The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, February 11, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
NOWH , hHtabllshed 1881.
The Journal , Established 1877.
W. N. HUBO , N. A. IlUHi- .
President. Secretary
Every Friday lly mull per your , | 1.50.
Entered ut thu postollico at Norfolk ,
Noli. , IIH second class mnttur.
ToloplmnoH : T ITturTaT TJoparlment
No. 21 ! . UtiBlnoBB Olllce ( ind Job HOOIIIH
No. 11 22.
WUH hu worth hunting for ?
lx > oU out for another boycott dur
ing Lent.
Kumc uwnltH the welcoming of the
dlHCOvorcr of Dr. Cook.
Now thnt Dr. Cook IIIIH been found ,
what ahull be done with him ?
Talk about Herman warships It's
German uchoonerH that are popular.
Champ Clark Is defending the army
mule. Why not let the mule do Us
own kicking ?
It Is hard to convince some men that
they are dead. There's Chauncey De-
pew , for Instance.
Dr. Wiley says preserved eggs are
not lit to eat and certainly those which
Laven't been are not.
A Norfolk man refused to take elec
trical treatment for fear they would
charge him too much.
The man who brags about his pov
erty Is as Ill-bred as the man who Is
ashamed of his riches.
Will this flood they have been hav
ing over in Franco cause a shortage
In the Paris green crop ?
With taxes to pay for all these in
vestigating committees on high prices ,
It looks like a pretty hard winter.
The farmer who wants to keep his
boy and girl on the farm must make
it a pleasant and attractive place for
The daughter of the president of
the sugar trust in New York is about
to marry. She is said to bo a very
sweet girl.
Miss Marjorie Gould has terribly
shocked the New York smart set by
announcing that she Is going to marry
an American.
Every "mistake" thus far found In
the Aldrich bill Increases the duty.
There are some strange coincidences
in this world.
Some say its the high cost of liv
ing and others declare its the cost
of high living that is ailing us. Both
are probably right.
A suffragette parade in New York
city was speedily disrupted when a
department store hung out a sign an
nouncing $2 silks at $1.9 ! ) .
After a Carnegie library full of law
reports has been written , the courts
may be able to find out whether the
meat trust shall be dissolved.
head and missing
Forty-three sixty-five
ing at the Primero , Colo. , mine dis
aster , and blood continues to be a lead
ing ingredient In our coal and iron.
Secretary Halllnger says he will
never resign while there is anything
to light tor. We see where Mr. Bal-
linger's remaining years are to bo
The electric fan , which was special'
ly designed for hot weather relief ,
has been found by storekeepers and
in public buildings generally a most
satisfactory adjunct to ventilation.
Fifteen bridges span the Thames
river between the tower of London
and Hammersmith , but another larger
and more magnillcent than any ol
its predecessors Is soon to be built.
We are in the habit of sneering at
the "visionary" man. Yet every great
invention , every great good to man
kind , the triumph of every right prin
ciple has come tlrst as a vision to sonu
The lirst of last September then
were 1,500,000,000 eggs in cold stor
age. So says the president of th <
warehouse association and it was un
doubtedly true , for few of us him
seen a fresh one since.
Mountain lions are getting trouble
some in the Blackfoot country. Thej
all know when the African jungles
are the center of attraction to Ameri
ca's famous hunter , that the coast Is
clear hero for special depredations.
The most practical part of the pros !
dent's recommendations on railroai
rates is that which gives the railroads
power to make tralllc agreements
subject to the approval of the com
mission. " ' Hates so made would hi
likely to bo more stable than Individ
nal rates.
In a short time cars loaded witl
freight will bo sent from Chicago ti
Havana without breaking bulk. Thi
remarkable transportation achieve
ment between Florida and Cuba Is tin
tlnal fruitage of the oxtraordlnar ;
trans-marine development of the plan
railroad system.
Slneo the removal of the duty on
hides and skins the Importation of
UK-BO articles hint Increased about one-
fourth. The Increase Is largely goat
Bklim from the Hrltlsh Kast Indies and
South America. In spite of the In
crease In Imports the price of shoes
and leather goods showH no decline as
The demand for agricultural pro
ducts Is Inci easing so rapidly that
more land Is constantly being brought
under cultivation. The era of cheap
lands Is gone forever , but there re
main vast areas of good land which
has never seen a plow. One avenue
of relief from the present high prices
Is to Increase the productive acreage
by opening up these new lands.
Two delegates from every state In
the union have been Invited by Albert
I , the new king of Belgium , to meet
In Brussels at the International road
builders convention to be held there
July 10th. Every state ought to respond
spend with its delegates and they
should be men who will bo able to
prollt by what they see and hear.
Uood roads are one of the greatest
needs of the United States.
The underlying factor In the wheat
market which has so far been sue
ccssful In holding prices up , is the
pronounced disposition of the farmer
to exact the maximum price for his
wheat. So far through the season he
has refused to sell on the declines
and has sold only a moderate qunnti
ty on the advances. The adjustment
between supply and demand has been
so closely maintained by this selling
policy that the wheat surplus In sight
remains abnormally small.
Clarence F. Birdseye , who appears
to have taken a view of our colleges
comporting with his name , complains
that they have not advanced In schol
arship and efficiency as they have in
wealth and numbers. He thinks far
better results would be obtained If the
same thoroughness were applied to
other branches that is practised in
athletic coaching. The coach is the
only professor who goes after his ma
terial with an eye single to results.
He knows whether his men drink or
The present sky-rocket course of
farm products is not an unmixed evil
to the ultimate consumer. It's going
Ip give him more safety from being
killed outright by reckless automo-
billsts. A pig in the road will look
very different this spring than It used
to , while cutting a swath through a
Hock of spring chickens will be like
going up against gold nuggets. This
will make automobllists cautious and
tanners who are real friends of the
common people will see that their
pigs and their poultry spend as much
time as possible In the public high
The Boston Globe is authority for
the statement that Maine and New
Hampshire receive annually for their
summer resort investment more than
$00,000,000. A report just completed
by direction of the last legislature of
Maine credits that state with no IOPB
than 10,000 cottages and summer ho
tels having a value of ? 40,000,00p.
Four years ago by a similar report
from New Hampshire's summer re
sorts were valued at $22,000,000 and
it is estimated that they now have
increased to $30,000,000. It pays to
be picturesque and attractive even
for states.
At a recent exhibition of automo
biles in New York , no less than eighty-
four makes of cars were shown. A
few years ago it was a new and strug
gling business. Now hundreds of mil
lions of dollars are Involved. More ,
American automobiles are sent abroad |
now than are imported. The output
for 1010 is estimated at one hundred j
and twenty-five thousand cars and
this will not fill all the orders.
Arizona and New Mexico are look
ing forward with Increasing confidence
to gaining statehood this year. They
have President Taft's assurance that
he favors their admission.
President Taft Is making far more
extensive use of the tariff commission
and less vigorous use of the maximum
and minimum schedules of the new
tariff laws than the organization that
put it through congress intended. He
has already proclaimed that Great
Britain. Italy. Spain , Turkey and
Switzerland are entitled to minimum
rates. Negotiations are pending with
„ France , Belgium , Holland and the
Scandinavian countries. Our com
i- merce with the countries already given
is the minimum duties Is well over a
billion dollars and those likely to re
ceive the same treatment will raise it
. half a million more.
s General regret Is felt throughout
the nation as well as the state of
New York that Governor Hughes
should decline to again be a candidate
and declare his decision to retire from
public life. Few men have been sc
highly regarded for their sterling character
actor and unimpeachable honesty cou
pled with a high order of ability. Mr
Hughes has been popularly spoken ol
as a presidential possibility in 1U2. ! Ik
that as it may , ho has resolved tc
resume the practice of law at the
close of his present term and try tc
place bis family on a safe financial
basis. He IIIIH spent $40,000 more than
his Hillary in running the executive
mansion during his four years as gov
Madrlz , the self-constituted presi
dent of Nicaragua , has announced that
he Is ready to step down and out as
soon as arrangements can be made
to elect his successor. The United
States does not take kindly to Mmlri/ ,
rating him no higher that It did He-
laya. Like him he Is a rascal and
a despot. He has already placed two
notoriously bad men In high position.
One of them Is a Russian nihilist.
The choice of the American irovern-
ment for the presidency of that un
fortunate little country Is General Es
trada. There Is good ground for hope
that at the next general election Gen
eral Mat radii will be chosen. If he Is ,
it will mean that Nicaragua enters
upon a more peaceful and prosperous
epoch In Its history.
The pronunciation of the English lan
guage Is a source of constant anxiety
and irritation to the person who
wishes to use It correctly. While It
is so widely used that many believe
it will not be long before it Is the
universal language , each country and
section give many words a different
pronunciation. In America the New
Englander is accused of slighting his
r's and giving his a's an unnecessarily
broad sound. There seems to be no
infallible authority whose word is law
In this matter. There is little chance
for successful phonetic spelling. After
the reform speller has Invented more
letters to express the sounds he uses ,
whose pronunciation shall he follow ?
Whatever way we choose to pronounce
our "king's English" we may rest as
sured that our children will be taught
a different way. We do not know how
various words will be pronounced a
decade hence , we only know it will
not be as they are today.
Out of the mystic atmosphere flash
ed an unseen electric spark that spell
ed "S. O. S. " to a hundred wireless
telegraph stations. Ships at sea also
caught the sign of distress the most
urgent call that can be sent for help
, from a disabled craft. And within a
very few minutes help was on the
way to the Kentucky , sinking off Cape
The government , catching the cry
for help , .in turn sent wireless messages -
sages to a revenue cutter and a battleship -
tleship out at sea , directing them to
the spot where a steamer was going
I The wonders of electricity and Its
t magnificent power are but intthelr in
fancy. And each day , almost unfolds
some now development for the world
to marvel at. What fifty more years
may bring forth , no man even dare
to forecast.
The fact that the city council has
instructed the city clerk to beging cir
culating the paving petition , and that
the petition is already being signed by
property owners , will have a tenden
cy to discount the spirit of fear that
has been expressed in some quarters
lest the plans to pave this spring fall
of completion. The mayor and coun
cil said the other night that they
hope the work will have been finished
i before the middle of the summer.
| There Is every indication that Mayor
Friday hopes to make good his pre
vious forecast that July 4 would see
Noroflk avenue paved.
The paving of Norfolk avenue will
mean a very great deal , and to get
the street paved this summer will be
I particularly beneficial. Thereis , pros-
I pect for another big South Dakota land
'opening ' next fall another land rush
in which Norfolk again will be the
only gateway to the land to be set-
tied. That will mean the passing of
thousands of strangers through the
city again , and the impression that a
vast throng of visitors carry away
of a city will mean much in the gen
eral advertising that results.
For several years paving has been
one most longed for and most need
ed public Improvement in Norfolk.
The people of the city would be deep
ly disappointed if plans to pave this
spring should not materialize , and for
that reason the action of the council
In hurrying along the preliminary
work so that actual paving may begin
as soon as the frost is out of the
ground , Is greeted with enthusiasm by
Norfolk people.
There Is no time to lose between
now and the beginning of actual work ,
and the public will applaud every step
taken by the council to get things in
shape to begin the work.
There Is a whole lot of confusion
in the public mind In regard to Mr.
Taft and the Roosevelt policies that
has no foundation whatever , in fact.
There has been a great deal of cheap
oratory and more of loose writing in
dulged in to give the impression that
President Taft was not In sympathy
with the ideas of Theodore Roosevelt.
It has been boldy asserted that ho has
surrendered to "the Interests" and
could not bo counted upon to carry
on the contest for the general welfare
of the people so courageously waged
by his fearless predecessor.
It is easy to make such charges and
if they wore justified by events they
would not only bo deplorable but they
would call for severe censure. How
remote they are from the truth , his-1
lory will verify In no mlstakeahle
For the prevent let us bo content
to deal Hpei ideally with one Instance'
which clearly shows Air. Taft's atti
tude toward the Rose1 elt policies and
hlH met hods of making them of prac
tical effect. We refer to the federal
corporation law suggested by Presi
dent Taft. Is It as has been asserted
a kick In the face of the Roosevelt
policies ? Listen to what President
Roosevelt said In his message to con
gress In December , l ! 08 : "I strongly
advocate that , Instead "of an unwise
elTort shall be substituted a law which
shall expressly permit combinations
which are In the Interest of the pub
lic , but shall at the same time give
to sonle agency of the national gov
ernment full power of control over
them. "
It is in exact line with this state
ment of Mr. Roosevelt that Mr. Taft
recommends in his federal corpora
tion law that the Interstate commerce
commission be given power to recog
nize certain agreements between rail
roads but all of them , however , under
the pains and penalties of the anti
trust laws.
Mr. Roosevelt was an advocate ; Mr.
Taft is a constructive statesman plac
ing these ideas in concrete form Into
the laws of the land. Each man Is
doing his own work in his own way.
But it Is the same work In spirit and
in fact and President Taft deserves
the fullest confidence of his country
It is generally believed In Norfolk
that this city Is discriminated against
In the matter of freight rates in favor
of Omaha , Lincoln , Sioux City and
It is likewise generally believed that
the railroads , by refusing to treat Nor
folk fairly in the matter of freight
rates , are preventing the city's devel
oping Into the wholesaling and manu
facturing center which its wonderfully
advantageous geographical location
ought otherwise to make it.
There is an interstate commerce
commission at Washington whose duty
It is to correct discriminations of this
Norfolk business men believe Nor
folk has a case. The News believes
Norfolk has a case and that if the case
were once brought to the attention of
the interstate commerce commission ,
the city would be given relief. Attor
ney Harry Brome , who was employed
by the Commercial club two years ago
to start the case which later was al
lowed to drop , gave It as his opinion
that Norfolk was being done a gross
Injustice and that he could win the
case for the city.
Norfolk believes that it will never
attain the growth to which its natural
advantages entitle it , until the matter
of freight rates is adjusted.
Two years ago the Commercial club ,
under A. J. Durland's presidency , start
ed a fight for this adjustment. Rail
way employes came before the club
and requested that the matter be held
In abeyance until September of that
year , because they said they feared
agitation would reduce their wages.
The club granted that request. When
September came Mr. Dili-land was not
at home , and the matter of freight
rates was dropped. It has never been
taken up since.
Norfolk Is now starting a new year.
The Commercial club could do nothing
of so much benefit to the city as to go
after and win more favorable freight
rates. And the time seems ripe just
now , when Norfolk's territory Is ex
panding so that a 'wholesale center is
practically demanded here by north
Nebraska and southern South Dakota ,
for the Commercial club to center its
efforts upon this one paramount ques
tion and throw the real Norfolk spirit
of push and enterprise into the move
ment with the intention of taking the
city out of the small town class and
place it where it rightly belongs as the
trading center as well as the geograph
ical center of north Nebraska.
It is easy to decry present conditions
and to paint them In dark colors.
It requires no master hand to point
out tiie weak places and then to draw
from all this the deduction that we
live in a very degenerate age and
that politically , socially and morally
we are going to the bad rapidly.
It is rather the fad just now in some
otherwise very estimable circles to
make business of this sort of thing.
Now , no one denies that there could
be and ought to bo vast improvement
in our public and private thinking and
living. But he who imagines that the
American people are going to crown 1
with laurel leaves mere phophets of
evil , however gifted , however honest
they may be , Is to have a rude awak
It was fortunate that the country
had seven years of "arousement" un
der the strenuous Roosevelt. It ,
wrought mightily for good. The people
ple are now clearly and resolutely
determined that the government shall
be conducted upon clean lines by clean
men thoroughly Intent upon serving
the welfare of the many , rather than
the few. They elected President Taft
and endorsed the principles of the
republican party by overwhelming inti <
jorlties because they had confidence
in them. There never was a time in
the history of the nation when the
people demanded men of all branches
I of political 8cr\ Ice nor a time when
the call was more Insistent for Integri
ty and a square deal In all departments
of administration.
I Watchtulncs In these lospoetB IH
highly commendable. But the people
aie not going to bo swept elf their
feet 1 > y thosiO who spend their time
In deploring evils and exaggerating
them to the exclusion of all else. Hys
teria Is weakness. What the country
wants Is constructive statesmanship.
The men who help most , are concerned
both In lotty Ideals and Integrity of
action but also In devising plans which
shall effectually promote the progress
and the prosperity of thi > entire people
ple ; the party which will endure , Is the
one which plants Its feet on broad
general policies which conduce to the
enact such legislation as shall make
uplifting and the happiness of the
| | many and then steadily endeavors 10
enact such legislation as shall make
them leal.
| President Taft sent to congress a
series of messages on the control of
trusts , the conservation of our national
resources and similar subjects , that
show him to be a constructive states
man. If the republican congress now
I in session gives his suggestions
prompt and cordial support there need
be no fear of who the people will en
dorse in next year's elections. If they
are icliictant and hesitating , there may
It's time to swear off for forty days.
Pity the freezing east , con of this
balmy spring clime.
The candy fiend generally gives up
coffee during Lent.
I The state normal board plans to
chop down Crabtree.
' WANTED An Industry to fill the
sugar factory buildings.
I Will the hens be so kind as to get
busy , now that Easter is seen In the
pathway ahead ?
And right on top of this crusade for
less expensive livings , comes the East
er bonnet to buy !
It was conceded that Roosevelt had
great endurance , but nobody supposed
he could stand for spoiled beef.
If anybody comes along and tries to
sell you $700 worth of postage stamps ,
don't buy 'em. They're the Clearwater
Incidentally , Theodore made spoiled
beef out of a lot of politicians while
he was in the white house. Maybe
that's why he liked it so well.
A 3-year-old Norfolk boy when asked
how many there were in the family ex
plained It this way : "There's me , and
we got a baby , and we got a hired girl
and a mother and we got a father. "
Although merchants suffer consider
able loss when hiring new clerks who
eat up a good deal of the profits
munching candy , cakes , etc. , it is said
druggists are the heavier losers when
breaking in new clerks who have
the chewing gum habit.
There are those who preach so much
they haven't time to practice.
There are people who live in such
a way that death Is about the best
luck that can befall them.
The1 sympathy of a man who isn't
really sorry for you , is about the most
unsatisfactory thing on earth.
H Is always easier to remember
what you have done for others than
to recall favors extended to you.
We have always considered Gov
ernor Hughes , of New York , too nice
a man to wear his whiskers the way
he does.
Why can't a woman realize that it
Is ridiculous to run around the streets
with a great stack of false curls and
puffs on her head ?
Those under 20 see the form of
a good fairy in the flames of a grate
fire , but those past that age more
often conjure up a boogy man.
Every one has his ghosts : To par
ents , the thing that is most haunting
is the man who will come along some
day and steal the daughter.
"Although I am not very amiable In
that line myself , I admire a man who
loves his kin , and is cheerfully im
posed on by them. " Parson Twine.
Talk all you please about exact jus
tice to all , it happens every day that
a big dog chases a little dog away
after the little dog has found it first.
News does not seem to bo very
plentiful In Kansas C'ity ; the Star of
last evening mentions , a two-story
house that Is to bi > built there in the
In the old days , modesty was appre
ciated , but of late the man who
screams loudest and oftcnest that ho
Is the best man on earth , receives
most attention.
Eleven children have been named
for one Atchlson woman. We men
tioned this fact several days ago. Do
you people propose to let this record
go unchallenged ? Do you mean to
say that none of you know a woman
who has had more than eleven chil
dren named for her ? What has be
come of the spirit of competition that
prevailed among you when the oldest
so wing'machine was mentioned ?
Home Course
In Live Stock
XV. Sheep Raising.
Aulluir of "Home Course In Modern
Aurlculttire , " "Makliitf Money on
the lupin , " lite.
Copyright , IL'OO. by American I'rev *
NDER favorable conditions thu
sheep Is one of the most
ptolliablc kinds of live stock
ihnl can be raised. The llrst
essential to success In thin business Is
a liking for It. The second Is a proper
location. Sheep kept on low pasluro-i
become wormy or a IT tried with fool
rot and are seldom profitable.
Sheep arc able to use large amounts
of rough feed that would otherwise go
to waste , making economical gains on
feed that the other animals of the
farm will not touch. They are espe
cially good for cleaning up weedy
There Is no better method of ridding
a weed Infested Held of the crop which
renders It worthless for agricultural
purposes than to turn It over to the
tender men-leu of a Hock of sheep. It
matters little what species of weed has
obtained the supremacy ; it is doomed
to extinct Ion.
TSe Mutton Type.
For prodn ing high class mutton
Shropshire's , : inl Southdowns are large
ly used. The\ , are the most perfect
roprosontathes iif the- mutton type ,
but are someiImeM criticised because
of their small lzi- and consequent | nck
of capacity for rough feed. Whore
there Is a large amount of roughnge to
be p'i ' away with some ou < > of the
large lir- " ! * . such as Cotswold or Ox-
ford , will probably be more satisfac
tory. On the ranges of the west the
hardy Merinos are best adapted to the
In getting a start in the sheep busi
ness , especially If you luivo never
raised sheep , it IH best to buy three or
four owes of the desired breed. In be-
looting owes where mutton is to be the
chief consideration considerable atten
tion should be paid to the mutton
This is much the same as the moat
type in other animals. They should
be broad , deep and fairly long , with
good spring of rib and broad , well cov
ered back and loin. The rump should
lie Ion : : and the bind legs well mealed
both inside- and out. as this , together
with the back and loin , is the most
valuable part of the sheep. The qual
ity should do good , as shown In fine
head and bone. The constitution
should be good. : is shown by depth of
chest , largo nostrils and width between
the fore lojrs.
i J ootl quality of wool Is shown by a
close , even crimp. The wool should be
dense on all parts of the body. It should
not bo harsh , and the fiber should bo
strong and not easily broken. There
should be no dead hairs In the wool.
Sheep are often trimmed so as to ap
pear much wider and blockler than
they really are. The only way to toll
the real form of a trimmed sheep Is
by touch. In going over a sheep with
the hands do not dig Into the wool
with the fingers , thus tearing It apart
and lessening the value of the fleece ,
but fed with the palms of the out
stretched hand. In buying ewes bo
sure to examine tboir mouths carefully.
Ewes that are "down In the mouth"-
that K thnt are so old that tholr tooth
are worn d-iwn to the gums-are a los
Ing proposition.
Handling Breeding Sheep.
When ewes are bought of a brcede *
they will usually bo bred. In raising
lambs for market on any considerable
scale owes bought on the general mar
ket are a good deal cheaper , and very
good results can bo obtained If mated
to a good , pure bred ram. The sanio
points of form spoken of In connection
with the owe should be looked after
in selecting the ram. In addition , ho
should show masculinity In a strong
head , thli k neck and largo chest. His
legs should be strong , especially In the
pasterns , and ho should not bo over-
fat. The ram should be from a strain
of profitable producers.
Whore a ram lamb is used for serv
ice fifteen or twenty ewes are as
many as he can well handle. It Is
hotter and more profitable to use a
more mature sire. A yearling can
servo thirty to forty owes and an old
ram sixty when they are left to run
with the flock all the time. A bettor
plan is to turn ( lie ram In with the
owes for a short time , only at morning
and night , keeping him In a pen by
himself the rest of the time. In this
way the ram can serve double the
number of ewos. It Is a good plan to
smear the ram's breast with paint before -
fore turning him out with the owes.
Then nftrr ho Is taken out a brlof
glnnce will show Just which ewes have
been bred. Those can bo marked with
onr tags or paint and the date of service -
ice recorded. These ewes should be"
kept in a pen by themselves for a few
days until the period of heat Is over.
Twenty weeks Is the usual time of
gestation in ewes. On the general
farm the orcferahln tlmo to hav * th
lambs come IH Jimt about the time the
grass IH starting well. If you are in
the pure bred business It will pay to
have the Inmbs come a little earlier
than this , IIH the larger lambs bring
bettor prices IIH breeders In I ho fall
In older to have the OWOH come in boat
as nearly the same Mini1 IIH possible a
plan known as Hushing" IH often used
Tills i-niiHlHtH In taking them from a
rather poor pasture and turning them
into a luxuriant growth of rape or
some other good forage. A little grain ,
nay one-half pound a day per head ,
should also bo given. OatH and bran ,
with a little ollmeal added , make otio
of the best rations for the ram during
the brooding season. He should bo
given all ho will clean up when In
heavy service.
Winter Care.
During the winter the OWOH should
be fed on a ration of outs and bran ,
with perhaps if little corn added.
Clover hay Is one of the host forms of
roughage. A little sllago will mid sue
culonce to the ration , but It should
not bo fed Inery largo quantities.
Roots are also good for this purpose
Exorcise Is essential. A winter pas
ture over which ( ho owes can run
will provide this , but they should not
be made to depend on thin pasture for
any considerable portion of tholr Iced.
Sheep can stand a grout deal of cold
if their lleece does not become wot. A
dry , well bedded shed , open on the
south , IH the best sort of winter pro
Just before lambing the wool on the
flanks and udders should bo clipped. A
little ollmeal should be added to the
ration for two or throe weeks prior
to lambing. Many of the newly born
lambs will have to bo assisted to stand
up and Buck , after which they will
usually be able to take care of them
selves. In cold weather lambn are
liable to wander away from their
mothers and get chilled. The best way
to save a chilled lamb Is to put it In
warm water' for half an hour. It
should bo thoroughly dried before put
ting it back In the pen.
The lambs should be weaned when
they are from three to four months old.
Tills IH a critical time In tholr life , as
a check In growth will give parasites
a chance to got a start. It IH a good
pinn to have a fresh pasture of cleverer
or rajHto put the lambs In at thin
time. Rape and clover mixed and
sown with oats make excellent fall
pasture after the oats are harvested.
Another way of getting good fall food
for lambs Is to sow rape In the corn at
the last cultivation. The lambs will
cat the rape , weeds and lower leaves
of the corn , leaving the Held In ex
cellent shape for husking without In
juring the corn to any extent. The
lambs should be docked and castrated
while young.
Feeding the Lambs.
The lambs should be taught to eat
before weaning , and a small ration of \
grain should bo fed from that time on
There is no bettor feed for lambs than
oats. When the Inmb.s are on clover
pasture half the grain ration may bo
made of corn. As a general rule It l
better to avoid the holiday rush and
market the lambs later in the season
with a better finish. As soon as they
are off pasture the grain should be In
creased until they are getting all they
will eat. Corn and clover hay make
one ol' the best rations for fattenlm :
sheep. Before putting the lambs Into
the food lot a few of the best owes
should ho sorted out to replenish tin-
Hock. All unprofitable owes or those
that are getting old should be shut up
and fattened as soon as the lambs are
weaned. Plenty of salt should bo pro
vided for the sheep during the fatten
ing period as well as at all oilier times
of year. Salt Is more necessary to
sheep than to any other class of stock
Sheep are not very heavy drinkers , but
they do need some water , and a supply
should be provided at all times.
Many feeders make a practice of
buying western lambs on the market
and feeding them through the winter.
If good .stuff can be bought at right
no. xxix.-iiiuxaiMi IIOMU TUB HIIEEP.
prices and food Is not too high there
is considerable profit In Mils system.
In the eastern states considerable
profit Is made on 'hothouse lambs. "
Dorset s are the best brood from which
to produce this class of lambs , as they
will brood out of season. The ewes
are bred In May and the lambs fitted
for the Easier markot.
The sheep grower is not compelled
to depend upon mutton alone for his
profit. The wool Is also a considerable
item , usually amounting to enough teat
at least pay for the food. Where a
largo number of sheep are to be shear
ed the work can be done more rapidly
with a machine than by hand. There
Is al o a saving In wool , as the ma
chine clips closer
" 1 can recommend this horse , sir. "
snhl n dealer , "as a strong , sound ani
mal. "
"It invmt be. " agreed the customer ,
"to have attained Its present ago ! "
A Cinch.
Dubbins Do you know where I , can
flnd n lot facing south ? Stubbing-
Why not try around the north pole ?
That's a very likely place. Judge.