The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 18, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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.1. J. Ucuttur of DnlliiH WIIH bore.
Arthur Aliliiinn of Omaha IH In thu
MBH ! Mnrtlui Huts' returned from
Mrs. August Korth of Pierce \vnn In
tlio city.
MHH ! Krloda Korth him gone to Hos-
IdiiH , where HIU ) will attend an enter
W. W. Ahrona of Plalnvlew WIIH In
tlio city.
Mrs. Kmll Miller of WltiHldo called
on frlcndH hero.
John ( iirlstor of Thurston was In thu
city vlHltlni ; with friends.
MTH. Fred Plluogor of Altona , Nub. ,
Is In tlio city visiting relatives.
Mr . ICd Becker IIHB gene to Alien ,
where Hho will vlHlt her inothor.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Baldwin have
gone to Kromonl , where they will visit
with relatives for a few weeks.
Dr. llerthu Ahlnuin IH reported very
Mrn. John Davis IH said to he very
111 at her homo on Madison avenue.
A regular mooting of tha Norfolk
Klks will ho held at the club rooms
thin evening.
The West Side Whist club will meet
with Mr. and Mrs. 13. P. Weathorby on
Monday evening.
A. J. Donnally wan lined $10 In Jus-
tlce lOlseloy's court yesterday for be
ing drunk and disorderly.
Mru. Mary Montague Is reported ill
nt tlio homo of her son , J. 12. Montague
taguo , on North Ninth street.
The 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs ,
Kdward llutton is reported suffering
from a second attack of appendicitis. .
J. 8. Mathowson has built a special
chicken coop for ten game cocks that
have been shipped to him from Kan
William Parker was arrested by Of'
llcor Flnkhouso for being drunk ,
Judge Elseloy lot him off with a rep
The tlrst meeting this season of the
directors of the Norfolk Country clul :
was hold at the olllco of the Durlaml
Trust company Friday. Plans for the
Hummer campaign were discussed.
Justice Lambert lined C. II. Bar-
necko $6.15 yesterday on charges Hied
by John Sporn , who claims Barnecki
assaulted him a few days ago. Bar
nocko is said to have attacked Sporn
with a hatchet.
Constable John Flynn returned from
Lincoln , where he went to serve papers
pors on W. lllnkley of Norfolk , who if
reported to have sold mortgaged prop
orty. Hlnkley is said to have inadt
a full settlement.
Dick Walton was lined In police
court Saturday afternoon for lighting
He knocked down Sam Lodge , his-
brother-in-law , with a right swing tc
the jaw and then gave him a kick ir
the face. The light took place on the
Dr. F. A. Bryant has gone to Oris
weld , la. , to attend the funeral of hit
brother , J. C. Bryant , who died ni
Meors , S. IX , last Tuesday. The re
mains were shipped from Moors tc
driswold , where they will be Interrec
this afternoon.
The W. C. T. IT. will meet with Mrs
Jamison , southwest of town , Tucsdaj
at 10 o'clock. Places of meeting an
Mrs. Westervelt's , Mrs. Lough's , Mrs
Ballantyno's and Mrs. CJulld's , when
teams will take all out that desire u
go. There will be a picnic dinner.
Robert .Leith of Minneapolis was it
the city yesterday with a view of IIml
ing a location for a live and tun-con1
store. Norfolk looked good to Mr
Leith , and when told that 'ho city was
going to pave he was more pleasoi
with the town. He left for South Da
kota and , it is said , he will return hen
to start in business.
C. P. Christiansen has rearmed fron
Lindsay. Mr. Christiansen , who is tin
owner of the old Seller feed yard
which was destroyed by tire sonri
time ago , says the destroyed buildini
has been sold to A. W. Flnkhouse am
arrangements have been complete !
with carpenters to begin at once con
stmctlng a new barn and feed yard.
Ed Harter , city clerk , has sent a let
ter to H. H. Salmon , former Norfoll
city engineer , in an effort to obtaii
from him the records of the Norfoll
avenue grade. If the efforts of tin
city clerk in obtaining these record !
from Salmon are fruitless , the clt ;
will have to have new records of tin
grades made. At the last meeting o
the city council , It was tlio sense o
the councilmen present that the oh
grade holds good providing the records
are obtainable.
After three years of constructloi
work the new Sacred Heart hospital a
Spokane , Wash. , has been completed
This building is now the best hospita
in the west. On March 1 , patients a
the old hospital will be removed t <
thu new building , among them boiiu
Kd Dixon of Norfolk , who , as the re
suit of a railroad wreck , had his lej
broken in several places. Norfolk rel
ativea of Mr. Dixon expect him to b (
in Norfolk some time in the llrst par
of March. His condition is roportec
Organizer Evans of the Nebraskr
Live Stock Owners Protective associa
tlon reports two new branches of thai
association have been organized this
week. At Humphrey Monday sixteei
members were enrolled in the associa
tlon , with the following olllcers elected
od : Anton Elsorrrncnger , president ;
C. F. Scuere , secretary and treasurer ;
( J. W. Smith , captain. At Carroll twen
ty members joined the organization
with the following otllcers elected :
John U. Morris , president ; Henry Petersen
torson , secretary and treasurer ; John
Herrin , captain. Nellgh and Plain
view have almost doubled their mem
bershlps slnco ho organized the
branches there.
The building committee of the Y. M
C. A. met at the olllces of Mapes &
Haxen in the Mast block last evening
and approved the tentative plans foi
the building , which wcro drawn by J. .
C. Stitt The largo gymnasium , bual <
jiesa men's room and the swimming
liool are the fcaturcH of the plans
Treasurer Davenport was authorl/.oi
to hire a collector , who will start on
collecting the pledges next week. Al
most $ fi,000 was reported by the Irons
liter to have been collected. All bid ;
for the purchase of the house whirl
now stands on the Y. M. C. A. property
orty have been rejected , owing to the
Insulllclcnt amount of the bids. It h
believed more bids can bo had.
Western Banker : W. H. Iluchol/
who now heroines the active vice
president of the Omaha National bank
Is a man who has worked up In tin
banking business from a position a :
messenger In the Norfolk Natlona
bunk at Norfolk , Neb. , obtained at tin
ago of 17. Ills progress was rapid ant
at I ! ) he was assistant cashier , and tw (
yours later ho was elected cashier
Twelve years later ho was electee
president of the bank. Mr , Huehol ;
resigned his position as president o
the bank after four years and went t <
Oakland , Calif. , to-become vice presl
dent of the Central National bank
Two years later he came to Omuh ;
and was made cashier of the Omahi
National bank. Mr. Iluchol/ rccog
nlzed as a thoroughly well informoi
western banker , popular with his as
sociatcH , and much thought of in Oma
ha and the state.
Once every month the members o
thu hook and ladder company of tin
Norfolk lire department will hold i
social meeting , at which they will hi
hosts to their brother llremen of tin
hose companies , This movement wai
decided by the hook and ladder boyi
at their successful Joint mooting , whlcl
WIIH hold at the city hall last night
Members of the hose company wen
their guests. C. E. Hartford was elect
ed permanent chairman of all the hosi
companies , and Robert Braschear win
made recording clerk of all joint hosi
company meetings. After the busl
ness meeting a banquet was held a
which J. E. Haase acted as toastmae
ter. Chief Edward Mullen , Hermai
Winter , Fred Hollerman , William Me
Cunc and Charles Hulac rospondei
with short addresses on the good o
the tire department. An invitatloi
was extended to the hook and ladde
boys to join the hose members In al
their joint social meetings. A smoke
was enjoyed after the banquet.
Paving Cost Very Small.
As suggested by The News yestei
day , the' mayor and council have al
ready received an estimate as to th <
probable cost of paving Norfolk in
onuo. In response to a letter from L
Roes yesterday , the llgures brough
out in the estimate are printed in te
day's News.
A representative of the J. S. Woi
ley Co. , engineers , Kansas City , Mo
was in the city recently and made ai
estimate of the probable cost of bricl
paving. This cost would be , he estl
mated , $2.05 per square yard. Tha
would mean a total cost of $143.50 fo
a 212-foot lot. As this can be paid ii
installments of one-tenth through ;
period of ten years , the cost would b
$ ; > after llfty days , $14.35 at th
end of the lirst year , and $14.35 a yea
for eight years.
It will bo surprising to some t
know that the total cost of the pavin
from the river to Seventh street woul
bo only about JHS.UOO. One Norfol
property owner yesterday was afrai
it would reach $400.000.
The cost of paving the seven stree
intersections would bo about $7,50 (
The cost of the balance , not includin
street intersections , would be abou
Norfolk avenue is 100 feet wid <
The sidewalks are sixteen feet wide
and the gutters six feet wide , whlc
loaves hut a . "iG-foot street to pave. I
is planned to leave the curb and gn' '
tors as they are. But allowing for on
foot off on each gutter , and paving
58-foot street , this leaves but sevent
square yards to be paved by each 21
foot lot.
This estimate of $2.05 per squar
yard is based on the following mate
rial for paving : Concrete foundatioi
1'yinch sand cushion , vitrified pavin
block and cement liller , together wit
all expansion joints , and including a
grading and rolling.
Mr. Rees will be pleased at the lei
cost of the paving , as brought out 1
this competent estimate. He stated t
The News yesterday that ho would b
willing to pave if the cost would nc
exceed $10 per front foot. And thi
estimate shows a cost of only $6.5
per front foot.
Niobrara Odd Fellows Celebrate.
Odd Follows of Niobrara celebrate
last night with a big special meetln ;
Many outsiders wore invited to th
Citizens of That City Vote Bonds I
Sum of $8,900.
The citizens of Plainviow have jus
voted bonds in the sum of $8UOO wit
which to establish a municipal elei
trie lighting plant.
Bonds for New School Building Vote
Within Twenty-five Days.
Osmond has broken the record fo
rapidly acting in the emorgenc
caused by the destruction of a schoo
house by lire. The Osmond schoo
house burned January 17 and on Fel
ruary 11 the district voted bonds o
$12.000 for the purpose of putting n
a now building. Insurance of betwec
$0.000 and $7.000 were secured frou
the old buildings.
Another record was broken in th
election. There were 135 votes fo
the bonds end only one against.
County Superintendent Frank Pllge
of Pierce county drove to Osmond ti
be present election day , drew up tin
bonds and brought them homo wltl
him the same day.
Most districts parley along for several
oral months , but this whole matte
was settled In twenty-live days. The
law iomilros at least twenty days' '
notice of the election , and that Is the
reason It took twenty-live days.
Tribute to Pierce Commissioner.
The Plerco county olllcors chipped
In and purchased a nice rocking chair
for County Coinmlsslonor Albert
Hleyhl last Saturday. Mr. nloyhl was
serving his llrst term as county corn-
mlsslonor and recently leslguod to
move on some land which ho purchased -
chased In South Dakota.
New Yorker Says Ten Minutes , More
Than He Cares For.
New York. Feb. 15."My wife's
klsse's last ten minutes , and I don't
like 'em that lang , " was Sol Lowun <
thal's defense In Magistrate Corrlgan's
court today when his wife accused
him of not loving her any more.
Lowenthal had his wife In court for
leaving him.
Magistrate Corrlgan declined to act
as a Solomon , and scut the couple
homo with the Injunction to agree
upon the length of time a family kiss
should consume.
Issues a Statement on Situation Ir
Lincoln , Feb. 14. In a statement
given to the press W. J. Bryan do
dares himself In favor of county op
tlon in Nebraska and at the same time
says It Is time for the political parties
to declare themselves Independent ol
the liquor Interests. Mr. Bryan say *
county option Is both fair and logical
and insists that the government hat
the undoubted right to regulate the
liquor tralllc In any manner It sees fit
Nles has Writer's Paralysis.
Nellgh , Neb. , Feb. 14. Special to
The News : S. I. Nles , former county
treasurer of this county , but for some
time past has held the position as
state examiner of county treasurers ,
has been forced to resign on account
of his suffering from writers' paraly-
Wayne Wins From Creighton.
Wayne won the basketball game
from Creighton Saturday'evening after
a hard fought contest by the score of
22 to 23. A clean game all around
was played and the team work on both
sides was great. The features of the
games were the basket throwing ol
Williams of Wayne and the guarding
of both teams. Creighton made a
great showing and a tie looked verj
probable. Wayne goes to Creighton
for a return game next Wednesday
night which will probably end the has-
ketball season for Creighton who have
only lost one game out of five played ,
Two games have been won from Win-
netoon , and two from Plalnvlew. The
game with Wayne Wednesday night
will be an exciting one.
The line-up :
Wayne. Position. Crelghtor
Williams F Strain
Cristlnsor C Joyce
Ooodsell F Phllbrlclf
Whit mars G Briggs
Chinn G Hoolestrii
Pile sub. Sannders
Referee Hamlen ; umpire , Sears.
Madison County School Notes.
Pupils receiving diplomas of honoi
since last report :
District No. 32 , Frank Davies ; dis
trict No. 5S , Anna Johnson ; dlstrlc
No. UU , Sophia Huelle.
Pupils receiving certificates of awart
are as follows :
District No. 7 , Clarence Schwartz
district No. 7 , George Schwartz ; dis
trict No. CC , Robert Stork ; district No
40 , William Gabelman , Jake Gabol
man ; district No. 7G , Willie Larson
district No. 05 , Nellie Wade ; distrlc
No. C2 , Walter Youngstrom ; distric
No. 50. Willie Dittrick.
Pupils receiving certificates of per
feet attendance are as follows :
District No. 9 , Dolly Wade , teacher
Jennings Hensley , Allen Sexton.
District No. 14 , Anna Hughes teach
er : Veo Bierman , Paulie Bierman.
District No. 16 , Lenora Stirk , teach
er : Bertha Sewell , James Kent.
District No. 27 , Clara Palmer , teach
er : Ruth Fichter , Alvan Fichter , Le
ona Fillmer.
District No. 37 , Rose Flanagan
teacher : Ernest Knebel.
District No. 4.0 , Rosemary O'Calla
ghan , teacher : Rose Brosh , Adolpl
Brosh , Albert Wedekind , Walter Wade
kind , Otto Wedekind , Willard Gabel
man , Jake Gabelman , Cecil Kamrnth
Alma Meier , Bessie Pospisil , Adolpl
Posplsil , Rudolph Pospisil , Martin
Meier , John Meier. Fred Choutka.
District No. 50 , Kathryn Holy , teach
er : Charlie Dlttrlch , Willie Dittrich
District No. 51 , Minna Lamport
teacher : Rose Borchers , Bessie Marr
Martha Scheerger , Claus Borchors.
District No. 54 , Josle Larson , teacher
or : Lena Freese , Adolph Hanson.
District No. 50. Edith Lyon , teacher
Freddie Boysen , Willie Boyson , Waltei
Felling , Minnie Felling , Eddie Felling
Sophia Huelle , Clara Huelle.
District No. 58 , Rose Brogan , teach
er : Anna Olson , Mary Johnson , Eller
Johnson , Harry Johnson , Gertrudi
District No. 59 , Irene Edens , teach
er : Erven Kaufman , Victor Kuchar
Frank Kuchar.
District No. 62 , Antonla Daugaard
teacher : Walter Youngstrom.
District No. 65 , Mtna Antisdel , teach
er : Jack Wade , Mary Smith , Florence
Kost , Claire Wade , Nellie Wade.
District No. 67 , Cassa Earl , teacher :
Cora Woblg , Martha Wobig.
District No. 68 , Ada Anderson , teach
er : Hazel Wlnstrom , Edith Wlnstrom
Sidney Winstrorn.
District No. 69 , Stella Stlrk , teacher :
Luclle Tannehlll.
District No. 77 , Jennie Dales , teacher
or : Minnie Sheets , Dewey Hayden
Ruth Crook , Leonard Brown , Charlotte
lotto Hayden.
A now Ulirary of thirty-nine volumes
has been purchased for district No. 27.
The f ( eel board In district No. Gl
have sent for the new list of library
linoks lor the school.
' - _ - _ .
Bryan and Dahlman Reach Parting of
the Ways.
Omaha , Feb. 15. Mayor Dahlman
avowed democratic candidate for gov
ernor , for years has traveled along the
. aaio political road with William J.
Bryan , but now they have reached the
point where they must separate , and
all because Bryan has declared for
county option. Speaking of Bryan's
declaration , Dahlman said ,
i " 1 am greatly disappointed because
' of the position Mr. Bryan has takou.
However , It will not change my plans
i relative to running for governor. It
! puts Governor Shallenbcrger and my
self In the same hod. For years I
1 have fought side by side with Bryan ,
and have been one of his greatest ad
mirers. Now wo must separate and
become political enemies , for 1 am
strenuously oposcd to county option ,
being- llrm believer In personal lib
"Of course the declaration of Bryan
means a hitter light In the democratic
, state convention , especially upon the
; matter of platform , and while I cannot -
; not give an opinion that is worth anything -
' thing , 1 don't believe a county option
plank can bo adopted. If It should
bo It Is dllllcult to predict the result.
In the event the democratic conven
tion should declare for county option ,
1 do not know what would happen.
"Bryan will have a following , but It
Is hard to estimate what It will be ,
though I do not think it will be very
large , for the democratic party Is
made up of a liberal element.
j "No doubt but Bryan's course will
j cost the democratic party some votes ,
but at the same time it-will bring
over a lot of republicans who are ad
hering to the principles of personal
liberty. "
Family Mlxup Ends in a Near-Shooting
at Oxnard Hotel.
Considerable gun play was the fea
ture of a sensational family mix-up
when Ray Warner of Miles City ,
Mont. , his father-in-law , Charles Lan-
tis of Garland , Mont. , and Lillie E.
Angelton of Lincoln came together
at the Oxnard hotel. The Angelton
woman is said is the wife of Warner
who followed her here and found that
a Norfolk man had been keeping com
pany with her.
The trio met in the Angolton wo
man's room. Her is said , was
about to call the police , but was stop
ped by Warner who backed against the
door with a revolver in his hand. Ho
was too slow , however , as Lantis had
a bead on him with another revolver
pressed against Warner's chest. In
some way news of what was going on
in the room leaked out and Warren
McClary , day clerk at the hotel , rushed
up to the room and found the three
people in one room. He immediately
demanded that Warner turn tlio re
volver , then laying on tlio floor , over
to him. Warner obeyed and the wo
man made a dash for the dresser
drawer where McClary caught her by
the hand and forced her to give up the
revolver which was hidden there. Mc
Clary then demanded that Lantis deliver -
, liver his gun which he did after a
long argument.
"This Is the llrst time In my life , "
" 1 ever disarm-
said Lantis. "that was
I ed. "
The three people left for Slonx City
and it is belived that their troubles
have been patched up between them.
lowan , Caught in Cattle Guard , Burns
Lake City , la. . Feb. 15. While on his
way home late last night from a party
at a farmhouse along the railroad
Steward Dunbar fell through a cattle
guard and his foot became caught.
Hearing a handcar , on which guests
from the party were riding hilariously
into the city , approaching , Dunbar
frantically tried to free himself and
lighted the llrst thing at hand to warn
the occupants of the car of his dan
ger.The car stopped a few feet from
him. Dunbar was picked up in a
fainting condition , the last burnt edges
of a $20 bill still clutched in his fing
While Mr. and Mrs. Rogers Were at
Hospital in Omaha.
Pilger , Neb. , Feb. 15. Special to
The News : Fire burned up the bed
ding and the line clothes of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Rogers last night while they
were in Omaha where Mrs. Rogers was
taken yesterday morning to undergo
a surgical operation in a hospital. No
cause for the lire Is known , but it Is
thought perhaps a little hey struck a
match and accidentally set the blaze.
Neighbors put the lire out with a few
buckets of water. The damage is
about $300.
Crawford's Secretary Forecasts Re-
nomination of Governor by 16,500.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Feb. 15. Special
to The News : "I make the predic
tion that Governor Vessey will carry
the Juno primaries with about 10,500
majority over his nearest opponent. "
This Is the prediction of John L.
Erlckson , private secretary to United
States Senator Crawford , while in
Sioux Falls on his way to attend to
some business matters In the state
for his chief. Mr. Erlckson. who was
in the thick of the progressive repub
lican-stalwart light two years ago ,
makes a plea for a light free from
personalities in the campaign termi
nating In the primaries on-Juno 7.
"I will say , " said ho , "that I uopo
the coming fight will be a clean-cut
contest between stalwartlsm and pro
gresslve republicanism , tso that the
people of the state may know Just
what they are voting on. 1 am sure
that our candidates ( the progressives )
will conduct their campaign In a
clean and gentlemanly manner , and
1 hope that the stalwarts will do the
same , so that the good name of the
state may not bo Injured by a bitter
controversy with the personalities
which so often accompany such a con
test. "
Dakota Prohlbs to Meet.
' Sioux Falls , S. I ) . . Feb. 15. Local
prohibitionists rapidly arc concluding
preparations for a state prohibition
convention , which will be held In the
city auditorium In Sioux Falls on
Thursday , February 22. The eonvon-
tlon will be held In the afternoon and
Is expected to be attended by large
delegations of prohibitionists from
every county In South Dakota.
Chanter Introduces Resolution to En
large the Investigation.
Albany , N. Y. , Fob. 15. The llrst
actual htep toward widening the scope
of the Investigation of alleged legis
lative corruption now under way In
thu senate was taken by a democrat ,
Lewis Stuyvesant Chanter , former
lieutenant governor and now assem
blyman from Dntchess county. Mr.
Chanlcr Introduced a resolution call
ing for a full and complete investiga
tion and asked for its immediate con
Mr. Merrill , majority lloor leader ,
promptly objected and under the rules ,
consideration of the measure was post
poned until next Monday night.
Mr. Chanlor explained that his meas
ure did not contemplate a general
boundless Investigation , was Intended
to express the sense of the assembly
that the senate should go the limit in
Its present Inquiry Into the Conger
Farmer Talks to Merchants.
Sioux Falls , S. I ) . , Feb. 15. Delegates -
gates already are commencing to ar
rive here to attend the fifth annual
convention of the South Dakota Re-
tall Hardware Dealers' association ,
which will be called to order at 1
o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Elks' '
hall. One of the features of the con
vention will be an address by W. J.
Carey , a representative farmer of Min-
nehaha county , who will tell the deal
ers how to get the farmers' hard'
ware trade and retain it. He also will
tell lire convenllon how the average
farmer regards the catalog house , and
why some farmers arc inclined to serrd
away from home for their goods. His
address is expected to be one of the
most Interesting and valuable deliv
ered during the convention. This will
be the first time a farmer has been
invited to address a convention ol
any kirrd of merchants in South Da
kota during their annual convention.
Is Opened With Home Talent Play of
Unusual Merit.
Niobrara , Nob. , eb. 15. Special to
The News : Niobrara's new opera
house was formally opened with tlio
popular melodrama , "In Old Ken
tucky , " which was extraordinarily
well presented by a home talent cast
assisted and directed by Frank arrd
Olive Lambert , professional actors of
ability. The action , stage business ,
and nerve shown are uiui ual with
home talent plays. Many * persons
Irorn other towns were present. The
Niobrara Northwestern band played
between acts.
New Sorority Organized.
Lincoln. Feb. 15. A tenth national
sorority was installed at the Unlver-
sity of Nebraska when ten pretty coeds -
eds received a charter from Delta
Xeta. Mrs. Alfa Lloyd Hayes of In
dianapolis represented the national
body at the Installation ceremonies.
The new chapter is known as the
SCeta chapter of the national organiza
Spectacular Pursuit Over Frozen
Plains of South Dakota.
Aberdeen , S. D. , Feb. 15. Worn thin
with his ten weeks' exertion , without
an ounce of superllous llesh upon his
gaunt frame , Carey Benson arrived in
Aberdeen from his long chase in pur
suit of young Daniel Gant , the Texas
cowboy who , on Thanksgiving day ,
1909 , murdered Lewis Maxwell at En-
glovale , N. D. , and then lied with Sanv
uel Gant , a younger brother. Samuel
Gant was captured near Newark , S. D. ,
a few days later , but Daniel escaped.
Among the posse who look up tire
chase at Newark was Benson , who had
known the Gant boys of old , having
ridden the range with them. In Wai-
worth county all trace of the fugitive
was lost and the various posses gave
up the pursuit , all but Benson. Thu
latter , knowing the Standing Rock res
ervation so well , was confident he
could eventually capture Garrt. In a
short time ho was rewarded by again
finding his trail. The man had suc
ceeded in crossing the Missouri river ,
Benson followed. For miles arrd miles ,
over the snow-covered ground , the
murderer lied for his life , and his
pursuer doggedly continued on the
Finally , late last week , Gant suc
ceeded In eluding Iris pursuer , though
at times Benson had been so close
behind his quarry that the water holes
broken through the lee by Garrt in
order to secure water for himself and
iris iiorso , had irot yet frozen over
when Benson carne up. At times Gant
threw farmers off the sent by repre
senting himself to bo Benson , and st
curing supplies in that way.
Benson heard Gant had taken the
back trail and had managed to got
to Watertown , S. D. , where ho had
purchased a ticket to Minneapolis ,
Benson stated he had wired the Min
neapolis authorities ami ho expected to
hoar at any minute of Cunt's capture.
The killing of Maxwell was the re
sult ot a quarrel over wages , and
many claim Haul was not to blame and
would ha\o boon acquitted had ho
remained at Knglovalo to stand trial.
Thortt is inoro Ciitarrh In llilH m-i-tlon
ol tht < country than all otln-r illm-am-H
put loKrlhir. mill until thu lanl tow
yt'ai'H WIIH Miippom'il to InInciinilili - .
For u great ninny yrarn ductum pro-
luiutii't'il U a loral dlHonxo anil prrsu'i'lb-
I'd local ruinrtlloH , ami liy coiiHtantly
lullliiK to euro with local tri-iUtm-nl ,
pronoiiiu'i'il It Inrurahlo. Sclcni-o IIIIH
jiroxi-n ciitarrh to ln > n coiiMtltutloniil
illNi-asu mill tlu-i'i'loi > - roiillroH | i-iniHti-
lutlunal irfiitiiiunt. Hull Catarrh Cure ,
iimimtacturi-d by I"1. J. Clu-ni-y .Si Co. ,
Tnli-ilo , Ohlu , IH lln > < inly oDimlltiitlonal
iui'i.on llumarket. . It IH takun Intur-
nally In ilom-.s I'roni lu ilinpM to a U-n-
Hpooiiful. It aolH dlroctly on tile blood
anil mui'ouH HiirfaruH ot the HyHtum.
Tln-y olti'r onu litmilruil dollars lor any
casju It rails to i-uro. Soiul for ulruti-
lara an.l tustlmonlalH.
Atlilri- : R J. CUHNISY .t CO. , To-
luilo , Ohio.
tiolil by DrtiKKlHtH , "Sc.
Tuku llall'H Family IMIlH for uonotl-
Junction News.
Miss Nellie Kemp of O'Neill spent
Sunday at the Junction.
i .Miss Minnie Sharpe returned to her
homo at Fremont at noon , after a
brief visit here.
i Mrs. Donalds and three children
passed through the Junction last even
ing on their way home to Lincoln from
' Neligh. '
Miss Helen Casedy of O'Neill spent
Sunday with Norfolk friends.
Arthur McMastor of Benson Is here
on a two weeks' visit.
M. T. Bailey went to Oakdale last
evening on business.
Miss Marie CtiHsman passed through
the Junction at noon on her way home
to Long Pine irom Lincoln , where she
has been Irr , i hospital ,
William Christ Ian Is moving from
tils property on South Fourth street to
that on Hastings avenue which he re
cently i urchimed from Frank Kroholer.
Mrs. Ella Lefllor arrived homo from
Stanton last evening , where she had
been \is-iiing.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Crotty went to
Missouri Valley Sunday to attend the
funeral of Mr. McCuno , who died there
a few days ago.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hill and three
children left yesterday for a brief visit
in Missouri Valley.
William Alexander of Oakdalo is
here visiting with Ills son , Harry B.
Alexander for a few days.
Mr. and .Mrs. .lonn Williams arrived
borne from the east last evening err
No. 5.
N. I. Owens came in from tire east
last evening err No. 5 ,
Mrs. Charles Evans arrived borne
yesterday from Lincoln , where she has
been in a hospital for a few months.
Al Dryer , who has been laid up for
the past week with blood poisoning in
his arm , was able to bo at work again
Frank Lubke of Foster is here visit
ing at the borne of his sister , Mrs.
William Christian.
Sanford Evans of Sioux City is here
on a visit with his brother Charles.
| Miss Margaret Potras arrived home
| from Sioux City yesterday , whore she
underwent an operation in a hospital.
Mrs. John Hinzo and small daugh
ter arrived home from Omaha last
evening , where they hail been visiting
with Mrs. Hin/e's son , Robert Smiley.
Notice to Creditors.
The state of Nebraska , Madison
county , ss.
In the matter of the estate of Hope
Jane Twonrbly. deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims and demands against
Hope Jane Twombly , late of said Madl-
son county , deceased , that the time
llxed for Illlng claims against said estate -
tate is six months from the 14th day
of February. 1910. All such persons
are required to present their claims
with the vouchers to the county judge
of said county at his olllco in the city
of Madison , in said Madison county , on
or before the 15th day of August , 1910 ,
and that all claims so filed will be
heard before said judge on the 15th
day of August , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. in.
Thomas B. Twombly is executor of
the estate.
It Is further ordered that notice to
all persons interested in said estate bo
given by publishing a copy of this or
der In the Norfolk Weekly News-Jour-
, rial , a weekly newspaper printed , pub-
i lished and circulating in said county ,
| for four consecutive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Witness nry hand and seal this Stir
day of February , A. D. 1910.
( Seal ) Win. Bates ,
County Judge.
Notice to Bridge Contractors.
Public notice Is hereby given that
sealed bids will bo received by the
board of county commissioners of
Madison county , Nebraska , for the
furnishing of all the necessary ma
terials and labor for the erection and
completion of the following bridges
or so many thereof as shall bo ordered
built by the said county commissioners
during tlio year beginning March 3o
1910. and ending March 29. 1911 :
One 16-foot roadway , 70-foot span ,
steel bridge , with tubular piers , across
Battle creek , nc-ar Battle Creek mill.
And such other bridges of like class
as above , ranging In spans frorrr 50 to
SO foot , as necessity or emergency may
require , to bo ordered by said board of
county commissioners , within the pe
riod herein specified.
One 16-foot roadway , pile arrd strlnp
yr bridge , approximately 40 feet long.
'lulu urlion in wuU'i color n'l L-jihei l.iaisV.
f. anil . ruppei > li > HP cli-r.ii ati"n A si anil oi > V
l > ortium > 'o Irani \Mientuuoncekimw I
u. ) ouc.i.i i-i H K < i-at < li-al of money in your I
home lleti of inxrurllon by teacher who tpent I
many jtjti in art ceiitett In the east , and In I
Allinrt t'lirU Write for free particular ! . I
Mn. H REX COTTON , 607 Be * Blda.Omaha , Nob. I
All such other bridges of Hlio claw *
as thu bridge hint described , as neces
sity or emergency may roiiilrn | to bo
ordered by said county coinmlsslonorti
within ( ho period heroin spocllled.
At the Kiuno time and pluco as hero
in spot-Hied bids will also ho received
by paid county commissioners for a
yearly contract for the repair of all
bridges and approaches to brldgon
which may bo ordered repaired and
maintained by said county commission
ers during the period above upoclllod.
All such bridges anil purls of bridge * *
to ho built In accordance with plans
and specifications heretofore adopted
by wild county commissioners and now
on Illo In the olllco of county clerk of
said county , at Madison , Nebraska.
No bid will ho considered unless It
Is accompanied by a corllllod check
for $2,000 , payable to the county clerk
of Mr.dlson county , Nebraska , which
shall bo forfeited to the county of
Madison In case the successful bidder
refuses to enter Into a contract If tln >
sarno shall be awarded to him. Such
chock must bo under separate cover
that It may be examined and verilled
by the county clerk prior to the open
ing of said bids.
The party receiving the contract will
be required to give a good and suf-
llclent bond In such amount as the said
county commissioners may designate ,
conditioned for the faithful perform
ance of said contract. Bids and chocks
will bo received at any time prior to
1U o'clock , noon , of I-'obruary 11) ) , 19)0 ) ,
by the county clerk of Madison county
at Madison , Nebraska , and said bills
will bo opened at the comrnlssloneit < '
olllco at Madison , Nebraska , at 1
o'clock p. in. , on March 1 , 11110. All
bids shall he made on bidding sheets
prepared and furnished by the said
county clerk on application.
The commissioners reserve the right
to reject any and all of said bids.
Done by order of the county com
missioners of Madison county , nt
Madison , Nebraska , this Kith day of
January , 1010.
S. R. MeFarland ,
County Cleric.
Notice of Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of sale Issued
and directed to me by thu clerk of the
district court of Madison county , Ne
braska , upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered by the district court of Madi
son county , Nebraska , on the 4th day
of November. 1'JOit. Irr favor of Napol
eon A. Ilalnbolt for the sum of $10.8G
with interest thereon from November
4. Iltoil , at 7 per cent per annum , and
in favor of Napoleon A. Hainbolt for
the sum of $ ! i-l.r > 2 with interest thereon
from November 4 , HIO'.I , at 7 per cent
per annum , together with $27.L'5. costs
of suit , and accruing costs , in arr ac
tion , wherein Napoleon A. Hainbolt Is
plaintiff and Justus P. Leaver , et al. ,
are defendants , I will offer the prem
ises described In said decree and taken
as the property of said defendants , to-
wit : Lots eighteen (18) ( ) and twenty
(20) ( ) In block three ( . ' ! ) of Riverside
Park addition to tlio City of Norfolk.
Nebraska , and lots six ( C ) , seven (7) ( ) .
seventeen (17) ( ) and nineteen (1 ( ! ) ) in
block three C ! ) , lots seven (7) ( ) and
eight ( S ) in block six ( ( i ) , lots two (2) ( )
and throe ( ! 5) ) Irr block cloven (11 ( ! , and
lots thirteen ( Hi ) and fourteen (14) ( ) in
block thirteen (115) ( ) , all In Uivorsido
Park addition to the city of Norfolk ,
in Madison county , Nebraska , for sale
at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash in hand on the 7th day of
March , ] ! )10 ) , at the hour of 1 o'clock
p. m. . at tht ; east front door of the
court house at Madison in said county
and state , that being the building
wherein the last term of said court
was hold , when and where duo attend
ance will be given by the undersigned.
Dated this 20th day of January , 1910.
C. S. Smith ,
Sheriff of Said County.
WANTKD Hicc-f > ; , s Magaztri TT
one with experience , nut would con
sider any applicant with good natural
qualifications ; salary ? l.f > 0 per day ,
quires the services of a man In Nor
folk to k-'ik after explrirrg subscrip
tions and lu secure new business by
means of special methods usually ef
fective ; position permanent ; prefr
with commission option. Address ,
with references. H. C. Peat.ock , Hooin
102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , Now
PMOSf 1114 1420-24 LJWRthCt DINVCU COLO
Aijonn nondlni ; n nUetrli niul iii-.cripilon nmr
qnlckir usi'iTtam our orinu.ii fou whether an
Invoti'li-n \ * piohn H f putwiii'ihle ( oniniiifilnv \
tlotnBtrcur < lcnimi. HANDBOOK oul'ntciiu
cut fru . Olrlrat nu'ciu-y for ai'i-urins : I'liU-nti.
I'alonia tuk n Uir-.uL'li Muim i Co. rocuUe
tixeial notice , YdlliDulctmrco , lullio
Scientific JIttteric < TO.
A hmidiomelr Itln'triUfld wepklr. I.trcut clr.
tulttloii of nr rlonimo luurual. Tenni , $ J
rear : lear montlii , | L Holiibjall
New York
to il % ! "