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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS = JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NEBRASKA PlUDAY DECM-JMUKH 24 J90D. e"to TO MARCH ON THE CAPITA ! GENERAL ESTRADA TO STAR MOVE ON MADRIZ FORCES. WILL TRY TO CAPTURE MANAGU , General Eotrada Believes the Zelaya Forces Have Been Removed Fror All Consideration by Sweeping VI tory at Rama Feeds Prisoners We BluciloldB , Doc. 23. Gouornl Ei trada , It Is Biiltl today , will Immedlnt ly nsBUino the offonHlvo against tl government of President Mndrlz. Tli insurgent Icndor holds Unit tlio 55cla an element was removed from consli oration In the swooping bnttlo of n inn. The march on Mnnnguu Is b liuvcd to bo Imminent. The prisoners captured at Ran hava bcon well fed and all who no OBpouso the cause of Estrada will ft nnned and enrolled In the ranks the insurgents. The details of Estrada's flghtlr campaign are not nuido known , but Is understood his movement on M naugua will bo by way of Groytow which ho expects to fall with lltt show of resistance. The varlo groups of the enemy in the vicinity San Juan river will bo wiped out ai the path to the Nlcaraguan caplt along the Nicaragua. The exact number of dead or 1 Jurod and captured in the two daj fighting near Rama either Is not d tonnlned or the facts are withhold. The Horrors of Real War. Today Bluoflolds realizes what re war means. The wounded fill the he pltals and dead Ho In many home Funerals are being hold In great nui bors. Insurgents , elated over thovt " umph that has placed Estrada ln"v questioned possession of Rama , Recr and the strategic points of Tatuml Hill , as well as the adjacent torrlto heretofore disputed , Is tempered ' the sorrow of the grlefstrlcken horn < There Is less of noisy rejoicing the capital of the provisional govei mont , but the grim determination overthrow the government of Mnnag has been strengthened by the snc flees of the past few days. American Surgeons Great Help. Generals Chamorra , Diaz and ft tuty are popular her6os today. T ! American surgeons from the cruls DCS Molncs are giving splendid sorvl in the care of the wounded. elaya Scores United States. Managua , Dec. 23. Ex-President 5 laya Issued a manifesto declaring tli his surrender of the presidency w caused by a desire to save Nlcarag the humiliation of outrages tlircnt < cd by n powerful foreign nation , whl was now exercising n decisive fluenco over the destiny of Nlcaragi Because of his resistance ngali the imposition of tutelage , which w the forerunner of the conversion the Latin nations of this continent to dependencies of the United Stat ho had incurred the hatred of tl 'i government and when his defeat y the revolutionists appeared probal the United States Inexplicably sev < cd relations with Nicaragua throu Secretary Knox's letter to the char d' affairs. Ho protested before t world against the meddling of t United States and the threat to la marines. Zelaya In his manifesto takes various clauses of the Knox letter an attempt to refute charges wl copies of the letters ho had recelv from John Gardner Coolldge , fora American minister at Managua , thai ing him for his courteous treatmc in the matter of the claims of Gua mala and Salvador. The former president declares tl the Americans , Cannon and Gro were executed according to law. T ] pretext for Intervention , ho asserts , similar to that employed when < United States first intervened in Cu for there was no proof that the Mai was blown up by Spaniards , and t ! was taken as n cause for action. NO DELEGATE TO VATICAN Uncle Sam Has Never Even Thout of Sending a Man. Washington , Dec. 23. Mgr. Dlome Falconlo , pnpnl delegate to the Unll States , Is much annoyed by the c Tcnt discussion of probable establl -ment of an embassoy from the Unll States to the Vatican. Mgr. Falconto last night made I statement that no such proposlt had ever been discussed. The wh story as it has been circulated , s the papal delegate , was a pure Inv tlon. Launch Battleship Utah. Philadelphia , Dec. 23. The bat ship Utah was launched at the N York Shipbuilding company's yard Camden , N. J. , at 11 o'clock today. FIGHTS WITH BANK HOBBE Kansas Bank President Exchan Shots With Thug Driven Back. Mound City , Kan. , Doc. 23. Hobb early today blow open the safe of state bank of Centorvillo , .near hi and escaped with $1,500. One of robbers , the laat to leave the build ! wiii. o'i in" by C. II. Drown , proa dent of VMi , , k. The robber roturnc the flro and lifter a lively fuosllado c Bliots drove Drown to cover and o caped. Neither was wounded. Tli Interior of the bank was wrecked. TO PAY LEOPOLD'S OLD DEBT ! _ _ _ _ New King , Albert , Pays Up to Avol Further Scandals. Paris , Due. 2.'t. A special from Urn sels says that In order to avoid ft turo scandals , Prince Albert will so tlo with the creditors of his cousli Loulso , and also taken steps to pn vent the proposed litigation of tli other prlncesBos over the estate c the late King Leopold. NEILSON SANE , CASE DISMISSEI NORFOLK FARMER NOT FOUN MENTALLY LACKING. WIFE HAD FILED THE ftHARG Mr. and Mrs. Nellsen Have Lived T gether for Nearly Half a Centur In Old Age They Have Becorr Childish and Distrustful. Madison , Neb. , Dec. 23. Special 1 The News : Erasmus Nellsen , the No folk farmer who was before the cou ty insanity beaM yesterday , has bee declared sane. The case against him was dlsmlssc The complaint was filed by his wlf Mr. and Mrs. Nellsen have lived t gether as husband and wlfo for near a half century ; they have raised family of eminently respectable soi and daughters , all of whom are grow up , and by dint of hard work ai economy have accumulated quite t estate , most of which is in farm Ian the seat of the family homo adjoinli the city of Norfolk. The old people their old ago have become childish ni irritable and have quarreled and I come distrustful of each other. At the last term of the district cou the old gentleman dismissed an actli for divorce upon being required 1 the court to pay to his wlfo $250 tei porary alimony and $25 per month maintenance , while the court had t matter of divorce and permanent n mony under advisement. Attorney Jack Koenlgsteln of N < folk represented Mr. Neilsen ai County -Attorney James .Nichols ' c peared in behalf of the board of' i sanity. NEVER MAILED HER LETTEF Ocey Snead's Letters to Husbai Were Unmalled His Stolen. Now York , Doc. 23. Although Mi arollno B. Martin , mother of Oc Snead , has been Indicted with h two sisters for the murder of the ED Orange bath-tub victim , , the New J < sey authorities have not yet obtain' ' possession of Mrs. Martin and she determined not to bp taken from Nc York state without a fight. Today her attorney , Colonel Robe J. Halre , announced that ho would once take steps for bringing habe corpus proceedings to test the strong of the case of his client. Some of the evidence which w presented to the grand Jury In su port of the charge that a plot exist against Mrs. Ocoy Snoad bocar known today. An important poll was made In the presentation of doc mentary and other evidence to she that letters written by Mrs. Snead icr absent husband Fletcher Snec were unmailed and that his letters her were Intercepted. Meanwhile , it was alleged , the si woman was told that her husband w dead and that she had nothing to 11 for. KERMiT BEATS OUT HIS Dl Gets Animal Teddy Hasn't- Seen C onel "Dee-lighted" With Song. Kampala , Uganda , Dec. 23. Kern Roosevelt has secured a fine specim of the male sitatunga. Colonel Roe volt has not sighted this rare game During a reception for the Amc cans at the homo of F. A. Knowl' ' the subcommlssioner , n native ba from the Catholic mission played "T Star Spangled Banner" and then sa the words , first In English and lal In their own language , a translatl having been made and rehearsed I the occasion. Colonel Roosevelt si ho was delighted. The expedition probably will bre camp tomorrow. 450 BALLOT ! ! ; NO CHOICE Sixth Missouri District Democrats S Held In a Deadlock. Butler , Mo. , Dec. 23. When t democratic convention of the Sb congressional district met today af ' . having taken 450 ballots in an off to choose a candidate to succeed t late Congressman David A. D'Armo there was little prospect that the dc lock would bo broken soon. C. Dickinson of Henry county still lot the other three candidates. A STORMY CHRISTMAS EVE. Rain or Snow Forecasted for the C Before Christmas. Rain or anew for Friday Christn eve is the weather man's forecast NE6RQ SAVES MANY LIVES KANSAS CITY COLORED JANITOI PROVES HIMSELF A HERO. RIALTO BUILDING IS DESTROYEI While Building Was Burning Fiercely Johnson Rushed to the Fifth Flooi Through Smoke and Flame , to Get Student Who Had Not Been Arouse Kansas City , Dec. 23. Heroic rei cue work on the part of Washlngto Johnson , a negro janitor , saved th lives of a score of persons in the R alto building , n live-story office stru < turo at Ninth street and Grand avenue which was destroyed early today b a Jlro caused by a gas explosion. Th loss Is estimated at $300,000. Johnson discovered the flro ant realizing that n number of physician and medical students were sleeping o the upper floors , ho rushed throug the halls shouting alarm. When h believed every one had escaped h made his way to the street. There h learned that Charles R. Manloy , a mei leal student who slept on the flft floor , was missing. Without n moment's hesltatloi Johnson rushed up the stairs to tli top of the building. As ho starte through the hall on the fifth floor 1 met Manloy , dazed and half chokei groping about. Taking the stifled ma by the arm the negro guided hli through the smoke and flames and tli pair reached the street Just as a so end explosion shook the building. The second explosion occurred Jin as twenty firemen entered the bull Ing. Six of the firemen were throw a distance of several feet by the fore of the explosion , but none suffert more than minor injuries. After three hours' work the fire wt placed under control , having been co fined to the Rlalto building. The lo ; falls principally upon Albert Mart owner of the building. The insurant totals two-thirds of the loss. TO CAN INDIAN LAWYERS. Uncle Sam to Represent Lo Chau cey Richardson Files Objection. Washington , Dec. 23. Chauncoy ' . Richardson , formerly of Duluth , wl has been attorney In this city for I dians on the White Earth reservatl ( for the past several years , is havii his troubles with Secretary Balling and Commissioner Valentine in ha Ing hie contract renewed. The old contract expired a menage ago , and a now ono was prepared ai submitted to the department for a proval. But there Is some dou whether the approval will bo forthcoi Ing , because of a now policy adopt < by the Indian office of Itself , throuf Its agents at reservations and its fie representatives , acting as legal repr sentntlve of the Indians. Commissioner Valentine believes th his office can do all that is necessa to protect the interests of the Indian individually and collectively , and th It Is not necessary for the Indians have paid attorneys. In adopting th policy Mr. Valentine does not reflect any way on any of the lawyers he who have Indian clients , but has adored od It as a measure of economy. In connection with his contract , M Richardson has filed a formal stat ment with the secretary of the i terlor and the commissioner , sayln among other things , that If depai mental approval of the pending co tract is denied "It Is believed that will be seriously detrimental to tl Interests of the said White Ear bands , numbering about 5,000 , as we : is Minnesota , numbering about 10,01 of whom they are a part , and all - those Interests are so closely into woven as to bo nearly Identical. " MAY DENY BANKERS' REQUEST Corporation Tax May Be Tested Aft Money Has BeenPaid. . Washington , Dec. 23. It appea likely that the request of the banke of Chicago to test the corporation t by Injunction proceedings will not gratified. It Is pointed out that , while the I come tax law was tested by an Injur tlon suit , Pollock , having obtained : Injunction against himself forblddli the payment of the tax , the suprer court handed down a strong dissent ! ) opinion , written by Justice Harlan ai concurred in by four of the nine me bers of the court , severely crltlcizli that method of testing the law. Moreover , It Is said that , while i injunction could restrain an Indlvldu from paying the tax , a corporation he ing real property could be held Hal for the tax , and that the governme would not bo restrained from lovyl on the property by an injunction grai ed against Its officers. It Is expected , therefore , that t corporation tax will bo tested by a si brought after the tax had been pi "under protest" to recover the amou paid. For this reason it is expect that there will be a rush to pay t tax by those wHb desire to be rec < nlzed in suits intended to test its c ( stitutlonallty. LA FOLLETTE ATTACKS TAFT Magazine Declares President Is F From Roosevelt Policies. Madison , WIs. , Dec. 23. "If t president expects to advance t Roosevelt policies , ho will do well go about it .promptly and not lee congress and the public to ifafer , they well may , nftcf the experience o the extra session , tiiat he Is nwnltlni the program of Aldrlch and Cannon. ' In these words Untied States Senate LaFolleUo closes ah editorial In thl week's Issue of Lnl-'olletto's magazine which expresses keen dlBappotntmun at both of the president's messages ti congress , and sarcastically Indicate ) a belief that the president Is far aw a ; from the Roosevelt policies. BILL PERMITS SECOND ENTRY. Gronna Introduces Measure to Amen Homestekd Law. Washington , Deci. 23. Ropresontr tlve Gronna has introduced n bll granting right of second homestoa entry to persons who have provlousl exercised that right , and oxcoptin only those whoso former entries wor cancelled for fraud. Senator Thomj son introduced a Similar bill In th senate. AN AIRSHIP IN THE NIGH1 MYSTERIOUS AERIAL VISITOR AS TOUNDS NEW ENGLAND TOWN. THROWS SEARCHLIGHT ON CIV Flying at a Rate of 30 to 40 Miles ai Hour , a Mysterious Airship Hover Over Worcester ! Mass. , Disappear and Then Comes Back. Worcester , Mass. , Dec. 23. Fly In at a speed of from 30 to 40 miles a : hour , a mysterious airship last nlgli appeared over Worcester , hovore over the city a few minutes , dlsappeai ed for about two hours and then n turned to cut four circles above th paying city , meanwhile using a searcl Ight of tremendous power. Thoi sands of persons thronged the street to watch the mysterious visitor. The airship remained over the clt for about fifteen mlnues , all the tlm nt a height that most observers sc at about 2,000 feet , too far to enabl even Its precise shape to be seei The glaring rays of Its great searcl light , however , were sharply define by reflecting against the light snov fall that was covering the city at th time. The dark mass of the shl could be dimly seen behind the llgh Probably was Tllllnghast. After a time it disappeared In th direction of Marlboro only to retur Inter. At the time of the airship visit , Wallace E. Tllllnghast , the Wo cester man who claimed recently t have Invented a marvelous aeraplon In which he had journeyed to No1 York and returned to Boston , wa absent from his home and could IK be located. The visitor from the clouds was fin sighted over Marlboro at 5:20. : Tli sixteen miles between this city an Marlboro It covered In 30 minute Coming up from the east , the sky vo ; ager veered to the west and remalnc in sight a few moments and then dl appeared to the northwest. In fh minutes the searchlight was sec again flowing In the distance like monster star and the ship came u hovered over the city a short time ar disappeared to the southwest. TV hours later an eager shout from tl waiting crowds announced Its retur Slowly , Its light sweeping the heaven It circled four times above the ell and then disappeared finally , flr heading south and then to the cast. STRIKE TO END TOOJV EVERY INDICATION POINTS 1 "TERMINATION OF TROUBLE. MEN RETURN TO WORK FRID/i American Federation of Labor Repi sentatlve Declares the Prospec Are Strike Will End Late Today ai Switchmen Start to Work. St. Paul , Dec. 23. There Is now < cry indication that the swltchmei strike will bo brought to a close todi and that the men will be back at woi tomorrow. President H. B. Perham of the Anu icon Federation of Labor , railway ( ! partment counsel , Is authority for th statement. Married at Madison. Madison , Nob. , Dec. 23. Special The News : At the Madison IIou tin's morning , nt 10:30 : , Judge Bat pronounced the words which ma Grover Cleveland Osborn and Mall Ray Austin man and wlfo. The young people reside in Schoolcraft pi clnct , northwest of Madison. The matter of the adjustment claims in the estate of Ernestine Tov deceased , late of Norfolk , was boa by the judge of the probate cou Julius E. Haaso , cashier of the Cl zone National bank of Norfolk , adm Istrator , and Attorney M. C. Hazen the.-samo place were present , and c peared for the estate. * A LAST BLOW FOR Of ! , COOI DID NOT REACH TOP OF MT. M KINLEY , SCIENTISTS SAY. COMMITTEE FINISHES REPOR The Special Committee Which Invesl gated Dr. Cook's Claims to Havlr Scaled Mount McKlnlcy , Has Mac an Adverse Finding. New York , Dec. 23. The report i the special committee which invosl gated Dr. Frederick A. Cook's claln to having reached the summit < Mount McKlnley will bo delivered i the board of governors of the Explc ers * club tomorrow. While the hive tlgatora will not divulge the text i the report , they do not deny that discredits Dr. Cook's claims. ASKS PEARY FOR HIS PROOFS. Rear Admiral Schley Wants Cope hagen to Pass on Peary's Data. Washington , Dec. 23. Rcafflrmlti his complete confidence in Dr. Cool Rear Admiral W. S. Schloy , retire called publicly upon Commandc Peary to submit his proofs that L reached the north pole to some sclci tlfic body other than the Natloni Geographical society. This the ai mlral declares , should bo done i once In the Interest of justice and I establish beyond question the clnln of Peary. Admiral Schley believes that tl : same body which threw out Cook testimony should be permitted to pas on the data submitted by Peary to tl geographic society. HONORS GIVEN COOK WILL STAN Not as Pole Discoverer But as Explc er , He Was Rewarded , They Say. Copenhagen , Dec. 23. It Is not b lleved that either the University Copenhagen or the Royal Geographic society will withdraw the honors th < conferred on Dr. Frederick A. Coo Officials of the university say they d not bestow the reward for the disco ery of the pole but merely In recogi tlon of Dr. Cook's arctic exploration The Royal Geographical society tab the same ground. DR. NANSEN ROASTS COOK. Considers Him Dead Never Bellevi Him Peary at Least a Man. Christiana , Dec. 23. Frldtgof Na sen , the Norwegian arctic explon broke his long silence and talked the Peary-Cook controversy. "It Is my opinion. " he said , "th Cook Is no longer Interesting. He practically a dead man and ought vanish from the consideration of tl world. I never trusted him , for tl first report which he made did not i splro confidence , especially his stai merits concerning the distance of seconds from the pole. This provi that Cook was ignorant of the simple principles of astronomical obsen tlons. Even his later reports contal ed nothing of value. On the contra they were filled with improbabilltl and contradictions. "From the first I was unable to su port Dr. Cook. I therefore preferr to keep silent. As for Peary , I nev doubted his voracity , although I d not approve of his behavior after" 1 return. However , It Is easy to undi stand his indignation. At least he a man , and there is no comparison I tween him and Cook. " OVERTHROW GREEK CABINET Military League Overthrows Gfovei Ing Body of Its Own Choice. Athens , Dec. 23. The military I < gue , whose members were the t thors of the recent revolutlona movement in Greece , has announc its intention to overthrow the min try of Its own choosing. In a manifesto issued today t league declares it is responsible the country and , recognizing that t representatives of the nation do r conform to the will of the peopl plea , it Is obliged immediately to c ( fide the nation's Interests "to stro hands which will not fail as long life animates them. " The cabinet will resign probably day or tomorrow ana be replaced an extra parliamentary ministry whli It , Is said , will have the support of t chamber. HOW CANNON GETS HIS WAYS Sure , the Speaker Descended From Line of Irish Kings. Washington , Dec. 23. "My name O'Cannon , " said the speaker of t house , correcting T. P. O'Connor , w was Introduced to him. Asked for an explanation , Mr. Ci non said his family tree , searched c recently by a relative , shows that is descended from a line of kin This is the story as reported to t speaker : Nlall of the Nine Hostages , gre grandson of Owen More , king of Mister stor , in the reign of Conn of the Hi dred Battles , was an ancestor of Re Cannonan from whom are descend the clan of O'Cannonan , later abb vlatod to O'Cannon and still later Cannon. Twelve of the fatally , t report goes on , have been beatified 'tho popes In ma many centuries. cofnmoN OF THE WEATHEI Temperature for Twenty-four Hour Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum 2 Minimum Average 1 Barometer 30.0 Chicago , Dec. 23. The bulletin li sued by the Chicago station of th United States weather bureau give the forecast for Nebraska as follows Rain or snow tonight and Friday warmer east portion tonight. RIGHT BACK AT YOU , PAVELKf BURKE GIANT CALLS V.ERDIGR WRESTLER'S CHALLENGE. FOR $100 SIDE BET AND GAT Burke Giant Says He Will Wrestle P velka at Burke January 3 or 4 fc / Side Bet and All Gate Receipts N Handicap for Either Man. Burke , S. D. , Dec. 22. Sporting E < itor , The News : I note In yesterday News that the alleged square sports ( Vordlgre claim that their man Pavolk wants another wrestling match wit me. I hereby call the bluff. I wolg 170 pounds ; Pavclka weighs 185. will wrestle with him In Burke on Jai uary 3 or 4 , 1910 , for a side bet c $100 and all of the gate receipts. Eve break no handicap of any kln < Come on Verdlgro , the money Is wal ing. G. A. Taylor ( Burke Giant ) . WOLGAST THE WINNER. Bests Plcato In a Ten-Round Bout I Los Angeles. Los Angeles , Dec. 23. Ad Wolgas won the decision over Frank Pleat of. Los Angeles , In a ten-round coi test. test.Tho hard hitting Milwaukee llgh weight took ono step nearer his gen a championship fight with Battlin Nelson , by his decisive victory eve Plcato. Plcato stayed the limit after terrific beating. In the fourth round Wolgast knocl ed Picato down three times , but wt unable to finish him. In the slxt Plcato was sent down for the com of nine just before the gong. Plcal outweighed Wolgast by six pounds , tl : quesiion oi Baseball Player Dies. Wllllamsport , Pa. , Dec. 23. Jamc D. Sebring , well known profession ; baseball player , died at the hospit here. Sebring had boon 111 only short time. RED CROSS STAMPS WIN. German Government Will Accept Le ters with Stamps on Face or Back. Washington , Dec. 23. Letters bea Ing the Red Cross Christmas stain ] will be accepted In Germany whetlu affixed to the face or back of lotto from this country , according to tl announcement of Count Von Bcr storff , German ambassador to tl Lulled States. When the postal a thorltles of Germany recently rule against accepting the letters with R ( Cross stamps on their face , the N tlonal Red Cross society took the mr tor up with the German nmbassadi and the latter cabled Berlin with tl above result. The postal authoritii of Great Britain took similar favorab action several days ago. BURKE BILL HAS GOOD CHANC House Committee Favorably Repor Measure Profiting Cheyenne Indians Washington , Dec. 23. The house 1 dlan affairs committee ordered a 1 vorable report on Representatl Burke's bill to pay the Indians on t ! Cheyenne River Indian reservation f that portion of the ceded lands tli went to the state of South Dakota t der the school grant. Sues Hearst for Libel. New York , Dec. 23. Thomas Harned , a Philadelphia lawy < brought suit In the United States c cult court against the Internatlon Magazine company , owned by W. Hearst , asking damages of $75,000 f an alleged llbol In the current Iss of the Cosmopolitan magazine in : article entitled , "Tragedies of T Sugar Trust. " In this same artlcl appeared a copy of the letter wrltt by Attorney General Wlckersham Henry A. Wise , United btaies dlstrl attorney hero , which In some in nun was copied from an original In J > SVIso's desk. Harned is ono of the men Indict by the tedernl grand jury in connc tlon with the Pennsylvania Sugar I fining company's suit , whoso demi rer to the Indictment , however , w sustained. The prosecution was bi red by the statute of llmltitlons. Veteran Dakota Engineer. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Dec. 23. Char ! N. Wright , a pioneer locomotive en neor of the northwest , died at theme homo of his daughter and son-ln-la "Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Holfort , in tl city , after n serious illness of oi about a week. Ho was ono of the ( glneors on the first railroad built ir what IB now South Dakota , the c Dakota Southern , running from Slo City to Yankton , now owned by t Milwaukee company. M , E , SCHULTZ DIES IN EAST FORMER GRAND MASTER WORKMAN - MAN OF NEBRASKA A. O. U. W. FOR YEARS PROMINENT DRUGGIST Mr. Schultz Was a Prominent Candi date for Congressional Nomination at Time Hlnshaw Won Out Lived of Late at Newark , N. J. Beatrice , Neb. , Dec. 23. Word woe received hero announcing the death of M. E. Schultz , formerly of this city , which occurred at the homo of his soninlawV. . W. Ames , at Ne wark , N. J. Mr. Schultz WUH twice mayor of Dcntrlco and nt MHO tlmu was grand master workman of the Ancient Order of United Workmen of Nebraska. Ho was n candidate for congress on the republican ticket from this district when E. II. Illnshaw waa nominated for the first time. Ho waa located In Omaha prior to going to Newark. Mr. Schullz was ono of the pioneer druggists of western Nebraska and for many years operated a drug store hero. Falling health caused him to relin quish the drug business a few years ago. Ho was for years prominent In the Nebraska druggists' association. A SENATOR DIES SUDDENLY McLaurln of Mississippi Drops Dead Without a Moment's Warning. Jackson , Miss. , Dec. 23. United States Senator M. J. McLaurln died suddenly last night at his homo in Brandon. Death was duo to an attack of heart failure and came without the slightest warning at 0:30 : o'clock. When the fatal stroke came upon him , Senator McLaurln was seated In a rocking chair In front of the flro In his library. Ho suddenly fell forward without speaking a word , and life was extinct when members of his family reached his side. The swift summons of death followed within a few mo ments after n remark by Senator Mc Laurln that ho was then feeling bettor than ho had felt at any tlmo slnco his recent severe Illness , resulting from an attack of ptomaine poisoning. "LITTLE TIM" SULLIVAN DEAD. Noted Character of New York Power/ 1 ' " f'o\ver ! .i Politics. New York , Dec. 23. Timothy Sulli van , the "Little Tim" of the bowery and n power in metropolitan polttlcB , died yesterday. He was in bad health : for more than six months. Death re- Suited from Brlght's disease and in flammation of the heart. NEBRASKA IN BIG EIGHT ? Rumor at Lincoln That Doors Will be Thrown Open Soon to Cornhuskers. Lincoln , Dec. 23. Is the University of Nebraska's Christmas gift to bo a membership In the Western Intercol legiate conference ? Have the schools of the so-called "Big Eight" tired of keeping an open door for the return of their wayward ex-member , MIchl- ' gan , and are they ready to let Nebras ka take the place of the Wolverines , as they once hinted they were only two years ago ? I These questions became rife today with the departure of Manager Earl Eager for Chicago as a representative of the University of Nebraska at a meeting of all the Chicago conference managers on Thursday. Besides Phil Bartelom of the University of Mich igan. Manager Eager will bo the only nonconferonce representative present at the meeting. Ostensibly he goes to arrange foot ball dates with Minnesota and Mich igan , but there are strong grounds for believing that his mission Is far more Important than the fixing of gridiron games. THREE PERISH IN SECOND FIRE. Men Who Had Stayed Up all Night Fighting Flames , Burned In Sleep. Gloversvllle , N. Y. , Dec. 23 , Follow ing the nractlcnl destruction of the Keystone hotel Tuesday , when there were narrow escapes from death by occupants jumping from an upper story window , three lives were lost yesterday , in a fire that destroyed the Keystone stables. I Three men had remained up nil 'night ' guarding the ruins of the hotel land about noon went to sleep In the j stables. A short time afterward the building was discovered to be in flames. No Insane Patients Burned In Fire. Springfield , 111. , Dec. 23. Governor Deenen Issued a statement relative to the fire at the Jacksonville state hos pital for the Insane. Ho said the re moval of the ISO female Inmates from the burning annex was done without confusion. Five women attempted to escape but were apprehended imme diately. Every patient was accounted for in an uninjured condition. To Celebrate Panama Canal. New Orleans , Dec. 23. An exposi tion will bo hold in Now Orleans to celebrate the opening of the Panama canal and incidentally the 200th anni versary of the founding of the city. Today plans were announced for a meeting of all the commercial bodies' of the city in the near future to work , out details.