The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 29, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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\ $1,194.75 Added to Y. M. C. A. Fund.
I'lcdgca for the dny $1,194.71
I'rcvlouii plcdgoa -1G4.0
Tolnl pledges nliicu KrIdny.lC58.7
TablcH lit thuY. M. C. A.
toru wuro overcrowded lit noun wit !
now and old inomborH of tlio uollcltln
tcnmii , who nflurwiird nuulo tholr n
Iiort to tliulr cnptalim and then to th
nccrotary. Tlio high school team's n
port of a collodion of pledges wlilc
nmonnlcd to $ r > ! M wan a signal fo
much applause. Thtipo boys aru doln
hnrd work and nhow much enthusiast
In the Y. M. C. A. proposition. Th
total collections up till noon , with nil
ono tnoro tciint to hoar from , war
? 1I9'J ! ) , making a total of $ lGi.2 ! } :
nlnco tlio now campaign started.
Hucrotary Ilnlluy annoiincod that I
the nuinhur of members of toiinm It
creased much nioro now quarter
would bo necessary , and It was BUI
KCBtcd that iiiimcH of thoao who wl
attend Thursday evening's mootln
nbould bo takun to enable the seen
tary to Hocuru Hiiltablo quartern f <
tbat meeting. The moalH which ai
Hcrvod at the headquarters each da
ttro paid for by the inumborH of th
The Lincoln campaign had a hlfi
school depart mont and the first r <
t ort they iniulo was an oven $100 , tli
Norfolk boyH exceeding them ovi
The following ntatemont was Issue
from huadtiuiirtern :
Kov. Mr. Dibble , pastor of the Co
grogatlonal church of Columbus , sal
In the Congregational church of th
city yesterday , where be preache
that "n year had passed In the hlstoi
of the Columbus building and the
worn now entering their second yei
and the newness had worn off , but tl
association was more popular todi
tfcnn over. The boys of the city a
tfeero and they are Interested and tl
work for them Is greater than Is belt
done by the churches. Wo know eve
ttv&lly , wo will bo the beneficiaries
UJH ! Institution and wo rejoice th
wo have the building and also v
have provided for the boys and youi
men of the city. The report of tl
treasurer last month was that tin
voro ever $500 to the good in currc
uiponso. Wo hope and expect Norfo
will got their building. "
A. letter from Fremont says : "V
are watching the Norfolk campali
and sincerely trust that the poor
trill HOC to It that the amount
ralaod. "
] * * * There acorns to bo a sort of conl
glen among the old contributors
tacreaso their personal pledges , will
te indeed a magnificent spirit , and i
hope It will increase.
At the woman's meeting yesterd
It was suggested that a woman's co
ralttexj got to work , and we expect
report tomorrow that they are In t
Bold with about $100 as a start
which was voluntarily given.
Tlio question is asked , what kind
n building , and as the building co
mltteo has not been appointed as y
Mr. lialloy has suggested a plan
submit which , If accepted In genor
will give the association a very mi
equipment to wo
ern , up-to-date
with. Hi Is contemplated to have d
mltorlos which will net the assoc
tlon quite a neat sum for the purpc
of maintenance , and that with t
three classes of membership will m <
the expenses of the association.
Another thing which might bo mi
Honed Is that' this building , while It
the Young Men's Christian assoclatl
and for young men and boys. UK
will bo provided , unless the direct )
tote otherwise , n , room for the you
women and girls , with a separate <
trance and that this room will also
always open for women , and uspecla
these coming in from the country n
having to watt whil tlmlr friends i
trading , can go and bo comfortal
This room will bo provided with tel
privileges , supplying a place in I
community which at the present tl
does not exist.
Ono Sunday school class at ycst
day's pessiotj gave $ GO , which was v <
fine , Indeed.
The question is , will you , read
help by your subscription , and that
„ * ; - - In another column you will find i
pledge card printed and the publish
- * have printed this , hoping that sea
a ' , of the friends living out of the e
* would fill it in , cut It out of the pa ;
> ' . . " and Bond it in to us.
The Independent Telephone c <
pany has put a phone In at headqn
tors today and the number will
Bryan Says It's Business Proposlti
W. J. Bryan has boon a member
the Y. M. C. A. since ho was a yet
man and Is proud of it. Ho has sp
en of the Y. M. C. A. on many oc
nlons and believes in it. On the oc
slou of the laying of the corner st <
of the now building at Tampa , F
Mr. Hryan said :
"I might say that , merely as a b' '
ness Investment , It would pay m
not Christians , to subscribe for
Young Men's Christian association ,
in proportion as you can Improve
moral standard of your people
make your property more safe ;
make your lives more safe , and
reduce the expense of your courts
enforcing the criminal law. I bell
the Institution could bo justified
the low basis of dollars and cei
without any regard to the spirit
nlgnlllcanco of It. It is cheaper
save- men from crime than to pur
criminals after they have become sv
find the cost of this institution la i
Ing your young men from crime i
your community from the expense
prosecution of criminals this sav
would Justify the expenditure for
building and the cost of running
Otor 200 men listened to HOY. J ,
Maltond , D. D. , evangelist , at the Ai
torlum yesterday afternoon. Mahoi
address on men and their sins and
uplifting of young men was recoi
with much Interest. Mr. and Mrs.
D , George , the singing evangelists
Winona Lake , Ind. , led the stngl
. atato Secretary Bailey of the Y. M
I Jf m A. made a short address asking
\jf \ help of these present to assist
tlr toama in the collection of pledges
which every man in the house Agr
to do. Members of the Y. M. O ,
teftma who were present during
meeting wore busy getting the nai
C these who stood up , in answer
Ur. Bailey's appeal for help , with
of making them metut
of their teams. ' Thin will Increase tin
membership of the teams to such ai
extent that more room will have ti
ho prepared for the regular dally din
tiers which are being enjoyed at tin
In the district court of Madlsoi
county , Nebraska.
In the matter of the petition o
Charles B. Manwiller , administrator o
the estate of Cora B. Manwiller , dc
ceased , for licence to Eoll real estate.
Order to show cause why llceiia
should not be granted to sell real ci
tale.Now , on this 22nd day of Septembei
11)01) ) ) , this cause came on for hearin
upon the petition , under oath , n
Charles B. Manwiller , administrator o
the estate of Cora B. Manwlllor , dc
ceased , praying for license to sell th
following described real estate of th
said Cora B. Manwiller , to-wlt : Hi
ginning at the southeast corner of Ic
2 , block : $ , In Machmuller's addltlo
to Norfolk , Nebraska , and measurln
lionco to the east line of the nortl
.vest . quarter of the northwest quartc
of section 2G In township 24 nortl
range 1 west of the sixth P. M. tw
itindrcd and eighty six feet more t :
ess , thence south to the southeast co
ler of said northwest quarter of th
inrthwcst quarter four hundred an
sixty-seven and one-half feet , thenc
west two hundred and eighty-six fee
along the south line of said tract to
point duo Eouth of the place of bogli
ling , thence north four hundred an
sixty-seven and one-half feet more c
ess to the place of beginning an
Containing three and seven-tenths acre
nero or less , and being a part of tli
northwest quarter of the northwei
quarter of section 2G In township 2
north , range 1 west of the sixth 1
M. , In the county of Madison , state i
And beginning at a point two hu
drcd and eighty-six feet west and thl
ty-threo feet north of the southea
corner of the northwest quarter of tl
northwest quarter of section 26 !
township 24 , north , range 1 , west i
the sixth P. M. , and measuring them
west fifty and seventy-seven ono hu
drcdths feet , thence north three hu
dred and sixty-eight and one-half fee
thence cast fifty and seventy-spv <
one-bundrcdths feet , thence sou
three hundred sixty-eight and onc-lui
feet to place of beginning , contatnli
forty-three one-hundredths acres mo
or less , being a part of said nortbwc
quarter of the northwest quarter
section 20 , In township 24 , north , rani
1 west of the sixth P. M. , in Madlsi
county , Nebraska.
And further : Commencing at
point three hundred and thirty-six ai
seventy-nine one-hundredths feet we
and thirty-three feet north of t
southeast corner of the northwe
quarter of the northwest quarter
section 26 , in township 24 , north , ran
1 west of the sixth P. M. . runnl
thence west ono hundred and eight e
one-hundrcdths fe
and twenty-one -
thence north three hundred and six
eight and five-tenths feet , thence ec
one hundred and eighteen and twen
ono one-hundredths feet , thence sou
, three hundred and sixty-eight and IV
! j tenths feet to the place of beglnnli
or a sufficient amount thereof to brl
the sum of $1,300 for the payment
} i debts allowed against said estate , a
11 allowance and costs of adminlstratl
for the reason that there Is not su
clent amount of personal property
the possession of said Charles B. Mi
wilier , administrator , belonging to si
estate , to pay said debts , allowane
and costs.
It Is , therefore , ordered that all p
I sons interested in said estate appe
t before me in open court at the coi
- house in the city of Madison , Neb. ,
3 the 4th day of November. 1909 , at t
hour of 2 o'clock p. m. , to show cau
" if any there be , why n license shoi
not be granted to said Charles B. Mi
, wilier , administrator , to sell so mi
iof the above described real estate
said decedent as shall bo necessary
3 pay said debts and expensas.
3 It is further ordered that a copy
this order be served upon all perse
interested in said estate by causl
the same to bo published once or
week for four successive weeks In I
Norfolk Weekly News , a newspa ]
printed and published In nnld coui
of Madison , and that all heirs at 1
' and devisees of said Cora 13. Main
' ; ler be served with summons herein
least thirty days prior to the time flj
for said hearing.
Anson A. Welch.
Judge of the District Coi
Notice of Publication.
In the district court of Madli
county , Nebraska.
. Charles B. Manwiller , admlnlstra
of the estate of Cora B. Manwiller ,
ceased , plaintiff , vs. Charles B. M
wilier , Harry B. Swltzer and Maur
Manwiller , defendants.
The defendants will take notice t !
on the 24th day of September , ID
the plaintiff filed his petition in
district court of Madison county , , '
braska , against the above named
fondants , the object and prayer
which is an application for license
sell real estate described ns follo\
Beginning at the southeast con
of lot 2 , block 3 , in Mnchmuller' at
.tlon to Norfolk , Nebraska , and me
juring thence to the east line of
northwest quarter of the northw
quarter of section 26 , In township
north , range 1 west of the sixth P.
two hundred and eighty-six (286) ( ) f
more or less , thence south to
southeast corner of said northw
quarter of the northwest quarter f
hundred sixty-seven and ono-1
(467'feet ( ( ! ) , thence west two bund
eighty-six (286) ( ) feet along the so
line of said tract to a point duo so
of the place of beginning , thence na
four hundred sixty-seven and ono-l
( < 67 4) feet more or loss to the pi
of beginning and containing three i
seven-tenths acres more or less i
being c , part of the northwest quai
of the northwest quarter of section
township 81 , north , ranco 1 west
the sixth P. M. in the county of Madl
BOH , state of Nebraska.
And beginning nl a point two bun
drcd and eighty-six (2SG ) fuct west ant
thirty-three feet north of the Kouthcns
corner of the northwest quarter of tin
northwest quarter of section 26 , town
ship 24 , north , range 1 west of tin
sixth P. M. and measuring thence wen ; '
fifty and seventy-sovon ono-hundrcdthi
( fiO.77) ) feet , thence north three bun
dred sltxy-clght and one-half ( UGSVj !
feet , thence cast fifty and eovonty-sev
en ono-hundredths (50.77) ( ) feet , thenci
south three hundred sixty-eight ant
one-half (3G8Vj ) feet to place of begin
nlng , containing forty-three ono-hun
drcdths (13-100) ( ) acres more or IOHS
being a part of said northwest quarto
of the northwest quaiter of section 2 ( !
township 24 , north , lunge I west of tin
sixth P. M. In Madison county , Nobras
And further : Commencing at i
point three hundred and thirty-six am
soventy-nlne one-hundredths (33G.79 (
feet west and thirty three (33) ( ) fee
north of the southeast corner of th
northwest quarter of the northwes
quaitor of section 2G , township 2- )
north , range 1 west of the sixth P. M
tunning thence west one hundred cigl
teen and twenty-one one-hundredth
(118.21) ( ) feet , thence north three hut
dred sixty-eight and five-tenths (368.5 (
foot , thence east ono hundred clghtee
.ml twenty-one ono-hundredths (118.21 (
feet , thence south three hundred slxtj
eight and live-tenths (3G8.5) ( ) feet to th
place of beginning.
The proceeds of sale ore for the pui
l > ese of paying claims allowed agalns
the estate of Cora B. Manwiller , d <
ceased , and for the costs and expense
of administration.
You arc required to answer said p <
tltlon on or before November 4,1909.
Dated this 22nd day of Septerabe
Charles B. Manwiller , Administrate
By Jack Koenlgsteln , Attorney.
Notice to Creditors.
The state of Nebraska , Mudlsc
county , SB.
In the matter of the estate of Ca
Raguso , deceased. Notice Is heret
given to all persons having claims an
demands against Carl Raguse , late <
said Madison county , deceased , tin
the time fixed for filing claims tfgaln
said estate Is six months from the 251
day of October , 1909. All such pe
sons are required to present the
claims with the vouchers to the couni
judge of said county at his ofllce
the city of Madison , in said Madlsc
county , on or before the 2Gth day >
April , 1910 , and that all claims so fil <
will be heard before said Judge on tl
26th day of April , 1910 , at 1 o'clock
m. Augusta Raguse Is the executr
of the estate.
It Is further ordered that notice
all persons Interested In said esta
be given by publishing a copy of th
order in the Norfolk Weekly New
Journal , a weekly newspaper prlntc
published and circulating In said cou
ty , for four consecutive weeks prior
said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 13
day of October , A. D. 1909.
( Seal ) Win. Bates ,
County Judge.
W. E. Taylor of Madison was In t
Mr. and Mrs. E. Borchardt and \
and Mrs. P. Haase of Hadar were
the city.
Mrs. Leonard Conrad of Hadar w
Mrs. William Neuman of Halla
Neb. , was here.
Paul Deck of Hosklns was In t
city visiting friends.
Mrs. J. C. Joyce of Wlnnetoon w
In the city Saturday.
S. W. Warner went to Chadron
visit with relatives.
Rev. E. H. Hammond has return
from a visit In Iowa.
Miss Louise Sehulz went to Wa *
to visit with relatives.
Ucv. Roy Lucas Is expected hoi
from the centennial convention
Chris Anderson Is back from a bu
ness trip at Long Pine.
I. M. Dawson of Madison made
shott call hero Saturday.
Mrs. Albert ij.iger of Stanton w
In the city visiting friends.
Mrs. J. A. Walton and daughter
Wlnnetoon were In the city.
W. M. Zilmer of Stanton was vlf
Ing with friends here Saturday.
Mrs. W. C. Glaser and Mrs. Ei
bardt of Stnnton were In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Oow , who ha
been visiting In Colorado , are oxpc
cd homo tonight.
Ocorge E. Schiller of Central Cl
owner of the Oxnard , Is In the c
visiting with R. P. Schiller.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nouman a
Miss Laura Younger were In the c
from Stanton calling on friends S
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hazen , who ho
been visiting on the western con
are expected to return to Norfolk
Mrs. George C. Lambert , who I
boon visiting with her daughter , M
Delia Howard , at Carter , S. D. , 1
Miss Martha Pllgor and Miss Vii
Pllgor , who have been hero vlsltl
with the Albert Dognor family ,
turned to their home at Stanton.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. W. Homer
The ElkH will meet tonight in re
lar session ,
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Hem
Wltto , a daughter.
Some ono stole a pushcart bolo
Ing to the Pacific hotel last night.
H. O. Klesau will move into I
now Macy house on Eleventh str
and Madison avenue Monday.
Sewer district No. 16 was comple
yesterday afternoon. The sewer rt
south from Norfolk avenue on Tei
A. carbureter In & Thomas autoi
bllo belonging to Clyde Bullock at ;
cd to blaze just as Mr. Bullock wa
starting home last night. The lire wa
quickly extinguished.
Perry Dlngmnn Is moving froti
South Seventh street into Mrs. Ainu
Klesau's hoiiKO ( H South Eighth street
The economic department of th
Woman's club will meet with Mrs. C
R. Meredith Monday afternoon , In
stead of with Mrs. John R. Hays , n
previously announced.
The Norfolk public library has thl
week received gifts of book
from Mrs. N. A. Ralnbolt and Mrs.
M. Braden of Norfolk , and A. P. Do
of Davenport , la. Mr. Doe Is Mn
George D. Uttttertleld's father.
William Wagner was In town tin
I'timo very near having a bad accident
One of his horses slipped and fell 1
front of Friday's hardware store an
considerable trouble was experience
In getting the animal up. The hors
was not Injured.
'I no Noitlnvestern road has locate
the pressed brick for the new Tnylo
building. The brick , which had bee
side tracked , arrived here Saturday
The walls of the old building will a
come down Monday and a large fore
of men are to bo put to work to pu
up the now walla In a hurry.
Superintendent Hunter took th
high school football team to Columbu
where one of the hardest games No
folk has yet had on the gridiron wn
expected. Columbus is a strong tean
but Norfolk lias been doing some bar
practicing under Mr. Hunter's coacl
Ing and they expected to carry o
some honors or else hold the Colun
bus team elown to a low score.
George Brooks of Bazllo Mills wr
In the city Saturday looking after h
interests in the Ulile store stool
which ho purchased recently. M
"rooks intends to open up the atoi
nd sell what stock he can , and latt
111 move the stock Into his store i
Vlnnctoon. Mr. Brooks believes
ould be a hard matter to regain tl
ado Oscar Ulile had when his bus
ess ceased.
C. E. Loughty of Norfolk wi
ilected grand representative from tl
rand encampment to the ooverolp
rand lodge of Odd Fellows and S. 1
IcFarland was elected grand Junli
ardcn of the grand encarapmeii
'he ' other delegates from Norfolk '
ho grand lodge at Lincoln wen
corgc N. Beels , B. R. Hayes , Jol
ervlance , S. D. Robertson. York ge
he new | 40oOO state home.
Dr. C. F. W. Marquardt , who h ;
cen holding down a claim at Cottc
oed , S. D. , has returned to Norfol
le has been away more than a yet
Among the day's out-of-town vlslto
vere : Matt Classen , jr. , Spence
ohn P. Clapscn , Spencer : N. P. Bi
el , Niobrara ; James Brooka and wll
Stanton ; Nellie Brookn , Stanton ; Ct
3. Nelson , Dallas ; S. J. Palm *
'lalnvlew ; W. S. Harlow. T41den ; Mi
.yman , Battle Creek ; W. B. Backi
.amro ; S. D. Ewlng , Wltten ; F.
ohiison , Brlstow ; W. A. Mcsen
Jreighton ; P. II. Peterson , Plalnvie'
V. J. Woods. Spencer ; C. L. Fair , B ;
le Creek ; P. H. Perry , Wayne ; M :
i. J. Stelnhauscn , Creighton ; Mrs.
R. Walton , Winnetoon ; Mrs. C.
oyce , Wlnnetoon ; Tena L. Baue
Gregory ; Leonard Mott , Stuart ; W.
Jackson , Creighton ; J. O. Fernt
Ainsworth , Ed. Foerster , Nlobrara.
Dry Farm Products Here.
Norfolk people will be given an <
portunlty to attend a dry farming ci
ress In a small way Tuesday aft
loon between the hours of 2 and 4 :
Two cars of Wyoming products , be
: lry farming and irrigation , will be
xhibltlon between those hours Tu
Jay afternoon on the Northwestc
rack at the Seventh street crossli
ust north of Norfolk avenue. T
cars will stand on the sidetrack ji
east of the beer vaults on thatstre
These products come from an
: ilblt which has Just been shown
Wyoming by the Northwestern r :
road In conjunction with the Unlv
slty of Wymlng. The exhibits wi
turned over to General Superlnt
: lent S. M. Braden , and he Is hrlngl
the cars to Norfolk for the benefit
those Interested. There Is no chai
for seeing the exhlbt.
Saw Many Norfolk People.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hazen , after
extended visit on the western co
and In many western cities , have
turned to Norfolk. Among the me
Norfolk people whom Mr. Ilazon s
were C. E. Hazen , J. W. Kldder r
family and James Powell , at Rlv
side , Calif. } nt Los Angeles , J.
Ilulff and wife , E. R. Kenyon , who
in the real estate business , R.
Smith who has a good position w
a street car company In charge 01
car barn , Mrs. S. L. Gardner and M
Mlno McNeally , who Is visiting frlot
there ; at San Francisco , Miss At
Herman , who is doing well , emploj
ns stenographer with an automol
firm and'who expects to stay on
coast all winter ; at Seattle Mr. f
Mrs. A. J. Durland and family , C
Zuolow , who Is there visiting relath
and Mrs. II. Goodrich who , follow
an operation at a hospital has pi
tlcally recovered and will leave
hospital EOOII ; at Spokane George
Lattimcr , who is doing well In the 1
business , Charles H. Johnson who
in tlio furniture business and who
pleased with the country and Is c
tented , A. J. Wltmer who Is n tra1
Ing salesman and who Is said to
saving up much money , W. H. Brld
who is doing well in the real cst
business , Edward Dlxon , who Is E
confined to his bed in the hospital i
Is not recovering as fast aa was
pected from Injuries sustained In
Spokane electric car wreck. Rogi
Ing Mr. Dlxon , It la said ono of
bones which wore broken Is not le
ting and It Is necessary to Irritate
Injured part to enable it to knit ,
and Mrs , Ilazon report n fine t
Mr. Hazen has practically recovc
from his Illness and appears to be
good health.
t * Try NewB Want-ad.
Fred Sehulz was at Pierce.
Charles Evans went to Pierce.
Mrs. Mabel Peters was tit Scrlbner
August Olmsteiul In on the sick list
Burl Mapes went to Meadow Grove
Mrs. B. Breyer of Pierce was hero
F. R. Baker returned from Bone
Miss Emma Mclchcr spent Sunda ;
In Winner.
F. G. Townsend returned fron
Miss Martha Vlergut/ spent the da ;
at Stanton.
Frank Kltterman of Rushvlllo wn :
In the city.
Mr. and Mrs. August Halnor of Stan
ton were hero.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank King of Stantoi
wore In the city.
E. P. Wentherby Is at Dakota Clt ;
on legal business.
Martin llaaso of Ilosklns called o :
friends In Norfolk.
Louis Slootoy of Pierce was in th
city visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. August Deck of Ilos
kins were In the city.
Henry Schwlchtenbcrg of Hada
called on friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Roehrkb of Hoi
kins called on friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Fochner t
Stanton visited with friends hero.
Mrs. Fred Schultz of Stnnton wn
Here visiting with Mrs. E. D. Perry.
Tim Howard of the Western Unlo
company Is In the city making repaln
Mrs. N. A. Rainbolt went to Omnhi
where she will visit with relatives f < i
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Largen of Cretgl
ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn
J. D. Sturgeon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gow , who hav
been visiting In Colorado for the pas
two weeks , have returned.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schellon c
Wlnnetoon were here visiting wit
their daughter , Mrs. A. C. F. Sehulz.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melchor , Mr ,
Morris Irvin and Miss Doris Irvl
went to Plainvlcw Sunday In the
automobile to visit with relatives.
Dr. J. W. Mahood will speak ti
What An Earthquake Did , " at tb
Methodist church tonight.
The West Side hose company ar
the F. D. & M. V. hose company wl
hold a joint meeting at the city ha
Tuesday evening.
Company "D" holds their week
drill tonight. Owing to the fine wcat
or conditions It la expected the coi
pany will have outside drill.
St. Paul's Lutheran church held r
annual mlssionfest in the church Su
day. Rev. J. P. Mueller of Norfo
delivered the morning sermon. Mat
mission workers were present and
fair collection was made.
William Stafford , who has bet
spending his vacation hunting ne
Meadow Grove , Is back nt his dea
Mr. Stafford reports having killed f <
ty-five ducks. This statement Is n
held by his friends , who have bei
eating roast duck since his return.
A regular meeting of the Commi
clal club members will bo held at t
city hall next Thursday night , C
tober 28 , . All the members of t
Commercial club are urged to be pn
cut at this meeting.
Peter Ramslng , a printer on T
Dally News force , has Just rocelv
word from Europe announcing t
death of his father , H. Ramsing ,
Skgenn , Denmark. Peter Ramslng
alone In this country. He rooms
the home of E. R. Hayes.
An Important meeting of Norfi
lodge , No. 97. A. O. U. W. , will
hold Tuesday evening. One of t
jurlsdictloiml questions now before t
lodges of the state will bo before t
lodge to be balloted on , and eve
member should be present to tn
Last season's baseball fans W (
shaking hands with Fritz Brown , N
folk's star bapeball player , who \ \
in the city calling on friends. Brov
who is teaching school at Creston , 1
a tender spot In his heart for Norfc
and If he does not sign up with soi
fast league next season Norfolk v
probably again have him here In !
old capacity as captain.
Plalnview Republican : Mr. and M
L. B. Nicola of Norfolk and Mr. a
Mrs. J. B. Crooks of Washington , ' .
visited the G. F. Durland family s
oral days the first of the week ,
parting Tuesday. This was the fl
visit of Mr. Crooks and he was ngr
ably surprised to ECO such a fine coi
try and such excellent crops , and si
progressive and cultured people.
A lively dispute over a shovel Sat
dny evening ended In a presentatl
of the shovel to O. W. Rish , who clal
ed William Ahlman , a laborer in I
employ of Guy Smith , contractor
the Norfolk avenue sewer , was usl
a shovel which was stolen from h
some time ago. Marks on the she
were compared , but Contractor Sin
ended the dispute by asking Rish
take the shovel as a token of
Edwin Macy broke his loft wrist r
William Werner sprained his ankle
a result of falling down at the skat
ring Saturday evening. Macy , who
the son of I. M. Macy , was skat
alone when suddenly his feet slip ]
from under him. Ho fell on his 1
arm , which caused a fractuto at
wrist. Ho is able to attend school
day. Werner , who Is billposter for
Norfolk Bill Posting company , ha (
similar full , spraining his ankle ,
will probably bo laid up for a sh
George Glover , son of Mrs. M
Baker Kddy , who may re-open
third legal proceedings to obtain
share of his mother's wealth in case
her death , has been a frequent vlsl
in Norfolk and haa been soon bj
number of Norfolk people. Mr. CUr
who la a white bearded , silvery hai
old man , llvea in great luxury In
homo at Lead , S. D. Ho la the ow
of n beautiful team of horses wl :
ho occasionally drives about the cc
try. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Craven of i
city were visltora at Glovor'a home
Lead three years ago. George
_ _
Mrs.Housewife-Tjieres : ! a Happy
"MT A ° 1 -
< Tn Anything that I *
iy ov/tdonuorundor-
J > dnmi is not good.
This is especially truu of bnkin ) ! and it in just ns true o ( baking powder. If
jou use tlio chcnp and Big Can Kinds you nro petting quantity at ! he turriflcn ot
quality. It cannot ba ns good or ns economical ns Cnlmnct the medium prlca
kind. If yon use thu IIih | ; Prlca Kind , you nru paying trilnito to llio Trust tha
quality Is no butter ,
P eres ihe "Full Value in
and Cnlumet , in thu St.indrml 1 Ib. can ,
Big su Us nt a nuxlcrntu cost but it great
Can Kind in nil'round satisfaction. You use
lossof it itmaUusthub.ikingliuhtcr.
_ i purer muro deli
cious. Ono hnkitift
In toil can you get
substance but The Trust will provo its superiority
more - it. Ank
Kind rioritytry
not more baking your grocer niul in *
powder. It is great Grot la price , hist on Cnlmnct-
in quantity only- * little in qointi- ri'uipu booh. Send -In
( j inj the qtu- niul H ! Ip ton ml in
not in economy litjriinobtlttr lumml can.
in satisfaction. Cnlilmrt
not if tl [ ( KxL
Uaklnu I'nwdrr '
Bccls has also often seen Glover while
at Lead.
Panics Pnull and Miss Georgia
Blnkemiui were married at Sioux City
at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. F. A ,
Ulakoman , father of the bride , necom <
panted the young couple to Sioux City.
On their return hero Sunday evening
they were met by a largo crowd ol
friends , whom they tried to avoid by
getting off on the north side of the
train. Tlio crowd , however , had sen
tries posted there and the young oou
pie were followed up Koenlgsteln av
enue by the crowd , who contributor !
much noise and embarrassment to the
two who tried to avoid them. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Paull will for the present make
their home with the parents of Mrs
Paull , Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Blakeman
Mr. Paull expects to accept a posltlor
with the Western Union at Sioux City
Tlio program committee for the
North Nebraska conference for tlu
convention of homo missions am
church extension at Fremont Decem
her 7-8 , met In Norfolk and selectei
speakers. Following Is the commit
tee : Dr. H. J. Caker , Kansas City ;
Dr. William Gorst , Omaha ; Rev. D
I. Roush , Columbus ; John Lewis , Omn
ha ; Dr. Thomas Blthell , and J. R
Bader , Fremont ; Dr. D. K. TIndall
and Dr. C. W. Ray , Norfolk. Thesi
speakers were selected : Dr. C. L
Spencer , Kansas City ; Dr. Rober
Forbes , Philadelphia ; Dr. M. C. I
Mason , Cincinnati ; Dr. W. 13. Dottfchtj
New York City ; Dr. D. D. Vaughi
Chicago : Dr. D. G. Downey , Chicago
Mrs. Delia L. Whllams , Dclewan
Ohio ; Rev. Benjamin S. Haywood , Sa
Juan , P. R. It is expected that 50
delegates will attend this meeting.
Miss Margaret Potras roturne
home from her school , west of Pierci
Sunday noon , seriously ill.
M. L. Ogden went to Wlsner yeste
ay noon on business.
Mrs. Walter Recroft went to Omali
Sunday noon on business.
Miss Minnie Schram and sister , Li
le , arrived home from Beemer Su :
day noon , where they had been on
'ew days' visit.
Jake Chrlstensen went to Nlobrai
Saturday to do some work on tl
team shovel.
Miss Elsie Bailey of Hoskins spei
Sunday nt the Junction.
George Kokely of Foster transact
business at the Junction Saturday.
L. E. Jenks , an Omaha resident , vl
ted with Junction friends Sunday b
ween trains , on his vay to Denve
2olo. , where he was called on accou :
of the severe illness of his son.
Miss Geneva Moollck spent Sundi
. at home and returned to her scho
Sunday noon.
' ' Fied Demaranvllle .of Sioux Cl
; > assed through the Junction yesterdi
on Ills way home from the west.
James Walton of Ewing was at tl
.Junction Sunday to meet ills motlu
who was coming from Grepory count
Among the day's out-of-town vlslto
n Norfolk were : F. 10. Stevens , D ;
as ; W. F. Baker , Lynch ; Mrs. Slaug
tor and son , Dallas ; Mrs. G. J. Frazle
Naper ; Miss S. B. Todd , Napor ; He
nan Thoisen , Snyder ; Fred W. Fo
deck , Brlstow ; C. N. Linaberry , Nape
L. G. Cameron , Scott Bluffs ; Goon
Rees , Humphrey ; Kail G. Binge
Plalnvlow ; J. L. Burns , Creighton ;
M. Doollttle , Ncllgh ; C. W. Webstc
regory ; Noama Craig , Madison ;
H. Van Seggon , Scrlbner ; Wlllla
Runge , Hooper ; A. Zorba , Horrid
Arvld Bostrom , Bristow ; Dean Dlllo
Onkdalo ; Charles Mllner , Fall fax ;
A. Rossctcr , Valentino ; C. S. Smlt
Madison ; B. H. Schoberg , Pllger ;
H. Huff. Wlsner ; 13. C. Gambl
Wayne ; F. D. Davoy , Crelghton ; D.
Roberts , Plntto Center ; B. F. Goo
ridge , Nellgh ; J. D. Motner , Lei
Pine ; Oliver Miller , Elk Point , S. E
A. H. Loebe , Stant'on. '
State of Ohio , City of Toledo , Luc
county us.
Frank J. Cheney makes onth tlmt
Is senior partner of tlio Mr in or R
Cheney & Co. , UoltiK l > UHlncsn In t
city of Toledo , county nnd Htate afoi
mild , anil that said ( Inn will pay t
each ami every rano of catarrh tl
cannot be cured by the use of Hal
Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo nnd suliHcrlli
rt In my presence , thla 6th day of Dcco
ber. A. D. 1886.
( Seal ) A. W. QLRASON.
Notary I'unll
Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Inti , and nets directly on ttio tile
nnd mucotm surfaces of the synU
Seat ? for testimonials free ,
R J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , i
Bold by all DniKh'Ists , 7De.
Take HaU'H family I'lllii ror com
Philippines Going to Dogs.
Omaha , Oct. 2fi. Prefaced by I
usual hour of praise and prayer ,
thirty-sixth annual convention of '
la Woman's Christian Temperance un
resumed Its work today with a full
tendance of delegates and a well 01
gallery. Reports of organl/.atlons oc
cupied the m cater part of the morn
Ing session. Of the most Interest ro
Iioits cnmo from Miss Annie Uohblnu
of Minneapolis , formerly a nurse Itn
the United States army In the Philippine -
pine Islands. Mia : ; Robbins told nf
the great need of missionary work Ira
the Philippines. As an Indictment of
some of the Institutions and customii
Introduced by the Americans ulnco
tlie acquisition of the Islands , her report -
port was especially Impressive. Said
she : '
"On the American's entrance thoru
we found the natives a temperate people
ple , though not total abstainers. Up
to that time the streets of Manila
were lined with what was known aa
native "vino shacks , " where not only
vine , 'the wine of the country , ' but
food as well , wnu sold , the nntlvou
buying their food , but when the him
and cry all over our land was raised
of the number of saloons lining the
streets of Manila , something had ten
be done.
"A commission was appointed to In
vestigate. They visited these places. ,
drank of the wine , and if they decided !
the wine Impure , tlio saloon was clos
ed. This reduced the native saloons
greatly , but In their places rose the
larger and more attractive American
"We found the people Inclined to biv
a pure people. While living together
without much ceremony , they seemed ! '
true to each other , raised and protect
ed large families of children. Sisters ,
when you know that our government"
stands behind the liquor nnd llcoa-
tlousncss there and that the Ameri
can , not the Filipino , is the liquor Jr
consumer and the victim of licentious JrI' B !
ness , we wonder what the end wilt
be. "
Miss Robbins tells of difficulties encountered
countered by the temperance mission
ary work and discouraging results BCV
far obtained.
The convention today adopted thw
following resolution afl < > r cnndldor&bl *
debate :
"While the W. C. T. U. stanrts fo-
statewide prohibition , and cannot uatc
for anything else , we do not wish to
be understood as being opposed to the
federated forces of the state that ara
working for the passage of the anti-
saloon league county option bill. Wo
will be pleased to have this measure
become a iaw , nnd will consider Ita *
passage an advance step in the right
direction nnd until its operation wo
will most heartily co-operate to make
a saloonless state. "
WANTED aucccus Magazine rc -
one with experience , ma would con
sider any applicant with good natural
qunllllcations ; s' lary $1.80 per tlay ,
quires the services of n man in Nor
folk te 1 < 'ik aftei expiring subscrip
tions and : secure new business by
means of .spee-Inl methods usually ef
fective ; position permanent ; prefc"
with commission option. ivddreas *
with refere'iices , R. C. Peai.ock , Rooia
102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New
nmetch nntl < t"
nr rtmii our ci'i | li > u fieit * licthcr An
uvouit'tii H pi'i'titl/ ' p'.it tito ) i. ( 'mutminlr/v-
loinniMCllyrnmlucr KMJUBOOt on P.itcnta
edit Iron. OMo-l HUTU. T ( err ui' | : patent * .
I'UIOMH tali n tl.r-iiiL'ti Mm u & Co. roculr *
Hire tul notice , wnlidia tiuux'o. liillio
A rmnrt'omelf IlltiKtrMixt weekly. I.nrcnt dr.
tiiliillnii of HUT K-loMtlilo jiiurnul. Terms , f 1
tour ; Jour niuntlid , ( L Bold bruit tiowsiloalern
Uraiich Offlco. Ci V PL. Wublugton. U. U
mom HU uo-t4 torptntt. BCNVOI COLO.