The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, November 12, 1909, Image 2

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A Costly Lottery.
Washington Post : Twelve millions
of dollars wore paid lo the railway
for transportation In connection with
the land lotlorios on the Flathead and
Coour d'Aleno reservations this sum
mer. This is the estimate of the
president of the Great Northern rail-
war , which got its share of Ihla huge
aura , and President Hill says ho Is
heartily ashamed of it. When Iho
hotel bills and other expenses are
taken into consideration , it will bo
found that this sum Is almost doubled.
That Is , It cost the people of the
United States about $20,000,000 to op
en a settlement a few hundred farms
on the public domain. Of the host of
prospective settlers , who wont west
to Iho drawing , not ono in a thous-
nnd stood any chance of gelling Iho
covptcd farm from Uncle Sam , and
jnany pf vtho8.o adventurers who failed
to'draw the lucky number have found
themselves stranded far from home
and friends.
Although the enormous crowd which
poured Into the opening of the Flathead -
head reservation shows lhat the land
hunger is still keen and lhat the
gambling Instinct is as much alive as
when we buill churches by means of
lotteries , the federal government falls
to emerge from the situation with any
.particular credit , Rather it has so
ifflaltagCd the affair that $12,000,000
has boon unnecessarily transferred to
the treasuries of various railroads as
the principal fcenoflclrles of a clumsy
and foolish system. It is not much
better than the riotous rush with
which the Oklahoma reservation was
opened to settlement. Congress
.should see to It thai when Ihe nexl
reservations are opened the proper
machinery is provided which will pre
vent needless waste of time and
money. A plan perfected" by an of
ficial of the land office , which should
solve the problem , probably will bo
presented to congress at the next
aesslon for legal sanction. It provides
that lotlory enlrles may bo made by
tnall lo Iho land office here , each application -
plication to bo accompanied by n
small deposit to show good faith , to
gether with other safeguards. It Is
a common sense solution of the prob
lem , and If wo must have the lotlery
ystom of land openings , It points the
right way.
Adoption of the Form for the Thir
teenth Census.
Washington , -Nov. 6. The general
schedule which will be used in the
federal census of manufactures for
the calendar year 1909 has been for
mulated , and aboul 700,000 printed
copies have been ordered by Census
Director E. Dana Durand.
The schedule is in the form of a
four-page folder , about 9x11 Vi Inches
in size. It Is smaller and simpler than
Iho ones upon which the 1900 and
1905 censuses of manufactures wore
taken. It has leas than half as many
spaces for entries as the earlier ones
and seems llkoly lo Insure less labor
and greater accuracy In the collection
of the manufactures dala.
There are In Iho general schedule ,
thirleen principal questions , with their
subdivisions. This Is the same num-
tier as In the general schedule for 1905.
There are , however , important differ
ences between the two schedules.
Those comprise , In the 1909 schedule ,
the new questions authorized by congress -
gross ; the ollmlnallon of former que
ries lo which II Is Impossible lo ob
tain approximately accurate replies ;
and also the simplification of others
by their separation or combination In
other forms.
Ono of the subdivisions of the ques
tion relallng lo power employed for
manufaclurlng purposes , calls for Iho
name of Ihe stream or lake from which
water Is obtained to generate power ,
whether dlrocl or oleclric. This Information
mation will ho valuable In a census of
the country's water power plants nnd
operations , in case congress provides
for it later.
Another new question involves the
quantity of fuel used , whether anthra
cite coal , bituminous coal , coke , wood ,
oil , gas or other kind. This is expected -
ed to elicit replies affording consid
erable data on the fuel conservation
The thirteen principal questions are ,
briefly : First , a description of the
t ; second , time in opera-
and hours worked ; third , capital
; tottrtb , eaUrled employes ;
Jlfth , wage earners , including plec (
workers , on Ihe pay roll December 15
1909 ; slxlh , wage earners , Including
piece workers , employed on Iho 1511
day of each month ; sevonlh , salary
and wage paymenls ; eighth , malerlals
mill supplies and fuel ; ninth , mlscolla
noous expenses ; tenlh , producls ; elev
enlh , power ; twelfth , fuel ; thirteenth
The general schedule , beginning
shortly after January 1 , 1910 , will be
circulated among Ihe manufacturers
Ihroughout the country by the special
agents , of whom about 1,600 will bt
appointed from the successful appli
cants at the test examination , to be
held November 3.
Winnetoon News.
Winnetoon , freb. , Nov. G. Mr. and
Mrs. Seth Jones and Mr. and Mrs ,
George Thompson and children went
to Nlobrara Friday In Mr. Jones' auto ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Meyers , H. W.
Crandall and wife and Mrs. Charles
Pearce enjoyed a pleasant ride to
Crelghlon Thursday In Mr. Meyers'
aulo. Mr. Meyers Is counly Ireas-
Charles Bongo Is pulling in some c >
nient work around The Big store.
Fred Sandoz from Verdlgre , was
here Thursday.
from Verdlgre , Neb. , was here Thurs
J. B. Manthaser , who has been work
ing In Ihe McGlll drug slore , relumed
' .o his home In Omaha , Neb.
Miss Mary Malhern has accepted a
loslllon in Ihe George A. Brooks
store at Bazlle Mills , Neb
The corn in this part of Nebrasur.
Is certainly yielding fine. Every far
mer Is husking a big crop.
P. W. Ledyard went to Crofflon ,
Neb. , Friday.
Mrs. Johnson and llllle daughter
from Bloomfield , Neb. , are here visit
ing at Ihe home of her son , Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Johnson.
, P. C. Sandoz made a business triple
lo Verdlgre Friday.
A school play will be given In Ihe
M. W. A. hall Saturday , November 13.
Gates Wants Games.
Neligh , Neb. , Nov. 6. Special to
The News : The managers of tht
Gateo academy football eleven are
having serious trouble In securing
games. Captain Taylor stales that
two games had been nranged with
Fremont and one with Wayne , but all
have been cancelled for some un
known cause. It Is the plan of Ihe
academy team to play any eleven
composed of high school , business col
lege or academy teams within a rea
sonable distance oMhls city. Games
to be played in Neligh or the place ac
cepting Ihe challenge.
F. W. Ellsworth of Chicago Before Cah
ifornia Bankers' Association.
"It is not long ago that the banks
considered ll undignified lo solicit
business in any way. Today Iho bank
which has Ihe same conception of Ihe
word , and refuses lo exorl llself tc
secure customers , is either standing
still or losing ground , with the chance *
In favor of the \altor \ condition.
"Undeniably , . . 'his 's ' true , whelhei
all bankers are pleased with the
changed conditions or not. Exertlor
for now business may. indeed , become
ovcroxertlon , and then Iho bank pays
lee dear for its whistle. But legltl
mate means of adding to a bank's
buslnes by advertising or other pro
per form of bidding for popular favoi
can be defended upon many grounds
"Is 11 boiler , for example , for re
pulablo savings banks to advertise
their facllilies for taking care of pee
pie's money , reluming 11 when wanled
with Interest , or to allow the saving !
of the Ihrlfly lo be hid away in Ihe
ground , in Iho unused slove or ir
various hiding places , to bo losl , sloler
or deslroyed ? Should Iho banks ro
fraln from advertising while everj
gel-rlch-quick scheme under the sur
Is trying to entire Iho people's monoj
away from them ? Shall the huckol
shop bo allowed to put forth Its glar
Ing announcements while the banV
or bond dealer with safe and uounc
securities to sell keeps silent ? .
"Those who do not favor bank ad
vertlsing musl answer these questloni
affirmatively but there are procloui
few such banks in the country.
"The bank , a beneflclont Institution
in its competition for the publlo'i
money , schemes Into conflict
schemes of all kinds , ranging from Ihe
hazardous and visionary lo Ihosc
which arc swindles pure and simple ,
The promolers of Ihese dangerous and
dlshonesl schemes do nol spare theli
use of printers' ink. ll is Ihelr chief
reliance. While Ihe banks cannel ,
and should not , go to the same length
in advertising Ihelr business , Ihey can
al least place before -Iho public In a
clear , intelligible and allracllve form
of inducemenl which Iho bank offers
In Ihe way of safely and service.
Th6n , If people lose or waste their
money by putting it into foolish and
reckless schemes , Iho banks will have
at least offered them the choice.
"The growing popularity of bank
ing , the wonderful development of
savings accounts In particular , Indi
cate lhat the educational advertising
which has been done by the banks of
late has begun to bear solid fruit. "
Gamble In Church Hall.
Yankton , S. D. , Nov. D. Discoveries
have been made here Implicating sev
eral prominent young men here in the
converting of church property Inlo a
place of amusement where gambling ,
smoking and other vices were indulged
In. The properly Ihus used was what
It known as Guild hall , which Is lo
cated on the premises adjacent to
Christ church and is a part of the
church property and is used for the
holding of society meetings. It is un
derstood that the church authorities
have agreed to fit the hall up for the
1 young men to use In a reputable way
If they desire , where they may have
all the comforts of a properly man
aged young men's club.
Sioux and Recently Opened Reserva
tions Doomed to Extinction.
LeBeau. S. D. , Nov. 5. With the
opening of a few more tracls of reser-
vallon land , 11 is believed Uncle Sam's
famous land lollerles will pass inlo
The lands lhal have been thrown
open to setllement came into pos
session of the Indians through trealles
with the government and were set
apart for their sole use. Thousands
of acres were leased oul as callle
ranges and even today vast tracls
of land are used as paslures. One
ranch alone leases about 1,000,000'
acres directly across from LeBeau
bul a large portion of Ibis will be
given up when the nexl opening lakes
place. The revenue from these leases
Is paid lo Iho government for Ihe
Indians , except In cases where a lease
is made directly with an Indian , and
most of Ihe ranches are now endeav
oring to secure this kind of lease to
offset the loss of lands lhat will be
thrown open lo selllemenl.
This arrangement has been satis
factory to the Indian who now ap
preciates Iho benefit he Is receiving
as n ward of the government , but the
Indian is no different from his white
brolher. With the acquisition of
wealth ho seeks greater riches and
Ihey come lo him in no small measure
through the opening to setllement of
the reservallons. In Iho allotments
prior to an opening Ihe Indians so
led Ihe land Ihoy desire. Each head
of a family is allowed a secllon , Ihe
squjiw a half peclion , and every child
a quarter section. They are permit-
led to tnko any part of this land
wherever they desire.
Thus , most of the Indians take a
few acres adjoining a'crook , where
they place Iholr lepoo or shack , and
select the 'remainder of Iho land in
some olhor locallly. A large family
can c'onlrol many quarters of land
nnd as Ihey will nol cultivate it they
are permltled lo lease It.
Hundreds of those quarters will no
doubt be leased by settlers In the
Cheyenne and Standing Rock reserva
llons next spring , and as Iho revenue
will be grealor lhan lhal derived from
Ihe ranches 11 will bo seen lhal Ihe
days of the great ranges are about
Bandits Wanted Only Booze.
Sioux Falls , S. D , , Nov. 6. The
modern hold-up man appears to bo so
"flush" with money that ho now pre
fers whisky to money , at least such
was the case with three hold-up men
who a few nights ago selected Nicholas
las Birkol , a farmer living some miles
from Blunt , as their victim. Dlrkcl
was returning from Blunt when ho waa
accosted by the throe men , ono of
whom boarded hU wacon and at the
point of a gun compelled him to hal
hlu horses. As Birkol inul on tt lout
of 3t00 ! pounds of coal ho had in
chance of whipping up his horses . ! iu
Pinking a run for It. To the aurprls *
of the farmer , the highwaymen calm
ly Informed him that they didn't \\-\n
his money or his life , bul lhal they da
waul whatever liquor he had with him
Blrkel produced a pint bottle of beer
which the men took. After satisfying
themselves thai no moio liquor wat
concealed In the wagon or In Blrkel't
pockets they disappeared.
A Vast Domain , Most of Which Is Unfll
for Cultivation.
Seven hundred and fifty million
acres seems like an enormous quail' '
tlty of land , and It Is. It Is really
more than the human mind can up
predate. But much of this land Is
of a character that absolutely utv
Ills 11 for human habitation , as ll la
In the desert and far away from any
water supply , while other portions arc
mountainous and Incapable of cultiva
tion. A groal parl of this land lies
In Alaska , and the agrlcullural pos
sibilities of this region have yet to
be accurately determined. What lit-
tie Is known about it , however , would
seem to preclude any hope of Its ever
becoming a great agricultural region ,
but Its mineral riches are Incalculable ,
and so far have only been scratched.
The following table gives the states
and territories , with the amount ol
land which each contains still open
lo the public :
Stale or Torrllory. No. Acres ,
Alabama 129,713
Alaska 368,021.505
Arizona 42,769,202
Arkansas 1,061,18(1 (
California 29.872.49S
Colorado 23,696,697
Florida 414,942
Idaho 26,785,002
Kansas 171.44C
Louisiana 116,248
Michigan 135,551
Minnesota 1,788.705
Mississippi 42,791
Missouri 27.48C
Montana 46,532,440 ,
Nebraska 3,074,658
Nevada 61,177,050
New Mexico . . . 44,777,905
North Dakola 2,332,150
Oklahoma 86,339
Oregon 16,957,913
Soulh Dakola . " 6,561,295
Ulan 36,578,998
Washington 4,635,001
Wisconsin 13.280
Wyoming 37,145,302
Total 754,895,296
Madison Jury Trials.
Following Is the order of jury Irlals
scheduled for district court at Madi
son next week :
Monday C. M. Thompson vs. P. G.
Cooper , et al. ; stale vs. Orville Kin-
Tuesday Firsl Nallonal bank vs.
C. W. Sprout ; O. Oleson vs. U. Ole-
son ; W. Reed vs. Farmers Grain &
Live Stock Co.
Wednesday First National bank vs.
Carl Teske , In mailer of John Boehne
eslale ; Burr Tafl vs. Andrew Nerd ;
slale vs. E. Moohnerl ; slalo vs. Emery
Thursday Slale vs. Peler Unruh ;
stale vs. Charles Knapp ; slale vs.
Chrislian Lenser ; Frankie Craig vs.
George Benedict ; Samuel Messerll vs.
W. A. Emery ; Anna Lovelace vs. John
Friday Frpd Kaul vs. Carl Teske ;
Martha Dlllberner vs. Carl Teske ;
Claim of S. T. Napper vs. Madison
counly ; James Nichols vs. Joseph Mo
ses ; Oscar A. Rlchey vs. J. W. Ran
som , et al. ; Charles Currier vs. Setly
Schmldeke , et al.
Divorce Mill at Madison.
Madison , Neb. , Nov. 5. Special to
The News : Judge Welch's divorce
mill In district court ground out a big
batch of business.
Mrs. Mary Tomke gets a divorce
from her husband. Frank , and custody
of the children. Tomke recenlly came
home , near Bailie Creek , In a drunken
condilion and , threatening to kill his
family , was so enraged when they
fled lhal he slashed up his horses.
Neighbors wore so furious that ho left
Ihe counlry , promising never lo re-
lurn.Mrs. . Irene Slmpklns gels a divorce
from her husband , Ernesl , and reslora-
lion of her maiden name. Ho pays
Iho cosls.
Mabel R. Pelers gets n divorce from
her husband , James B. Pelers , and cus-
lody of her child. Ho pays Ihe cosls
and $10 a month for the child's sup
Sophia Bellenger gels a divorce from
her husband , Edward Bellenger , and
reslorallon of her maiden name.
The Rasmus Nielsen case Is contin
ued. Mrs. Nlolson's application for
temporary alimony and suit money
was granted. He pays $250 for suit
money and $20 a month for her sup
port Illl further orders.
The Moollch case Is conllnued. Mrs.
Moollch's pellllon for sull money nnd
alimony was sustained , the husband
being required lo pay $125 suit money
and alimony on order of the court.
The divorce case of Mrs. Kurock
against George Kurock was dismissed ,
as plaintiff had left Iho slate and
failed to appear.
The case of A. F. Clark against his
wife , now in the Insane asylum al Nor
folk , was conlinued. She Is flghllng
Iho case. James Nichols was appoint
ed guardian ad lllom for the defen
Boy Killed at Madison.
Madison , Neb. , Nov. 6. Special to
The News : A fatal accident happened
to Clarence , the 10-year-old son of
August Wolfgram of this city about 6
o'clock Jast evening. Ho fell from a
load of gravel , striking on his head ,
death resulting almost instantly from
a fracture of the skull. The boy , ac
companied by a younger brother , was
his father's team from the
depot up town nnd following close a
tor another load of gravel driven b
Mr. Wolfgram himself , nnd In an o
fort to urge the horses , leaned ovc
the front end of the wagon , lost hi
balance and foil with the above rosul
The unfortunate lad was carried hit
the homo of Ed Reeves , but life ha
lied before the grief stricken fathc
rcall/cd fully how It happened.
Unruh Wants Continuance.
.Judge Foster , attorney for Peter Ui
mil. charged with forgery , ( lied n me
lion for a continuance of the cas
until the spring term of court , on lh <
ground of the absence of several mn
terinl wltncsFOs. The court will con
sldor tlp : motion today.
The cnce of Edwin P. Wenthcrb :
agalimt Herman Oerei-ko , el al. , am
familiarly known as "Wealherby vt
the world , " wherein action Is brotigh
ajralnst the stockholders of the Alcom
Hot Spilngs company to recover HOV
oral judgments lodged against salt
contpnny. occupied most of the day
Judge Barnes of Lincoln , James C
Stltt of Norfolk , Joseph H. Mills am
Henry f. Smith of Falls City wen
among the witnesses examined. M
D. Tyler. assUled by Carl C. Wrlgh
ard W. P. Thomas of Omaha , are tin
attorneys for the defense , and Wllllan
V. Allen for the prosecution. The cas (
promises to bo ! nterp tlng from a lega
point of view , as there are tnvolvcc
many line legal propositions.
John F. Straube , blacksmith of thli
city , was arrested several days ago ot
complaint of his brolher-ln-law , Alben
L. Stevens-and brought before UK
insanity commissioners as a dlpsoma
niac and was declared by the board m
a lit subject for custody , detention am
Irentment as such , and was so sen
tenced. Yesterday , Mm. V. Allen , hit
atlorney , caused a wrll of habeas cor
pus to be served , but as yet Slraubt
Is sllll In Ihe cuslody of Ihe sheriff
He tiled n supplemental pellllon al
lacking Ihe conslllullonallly of Ihe
law llself , assailing 11 In several par
Antelope County.
Nellgh , Neo. , Nov. 6. Special Ic
The News : Unofficial relurns of 1
townships out of 26 In Antelope
counly on Ihe head of Iho llckel give
Dean 1,019 , Good 989 , Sullivan 1,009 ,
Barnes 1,168 , Fnwcell 1,096 , Sedgwick
Owing lo Ihe delay in Ihe elecllon
officials of Verdlgre and Stanton
lownshlps In bringing In the returns ,
Iho official canvas has nol yel slarl-
ed , and In all probabllily will not be
gin until sometime loday. This la
certain as the law slales lhal Ihe bal
lots must be In the hands of the
counly clerk four days after election ,
From all appearances Ihese officials In
Ihe Iwo mentioned townships are tak
ing Ihe law as 11 reads.
L. B. Nicola Is back rrom Tierce.
M. C. Hazen relumed from Madison ,
C. S. Hayes wenl lo Wlsner on busi
John King went lo Dloomileld on
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davenport went
to Omaha.
Woods Cones of Pierce was In the
city Thursday.
Attorney Andrew Olson of Wlsner
was In the city.
N. S. Westrope of Plalnvlew was In
the city on business.
Judge Powers and Jack Koenigsleln
have relumed from Madison.
C. W. McMaslers returned from n
business trip at Sioux City.
H. F. Barnhart , who has been atlend-
Ing court al Madison , has relumed.
Herman Rakow of Page was In Ihe
cily vlsiling with A. W. Finkhouse.
J. C. Nelson , superintendent of Ihe
Western Union , returned lo Omaha.
Miss Mi'rthn Winter and Miss Agnea
Zutz wenl lo Hosklns lo vlsll with rel
Mrs. Fred Sheer and daughter , Mrs ,
August Kirth , were hero calling on
Miss Martha Pilger and Miss Viola
Pilger of Stanton were in the clly visit
ing friends.
Miss Buford Rees and Miss Mildred
Roes have gone to Crelo to visit with
their sister , Miss Maude Rees of Ihe
Doane college , during the short vaca
O. B. Buckingham , manager of the
Neligh livery , and M. C. Remington ,
also of Nellgh , arrived here from
Omaha Friday morning enrouto lo Ne
llgh. The Iwo genllemen made Ihe
Irlp in nn aulomoblle.
Born , lo Mr , and Mrs. H. A. Haley , a
James Thomas of the posloffice
force Is on Iho sick list.
B. T. Reid expects 10 go to his
ranch for a two weeks' visit.
13. J. Schoregge Is moving into his
new residence on Madison avenue.
Miss Fair will give a party at her
homo this evening in honor of her
Sunday school class in the Melhodlst
Connecllons for Iho Main slreel sew
er have arrived and Iho work of layIng -
Ing Ihe llle Is progressing rapidly ,
The diggers have almost finished dig
ging west of the railroad tracks tc
Seventh slreol.
F. G. Coryell , who was Injured In an
automobile accident last Saturday , la
again at his desk. Mr. Coryell's knee
was Injured when an automobile In
which he was riding struck a bridge
near the Junction.
Depuly Dillon of Iho A. O. U. W.
wants names of probable candidates ,
Members of Norfolk lodge , No. 97 , arc
requested to send names lo him at
once In care of the Pacific hotel.
Choir practice was hold Thursday
evening at the St. Paul's Lutheran
church. The choir , which consists of
many prominent Germans of Norfolk ,
Is preparing for a grand concert which
they will give at St. Paul's school soon
after Christmas. The Christmas pro
gram at the church is being prepared
and will bo ono of the best over given.
Soliciting committees from the Wo-
Highest Award
World's Pure Food Exposition
Chicago , November , 1907
What does this mean ?
It means that ( Mnmrt lus set a nrw Standard in
RikiiiR l'o\\dr ihc stait'lud ' of the World.
Oecniue this award .vas civcn to C.ilumet after
tlioroiiRli tests and experiments , overall other hakint ;
It means tliat Calumet is the best baking powder
in every paitii' in the world.
And this ine.ins that Calumet produces the
best , most delicious , lightest , and purest
baking of all bikinjj powders.
Doesn't mean
everything to you ?
man's club are now making the rntinili
of the city and will call on ovorybodj
in town to buy season tickets for the
tectuie course , prollts from which wll
be turned Into the city library fund.
Several bids have been received bj
the executive committee of the Y. M
C. A. for sites for the new bnlldltiR
Manj * of the donors and those Interested
osted In the new movement believe
: he best .site . for the building would be
the corner south of the postolllce
while others think two blocks eltbei
eaht or west of the Citizens Natlona
bank corner would be n suitable site
B. J. Townley , former manager ol
: he Western Union telegraph ofllce ol
Enterprise , Kan. , Is In the city taking
over the local olllce , of which ho will
become manager , suceedlng Paule *
Paull , who has been here for a num
ber of years. J. C. Nelson , suporlnten
dent of the company , was here yester
day checking up the office , and regrets
grets losing Mr. Paull , who , he says
Is a valuable man In his capacity. Mr ,
and Mrs. Paull go to Sioux City Sun
day morning , where Mr. Paull will be
employed by the same company In
the main office.
Professor Hess Elliott of the Colum
bus high school arrived at noon will :
fifteen football players of the second
team from that school. The game be
tween the second teams of Norfolk
nnd Columbus Is scheduled to start or
the local gridiron at 3 o'clock. A hard
fought battle will be contested. The
Columbus team believe they will make
a good showing today , while the Nor
folk players think they will be the
victors. Following Is the lineup ol
the Columbus team : H. Colton , left
half ; A. Viorgutz , left end ; .1. Dancock ,
right half ; Carl Rhode , fullback ; J ,
Comer , center ; II. Geecher , quarter
back ; R. Taylor , left guard ; C. Dal
lou , right guard ; E. Westbrook , left
tackle ; J. Hensley , right tackle ; R ,
Ernst , right end. Substitutes : P. Rec
tor , II. Whaley , R. Westbrook , E ,
When the fire department meets
Wednesday evening at the city hall
next week , the re-organlzatlon of the
Junction fire company will probably be
the feature. According to one of the
fire department officials , the Junction
company's books are demoralized and
they have no by-laws to work under.
When a special meeting was called
recently a personal letter was sent to
each member of the Junction company
with the result that not one member
was present at the meeting , which was
held for the purpose of aiding the
Junction and West Side companies in
bringing the by-laws before each mem
ber. The West Side responded to the
call and are now drawing up a new
set of by-laws and have paved the way
to making that company one of the
best In the city. The Junction com
pany , however , it is said , have no way
of tolling which member is an active
member of the department. This has
already resulted in inactive members
uettlng exempt papers from serving on
juries and from poll tax. A special
meeting of the officers will probably
be called shortly and this matter will
very likely bo discussed and arrange
ments for some systematic lire com
pany at the Junction bo made.
Mrs. R. P. Johnson arrived home
from Lincoln last evening , where she
has been In the hospital for the past
five or six wqeks.
* Otis Weekes of Enola spent the
past week with friends at the Junc
Miss Catheryn Logan returned to
her homo at Chadron last evening.
Miss Lois Walters passed through
the Junction yesterday noon on her
way home to AInsworth from lilncoln ,
where she had been visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Schaffer arrived
home from Iowa last evening , whore
they have been on a month's visit with
Warren Woodbury arrived home
from Chicago yesterday , where ho had
been to take an examination for a po
sition as engineer.
George Sears arrived home from
Cody , whore ho had been hunting.
While there he bagged forty-two nice
Miss Inez Wilson of Hosklns Is
spending a few days with her brother ,
J. T. Wilson and family , southeast of
the Junction.
Miss Elflln Hill of Hastings Is vis-
Ulng for a few days with friends.
Among the day's out-of-town visit
ors In Norfolk were : John II. Hard-
Ing , Meadow Grove ; John Hlmelhan ,
Crofton ; Ernest Hughes , Witten ; F.
C. Morris , Madison ; J. M. Haupland
and wife , Bristow ; Milton K. Cox , Fair
fax ; William L. Schneider , Dallas ; F.
W. Colgrovo , Meadow Grove ; Mrs. W.
Maynard , Dallas ; W. W. Ahleno ,
Plalnvlow ; M. C. Remington , Nellgh ;
O. D. Buckingham , Nellgh ; C. H. Tor-
pin , Oakdaloj Mildred Torpln , Oak-
dale ; Mrs. Fred H. Davis , Madison ;
C L. Fair , Untile- Crook ; Mrs. E. A
Rlnkaid , Plalnviow ; Nick Key , Dallas.
V.'llllam Addlngton , Nlobrara ; A. K
Dowolf , Dallas ; Mr. and Mra. J. n.
DcmilKon , Dallas ; ( Jcorgc Whitney
and wife , Tilden ; B. H. Allison. Dallnn.
J. O. Dunbar , Herrlck ; F. W. Hath
man , Dallas.
Will Not Try Bert O'Banlon.
The authorities gf Custor county , H.
D. , have decided to move the dismis
sal of Ihe case against A. P. O'Uanlon ,
formerly of Norfolk and now a prom
inent Custer county ranchman , who
last winter wan arrested on the charge
of being "responsible for the death of
his nephew , Eddie Davis , a moro boy ,
who losl his life by being ihrown un
der n load of logs when the * wagon on
which ho was riding was overturned.
The case was called for trial In the
state circuit court of Ctistor county a
few days ago , and an effort was tnado
by the attorneys for the defendant to
secure a change of venue , on the
ground that a prejudice agalnat the
defendant existed throughout Cuutor
county. The motion was donlod , but
aflor twenty-four prospective jurymen
had been examined , coming'from all
parts of the counly , nnd out of lhat
number only one could bo found who
had not formed or expressed an opin
ion about the case , the court decided
that the motion for the change of
venue would be granted , and the caao
, was ordered transferred lo the circuit
, court of Meade county.
! Now , however , the CtiHtor counly
authorities have decided to push the
case no further , and accordingly it
will be dismissed and O'Uanlon'H \
bondsmen released. The case has at- \
traded wide attention In western > J
South Dakota during the many months
it has been pending.
A. P. O'Danton , better known in Nor
folk as Uert O'Onnion , was a son of
John O'Banlon , chief of police In Nor
folk twenty years ago. Bert O'Banlon
for several years was an attendant at.
the Norfolk Insane hospital , later go
ing to South Dakota lo lake up a claim.
"Johnny Jones" Is a Good Show.
Norfolk will see a rattling good
show next Friday night when "Lilllo
Johnny Jones" comes lo town.
It will bo the firsl big musical com
edy of the year , and tho- fact that it
has already made a great reputation
should insure for It a packed house in
this town where high grade musical
comedy always does make a big lilt.
No musical play presented last sea
son enjoyed such phenomenal prosper
ity , it having played eight different
times In New York city during Iho
season , covering a period of six :
months. It was also seen for two
weeks in Boston , four months in Chicago
cage , four weeks in Philadelphia , and
all the other principal cities. "Llttlo
Johnny Jones" was written by George
M. Cohan , who also composed the mu
sic and has personally staged the pres
ent production. Probably no writer of
musical comedy has had so many dls-
lincl successes as Mr. Cohan , "Forly-
flvo Minnies From Broadway , "
"George Washington , jr. , " "Humiing
for Office" and "The Governor's Son , "
which have attained greal popularity ,
being the work of his pen. "Littlo
Johnny Jones" Is conceded Iho b'oat
work that Mr. Cohan has yet offered
the public. It has a pretly and Inlor-
esling slory concerning Ihe advenlures
of an American jockey who goes to
England to win fame and fortune on
the English turf. There Is n plot
which holds the attention of the audi
ence from first to last , which the ac-
llon of Ihe play is Inlerrupted by some
lively and very tuneful mimic during
the three acts , and each one of the
songs attained a very wide popularlly
lasl season. The production thai will
be seen hero Is very largo and com
plete , embracing Ihreo mammolh slago
sellings showing oxlerlor of ll.o IIoloI
Cecil In London , the sleamshlp pier
at Southampton , with the departure or
nn ocean liner , an Illuminated sleamor
al sea , and a Ktrcct scene in the Chi
nese quarter of San Francisco. The
company lhal will present "Lilllo
Johnny Jones" In this city conUilim
fifly people and embraces In Us cast
of principals many slago favorites.
The chorus is promised as vorjr largo
and proficient. As "Lltllo Johnny
Jones" will doublloBB provo ono of the
big events of our local theatrical sea
son , n crowded IIOUBO Is assured in
Seats go on sale Thursday. Mail
orders reserved now. Prices GOc to
Is your ad In that part of the paper
which a person looking for a room ,
or a boarding place would be aura to
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