The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 26, 1909, Page 4, Image 4
MOJiftJfjK WKEKLY MHWfuJnifltNAf. PIUMA Y Knvp.uitf.rff oc. IM ffirfilli Wnty jfm < JiiMi ! TVf / f78 / / > firiAfiffcH fW 'Hi * JWi/M ) , &ifaMffifi * < l TrTg w § § Fty L/s / / fl ? / W / / > , H nt MHW tin n Jtiii M nf / ( ' / MIMfitf IfIfIiy / / \ Ir/M// / / \n \ in to * MIlilMfrt ! ( ! < n ! ( < Ilium fil | /lMfli / 1)1 ) M/Hll / III flt'l'iM ' rtWflllly IIHlMl , lifll Ill'/lfllll / ! 'i'Hlily ' fiyi * tiny/ II lit Mid tiiiil ( lie till/I'd / ' HIM * llll'l ' < iMH | | illOllllli ( III ) Will III. i'fiii/4i ' / ! < nliiiwl III llf (111 ( KxClllllM iiiumim or oiiiii , IIIlM It ll'fll ' llllllllllllllliti ( till HHlllllllllM. Willll'l ' Wl'llllllili ' Hl'lUllH ' til llllVM ( III ) ( if tilMll Hill ill' ' tflHW lll | III II illllllHIII , Hlll'l ' Illlf t - * MllHl llf 11)1 ) Hill Illlll | lllMlly ( It ClUlhi'K ' ( III Illilllh Illlllllttlll. If Wli I'llllllltl ' WO 1tlH bllll'l ' ) OlljM'lil ' tlf | i'iiili ' ] \ \ \ \ mil ill nini.v inn l.nllii'iiiim . ' INK wi'iii ' Hit MiillmilMn , iiM ht'fdiy ' hn limit mill itii liliilKt > iiiMllitii9t | iUMI ) I liUll Ililn Illbl Illlimlll II tilltl lllllU TIllM ImllUtHlllH hilt iUniHm hll- Utlni l'i ' li'Ui'lllllii ' ' Illi' ' hill ) 'I'lu ' ' * milliliiiliv tif ilu > hUi't'll ' ' lull lK II I'tUIMH ' lit IIHJMHy \ , it II lu'i'im ' Ih Vlotiuo Ui lht iu ui li luiui Unly Is ilu > llntllWilHH \ \ . Umv Itluli is A vvi\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ V\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IRirtl \ \ \ , \S\\\S\ \\i\\sSV \ \ \t ' \ \ . \St ViV is1 * * VA ! V * t'Wh. 1IK \V < < * Vlils VhWNl U KvN h tb M\ \ til tnii > tinunlly In HI im ntuiMnmiliiml \ t'ty ' tit I * tlit > HPH ill nut t\wn \ , # ntti * nut p. Illlll Hilt HHIt'lM ' til lnni t < lttiMiw \ , V/H Ml till II , lilltik Itliln II , Hltf itllt lilitlo'tv M\i\ \ \ Iliiu tun t'tuttfilH Will ) II , AHyl ( \ llH < rt < llt'tfut'litri ' III A l/d / lil ttm > 1miiKH < ( ly * MH , "II IK nul lut'k ' , Iml liiln tlifil ttunt would l/ffnx / lilin ii"WM of it ) HI ( . iii' ' //il/m / / / Until out ; ; ( nit mill , wldi ( /Ollllllflll'lil ) / ' III It ' ! ! | ! < if'l' | ( ' ' , willing. J/nliir ( Cf , Wild WIN ( III OHM Illlll' tit IViiiiflylVMiilii , flii jimlw ( In UlM NllUll Allli'llt'llll ' ' UoVldWi ( Illll III ! Oflll'lfll ' Cl'llwillftlllll ' Of Illll ( IM'KFI ' ll'l ' CN- liilillKliuil III ill In couiiliy , l''iiiiyin ' ( ' < ( > l- : Of Will Illlll ( Illll Alllt'ilciili ' nnwflllll | | ( < ) nii'ii ' will iii'V" ' ) ' itltiiiil for it IHMMM i < < ui > hiiiHlili | , MM IH old Miioui'li lo Ilium ( Ilk llnlli'll ' M Ltivcll , win * IIIIM IIHMII ( liM Icmil tnh'lffiir of HIM tliinl hlllll HlIMM MllM'l' ' ' Illlllllllllll llllllMllI ItlM MlllllllMlll t'lll'lllt' ' ' ' , lM ( III * Illllll Illlll ( III * MflMll lltlllllllll jilltl'ii ' ninl npntltiitm Hit ) nil ) ( in fllllllltV. . Ml' ' IlIlN 1)111111' ) Illtfl III HiiM'li ' liiiini'i ' Iliiiii HIM imlillii IIIIM M win it or , 1 .11) . ) ' liitiutliy , Hio riiiiiniiM iH'itiih ' uf vi d'iiliu1 ' , Is illicit nun M HIM iHililli1 , MliM IIIIP willliMi HIM tilitiy itf IIMI life mill nil hon > lnii \MlllllMlllUl \ lllllV Illllll ) ' HI'l'IMln ' ' tllM \\lll \ \ ni'M ' III III illpi'litm' ' , IT uliM liii't ' | Ull Into her ( iitiili iihiHi'lilli ' or HIM IIMII tilii * lum Itittl In lu < i' lift' ' ( hi * \\tll \ \ liM \ \ II Ihinlti't * nf NMW ii < lll ill VillM I'nlli'uM ' ' mi llf I'UllUeos ' llf | lMIIO'llllll ( ' > U UOI\\HU \ \ > HI , " xi'llllllimly ' ItlllllUHMll Illl llll'H" ' ll M , UlMMllo . \ \ \ " l\tllt \ tllMlllUll\ | \ \ H IIIMII Uu ItMilllillt' IB \Vlu \ > l\ \ lii ! \\li\ \ nilimm luM1 ill i \ > in- III tl OWU OllOH JlliVU lift JllMlo In \\VM\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ l iM\V U ! > ) Hl l nuy V HIUitu | \ unlink i\ \ \\lll \ ll Ull > l\OIUHIll \ VllllW lUMllllllllll \ . \if lU' ilnln Is iiutK iiutKIn In \i\\\\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ( \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ MMK ( \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ( b\rt \ tl iR \ \K \ Us U voh ia pliu ( ' III rt \ \ \ \ \ < \ \ * nllvp \ \ < * v "Tin- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ U \\vsl \ \ ta \ \ iv IB \\w \ VN\\\ \ \ 10UN \ \ MUr \ mAt x \ \-A\\\\t \ \ N\v \ A NNy \ \ XvAs \st Sfc VwMl XV A B Al x * to v'W f tt wk wkft * ft to Vjth'h VliW < H VN , Wh V > f -ArtuX K jiiWrt t ' . AM * W t. tilt * wttM'tt ltttttitt / / * / / ItH'fart tlfi Iti llimn Iftli' OlIK HHlM llHVH tfifiti IUlfl ) / itllilfitl litiiikn Ilifti tillltip lit lilt * tUMlitlK * III HUM WtttlHt. 'ClldHf Hit H/A / | lift * tilnniKfd. tftuty linmk NIK ! lnllli linn vtnttli ifMltiK1 / / ' ninny HtH Illll , llHVU ItPHll IH1lllltlt > < 1 Itlltl Hi/iff / llm tiitllhnty rlttt1ntil sunlit ln nf IN imi t > n inn iinniii > nint \ AII t'tnniniiinn ' tttt ii/illnnnl / wlllio/il / U tin i/l/if'i / / cdii ( < i Itln I Ofii ninl Hint loyally nlioiildin \ iixlilf'NMi'il ' ' liy /'In / ( ( ' lin well * m WOMH ( , Woiilf < HIM Hii'ii ' ) ' milli / MI not l/i IMI C0lllllfl'll | | ' Will ) ( llM IIMifllllllolldlll'lH ( / / ( ' liy wlifi'li ' limn ftliowtf lil iiilili ninl lii' ( "left In HIM coiiiiiiiiiilly or wlifcli lie In II ( lull , Mlli'll'In ' / ( ( ' lillllil up n ( own , inouiolii UN ( iioMiiiiilly ninl uuiloi ) ll fnlllic. A Mil HKIMI IN no i liowt'VMi ' liuinlilii 01 liowiivor lowly lil * OlU'llllllHllll ' , Illll CIHI ( 'OIllllllllfM ' fitlllK ) . HllllK (0 ( III' ' ) COIIIIIIOII CIMllI , At din I'OHVMliHoil ' of HIM AiiiMili'iui ' i hulMlllllOII Or lylllll/l1 / III TOIOIIIO Illttl I WMI < lt It IMII | ( | | ( III Ulli Illinsllltl ! ( If III- illipliliil ( Mliii'itHon ' WMN iiiiMiiliniHifily liy HIM iliileuiili'H , 'I'lm ' MIIOII | HIM MilMi'liI ' i'Hliilill hiiii'iil ' or MUlllMllM III I'OIIIIMCllOII ' Will ! HIM IHlllIlM cni ill which iniilln | | IMWMMII ) HIM lllii'B or H Illlll UI IIIII.V Im Inliuhl HIM | IIIII'IMM | ' | | | or tli Inulcn liy coin * HIM ) lililiiiiil < MIIIIMIM ( | , WIMIM ! lllllllHlllltl m'lllHllM ' llllVM llMMII llu < y lini'M inoi'Mil iiilviiiil- unit HIM | iioKmllloii | lo iniilio HIMIII UMIIMIII ) HIM cniinliy IM M pli'i ' | III HIM lluhl itliMi'lliin. ' III nplln ( if HIM fad Illlll oiiiiillniiiil PmlaiiiiM pyiiinillilyi | ) wild MliilittiiM tlloliiliMll In Hut ( inlciil which hliM tiliitiii'itiiiiM ill HIM hiiliilM of HIM lulvocnli' , HIM imtjoitty or HIMIII liMllMi'M ' uliM IM Hillll.v nr HIM liitliitMl' chiu'uim | n ofi'ii ' oil niiiiliml liMi1 , I'nllM ' In it clly of IhliluiiMB n clly of lBiii. U In it clly whole liiiiiioinllly lolmip niitM'MiiiM , i'iii'ch [ | > lly HIM iii'latmMiti'y ' , ninl In oovoi' Iht'lr Ili'niiihumYIIIIIMII \ -ninl men , Ino , fill' ' Hint llllillMi' lomiil to trillion lllltlltllMI'lllllMv MlllllllllM MlMlllllt'll ' , WMI'O BO liicllniMl , t'uitlil ' no ilouhl unfolil II IlllM Hllll0lllll \ IlllMJIIllltllh ) tltOI'M limit OHM ntmilto \ \ witlUn In hlnh Ux lMi BliK ( Allit tunly Itiivo lt < ft Noliulil unit itt'o \Ui\v \ \ nl I > I\UM \ Vlolotln Nymipti. Tltoy will OBB \ l' ' iiinln liy oiiiiiMin nn l ( \lililly \ 1,1110 ; ilowtt ilnilnn I lie oumliiR \\lliloi1 nuiiiUiB ll > \\lnilo \ loimdt of n NMIo , wnolilnn Kliiiiliiiiin poni ( > Hnu > will IIP im > t liy Mrs , HinipoNolt , vvliii \ \ \ \ \ iiiviniiiMttiy him mill hip pott on v \ \ \ \ \ M Kmii0 > , Mi1 , y \\lll ivuinlu In tviul Oivnl Ut'Usiln tilunit ono iUlns nppt i. > ( t vl hivUiiUons to Uio Uyiiiirtlis looUiiv nt y , mi nil livi tt M llio III Trtllo rtllvn Inoluiv li \v \ the of UiO V'lllv i lUv y > f Uorlln. U K > IVrtWiMin of \ \ B f no \\\\\\c \ \ \ \ \ lllUtAUV Of \ \ vli \ \ \ \i \ ' Uftlwo to \ \ < * \ \ \ \ \ t\v thM tlwp lo A flifi dlh lh Ot ' VNK vr. . > < a . h t- tn limn in Kit I'd'/ ttttn * > , fn tut * < tnnt1i lif Kttnnirt IK l n/ ) AIOIIKIfit ! / t wi < it It Iff dm ilrtfjlfix lit tint iftfllIK / I'lfl/ill'il/ / / & /i / < /j > &l > * TM Htiitiltr utillt } * IH Mi'i ' 'f"I * llf / i no w y f 'Hi MMMfcnqfxiflrfl Hill * or Www Or- < IK/IIIK / , n * iJ ( l < * lv HHinl/iiir IHIttfltltlHIllrtt / ( W fM for ( li louil fiMmifiiitwo or I do ( WK , ncittrtlttK in ( Il lju < 'fni 'wiK/i',1 / Ow n liii'ttl c l tl rlly wild HOT- ( d lmini , UN ( Kin of llin li/nlK / In Inn ) duly four w nl to nay : IMII | nm ftwooiind , " An liu ( ic(1 | | / ( rorword liln rrlnnilw atiplaiidml Hi'i klnmil / Id In u very | illclil ( ! ( l/dm , "Tlio KWOOII IIIIM ( ( ili'i'iicil. ' ' " TlMiro wnn n roar or laugh * ' inr , l lil lie wnllcd piitldiitly anil madit iiiiolli ( < r atliinipl : "Tim mvnon IHIH Aiiiln ! IIm WIIM | | Inunhlod . mill ( do plncn iiiiiiiiu'.oi'fluid In n volco Unit WIIM iinillhlii all oviir thn lionno , "Ciiinii err , yon iln/nKinml / root , " llul HID ninhllloiiM iiiiialdiir rornnod lo Mniiliir and In n lanplnu ralnolto , ax IIM WIIM iinMltddil err Iho iiland , ho flt'imimi'il , "Thn CIKHI him HWDIUMHI. " I.HAIIIOIIH OK MION. "lOv'tiry ' eilHlii pioiltit'iiM Hit mail , " In itviuy iiiiinri'.iiiiey a leiiilor or mini -olid lo oiiiinl/i ! ( ami to plan and lo iixneiili ( - < 'oiiioM roilh and laldtii eliiiil ! " or lliliii'.M , II IIIIM hi'i'ii MO In all llm world'n pnlHlcnl hlnloty and It wan MO at Cliorry Mnliiiitiii' wlmn an Kalian iliiliiiown to fniiyi CMIIIII roilh an Iho man who hud Iml the oiiloiiihnd moil In Iliolr Iliihl ror diiiilh , I Thorn mo nlwiiyn londoni aiiioni' iinui Miiiiiollnifn llicy'io laloiil loud- urn - hill the oinoramicy , If II eoinoii , will develop ( lint Kiinlonihtp. Mil , IIKVAN IN Til 10 ICAHT. Thai Mr , llryiin In mil no nlroiir In the caul IIM ho ronnoily WIIM , la hull- cnloil In Iho folhiwlmt lollop rocolved hy The NOWMKim M. 10. Hhulta , a for.I I I n-ot pi'Oinliionl NohnniUan , now lu Nowntli. N. ,1. : "Don't liiiiir much of our old Monti , \V , .1. llryan. down horo. When I WIIH hoio four yonrn line whotiovor you mot n man and ( dated you wore from No- hi'iitjka ' , ho unlviirually oxolalinod , 'Oh , you nro fiom Hryan'ii iilato. ' Hlueo I huvo boon hoi'o thin tlmo not oueo Ititvo I hoard nuoh an exclamation. 80 Iho ipiontloii htm inliioii , ban Mr. I try- an illMpiidoil of Nohnuika or In It titlll bin Htato ? " ICKI'M-X'T OF T1UCKT I-'AIUS. The lontlnuiny hnuiKht out In the lladur bank robbery trial at I'lorco ' that o.veiwvlrttH , vondot'H of fake Jew- ' ) vy unit ottior ntidoMlnihlo cltlcenn , nuiKo It a tiiinliioHH to follow Htr > t'l f ilrt , only ndd to the wolght of tti'Hiimont woontly ndvnnood liy tl o Tlltloii t'Ubon HKiilnnt HIH ! domoratU- tun Institution for ttown. . Tluit nnli ji oni'iitvnl ntul tittuu- sorts of orooUs to ' | community * was Known tioforv , out It ( nilmlttod on the stnml tit IMoiw lv > the nirtii ehar > n > d xxlth iMbblng the Hnd.-ir bank , and one \vlu > ndml'tod. ' ho had been In the penitentiary once f\M % burjilavy. I * _ I' ONK U.V.NMv UOUNKtt t'ONVlCTKO ointy trtvivvj-ers svre to be nd thanKM by the VtHx-K of N ? b ska for spending theirt VtWtvfty tvx oxxnvlct n lv nk rubber , atid v nxlethiR him. The authwitles tlie wunty , nd mrttonlrtrlxi.iusv AUvxmey St xvart and o\'Sherlftj a\x xM lUl < xtv > a ? rvvv\ \ share - " - ' vxt state vxf X < Is to bo tfon of at least Tko In cr iN of I * \U t stx-frK U ? $ viw t.vr < It Y < # r wr > . jJftxA.WA * . "ton ft , State t,7i t f * . pit it- ) r 'tit ' Vt'Vt , VtHfL tfi f fJ ) iif 'R ' Xlift lifti tww'tunttilHtr ' vw trt W * /Tr / * l wn * JiitfttiJi fi 'frtun fiir JiNiiii lilt , Jt man. . that Kr/r/olk tot nit thnt ( horu van In K < : t all that 'f w Yf fk or Cti\r.Kn \ could \ * * \\i\y \ \ \ wi nil th t ft wire conW wiwn wmM write , AnrI ( o > /fl ( ; i I/out , AN tout nil rwiturc'x do- , r Bl word , too , nlioiH tdnt Hi n In Cdc-rry. It WHH u ( d-ftr-nit , i.-lofiuunt Mtory tdnt l tdnt unnamed mnn thor In , fJd rry m-nl out ov r thn AHHorlnt d l'r \ < w wlrfx , lo nil td world , ( | tilck nw i It WHH Dnnhcd out of thn uilno'n nioiild i Hint Ihoro dnd ( icon living rncn illNcovfiicd ( , H wnn a Htory tdnt miiHt filmirt ( out In tdo nowNpnpcr lltornluro of tint ; IK I no tfsoifilriK wild hiirnnri InliiriiNl i , no nntlHrylriK , o nccurnto. Tdnl ntory wrltlwi tdoro nt tdo tnoiith of < ( do iiilnn , under tdn in out dlHtrcHH- IIIK | ( 'Ircniiiiilitncoii , wnn truly n worker or , art , It wnn n rent finrKiicy--nijd ! ( ! ( ) Krontly inot. dy ( do AHHoclatud PrcHB arid , , If tdo remark may ho pardoned , dy | Tdo Norfolk Dally Nown. AROUND TOWN. Hw - ( | u orri It will not ( HI a union ItoMolvo ilihl ; now not. to oviiroat on luilioy , Tlidi'lit ono or tdo wookH with two Hiimlayn In It. Am two heavy unowrallH before Tliaiiltnp.lvlni' any M | ; II IIH lo ( ho kinder or wlnUir wo'ro > ; nliiK to havoV lloro'ii hopltiK the nlroot eonimlH- nlonor will Itvo up to hhi announce- i niont Ihln tlmo and really tdmvul err Iho wallia ( hat properly nwnurx neg- loci. TinFromon ! Trlhuno prlntH an opohwy on IIn fionl piio | ; asking lln ' rotidora to hour with It during a week of pti'tm room dllTlcullloii which iiinHo It nocoitnary lo print Iho paper on old faidilonod machinery , pulling It In Iho iiamo OIIHM | "IIH Interior dalllos prlnlod at Norfolk , Ixearnoy , ( iraml Ihland , lloatrlco and HiiHllngH. " To people acquainted with the Hltuatlon , that'n nhniit the bent Joke yet. Any old tlmo the I'Yomonl Trlbuno llndH It- no If In the name e.lans IIH The Norfolk NOWH , H won't bo apologising to Its roadiM'H for Its condition that's a cinch. And It might he stated right hero that the Fremont Tribune xvlll tiovor not Into the sumo class as The . Norfolk NOWH until It discards Its , l.v columiiH of holler pinto "telegraph" shipped to It from Don Molnes ( when the trains aren't stormbound ) , and un til t It can maintain an Associated Press l leased wlro service In place of Ui. I little fiOO-word "pony" from a second - ' end ( rate IIOWH agency as at present , and ' until It Is printed on a perfecting press ' that turns out HO papers com plete , printed and folded , every min ute l : and until It multiplies its pres- lent circulation by four. As an In- Manoo : Saturday afternoon ( the very day | the Fremont paper xvas apologlr. * lug for lowering Itself to the standard of other "Interior" dallies ) The Norfolk - folk ( News printed four columns of telegraph t matter that came over Its own Associated Press leased wire tell- Ill ' ) ; of the Undln.c of miners alive at , 'Cherry , xxhtle Fremont people never j ' I knew a \ xrd of that prcat story iu > til ' Sunday morning fourteen hours behind l Norfolk. And still the boiler- plated j excuse for a real nexvspaper at . Ktvmont has the crust to tell Fn > uuxnt people that they're pxMtlng n bet ter , , parser , for the size of the to\x-n , than any other town In Nebraska , ATCWSON GLOBE SIGHTS , A man xx-ho talks n great deal can't always haxv the trnlli handy. It Is an a x11 that tn&kos a man look ' < \ < d ; 5n s xx-oman's case , it is trouble - I DM yvtn oxvr K > I > OSJ a for yvwrsfrW that you didn't Ate it J to s : xvf * * > tJwxir imjlsif : ATO * sAlty tTt5iy A SftVt A.VC. A x- \Vf 5 AA tmii k. t'ftmai 5titt > A TIH.TIjtn : vti , vnh 9t > 4 'Jimirti wft tn&Nfff tiUf ft * inwi ilifrf uQjlfatV ytm iwA 'tt'itim ' " / > tflri' ili jviit , Will AW unif trrnnnB lilm Home Course In Live Stock Farming IV. Animal Parasites. By C , V. GREGORY , Author n ( "Hume Count In Modern Afrleullure. " "Miklnl Money on the r rm. " Etc. Copyright. 1000 , by American Pren Attoclitlnn nn two nunprnl classes TIIKHK that nffcct mil- nialK external and Internal. Chief ainonc cxtfrnal para * rtlleH nro lice. These live In Lie. hulr next lo Iho Hkln , feeding on It and catiHliiK the animal great annoyance. Not only that , but nnlmnlH bndly af- foeted with lieu run down greatly" In Ih'Hh , look had and HOOD become mon ey lowm for their ownern. There are ninny klndH of lice liffectlnj ; horHCH , cattle and H\vlne , with a few Hpecles that ( -online their attention to sheep and goatH. TlieHu lice are of two klndH-Hiicklng and lilting. The treat ment la much the mime for both klndn , HO that It Mill not be necessary to treat them Hcparately. l.lce are Hometlmes dllllcult to find , even when they are present In con siderable numbers. Thin Is especially true of IOIIK haired animals. The neck , HhonlderH and root , of tall are the places most freiiiently | affected. Remedies For Lico. One of the best remedies for lice on hogs r.nd cattle Is crude petroleum. Thitt uhleli has been prepared ( ' .spe cially for this purpose by having Home of the kerosene taken out Is best to use. It can be purchased fur about ? . " a barrel. The oil can be applied with a spray pump or with a paint brush , care being taken to see that Hie animal Is thoroughly covered. Only one application Is necessary. Hlnce the oil will adhere to the hair for two weeks or longer , killing the young lice as they hatch. This treatment , because of Us greasl- ness , cannot be applied to horses that are being used nor to milk cows. Kor these kerosene emulsion Is a good remedy. It Is prepared as follows : Dis solve one-half pound of soap In oile gallon of boiling water. Remove from tire and add two gallons of kerosene. Churn \lolently with a spray pump or paddle until a xvlilte , creamy mass Is formed. This Is prepared for use by adding nine in" ' < of water to one of the mixture. It can be applied with a brush or rag when only a few animals are to be treated. If many are affect ed they can bo shut In a small yard and soaked thoroughly with a spray pump. A second treatment at the end of ' eight days will be necessary to kill the : young lice that hatch. Any of the coal tar dips can be used In the same way. Crude carbolic acid diluted with 100 parts of xvater Is also a good remedy for Hoe. These liquid applications cannot well be itM'd in winter , and It Is at that time that the lice are the xvorst. They often become especially troublesome on colts toward spring. Pyrethrum. or Inject powder , dusted into the hair will kill many of the parasites. To bacco du > t may also be used. Sulphur and lard , mlxtnl to form an ointment and rubbed Into the infested places , are. efivti\e. ( The simple xx'ay _ to handle lice on hogs Is to dip thorn. A dipping tank can bo. cheaply made by digging a hole the required sise and putting a thick layer of cement oa the inside. The end at xvluvli the begs come out should lv slop. " . " xvith float * to clv. them W * is T * tt ! vm v nUrf1 jfftw * 4iial ! vim MJV , we * VlttA ) ; 'te * MV < Sr nr < ami > lw < . ' * r tMn & * * l * Itf tur ttt Itot flli , Tr * Ix/t fif tof * lu t-KK * oa the frotit It-gi ittnl bra t nt the ani mal. A * tb - < rinti \ U Ihv larrae are taken Into Hi" mouth of lltt none and find their venf to the utotiMch. where they attach thcrnxclve * to the walls. If present only In atnnll numtx-rs the fffectH are not noticeable , but In large nutiibiTH they serlounly affect the health of the borne and wnnetluies eve'n catiwe death. As there Is no way to illfdodgc the bets after they have once attached them.ielves to the ntotn- . h , the only way to combat them U by prevention. Thin can be accom plished by Hcrnplng the eggn off the horse'H legs every day or HO with a blunt knife or rubbing over them a rag wet with kerosene. Filet. Among the most troublesome ex ternal parasites of horses and cattle are files , During the summer months they cause great IOSH of flesh and re duction of milk flow. The numbers of these pests can be greatly reduced by preventive measures. Flics breed In manure piles and refuse of nil kinds. By keeping the yards as clean as pos sible and sprinkling any manure that Is left xvlth lime the multiplication of l-'KI VIII. IIU1IN KLV , the pests can be greatly discouraged. The \\orst of the tly family Is the horn Hy. This is a small black liy , attack ing cattle chlelly. It has a habit of gathering about the shoulders and horns at night , which gives It Us name. One of the most effective means of dealing with the horn liy Is to apply repellent mixtures to the animals. litinnl parts of llsh oil and tar or axle grease can be used. One application xvlll last a week or ten days. Spray ing xvlth kerosene emulsion helps , though this xvlll not last nearly as long as the o.lier remedies. Kerosene emul sion or carbolic acid solution Is one o' the best remedies for horseflies. Oils cannot be used on horses because of their disagreeable diameter. Good fly nets do a great deal to keep flies awny. Sheep Parasites. Sheep are more frequently affected xvlth parasites than any other domes- tie animal. The xvorst of the external parasites is the scab mite. This is an Insect so small that It can hardly be seou xvithout a magnifying glass. It causes the formation uf siabs. under V.-MI-IJ it hides. Any of : be standard dips can l > e u ed to combat it. Tb > lime-sulphur dip is UMially regarded as the most effective. It is made by slaking twenty iwunds of fresh lime and tweuty-dve pounds of sulphur to gether xvlth xvater to make up to ICO gallons. Hoil twenty minutes and strain before using. The scab mite H a hard ( test to kill , and the dippla ? must IH ? thorough. The mixture 5 more effective if kep : beau-d to 110 degrees F. The s-bi-ep should I * lu the solution uati ! the al s ire thoroughly soaked. llabWa ? the dip into the soabs xrith a stiff breh csikes the treatment tuort ? oenaia. It jixveM be repeated in tea days. Dipste : : i = the spring just after siafcariap again ia the fall vriU do aocb tbo scab laite ia CMRV * . tor lifts Tbo is Tbey cta > ? > Je * aad nii As S i yftmi .us- if- Sof * OI writ * tl c'B ' < j.c St. -aily TWh- 41 Mk. wire lit , h Ir ti K * * tvs > H4l 'I