , board member of the firm
of J. M. Flbke and company , was de
clared ineligible for reinstatement by
the governors of the stock exchange
because of "icckless and unbusiness
like" methods in connection with the
collapse of the Hocking pool recently.
This Is equivalent to the expulsion of
the Hrm.
Thomas F. Walsh Has Tuberculosis.
Washington , Feb. 21. Private ad
vices received hero from San Antonio
today , say that Thomas F. Walsh , the
millionaire mine owner of Colorado
and Washington , is seriously 111 In the
Texas city. One very close to him and
who is kept constantly advised of Mr.
Walsh's condition stated today that ho
was a very sick man , although ho was
in no Immediate danger. Mr. Walsh Is
suffering from an affection of the
Taft Addresses Big Dinner Crowd.
Newark , N. J. , Fob. 24. President
Taft , tlio first chief executive since
Grant to vIMt Newark , last night ad
dressed one of the largest and most
enthusiastic dinner audiences he has
met In all his travels The banquet
was given by the Newark board of
trade and more than 800 members
and guests attended. Mr. Taft left
hero at 11 p in. for Jersey City where
his car was switched to the midnight
train for Washington. Ho came to
Newark by automobile from New.