The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 15, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Pleasures of the Week.
Over thirty-five teachers , Including
number of the school board and their
gathered nt thu homo of Super-
F. M. Hunter last evening
And n social was given by thu old
* ncliorn lo Iho now ones. Many
unique conlesls wore Indulged In ,
nmong which was the conversational
luirly , whole the lucky drawer of mini-
liors delivered a short address In
which the members of the party wore
Uio main subjects. Each school of the
city was given about an hour In which
to entertain the other tcachors. After
thu games and contests punch and
> tbor refreshments were served.
The Ladles' guild of Trinity church
wnot with Mrs , J. B. Maylard on Thurs
day. Mrs. Maylard was assisted by
Trtrs. A. Morrison. The afternoon was
spoilt In planning for a dinner and
aipron sale , to be given In the near
The Ladles Aid society of the First
Congregational church enjoyed a
pleasant mooting with Mrs. M. D.
% Vhoolor on Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
"Wheeler was assisted by Mrs. Hunt-
The ladles of Ibo Second Congrega
tional church enjoyed a "Tea and
Talk" with Mrs. Ralph Halsten and
\lra. Walton Collman on Thursday In
home of Mrs. Ralston.
The Ilrldgo club gave a luncheon at
the Country club on Tuesday to cele
brate the twelfth wedding anniversary
A > f Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Buttorlleld.
The West Side Whist club hold a
Hmslnoss mooting at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. C. K. llurnham on Monday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bullock
and Miss Faio Hurnham wore elected
now members. The first mooting will
X > o held with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Braden -
den Thursday evening , October 14.
The ladies aid society of the Motho-
) lKt church bold a social at the resi
dence of Mrs. Weatherholt on South
Fourth street Thursday afternoon. A
good attendance marked the meeting
and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed.
Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Caldwell helped
.in the entertainment.
The Wednesday club mot for the
Hirst time this year with Mrs. N. A.
'ftalnbolt. Each member represented
< ho tltlo of ono of the late books. Letters -
-tors from several absent members
jproved very interesting. Mrs. Rain-
, tolt served a delicious supper after
thu program.
The ladies of the Baptist church
jnet with Mrs. M. W. Beebc Thursday
Mrs. S. F. Dunn , accompanied by
! ner daughter. Opal , returned from
Omaha Friday evening , where she bad
'neon visiting her son , Walter , who is
ft patient in the Wise Memorial bos-
liltal. She reports her son doing nice
Mrs. O. R. Meredith , president of
llio Woman's club , and Mrs. A. H.
Vlelo as delegate go to Lincoln on
Monday to attend the State Federation
iof Women's Clubs.
Miss Helen Maylard drove ever to
Madison on Tuesday with Mrs. George
Davenport , who had boon visiting in
jtho Maylard home.
Alra. Fred Klosau has returned to
'Norfolk after an absence of more than
n year. She ih visiting her sister ,
Mrs A. F. Stear. Gracu Jackson of Neligh ar
rived last evening for a week end visit
with Miss Gladys Weaver , on South
TViuth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kicsau will
occupy the now Macy house , on Mad
ison avenue and Eleventh street.
Miss Irene Ellingwood of Oakdalo
itias been spending the past week with
T-Iiss - Gladys Weaver.
Mrs. Robt. Reynolds is enjoying a
tisit from her sister. Mrs. Noble , of
Amos , In.
Mrs. C. 11. Reynolds spent Wednes
day and Thursday in Omaha.
Omaha Strike in Politics.
Lincoln. Oct. 0. The street car
strike In Omaha will In time to come
probably have some effect on state
politics. For many years a number
. of parsons have had an idea that G.
\V. Wattles , president of the street
railway company had an Itching to
rwprosont Nebraska In the upper
bouso of congress and during recent
years Mr. Wattles has been making
ju > me Inroads Into the affections of
the people of the Nebraska metropo
lis at least. The strike of the con
ductors and motornifii , however , has
lined up against Mr. Wattles the la
boring men of Omaha and they have
declared unofficially to be on his
trail whenever his ambitions cause
him to run for office. There had been
considerable talk that possibly Mr.
Wattles will try for the senatorial
toga ngainst Senator Btirkott but
ixjople of Omaha who have boon In
terviewed are of the op'nion ' the
istreot cur company president will not
announce his candidacy at least dur
ing the next year. Many of the busi
ness men of Omaha sympathized with
Hr. Wattles when the strike was Hrst
declared , but became somewhat Irritat
es ! as It continued and business drop
ped off , for the reason the buying pub
lic had no way to got down town and
had no way to get ilown town nnd
back. However , 'the service wns crip
pled only for n short time , the night
service having been resumed after n
week of the strike. The day service
wns never discontinued , though seri
ously Interfered with nt times.
Governor Shnllonbergor who under
the law enacted by the recent demo
cratic legislature had the right to
elect two papers In which to publish
the tinmen of the corporations which
have failed to pay their occupation
tax , has elected ono democratic nnd
ono republican paper , the Lincoln
Dally Star and the Omaha World-
Herald. This has naturally caused
somewhat of a protest from demo
cratic papers which believed they
were entitled to all Iho pie , especial
ly as the law was enacted by the
democratic legislature. The lucky
papers will receive $500 each for the
publication. The names of the de
linquent corporations fills several
pages. If they fall lo pay the tax by
November 30 , it Is the duty of the
governor to deolaro their charters
Rain Stopped Coursing Meet.
Button , Nob. , Oct. 9. Rain Inter-
ferred with the national coursing fu-
.turity In this place. The day was to
have witnessed the running off of the
semi-finals and finals In the futurity
and the opening of the consolation
stake. It Is hoped that today will per
mit the finishing of both events. The
futurity has narrowed down to the
following ton hounds :
Black Bob , owned by Coffolt Bros. ,
Kearney , Nob. ; Bashful Mamie , own
ed by Kill Cullen , Whiting , Ind. ;
Tearamnot , owned by Bryno and
Lostlos , Chicago ; Lord St. Lawrence ,
owned by J. L. Galbrath , Superior ,
Neb. ; Ben Blair , owned by "Babe"
Keistorson , Superior , Neb. ; Blue Val
ley Kid , owned by O. L. Life , Marys-
vllle , Kan. ; Lilly of the Valley , own
ed by C. W. Courtanas , Marysvlllo ,
Kan. ; Spanish Queen , owned by
Wynne and Okees , Marysvlllo , Kan. ;
May Killen , owned by Coffoll Bros. ,
Kearney , Nob. ; Fair Play , owned by
J. L. Galbrath , Superior , Nob.
F. G. Corycll Is at Sponcor.
Mrs. Rudolph Schoidcr is ill.
Joyce Hall rcturnoil from Omaha.
Ernest Wilson went to Creighton.
F. R. Baker returned from Omaha.
H. F. Barnhart Is back from Pierce.
E. P. Weathorby returned from
Mrs. Lucas of Foster was in , the
city Saturday.
Adam O'Neal of Pierce was In the
city on business.
Mr. Pohlman and son of Pierce were
In the city on business Saturday.
Mrs. Gilclea and her daughter , Miss
Klizabeth Glldea , returned from
Henry Haase returned from a short
trip to Meadow Grove , Battle Creek
and Tilden.
Kimmel Barnes went to Hastings
where lie will visit with his , brother
for a few days.
Miss Emma Wctzel , who has been
spending a vacation at Seattle , Port
land , San Francisco , and other coast
citjes , returned.
Misses Emma and Minnie Braasch
returned from a short trip to Council
Bluffs and Omaha.
Mrs. H. K. Dommon of Dunsinuir ,
Calif. , Is visiting with Mrs. H. T. Don-
ner and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hayes have written -
ton from Cedar Rapids , la. , saying
they expect to bo home Monday.
Miss Margaret Hamilton came
home from her school near Plainvlew
to spend Sunday with her parents.
Mrs. Harry W. Hinkley , 810 Koonig-
stein avenue , has gone to the Samari
tan hospital in Sioux City for treat
William Blatt , wlio lias been at Loth-
bridge , British Columbia , for the past
three monttis on a business trip , re
turned here Friday.
Miss Elizabeth Horn , supervisor of '
the women's ward of the hospital at
Ingleslde , Neb. , a suburb of Hastings ,
is in the city visiting with Mrs. V. V.
Hans Anderson returned from Lin '
coln. Anderson expected to enter the ,
university this year but has changed '
his mind and will not attend until next
Walter and Frank Rnlnbolt , nephews
of N. A. Rnlnbolt , returned from South
Dakota , where they had been looking
the country ever , which they say looks
Rood. They wont to their homo at
Ames , la. , this morning.
B. T. Reid. M. L. Martin , W. A.
Klngsloy and Louis Ottmer took advantage l
vantage of the weather conditions for ) 1l r
ducks yesterday and included the en 1
tire south part of Madison county In
their hunting trip. tThoy brought back
a number of line ducks with them. An ;
other trip is planned by them and , al
though they say the ducks are begin
ning to fly , they wore not as plentiful j
as was expected.
Disappointment is reported by the
refreshment committee of the Epworth
League , which was to have given a
social at the Methodist church Friday
night. One of the committee who waste ,
to furnish the "German stand" with j
rye broad is furnishing his friends
with the broad. Others who lo
candy , salads , etc. , have ts
on their hands. They had prepared
before they read The News.
Probably one of the most energetic
captains of the committees of tons
who will work for the Y. M. C. A.
building fund is G. T. Sprechor , local
manager of the Nebraska Telephone
A large crowd of Norfolk young people
ple enjoyed the dancing at the railroad
men's hall at the Junction Friday
A meeting of the Elks will bo held
at 8:30 : tonight. Initiations will bo
made , after which a social session will
be enjoyed ,
Next Wednesday will occur the wedding i | -
ding of Miss Hulda Drohor and Frank
Krnusc nt Sponcor. The young lady
IB a sister-in-law of John Klug of Xor-
folk , who will go to Spencer with his
family to attend 'the marriage coreli
No stock was shipped to the South
Omaha market this week. The SalK
tor Coal and Grain company will ship
a carload about Monday. Grain is
coming In very slowly on account pf
the prices but the elevators here have
| plenty | on hand.
For the first time this season the
i furnace [ at the postolllco building has
boon | fired up. At noon the pipes were
hissing ] with steam and many callers
for | letters remarked on the comfort of
n warm room when they entered the
company. Mr. Sprechor has thus far
had no usual summer vacation , and he
has requested that ho bo allowed
to take h's ' vacation during the "rally
week , " October 21 to 28. "I want to
work for the Y. M. C. A. building fund
that week and would like to spend my
vacation that way , " said Mr. Sprecher
In explaining his reasons for wanting
the vacation at that time.
On account of the extremely dis
agreeable weather and fears on the
part of the management of both Nor
folk and Neligh football teams that
the crowd would bo too small , the
game scheduled for Saturday was post
poned until some time in November ,
the first open date which the Norfolk
team has In sight. The reception to
the Nollgh team Is also postponed until
that time. The next game Norfolk
plays will bo at Columbus October 23.
No game will be played bore next Sat
urday on account of most of the team
going to Omaha to attend the Minne
sota-Nebraska game there.
Dr. Kile Leaves Plalnview.
Plalnviow Republican : Dr. W. T.
Kile and family moved to Verdel first
of the week. Regret is generally ex
pressed over the departure of this
excellent family. Dr. Kilo and his
wife had boon residents of Plainvlew
for about twenty years and during that
time they have boon prominent In
church and social matters and all
things for the good of the community
in which they lived. They will bo
greatly missed.
A Good Word for Auditorium.
Creighton Liberal : The manage
ment of the Auditorium at Norfolk is
certainly exhibiting all kinds of nerve
In securing the high class of plays they
are putting on. A rare opportunity is
offered next Tuesday when "The Man
of The Hour" is presented. This is the
first time this play has over boon seen
west of the Mississippi river , and one
of our high school teachers , who at
tended the same at Brooklyn , N. Y. ,
says they had to engage seats three
weeks ahead.
Will Make 'Em Go Some.
Atkinson Graphic : Helen Williams ,
Atkinson's most popular young lady ,
was leading in the Norfolk News auio
contest last Saturday , and will bo well
I up In the front ranks , if not In the
load , when the contest closes on Oc-
tobor 2'i.
Comes From Alaska for Bride.
O'Neill Fion'ticr : An O'Neill high
school lomancc culminated at the
Catholic church in this city last Tues
day morning when Rev. M. F. Cnssidy
poi formed the ceremony that united
In tfio holy bonds of wedlock , William
Meals of Valdez , Alaska , to Miss Rose
Daley of this city. George Meals of
Valdez , Alaska , brother of the groom
was groomsman , and Miss Lonoro
Daley , sister of the bride , officiated as
After the ceremony the happy young
couple , accompanied" by the relatives
of the contracting parties , were given
a splendid wedding breakfast at the
homo of the bride's parents , where
they were also presented with many
U3oful and costly wedding presents.
The happy young couple , Ioft on the
10 o'clock train for their future home
at Vnlde/ , Alaska , whore the groom
Is a successful young merchant , amidst
| the well wishes of a host of O'Neill
The groom is the eldest son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Meals , formerly of this
city , leaving hero about twelve years
ago for Alaska where the family has
I i since resided. The brldo is the see-
end daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William
Daley and has boon a resident of
O'Neill the past fifteen years. These
young people were school sweethearts
and the groom wont to the frozen
north to carve his fortune out of the
wilds of Alaska it was with a premise
iso to his little sweetheart to return
some day and claim her as his brldo
This happy young couple wore among
the most popular young people In tltt
city when they both resided hero and
they have the best wishes of O'Neill
I people for a long and prosperous mar
rled life.
Madison News Notes.
Madison. Neb Oct. 9. Special to
The News : The Star livery barn has
changed hands again , Wahl Bros
buying the livery stock and business
of Buettnor Bros. , and leasing the
barn from the owner , Martin Iluott
ner. Wahl Bror. . are well known as
former business men of Madison
They will add considerably to the
present stock and equip the barn for
first class service.
County Treasurer F. A , Peterson Is
to bo congratulated for having no op
position for ro-oloctlon and for a
bouncing baby boy which arrived at
his home. The voters need not expec
to see much of Finnk the remainder
of the campaign for this boy , no doubt
will make It Interesting for him botl
night and day for some time.
Humo. Robortson-Wycoff Co. have
torn down their elevator and removoc
it from the railroad rtht ! of way and
will begin nt once thu construction of
a new elevator larger than any In
the city near the location of the new
siding soon to bo built by the railroad
The splendid residences of Messrs.
Miller and O'Shen are ncarlng com
pletion and before the winter closes
In the beautiful residences of Herman
Frlcke , Fritz Knmrath , and the par-
sdnTigo < for the pastor of the Lutheran
Evangelical church will have been
completed. < Those homos are nil mod
ern < and among the finest In the city
and built in the most desirable locali
ties. Craig & McVldahavo , the Kam-
rath contract ; Adams & Davis the
Frlcke contract , and Hide Bros , the
church parsonage.
Rev. D. W. McGregor and family
departed yesterday for their now home
nt St. Edward. Rev. McGregor has
twice served the M. E. church charge
it Madison and their many friends
lore regret that duty elsewhere calls
them away. The St. Edward church
s one of the strongest In the Grand
H land district.
She Got Out the Paper.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Oct. 11. The rare
pluck of Miss Gynoth Wallace , aged
.7 , of Haytl , who proved herself more
resourceful than the average man , pre
vented the Haytl Herald missing an
ssue and thus losing its standing as
i legal newspaper.
The Herald is published by O. M.
Osbon , formerly editor of the Huron
Spirit and ono of the host known news-
mper men in South Dakota. Desiring
: o bo out of town for a few days ho
secured a printer from another town ,
who promised to get out the paper
regularly. But the editor had not boon
50110 long before the printer commenc
ed drinking heavily , soon demonstrat
ing that ho was an adept at "booze-
lighting , " and the paper was left In the
lurch. Publication day arrived and
the printer yet was "dead to the
world. "
At this critical Juncture Misa Wai-
ace , who has been an apprentice in
the ollice only since last June , came
o the rescue and determined to her
self get out the paper and prevent nn
Issue being missed. She had never
md n minute's Instruction in malting
up or locking a form , but she had the
? rit to stick to her post and after
strenuous efforts which to the utmost
axed the strength of the girl , who
lees not weigh more than seventy-five
or eighty pounds , she succeeded in
jetting the paper out on tlmo.
"In more than thirty years as a pub-
Isher , " remarked Editor Osbon In dis
cussing the matter , "I never saw an
ipprentlce with no moro experience
who could have done it , and I do not
believe there is another In the state.
If the fellow who 'bilked' me was pur
posely trying to cripple the paper , the
ittlo girl beat him out. "
Speaking of Bass.
Pierce Leader : The Norfolk News
of last week brags of a bass caught by
M. D. Tyler weighing four pounds.
Lordy , lordy , Brother Huso , bring M.
D. up here and see a real fisherman.
Why , Police Judge Geo. W. LIttoll
would spurn anything wc'ighless ' less
ban six pounds ! Just last week he
irought in a six and three-quarter-
founder and throw back a half dozen
weighing in the neighborhood of four
Surelv a Live One.
Verdigre Citizen : The Norfolk
Daily News contest is certainly a live
me this year. Christie Klimeht of
this city is taking part in it and her
mine ranks near the top. Wo hope
: hat Miss Kliment may be ono of the
irize winners.
Thornburg Says He Killed Rakow.
Noligh , Neb. , Oct. ' 11. Special to '
The News : The funeral services ar'l
burial of the remains of A. G. Rakow
wore hold Saturday lorcnooii.
The preliminary hearing of F. M.
Thornborg , who admits the killing of
Rakow , will bo hold a week from today -
day before County Judge Wilson. Owing -
ing to the largo amount of publicity
already given in The News cf the
tragedy , Dr. Bcattie reuises to give
out any information as to his findings
in the last examination of the murdered -
dored man in regard to the punctures
found by Undertaker Skinner on the
forearm , until after the hearing.
It Is currently reported , however ,
that a wound was found representing
what may have been caused by. a
Itnllet passing entirely through the
fleshy part of the left forearm. And
Is presumed that the murdered man
threw up his arm in protection when
the fatal shot was fired. The facts
In regard to this latter finding cannot t
bo verified until the examination of
the accused.
Cuming County Girl Hurt.
West Point , Neb. , Oct. 11. Special
to The News : Miss Ella Schwartlng
while driving a hay rake on the homo
farm in lower Bismarck township , WOE
badly Injured by being thrown from
the machine , remaining unconscious
for ever three days. Her condition
while sorlous , Is not necessarily hope
The democrats of West Point have
nominated F. J. Malchow as precinct
assessor for the city of West Point
Mr. Malchow has served very accept
ably In that capacity for many years
In city politics , both county and
municipal , the non-partisan Idea prevails
vails in West Point. City Marshal Al
G. Sexton and M. A. Foenin wort
nominated for constables.
Father Steals His Child.
Gregory Advocate : Peter Paulson j
drove to the school house northeast
of town and kidnapped his little j
daughter , ago about 0 years old , who
had boon adopted by Peter Sodorgron
Paulson drove to the edge of town |
where ho mot his mother , who brought
the team to town , while ho started
across the country on foot taking the
girl with him. In the meantime , Mr.
Sodergrfii , who had seen Paulson tnko
the child , stnrted for town and swore
out n warrant for Paulson's arrest
Depdty Sheriff Blakoy started In
pursuit and captured Paulson about
eight miles northwest of town. The
tttl child was nearly exhausted by
her long tramp nnd xvns very glnd to
see her foster parents. At the henr-
ng the case was settled. Paulson nnd
its mother , who were appointed guar
dians of the child , wnlved nil tnolr
rights and consented to the adoption.
The child has nn excellent homo with
Mr.'nnd Mrs. Sodorgrbh'and It would
) o n pity to have taken her nwny from
these people.
List of Pupils Who Were Perfect In
Attendance for Month.
Names of pupils to whom cerllfi-
catos of perfect attendance wore Is
sued for the month just ended :
District No. 4 Hilda Cnssel , teach-
IT Maud Eggors , Borneda Eggors , Is-
ibolln Hawkins , Myron Hawkins , Per
ry Danes , Matilda Dahnkc , Ferris
Westorvolt , Wllllo Woslcrvcll.
District No. 34 Ellen Brogan , teacher
or Myrtle Grubb , Elmer Hanson , Re
bccca Schulzc , Ralph Grubb , Myrtle
Peterson , Andy Schulze , Gottfried
Schulzo , Florence Brogan , Charles
District No. 42 Estella Bauch ,
leachor George Raguso , Clara Preuss ,
August Mueller. Nellie Mueller , Dalnoo
Schinttt , Norman Schmltt , Clarence
Sclimllt , Loranco Upton , Alia Upton ,
Olllo May , Raymon May.
District No. 44 Amber Adatmi ,
teacher Hulda Berg , Slgrld Berg.
Loanord McCal'uni ' , Claude Pope , Ev
erett Pope , Orn Pope.
District No. 46 Mary Brink , teacher
Elsie Dover , Willard Dover , Lila Do
ver , Ivy Dover , Earl Dover , Clifford
Dover , Roy Dover , Harlo Dover. Gladys
Dover , Harold Nahrstcdt , Royal Nahr-
stedt , Maymo Garrott.
District No. CO Delia Bryant , -cm-h
ut- Rebecca Broen. Mabel Km.11. An
ton Maravec , Sophia Maravec , 'Joorge
Dittborner , Joy Maravec , Walter Dttt-
District No. 53 Anna Baas , teacher
Reila Bustecd , Alden Chittcnden ,
Richard Busteed , Verna Linso , Arnold
District No. 48 Sarah J. McFottors ,
teacher Nellie Sherlock , Claude T.w-
rol , Willie Wakoly , Fred Wakoly.
District No. 71 Anna Fair , teacher
Bertha Jurgensen , Nora Scott , Her-
nlce Scott , Lillian Scott , Lawrence
District No. 70 Sadlo Thomas ,
teacher Cnrrio Larson. John Larson ,
Adolph Giohler. Max Glohlor.
District No. 18 Elsie Bowman ,
teacher Millie Phillips.
District No. 22 Emma Peiffer ,
teacher Ellle Smith , Newell Cunning
District No. 75 Joy Morgan , teacher
Clarence Rowlett , Loyd Rowlett ,
George Rowlett.
District No. 31 Olive Cloyd , teacher
Edward Tlegen , Myrtle Hunter , Er-
mie Hunter , Harry Moore , Nellie Hun
ter , Mabel Moore , Hnttio Moore.
District No. 27 Clara E. Palmer ,
teacher Inn Fichtcr , Ruth Fichtcr ,
Arthur Snyder , Jesse Ilogsett , Lillie
Boyles , Ralph Burch , Earl Boyles , Leroy -
roy Hogsott , Grace Switzer , Judson
Fichter , Alvin Fichtor , Harold Burch.
District No. CS Ada Anderson ,
teacher Hazel Winstrom , Edith Win
strom , Sidney Winstrom , Julia Nelson ,
Jhrlstine Nelson. Stlna Nelson , Martin
District No. 77 Jennie Dales , teach
er Minnie Sheets , Ruth Crook , Beat
rice Iligbeo. Tyler Higbee.
District No. 61 Emma Clausen ,
teacher Rex Wright , Hazel Collinsi
Hilda Speicher , Ella Jenkins , Ernest
Jenkins. "
District No. 38 Gertrude Wright ,
teacher Villlo Scott.
District No. 43Etta Smith , teacher
Emll Schoonfeldt , Ernest Schoen-
feldt ' , Await Wachter , Arthur Heck-
man , Rudolph Schlack.
District No. 8 Lottie Johnston ,
teacher Paulina itllarich , Elsie'Ulla -
rich , Ella Born.
District No. 15 Blnnchn Coleman ,
teacher Charles Sprout.
District No. 28 Anna O'Callaghan ,
teacher Ella Ambroz , Esther Mclmo ,
Rosa Finkral , Ethel Kasik , Eddie Ka-
District No. 35 Clara Plass. teacher
Cora Schwartz , Bertha Xessln , Al !
bert Zessln , Raymond Schwartz , An
drew Schwartz.
District No. 78 Anna Neidig , teach
er Ella Boo , Lillie Boo , Ella Tuch
ardt , Mathilda BOP , Emma Tuchardt ,
Ella Werkmeister , Charles Tuchardt ,
Henry Tuchardt. Marsollus Werkmois-
tor , Wllllo Tuchardt , Francias Lind
ner , Herald Workmeistor. Roland
District No. 79 Ruth Richardson ,
teacher-Elinor Finkral. Lola Clark ,
Ethel Clark , Jimmio Clark , Rose So
botka , George Sobotka , Frank Sobot
ka. Helen Sobotka. Hnrvoy Adams ,
Jcsso Adams.
District No. 0 Edna Craig , teacher
Solnm Schumackor. Almond Haner ,
Shirley Hanor. Amelia Christiansen ,
Henry Christiansen.
District No. r.O Kathryn Holy ,
teacher Lllllo Ixmdholni , Ella Pro-
ding , Charles Dittrlch.
District No. 32 Edna Barney , teach
er Besslo Joiu-s. Frank Davis , Robert
District No. lll--Jonnlo Ingoldsby ,
teacher Loonn Cosaalrt. Faye Cos-
sairt. Tholma Cossairt , Charles Kol-
ley. Wllllo Kelley , Elmer Rifdat , Ray
Foss , Alice Kollolior.
Dlslrlct No. 17 Augusta Prouskor ,
toaphor Hay Maw. Guy Marr , Lydla
Prueskor , Wllllo Prouskor , Edward
Stlrk , Ward Stlrk , Grace Toadtko.
Jesse Toadtko.
District No. ' 'U-Viola Carson , teacher
erEddto Honolulu. Larry Schmidt ,
Herman Kchmtdt , Nolll" Nelson , Fred-
din Woland.v.Mary Woland , Minnie
Hchmldt , Clara Boschon , Julius Bosch-
on. Polio Schmidt.
District No , 10 Rosemary O'Calla
ghan , toucher IU o Brosh , Adolph
BroHh , .litko Onbolman Willard Gabol-
man DlHtrli'l No , f S KOHO llrogan , teacher -
or Myion Jiu-olm Kllhi Jacobs , Ellen
Johnson , Blvo Jncobson , Oortrudo
Johnson , Annie Olson , Mary Johnson ,
Harry Johnson ,
District No. 30 Ixiulso Kurz , teach
er Gertrude Chlttendon , Chester Chit-
tendon , George Long. Vlra Rlsor ,
Claud Rlsor , Curtis Rlsor , Johnnie
Lew , Tonny Sherlock , Floyd Sherlock ,
Ixnils Bartman.
District No. fil Mlnnn I nmport.
teacher Rose Borchors , Bessie Herr ,
Ula Collins , Blanche Warr , Martha
District No. 54 Joslo Uirson , teach
er Lenn Freeze. Adolph Hanson , Ruth
Llndahl , Raymond Llndahl.
District No. G7 Cassn Earl , teacher
- Harry Schmidt.
District No. 25 Mrs. C. H. Brake ,
teacher Margaret Bruhman , Anna
Bruhnian. BlanchV Heath , Ruby Metz.
Hester Mot/ , Pearl Motz , Jonas Metz ,
Henry Metz , Elllo Metz , Lottie Sleeper , ,
Bertie Sleeper , Helen Sleeper , Edna
Terry , Ethel Terry , Clara Terry , Ruth
Terry , Guy Woodruff.
District No. 10 Allah Morgan ,
teacher Bernlco Braun , Flora Wills-
man , Martha Miller , Esther Palmer.
Howell Partner , Fred Koottor , Sue
Tegler , Ted Nlles , King Nllos.
District No. 25 Dismissed for at
tendance at county fair , September 23 , !
190 ! )
A now $15 library has just boon pur
chased and the school house has been
thoroughly cleaned and repainted In
side and out In district No. 10.
The pupils of district No. 67 are
doing Interesting work along the line
of the picture study. This district is
also the proud owner of a new "Me-1
Council's Complete Chart" and a' '
globo. Five visitors have called during
the month of September. I'
In district No. 33 the school room
has been newly papered and thoroughly - '
ly cleaned.
In district No. 51 ton pupils have
been present every day and five have
boon neither absent nor tardy.
During vacation the school board In
district No. 48 had the school house
painted , both Inside and outside , thereof
roof re-shingled , and the school yard
put in good condition. Such efforts on
the part of the school board are repaid | I
by the appreciation of teacher anfl1 [
'pupils ' and the Inspiration thus given't '
to them to do their host work. Several - j I
al now text hooka have boon added to
the list this fall and the , school is now | I
using the entire uniform list of text j
books. I
The display of school work nt the
Madison county fair from school dis
trict No. 25 received the first prize.
School district No. 46 received the 1 ,
second prize. Mrs. C. H. Brake leach
es in district No. 25 and Miss Mary E.
Brink teaches in district No. 46. We
congratulate the teachers r.nd pupils
of those schools for their efforts along
I this lino.
Certificates of Award No. 44 , Ruth
Berg ; No. 52. Don ton Hoffman ; No.
71 , Lillian Scott ; No. 71. Bernice
Scott ; 71. Lawrence Scott ; 7C , John ,
Larson ; 41. Sigrid Berg ; 28 , Ruth Hoi-j
mo ; 79 , Ethel Clark ; 54 , Adolph Hanli
'sen ' , ; 46 , Royal Nahrstcdt ; 19 , Charles
Tightwad Churchmen Scorched.
Lincoln , Oct. 11. The "tightwads" In '
the church came in for a scorching at '
the ' hands of Rov. Bruce Klnnoy before
the Baptist state convention. i
"Tho cold facts are , " ho said , "that
the people have plenty of money to
spend for everything except the king
dom of God. I want to toll you what
I saw out in poor , drouth-stricken west
ern Kansas. There the farmers are
so poor that they are compelled to ride
in automobiles because flying ma
chines can't bo built fast enough to J
supply the demand. Why , actually , I JI
.counted 298 nutos at ono of the rural
chautaunuas there , and I was told they
belonged to farmers in the vicinity. In
ono church of eighty-eight members
that I visited seven men owned ma
chines , and that church pave but $5
for missions during the previous year.
"Things are getting so nowadays
that many church members have to
be mesmerized or subjected to some
kind of an operation to extract money
for the various benevolences of the
denomination. "
From now on it is going to be a little -
tlo more dllllcult for foreigners to be
come naturalized in Nebraska. As
sistant Federal Attorney Lane of the
Lincoln division of the federal court
has filed several suits attacking the
validity of the naturalization of a
number of foreigners. In some in
stances he alleges foreigners have
boon naturalized who have not boon
in the country five years and In other
cases the applicants wore not 21 years
Candidates for supreme judge have
boon In Omaha a good portion of
the week mooting the voters from out
In the state who are there attending
the Ak-Sar-Bcn festivities. Judge
Barnes and Judge Fawcott on the re
publican ticket and Judge Sullivan
and Judge Good on the democratic
ticket all took advantage of the oc
casion to do a little campaigning.
No mention of Judge Sodgwick and
Judge Dean has been made by the
Omaha papers , but It is very probable
that they too , wore on hand.
Next year the democratic papers
will again have an opportunity to get
some pie , for it has boon made the of
duty of the governor to designate In
which papers the proposed constitu
tional amendments are to bo published.
Heretofore this duty has been assigned
by law to the secretary of state , but
the last legislature changed the pro
gram and gave the governor the Job.
As the governor Is democratic of
course the democratic papers will get
the business unless the governor sees
fit to divide up the spoils. To avoid
this * democratic newspaper ? ) nru nl
liberty now to lllo their names with
the governor and request the printing.
It will amount to several dollars.
Hereafter no money paid to the In
stitution by students will bo handled
by the members of the fhcully of tbo
stale university. The boanl wimu
time ago made a rule thataU money
paid by the students for boo kn or nu
fees should ho paid direct to the
treasurer of the school. Thin wau
done to nvuld oven the appearnnco of
evil , Many complaint ! ! have boon
made regarding the amount of fees
paid by students and by adopting
Iho new rule the regents bullove they
have placed the financial part of the
Institution on a bettor foundation than
It has ever had. Under the old plan
no record was kept of money paid to
the professors and the treasurer had
no detailed report of It. This has In
the past led to considerable criticism
of the professors and opened the way
for adverse comment.
The temperance people of the state
are preparing lo attend the national
meeting of the W. C. T. U. In Omaha
this month In great numbers. It Is
very probable from the date of this
meeting the temperance people will
start their fight , but just on what
grounds the campaign will bo waged
cannot be determined. In advance
Members of the W. C. T. U. for the
great majority of them are firm in
the belief that the liquor question
can bo solved only by prohibition
while others are of the opinion that
prohibition j , must come by degrees
and ; education. Those who oppose
j prohibition , as a state wide proposition
are satisfied to force that on the people
ple before the great majority favor it ,
It ( , will not result In a betterment of
conditions but the reverse. The county
option faction want merely a county
option law enacted and then prohi
bition at a later time. This question
may cause some discussion if an at
tempt is made to discuss local affairs
and pass resolutions on the matter.
Just at this time considerable interest
is being , taken in the trial of prohi
bition in Lincoln and both sides claim
to bo satisfied with the results HO fur
that Is the high license people say
there ] Is more drunkenness In Lincoln
than ever while the prohibition peo-
pie say there is loss. Six miles from
Lincoln Is Havolock and street can ,
run between the two towns and the
thirsty who cannot drink at the Lin
coln clubs go to Havolock. Lincoln
will vote on the liquor question next
spring and the result of that election
will have its effect out in the state.
Horse Tramples Boy.
Butte Gazette : The 12-year-old son
of Fred Horst , living throe mlle
southeast of Butte , was badly hurt
Thursday by a horso. The boy vras \
in the stall when the animal klckud
him knocking him down then tramped
on him until ho was lltcrly bruised allover
ever and the scalp torn from his head ,
laving bare the skull for five Inches.
His recovery is doubtful.
Tripp Contests Bring Trouble.
Gregory Advocate : If rumora are
true " a number of people who have al
lowed themselves to bo drawn into In
stituting "blood money" contests , will
have to face criminal charges In. the
United States court. Several Informa
tions wore prepared yesterday and nr-
rests will follow at once.
The allowed malefactors will prob
ably bo taken before United States
Commissioner Xiebach , at Lamro , for
preliminary hearing and then , If the
charges hold , they will bo bound ever
to ( appear before the federal grand
Lawyers who have boon delving Into
the matter find that contestants can
bo held to account for the affidavits
they submit in such cases. It there
fore follows that careless swearing
if sure to load to sorlous trouble.
Mrs. Irish Ends Her Life.
Herrick Press : The little com
munity of Brocksburg , sixteen mlloH
southwest of Ilcrrlck , In Koya Pnha
county , Nebraska , was stirred with
excitement last Friday ever the find
ing oftho dead body of Mrs. Ross Irish
suspended by a rope from the rafters
of the granary at her home about a
mile south of that place. Suicide was
tno verdict of Coroner Evans , of
Springvlew , who arrived at the scene
of the tragedy soon after the body was
Mr. and Mrs. Irish were married
about eight years ago , her name barIng -
Ing boon Corbet before that tlmo. One
child , a boy now about 6 years of
age , was born to them. The marriage
Is said , has not proved an entirely
happy ono , Mrs. Irish having at onetime
time separated from her husband , nnd
with the child returned to her own
people. Later , however , a reconcilia
tion was effected and she returned to
the home of her husband where she
remained up to the time she wus
found dead last Friday evening.
Cudahy Explains Case.
Omaha , Oct. 11. Edward A. Cudahy.
vice president and general manager of
the Cudahy Packing company , had Ihls
to say with regard to the settlement
the oleomargarine case at Leaven-
worth :
"Tho government , after a thorough
Investigation , Is satisfied that no of
ficial of the company was in nny wnv
Involved with the mnttor nnd the al
leged offonsc wns simply a technical
violation , of which the management
know nothing. The compnny , therefore ,
thought It best to settle the matter
rnthor thnn fight It In the courts. "
The Cudahy compnny wns Indicted
Piles All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical )
operation. No Chloroform , Ether or other gen
eral aneasthetic used. CURI1 GUARANTliED
DR. E. n. TARRY , 224 Boa Dulldtner. Omaha , Nebraska