The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 12, 1909, Image 3

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M. I ) . Tyler IB at Madison.
M , C. Hnzun drove tu Hadnr.
E. P. Weathorby Is at Madison.
Joyce Hall returned from Hetlbm
Mm. W. II. Powers wont to PIer <
Mr. CoHby of llosklim was In t
Miss Emma SchulIB going to Hi
Dr. II. T. Holdun returned fni
Itohcrt Fonsko of HoHkltiH was
the city.
James Million of O'Neill was he
on hublncHS.
Mrs. done llolstoln of Stanton w
II In the city.
Miss Josslo Horton of Stanton win
in the city.
Mrs. Smith of Spencer wax cnllli
on friends hero.
W. WaiiFor of Plalnvlow transact
business bore. < l Mrs. II. Lehman of Bloo
field were hero.
O. I ) . Iluttorllold returned from 1
ranch atVaiiHit. .
J. II. Donovan of Madison was
the lty Saturday.
J. C. Engolman of Madison was
the city on business.
Hurt MnpoB la expected to rotu
from MadHon tonight.
M. J. Sanders and Walter Jones i
turned from Randolph.
Mrs. W. ! : . Mullln and daughU
Hiss Mnmto Ward , who have boon v
itlng friends at Minneapolis , return
last night.
William Kutof Hoakins was In t
city calling on friends.
C. C. (5ow roturncd from a few daj
business trip at ( Jrogory.
1 Walter Howe and Phillip Hill wo
to Omaha to spend Saturday.
Mlsa Klslo Marquardt returned frc
a few days' visit at Omaha.
10. L. LouckH aiyl Lawrence Hoffmi
re at Cl-irkson on business.
Mlsa Helen Schlmmol of Hoskl
wns In the city calling on friends.
Miss Lillian Degncr has gone
Newman Grove to visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. August Deck ai
daughter of Hosklns were In the ell
Mr. nrnl Mrs. W. II. Weatherhc
and Miss Stella Woatherholt went
Miss Nettle Korth , who has bei
tore visiting friends , returned to Di
tlo Crook.
Mrs. W. II. Blakoman and daughti
Letlm. have returned from a visit
Sioux City.
Mrs. John Foster and daughter , Mi
LIHith Io tor , of Hosklns , called i
friends hero.
Harry Uakow , who was In the cl
calling on friends , returned to 1
liome at Pago.
S. M. Braden left at noon for C
cni'o' to meet Mrs. Bradon. They w
return Tuesday.
A. L. Klllian , who has been transai
hig business at Sioux City , Is expect
to return tonight.
The Mlssos Besslo and Alice Wa
have returned from a short vli
-with Mrs. Edward Conley at Snydi
. Miss Sophie Flnkhouso of Pllger
In the city visiting with her cousl
A. W. Flnkhouse , and the Wlllln
Bland family.
Mrs. W. II. Bucholz , who has be
koro visiting with her parents , Mr. a :
Mrs. N. A. Ralnbolt , returned to h
home at Omaha.
Mrs. Mills , mother of Mrs. John
Hays , Is quite seriously 111.
H. C. Saltier has lost a bull en
which he thinks has been stolen.
Excavations have begun for the n
residence of E. N. Vail on Park t
A. II. Vlele , who Is confined to 1
koine wth rheumatism and lumbaf
is reported hotter today.
. William Klentz Is quite seriously
at his farm eight miles south of tow
Typhoid fever Is feared.
Dr. C. S. Parker , who has been ct
flned to his homo with the grip ,
able to be up and around again.
Miss Merle Blakcman sprained h
wrist Saturday when she accidental
fell at the roller skating rink.
George E. Smith sold his farm nori
west of Norfolk to Henry Wachter ,
farmer living near here. The propi
ty was sold for $11,000.
A new gate has been built In frc
of the lire station. This new gate w
practically do away with the chc
which was formerly used.
Superintendent F. M. Hunter of t
fjorfolk schools was elected a meml
of the executive committee of t
state teachers' association.
Miss Josephine Buttorflold has go
to Denver to Join her parents. I
ports concerning the health of It
Butterlleld are not encouraging.
John Krueger , who has rented c
his farm near Hadar for a year , h
purchased the E. M. Zlescho propoi
on South Fourth street and wljl ma
that place his residence. The sum
)2COO , it is said , was paid for tl
A number of out of town friends ,
well as his neighbors , attended t
funeral of William Hagil , who died
Ills homo north of town , at the a
of CO. Rev. Mr. Hammond had char
of the services. Burial was in Pr
pcct Hill cemetery.
A miscellaneous shower was glv
in honor of Miss Edith Estabrook li
evening by a large number of 1
friends. The shower was in the i
turo of a surprise on Miss Estabroi
who is to bo married to Harry Rhoi
of Sioux City next Wednesday.
Potatoes almost as big as squasl :
were brought to Norfolk from Ida
by I. C. Stephens of Montrose , J
hero visiting his daughter , Mrs. E.
Fairbanks. Ho helped dip the po
ices , and 800 more bushels just M
them , in Iowa. Ho says the politic
arc soiling there at 35 cents a bua !
and are being fed to the hogs.
Fremont Herald : Secretary Mai
f the local Y. M. C. A. , received wt
from State Secretary Bailey yeatert
that Norfolk citizens have complei
* collection of $26,000 for the or
fe of a Y. M. C. A. building In tl
town. The town started to gather J2
000 for that purpose a year and a hi
ago and the first Investigation of
success occurred yesterday when pi
motors of the project learned th
had accumulated Just $1,000 more th
nocoasary. According to Mr. Hnlh
work will Immediately bo taken
toward planning and contracting i
thu association building. With t
fund on hand It la confidently uxpoct
a building of good dimensions and 11
doalgn can ho erected. Norfolk h
never had a regular Y. M. C. A. brun
of any doacrli tlon. NOWH of Its 111
succeaa In acquiring one Is consider
gratifying by lot-ill association men.
Justice Els-cloy waa busy during t
morning dealing out linen to drun
who were lodged In the city Jail ov
night. Henry llarmlcr of Holdon mi
that In some mysterious way ho I
came Intoxicated Friday , and ho w
lined $7.10. Gilbert Dills , a Norfo
carpenter , got the same line on t
aame charge. John Mcdraw , a strar
or In the city , also on a charge
drunkenness , got the same lino. Jol
Cilotulonnlng , dot-luring ho haled frc
Trlpp county , South Dakota , was 1
off with a line of $1. Charles Hoakli
who paid ho had no regular place
residence and no money , was lot i
with a reprimand from the judge.
Acton Poulet , a Now York lmnl
who has accepted a position as gem
al agent of the Standard Oil compa ;
In all French Cochin China , Is a coi
In to F. A. Beelcr and L. M. Beolor
Norfolk. Mr. Poulet , who la a From
man , landed in Now Orleans when
wns 1-1 years old and worked as Hi
nan for a railroad company In Nt
Orleans. Ho later started in the d
unods ; business in Kansas and th
> perated a bank In the same stai
dealing up a good deal of money. I
ina been for EOUIO years an actl
worker In Wall street. Mr. Poulet
now visiting relatives In Kansas ai
uarts on his long journey to Chli
n a few days. The position will
Mr. Poulet will 1111 is an Importa
one , but It also has its bright sit
Seven servants will bo at his co
nand and to top It off , the salary
something over $10,000 per annum.
Humphrey Democrat : A crazy mi
escai ed from the Norfolk asylum o
lay last week , and succeeded In reac
ng the home of some of his frlen
southwest of Humphrey before bcli
overtaken and captured by an ofllc
'rom the asylum. But ho wna > not cii
hired without considerable effort i
the part of the olllcer and his assli
ints , as the fellow put up a stroi
ight against going back to Norfol
Ho was finally subdued and hroug
to Humphrey Saturday afternoon wl
ils hands strapped to his sides. A
parently he had become resigned
going back to Norfolk , as his actio
weio very peaceable all the afterno
while being kept at the Union Pacl
depot waiting for the evening norl
jound train. However , a short tlr
icfore train time he suddenly hecar
mbued with the Idea of escape , ai
for an instant , while the officer's ba
was turned , he darted out the door a :
llsappeared In the darkness. On Me
day , we understand , he was captur
again at Columbus and taken to N <
folk Monday evening. Wo failed
earn the name of the crazy man , b
It Is understood ho Is n Polandor a :
formerly lived several miles southwe
of town.
Mrs. Pat Grotty arrived home frc
Omaha last evening , where she h
joen on business.
Mrs. E. F. Fisher returned hoi
from a two weeks' visit with her s
tor , Mrs. Lester Parker , at Tllden.
Mrs. Andy Dryden and son , Got
win , went to Missouri Valley Frld
A dance was given In Railroad.h
last evening , which was well attendt
John E. Eckholt wont to work age
as n fireman , having laid off for soi
Engineer John Mullen came hoi
sick yesterday morning.
Mrs. John McGrano came homo fr (
Omaha last evening.
B. W. Fausto went to Omaha yest <
day on business.
E. C. Connor has moved his fam
from Fremont to the Maylord propoi
In The Heights.
Ed Hutton arrived homo from We
Point last evening.
H. V. Evans Is Improving the lee
of his residence on South Fourth strc
by a new coat of paint.
Miss Helen Carver of Hastings
visiting for a few days with rolativ <
Time for Omaha Lawyers.
Lincoln , Nov. 5. The supreme coi
granted I. J. Dunn , John Rlno and
E. Burnam , attorneys of Omaha , i
til November 15 to show cause wl
they should not bo punished for cc
tempt. The three attorneys are f
cuscd of using language reflecting '
W. B. Rose , a justice of the court , i
Dunn , who said he was ready to i
sume all blame for the alleged i
fenslvo language , complained that t
charges against him were not spec !
and on that ground asked time
plead , and the court acceded ,
Mr. Dunn , the principal on whom t
burden of proof falls , has long be
prominent In state politics. Ho ma
the nominating speech for Wlllln
Jennings Bryan nt the last natlor
convention at Denver.
The climax of the row between t
superintendent and the book-keor
at the insane asylum at Lincoln h
culminated in the discharge of t
book-keeper by Superintendent Wo <
ard. Felix Newton , the book-keep
received his walking papers from t
superintendent at a time when t
governor was absent from the sta
ind Newton will take his cause
with the big chief immediately up
its return to the state. Newton la
Russian , and for n number of ye :
he has been very prominent in lei
olltlcs , having been able to dolh
ho greater majority of the Russl
/ote to any particular candidate w
had his friendship. It was for I
activity along these lines that t
local politicians urged him for t
place upon the election of Govero
Slmllcnbergcr. From the very Hi
ho and Superintendent Woodnrd fall
to get along , and the brocch Him
bocaino so wide that the suporlnU
dent anappcd the string that he
Newton to the pay roll.
Governor Shnllenbergor spent t
days In the company of a number
governors and t-ongrcaamen who i
coinpanled Pro Ident Taft down t
Mississippi river to New Orleai
This name tilp was made a year a
by Governor Sheldon with Preside
Iloosovelt aa the guest of honor. T
object of the ilver trip waa to cren
IntoicKt In a deep -waterway to
General Manderson has como
the conclusion that the state of r >
braska needs more advertising , and
got It ho Is In favor of the state r
preprinting more money for t
maintenance of the state labor I
roan. This sudden Inspiration cat
to General Mandorson by reason
a stranger asking him about the va
atlon of the agricultural products
the state and the fact.that ho ga
an answer which placed the Ilgur
entirely to low. When ho discover
his mistake he at once wrote
the deputy labor commissioner f
Information and discovered the 1
roan' hail plenty of Information , b
no money with which to circulate
So he has commenced to advoca
more Interest In the bureau and
larger appropriation.
The atate teachers association
holding forth In Its annual muetli
In Lincoln this week , with an cm
mous attendance. Special sectio
have been arranged for the teachc
of the dlfforc'iit grade , and teaeht !
In all Its phases Is being gone tin
Many of the school boards pennltt
the teachers to have a few days \
cation with pay , In order to gl
thorn an opportunity to attend t !
The Northwestern railroad has i
celved permission from ' .ho sta
railway commission to Issue bonds
the amount of something over $2
000,000. This sum Is the remalnd
of an Isue of $30,000,000 to Iss
which the Wisconsin commlssii
granted permission some time ago.
portion of the sum will be used
pay for improvements already ma
and some for permanent lmpro\
mcnts yet to be made .
L. E. Wettllng and U. G. Powi
rate men , who are assisting Attorn
General Thompson In preparing f
the case , wherein , the railroads a
seeking to have declared void t' '
two cent fare law , the Aldrlch ra
bill , and other enactments of t
1907 legislature , have gone to Chic
go to secure some evidence for th
case. The attorney general will c
deavor to present his case In full di
ing the coming week. The cross c
aminatlon of railroad witnesses
the state will start In the feder
court In Omaha , November 8.
W. J. Bryan has accepted an In
tatlon from the commercial club
be one of the speakers upon the c
casion of the visit of delegation
Japanese to that city.
Considerable Interest attaches
the present session of the suprer
court , Inasmuch as on Thursday ,
J. Dunn of Omaha , Is to appear ai
show cause why ho should not
punished for contempt of court. PV
Dunn recently Hied a brief with t
court In an Omaha case , and he w
at once cited for contempt , the judg
giving him until November 4 ,
make his appearance. Ho severe
criticised an opinion written by Jud
Rose , und the court took his langua
to bo disrespectful.
Superintendent Woodard of t
Lincoln asylum has made a reque
for the state accountant to check
the books at the institution. Audit
Barton was out of town at the th
Mr. Woodard made his request , ai
Accountant Tulleys would take :
action until ordered to do so by r
State Treasurer Brian has ask
county treasurers to send In all t
state money they have on hand ,
order to save him from registerli
warrants. During the week warran
to the amount of $10,000 were offer
for payment with no money in t
general fund to meet the demand.
If the county treasurers respoi
as he expects , there will be no nei
to register the warrants.
Howard Sechrist Dead.
Beemer , Neb. , Nov. G. Ne\
reaches hero of the sudden death
Howard Sechrist at Shenendoah , I :
last Saturday morning at 10 o'cloc
He had bought a restaurant two weel
before. Sechrist formerly owned tl
Beemer Times and last year worki
at Gregory and Dallas. Ho wi
known In Norfolk ,
Former Nellgh Sweetheart Aids H (
Lincoln , Nov. 8. When Miss Per
Stoner of Nellgh wedded Alfred
Staley of Denver In Lincoln last An
ust she , in the exuberance of her no
ly wedded joy , wrote to n form
sweetheart of hers In Antelope count
telling him of her wedding. The fc
mer sweetheart and Miss Stoner hi
at one time had a mlsunderstandlr
and they had not communicated wl
one another until he received the 1 <
tor tolling of her nuptials.
The realization of his loss stlrr
him to activity. Ho Immediately carte
to Lincoln , found out the name of t
man she had married and then start
on the fellow's trail. Ho discover
that in Council Bluffs , loss than ti
years ago , Staley had married Iletl
Blxler. Ho later found Mrs. Staley
Omaha. She said Staloy had desert
her within a year , and that she blest
lost all trace of him. So far as s
know he had secured no divorce. T
two booked their grievances , came
Lincoln and together called on t
prosecuting attorney. The filing
the complaint followed.
No Funerals In Dakota Town.
Lobeau , S. D. , Nov. 8. Death a
funerals are under the ban in LoBoi
Also undertakers.
The town Is roused to n high pit
of Indignation today because L. T. P
kins , GO years of age , got killed In
automobile accident two miles outsl
of the town and It has been propos
to bury him within the corporate 11
Its. Inasmuch as LolJeuu , In Its III
years of existence , has never had
death or funeral within Its corponi
limits , the citizens feel that a bur
at this late date would bo a blot
the fair name of the village ,
LeHcau has no graveyard ai
docbii't want any. So when Perkl
was killed citizens began collecting
mud to ship the remains to an uiuh
taker at Millet , S. D. , 100 miles ea
Relatives of Perkins are expected
arrive to take charge of the body ai
the citizens will try to persuade the
M buiy the remains elsewhere. AtU
nej'B Palmer and Ilcndrlcksoiii ha
undertaken to prove that no one h
a right to Inter a body within the eltj
Inventor Loses Hand In Machine.
Nellgh , Neb. . Nov. 8. Special
The News : J. E. Goodhuo of S
Charles , III. , Inventor of the exte
sivoly advertised Goodhuo cornhuskt
waaseriously Injured Saturday aflt
noon at the farm of Glldon bonncr
West Cedar Valley , about seven mil
southwest of this city.
Mr. Goodhne was demonstrating tl
workings of his machine In the co :
Held of Mr. Donnor when his Irg
hand was .accidentally caught In tl
corrugated rollers and smashed ai
mangled to a pulp. The hand was i
tightly wedged between the rolle
that It required the prying of the
apart with ciowbars , before the Inji
ed member could be released
The unfortunate man called for r
Ucattle of this city , who Immediate
went out. Upon his arrival Mr. Goo
hue requested that he leave as mm
of the hand as possible. Invcstlg
tion showed that nothing could I
saved but the thumb , and all the re
was taken off to the extreme ba <
part ofythe hand.
The Injured man will be at the Do
ner residence for several days , or u
til he considers It safe to return to h
Nebraska Anti-Pass Law No Good.
Lincoln , Nov. 8. It has just bc <
discovered that the anti-pass law h
been rendered practically worthies
In-amending the law to make it mo
liberal regarding employes of tl
roads , a joker was run In which pi
vldes that in securing a conviction
must be proven that the party accusi
accepted "and" used a pass. In tl
old law of 1907 conviction could bo s
cured by proving the acceptance "o
use of the pass. While the rallwi
commission holds It Is easy to pro1
the acceptance of the pass , to pro1
Its use would be more difficult. E
cause of that joker , three cases we
dismissed by the county attorney
Valley county.
O'Neill Issues Challenge.
O'Neill , Neb. , Nov. 8. Sporting E
itor , The News : O'Neill high scho
hereby renews their offer to play tl
Norfolk and Nellgh high schools
game of football , same to bo playi
in Norfolk , Neligh or O'Neill. All (
forts on O'NelU's part to arran
games with their team have thus f
proven futile. The only reason O'Ne
sees In their refusal to play la the fe
of defeat. Both teams had open dat
when challenged by O'Neill. O'Ne
has not been scored on the four gam
played. Both teams were willing
play until O'Neill beat Gates 15 to 0.
Mills Work Overtime.
Neligh , Neb. , Nov. 8. Special to Tl
News : For the past two months tl
Nellgh mills have been working bo
night and day to fill regular ordei
Despite this constant grind they a
still thirty-five cars behind on Ho
and feed orders. J. W. Spirk , ma
ager of the mill here for S. F. Gilma
stated this morning that they had ju
received a government contract f
1,500,000 barrels of Hour that will 1
distributed among the different Indii
Searchlight on Asylum.
Lincoln , Nov. 8. On the represe
tatlon of Felix Newton , deposed beekeeper
keeper at the Lincoln Insane hosplti
that crooked work has been done the
Governor Shallenberger will at om
order an investigation by the state n
Northwest Deaths.
Ed Holbart died near Dlxon.
L. P. Brlsack died nt Dodge.
Mrs , James Myers of Humphn
died at Chicago.
Gustavo Borchert formerly of 0
mend , died at Java , S. D.
Runs From Guard , Cuts His Throat
A sensational suicide at the Norfo
Insane hospital occurred Saturdi
when Martin Barrett , a patient fro
Atkinson , broke away from the guari
during a walk about the ground
rushed back to the ward , opened
bureau drawer and , seizing a raze
cut his throat An attendant saw wh
Barrett was about to do , grabbed tl
patlenl and scuffled with him , but ov <
In the scuffle Barrett succeeded
ending his llfo.
After the gash had been made , i
attendant tried to bind the seven
veins together , but Barrett , who w
a big , powerful fellow , fought off t
attendant and , winning his fight , hi
to death.
The remains were taken to Atkl
son at noon for burial. Coroner K !
dred was called from Meadow Grovo.
Barrett had attempted suicide ma
times before. He was born in Irolai
News of the tragedy was succei
fully withheld by hospital officers i
til the coroner's arrival.
Barrett was walking in a line of i
tlcnts out of ward No. 4. An alter
ant was at , the head of the line a
one was at the rear. When ward h
2 was reached Barrett dropped c
| of the line and slipped into ward N
2. the "open ward. "
I The question naturally arises ,
view of the quick and easy suicide
a man who had threatened suicide b
fore , "why was a razor left looi
where a patient could get It ? "
A week before Barrett had told tl
night watch he would pay yi. . ,000 ft
n knife with which to cut his thron
as his mother "called him fro
heaven. " Despite thla fact , howevc
1 no Hperlal restraint waa placed upc
him and he was allowed to drop 01
of the line and kill himself before tl
attendants' very eyes.
Quarterback Johnson Wins Game I
Last Two Minutes of Piny.
Lincoln , Nov. 8. By a sensatlom
return of a punt In a run of seven )
yards In the last two minutes of pin
Quniterback Johnson won a vlotoi
for Kansas In a game In which tli
Ja'j'hawkors were beaten In nearl
every department of play by Nebra
ka. The Jayhawkers' thrilling fet
lodged the ball squarely behind tli
goal posts and Pleasant kicked a
easy goal that made the score of tli
struggle C to 0.
The game was one of the mot
fiercely fought exhibitlona of the "ne
foot hall" ever seen In Nobraaka an
but for the wiggling and dodging (
Quarterback Johnson , In the wanln
seconds of the contest , It must hav
been a 0 to 0 score. Johnson's ru
rt-as similar to ono ho made In tli
name with Nebraska last fall , who
he raced sixty yards from a pun
placing the oval so near the Con
hirkcrgoal that k was easily puahe
over for the live polnta.
In the battle Beltzor booted tli
hall from Nebraska's forty yard llm
H fell Into the hands of the Ja ;
hawker quarter nt the Kansas fort ;
live-yard line. Johnson was In th
middle of the Held , and , rccelvln
the ball , ho darted straight acres
the grounds for the north side , bur
Ing off tacklers and side steppln
others. Within five yards of the aid
lines ho turned west toward the Con
IwUer goal and wriggled away froi
norc Cornhusker tacklers. Here tl ;
Interference for the Jayliawker wn
grand , four men being with him. H
raced along the fringe of the lie !
behind perfect protection and droppc
> chind the Nebraska goal for th
lolnts that won the game.
Nebraska , the team that before tli
; ame was touted to lose by a ma
} ln , bewildered the Jayhawkers wit
, ts startling variety of attacks. I
joth halves It outplayed Kennedy
nen bui In two departments of th
; nmc , punting and returning the ba
'rom punts.
The Cornhuskers never wavered b <
'ore the attack of their opponents an
) resented a stone wall from tackle t
In the early minutes of the strui
; le Quarterback Johnson chose t
.end rome plays at both sides <
he line , but they were so effective !
hecked that he had to rely on
muting game. In the use of the fo
vard pass and on-side kick the Con
huskers completely outclassed tli
Cansas players. The Jnyhawkei
: rled several short kicks , but not or
if them was a success so strong wr
ho Nebraska defensive play.
Every short kick made wt
.natchcd up readily by an alert Con
Coach Kennedy's much talked <
'orward passes failed to materalh
ind not one was attempted. Johnsc
vas ready three or four times to pas
he ball to one of the ends , but I
avery instance the Jayhawkers wei
o closely guarded that It woul
inve been folly to have 'attemptc
he pass. The Cornhuskers , howeve
ised both forward pass and on-sk
clck with telling effect , and especln
y In the second half , when the ba
vas advanced many yards by the
> lays. Nebraska never lost a yai
in a forward pass and recovered 01
.Ide kicks three tmes In the secon
.esslon. Three forward passes nette
'cautlful gains. The Kansas llr
failed to hold up against the Con
Tuskers' onslaught , but In the sccon
.esslon the Nebraska players charge
lown the ball Held for many long gain
< y smashing through big holes In tli
Kansas 6 , Nebraska 0.
Chicago 34 , Northwestern 0.
Denver 26 , School of Mines 0.
Notre Dnme 11 , Michigan 3.
Harvard 18 , Cornell 0.
Yale 23 Brown 0.
Lafayette 6 , Pennsylvania 6.
Kansas Aggies 58 , Creighton 43 :
Drake 17 , Iowa 14.
Nebraska Reserves 0 , Morningstde 0.
Carlisle 9 , G. Washington 5.
Princeton G , Dartmouth C.
Pennsylvania State 33 , Bucknell 0.
Missouri 5 , Washington 0.
Case 11 , Ohio 3.
Wabash 18 , Purdue 17.
California 19 , Nevada 8.
Mrs.C. . J. Joyce was called to Davl
City on account of her daughter , Mli
Ethel's health. Miss Joyce has bee
In n hospital there for some time.
Robert Jones returned to Fremoi
Monday to again take up his scho
work at the Fremont college.
Robert and Allan Jones and Mr
Seth Jones and little daughter , Mli
Ruby , and Mrs. Chas. Pearce went
Plalnvlew Saturday In the Jones aut
Mr. Selm , from Ewlng , is hero vlsi
Ing at the homo of his uncle and aur
Mr. and Mrs. John Pagelor.
Ernest Scheor , Jr. , Is having h
blacksmith shop nicely painted ,
B. N. Clough expects to add a ni <
now automobile to his Hvory bai
some time next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bongo are lion
from.Alnswortli. . .
John Alrd's sisters returned to the
FromLrctic to Tropics
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater has a higher
efficiency or greater heating
power than the
Oil Heater
( Equipped with Smokeless Device )
With it you can go from the
cold of the Arctic to the warmth
of the Tropics in 10 minutes.
The new
Automatic Smokeless Device
prevents smoking. There is no possible question about it.
This means greater heat-power , a more rapid diffusion of heat
and a sure conversion of all the heat-energy in the oil.
In a cold room , light the heater and in 10 minutes you'll have *
glott'ing heat that carries full content.
Turn the wick up as high as it will go no smoke no odor.
In every thing that appeals to the provident and the fastidious , the
I'erfcction Oil 1 Icatcr , with its new automatic smokeless device de
cisively leads. Finished in Nickel or Japan in various styles.
Every Dealer Everywhere , if Not At Yours , Write for Dejcrlptlve Circular
to the Nearest Agency of the
( Incorporated )
homo at Sioux City , la. , Saturday after
a pleasant visit with the brother anil
family , near Center , Neb.
P. C. Smith ) ? Is having the city wa
ter put in his residence.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Danlolson from
Center wore hero Saturday.
Northwest Weddings.
Miss Louise Colomb and .Joseph
Kouch wore married at Lamm.
Gottlieb Bauer and Miss Angola
VandersnlcUt were married at ICwIng.
Miss Anna Otis Ilartlngton and Dr.
II. E. Snyde of Elgin wore married
at Humphrey.
David Reeves and Miss Margaret
Wells wore married at O'Neill.
John Steckllng and Miss Amelia
Preusker were married at Battle
W. II. Yenglln and Miss Nellie All-
press of Carlock were married at
Oscar Hodgson and Miss LOVH Pope
wore married at Donestoel.
Dedicate Madison Church.
Madison , Neb. , Nov. 8. Special to
The News : The elegant church edi
fice of the German Evangelical Luth
eran congregation of this city was ded
icated with solemn and imposing cere'
monies. After a brief service at 10
o'clock a. in. In the old church , In
which the congregation had worshiped
for years and which will bo used as a
school house hereafter , the mombora
passed to the door of the new church ,
where they were met by Rev. Mr. Hun-
sick , the pastor , who spoke briefly but
impressively , after which the congre
gation followed him Into the church.
Rev. Mr. Ilaack of Bennett preached
the morning sermon and Rov. Mr. Win-
ges of Laurel the afternoon sermon ,
both of which services were In Ger
man. The evening services were In
German and Rev. Mr. Schelps oi
Pierce' preached the sermon.
The church is electric lighted , with
furnace heat and complete In all re
Clarence Wolfgram , who accidental
ly met death Friday evening by falling
from a load of sand on Main street ,
was buried in the afternoon , the tu-
noral services being held from the
Methodist church of this city. Rev ,
Mr. Houlgate , the pastor , having
charge. The Concordla Singorfruntl
attended in a body.
The writ of habeas corpus filed In
the matter of John F. Straube , who
was considered a lit subject for CUB-
lody. detention and treatment as a
dipsomaniac , has boon withdrawn ami
the authorities will carry out the or
der of the Insanity commlKHlon with
out Interference. The supreme court
will bo called upon to pass upon the
constitutionality of the law later.
Orr'er of Hearing of Final Account.
In the matter of the estate of Phil
lips W. Hull , deceased , In the county
court of Madison count , Nebraska.
Now on the 4th day of November ,
190 ! ) , came Annlco Elizabeth Hull and
Jack Koenlgstein , the executors of
said estate , and pray for leave to ren
der an account as such executors.
It Is therefore ordered that the Glh
day of December ( 190 ! ) , at 1 o'clock
p. in. , at my olllcu In Madison , Neb. ,
be fixed as the time and place for
examining and allowing such account.
And the heirs of said deceased , and all
persons Interested in said estate , arc
required to appear at the time and
place so designated , and show cause ,
if such exists , why said account tthoulil
not be allowed.
It Is further ordered that said An-
nlce Elizabeth Hull and Jack Kocnlg-
steln , executors , give notice to all per
sons interested In said estate by caus
ing a copy of this order to bo pub
lished In the Norfolk Weekly NOWH-
Journal , a newspaper printed and In
general circulation In said county , for
three weeks prior to the day set for
said hearing.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and alllxcd my of
ficial seal this 4th day of November ,
A. D. , 1909. Win. Dates ,
County Judge.
Look In The News want-ad column ,
you're liable to Jlnd It there.
Ill-Mure of Ointment * for Cntiirrh That
Contain Mrrrury ,
ii8 mercury will surely destroy the of smell and completely dunuiKo
the whole Byatum when entering It
through thu mur.oiiH mirfuuufl. Such
articles Hhnuld never be iiHcd except
ou prescriptions from reputable pliywl-
eUinx , as the damage they will do Is
ten fold to the Kood you can poHslbly
derive from thorn. Hull's Cutiirrh
Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney A
Co. , Toledo , O. , contains no mercury ,
and Is taken Internally , acting direct
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. In buylnjj Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure be mire you Ket tbu gen
uine , it Is taken Internally and made
In Toledo , Ohio , by F. J. Cheney A Co.
Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. I'rlce 7Bc per
Take Hall's Family Plllo for conati
on ! Inn
"The Safe Road to Travel"
New steel passenger equipment the
finest that money can buy dining
car meals and service ' 'Best in the
World" afforded to patrons on the
line of ihe
Union Pacific
Dustless , perfect track. Electric
block signals.
For literature , information , rates ,
etc. , call on or address
Piles All Rectal Diseases cored without a surgical ]
operation. No Chloroform , Ether or other gen
eral aneasthetfc used. CURE GUARANTEED
DR. E. R. TARRY. 224 Bee Building , Omaha , Nebratka