Till ! NOKKOliKVHKKI.1 N'HWK - .lOI'IINAI. . KIIIDAY. KKIWI'AHY IS. ll0. ! | Emerson Girl's Narrow Escnpc. KaimiiH City. Feb. It. Special to The News : Temptation , Hunger and Uiw ran a pursuit race with Miss Katie Saunders. a pretty young girl of Emerson. Nob. , as the prl/.n and Law , an perHonllled by the police , who wish to return her to her home. won. The chiise led through the slums of the city and Temptation had a run ning start , with Hunger a clone sec ond. Hut the girl herself took a hand In the affair when she entered the Helping Hand Institute , from which the leaders In the pursuit are barred. There she was found by the authori ties. On the afternoon of January 27 the young woman applied for admission to the general hospital. She gave her name as Frances Stewart , and her address - dross a boarding house at 302 Hast Seventeenth street. She was suffer ing apparently from nervous break down and worry. She bore in her face and bearing a certificate of her good character. She was refined In speech and manner , and this accentuated the clear-cut beauty of her face , fringed as It was with heavy auburn hair of that peculiar shade which Is the despair of paint ers. The physicians of the hospital gave her unusually good attention and she was dismissed Tuesday altornoon as cnr d. Sim wept a little bit , but she didn't tell the surgeons that she was ponnlless and had nowhere to go ex cept to seek the charity of strangers. All that afternoon she walked the streets In search of work , but without finding It. Night came on and she had no place to go. She was weak from her long Illness and torn with the pangs of hunger. She was afraid to beg assistance of passorsby. And so she sot herself' the long vlgtl of a night in the streets. As the night grow late she must have met many prowlers who noticed her alone and defenseless , yet she passed them by , with head up bravely and oycs looking straight before her. The only places open to her were dons of vice. Many times in her wan- darings she passed half opened door ways , through which she could hear shouts of revelry. Hut she drew her thin coat about her and hurried by without daring to stop and appeal for shelter. At daylight she was still walking And then hunger overpowered her Timidly she hesitated before a door on May street. Then she mastered her repugnance and rang the bell. A hard-v\saged \ woman , the pallor of whoso face shown through the paint answered. ' "What do you want ? " the woman asked. "I'm hungry. Can you give mo something to eat ? " TJie woman looked at the girl , saw A. in a glance her whole story and made a mental note of her pretty faco. She Invited her inside. Other women in the place surrounded Miss Saunden and pressed her to stay. The girl shivered and said she must go. Fin ally the first woman gave her a quart er. Her pitiable condition won the sym pathy of these women. They feared she mighi not escape so easily again And so they called the police. The officers searched for Miss Saunderf all last night but were unable to. llml her. Yesterday , weak and ill , slu wont to the Helping Hand for shelter. Two months ago she < | uarroled will her slstor with whom she made her homo in Emerson , Neb. She ran awa > coming to , Kansas City in search of work. After walking the streets in searcl of employment , she became ill In froin of the boarding house at No. 302 East Seventeenth street. She appealed to Mrs. yMinnio Wilson , the proprietor for aid. The woman took her and le her do what little work she could to earn her board until she had to go to the hospital. She Is safe now , all right. But the young woman may never know of the grim spectres that stalked her througl the streets of Kansas City , nor of the prlzo they sought. Norfolk Public School Notes. As a result of the plan of dismiss Ing the rooms having their per con of attendance 97 , and of punctually U9.G. all the pupils of the high schoo building enjoyed a vacation. This I the first time since the plan was adopted that every grade from th seventh to the twelfth has earned tht extra half day. It speaks well for th school that the average attendanc and punctuality is so high. The lower or grades have done well , too , althougl of course , sickness and cold weathe makes a greater effect here. The fol lowing rooms won holidays : Grant buildings Miss Mills' roon ; grades 311. . and 4A. : Miss Arbor' room , grades 2B. , and 3A. East Lincoln building Miss Baird' room , grade 3 ; Miss Ho wen's roon : grade 2. West Lincoln building Miss ParV or's room , grade 5 ; Miss Hurke's roon grade GA. Miss Ho wen wont to her homo 1 Wakellold for a short visit. Miss Clalro Napper sprained ho ankle a week ago Friday. She wa able to bo at school again Tuesday. In the wrestling matches that ar taking place in the high school a the present time. Lester Weaver , Dor jamln Willoy and Harold Morrison ar taking the lead. The twelfth grade Is already plai nlng for class day exercises. Uo prepared pared for an entainment both inter esting and original. Miss Palno ontortalned the twolft grade at a Valentino party at the horn of Mrs. McMillan , 701 South Eight street. The house was decorated 1 red and white , the school colors. Th program was largely on the Valentin order. Punch was served during th evening and later Ice cream and cak ( All report a One time. RIDICULE THE GROSS CLAIM. he Chlcngo.in Called n Monomaniac by the Author of "Chantccler. " Pails , Feb. II.MM. . Rostand , Her/ ml Coipielln all ridicule the claim of amuol Hborly Gross of Chicago , that Jross Is the real author of "Chanto- lor , " as the Idea of a monomaniac. In conversation with 11 or/ today o Implied the charge that Cross had clrcd ( ortaln general outlines of hantocler , " the knowledge of which as widely disseminated throughout 10 world seven years ago , Immediate- , r after the drama was first written , ml then In the period of Rostand's > ng Illness , which was the original iiuso of the delay In the production f the piece , concocted an Imitation t and that it is this which he calls The Merchant Prince of Cornvillo. " M. Rostand , through his secretary , olds substantially the same view. ONLY 7 MILLIONS , ANYWAY. n Insight Into J. P. Morgan's Wall Street Methods. New York , Feb. 14. ! n a determined fl'ort to prevent the attorneys for he Ohio and Indiana Independent tele- hone companies from calling .1. Pier- -out - Morgan to the witness stand In he hearing before a notary here , his oiinsol revealed today just what the amous financier had to do with the even-milllon-dollar deal. It shows ows easily and quickly great Iliian- lal matters are handled In Wall treet. " 11. 1' . Davlson , a partner In the lorgan firm , was the only one who new of the transaction , " said one of .Ir. . Morgan's lawyers. "After ho had mile all arrangements ho sought Mr. lorgan to toll him about it and obtain its formal consent. Mr. Morgan had ust left his olllce , hut Mr. Davlson aught his taxicab at the curb and , hrough the window of It told Mr. Morgan the principal details and that ho Morgan firm was to pay H. L. Day t company $7,245,000 for the Ohio tnd Indiana companies. "That was the first and only thing Mr. Morgan ever hoard of the matter. Kit ho said to Davlson : " 'All right go ahead with the deal ml close It up. I'm in a hurry now o keep a luncheon appointment. ' That is all that Mr. Morgan knows ibout It. " DETAILS OF ANTARCTIC TRIP. There Was Considerable Suffering Among the Men Many Accidents. Punta Arenas , Chile , Feb. 14. Fur- her details have been received here of , he voyage of the Pourquol Pas , which s now returning with Dr. Jean M. Charcot's antarctic expedition. The Pourquoi Pas , on reaching the region of ice on her trip to the south , strand ed on the coast of Graham land , but was refloated three days later. On the resumption of the voyage the steamer mot with a long series of ac- idonts. She was in collision with a lumber of icebergs and lost her rud- lor. owing to the pressure of the ice. I'lio crew , however , managed to con struct a Jury rudder. There was considerable suffering unong the men during the many nonths in the antarctic regions , scur vy and heart disease being the chief Ulments. The scientific observations were continued with the greatest care ind thus the object of the expedition was in part realized. City to Pay to Haul Out Dirt. The city will pay for taking surplus ilirt off Norfolk avenue in order to get Jown to the paving grade. The city and not the adjoining property will pay for paving street intersections. Mayor Friday was called upon Mon day by several prominent property owners who had not understood all details as to the paving proposition and who wanted to settle certain points before signing the petition. One imestion asked was concerning the sur plus dirt on the street. It was pointed out that the city has filled up the street considerably above paving grade and that It would hardly be fair to ask property owners to pay for carrying this surplus dirt away , in order to get back down to the paving grade. Th < * mayor and one or two councllmen present took this view of the situation and assured the callers that they thought it would bo eminently fair that the city should pay this cost , since the city has to constantly buy dirt for oth er streets anyway , and might just as well buy Its dirt out of Norfolk avenue. This would mean thirty cents a square yard , or thereabouts. "Tho council , in fact , had agreed to that some time ago. when it was discussed , " the may or said. Another point was In regard to inter sections. It had not been definitely understood by some of the property owners that the city would pay for paving street Intersections , by voting bonds , and that adjoining property would not bo called upon to boar this expense. It was thought that a good many property owners who had not understood - stood these points , would now bo glad to sign the petition for this so badly needed public improvement. The pav ing prospects are today brlghtgr than they have ever been. "Wo are going to pave , " said Mayor > Friday. "There is no getting around that. Wo would rather pave by peti tion , because it lessens the expense and saves trouble. The paving will bo satisfactory to everybody when we got through with it. And we're going to pave. " Injured When It Blew Up. While experimenting with a railroad signal torpedo at Hadar Sunday Ern est Conrad was badly Injured when the bomb exploded. Conrad , after various attempts with heavy iron to explode the torpedo , hit it several times with a heavy axe , when suddenly It blow up , wounding his leg and severing several \ arteries In his right hand. The tor pedo was In pos&oeolon of bis brother , : " who \ is selling household goods at publi il ! lie auction. The torpedo was among the t effects and was taken possession of by Conrad with painful results. -J-M - - NO FIGHTING IN NEW YORK. It Looks Like n Long , Hard Winter for the Dltfers There. New York , Feb. 14. It begins to look like a long , haul winter , and In the never-to-be-forgotten words of "One-Eyed" Connolly , that ancient savant - vant of the game , "No o-o-body knows where the lighters eat ; nobody has the least suspicion. " In the good old days say no fur-'n tlier back than last winter the sportIng - Ing gent know where he could go to 1 pass away a long winter's evening , It Is a well known fact that the coldi or It Is outside , the warmer It Is at the ringside , and the red-blooded gon-'u tlemon pine for the times when there will bo something doing every night't In the week , somewhere. Up In Bosc ton , over in dear old Phllly , down In I Plttsburg , the lighting men are asking the same question : 'When are things going to open up In New York. " Of course , the boxing club men are saying that the game is open In New' ' York , but at the same time the fight-t | ers seem to bo "stalling" along as far i from the limelight as possible. I I H seems a pity unit tne town which appreciates high class boxing matches and is willing to pay almost any sort of a price for them , has to be ciuir touted with the end of a tough wire' ' or a few yards of ticker tape. It Isn't ( as If we wore hack in the dark ages , when men pickled their lists In brine and fought like dogs in a cellar. The boxers of the present day are for\ ( the most part , clever yougsters who have seen in the boxing game bettor pay than they might have commanded at the work bench. A boxing club , 1 propery conducted , hurts nobody and furnishes to several thousand citizens the sort of amusement for which they are willing to pay a good price. The gentleman from Brooklyn said that a good mayor ought to bo able to shut at least one eye on Sundays. Evidently it is not his Intention to support the motto of a certain class : "We don't like it and that's why you shan't have it. " Dakota Banker Had a Dream. Speaking of "One-eyed" Connolly , ' did you ever hoar of the time when , ho kept shop for his brother , who. , operated a boxing club ? I "Keep house for me a while , " said i the brother. "I've got to go to the' , ' bank. If any of the customers come [ In , box a few rounds with 'em and i take the two bucks. " | ' i "One-eyed" said ho would run the i' ' shop for an hour or two and the brother loft. Ten minutes afterward 1 a rather fat young man walked In , and said that ho had boon recommended - ( ed to try the Connolly treatment. Ho , wanted to know the terms for the ' entire course. ( ' "Fifty bucks in advance , " said "One- eyed , " promptly , taking a chance. The fat young man peeled off a $ .10 i note and hinted that he would like to > take the first treatment on the spot. "One-eyed" showed him into a cubi- clo , whore ho changed his clothes , and I tossed a pair of gloves over the par- tltlon to the customer. i "Aren't you going to strip ? " asked I the young man , as he emerged , all I pink and white , tugging at his gloves. "Oh , no , " said "One-eyed , " "It ain't t worth while for the first lesson. I'll I show you a few things about boxing ; tlrst . Now you stand this way that's right , stick out the left foot a little ; more and you try to hit mo on the nose. That's right , only chop it more ; I" ' don't swing it so far. Fine ! " j All this time the 50-dollar note was burning a hole in Connolly's fob pock et. It was more money than he had 1 seen in some time. And if the brother came back * * * well , at most it coultin't he more than a five spot and 1 * * * Oh ! What's the use ? And 1 ho might come hack before the les son was finished. Then good-by fifty ! ! There was just one way * * * It was hard , but it was partly honest , any way ! I "Swing a little harder there , " "One- , eyed" said , and as the victim swung Conolly let fly with the right. An hour afterwards when the brother re turned , ho fouil a total stranger , clad 1 only In trunks and a pair of C-ounco gloves , sitting on the floor In the corner of the "gym" holding his head 1 In his hands. Why blame "One-eyed ? " Ho had to have that fifty. Three Boys Are Found. Grant Evans , 9 years old , son of Mrs. Sarah Evans ; Charles Evans , 9 1 years old , son of Charles Evans , a Northwestern fireman , and Donald 1 Coleman , S-year-old son of Walter ' Coleman , a Northwestern conductor , | I all residing at the Junction , were i found at Meadow Grove , Saturday af-1 rternoon ] ' , where they were picked up , d'by the marshal who found them roam- ing about the town. They had walked 1 into town. Thinking the little lads too young to bo traveling alone the officer ques- tioncd them , the two older boys claimIng - Ing they were from Plttsburg , but t when cross questioned Donald , the youngest of the trio , broke down and 1 confessed he was from Norfolk. Ills confession had no effect on Grant and 1 Charles who stoutly maintained they wore from Plttshurg. The officer held the boys and telephoned the Norfolk police who immediately found where the lads belonged and the parents were notified. Saturday evening Saun- dors Evans , an uncle of the hoys , loft for Meadow Grove and brought the llttlo runaways back to their grief- stricken mothers who fully believed their sons wore as good as gone. The boys claim they took a ride Into the country on a wagon and then got turned around. Intending to walk homo , they say they walked westward Instead I and that , exhausted from their many miles' tramp , they reached .Meadow ( Jrovo to Hint they had gone ( I the wtong way. They wanted to turn I right around and walk liac , . homo , ' Is salil. The boys claim they gave tliolr t wrong names because they fear- led ! they'd bo locked up. : | ITS SKIRT A YARD AROUND. The Mermaid oGwn Wasn't Made to Sit Down In. Baltimore. Feb. 14. The mermaid gown of shimmering green and to be ' lie even tighter than the sheath gown , Is | < the latest. Miss Sadie Kranz , a model \ \ , went to Washington today to display the creation of Miss Louisa Ilaughton i before the United Ladles' Tailors' convention. Her baggage was ' , not burdensome. The arangement of the colors and ' ' 'the cut of the dress produce the effect ' of a "lady dweller of the sea. " There ! Is \ \ not quite so much material used as i , In the sheath gown and just a lit tle more than In the Salome gown. It weighs only four pounds and can bo carried in a shoe box. It Is of steel net over coral satin v embroidery in turquoise jet and two shade of coral. It is cut to lit it tight about the body and exceedingly dope about the ankle. There the skill Is only one yard in circumference , just j about one-fifth the circumference of the average gown. From the back of ( the ovorsklrt the dress Is cut to resemble a fish's tail and under that comes the coral train which protrudes (1 In a long , snaky point. The designer says that the gown will take the place of the discarded sheath dress , and only stately women with superb figures can wear it. One of the hardships that will have to bo met i by the wearer is thlit she will have I to remain In a standing position , and t , of course , will bo unable to do the t "barn dance. " Her feet must be small , even If her shoes pinch. ALL WLL RIDE'IN ' MOTORS. A New York Taxi Officer Says Street Cars Won't Last Ten Years. New York , Fob. 14 In an action recently brought by the New York Taxicab company to restrain the New York Taxiservice company and the George Hector company from operat ing a taxicab stand In front of the Oafo Madrid , counsel for the plaintifl asserted ' that the profits of the stand were $20.000 a year. Skepticism has been expressed concerning these ilg- ures ' , but they serve to call attention to ' the earnings of an industry in which , although it has been establish- ed < In New York only a little more than two ( years , at least live million dollars ' Invested an industry which gives employment ' to about 0,000 men , and is I steadily growing. Taxlcabs are comparatively a new thing ' in Now York the first ones made i their appearance in the autumn of < 1907 but so kindly has the public . . taken to this inexpensive form of , 'transportation ' that now about 1,500 taxis are In service in the city , An olllccr of a taxicab company expressed ' the opinion that within ten \ years street cars would pass out of existence ' in New York and passengers would be carried through the streets on ' the surface entirely by vehicles operated ' by power generated by them- , selves and independent or rails and wires. As a move in this direction lie mentioned Thomas A. Edison's ox- pertinents with a street car which 1 gained its motive power from a storage - age battery. At the olliccs of several taxicab' , companies It was said that the average - age haul made by a taxicab was about two miles and the average fare about $1 , while the average daily earnings - ings of a taxicab wore about $20. The fares vary. One company charges thirty cents for the first half mile ; other companies charge forty cents , and a third company charges * fifty cents. Some companies do not j charge for calling for a passenger , while others will not charge for going half a mile to get a passenger , but will charge for a longer distance than that Taxicaos cost J2.000 to $3,000 each and most of them used here are made in the United States. The wear and tear that "taxis" receive necessitates their frequent repair , and after n "taxi" has been in active service fort two years It contains scarcely a single part "that it had when it first was' placed in operation. A taxicab will last about three years. Kearney Man for Congress. Lincoln , Feb. 14. Frank Becman.an attorney of Kearney has liled his .name with the secretary of state as a candidate for the republican noinlna- . tion for congress in the Sixth district. Mr. Beoihan is well known in republi- can politics and has been a candidate for congress on a previous occasion. JOY RIDE FOR GREEK MAID. Therefore the Fair Artlemsla of Hellls Is Missing. . New York , Feb. 14. Anybody who has seen the head of a Greek maiden resting in a taxicab will plcaso nut > it on his shoulder and carry it to Caesar. That will be oldest head not to bo ungallant that has boon on a young shoulder this many a day. for those lovely features wore shaped three centuries before the Christian era , or about twenty-two hundred years ago Artemisia , or whatever her name was , had never before In all her life ridden in a taxicab. Once she might have seen a chariot going BO fast that Its axles blazed all the way to the Pantheon , but that was lustrums be fore the sparking devices wore Invent ed. It seems that a certain wealthy man fell In love with her the other day and Insisted on taking her to her home. She was wrapped up comfortably for her cheeks wore quite cold , and placed alongside i her master , and away they went up Fifth avenue as fast as younk Phoebus | could have sped with the ' dawn. i j Once she pooped out of the window Hi and inquired. "Toll mo , oh man. If yon lair I fane he the temple of Minerva ? at the same time making mi Inclina tion toward the public library. How long she rode none may know , hut now Is she all lost. Once they may have stopped before the cookshop of the Helvetian Delmonlcus , or wait It In the atrium of Shorrlpldcii they tarried ? iU last the oblivion of the metropolis descended on Artemisia , and probably shot s languishing In unappreciated solitude. She should bo easy to identify If yet within the sight of men. Her face Is classic and her nose Is straight. Her hair she wears In a psycho knot and around her nock is .something or an ancient pepliim and a boa of red marble. Her head seems to bo of Parian marble , unlike that of the chauffeur , which Is said to bo of the finest Ivory. Wherefore , stranger , If thou behold the lost Artemisia take her tenderly and carry her to the shop of Caesar Canessa , the Roman , who selss ancient wares In the 470th house of the Fifth avenue In this , our Athens , and ho will 1 give theo a reward. MONDAY MENTION. Fred Tutten of Wlsner was here. George Williams went to Sioux City. R. J. Suhrof Ponder was in the city. Frank Pinney of Dallas was In the city. city.L. L. G. Cameron of Scotts Bluff wan horo. I. Nightingale went to Lincoln on business. M. D. Tyler went to Madison on business. M. J. Sanders went to Madison on business. Miss H. Malone of Enola was In the city visiting with friends. John Glick of Vordel was in the city enroute to Kadoka , S. D. Mrs. William Bordman and daugh ter Hazel are hero from the north eastern part of Iowa visiting her sis ter , Mrs. Albert Machmueller. Mr. and Mrs. William Bosso of Meadow Grove spent Sunday here at the W. I * . Logan home. Ed Bruoggeman has gone to San An tonio , Tex. , and other cities in the south for a pleasure trip. Mrs. C. A. Moore of Denver , Colo. , is 1 In the city visiting with Mrs. John 1 Krantz and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Smith , jvho have boCn in the city visiting with their daughters , Mrs. Morris Irvln and Mrs. Frank Molchor , have returned to their home at Plalnvlew. Mayor John Friday and A. Degner , who have boon attending the hardware dealers' convention at Lincoln , have returned and report a successful con > volition at the capital city. Fred Amundson is on the sick list. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. fyilliam llelde man , a son. The ladies of the Degree of Honor will give a kenslngton at the home of .Mrs. Fred Linerodo Wednesday after noon. She will be assisted by Mrs. Leach and Mrs. Barrett. All members are invited. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Byerly of Chadron , a nine-pound daughter. ( Mrs. Byerly was formerly Miss Jennie Wheeler of Norfolk. M. Jahn , a roundhouse employe of the Northwestern , was brought before Justice Eiseley and charged with alms- ing and beating his wife by Mrs. R. Robinson of the Junction. The judge ' parollod Jahn on his promise to be hereafter. Ho claims lie never beat his wife. Commissioner Burr Tnft reports the condition of the roads between Nor folk and Stanton and Norfolk and Mad ison in very good shape. Three loads of lumber are being hauled from Mad ison to Norfolk and unless road con- ditions were favorable , says the com- missioner , this could not bo done. E. D. Law , a Norfolk brakeman , was painfully Injured at Dallas Friday even ing when accidentally he slipped from the tender of an engine on which he was riding. The engine , It Is said , was doing some switching at Dallas when Law slipped and fell on his face , which was badly bruised. Ills wrist also was gashed in a few places. The city council of Missouri Valley closed a contract with E. A. Bullock of | Norfolk , who owns the Missouri Valley ' electric light plant , for 140 tungsten 11o lights of 10-candle power each , to bo used in lighting the town's streets. i.r The lights will bo clustered , with four tungstens on each polo , poles not over twenty feet high. There will be four clusters within eacli block , and one at each street intersection. Arc lights are done away with. , Special services have begun at the Presbyterian church. Dr. Kearns Is the speaker. He was greeted yestor- day by largo audiences. Ho prefaced his first sermon with a few remarks as to what his stay will bo like. lie will preach on such subjects as : 'What Constitutes a Christian ? " "The Second Coming of Christ Is It Possl- bio and When Does It Occur ? " etc. Dcnominatloiialisiii , he says , will bo eliminated from his discussions , | ! Young Denny has posted ? 2.r > with the sporting editor of The News as a ' forfeit for Kid Hoot , one of the light- weights who lights Harry Lewis hero ' March 10. The skating rink will prob- ably ho' obtained for the contest * , Young Denny and Long Distance Da vis will probably bo among the pugi I- lists for the preliminaries. A wrest ling match Is also scheduled for that night. Articles have been signed by the lighters and all Is ready for the bout. bout.W. W. A. Robinson , jeweler , who has for a number of months been in busi ness on Norfolk avenue , suddenly dis appeared from his place of business , taking with him his tools and other Jewelry his own property. Reports of his whereabouts or why ho loft Nor folk are conflicting. Some say Mr. Low Rates " - to California and the Pacific Northwest In effect daily from March 1 to April 15 , 1910 vin Union Pacific "The Safe Road to Travel" Diistloxs , perfect truckcltHnc lilitck signals dining cur inciiK junl sen ice "I'.est in the World. " For rates and other Information rail on or address votir Local Agent C. W. LANDERS , Local Agent. Robinson Is In Kansas , others say he Is in Colorado. A. M Wurtz , a Fair bury , Neb. , jeweler. Is here and has opened up a business formerly occu pied by Uoblnson. W. It. 1'argotor. commercial agent of the Union Pacific , when asked about ttie report that the Union 1'acillc Is about to build a new depot here , do- elared he IIUH heard nothing to that effect , although he undoi stood that Borao improvements were to bo made. Mr. Pargetor says he has received communication from headquarters ask ing his advice about using the uptown Northwestern depot for a union depot. This plan , says .Mr. Pargeter , would be unsatisfactory in that too much fric tion would be experienced. Funeral services over the remains of A. Moldonhauer , who died last Tues day after a lingering illness brought on by 'Bright's disease , took place at the family residence at 1 ! o'clock Sun day afternoon. Hev. Mr.Vltte hold services at the St. Paul's church at I ! o'clock , after which the remains wore Interred at the Lutheran cemetery. The ( ) . A. H. was represented among the large number of relatives and friends who attended the funeral. Many doral tributes were in evidence. Among the out-of-town people present were : Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Phillips , Rock Uaplds , la. ; William Neuman and daughter , Hallam ; Helen Schwichten berg , Hadar ; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Neuman , Stanton ; Fred Schultz , Stanton - ton ; Frank Lcnzer , Stanton ; F. Colter- man , Pierce ; Charles Yauch , Bazile Mills ; Louis Hayes , Bazile Mills ; Fred Haase. Hattlo Creek ; Mr. and Mrs. Hans , LJattle Creek. Sees "Peeping Tom. " While .1. A. ( Mister was away from his home at 7 o'clock Sunday evening , two men thought , to bo the "Peeping Toms" who have terrorized the women on South Eighth street for the past two weeks , badly frightened Mrs. Cus- tor , who is an invalid , by rattling the latch on the door and later "pooping" through the window at her. Mrs. Ous ter says she could identify the men , who remained at the window long enough for her to get their faces fixed in her mind. They were heavy sot , one wearing a cap and the other a crush hat. "Had I been there , " says Mr. Cus- ter , "they would have got the contents of a rifle. Had I got a bead on them they would have stopped. I did not servo , in the sharp-shooters for noth ing. " The "peepers" have been very busy of late and the citizens are aroused over their nightly work. A woman , it is said , is also among these peace dis turbers. A few nights ago a noise at the front door alarmed the 10. S. South family who , after opening the door , saw a woman running down the steps. Many other reports of these prowlers are received. BAD FIRE IN GENEVA , NEB. Masonic Temple and Citizens Bank Building are Destroyed. Geneva , Neb. , Feb. 14. The Ma- rj sonic Temple and the adjoining Citi- r.zens bank building were entirely de- stroyed by llames with a loss of $15- QUO of which less than $10,000 is cov ered by insurance. Only the lack of wind prevented the wiping out of uie principal part of the business sec- rtion of town. As u was , a half dozen other buildings were so seriously threatened that their contents wore e'moved out. The lire , which it Is believed start- oil In the boiler room in the Masonic Temple building , was discovered about 3 o'clock. The lire department re- I spumled but the water hydrants wore frozen and before the water was start- j ed the lire was beyond control. The 'principal efforts of the firemen wore ; directed towards saving the adjoining buildings. The Masonic Temple was a three- story brick structure and the bank building was one story. Among the principal losers are the Plcard drug 'I store , the Citizens bank , C. II. Sloan. office ; F. H. Dontsthorpo , office ; the , Flllmoro County Abstract company , "office ; Dr. Warner , dentist , and sev- cral minor oi'flct H Dr H L , Smith owned the largest Interest In the dt > Ktn od buildings , which are estlmat oil to be worth WO.OOO. While the lire was raging the con tents of the pout office , the signal of flee , the theater building and a pttrl of the stock of the Itoston store were * removed for fear these hulldlngH could not be saved. Dismiss This Damage Suit. Madison , Neb. , Feb. 14. Special to The News : The suit brought by August Wolfgram , administrator of ilenry Wolfgram , deceased , who lost his lift ! by falling through a hridgn with a separator some two years ago , the petition of which was filed Fvb ruary 10 , 1910 , claiming damages from Madison county to the amount of $ ( ! ,000 , was dismissed Saturday , with out prejudice , the plaintiff paying the costs. It Is thought that another ai - tion will be commenced later perhaps after a claim has been submitted to the board of county commissioner. ! and rejected. $615 For Team of Horses. Madison , Neb. , Feb. 1-1. Special to The News : The big horse sale Sat urday at the Matthews llvory barn in this city attracted a largo crowd and was unprecedented for the high prices which the horses brought , the average being upwards of $200 per head , and one span of black mares was sold to Dr. Condon at the top price of $ G1" . MRS. LILLIE AGAIN. Arrested at Pomona , Calif. , on Charge of Shoplifting in Store. Lincoln , Feb. 12. Copies of the IV mona Progress , published at Pontons. . . Calif. , arrived in Lincoln and contain ed information comeriilng a local sc > i sation involving Lena Margaret Liliii who was pardoned during the ailinn. istration of Governor Mickey. According to the reports , milliu- and dry goods disappeared from a Po mona store. Policemen watered the establishment and Mrs. Lillie and H ' F. Platt were arrested. Mrs. Lillie tar I rled a hat in her hand. Platt claimed to be an eastern inventor. Mrs. Lllhc was connected with the millinery os tablishnient. To the police Mrs. Lillie stated that they were married. Later she denied making the assertion. A settlement was made and Mrs. Lillie and Platt were discharged. Mrs. Lillie wan con victed of the murder of her husband. Harvey Lillie , at David City in 1902. She was sentenced to imprisonment for life. She was pardoned after an extended and exciting hearing , Oov ernor Mickey believing her Innocent. After leaving the prison she was em ployed for a time in a Lincoln store. She prosecuted a suit against the Modern Woodmen and later left for California. WEST POINT HOGS GOT IT. Carload From Shinstock Brothers Draw/ Record Price at South Omaha. Omaha , Fob. H. Shinstock broth on of West Point , Neb. , topved thr market Saturday with a carload 'if ' hogs weighing 270 average. Tl.ry r- celved ? 8.N.r > , the highest price "vi r paid In South Omaha for nogs. Tiu . linn is one of the largest shippers m the state. Homestead Increases Output. Lead S. D. , Feb. 14. Common' ' it t about Monday or Tuesday the I ( on : , stake will reopen Its plants on t i central and Terravllle sides and -Mil thereby add some 200 or 30ii'on > - stamps to its present dally MI.i > dropping. This will make the om pany's output about three-fourths of the normal figure , or SOO stamps dalb Miss Wllle Enjoying Trip. Neligh , Neb. , Feb. i-L Special ti. The News : Word has been roiiivrd by several Neligh friends from Mis * Amanda Wllle , who is' now at Hah i , see , a suburb of Berlin , Germany , tint she had a glorious trip , and rouUl never Imagine an ocean vo > agii pleasant. FISTULA-Pay When CURED All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical l operation. No Chloroform , Ether or other gen eral aneasthetic used. CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFU-TIME. 'EXAMINATION WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS 0 DR. E. R. TARRY , 224 Baa Building , Omaha , Nebraska