The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 19, 1909, Image 1
THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEW&JOURNAL , , , , . NORFOLK NEBRASKA FltlDAY NOVEMBER1 ! ) 1901) ) AMERICANS EXECUTED PRESIDENT ZELAYA OF NICAR AGUA PUTS TWO TO DEATH. UNCLE SAM'S WARSHIPS GOING PRESIDENT TAFT HIGHLY IN. CENSED OVER OUTRAGE. DRASTIC ACTION MAY FOLLOW Two American Warships Are Already Steaming at Top Speed to Nlcara- guan Shores to Protect Americans. Serious Complications. Washington , Nov. , 18. Two Amor- leans , Leonard Grace and Leroy Can non , captured while In service of the revolutionist army In Nicaragua wore sentenced to death by President Ze- laya's order , and It Is bolloved the BOtitonco was carried out. The cruiser Vlcksburg has boon ordered to pro ceed at once to Corinto and the gun boat Dos Molncs will go to Port LI- mon. mon.Tho The meeting between President Taft and the now minister of Nic aragua , Hazeara , has been Indefinitely postponed. The news as to the two Americans reached the state department last night from the American consulate at Managua and stated that their capture had been followed almost Immediately by a death sentence. The consul Immediately appealed to President Zolaya to commute their sentence and his answer was : Refuses to Commute Sentence. "I will seo. " Later , on a further appeal , Zelaya said : "Tho sentence Is final. " A dispatch received today at the state department says the men un doubtedly have been executed. On this Information the secretary of state asked the secretary of the navy t send the "Vicksburg to Corlnto-for the purpose of protecting Americans and American Interests. The Dos Molnes was also ordered to Port Llmon at top speed. These vessels will bo In constant communication by wireless with the state department. Warships at Top Speed. The DOS Molnos Is now at Colon , about 150 miles from Port Llmon , which she can reach within ton hours , steaming under forced draught. The Vlcksburg Is on the Pacific coast at San Jose Do Guatemala , nearly 200 miles from the Nicaraguan coast , and will bo able to roach Corinto at about the same time the Dos Moines arrives nt Port Llmon. The execution of the Americans Is believed to have taken place at or near El Costlllo , which is In the inv mediate vicinity of Groytown. Uncle Sam May Act Drastically. The brutality of the Nicaraguan gov. ernment In ordering the execution of these two Americans who happened to bo found In the revolutionist army , without trial of any sort , Is likely to result In this government's taking drastic measuras. Taft Highly Incensed. President Taft , upon receipt of this news , was so incensed at the action of President Zelaya that he immedl < ately announced that ho would have no communication whatever with the new Nicaraguan minister. At the Nicaraguan legation It was stated that no news of the execution of the two Americans had been ro celved from the Zolaya government. OVER 500 PUT TO DEATH Zelaya's Soldiers Ransacking Homes and Shooting All In Sight. New Orleans , Nov. 18. A cable from Nicaragua today reports that a reign of terror exists throughout the portion of that country controlled by President Zolaya. Troops are roundIng - Ing up every person suspected of sym pathy with the revolutionists and exe cuting them without trial. More than 500 men suspected of rev- olutlonary sympathies have been shot and still the bloody work continues. Houses are ransacked by Zelaya's sol diers in search of incriminating evi dence and when resistance Is offered the houses are destroyed. Women rel atives of revolutionary sympathizers have been subjected to indignation Nicaraguan refugees arriving on the Isthmus and in Costa Rica declare II Is time for the civilized powers to forcibly Intervene and put an end to such atrocities. TAKES SUPPLIES TO REBELS Boat Sailing From New Orleans Said to Carry Them A Protest. Now Orleans , Nov. 18. What Is al leged to have been an attempt to take a shipload of supplies to Bluoflolds to aid the forces of General Estrada was protested In a formal manner at the customs house by Consul General Altz- schul , representing the Zolaya govern ment In Nicaragua. The Nlcaraguau official asked that the steamer Utsteln bo refused clearance papers on the allegation that it had been chartered by ox-President Emanuel Bonllla of [ Honduras for the purpose of taking several revolutionists to Bluoflold from this city. The collector of the port wired to the Htato department at Washington for Instructions , but none arriving late last evening , ho allowed the vessel to proceed to her destination. Washington , Nov. 18. The state department - partmont has boon officially advised by the Nicaraguan government that the Insurgent blockade of Groytown has been broken and that the port Is now open to commerce. Advices from President Zolnya to the Nicaraguan minister hero report that Goiml Romero , chief of General Chnmorro's staff , was killed In the battle with the government troops bo- ore Groytown and General Pedro For- IDS Dlnz , n revolutionary loader , was serlouslv ounded. The * % , wnts , according to those idvlcos , ° fallen back from Rama , where tlu $ do a stand against the Second art % 'ps under General Vas- quoz and ai < $ retreat toward Blue- Holds with t. vorninent troops In close pursuit. UNDER GROUND PENNSYLVANIA TRAIN TRAVELS THROUGH NEW TUNNEL. UNDER GOTHAM'S SKY SCRAPERS For the First Time a Railroad Train Runs Underneath Hudson River , Be low Bed of East River Tube to Cost $160,000.000. New York , Nov. 18. Burrowing be neath the Hudson rlvor , under Man hattan island's skyscrapers and below the bed of the East rlvor , a Pennsyl vania railroad train today for the first time traversed the new tunnel of the transportation line from New Jersey to Long Island. The tunnel Is ex pected to cost , before It Is finished , close to $160,000,000. Pass Irish Land Bill. London , Nov. 18. The Irish land bill was passed In the house of lords with som'e chang6 ln the" amendments recently proposed by the lords , to which the house of commons on No vember 5 , refused to agree. UNIVERSITY PROF. SUICIDES Body of Professor Wheeler , Illinois , Found On College Campus. Champaign , 111. , Nov. 18. The body of Professor Wilfred C. Wheeler of the University of Illinois was found on the campus of the institution today. A small bottle was found nearby , Indi cating suicide. Wheeler Is thought to have poisoned himself , as ho was a member of the staff of the chemistry department. Ho was 30 years old and married. Ho came to the university from Lawrence , Kan. , his home. A STAY FOR LABOR LEADERS FEDERATION OFFICERS NEED NOT HASTEN TO WASHINGTON. COURT GRANTS THE REQUEST Gompers , Mitchell and Morrison Will Not Have to Be In Washington Sat urday , But Will Have Till Novem ber 29 Further Stay Possible. Washington , Nov. 18. The court of appeals of the District of Columbia on request of counsel for the labor lead ers , today granted a stay until November - vembor 29 of the Issuance of the man date sending President Gompers , Vice President Mitchell and Secretary Mor risen , of the American Federation of Labor , to jail for contempt of the supreme premo court of the District of Colum bia In the Bucks Stove and Range case. Chief Justice Sheppard stated that If the labor leaders should by Novem ber 29 , the day the supreme court of the United States return file In that court a petition for certlorarl , a fur ther stay of the mandate would on application bo granted pending the de termination by the higher tribunal of the application. As a result of this action , Mr. Mitch ell and Mr. Morrison need not hasten to Washington as It will not bo neces ) I sary for them to surrender nor will they have to have to take recourse to habeas corpus proceedings. HE'LL SUE MME. STEINHEIL. On the Ground of Libel , Coulllard , the Valet , Will Ask $5,000 Damages. Paris , Nov. 18. Remy Coulllard , the valet who discovered the murders of M. Stolnhell and Mmc. Japy , and who was accused by Mme. Stolnhell of having been an accomplice In thd killing of her husband and mother , has announced his intention of bring ing suit for $5,000 damages on the , ground of libel. STATE RESTS IN HADAR CASE M. M. FARLEY OF NORFOLK FINALLY - ALLY REACHES PIERCE. HIS TESTIMONY IS DAMAGING , Farley Testifies That Morrison , Joyce and Rlley Stayed In One Room at Farley Lodging House Three Nights Before Bank Was Robbed. j Pierce , Neb. , Nov. 18. Special to The News : After court had been suspended more than half a day to wait his appearance on the witness stand M. M. Farley of Norfolk , who had been scheduled to testify In the Hadar bank robbery case at 10:30 : o'clock yesterday morning but who was not In town "at that hour and whose wife at Norfolk said over the telephone that he had not been home , was brought Into court late yesterday afternoon by Sheriff Wiley , who had gone to Norfolk to arrest Farley on u bench warrant Issued by Judge Welch. Farley was limping badly from an apparent pain In the left hip and he brought with him a certificate from Dr. J. H. Mackay of Norfolk stating that ho had been Injured by a fall the night before. Farley said that he missed the morning train to Pierce , being unable to get a hack when he wanted to start. Just why his wife said over the phone that he had not been home , was not satis factorily explained. Gives Damaging Testimony. Farley was placed on the stand im mediately and gave important testl- many against the defendant , Morrison. Ho testified that Morrison , Joyce and Rlley ( Identifying their photographs taken by Sioux City police ) had occu pied a room at the Farley rooming house on Norfolk avenue ( formerly the Norfolk house ) on Friday night , Saturday night and Sunday night pre ceding the Hadar bank robbery which was discovered Monday morning. Farley said that all three men oc cupied one room each night ; that they had but one suitcase among them ; and that Morrison paid the bills for the entire three on each occasion. Farley saw the trio last late Sunday evening , about 9 o'clock , and the next morning they had left. Also , next morning the Hadar bank had been robbed. President Inhelder of the bank tes tified that Hadar was about five miles from Norfolk. Then the state rested. The State Rests Its Case. Following the finishing of the state's evidence , the defense asked a suspen sion of the testimony until the state should make known upon which points It intended to base its argument. Judge Welch ruled that If Morrison were found guilty of using gunpowder and dynamite , he could not bo found guilty of using nltro-glycerlne. The state thereupon withdrew charges No. 2 and 3 , of using gunpowder and dyna mite , and retained charges 1 and 4 , charging the use of nltro-glycorlne. Sioux City Woman for Defense. At 5:20 : the defense began Us case. Mrs. Seldman of Sioux City , who owns a row of houses that she rents at Fifth and Court streets , testified that she saw Morrison Sunday evening , Janu ary 17 , among seven or eight men , "rushing the can" In Sioux City. She tried to stop them. They wore rush ing the can because they couldn't get booze down town. She testified that next morning ( the morning of the rob bery ) she saw all three men Morri son , Joyce and Rlley In her yard. Morrison came to the door , she said. Judge Van Wagonen , of the prosecu tion , attempted several times to get an answer to the question as to wheth er It were not true that Mrs. Soldman rented her houses to bawdy women , but the court overruled the question In each Instance. Mrs. Seldman ad- mltted , however , that she rented houses to women whoso real names she did not know , knowing only the names they go by. Ex-Convict On the Stand , "Billy" Welsh , an ex-convict from Sioux City , was on the stand this morning in behalf of the defense. Welsh was part owner of the Star saloon - loon In Sioux City last January. Judge Van Wagenen failed to got an admission that Welsh was an ex- member of a gang of bank robbers , but did get an admission that ho serv ed eleven months In the penitentiary In 1906-7 for conviction of burglariz ing a saloon that ho had sold to n man named East , at 315 West Four teenth street. Welsh said ho saw Morrison at Mrs. Woldman's "row , " Sunday , January 17 , drinking beer ; that ho saw Morri son , Joyce and Rlley next day In his saloon at 3 o'lcock and again In the evening at 8. Ho also saw Detective Richards there , he said. The trio were not there Saturday. Bartender Gives Testimony. Hugh Johnson , a bartender at the White Front saloon , Sioux City , was part owner of the Star saloon last January. Testified ho saw Morrison Sunday , January. Mrs. Weldman call ed him , complaining of a disturbance. Morrison and others wore "rushing the can. " Ho said ho saw the trio Monday night at the Star. Tuesday morning ho saw Morrison drunk. Ho paid Morrison's fine , about "Isn't It true that you got part of the money taken from the Hadar bank ? " Judge Van Wugcnen asked. "No. " Another Bartender. A bartender named "Perry was call ed. Ho Is bartoridor at the White Front. Ho said ho saw Morrison at the saloon Tuesday. He admitted the upstairs part of the saloon was a ques tionable resort. A recess was taken , It Is likely the testimony will bo ended tonight. TAFT SAILS FOR NORFOLK But It's Norfolk , Va. To Enjoy Oyster Roast Invites Carnegie. Washington , Nov. 18. President Taft , accompanied by Mrs. Taft , the hitter's } j sister , Mrs. Thomas 1C. Laugh- Hn , Jr. , of Plttsburg , Captain Butt , his military aldo , and Assistant Secretary Mltschlor left Washington at 4 o'clock this afternoon on board the naval yacht Mayflower for r.orfolk , Vn. , where Mr. Taft tomorrow will recolvo a military and naval parade and make an address before the second annual convention of Atlantic deep waterway association. The president tomorrow afternoon will attend an old-fashioned Virginia oyster roast on the beach at Capo Henry and will speud the night with the party on board the Mayflower. The president has Invited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carnegie to Join him at Norfolk and they have accepted. Saturday morning the president will go ashore at Hampton , Va. , to attend a meeting of the board of trustees of the Hampton normal Institute , of which ho Is a member. The president will bo entertained at luncheon at , Hampton , and at 3 o'clock In the af ternoon will deliver an address to the colored students. GORSA TELLS OF FRAUDS DISCHARGED SUGAR SAMPLER ADDS NEW MATERIAL. REVIEWS OBSTACLES HE MET His Efforts to C ct Reinstated , Al though Aided by Secretary Shaw and Others of Influence , Were Fu tile Grip of Trust Too Strong. r / New York , Nov 18. Henry C. Cor- sa , who once was employed as a gov ernment sampler at the American Su gar Refining company's docks In Jer sey City , added further Interesting ma terial to the complicated controversy surrounding the frauds charged to the company and various customs offlc- clals and employes. Corsa was discharged from the gov ernment service seven years ago , by reason as he believes , of his efforts to obtain an investigation. He re views the obstacles he met and ex cites experiences similar In many re spects to those of Richard Parr and Edwin Anderson , who are defending their respective claims to being the original exposers of corruption in the customs houso. Wilbur F. Wakeman , a former ap praiser , brought Corsa's name Into the case sometime ago , when ho attested to the fact of his discharge after he had brought to the government's at- adds , were aided from time to lime by Leslie M. Shaw , former secretary of the treasurer Charles H. Treat , former collector of Internal revenue , and by several representatives in congress and by other government of ficials but none of them , ho declares , was able to overcome the grip the sugar company had on the New York customs service or to get him the In dorsement of George Whitehead , who succeeded Wakeman as appraiser. Corsa says Secretary Shaw , after a long j conference , said : "I'll see that you are put back. I could demand It right } now , but things are working so smoothly between Mr. Whitehead and myself that I don't want to break In abruptly on him with this demand. " . A part of the time , according to Corsa , he received letters from Shaw stating that ahaw found his hands so tied that ho could do nothing. Corsa says his evidence against the sugar company was to the effect that j the agents of the company had offered him I bribes in return for his assistance In substituting sugar of a low grade In sample taken by the government to test upon which cargo and wore appraised. As a part of this evidence he turned over to his superior the money J given him for a bribe. Weighers' Department Very Corrupt. Richard Parr , who Is still a deputy In the employ of the port , said that recent Investigations have shown I more than one man In every flvo among the employes In the weighers' I division of the New York port has been found Implicated In the frauds , j or Is "under suspicion of the most [ i positive character. " The conviction that a speedy In vestigation by congress Is certain was ' expressed by Edward S. Fowler , former - i or collector of the port of New York. | The proposals for a congressional Investigation will bo opposed by at' , ' least some of the officials in charge | of the present Investigation. It was J t openly said by a government official ( that such as Inquiry would defeat Its own ends In that many of the guilty Importers would bo able to obtain Im munity by testifying for the prosecu tion. In fact It Is suggested that impor ters themselves are working for an investigation by congress. MRS , STETSON IS DROPPED FORMER FIRST READER IN CHRISTIAN - TIAN SCIENCE CHURCH. CONVICTED BY THE DIRECTORS Mrs. Stetson Is Ordered Dropped From the Rolls of the Church by Order of the Directors , After a Secret HearIng - Ing Works Against Church. Boston , Mass. , Nov. 18. The name of Mrs. Augusta 13. Stetson , formerly i first reader of the Christian Science church of Now York , was today drop ped j from the rolls of the Christian Science church by order of the board of ' directors. | I . It was announced that the directors ! had found the charges that Mrs. Stot- j I son ! was working against the interests 1 of J the church and contrary to the teachings and practices of Christian science ' , to bo proved and truo. BANK STATEMENT GALLED Report of Banks at Close of Business November 16 , Is Asked. Washington , Nov. 18. The comp troller of the currency today issued a call for the condition of business of national banks at the close of business November 16 , 1909. ALL TO SAVE A MINE ? Charges That Lives Were Sacrificed That Financial Loss Might Be Low. Cherry , 111. , Nov. 18. With popular feeling running high over the St. Paul mlno disaster , James Steele , superin tendent of the mlno , has made the startling statement that every man who may have been alive when the shafts were sealed perished within two hours after the sealing of the shafts. On the heels of this admis sion , James H. Penn of Peorla , 111. , member of the Illinois subdlstrlct board of the United Mine Workers of America , charges that the sealing of the mlno was done without regard to the lives of the entombed miners and for the purpose of saving the pro perty of the company. Superintendent Stcolo's statement and Penn's charges , coupled with the expressed opinion of experienced min ers , that men working In parts of the mine remote from the fire would have escaped death , dashed the last hope of the relatives of the miners that any of the three hundred or more Imprisoned men were still alive , and caused the authorities to fear an out break of violence. It was after he had expressed the opinion that all the miners were dead and that their bodies would bo found near the main shaft that Steele ad mitted the quick and deadly effect of sealing the shafts. "It is my belief , " Steele said , "that every man In the mine Is dead. And I further believe that all the bodies will be found near the main shaft of the mine. My belief Is based on my knowledge of the action of miners In case of flro. They always rush for the exit. That Is what all the men did in this case. " "How long can a man who is Im prisoned In a mine live without food ? " Steele was asked. "If he has air and water ho may live for two or three weeks , " was the answer. "How long would he live If all the shafts of the mine were closed ? " "Not very long not more than two hours. " "At what time did you first seal the shafts of the St. Paul mine ? " "At about 10:30 : o'clock Monday night. " "Granted then that some of the miners were alive when you first sealed the shafts , how long after that would any of the men live ? " "Not longer than two hours. " "What would kill them so quickly ? " "Black damp. " "What causes black damp ? " "Tho shutting off of the oxygen by closing the openings of the mine. ' "When does black damp begin to form ? " "Immediately after the oxygen Is shut off. " "How long after the shafts wore closed would the black damp , In killIng - Ing quantity , reach to the furthermost parts of the mlno ? " "Within two hours. " "Then , as nn expert miner , do you say that ovary man lr , the St. Paul mine who may have been -ilivo at the time you closed both shafts , even though ho was nt a point furthest removed from the fire , was killed by- black damp within two hours after you closed the shafts ? " "I do. And I am not a greenhorn at the business. I have been a practi cal miner for thirty-three years , and I have boon superintendent of several mines for a number of years. " The reason assigned for scaling the shaft was that It was the only way to chock the lire. The company ropre- sentatlves assort that the lire would have killed the entombed minors , but It also argued that they could have escaped from the flro In some of the mlno passages. Less Corn This Year. Lincoln , Nov. 18. The report of the state labor comlssloner on the corn crop shows that the total yield this year IB some 169,000,000 , or less than CONDITION ( U ( Hi WEATHER Temperature for Twenty-four Hours. Forecast for Nebraska. Maximum , ' \ Minimum o iVvorago H Haromotor 29.98 Chicago , Nov. 18. The bulletin issued - sued by the Chicago station of the United States weather bureau gives the forecast for Nebraska as follows : Fair tonight and Friday ; warmer tonight and south portion Friday. TROUBLE GEITING MARRIED Norfolk Man , Tom Turnlpseed , Has a Hard Time In Omaha. Omaha , Neb. , Nov. 18. Ruth Spen cer , a pretty young miss of 10 winters hailing from Rising , Nob. , became Mrs. Thomas Turnlpseed yesterday after noon when Judge Charles Leslie legal ly endowed her with a new name. Tom Turnlpseed gave ills ago as 2t years when ho applied for a license and was accompanied by the father of the girl , Albert 13. Spencer , who gave his consent to the marriage. The youthful couple had trouble early in the day. They first applied for a license nt Council Bluffs , but the county clerk was loath to sign the permit inasmuch as the girl was not accompanied by either of her parents. Miss Spencer did not hesitate to toll the truth there as to her ago and her general appearance corroborated the statement that she was but 1C years old. Repulsed at the outset the youthful couple emigrated to Omaha , where they had little trouble in finding the girl's parent and the marriage license was forthcoming. Mr. Turnlpseed's homo is at Wash ington , la. , but he has been working at , Norfolk , and It was agreed the two should meet hero for the wedding. COPPER MERGER IN A FEW OAYS CAPITAL STOCK WILL BE CLOSE TO A BILLION DOLLARS. ONLY FIVE MEN ON THE INSIDE John D. Ryan , Thomas F. Cole , Daniel Guggenheim , George W. Perkins and W. E. Corey Are Forming Gigantic New Industrial Combine. New York , Nov. 18. Negotiations looking to the consolidation of the large copper companies of the United States are still In progress and it was stated today that the merger would not finally be completed for several days. According to information received hero from Boston the proposed com pany will have a capital of between $700,000,000 and $800,000,000. Whether or not there will be two classes of stock has not yet been de cided. It is stated that only five people arc acquainted with the proposed merger , and they are John D. Ryan , Thomas F. Cole , Daniel Guggenheim , George W. Perkins and W. E. Corey , president of the United States Steel corporation. CALLS DEATH ERROR ; DIES. Santa Cruz , Calif. , Nov. 18. "Sick ness is error , death is error. " These were the last words spoken by Thomas Wolfing while addressing a gathering of Christian Scientists. Wolfing dropped to the floor dead. At first It was supposed the man had fainted. Efforts were made to revive him , but physicians later pro nounced him dead from heart failure. The tragedy was witnessed by a largo number of persons who had congre gated to hear him speak. EXPLOSION IN SPENCER HOME DWELLING OF WILLIAM P. MOHR BADLY SHAKEN UP. ALLEN MOHR PAINFULLY HURT Boiler Tested to 250 Pounds' Pressure Blows Up and Allen Mohr Is Severe ly Injured In Chest and Eyes Mr. and Mrs. Mohr Absent , Spencer , Neb. , Nov. 18. Special to The News : The beautiful homo of , William P. Mohr was badly shaken by the explosion of the kitchen stove' to which was attached a water front. Mr. Mohr Is In Montana , and Mrs. Mohr In Sioux City. Allen Mohr made a fire In the steve and saw the tank begin to swell. Thinking something was wrong , ho shut the drafts , when It exploded. A piece of Iron hit Alien In the chest and his eyes wore filled with cinders. Dr. Armour was called and relieved him , although ho Buf fered Intense pain all night. The pipes were frozen , and although the tank was tested to 250 pounds of pressure , It burst , and wrecked the stove and blow out all of the window lights In thhe kitchen , and dining room. ONE BODY RESCUED FIRST CORPSEOF MINERBROUGHT TO EATH'S .SURFACE. THREE MEN GO INTO THE MINE FEDERAL OFFICIAL FIRST MAN TO DROP TO BOTTOM. TO FIND MANY MORE BODIES It Was Said That as Soon as a Land ing Could Be Made on the Second Gallery , It Was Expected Many More Dead Miners Would Be Found. Cherry , III. , Nov. 18 The first body from the St. Paul mine was brought to the sur face this afternoon. Paul Lowered to Bottom. At 1 p. m. J. W. Paul , of the United States geological survey of Pittsburtj , entered the air shaft and was lowered to the bottom. Paul quickly completed his mission and came to the surface , whore ho was joined by George H. Rice and II. Y. Williams for the second trial. Brfng Up First Body. One body was found and brought to the juncture of the gallery and venti lating shaft. Inspector Taylor an- nounccd that he would next enter the main shaft. After a landing can bo made from this shaft on the second gallery it Is expected many bodies will bo found. Cherry 111. , Nov. 18. "We're goinR down today and conquer It or It wilt conquer us. Unless wo succeed wo will never come out alive. " James Taylor , ' Illinois mining export , made tills announcement today. Tom Moses , R. Williams and James Webb , the geological experts from Urbana - bana , and several others wore ready to go down. The explorers wore , equipped with oxygen helmets. They carry axes' and * other implements with which to break through obstructions. It was expect ed the descent into the air shaft would be made before noon. Plan to Enter Mine. At dawn today preparations had been all but completed to enter the fire-swept St. Paul coal mine where 300 men were entombed by Saturday's disaster. Under direction of the state mining inspectors hazardous effort will be made to satisfy demand of the bereaved to remove the bodies. After the preliminary exploration , into the air shaft last night the inspector specter and mining experts reached an encouraging condition and it waa determined to not lose a minute to take advantage of the low tempera ture at the bottom of the emergency shaft. It was decided to reinforce the air shaft , to erect a scaffold to which will be attached hoisting apparatus and to explore Into the veins of the mine as human endurance will permit. Early today It was said that R. Y. Williams , who went Into the shaft last night , had seen bodies In the second gallery not far from the shaft. This the mining exports would not verify. After a midnight conference of Inspectors specters and officials , carpenters , ma sons and laborers were sent for and before morning work of preparing for the task of today had begun. Lower Two Men Into Shaft. It was proposed to lower two men equipped with oxygen helmets Into the shaft. They will enter the galleries and penetrate as far toward the main shaft as they can. If bodies are found they will be fastened to the tackle and raised. The exploration last night revealed at the bottom of the air shaft that there was less smoke and gas than there had been at any time since the fire started last Saturday. Cool at Bottom of Mine. The temperature had also fallen in this shaft , il\o \ thermometer register ing only 78 degrees. In the main shaft at the same time the tempera ture registered 110. This difference In the temperature mystified the mine Inspectors. It may bo thoMvalls of the galleries have collapsed some where between the air vent and the main shaft. If this proves to bo the case there Is little hope that many of the dead can be recoveied nt this time. If the explorers arc able to reach the main bhaft that seal also will bo broken and searchers will work from that end. Experts Say Mine Still Burns. In the opinion of mining Inspectors , who came hero from many states , the mine still is burning and life cannot endure within It. It Is tholr convic tion that St. Paul mlno must bo seal ed for an Indefinite period before any successful exploration can bo con ducted. This was the recommendation to the officials of the company yester day , but the Illinois Inspectors , realiz ing the fury that such action would arouse among the citizens of this community , Insisted that a last effort bo made to roach the dead.