The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 19, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Pleasures of the Week.
Mrs. 8. F. Eraklno wns hostess nt
n very pretty 1 o'clock luncheon on
Thursdny , nt her homo on north
Ninth street. The tnblo decorations
were red carnations and ferns nnd
were beautiful. Forty guests enjoyed
the four COIITHCS. After lunch came
social visit , and n little progrnm that
proved very ontertnlnlng. Mrs. Snyder -
dor sang ; Mrs. Jones played Bovoral
selections on the piano , and Mrs.
Chambers and Mrs. lluntlngton gave
clover readings. Mrs. Eraklno was as- _
BlPtcd In serving by Mrs. George
Spear , Mrs. O. R. Meredith nnd Mrs.
it. M. Heeler.
The ladles of the Bocond congrega
tional church met with Mrs. Tom
Wood on Thursday afternoon. Mrs
Wood was assisted by Mrs. Harring
ton. Light refreshments were Borved
nt the close of the nftornoon.
The ladles of the Christian church
enjoyed Friday nftornoon In the homo
of Mrs. Ellorbrock on south Fourth
Htroot. The hostess wns assisted by
Mrs. O. R. Meredith and Mrs. N. I.
Mrs. C. J. Bullock Is spending n
week In Grand Island with Jier friend ,
Miss Alma Ettlng.
The Aid society of the Presbyterian
church mot with Mrs. Groom on Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. Sol 0. Mayor was hostess to
the Wednesday club this week.
Mrs. G. D. Duttorllold Is conllned
to her homo by Illness.
The marriage of Harry 13. Rhodes
of Sioux City , la. , nnd Miss Edith
Estabrook occurred at the Estabrook
homo on South Ninth street , on
Wednesday of this week. The cere
mony was performed by Dr. C. W.
Uay , at 10 a. in.
Immediately after the congratula
tions had boon extended , the guests ,
numbering twenty-four , were seated
at a daintily appointor four course
breakfast. The entire affair was
marked for its quiet simplicity. The
color scheme , which was green and
white , was charmingly carried out
In decorations throughout the home.
The bride was exquisitely gowned In
n princess of cream satin messalino
nnd carried a shf""or bouquet of
bride's roses and smllax. After the
breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes leftover
over the M. & O. for their new home
In Sioux City , la. , where Mr. Rhodes
Is engaged In the real estate business.
The out of town guests wore Mr.
nnd Mrs. A. C. Logan of Center , Neb. ;
Mrs. J. B. Homer of Sioux City ; Miss
Edith Rhodes of Dos Molnes , la. , and
Ray Estabrook of Lincoln , Neb.
Miss Nolle Bridge went to Fremont
on Wednesday for n short visit in the
borne of her uncle , Robert Bridge.
Ole Nellson , minister at Magnet and
Bloomflcld , has been visiting hero the
past two days and attending the Glut-
'ax ncotlngs.
"Little Johnny Jones. "
"Little Johnny Jones" may have
been the best musical comedy Sioux
City has seen this year , as Manager
Jencks of the New Grand telegraphed
that It was , but the show was a dis
appointment to Norfolk playgoers.
The disappointment was due largely
to the fact that the show lacks any j
one vivid moment of Intensity to
.arouse the audience to a high pitch of
enthusiasm. The audience was con
stantly in the mood of hoping for
some screamingly funny incident or
some brilliant &ong that would take
nway the Hat taste that the show , as
It Is now constructed , leaves In the
In many respects the show was a
fair one. The scenic equipment was
unusually attractive , the chorus was
made up of pretty girls with good
voices , sonic of the principals sang
well , the costumes were pretty and
the music for the most part catchy ,
though the "Johnny Jones" tunes have
been whistled nil over'the country so
much that there was no now thrill to
bo found In the tunes of themselves.
Probably It Is the Cohan personal
ity that Is lacking to make "Johnny
Jones" go with a snap nnd ginger that
the audience expects nnd demands.
The hit of the evening was "The
Unknown , " who outshone "Johnny
Jones" for favor with the audience.
"The Unknown" reeled off a string of
wit that kept things bubbling most of
tbo time. "Goodbye , Flo , " was the
most popular of the songs.
The scene In which the ship moved
off Into the ocean , with brilliant elec
trical effects , was an attractive one.
The stage settings , however , were so
heavy that they caused tiresome waits
between act .
Perhaps the fact that "Little Johnny
Jones" was the best musical comedy
Sioux City has seen this year nnd
the show wns the big fenturo of the
week there merely tends to demonstrate
strato that the American play pro
duccrs nro not turning out the sue
cessful musical comedies of n few
years ngo , and that the legitimate
typo of drama la returning to Its
own. For one thing Is sure , "Little
Johnny Jones" doesn't come within
fifty miles of "Tho Prince of Pllson , "
nnd Bomo of the musical comedies of
that type , seen here three or four
yea ago. There wns no Jess Dandy
lu tbo water fountain to sot the au
dience howling and leave It In oxtrno-
dlnary good humor throughout the
But that mtiHlcal comedy , oven so ,
Is still popular In Norfolit IB Indicated
by the fact that a bigger house greet
ed "Johnny Jones , " than saw "The
Third Degree , " "Tho Man of the Hour , "
or "Tho Lion and The Mouse" all
magnificent examples of the "legiti
mate" drama.
General Schedule to be Used for Man
ufactures Is Completed.
Washington , Nov. 1.1. The general
schedule which will bo use In the federal -
oral census of manufactures for the
calendar year 1009 , has been formu
lated , and about 700.000 printed copies
have ; been ordered by Census Director
E. Dana Durand.
The schedule Is In the form of a
four-page folder , about Oxl IVj Inches
In size. It Is smaller and simpler than
the ones upon which the 1000 and
1005 censuses of manufactures were
taken. It has less than half as many
spaces , for entries , as the earlier ones ,
and scorns likely to Insure loss labor
and greater accuracy In the collection
of the manufactures data.
There are , In the general schedule ,
thirteen principal questions , with their
subdivisions. This Is the same num
ber as In the general schedule for
1905. There are , however , Important
differences between the two schedules.
Those comprise , In the 1909 schedule ,
the now questions authorized by con
gress ; the elimination of former
queries to which It Is possible to
obtain approximately accurate replies ,
and also the simplification of others
by their separation or combination
in other forms.
Another now question Involves the
quantity of fuel used , whether anthra
cite coal , bituminous coal , coke , wood ,
oil , gas or other kind. This Is ex
pected to elicit replies affording con
siderable data on the fuel conserva
tion question.
The thirteen principles questions
are , briefly : First , a description of
the establishment second , time In ope
ration nnd hours worked ; third , capi
tal Invested ; fourth , salaried em
ployees ; fifth , wage earners , includ
ing piece workers , on the payroll December -
comber 15 , 1909 ; sixth , wage earners ,
including .pieceworkers , employed on
the 15th day of each month ; seventh ,
salary and wage payments ; eight , ma
terials , mill supplies and fuel ; ninth ,
miscellaneous expenses ; tenth , pro
ducts ; eleventh , power ; twelfth , fuel ;
thirteenth , remarks.
The general schedule , beginning
shortly after January 1 , 1910 , will bo
circulated among the manufacturers
throughout the country by special
agents , of whom 1,600 will bo ap
pointed from the successful applicants
at the test examination , to be held
November 3.
Only Bogey Man On Taft's Trail.
Washington , Nov. 13. So persist
ent has been the anti-Taft talk in
the eastern press for several days
that finally Vice President Sherman
gave out nn Interview In which ho
said there was nothing to it , that
President Taft had made good on his
western trip , nnd would be renoml-
nated without opposition.
At the same time , the National Con
servation association , of which form
er President Eliot of Harvard , is
president , authorized n statement that
there was nothing In the charge that
It was to bo used secretly as n medium
for promoting the political fortunes
of Colonel Roosevelt and trying to
land him another presidential nomi
nation In 1912.
It Is noteworthy , as bearing on this
antl-Tnft situation , that attacks have
already been made on two members
of the cabinet , and that a third Is
soon to be put on the defensive. Sec
retary Ballinger has been a target for
criticism since last spring. Secretary
Knox is now passing under the rod ,
the charge being made that his recall
of Minister Crane before that gentle
man could get out of the country was
at the behest of one of the two great
money powers of the country which
has financial designs on China.
Now comes the report that Post
master General Hitchcock Is to suffer
criticism because of a deal ho Is said
to have made with the Guggenhelms ,
whereby Taft was to have Guggen
heim support In the northwest In re
turn for permission to get away with
the coal lands in Alaska.
All this talk , oven though It bo
largely moonshine affects Taft , and
undoubtedly It Is designed to do so ;
at least , that Is the way folk down
hero regard It.
A politician who has heard several
of the speeches delivered In the west
by Chief Forester Plnchot , declared
that every such speech carried an
Implied menace to the Taft admin
istration and that Mr. Plnchot's
speeches might bo summarized as fol
lows :
"Tho salvation of this country depends
ponds upon the loyal prosecution of
the policies of Theodore Roosevelt.
I stand before you as the chief ropro
sentatlvo of those policies. It is a
fortunate thing for the country that
Its present chief executive is solemn1
ly pledged to carry on those policies.
Ho pledged himself to those policies
before his election. Beware of the
man who seeks too closely to ad
here to the law. 'It Is the letter
kllloth.1 "
Ho assorted further that the unex
pressed but clearly Implied message
of Mr. Plnchot In these speeches was :
"Ift-Presldont Taft dares to deviate
from the Roosevelt policies you know
what to do to him. "
It Is known that the president has
boon kept advised as to what was
going on , and that ho returns to Wash
ington well Informed , and In posi
tion to protect himself nnd his admin
istration. His message to congress
It Is said by men close to him , will
bo n complete answer to all of the
charges and insinuations made by cer
tain men of the radical wing of the
republican party.
And BO the gossip goes the rounds ,
embracing not only the president , but
thus far three prominent members of
his cabinet.
The Washington Post , ono of the
eastern dallies of prominence , discuss
ing the situation takes no stock In
the antl-Taft talk. In an editorial It
says :
"Among thoHo to welcome the pres
ident home was the bogey man. Ho
had not been In evidence since the
Chicago convention. Yesterday he !
had In his possession 'n concatenation !
of coincidences * * * strongly
resembling a chain of strikingly sig
nificant political events , ' that he had
curled and twisted Into a 'far-roach- [
Ing and shrewdly organized political >
movement. ' This ho had prepared to
submit to Mr. Taft on his arrival. It
goes without saying that the bogey
man's flyer wns tnggcd 1912 , nnd that
the far-away look under his visor
pierced South Africa.
"Someone ban defined a dream as
being an unwinding chain of verbs
something doing all the time , until
nil of n sudden it snaps of Its own
weight. So with the presidential con
spiracy story of yesterday , only In
stead of an unbroken chain of verbs ,
the name 'Pinchot' constantly recurs.
Mr. Pinchot , wo are expected to be
lieve , has betrayed his chief and Is
the head center of the widest , deep
est and most insidious conspiracy
over hatched In political life. Already
ho controls the press and the maga
zines and has three members of the
cabinet under fire from his concealed
"Tho convention of 1912 is to bo
captured , and the story of 1880 Is to
be repeated. By 1912 Mr. Plnchot
will have gained at least two re
cruits Senator La Follette and ex-
Secretary Garlleld. In the roles of
Conkling , Cameron and Logan , with
Roosevelt as Grant , they will cast 306
votes , nnd stand pat. But. hold. The
writer's analogy nods here , and It Is
discovered that La Follette Is playing
a double role. lie wants to be James
A. Garfleld. It is an awfully sudden
shift , but it wins on the historic thir
ty-sixth ballot. Taft Is beaten for
re-nomination , and Roosevelt is out-
sldo the breastworks , too. In sporting
parlance La Follette has given them
the 'double cross. '
"Too bad to add that the conspiracy
article admits , at the end , that Mr.
Taft's seconds have not the slightest
idea that Mr. Roosevelt Is n party to
the 'concerted movement , ' or would
sanction it If he knew of It. Mr. Taft's
friends might say , also , with equal
confidence that Mr. Roosevelt Is the
last man to allow his friends to put
him before the country In any such
light , and that Mr. Pinchot Is equally
free of any suspicion of betraying
President Taft or embarrassing Mr.
"But what Is all this to the bogey
man ? He knows a concatenation of
coincidences when ho sees one runn
ing at large. "
The Chicago Congregational Seminary
to Establish Correspondence Course.
Chicago , Nov. 13. A correspond
ence school for ministerial studies is
an Innovation which Is to be started
in connection with the Chicago Theo
logical seminary by the Congregation
al church. Its establishment was de
cided at the eighteenth triennial con
vention of Congregational churches ,
now being held hero. The especial
aim will be to reach those preachers
already in the field , but who need
moro training.
All the Governors Except Four In Fav
or of the Plan.
Washington , Nov. 13. The gover
nors of all the states of the union ,
with the exception of four , Connecti
cut , Georgia , Washington and Wyom
ing , are heartily In favor of the chang
ing of the date for the Inauguration
of the president of the United States
from March 4 to the last Thursday
in April.
As members of the national commit
tee they Intend to exorcise all their
influence at the coming session of
congress to have a constitutional
amendment submitted. Commissioner
McFarland of the District of Columbia ,
as president of the organization , had
collected a largo amount of material ,
Including photographs of Washington
on the last Inauguration , a compari
son of the weather hero March 4
nnd on the last Thursday In April , the
death roll of victims who have been
sacrificed to the severe weather and
other material which will , It Is be
lieved , make a great Impression , not
only upon Congress , but upon the
public generally.
Funeral of Louis Wlneberger.
Madison , Neb. , Nov. 13. Special to
The News : The remains of Louis
Wlneberger , who died at Columbus
Tuesday from a gun shot accidentally
inflicted upon himself several weeks
ago , were brought to hla father's homo
In this city , and the funeral services
were held yesterday afternoon. This
unfortunate accident , with its fatal
result , has touched the feelings of
the entire community.
The Magnate Paid $10,000 for Mem
bership Forty Years Ago.
Now York , Nov. 13. The stock ex
change seat of B. H. Harrlman , which
has been sold for about $80,000 , was
purchased by him forty years ago for
$10,000 and , according to his associ
ates , was the basis of the vast for
tune which ho left. Mr. Harrlman
told n friend , It Is said , that he pur
chased the seat with money which
that from that moment his fortunes
began to increase.
Nellgh-Madlson Game.
Madison , Nob. , Nov. 13. Special to
The NOWB : The Nollgh nnd Madison
high school football teams will join
Issues on the homo gridiron Saturday.
Coach Day , of the Madison aggrega
tion , has his team In battle nrrny nnd
Is quite confident that the Nollgh team
bus the fight of the season on Its
East Fights for Electoral Vote.
Washington , Nov. 13. Already the
politicians are looking forward with
Interest to the taking of the census ,
next spring the democrats with moro !
or loss complacency and satisfaction ;
the republicans with more or less
anxiety , for If the census should de
mand a rearranging of the electoral
college , and n slilftlng of a number
of Its votes , the republlcnn pnrty
would bo more likely to lose than the
democratic party. '
The census for 1910 will determine
for ton years the membership of the
house of representatives , nnd also
of the electoral college. In none of
the north Atlantic states , where the
republican party Is strong , has there
boon , since 1900 , any largo Increase
In population ; In fact , In some of the
smaller of these states population has
been for ten years almost at a stand
still. But In the west and the south
west , the former uncertain politically ,
and the latter strongly democratic , the
population gains have been very conj j
Of course , the basis of representa
tion In the house will be changed as
the result of the next census , and In
stead of their being ono member for
each block of 194,182 Inhabitants , It
will undoubtedly bo ono for each
block of considerably more than 200-J
000. A house based on the present' '
ratio would mean an increase of about
seventy-five In the membership , which
Is undesirable for several reasons , and
also out of the question considering
the present crowded condition of the
house chamber. I
Should there bo Increase
an of the i
ratio , so as to retain the same num- j
of members as the present , 391 , n' '
few states north of the Ohio and east' '
of the Missouri , excepting possibly j
Michigan , Minnesota and the Dakotas ,
probably would lose ono or more of
their present representation. It Is [
in this territory that the republican
party wins Its presidential battles.
Such an Increase In ratio as has just
been mentioned would result in gains
In membership in several of the states
of the south , among them Alabama ,
Georgia , Texas and Oklahoma , nil
democratic strongholds. There also
probably would be gains In the north
west , notably In the neighborhood of
Puget sound , and In Minnesota and
the states near it. Other gains prob
ably will appear In several of the In-
termountaln regions , broadly speak
ing , are not reliably republican , al
though In most cases leaning in that
It is thought such as these that are
causing republican politicians more |
or less anxiety. Cutting off repro-
sentatlon from such republican states
as Ohio , Iowa , Michigan , Wisconsin ,
Pennsylvania , New York and Massa-i
chusetts , to say nothing of Indiana , ]
which since free silver times , and un
til last year and this , has been reli
ably republican , and giving it to Ala
bama , Georgia , Texas , Oklahoma , per
haps to Missouri , and to some of the
politically uncertain states of the Intermountain -
termountain and northwest regions
might possibly mean a reversal of af
fairs and the election of a democratic
president In 1912 , for it Is assumed
that , other things being equal , the now
apportionment will bo made by con
gress prior to that time. The reap-
portlonment following the census of
1900 was made In 1903 , and it would
have been made earlier had a pres
idential election been at hand. The
count will be made next spring of all'
the Inhabitants , and the census bureau 1
will have all of the totals made up
for the use of the session of congress i
which will meet the following Decem
Speaking conservatively , the addi
tion of fifteen to twenty electoral votes |
to the south , and the taking nway of.
a like number from the sure republican
states pf the north and east , probably
would make the next presidential
election a very Interesting affair , re
gnrdless of the candidates and the
Issues. Especially will this bo true If
existing republican dissatisfaction
should continue some of the re
publican states of the central west ,
notably Wisconsin , Minnesota , Iowa ,
Kansas and Nebraska.
East vs. South and West.
Viewed from any standpoint , the
situation is ono sufficiently serious to
cause republicans to sit up and take
Politicians In the east have already
been figuring on the next ratio of
representation. They are desirous of
shaping affairs so that their section
shall lose as little as possible in the
house nnd the electoral college.
Should a combination as to this ques
tion of ratio bo formed between the
south and the west , of which there
Is at this early day some talk , It
would easily defeat the plans of the
east , and th f ; would still further add
to the gravity of the situation , from
the republican viewpoint.
As throwing an Interesting sidelight
on the question of political uncertain
ty now existing , nnd nlludod to pre
viously in this article , the following
statement will bo worth reading. It
Is made by J. Harry O'Brien , a prom
inent business man of Indianapolis ,
who , has been spending several days
In this city.
Ho says discussing political condi
tions In his state :
"Indiana seems to be drifting back
Into the democratic column. The tarIff -
Iff Is responsible for this change.
Within twenty years , Indiana has
drifted away from the democracy , with
which she stood In the days of Hend-
ricks , Voorhlos and English , out
through the doubtful area to republi
canism. This was on account of the
revolt In the state against Bryanlsm.
With Bryan apparently out of the way
J ' the state BOOIIIB starting on the re-
I turn journey Into the realm of doubt ,
through which many hope It will pass
Into the democratic column.
"Sonntor Bovorldgo cnn bo returned
to the Bonnto next yenr , but It Is only
his position ns nn Insurgent that had
made his place secure. The only ex
cuse the people of Indiana will accept
next year for the election of a repub
lican legislature Is the assurance that
such a legislature will return a low-
tariff republican to the senate.
"Notwithstanding the Immense pro
tected Interests of the state , Indiana
Is In favor of revising the tariff down-
ward. In n slandup light between
high nnd low tariff elements , party
nnmcs nnd relationships eliminated ,
the Inttcr would win by nt least 100-
000. And what I say of Indiana , Is
also true , ns wo understand things in
that state , of practically every state
beyond Ohio. Such states as Minnesota
seta , Wisconsin , Iowa , Nebraska , Kan
sas and even Illinois , are filled with
low-tariff sentiment. It will bo only
a question of a few years when this
sentiment will crystallize into a power
that will drive all these states Into
the democratic column , unless a
change takes place in the attitude of
republican leaders toward the men'
who for the past decade have been
furnishing the republican majorities. "
Many will claim that Mr. O'Brien
overstates the situation ; but that there
Is something In what he says , folks
In this vicinity well
know. This con-
dltlon of uncertainty and threatened
republican lovolt In some of the strong
republican states , only adds Ur the
anxiety of those republicans In the
east who have been figuring on the
next congressional and electoral col-
Iegireapportloument. .
Marie Corelli Gives Praise to the
American Woman.
London , Nov. 13. In ono of the
mo&t remarkable eulogies of American
women and English women over de
livered , iMnrie 'Corelli , who was the
guest of honor at the luncheon of
American women in London held at
the Hotel Cecil today , in response to
the toast to her health , said :
American women in London arc a
recognized force In our English social j
life. There is hardly any society func- '
tlon of Importance that Is not graced' '
nnd enlivened by the presence of some J '
brilliant American women.
Our golden youth , whose gold some
times is apt to be rather scarce , are I
always ready to fall prostrate at the
feet of every American heiress , but
we must occasionally give them credit
for falling victims first to the charm
of the American woman's personality ,
without her dollars , for her charm is' '
always there.
The American woman is not quite
like other women. The same emo
tions move her as moved Mother Eve
but differently. She Is absolutely
original. She Is not the daughter of
an ancient kingdom , rich In history ,
literature and tradition , which felt the
hand of the Roman conqueror before ;
the Christian era. She has arisen ,
as It wore , suddenly , miraculously ,
like Venus from the foam of the sea.
She Is the offspring of a'land of liber
ty , a young country teeming with Im
petuous rush and untried Ideas. She
Is always fascinating and Interesting.
Floyd Dragoo went to Crelghton.
Miss Rebecca Mono went to Omaha.
Mrs. William Neuman went to Stan-
Mrs. John Duncan called on friends
Rev. Mr. Preuss of Wlnsldo was
Mrs. Frank Haase of Hadar was
F. G. Coryell returned from Plain-
Charles Mayhew of Lynch was in
the city.
Miss Emma Ulrlch of Pierce was In
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Carsten of Hadar
were here.
Doyt Alderman of Plalnvlew was
In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bless of Stanton -
ton were here.
Rev. Mr. Hoffman of Battle Creek
was In the city.
Miss Lena Prousker of Battle Creek
was In the city.
Rev. and Mrs. Zeremba of Stanton
wore In the city.
Mrs. C. E. Strato of Hosklns called
on friends here.
Rev. Mr. Brauer and daughter of
Hadar were hero.
Mr. and Mrs. William Filter of Ha
dar were In the city.
Miss Anna Filter of Bloomfield is
hero visiting friends.
Miss Lllllth Foster of Hosklns was
hero visiting friends.
William Plller of Stanton Is in the
city visiting relatives.
Mrs. Loulo Zollko of Hosklns was
hero calling on friends.
Mrs. Charles Ulrlch of Plalnvlew
called on frlonds hero.
Miss Bertha Pllger Is hero from
Stanton to spend Sunday.
Mrs. R. G. Rohrko and daughter of
Ilosklns visited friends hero.
Miss Hazel McDonald of Pierce Is In
the city \Isltlng with frlonds.
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Schormor nnd dnugh-
tor of Piojco called on friends hero.
Cleo Ledoror is going Into Plerco
county for n two days' visit with
Misses Laura Turner nnd Bosslo
Williams of Pierce were hero visiting
with frlonds ,
W. S. Slaughter of Ilorrlck , S. D. ,
was In the city transacting business
with N. A. Ralnbolt.
Mr. and Mrs. William Swlgort of
Albion nro In the city visiting with
the W. F. Hall family.
S. J. Mills of Chicago Is In the city
to BOO his mother , Mrs. Sarah Mills ,
nnd to visit with his Blslor , 'Mm. John
R. Hays.
Mrs. Sarah Mills , who has been ill ,
still continues In a critical condition.
The Woman's club will meet with
Mrs. Ersklno Monday afternoon nt
2:30 : o'clock.
The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs.
Oxnam on South Tenth street Tues
day afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. A full
attendance Is desired.
The game between Norfolk and Co
lumbus was postponed on account of
the extremely bnd weather and muddy
grounds. A game with that team ,
however , Is looked for soon.
I J The case of F. E. Knapp versus
William Frcor , In which Knapp charg
es Freer with assaulting Mrs. Knnpp ,
was continued for thirty days In Jus
tice Lambert's court
A. W. Flnkhouso has sold his cigar
store on Norfolk nvonuo to 10. Becker ,
formerly attendant at the hospital for
insane. Mr. Hccker taken possession
of the cigar store Monday morning.
Mr. Flnkhouso lias not yet decided
what he will do , but bullevea his ( line
will be ontlrcly taken up when ho
takes up his position as constable.
A wrestling mutch will bo hold hero
In the near future , the principal.1) be-
' I ' lug three of the high school fooball
team and an amateur wrestler and
tumbler , who is employed In a local
real estate ofllco , but who at tbo pros-
out time wishes his name withhold.
Ho offers to throw each of the heaviest |
of the high school team In one-half
George L. Broccker and Miss Blanch
Williams were married nt the homo of ,
the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. I.
II. Williams , three miles north of Roy
al on Wednesday evening , November
o. Miss Williams has been n very
successful tencher In the schools of
Antelope county for years. The hap
py couple have arrived in Norfolk and
will make this their homo.
The Fisher Players , who will bo
in Norfolk all next week , come hero
highly recommended for the excellent
work of the Individual players and the
high standard of their productions of
first-class plays. The Sioux Falls Argus
gus Leader declared the opening per
! formance of their latest engagement
In that city to be one of the best j
ever seen on the local stageat , any
price of admission.
Funeral bcrvlces over the remains
of Miss Emma Mueller , who died at
0:30 : Tuesday morning after a year's
illness of tuberculosis , were held at
2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the fam
ily home on South Fifth street. Rev.
Mr. Hofius conducted the services in
German. Services were again held
in the church at 2:30 : by Rev. Mr.
Schelps of Pierce , in English. Many
friends and out-of-town ministers were ,
at the funeral. The pall bearers were :
Charles Ahlman , Fred Ilollerman , Ern
est Kaun , John Schelley , Frank Kayl ,
Fred Thompson.
Radical Explains Situation.
The most satisfactory explanation
offered for the Insistent repetition of
the rumor that Taft's renomlnatlon
will be opposed in 1912 by the repub
lican radicals , appeared today during
the course of a talk had by several
newspaper men with one of these rad
icals. He said the conservation people
ple would put up a program of defin
ite legislation to congress the coming
session a program involving water-
powers , mineral and coal lands , etc. ,
and that they wanted tbo active co
operation of the president to get it
adopted by congress. They were cer
tain congress would act If the presi
dent were to keep his hands off after
writing his message. The talk about !
not renomlnatlng him , this gentleman
suggested , might for all ho knew to
the contrary , be for the purpose of
arousing him when the time comes for
him to get busy with congress.
Trinity Parish , in Seattle , Also Will
Have Wrestling Matches.
Seattle , Wash. , Nov. 13. Boxing
bouts and wrestling matches , with the
members of the organization on the
mat , will be among the winter amuse
ments tto be given by the Men's club
of Trinity Parish church , according
to .announcement of Cyril Arthur
Player , recently from Oxford , England ,
the new assistant rector and secre
to President Roosevelt for the supreme
premo bench to succeed the late Asso
ciate Justice Brown , hut Mr. Roosevelt
velt considered him too old and nam
ed his attorney general , William H.
Moody. It will be recalled also that ,
nt ono time , Mr. Taft considered Judge
Lurton for an appointment In his cabi
net , but finally selected Mr. Dickinson
ns the representative of the south. It
lequlred repeated efforts to induce
the latter to accept the secretaryship
of war. i
Bonney Could Name Others.
Emory Bonnoy's mother declares
there are men "high up" Implicated In
the depredations of the gang of Nor
folk boy bandits , and that Bonnoy
could have made startling disclosures
in district court at Madison , If he had
been willing to toll what ho know. Ho
remained silent , sno says , for the
reason that telling would have done
htm no good and that he was afraid
of consequences when ho should get
out of jail.
She says Bonney was not the leader
of the gang , but that older men than
ho , living hero In Norfolk , were at
the head of the youthful thieves.
Mrs. Bonnoy says that her son
would have willingly pleaded guilty
to petty larceny , which was the final
charge against him , live months ngo ,
nnd she says that If ho had chosen to
stand trial finally Instead of pleading
guilty , he could have coma homo free
with his mother , because of a lack of
evidence against him. She declares
that when it was found that tfforo was
no evidence against her son , the
charge was changed.
$1,500 , .1 Mecul nnd Wife for Him.
Frnnk Larson , the Northwestern
fireman living at CM South First
street , and who recently married the
mother of the 2-yi'ar-old boy whoso
life ho saved by crawling out on the
pilot of the onglno nnd lifting the
sleeping lad from thu track while the
train was going at high speed , has not
yet received the $1,000 cash prlzo
which was awarded him last week In
Chicago by the Carnoglo here com
mission , llo Is expecting the draft ,
however , any day.
This will make $1,500 cash for Lar-
mm , besides the Cnrnuglo hero medal
and the young widow , as l iraon'H re
ward for the daring net which scut u
t'.irlll all over America at thu time.
A representative of the Carnoglo
hero commission was In Nebraska re
cently consulting the engineer who
accompanied l > nrson when thu fireman
norvlly climbed out on the pilot and
risked his own life to save that of the
little son of his future wife.
The railroad gave Larson $500 nt
the time.
Won't Make It Union Depot.
Local railroad officials do not be-
Hove that the movement projected by
ono of the state railway commission
ers , following the recent hearing In
NorfuJk , for convcM'tlng the North-
western's uptown station Into n un
ion depot , will over coino to pass.
The plan Is said never to have been
submitted to them. On top of that ,
It Is declared by those who ought to
know , that such a plan would not bo
ontertnlifed by either M. & O. or Un
ion Pacific officials.
It Is urged that such a plan la never
satisfactory and that It is much muro
probable that ' ' .o Union Pacific and
M. & O. will build n now station of
their own.
A now station IH highly probable
if Norfolk continues to demand n
substitute for tbo old wornout and
cramped up station now doing service
as It has for a third of a century past ,
it is claimed.
Flying Machine To Be Made Here.
A flying machine is to he made in
David Smith of Deevore , Garlleld
county , Nob. , has Invented a flying
machine. He has just received his
patent papers , which cost him a good
deal of money , from Washington and
has placed the plans and maps of
his flying machine in the hands of
William Ahlman , of Norfolk , with
money and orders to start work In
building his first machine.
Mr. Smith , who has been working
on his Invention for over four years ,
Is very enthusiastic over receiving
his patent papers , and he believes his
machine will be a successful flyer
when completed.
Bird-like In build nnd movement ,
the plans of the machine look very
reasonable to Ahlmnn. It Is to be
operated like a bicycle , with peddles
which keep the wings , which automati
cally open and close , moving up and
down bird fashion. The stearlng gear
rudder , whlcii is controlled by handle
bars , also operates the tail which
causes the machine to rise and fall.
The ir/ichjlne Is Istarted from a
stand , the operator starts peddling
and a switch causes the wings to
tilt , giving them the forward drive.
The wings will bo made of the
best canvass , or possibly china silk
coated with rubber , and tbo frame of
the lightest steel tubing making a
net weight of less than thirty pounds.
The sprocket wheel , chain and peddles
do the entire work of keeping the
wings going up nnd flown , while the
handle bar does the guiding of the
machine nnd also controls the tall.
Mr. Smith-for a Jong time has
tried to Invent a flying machine which
could be operated like a bicycle , using
his own words"somethlng a man can
take and fly Into town with. " Mr.
Smith believes the machine will bo
u success , and has every assurance
of its being able to attain any alti
Mr. Ahlman , who gets the contract
to build the flying machine , says ho
believes It will bo a success and work
will begin on It Immediately. Much
special material will have to bo sent
for" and It will take nt least three
months before a trial trip can bo
My Kingdom for a Quart of Milk.
A town right In the heart of the
greatest dairy region on earth and
Norfolk Is using condensed milk be
cause It can't get ordinary milk.
Norfolk housewives are fairly cryIng -
Ing for milkman's milk and yet their
salty tears bring no response. There's
a great , big opportunity right in this
town today , It Is pointed out , for a
The Commercial club Is hoping that
some dairyman may see the oppor
tunity and move to Norfolk to supply
household wants and to make n bunch
of money for himself.
A very large portion of the city
of Norfolk cannot today get real milk
and cream for love or money. It Is
an actual fact that condensed milk
is being used by n very largo number
of households , because they can't find
anybody who will deliver milk to
them. Is Is one of the big problems
Norfolk housewives are trying to solve
and without success.
When Wlllems Brothers discontin
ued their dairy business a few days
ago to supply only the wholesale trade
and make Ice cream , hundreds of
homes were left In a quandary. Otto
Zuelow operates a mljk route of small
proportions , but Is not reaching the
entire city by any means.
The prayers of only a few nro nn-
swered by the milkmen , nnd con
densed milk business nt the stores
has gone up.
Where , Oh where , IB there n milkman -
man who cnn supply the town of
Norfolk with the kind of milk nnd
cream that mother used to cook with ?
Milkmen in Norfolk In bygone days
have all prospered , It Is pointed out.