The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 01, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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The Norfolk Weekly News-Journa
Tliu News , Established 1881.
Thc Journal , Established 1877
W. N , HIIHO , N
I'rt'Hlik'nt. Secretary
Every Friday. Hy mall pur year , | l.r > 0
Entered at the postolllce ul Norfolk
Noli. , n second CIIHH mutter.
" " TeTuiflionoB : " TMlforTal Department
No. 22. BuHlnosB Olllce and Job Itootni
No. II 22.
The wt'Ht lin money enough t :
inovo ItH cropH without liorrowlni
much form the eitHt , tliiuik you.
C. H. Smith will make an efllclcn
Hhorlff. He will he "on the Job" ever ;
minute. He IH entitled to the nolli
republican vote In MadlHon county.
The polltlelntiH who have DCCI
counting on a big plum from the cen
HUH might aa well count theiiiHelve
out. Political pullo tfcn't shake dowi
CC11HUH pltltllH.
Alahama , like Abou Hen AOhem o
old , leadH all the rout of the Incom
tax amondment. It IH only one Hint
out of the thlrty-llvo that miiHt sign I
before It bocomoH a law.
1'roBldent Taft declarcH the IncrciiE
In the coHt of living the world over 1
duo to the demand being equal to o
in excess of the supply not to th
Mr. HooHovelt'H account of bin rid
on the cowcatcher through Africa
Kiimu country IH a thrilling Htory. M
JlooHovelt would ho right In IIH ! eli
inunt In Htich a iioultlon.
In Mexico COIIHUH taking IH n dill
cult piece of biiHlnoHtt , The Mexican
fonr that the enumeration mean
cither rompulHory military Horvlco t
inoro taxcH , and they are not lit favc
of cither.
The si'Hoiw diplomatic difference
between .lapiut and China over th
concoHHloiiH In Manchuria and More
Jiavo been settled In the cimtoinnr
innnner by Japan taking what Bh
The Philadelphia TlntCH Is worryln
About what wo are going to do wit
the north polo , now wo bavo It. '
HfoniH as though a central place whet
everybody could BOO It would slmplll
this matter consldorably.
Frank I * Dowllng Is a young mai
clean-cut , Intelligent and ambition
Ho IH the republican candidate fc
county Judge in Madison county till
fall , That ho would make good o
the Job Is conceded. Why not ole <
him ?
It Is fortunate for Premier ABqult
that those English Hitffraglsts , llko otl
or women , are failures at throwln
atones straight. It Is one of their fi
vorlto pastimes shying bricks an
stones at the Hrltlsh statesman , hi
they rarely hit the mark.
William J , Bryan admits that he
tired of talking. In the early days (
the boy orator's career he never sui
posed the time would come who
Hpeoohmaklng would become Irksoni
but Mr. Uryan has reduced his schoi
lo of spi'i't'hes by M per cent f (
next year.
Uules are moro stringent at Rholn
than In American cities. During avl
tlon week an aoroplanlst was lined f (
reckless Hying. Ho did not damaj
and harmed no one , but he frlghtene
the people. Would that wo had i
stringent laws for governing our ant
mobile drivers.
One family In every forty will hav
mi auto by this ttmo next year. The *
nro the llgures for the Halted State
.imputation In general. The man wli
did the figuring did not add that tli
other thirty-nine families will be tr ,
Ing to mortgage their homes to rah
money to buy one.
A certain county fair mauagomei
In Kansas has contracted for an at
that Is so "death defying , " thrlllin
and clangorous , that the county papoi
refuse to advertise it In detail for fei
of scaring children. It must Indue
bo a terror when a county newspape
refuses to exploit It.
President Taft's tour Is one Ion
line of banquet tables. The sight (
these festal boards must become a
odious one to the president. Incldoi
tally It would be Interesting to kno
how much has been spent In the at
Bfogate on these spreads reachln
from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Madison county has not seen tli
time when u man more capable , mot
honest or more aggressive along coi
servntlve lines than Burr Taft , hn
occupied a place on the board of com
ty commissioners. He should be n
elected this fall by a big majorlt ;
Ills record should and will ro-elee
The Aleutian Islands are now belli
exploited as most desirable and sin
cossful locations for stock ralslni
They stretch In n long chain out froi
the Alaskan coast , and the climate I
so mild as to make grazing the yen
around possible. Hero is undoubted !
the source of our future meat supplj
and again wo give Mr. Sownrd on
united thanks.
No better or more practical work
hns been clone for the relief of the
McBHltm earthquake sufferers than that
accomplished by ati American coif
structlon company , which built 1,870
wooden cottages and left material for
1,200 more. From the king and queen
to the poorest subject , they have re
peatedly shown their gratitude for this
Now York brides among the four
hundred are no longer showered with
rice and pelted with old shoes. A
shower of rose petals Is good form
now In .Gotham. In thin departure
from old fashioned customs they cer
tainly have made n great advance.
Hose potato not only carry far moro
sentiment than rice and old shoes but
they make less dangerous missies.
Dr. Wiley IH a man of many Ideas.
His latest scheme is decidedly reac
tionary , Ho proposes In his desire for
pure food , In the homes of the land ,
to refuse marriage licenses to all
would-be brides who do not know how
to cook and will not promise to exer
cise this knowledge In her new home.
This Isn't a bad Idea , but It may tend
to reduce the number of marriages.
No stronger endorsement of any
candidate for county superintendent
could bo given than has been glvon to
A. 10. Ward , candidate for Madison
county superintendent , by former
State Superintendent McUrlen and
other educators of high standing In
Nebraska. Madison county people
will cheese well if they select Mr ,
Ward to look after the county school
Chief of Police Kohler of Cleveland ,
Ohio , has tried with remarkable sue
COSH running the police department ol
that city according to the golden rule
and common sense. As a result of thle
policy the arrests In Cleveland arc
only ono-Blxth of what they were twc
years ago. Life and property arc safet
than formerly. It Is a wise chief ol
police who known and lives up to the
golden rule.
Dr. nruco llarton says If the crowds-
will go to the baseball games Instead
of coming to church , the minister ?
should carry the gospel to them there
Ho inado a definite proposal that the
ministers should be allowed to addresE
the assembled crowds at games in the
few minutes between the eloso of prac-
tlco nnil the beginning of the game
This Is a now departure Indeed , but
who can say that It Is not In the right
direction ?
This year's corn crop promises tc
reach three billion bushels a quantity
so great that the human mind cannot
grasp it. During the next twentj
'years ' a great revolution will take
; place in the manner of farming. Agrl
culture will become moro Intelligent
I and moro intense. New plants will be
i discovered and better use will IK
inado of the land. An aero will pro
duce twice as much under proper treat
1' ' mont as It produces now.
Few people are awaie of the care
used by railroads In keeping tab on
the productiveness of land along tholi
lines front the standpoint of the
amount of freight produced by various
crops. The heavier the crops poi
acre , the more business for the rail
roads. Nor are theie many people
who think of lumber as a crop , and
one of the most Important crops at
that , which contributes a large share
of the freight business of railroads.
So great Is the demand for teachers
of agriculture and manual training
since these subjects have been so generally
orally Included In the public school
curriculum that some state unlver
sltles are issuing bulletins urgltif
young men who have a high school
training and also some practical expo
rlence on a farm to lit themselves foi
this line of work. It offers an excel
lent opportunity to young men as the
preparation Ip not so expensive as li
some other lines.
Travelers in Africa tell of a curlou *
trail which is a relic of a raid of the
dervishes. In order to mark the
course for those who follow and alse
for their return trip the advance com
pany tied the slender saplings along
their course into Knots. The trees
continued to grow but the knots re
mained and grow with the trees , sc
the trail is more plainly marked to
day by these distorted trees than II
was when the dervishes raided the
Ilurr Tart Is one of the most cap
able , most progressive , and most trust
worthy commissioners Madison conn-
ty over bad. People Interested in see
Ing good roads built , substantial , permanent
manont bridges erected where ' they
ought to bo. and the business of the
county conducted along economical ,
business lines , should by all moana
vote for Taft. Madison county ls out
of debt for the tlrst Unto In many
years , which speaks well for Taft'a
past record on the board.
It has long been supposed that it
was necessary for those dwellers of
the east who were afflicted with tuber
culosis to go west to BOIUO of the states
favored by consumptives , Now , however -
over , physicians are trying to discour
age this practice , They say that If
the disease can bo cured at all , it can
bo cured as well in the east as the
west , If the proper treatment IB per-
Hinted In. It will take n long tlmo to
convince people of this fact after hav
ing been taught the exact opposite for
HO many years ,
It seems an unfortunate and pitiful
thing that after a century nntl moro
of persistent effort by bravo men to
reach the north polo that when vic
tory lias at last been wrested from the
llorce elements that the result should
bring not glory and honor , but n bitter
and degrading controversy. It is not
strange that Lieutenant Poary , after
spending twenty-three years of his life
In this search should bo terribly dis
appointed to find In the moment of Ills
victory that another man claimed the
laurels , but If Cook honestly accom
plished the great feat , Peary should
be great enough to acknowledge It ,
and by HO doing ho would add to his
own popularity and receive the sympa
thy of the world In his disappointment.
Roosevelt and his constituency of
national conservationists are needed
Imperatively In a new line of national
conservation of resources. The Amor-
lean blond Is rapidly disappearing.
The same complaint comes from every
nation. Even In Germany and Sweden
the llaxen poll IH giving place to the
brown head. Dr. Woodruff states that
the blonds are losing out In the strug
gle for existence and tilling the Jails
and alms houses because of the excess
of sunlight which the sensitive blond
cannot endure. One would infer from
this statement that the climate of the
entire world was changing and becom
ing warmer. In which case the time
may soon come when n trip to our
twlco discovered north polo will bo a
pleasant holiday excursion.
It doesn't pay to discredit men and
doubt their Integrity and sincerity.
The great mass of men yearn for
something bettor and are always ready
to follow a leader who represents all
that Is best in humanity. As Lymnn
Abbott says : "The spirit of universal
suspicion tends to personal degrada
tion. Ho who allows himself to be-
llovo that all men are liars easily
comes to believe that sincerity Is a
llctlon of the preachers and the poets. "
One of the poorest assets any man
can have Is distrust. There Is a great
deal in the world that Is wrong , but
there arc such transcendant possibili
ties for good that It ought to keep
everyone busy figuring out how he can
do the most to push himself and his
fellows onward and upward.
Moro than a million trees have
been planted by the Pennsylvania
company this season , making a total
of U.400,000 trees planted by this cor
poration In the last three years to
provide for the future demand for
timber and cross tics. This work con
stitutes the most extensive foiestry
plan undertaken by a private corpora
tion In line with the American Civic
Association's campagn for the con
servation of the timber supply. No
better evidence can be given of the
practical value from the utilitarian
viewpoint , of the efforts of the Ameri
can Civic association for "a moro
beautiful America. " And , while the
Pennsylvania railroad company's
forestry operations are a private enter
prise , the policy of the company Is to
encourage public reforestratlon.
Humanity is constantly hoping for
and looking forward to the time when
sanitary methods ofIvlng and the ad
vance of medical skill and knowledge
will eliminate disease from the world.
It Is true that yellow fever has been
largely done away with , cholera and
small-pox no longer cost the world
many lives. Even tuberculosis Is
becoming understood and the death
rate from the white plague Is not
quite as high as It was twenty years
ago. Typhoid Is known to be re
sultant from unsanitary conditions
and Is preventable by sanitary sur
roundlngs. Of the old enemies , so
long fought by the medical fraternity ,
cancer Is now the most dreaded and
the least understood. Kvcn If this
dread disease should come under con
trol , some new affliction would be
bred by new conditions. Our manner
of living Is constantly changing anil
these changes affect the physical
mental and nervous force of the sys
tem. Even Improvements In personal
cleanliness and habits destroy Im
munities as well as ailments. The
end of disease is probably no nearer
than It ever was.
The great nations of Europe , with
tholr powerful navies , do not take the
American navy seriously. We have
heard too much of our world circling
"buttle ( loot as a visible embodiment
of American sea power. " It was and
is a powerful Hoot , for purposes of
peace , but those In authority assort
that In the event of war Its alien col
liers would have been compelled by
International law to desert It and it
would 'have boon lucky to get home.
If the American navy were forced to
combat a righting Hoot from any of
the great nations , It would bo a very
different proposition from chasing the
Santiago tloet unresisting to Its doom
or taking Manila , So far appeals to
congress for n merchant marine and
a resumption of our former ocean car
rying trade have been in vain. Some
thing must arouse a sentiment In favor -
vor of restoring our ocean traffic bo-
faro anything will bo done. It Is thus
that reforms come. It was a woman
with n novel that set the sword against
slavery after half a century of fruit-
CHS talk. Who abolished child labor
n the mines and factories In England ?
A woman with a poem. Who led the
lohtors out of prison In England
Dickens with his Inimitable stories ,
while Whlttler's poem did the same
for American debtors. All successful
ippeal Is to sentiment. Some tlmo
some American poet will strike a note
that will arouse Americans to the loss
they are Incurring In neglecting tholr
rightful heritage upon the ocean and
leaving their navy utterly at the mer
cy of foreign colliers.
The frankness of President Tnft In
saying what ho thinks , and the com
mendable attitude taken by him upon
questions of public moment , as ex
pressed in his present western trip ,
have won for him now friends through
out the country and have made old
friends even more staunch.
The Wlnona , Minn. , speech , In which
the president discussed the tariff bill ,
declaring that the Payne tariff bill Is
the best that ever has been enacted
by the republican party and consequently
quently the best ever given the na
tion , Is attracting unusual comment
In all parts of the country. The pres
ident frankly admitted that certain re
ductions which ho had hoped for wore
not gained In this bill , but he also
pointed out clearly and strongly that
many very decided reductions were
gained , and with these as a founda
tion moro could be hoped for In the
The president supported those con
gressmen and senators who , even
though they did not got all that they
desired In the bill , recognized the fact
that It was much better than the bill
then in existence , and voted for It.
Just what thought was In the minds
of those "Insurgents" who chose to
vote against the bill , Is not apparent.
That they could hope to gain anything
at all In voting against the bill , scorns
Impossible. They were fighting for
tariff revision ; the Payne bill offered
partial revision ; to vote against it
was to vote against partial revision
and to vote for a continuation of the
former bill. Law-making as It Is done
In this country , and particularly tariff
law-making , can come only In a series
of compromises , and President Taft
and those who stayed with the repub-
Hcan party In supporting the measure ,
did much moro toward tariff revision
than those who voted against the bill ,
The president's plea for party soli
darity Is well taken. Party solidarity
is essential to the accomplishment ol
legislation along lines uphold by a
party. To djvlde a party and elect
the enemy means the loss of every'
thing that the party works for. And
thus it is easily seen that republicans
must stand solidly together , one sec
tion making concessions to another at
times , but all standing for republican'
Ism In Its broadest sense , If repub
lican principles and not those of the
populist and democrat are to be main
Effort within the party to accom
plish certain principles of action , the
president endorses. This Is a healthy
sign for the party at large. Hut when
the light within has been fought , the
majority must rule and the losers must
be good losers if they expect to re
main republicans and If they hope foi
the achievement of republican prin
The result 6f the Omaha slight tc
Governor Shallenberger , In not Invit
ing him to meet President Taft , it-
already boiling over In Nebraska pol
Hies , and it begins to look as if Dabl
man will lose heavily as a result ol
the incident.
The governor is a candidate for re
nomination and re-election and Mnyoi
James C. Dahlman of Omaha is alsc
n democratic candidate for the same
place. Already the Shallenbergei
democrats are commencing to make
capital out of the fact that the gov
ernor was not Invited to break broad
with the Omaha bunch and at the
same time they are placing the blame
at the door of Mayor Dahlman , thug
seeking to create sentiment against
Already the news of the action ol
the Omaha people has reached Furnas
county , and it has been an important
factor In the democratic convention
that has Just been held. At that con
vention the following resolutions were
Introduced and adopted by a unani
mous vote :
"Whereas , It pleased those in charge
of the reception and banquet tendered
President Taft at Omaha to insult the
democracy of Nebraska by falling to
invite our governor to be present on
that occasion ; therefore , be it
"Resolved , That the democracy ol
Furnas county , in convention assem
bled , resents such Insult , and hereby
pledges itself to do all In Its power to
secure the renontlnatlon and reelection
tion of Governor Shallenberger to suc
ceed himself as governor of our state.
Do it further
"Resolved , That the active candi
dacy of James C. Dahlman , mayor of
Omaha , at this time Is 111 advised , un
timely and If persisted In cannot but
fail to work Injury to the Interests of
our party , both in the state and in
the nation. "
Mayor Dnblman. when shown a copy
of the Furnas county democracy reso
lutions , said that their adoption would
not swerve him from continuing In the
race. He denied that ho had anything
to do with the Inviting of guests to
the Taft banquet and was not even a
member of the committee that made
up the list.
However , the Injury has been done
and democrats In every county are
blaming Dahlman. It now looks as II
this will cost him n large number ol
votes and very materially Injure life
chances for election , If he over had
any , and If ho should secure the noin
Omaha democrats who are against
Dahlman and for cither Shallenbergei
or Lobeck , say that this action of the
Furnas county democrats Is but the
start of what Is to come. The mosl
of the county conventions are to be
held during the next two weeks , ane
they predict that In a majority of the
counties strong resolutions will be
adopted. They add that the work It
being prosecuted and that when tin
conventions are hold , In more that
half of them , enough strength will be
developed to denounce Dahlman ane
endorse either Shnllenberger or Lo
beck. As they now figure results
Dahlman will land as about third mar
In the race.
Already Dahlman sees the handwrlt
Ing. and is hurrying his lieutenants on
Into the state to repair the breaks li
his political fences. One of the flrsi
places where Dahlman will try tc
stem the tide Is in Lancaster county
In Lincoln a movement that looks t (
similar action as was taken In Furnai
county has been started , and evorj
possible effort Is now being made bj
Dahlraan's friends to counteract It
His friends arc loaded with letters ane
affidavits to prove that he had nothlni
to do with the Taft banquet and tin
"snub" to Governor Shallenberger.
Not much cquinoxlal storm abou !
We must confess that Gregory cat
play ball.
Raj ) on wood whenever you spcal
of this weather.
This is the old original Itallai
brand of atmosphere.
Does ordinary accident Insurance
cover aeroplane rides ?
Saturday was our hoodoo day los' '
at both baseball and football.
No more grandmothers of the office
boy will die until next spring. The
baseball season has come to an end.
The Methodist bishop at Nellgh yes
terday declared that It does not paj
to underpay ministers. It doesn't paj
the ministers.
Stand up for north Nebraska. The
only one of that Kansas City woman's
six husbands to leave her , was the one
from Meadow Grove. And she levee
him most of all.
A lean man's Idea of a good lookinj
man Is a fat man.
About the only thing a bachelor am
the father of a family regard from the
same point of view is a baseball game
An Atchlson sport recently had hh
picture taken with two watches. Am
it wasn't deception ; he had twc
watches In his pockets.
With one outfit forecasting the one
of the world , and real scientists pre
dieting earthquakes , you'd better gei
Dr. Cook's Bill of * Fare.
Chicago Tribune : Through the
courtesy of Dr. Cook's publishers we
are permitted to reprint the explorer's
bill of fare during his final dash foi
the pole :
Dog tall. Puree of Pup.
Planked Whitedog. Sattse Eskimo
Breast of Dog.
Prime Native Dog au jus
Spare Ribs of Dog.
Boiled Leg of Dog with Caper Sauce
Dog Livers Saute. Northern Lights
Baked Dog's Heart , Glblet Sauce.
Pickled Dogs' Feet. Deviled Dog
Hot Dogs. Dog Flakes.
Dog's Head.
Wayne Democrat Philosophy.
Fifty cent butter Is coming , thej
&ay. Please pass the axle grease.
The man who drives an automobile
is a chauffeur , but I have heard then :
called something different when the >
come near running Into people. In
fact there are several other names.
Madison claims to have the smartest
man In the state when he Is drunk
Wayne Is a city of millionaires when
it comes to that.
"Stick to the farm" Is beginning tc
pay big dividends. The man who sold
out a few years ago Is generally
worthless , while those who hung on
are rich.
"I am the only white man who has
ever reached the north polo , " shouts
Peary. But Penry can't act white
about it , if true.
For heaven's sake let Roosevelt go
and finish the canal. Got hint some
place where It will not bo necessary
to hoar from him for a while.
Well , it doesn't now matter much
about a now depot In Wayne. De Ber-
lot says that In fifty years from this
date we will all be using flying ma
chines , and as the railroad company
will not give us a now depot before
that time elapses we don't care when
they build one.
Making Money
On the Farm
XV. Locating and Plant
ing the Orchard
Author of "Homo Course In Modern
Copyrljfht , 1909. by American Pitt *
farm should have nt
EVERY a few fruit trees to pro
vide fruit for home use. Where
Hell and climate arc favorable
and a good market can be secured
fruit growing for market is a very
profitable business.
The most Important point In plan
ning an orchard Is selecting the loca
tion. The land should be naturally
well drained If possible. If not , arti
ficial drainage should be resorted to.
A moderate northeast slope Is the most
desirable. Trees on a north slope do
not start us quickly in the spring , and
the danger of having the fruit buds
nipped by an untimely frost Is less
ened. An orchard on such a slope
also suiters less from sun scald and
If the hill on which the farm build'
ings are placed is large enough I he
orchard can be located on the north
slope and the buildings on the south.
A windbreak of a double row of ev > r-
greens on the west and north will stop
the snow In winter and help to keep
the fruit from being blown off In sum-
turr. To complete this protection the
windbreak \ylll have to be extended nil
the way around , since In summer many
of the heavy winds come front a south
erly direction.
Air Drainage.
The question of air drainage Is fully
as important as that of water drainage
Cold air is heavy and drains rapidly
into the hollow * , while the air on the
slopes Is warm and dry. The differ
ence of a few feet in elevation often
makes a difference of several degrees
In temperature. An orchard located ou
a rise of land will escape many of the
frosts that cut down the profits In an
orchard less favorably located. Trees
on a hill are also less likely to be trou
bled with fungous diseases , since dry
air Is not favorable to them.
A soil too rich In nitrogen promotes
leaf and wood growth at the expense
of fr'iilt. For this reason black prairie
soil is not so well adapted to fruit
growing a.s some other lands. Loamy
clay soil underlaid with a porous sub
soli makes an Ideal foundation for an
orchard. Cleared thnbcrland Is also
very good.
You cannot expect success with an
orchard If you plant the trees lu a
hole in the sod. The land should be
put In to some cultivated crop for at
least a year before setting out the
trees. This gets the soil In good tilth
and the trees will have a fair chance
from the start.
What to Plant.
Having eleclded on the location for
the orchard , the next step Is to soled
the kinds and varieties of fruit to be
grown. The apple Is the most widely
grown tree fruit In this country. It
has hardy varieties that can be grown
well up Into the northern sections.
while other varieties are adapted to
southern conditions. The plum Is even
more hardy than the apple , and some
of the Improved varieties give as de
licious fruit as could be asked for ,
Cherries are also fairly hardy , and a
few trees are n valuable addition to
any orchard. In the milder sections
peaches and pears can be added to the
The question of variety Is one that
must be answered for Individual con
ditions. The old standard varieties are
the most reliable. Varieties that are
already doing well In your locality can
be depended on. Your state experi
ment station or horticultural society
will gladly furnish you a list of the
varieties that are adapted to your lo
cality. One mistake often made In
setting out an npple orchard Is In
planting too many summer and fall
varieties. These are of little value
for market ; they do not keep well
and are largely wasted unless they can
bo canned or dried. Slnco the devel
opment of cold storage some of the
better keeping varieties , such nn
Wealthy , can be kept nearly all win-
ler Not all farmers have Ice or are
located within reach of a storage ware
house , however.
It will generally pay to put n largo
part of the orchard Into reliable win
ter vnrlotles. For homo use apples
are appreciated more along toward
spring and will bring a higher price.
An important point to consider In
selecting varieties Is quality. This U
especially Important In those grown
for homo nee. When the frnlt Is to
bo shipped any considerable distance ,
shipping and keeping qualities are of
first Importance , and the eating and
cooking qualities take a secondary
place. Yield IH also Important.
Buy at the Home Nuriery.
In buying fruit trees It Is best to
steer clear of agents with plausible
stories of wonderful quality and yield.
Some nursery agents arc honest and
conscientious , but HO many are not
that it is dllllctitt to separate the sheep
from the goatH. The best way IH to
make your selection of varieties and
thru get the trees of some reliable nurs
eryman In your own locality. If you
can go to the nursery and buy them of
the nurseryman himself HO much the
better. In that case you can select the
trees yourself and be sure of getting
good ones. Thrifty one or two your
old trees , with well developed root sys
tems , stand transplanting better and
arc cheaper than larger ones.
As soon as the trees are received
from the nursery they should be "heel
ed In. " This Is done by digging n
trench and covering the roots and
about half of the tops with dirt. When
the trees have been shipped for some
distance It sometimes happens that
they are frozen when received. In
this case they should bo placed In
Borne outbuilding , covered with straw
and loft to thaw out gradually. In
this way little harm will bo done.
Preparation For Planting.
The land should be deeply plowed
before planting and well disked and
harrowed. It Is a good practice to
make the back furrows whore the rows
are to bo and the dead furrows between
the rows. The dead furrows will thus
serve as ditches to carry off surplus
water. It Is better to do this plowing
In the full If the preceding crop can
bo got off the land In time. In the
Eouth the planting may be done In the
fall also , but In sections where the
ground freezes to any depth It Is safer
to plant In the spring. Fall planted
trees nre Ilablo to root killing during
the winter. In the drier parts of the
country , too , the roots do not get milll-
dent molstnro to supply the trunk and
branches , and the tree Is so badly
dried out during the winter that II
Is killed.
In lands with n stiff subsoil running
n subsoil plow down the row before
planting Is practiced with good results.
In extremely hard soils a little dyna
mite exploded In the bottom of th
hole loosens up the subsoil consid
erably. The hole should be dug lar
ger than the roots of the tree and
'line soil thrown In around the roots.
The roots should bo well spread out
and the tree set three or four inches
eleeppr than It Is to be finally. By
taking hold of the top and churning It
up and down after the roots have been
covered with dirt the soil will be thor
oughly worked in around the roots.
As the tree Is worked up and down II
Is gradually raised to the proper height
Part of the top should be cut off be
fore planting. The top Is dependent
on the roots for Its moisture supply.
A considerable part of the root sys
tem has been lost In transplanting , and
the top should bo cut back to match.
In planting one or two-year-old trees ,
known ns "whips , " this cutting back
ficrvcp a double purpose by causing
the tree to throw out branches Just
below where It Is cut off. In trees of
this kind the cut should bo a few
inches above where the llrst branches
nre to be.
There Is considerable difference of
opinion concerning the proper height
to head npple trees. Low headed trees
are much less liable to sun scald since
the branches shade the trunk. They
are easier to spray , and the apples can
be moro easily gathered. There Is also
iptich loss damage from large branches
being broken off by the wind. The
chief objection to low heading is that
It Is dllllcnlt to get near the tree when
cultivating the orchard. This objec
tion , however. Is hardly enough to out
weigh tle : advantages of low beading.
If the soil Is ( Irmly packed there Is
little need of using water In the hole
when planting trees. The dirt should
be packed very firmly around the
roots. Get In with both feet and pack
It as hard as possible. It is a gooel
plan to lean the trees a little to the
south In order that the branches may
shade the trunk better and also because ? -
cause the hardest winds in Ruramei
nre usually from a southerly direction.
The standard distance
apart for ap
pie tree * is thirty-two to forty fei
each way. Plum and cherry tree *
may IMS as close as twenty feet. Ap
ple trepi are often planted 10 by 32
feet , the alternate
rows being of some
early bearing , short lived variety.
"When the Litter trees come Into bear-
Inc these fillers should be cut out
A Money Maker.
Sanso-De Is not rich and vet he
Rodd How can that be ?
Sanso-IIe works In the mint.
A Persian
philosopher says "Th
Boat climbs the rocky hill , the wlso
man takes the valley road , "