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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1909)
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWSJOURNAL t , , , . NORFOLK NKUKA8KA Fill DAY ] ) KCMCMllilU7 ) l 0l. ! GUT DAKOTA V EXPRESS RATE DI8TANCF WILL BE PUT INTO , , NUARY 16. ORDER OF RA. WAY In Special Session at vjouxv . .Ils , the South Dakota Rollrox Commission "Orders New Kind of Rate Schedule , " " Taking Deep Reduction , Sioux Falls , S. D. , Dee. 16. The stnto board of railroad commissioners now In special session at Its head- quartern In this city , has adopted a dis tance mileage tariff for the express companies doing business In South Da kota and has ordered the now rates to go Into effect January 15 noxt. The now schedule makes a very material reduction in the rates at present In effect. GROOM CAN'T ' HAVE THE BRIDE Notable Boston Wedding Called Off Suddenly at Last Moment. Boston , Dec. 16. When Harry Donor Storor of Atlanta , Ga. , who was to wed Miss Madeline Gray Swift , oldest daughter of Rear Admiral Swift , com mandant of the Charlostown navy yard , telephoned the admiral from Plttsburg that ho would reach Boston today , ho was informed that the wed ding liad been Indefinitely postponed. The sudden postponement of the wed ding , which was to take place In the ball room of the commandant's res idence nt the navy yard Saturday and was scheduled as ono of the Important social events of the season , came as a great surprise to the friends and ac quaintances of the couple. The rea son for the postponement ns given by Roar Admiral Swift Is the Illness ol his daughter. Six hundred Invitations were recalled. TEX RICKARD DENIES TIE-UF Says There's no Secret Agreement About Division of Purse. New York , Dec. 16. "Tex" Rick , nrd , the prize light promoter whc has just returned here from Boston denies there Is any secret agreement between Jeffries and Johnson over n division of the $101,000 purse ho of/ fcred. "While In conference with Jeffries and Johnson before the final articles wore signed , " said Richards today , "J I , ' K told them they could divide the purse any way Ihoy desired and oven sug gestcd a 50 per cent division as II seemed that the betting odds woulc bo about oven. The fighters discuss cd the matter but when I told them would Insist on the public being glvei the full details they dropped the mat ter. " Report Mills' Name. Washington , Dec. 16. The nomlna tlon of William J. Mills to the governor nor of New Mexico was ordered reported ported by the senate committee 01 terlrtorles. AMERICAN A DISTINCT TYPE Physical Form and Ways' of Llvlnj - Changed by Dwelling In America. Washington , Dec. 16. That th physical form as well as the habits o living and ways of thinking of the de scendants of foreigners who Immlgrati to America is different from that o tholr ancestors , is the conclusion o the immigration commission as cm bodied In the preliminary report o that body , which today was presente < to congress. The discovery Is regarc : ed ns important in anthropological sc once as indicating the development o a distinct American physical typo 1 persons of European descent. Investigate Cadet Hazing. Washington , Dec. 16. Wearied b pressure from political Influence fo the reinstatement of cadets who hav been dismissed from West Point mlH tary academy because of tholr Indu gcnce in hazing , the senate commlttc on military affairs through n sub-coir mlttee will Investigate the whole sul ject of hazing at the academy. The plan is to suggest an amom ment to the general law prohlbitln ; hazing that will make the action of th war department final when cadets ar dismissed for the rules. CROWN PRINCE IN AUTO SNIASI Frederick William's Car Collides Wit Another Prince Unhurt. Berlin , Dec. 16. Crown Prince Fret crick William was In an automobll accident early today , but escaped si rlous Injury. While driving In Chai lottenburg his car collided with at other machine. The crown prince wa severely shaken up , but was not li jurcd. Adjutant Lieutenant Colom Oppon was thrown to the ground an badly cut on the hoad. The occupant of the other car wore apparently ui hurt. Tholr Identity was not learne < County Option Upheld. Indianapolis , Doc. 16. The suprem court of Indiana today hold constlti tional the county option election lav enacted In 1908 , under which slxty-flv of the ninety-two counties of Indian have closed tholr saloons. JONNE8COTO MINNEAPOLIS. Apostle of Stovalne , New Anesthetic , Accepts Invitation. Minneapolis , Doc. 1C. Professor Thomas Jonncsco , Roumanian surgeon and educator , Is to demonstrate the use of the now anesthesia , stovnlno , before Minnesota surgeons. At the Invitation of Dr. William J. Mayo of Rochester , Dr. Jonnesco will come to Minnesota early In January. Ho will perform operations In the Rochester hospital and an effort will bo made to Induce him to operate and demon strate the use of stovalno before the university of medical students and the medical men of Minneapolis and St. Paul. MORE SUGAR FRAUD FOUND MEN HIGH UP IN AMERICAN REFINING - FINING COMPANY CAUGHT. SENSATIONS ARE PROMISED SOON The National Refining Company Is newFound Found to Have Stolen Many Thou sands from the Government , Just as Arbuckles had Done. Now York , Dec. 1C. Sensational Ac- volopmcnts In the sugar scandal fol lowing thick and fast upon ono aiv other were supplemented today by ru/ inors of other important disclosures Impending. One of these related tc the reported forwarding of an indict mcnt against a man "higher up" In the councils of the American Sugai Refining company and the further re port that the official probes into the undorwelghlng frauds through which the government has been cheated oul of millions , wore about prepared foi disclosures that would llx responsl blllty In still higher quarters. Another Company Caught. Following yesterday's payment bj Arbuckles nearly $700,000 to rolm burse the United States treasury foi deficits due to false weighing , is In eluded the announcement that anothei of the big sugar roflnlng companies was prepared to settle with the gov eminent as the Arbuckles had done as soon as It had been officially In formed of the amount the governmen' ' claimed to bo due. This places UK National Sugar Refining company nex to the American Sugar Refining com pany in the extent of Its operations The National's president , James H Post , stated that the government in vestlgators hpd been going over tin books of the company for months an < recently had informed him that tin company owed the government eve $700,000 in uncollected duties. No de mand for restitution had been mad on the officials of the National con : pany up to today. President Pos stated , however , that at a conforenc with the government's special cour sol today , it was probably an agree ment would bo made on an arnoun which the company would turn eve to meet the claim of the investigator ! Arguments were heard today In th trial pf the six employes of the Amor can Sugar Refining company accuse of conspiracy to defraud , and It wo expected that the case would go t the jury before night. STRIKE IS ENDURANCE TES Governor of Minnesota Investlgatln the Switchmen's Strike. St. Paul , Dec. 1C. The switchmen1 strike in the northwest seems to hav become a test of endurance betwee the strikers and the railways. Th strikers claim business is still tied u tight while the railroads claim to b moving freight , admitting , howeve that it is not moving In a normal wa on all lines. Governor Eberhart is making a investigation Into the strike to lear It business is Interfered with. GETS SALTING ART DOLLECTIO Art Works Worth Twenty Mlllloni Bequeathed to British Government. London , Dec. 16. The art trea : ures of the late George Salting , th eccentric connoisseur , are bequeathc by his will to the nation. The total c the collection , the making of whlc occupied many years , is valued at froi fifteen to twenty million dollars. H Is known to have entertained a relui tanco toward making a will and had been feared that the works of ai might bo lost to the national gallor because of this. RANK ROBBERS GET $7,00 , Big Haul Made In Bank of Exeter , Ca Ifornla , by Yeggmen. Fresno , Calif , , Dec. 16. Robbei blow open the -vault of the bank < Exeter and secured $7,000 in cash lai night. Postmasters Appointed. Washington , Dec. 16. 'Presldei Taft decided upon appointment of tt following postmasters , and will ser tholr nominations to the senate th afternoon : Philadelphia Richard L. Ashharst Detroit Homer Warren. Buffalo Fred Grelter. All ot those are reappolntmontfl. LEOPOLD IS MUCH BETTER ROYAL PATIENT'S CONDITION IS MUCH IMPROVED. BUT HE IS 75 YEARS OF AGE While His Physicians Regard His Maj esty as Much Improved , One of the Doctors Significantly Calls Atten * tlon to the Patient's Age. BrusBolB , Doc. 1C. Dr. DoPttge , ono of the attending physicians , stated to day ho entertained hope of saving the llfo of King Leopold. The king con- tlnues to surprise his physicians. To day ho took nourishment and ap peared stronger. The change since yesterday Is marked. Last night sev eral diplomats who had been Invited to attend a dinner excused themselves on the plea that the country's ruler was momentarily In danger. The con flicting statements Issued officially from the palace and the alternate ex pressions of hope and despair have influenced the public to accept the recent assurances wUh less confidence. This bulletin was Issued at 6:30 : : "Tho king's nourishment Is good. Temperature 08.6. " Brussels , Dec. 16. Ills physicians consider the condition of King Leo pold as improved today. The follow ing bulletin was Issued this morning : "Tho consequences of the operation arc normal. Temperature 98 9-10 , pulse 70 , respiration 24. The Improve ment has gecomo more marked. " It was announced verbally that the king's condition was so good this morning that the fears entertained yesterday had been nearly dispelled. As a result of the turn for the better the patient will bo given a diet of eggs , soup , weak wine and water. Two of his physicians remain at the palace. In an interview ono of the king's physicians said that the convalescence - valescence might begin within five 01 six days despite his extreme weak' ness. lie said that Leopold was bear Ing up well. lie felt hotter and was still hopeful of recovery. His mind , the physician said , was unclouded , The fever had disappeared. "But , " the medical man added slg nlflcantly , "we must not forget that the king Is 75 years old. " A bulletin Issued at 1:30 : p. m. to day states that the condition of his majesty Is favorable. Draw Fight at South Omaha , Omaha , Dec. 1C. Tommy Bresnahr of Chicago and Franklo White ol Omaha , welterweight , fought ter rounds to a draw before the Trl Cltj club at South Omaha last night. Nebraska School Man Drops Dead. Ogallala , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Dean Stu art , principal of the Ogallala hlgl school , dropped dead here last nlghl Stuart had been skating on the Soutl Platte river. TELLS OF ZELAYA'S COURTSHII Girl Says Nlcaraguan President' Nephew Wooed Nicely. New York , Dec. 1C. Miss Julie Hero , plaintiff In the breach of pron Iso suit against Anabel Zelaya , a nepl ow of President Zelaya of Nlcaragu and a law student at Columbia unlve : slty , for $100,000 , occupied the stan all day In Justice Blschoff's part c the supreme court. She will bo crosi examined further tomorrow. Under the gentle guidance of he counsel , Edward J. Maxwell , Mis Hero related how Zelaya was tntn duced to her by her brother-in-law , Di Canto , in June , 1906. She then wa 17 years old. From the time of th Introduction till Juno , 1907 , Miss Her said , Zelaya was an almost dally cal or. When she was out of town he sen her registered letters. She has 200 c these , she says , and she produced sei enteen in court. Some of the testimony arouse laughter In the courtroom and mad Justice Blschoff show marked dlspleas ure. The llttlo plaintiff dangled he feet from the edge of the witness chal and snuggled her face down Into he furs to hide her blushes. She rolled her eyes roguishly an giggled musically ns she confesse that after they were engaged Zolay had often kissed her. Zolaya , she salt was her first love. Miss Here sal that at a dinner at her mother's honu [ 11789 Fulton avenue , the Bronx , Zolay 1 had toasted her mother , saying : "Here's hoping I may bo your ser ln-law. " She said Zelaya taught her Spanls and bought Spanish text books for hoi Ho also called her Spanish pc names , she said , of which "Chlqult Chlca" was one. These pet name aroused another ripple In the cour room. It was Zelaya's habit to pa pretty compliments In Spanish an then translate them Into English , s she could understand and learn at th same time , she said , the education b < Ing rather enjoyable. She said Zelaya promised her a grer military wedding In December , 1901 at which his uncle , the president c Nicaragua , should bo present. Ho als assisted her in selecting her troussai she added. Nell Vandorwaltor , counsel for youn Zelaya , did not finish his cross-oxan ( nation of Miss Horo. Ono of his sul jects of inquiry was Miss Hero' ' knowledge of beverages. Before h loft the subject Miss Hero admltto she had a sipping acquaintance wit malt and vinous liquors , but donle knowing anything about cordials or distilled liquors. She Insisted , however - over , that she had only sipped on Zo- laya's Insistence. The extraction of this Information was n slow and diffi cult process , and Miss Hero's answers made It difficult to keep order. "What Is the difference between boor and wine ? " asked counsel , after ho had gained an admission that Miss Hero had a slight suspicion of what wlno might bo. "Beer Is a cold drink , " replied Miss Hero. "But you don't ' drink wine warm , do you ? " "O , not so cold as beer. " "Then you know how beer tastes ? " "Mr. Zelaya made mo taste someone ono night , but only a llttlo. I don't llko beer , " replied the witness , wrlnk * ling her face into an expression of dislike , RUTH BRYAN CONFIDENT SATISFIED FORMER HUSBAND CAN NOT DISTURB HER DIVORCE. SHE STARTS ON CUBAN JOURNEY Mrs. Leavltt , After Delivering In Chicago cage the Lecture Which North Ne braska Recently Heard , Starts for Cuba and Thence to Europe. Chicago , Dec. 1C. Ruth Bryan Leav- tt , daughter of William Jennings Bry an , who came hero to deliver a lecture ) n "A Pilgrimage to Palestine , " will cave today for Cuba , whore she will oin her parents and sister for a nonth's visit. From Cuba , she and icr children will go to Jamaica and ator to Cherbourg , France , where she will study music and French. When seen today and asked about lior former husband , William II. Leavltt , she said she did not know where he was located now ; that she was not making the trip abroad to meet him nor was she trying to OS' capo a notice of the reopening of her divorce case. Mrs. Leavitt is confi dent that her former husband has no srounds upon which he- can set aside lier divorce , granted last winter at hei home In Lincoln. HITCHCOCK MAKES SPEECH Nebraska Congressman Attacks Land Office , Itself. Washington , Dec. 16. Charging that "the real seat of the public land frauds is in the land office rather than outside , " Representative Hitchcock of Nebraska today declared the situation called for a congressional investlga tlon. "My resolution to Investigate is be fore the committee on rules , " continu ed Mr. Hitchcock , "but there Is no waj to force the committee to report. I ; 90 per cent of the public desired ai Inquiry , such Inquiry would be Impos slble under the rules , without speak er's consenting. " Mr. Hitchcock attacked Secretary Ballinger for his conduct in the Cun ningham Alaska coal land cases am held that he had shown none too mucl zeal In protecting the governmen against frauds. He said he pitied thi "helpless subordinate official who wai forced to choose between holding hi : position in silence and endangering i by open protest against frauds en trenched In power backed by in fluence. " Governor Haskell Is Weak. Guthrle , Okla. , Dec. 1C. Governo Haskcll's physician today announcei that his condition showed Improve ment , although ho still suffers .and i extremely weak. Ho was given sonn nourishment this morning , the firs since ho was stricken. Kansas Postoffice Robbed. Sallna , Kan. , Dec. 1C. Robber : early today blew the safe of the post office at Prescott , Kan. , ten mllei northwest of here , securing $800 wortl of stamps and $700 In money. Tin men escaped on a hand car. BOND COMPANIES SCORE. Bar Out Cut Rate Concern and Mus Pay Full Rate. Lincoln , Dec. 16. The bonding Insurance suranco combine has won a point li Its long-continued fight with the bank crs of the state over the premiums ti bo paid on bonds given by banks tha are designated as depositories of put He funds. Recently the Insurant companies notified the banks tha they would have to pay $5 per $1,00 this year , which Is just double tha paid last year. Secretary Hughes notified the banl < crs' association not long ago that i all of the banks would join togethe and guarantee to give the business al to ono company ho could got It at th old rate. The company ngon'ts at one pricked up their ears , and by a proces of elimination found out what con : pany was proposing to do the Insui once. Then the combine got after thn company , and It has backed up. Then fore Hughes has boon compelled t notify the bankers that the best the ; can do Is to pay $5 per $1,000 for two-year term , and If at the end c the first year they can show that th deposits were not as largo as the ban called for they will bo given a rofun up to 20 per cent , meaning that th least they can get any bond for wl 1 be | 4 per $1,000. ARREST MOTHER IN BATHTUB CASE MRS. CAROLINE MARTIN CHARGED - ED WITH DAUGHTER'S MURDER. 64 YEARS OLD AND VERY WEAK After a Day of Mystery In the Enst Orange Bath Tub Murder Mystery Case , Police Announce Arrest of Ocey Snead's Mother After Midnight Now York , Dec. 1C. Mrs. Caroline B. Martin , mother of Ocey Wardlaw Snead , the victim of the East Orange bath tub tragedy , was today held by a magistrate here to await extradition to Now Jersey , where she stands for mally charged with the murder of her daughter. Mrs. Martin spent the night In a cell closely guarded lest she harm her self , and today was taken to court for arraignment. The prisoner was apparently on the verge of collapse as she stood In court and hoard the charge against her read. Her stoicism speedily re turned , and she faced the judge with Indifference us ho directed that she bo returned to the Tombs. Now York , Dec. 1C. Mrs. Caroline . Martin , mother of Ocey Snead , the East Orange bath tub victim , talked of suicide and collapsed as she was being led to a cell in the Mercer street ; > olice station early today. "Tho ending Is death , " was Mrs. Martin's reported comment on the an swer of the detectives to her questions as to what the legal proceedings would bo In her case. "I would welcome death , " the detectives report her as continuing. "I am old and can't help any one and am of no use. I want to go to heaven. "The woman's condition was pitia ble. When she was brought to the station house and turned over to the matron she fainted , but was revived and led to her cell. Mrs. Martin was arrested late last night on a warrant Issued in New Jersey charging her with the murder'of her daughter. New York , Dec. 1C. Mrs. Caroline W. Martin , mother of Ocey W. Snead , the East Orange , N. J. , bath tub vie tim , was arrested In New York short ly after midnight this morning formal ly charged with murder. The warrant was Issued by Recorder dor Mott at "East Orarige ' and was placed In the hands of central office detectives last night. The arrest was made at the hotel Bayard , where Mrs Martin arrived Tuesday and froir which It was first thought that she had escaped. But after a day of mys tcry announcement came from police headquarters early today of her ar rest. rest.The The prisoner gave her age as M years , said that she was a widow am had no home. Her condition was pltl ably weak and she was shown everj courtesy possible. BOY KILLED WHILE COASTING Six Others are Hurt When Train anc Sled Crash Together. Lafayette , Ind. , Dec. 16. One bo : was killed and six were badly Injure ( in a coasting accident at the Columbl : street crossing of the Wabash rail road. road.A A rack laden with sixteen boyi came flying down the hill and arrlve ( at the tracks just as a passenge : train reached the crossing. The racl was torn to pieces. Prank Klumpe , jr. , aged 17 , wai crushed to death beneath the engine Clarence Baxter , aged 15 ; Edwan Ilowor , aged 20 , and George Metgei aged 17 , all had their legs brokei and arc hurt internally. Elmer Mahai had his thigh and flank on the lef side torn oft' . Maurice Wolf had hi : head cut and his hip crushed. Ro ; Wending had his left leg crushed. The police had given orders not t < coast on the hill , but the boys dlsro garded the orders. Cobbey's Daughter Weds. Beatrice , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Leslie I Zook , head of the experiment stati plant pf the Industrial department o agriculture located at Chlco , Calif , and Miss Josephine Emellno Cobbey oldest daughter of Judge and Mrs. J E Cobbey of this city , were marrlei hero yesterday afternoon. The Prairie Starts at Last. Philadelphia , Dec. 16. The tram port Prairie , with 700 marines am 500,000 rounds of ammunition 01 board , today made Its second start fo Colon. On Thursday , December 2 , th Pralrlo , with a like cargo started fo the same port , but when about fort miles down the Delaware river th vessel stuck in the mud off Pea Pate Island and remained there for nearl ten days. A Brawl at Corlnto. Corlnto , Dec. 1C. A brawl occurre In the street last night during whlc a ship's messenger from the Unite States cruiser Albany was forced ol the oldowalk by a Nlcaraguan sontr : The Incident was forthwith rpporte L ' to the commandant of the port , wh ' . Immediately tendered nn apology t ) Commander Oliver of the Albany. Th I apology was accoptod. Commando I1 Oliver has ordered his men at qua ) | tors at night The ammunition Hfl I of the Albany are loaded. The harbc IB quiet today. GQN1ITION OF Hit WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Houn. Forecast for Nebraska Maximum 36 .Minimum 22 Average 29 Barometer 29.GO ChlcnRO , Doc. 1C. The bulletin Is sued by the Chicago station of the United States wcnthur bureau glvoB the forecast for Nobrnskn aa follows : Pnrtly cloudy and colder tonight ; Friday fair. NELIGH MAN A PICKPOCKET JACK WELSH FOUND GUILTY IN ANTELOPE DISTRICT COURT. SLATED FOR THE PENITENTIARY Welsh Found Guilty of Picking Pock ets of Man Named Wllcox at Tllden Lart October Amount Taken Less Than $5 One to Twenty Years. Nellgh , Nob. , Doc. 1C. Special to The News : District court adjourned yesterday morning until next Monday. No very Important cases are on for his session. The one jury case that was of any mportanco was tried Tuesday. This s whore the state prosecuted Jack Welsh for picking the pockets of one Wilcox at Tlltlon last October. The accused was found guilty as charged , and Is now in the county jail awaiting ils sentence , which will bo given by .he court on Monday , next. The amount of money taken was ess than $5 , but the penalty for thle offense Is a term In the penitentiary of from one to twenty years. TWELVE DEAD IN THE WRECK. Injured List Reaches Score , But None Fatally Hurt. Greensboro , N. C , , Dec. 1C. Nc deaths In addition to the twelve nl ready reported have occurred as a re suit of the wreck on the Souther ) railway early yesterday morning ai Ready Fork trestle , about ton miles north of here. Although more than i score were Injured , many of them stil being In St. Luke's hospital here , It li not thought that any of these will die The dead : , Richard Eames , mining engineer Salisbury , N. C- John G. Brodnax , Richmond , Va. E. D. Bagbey , Richmond , Va. Clias. T. Broadfield , Americus , Ga. Henry L. Strlbbllng , Atlanta , Ga. Treat Gets His Freedom. Kearney , Neb. , Dec. 1C. Andrew M Treat , charged with the murder o Thomas Graflus at Shelton , has beei accorded his freedom by a jury in tin county court , and as long as he live : within the bounds of the law ho cai run at largo. The case grow out o a divorce , a marriage and a feud Treat's wife secured the divorce las spring and married Thomas Graflus Treat brought suit and secured judg ment against Graflus. The feeling be tween the men grow more acute am at last terminated in the shooting o Graflus on July 5. Later he died. Th coroner's jury pronounced his deal ! duo to liver trouble and not to th gun wound. Alsop Case Up to Edward. London , Dec. 1C. American Ambai sador Whltelaw Reid and Chilean Mil ister Domingo Gana today formal ! ; piesented to the foreign office th American-Chilean protocol invitin King Edward to arbitrate the AIt > o claim dispute. The protocol will b transmitted to his majesty , who a ready has accepted his willingness t act. EAGER FOR BROKAW'S ' STO His Testimony Regarding Conflicts I Awaited With Interest. New York , Dec. 1C. If Mrs. Mar Blair Brokaw's lawyers make up thol minds today that they have presente sufficient evidence for her , W. Goul Brokaw , her husband , will take th stand to testify for himself In Mr : Brokaw's suit for a separation and al mony. Mr. Brokaw's story of the coi filets , verbal and otherwise , betwee himself and his young wife , whlc have been so picturesquely detailed b her during her six days of continuou occupancy of the witness chair , i awaited with interest. When com opened today , however , there still r malned for his wife's counsel a gatho ing-up of the ends of evidence and further effort to establish facts coi corning Mr. Brokaw's material posse slons that will Insure the award I the plaintiff the substantial allmor she is claiming. BAR AMERICAN FARM MACHINER Paris , Dec. 1C. During the cons ! eration of the tariff In the chamber i deputies a black eye was given to tl importation of American agrlcultui machinery by the adoption of f amendment fixing the maximum ra on machines of over 400 kllogran (881.6 ( pounds ) weight at fifteen frnn < ( approximately $2.85) ) per hundre weight and the minimum rate of : francs. On machines under 400 kll grams weight the maximum Is 23 ai the minimum 15 francs. The prose : rates are maximum 15 and 0 minlmu francs , Irrespective of weight HAS BEEN 1 NO BATTLE TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION WITH RAMA IS RESTORED. ESTRADA HAS NOT BEEN TAKEN Congress Is Again In Session and This Gives Occasion for a Pro Zelaya Demonstration Jingo Speaker Ur ges Armed Resistance to Marines. Managua , Doc. 16. Telegraphic communication with Kama was ro-cn- tabllshcd today. It IB officially an nounced that the city has not been taken by the government troops. The two armies are close together but no battle IIUH boon fought. This dis poses of the rumor which had been In wide circulation for thrco days that an engagement had occurred at llama , during which the government troops had defeated the Insurgents and cap- tuied General Estrada , the head of the rebellion. It Is believed there was an ulterior motive behind thin false report. As a sequel to the recent rioting , when the mayor of Managua sought to re strain the police form making whole sale arrests , the mayor himself waa arrested yestorday. Subsequently ho was released. Urged to Fight Uncle Sam. Congress met again last night and the session was the occasion of a pro- Zelaya demonstration that apparently had been made to order. Deputy Manual Mains delivered a "jingo" speech urging armed resistance In the event that the United States ma rines were landed at Corlnto. The suggestion was received with such I demonstrative applause as to arouse a strong suspicion that the govern ment had reorganized an efficient clique. Think Zelaya Will Lose. San Juan , Del Sur , Dec. 1C. No news has been received hero from Rama today. The house of Managua Insists on the resignation of President Zelaya. Dr. Madrlz , Zelaya's candidate for the presidency , Is acceptable tea nwlnrJ'v ' " "IP rtPnniT..pnt n Mann- gna and Leon , but not to the revolu tionists and the people of the depart ment of Granada. The army In eastern Nicaragua has received an added supply of automo bile guns and ammunition according to a message from Commander Ship ley of the cruiser DCS Molncs. Com mander Shipley says the opinion a7 > - pears to bo general at Blunnelds that If there is an engagement between the revolutionists and government troops at Rama it will result in the defeat and surrender of the Zelayan forces. I Gardner , N. D. , Has Big Fire. Fargo , N. D. , Dec. 1C. The business portion of the town of Gardner , twen ty miles north of hero , was destroyed by flro today. Loss $100,000. Senate Agrees to Adjourn. Washington , Dec. 1C. The senate today agreed to the house resolution providing for the adjournment of con gress from December 22 to January 4 for the Christmas holidays. ROBBERS TORN TO SHREDS Two Met. Found on River Bank , Blown to Bits Believed Yeggmen. Tuisa , Okla. , Dec. 1C Torn to shreds by some high explosive , prob ably dynamite , the bodies of two un identified men were found on the bank ot the Arkansas rlvor near here last night. It Is thought that the men may have been killed by the accident of dyna mite they carried with them to blow bank safes. The men may have been members of the gang who robbed the Paoll state bank yesterday , the offic ers believe. FEAR OMAHA MAN SLAIN. State Department Asked to Investigate Reported Death of Wm. Vancourt. Chicago , Dec. 1C. A report that William Thomas Vancourt of Omaha , a civil engineer , had been shot In Bo livia , has caused relatives hero to ask the state department at Washington to Investigate the matter. Vancourt was last heard from In September , 1908 , at which time ho was employed by the National railway of Bolivia In the construction of. n line from Oruro to Cochambamba. A letter to his mother In Omaha announced that a strike of employes had been called and that ho feared trouble. Parents Deny the Rumor. Omaha , Dec. 1C. William Thomas Vancourt Is a son of E. D. Vancourt , a contractor of this city. Ills parents deny the rumor that tholr son has been reported to them or by them as having been shot. Mr. Vancourt makes the statement that his son Is engaged In railroad construction work in Chile and that an effort has been made to locate him definitely , merely for the purpose of "looking him up. " The last letter received by Mr. Van- court's mother was sent from some point in Chile In May of this year.