The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 01, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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    \ \rnmri i , wiwR..TnTm.TJ AT. PRIDA Y nr/rnnRR. i
Or. Tlndnll Remains District Superin
tendent of the Norfolk District , and
Dr. Rny Returns to Norfolk for Another -
other Year.
It wan suggested at the final session
of the Methodist conference in Nellgh
Monday morning that if Norfolk would
donate n lot and a Binall building for
pornmnont headtiuartcrH , the newly In
corporated North Nebraska conference
would become a llxturo here nnd conference -
foronco funds would bo permanently
distributed from Norfolk.
Tills city was selected for headquar
ters because of its superior railway
In his closing address , Hlshop John
U Nuolson said : "It docs not pay to
underpay the ministers , for the minis
ters , nro the least paid of any class. "
llov. Dr. Hay is reassigned to Nor
folk for the coming year , nnd Dr. Tin-
dull Is roappolntetl as district super
intendent of the Norfolk district.
It is announced tlmt Miss Frieda
Schmlcklo , deaconness , will be In Nor
folk for n time , as she was last year ,
to assist Dr. Ray.
Following wore the appointments :
Norfolk District.
D. K. Tlndall , district Superintendent.
Allen , K. M. Drullncr ; Hancroft cir
cuit , William Oorimll ; Deemer. C. E.
Carroll ; Iloldon and Sholes ( supply ) ,
J. O. Galloway : nioomilold , II. H. St.
Louis ; Carroll , n. F. Shaddock ; Con-
trnl City , J. J. Kompor ( supply ) ; Cole
ridge , E. T. Antrim ; Creston and Hum
phrey , C. II. Moore ; Dakota City , W.
n. Warren ; Decntur , J. II. Smith ; Dixon -
on , G. M. Pondell ( supply ) ; Hartlng-
ton and Crofton , G. E. Von Hagen ;
Homer circuit , H. A. Chappell ; Lau
rel , II. G. Langley ; Lyons , J. M. Loidy ;
Madison , J. E. Iloulgnto ; Newcastle
circuit , S. A. Drais ( supply ) ; Norfolk ,
C. W. Ray ; Norfolk circuit , C. M. Tay
lor ( supply ) ; Pentler aud Thurston ,
( supply ) ; Pllgor , G. L. Gootloll ; Pon-
ca and Wntorhury , A. W. Ahrendts ;
Randolph , J. P. Yost ; South Sioux
.City. J. L. Phillips ; Stnnton , John F.
Pouchor ; Wnkeflold , C. E. Council ;
Wausn , A. E. Fowler ; Wayne , J. W.
Klrkpatrlck ; Wlnsldc , Amos Fetzor ;
Wynot and Spring Valley , J. Q. Helm
( supply ) ; Wlsnor , L. V. Slocnm ; Emerson
orson and Ilubbard ( supply ) , W. O.
Nellgh District.
E. J. George , district superintendent.
Albion , II. H. Mlllard ; Battle Creek , .
R. J. Callow ; Hoono , L. W. Horton ; | ! I
nrunswlck ( supply ) ; Chambers , W. E. ;
Greene ; Clearwntor , H. Hindmarch
( supply ) ; Crelglitou , Earl C. Dowen ;
Elgin , W. A. Romtnger ; Ewlng , W. M.
Sommervllle ; Emorlck , H. C. Capsey ;
Inmau , J. F. Coleman ; Lorotto , Harry
Guest ( supply ) ; Lynch , to be sup
plied ; Meadow Grovo. G. P. Mead ;
Newman Grove , F. E. Smith ; Niobrara ,
C. F. Steiner ; Nellgh , J. V. Hawk ;
Oaktlalo. ( to be supplied ) ; O'Neill , T. j
S. > Wntson ; Osmond , W. C. Kelley ;
Paddock , to bo supplied ; Page , J. Stop-
ford ; Pierce , n. II. Murton ; Plain-
vlow , W. D. .Stambaugh ; Plalnvlew
circuit. II. W. Rummell ; Royal , J. H.
Allen ; Spencer , A. L. Kellogg ; Tllden ,
J. II. Hord.
Omaha District.
William Gorst , district superintendent.
Arizona , ( supply ) ; Arlington , Will-
lam Esplin ; niair. C. P. Lang ; Craig
and Alder Grove , J. W. Illsloy ; Elkhorn -
horn ( supply ) ; Florence , ;
Fremont , Thos. Hlthell ; Grotna and
Spring Grove , Gorret Jamison ; Her
man circuit , L. W. McKlbben ; Hooper
and Ilotbel , C. O. Trump ; Konnard
nnd Elk City , K. W. Hlller ; Nlckorson ,
.1. Joel Hurko ; Oakland , A , J. Warne ;
Omaha First church F. L. Loveland ,
Dletz Memorial ( supply ) . Dickey Chap
el and Donson Arthur Atock , Hirst
Memorial W. .1. Urient. Ilanscom Park
R. S. Hyde. McCnbe J. G. Shlck , Mis
sion of Deaf P. J. Hassentnb ( supply ) ,
Pearl Memorial Thos. C. Illuklo. Sew-
nrd Street F. A. High , Southwest ( sup
ply ) , Trinity O. W. Abbott. Walnut
Hill E. E. Ilosman ; Papillion , A. C.
Uonlmin ; Richfield and Union , J. M.
Wlngett ; South Omaha First Church
J. M. Uothwell , Loller Memorial ( sup
ply ; Springfield and Plnttford , E. J. T.
Connelly ; Ralston , Uonncr ; To-
knmah. G. n. Warren ; Valley. F. A.
Slmwkey ; J. A. Spyker , ( loan of Oska-
loosa down ) college ; J. W. Jennings ,
manager of Kansas City depository ,
Methodist Dook Concern ; T. C. Web
ster , H. L. Powers , conference evan
gelists ; John Crows , superintendent
Crowoll Homo ; J. I. McLnughlln , sec
retary Methodist hospital ; C. N. Dawson -
son , secretary Methodist hospital ; E.
E. Wilson , missionary to Porto Rico.
Grand Island District.
G. II. Main , district superintendent.
Alda , J. W. Henderson ; Archer ( sup
ply ) , M. R. French ; Hartlett ( supply ) ,
Dallas W. Cobb ; Belgrade ( supply ) ,
to bo supplied ; Boolus nnd Cairo , C.
F. Innls ; Cedar Rapids , M. M. Long ;
Central City , R. J. McKenzie ; Central
City circuit. J. F. Webster ; Clarks , C.
F. Luschor ; Columbus , D. I. Roush ;
Erlcson ( supply ) , C. L. Dlx ; Fullerton ,
A. G. McVny ; Genoa and Munroo , M.
W. Rose ; Fullerton circuit ( supply ) ,
W. N. McCay ; Grand Island First
church S. D. Bartle , Trinity W. H.
Wright ; Greeley , J. B. Roe ; North
Bend. W. L. Elliott ; Palmer. B. Z.
Stambaugh ; Primrose and Enflold ,
Carl Bailer ; Purple Cane , E. A. Smith ;
Rlchland , Gco. M. Blng ; Kcdco and
Mt. Pleasant , D. W. McGregor ; St.
Edwards , D. W. McGregor ; St. Paul ,
W. II. Underwood ; Schuyler , Goo. M.
Bing ; Scotia , Chas. Ford ; Silver
Creek , 0. M. Couffer , Wolhnch nnd
Gushing , H. M. Holler ; Wood River ,
( to bo supplied ) .
J. W. Jennings \ Made President of
North Nebraska Conference.
Nellgh , Nob. , Sept. 27. Special to
The News ; The board of trustees of
the North Nebraska annual conference
corporation elected the following of
ficers ! J. W. Jennings , president ; E.
J. T. Connely , vice president ; S. D.
IJnrtlo , secretary ; G. II. Gray , treas
urer ; D. C. Main , auditor. The follow
ing nro the term of years which the
trustees will servo : For your years ,
H. N. Mlllard , J , P. Yost , C. W. Dola-
mntre ; for three years , S. D. Bartlo ,
J. W. Jennings , O. 0. Snyder ; for two
years , J. M. Leldy , A. L. Kellogg , C. H.
Gray ; for one year , E. L. T. Connely ,
U' . H. Underwood nnd D. C. Main.
The members in the studies for the
fourth year tire li. W. Hummel , M. M.
Long nnd E. A. Smith , the latter Is
conditioned on sermon.
The members completing the con
ference course of study are : A. W.
Ahrendts , Arthur Atnck , C. E. Carroll ,
Joseph Stopford. The characters of
these men were passed ; they reported
their charges ; were represented by
the board of examiners and their dis
trict superintendents , and wore gradu
ated from the conference course of
study nnd elected to elder's orders.
Ezra B. Koontz was admitted Into
full membership this year.
The bishop called the class for ad
mission into full membership , Amos
C. Bonham , Ezra B. Kooutz , J. Joel
Burke and Ambrose B. MeVny , ad
dressed them , asked the disciplinary
questions and on motion they were
admitted into full membership in the
J. E. Kreidler , a layman of Fullerton -
ton , was introduced , nnd presented nn
invitation from the Methodist Episco
pal church of that city to hold the next
session of the annual conference at
that place. On motion of J. M. Both-
well , the invitation was unanimously
On motion of E. J. T. Connely , it
was ordered that the board of con
ference stewards be constituted a
committee to nominate the board of
stewards for the north Nebraska an
nual conference Incorporation.
On motion of William Gorst it was
ordered that that part of the report
of the board of conference stewards ,
referring to the election of stewards ,
be recommitted.
Secretary Remlnger read n com
munication from the Nebraska con
ference referring to the special work
among the Bohemians , and on motion
of J. W. Jennings , the district super
intendents wore constituted a commit
tee to co-operate with a like commit
tee for other conferences of the state
to formulate n plan to evangelization
Bohemian communities.
The bishop appointed the following
persons on the board of examiners ,
to fill vacancies : II. H. Millard , J. W.
Kirkpatrick ' , H. G. Hnngley nnd G. M.
Announcements were made nnd the
conference adjourned the Saturday's
session with a benediction by Chan
cellor Davidson.
Possum Spoons For Taft Administra
tion Babies Handkerchief Parasols.
Possum spoons for tlie babies born
during President Tal't's administra
tion are tlie latest. They sell from
$1.7o apiece up.
One of the latest Ideas Is the parasol
handkerchief made of two large
squares laid sit right angles , with the
point of the parasol run through the
center. There are no seams.
Owing to the prevailing fashion of
the collailess neck , ornaments that
come close up to the throat are much
worn. This style brings the string of
beads , the tight variety. In .vogue
again. Jet , sliver , pearl and gold beads
nre nil worn.
Shantung lace Is the latest. It Is
fashioned from the same sort of spun
silk as the ordinary shantung and
makes lovely coat suits.
Among tlie traveling requisites that
might constitute a p.irting gift is a set
of hangers in n seal grain leather case.
They nre collapsible and nro Intended
for skirts nnd coats.
The French dress for small children
is always becoming. In the frock il
lustrated the straight skirt is gathered
and Joined to the body portion by
means of a belt , and the sleeves are
slightly full and gathered Into bands
when they are short , but finished plain
at thu wrists when they are long ,
England to Celebrate Bicenten
nial of Writer's Birth.
Actual House Remains In Llchfield
Where the Great Genius Was Born.
Old Three Crowns Inn Also Exists.
Sept. 18 the Big Day.
Shakespeare cxceptcd , It Is doubtful
If there is another great writer of the
past whose personality appeals more to
readers ou both sides of the Atlantic
and to Americans In partlculnt than
dot > a that of Dr. Samuel Johnson , the
Irascible English scholar nnd poet , re
nowned lexicographer and hero of the
most remarkable biography ever writ
Llchfield. the little city lu Stafford
shire. England , where Dr. Johnson was
born , was his home for over thirty
years. This month Is likely to see
Llchfield thronged with Americans , for
It Is at this time that Johnson's city
will celebrate In a way worthy of his
fame the two hundredth anniversary
of its great man's birth.
Preparations for the Johnson bicen
tenary celebration have been going on
for many months. Dr. Johnson entered -
tered this mundane sphere on Sept. 18 ,
1709 and on Sept. 10. 1001) ) . the com-
tncmoratlon exercises In his honor will
begin at Llcbfleld with an exhibition
of relics of the grouchy old philosopher
In the venerable house in Market square
where he tlrst saw the light of day.
Authentic Birthplace.
Unlike a good many other literary
shrines , there Is no doubt about the
authenticity of Dr. Johnson's birth-
place. Luckily for the lexicographer's
admirers , the quaint two storied house
with pillars where old Michael John
son kept his bookshop became the
property of the corporation of Llch-
field a few years ago. It then was in
sorry condition , but has been rover
ently restored and now is practically
as it was when Samuel Johnson lived
In it. Part of the exhibition of John-
soutana which visitors to the house
will see next September Is a pertna
nent collection which has been formed
and placed In the building since its ac
quisition by the corporation , but other
relics of the sage are to come from
many quarters. While examining these
and going through the house visitors
will be able to use their Imaginations
and picture the famous moralist first
as a juvenile poet apostrophizing
"good master duck" nnd what not oth
er pets and later ns a studious youth
rilling his head with the contents of
the tomes In his father's bookshop.
Later still they r-111 see Johnson , who
was described as "the best qualified
for Oxford of all the young men that
had ever gone there. " home again
without his degree because of Insutll-
clent means to continue his studies.
and finally they will figure him. after
the failure of his 111 fated academy ,
quitting Llchfield for London In com
pany with David Oarrick , who had
been ono of his two pupils.
The second day of the Llchfield cele
bration will be devoted mainly to visits
to places of Interest associated with
Johnson and his friends. Ono of those
will be the old Three Crowns Inn ,
which stands next door but one to the
Johnson homestead. Regarding Its
claim to have housed the choleric
scholar and his biographer there Is no
question. Dr. Johnson. In fact , almost
Invariably put up at the Throe Crowns
when he came down to Llchtleld from
London , and he first brought Boswell
with him In the historic year 1770.
The old Inn Is said to be practically
Just as It was when Johnson ami Hos-
well drank Innumerable cups of tea
To Play "She Stoops to Conquer. "
On the afternoon of this day there
will be a lecture on "The Life and In
fluence of the Master at the Llchfield
Grammar School. " where Johnson was
a pupil under Hunter , which peda
gogue he described as "very severe
and wrong hfodedly severe. " On the
evening of the second day of the cele
bration there will bo n performance
by local amateurs of Goldsmith's com
edy "She Stoops to Conquer , " which
was dedicated to Johnson.
Next day other places which are as
sociated with Johnson and his friends
will be visaed. Among these will bo
Ed la 1 , where the HI starred "academy
for young gentlemen. " In which the
scholar managed to sink most of hl.t
wife's little fortune , was situated.
Sept. 18. Johnson's birthday , will
however , be the big day of Llr-hfleld's *
celebration. On this date there will
be n great gathering of citizens , visitors
and children In the Market square
whore stand statues of the doctor ami
his faithful Boswoll. Addresses will
be made by distinguished scholars ,
hymns will be sung nnd medals pre
sented. Later the mayor of LlchlloM
will hold u reception at the guildhall
and tlie annual meeting of the Johnson
club will be held. The evening will
witness n Johnson supper at the old
George hotel. Sunday , Sept. 10. will
see the end of the Johnson celobrntlovi
with a service at the cathedral , which
has been described ns the "most clmst s
end one of the most perfect in the
world. "
Cure For Disconsolate Lovers. .
x Somebody has dug out of nn old
b6ok of the time of Queen Elizabeth
the following advice to a slighted and
despondent lover :
Tye ono end of a rope rlghte over a
And make a sllppe noose at the other ex-
Just under the Deaino lett a Ducket be
sett ,
On It letl the lovlcr most manfullle gett.
Klght over his heudu be left the snlcket
be Rott
And under hla eare well fastened tin
The bncKPtt Kicked cleare. lett him takt
u Full \vinge i
And leave uiie the male at toe works to
Work In Europe For the Board Ap
pointed by Congreit.
To Investigate the waterways of Eu
rope for the purpose of making recom
mendations for the Improvement of
the rivers , harbors and cauuls of thu
United States eight members of the
national waterways commission ap
pointed by congress recently left New
York city on the Kronprlnzi'ssln Ce-
cllle. The party Is headed by Theo
dore 12. Durton , senator from Ohio ,
chairman , and he Is accompanied by
Professor Emory It. Johnson of the
University of Pennsylvania ; Colonel
W. II. Hlxby , corps i ' engineers. U. S.
A. ; Herbert Knox Smith , commission
er of the bureau of corporations , de
partment of commerce and labor , and
three secretaries.
The other members of the commis
sion will leave later , and the whole
commission will unite at Strassburg ,
Germany , Sept. 8 , when an Investiga
tion of the Ithlne will be begun.
Professor Johnson represents the
national rivers and harbors congress'
and , besides making a report of his
independent findings to the commis
sion , will submit also a statement to
the national rivers aud harbors con-
volition , which will be held In Washj
ington 1t 1 Dec. S , 0 and 10. He occupies
1i the chair of transportation and com-
mcrcc lu the University of Pennsyl-
vufula and has on other occasions made
investigations ' of the waterways of
Europe. He will give special atteii-
tlon to the relation of waterways to
railways and the industry and trade
of the waters so connected.
An Investigation of the canals and
rivers around Berlin will bo the first
work of the commission. After visit
ing i Dresden , Prague and Vienna a
stop of three days at Budapest will
be made for an Investigation of the
waters of the Danube. The Rhine will
be reached Sept. 10 , and a four day
trip Is planned on that waterway.
The commission will also study Hol
land's dikes and canals and the canal
system of Belgium , regarded as the
best In the world. Eight days will be
spent in Paris , which will allow the
party to reach London Oct. 1. The
harbors nnd waters of England , in
cluding trips on the Manchester ship
canal , will demand attention until
Sept. 15 , when the party will prepare
for the return home , arrlvlug In Now
York on Oct. 23.
Immediately thereafter the commis
sion will go up the Hudson river as far
as Albany , then on to Buffalo , from
which point a tour of the great lakes
will be begun. ,
He Is of Little Consequence and Is a
Barrier to Progress.
It is not an easy thing for a man to
separate himself from the thought and
activity aud purpose of the community
in which he lives aud to pursue uti
isolated , disconnected and selfish part.
lie can't do It. Indeed , and If he tries
it he will only reduce himself to a
cipher or stumbling block. The com
munity will get on somehow , for it
must , but if It htts many members. .
of this kind It will be dull , heavy and
Man In isolation Is of little consequence
quence , next to nothing. His associa
tion with others , the inspiration he receives -
ceives from others , draw out his own
powers. "The state , " to this day , as
Plato conceived It , remains "a product
of mind. " Out of the action and Interaction -
action of currents of mind , affected
and even directed by variant views or
opinions , comes the whole progress of
man. of society , of the human race.
We want what Burke described as
"that action and . .iteraction which
lu the natural and political world , from
the reciprocal struggle of discordant
powers , draw out the harmony of the
universe. "
The most Isolated man cannot sepa
rate himself from the situation ho lives
in. If such Isolation wore general or
could be gciirrnl It would be the negaj
tlou of civilization. Portland Orego- >
Cold Water Currents Flowing Along '
the Deep Sea Bottom. i
The bottom currents of seas and
oceans , such as those which posslblj '
bring amber to our shores , are strange
ly disposed. The seigneur of Snrk some ,
fifty years imo was shipwrecked in his
yacht near the Island of Guernsey. He
lost , among other things , a well fas
tened , strongly made chest contal'ilng '
silver pinto. It was found n year later
In deep wiuor off the coast of Norway
and restored to him.
In the really deep sea over n thoti
sand fathoms down there nre well
marked broad currents which may be
described as rivers of very cold water
( only 4 degrees or so above freezing
point ) . They flow along the deep sea
bottom and are sharply marked off
from the warmer wotors above and to
the side. Their Inhabitants are differ
ent from those of the warmer water.
They are due to the melting of the
polar Ice. the cold water so formed
sinking nt once owing to its greater
density below the warmer water of
the surface currents.
These deep currents originate In both
the nrctlc nnd nntnrctle regions. Sir
"Ray Lankostor In London Telegraph.
Taps Over a Soldier's Grave.
The custom of sounding laps over a
soldier's grnvo originated with the
late Captain John C. Tldball. 0. S. A.
On the retirement from the peninsula
In August. ISO'- . Horse Mattery A. Second
end artillery , was serving with the
rear guard , and on reaching Yorktowu
one of the cannoneers died and was
burled there. Not wishing'to stir up
the enemy by firing three rounds from
the battery guns. on was customary ,
Captain Tldball substituted the soundIng -
Ing of taps , lights out. which Impress
ive ceremony has since been observed
ut all military funerals at the close of
the MTvlopH. Argonaut.
Sculptor Tells Advantages of Bec
ing Incarcerated.
Roland H. Perry , Who Refuses to Pay
Alimony , Has at Last Found Time In
New York Jail to Read Great Au-
thora Sure No Durglar Can Break
In and Disturb His Slumber.
The advantage of being In Jail , while
not likely to Impress the average free
citizen nor even the inujorlty of those
whose view IB based on personal exy
porlence , nro many. At least such Is
the conclusion of Roland Illnton Pern
ry. sculptor , who has served four
months of his six mouths' term In the
Ludlow street jail , In New York city ,
for contempt of court In refusing to
pay j alimony to his llrst wife.
Leaving the blistering heat of the
lower j east side , a reporter lound one
of the aforesaid advantages when
Keeper j Murphy led him Into tlio tiini ,
cool reception room of the Jail. Perry
came down from the cell lloor attired
In slippers , light trousers and a thin.
soft collared shirt , open at the throat.
. "This Is one of the primary advanli
tagos of being In Jail , " said Perry. " 1
wear what 1 please and have no both
ersome changes Into evening dress to i
make. I haven't had a stiff collar on i
since I came here , not to mention patli
cut leather shoes , silk hats or frock
coats. "
Good Place For Study.
"What are some of the other ndvnn-
tagcs ? " was asked.
"Jn the first place , " the sculptor re-
piled , "there Is no llfo more conducive
to deep thinking and study. I came
here on April 1. In four months I have
accomplished what 1 have been trying
to find time to do all my life. I have
read practically every one of Balzac's
novels. I have also brushed up on the
Elizabethan dramatists and rend many
lighter books and magazines.
"In no other place except another
Jail could I find time for this reading.
"Really , " smiling through bis care
fully trimmed Vandyke beard , "I j
should advise every young man who
wishes to go through a course of home
study iiud finds it impossible under his !
present circumstances to get In con- |
tcuipt of court and be sent to this jail
for six months or u year.
Life There Safe and Sane.
"It Is not at nil n bad place. While !
somewhat ' monotonous , the life here is
decidedly < of the safe and sane variety. ]
1 go to bed nt 10. I arise at ( ! and have ! I '
my fruit , broad nnd coffee. I return to 1
my cell , which is really a room with 1
two windows and a comfortable bed 1
where I stay until 10 o'clock. Then we' '
are permitted to roam about until din
iuv : time. There Is the yard to oxer
else in and fairly congenial prisoners
to chat with or play cards with. Some
of ns piny handball. Sensible hours ,
good plain food , plenty of llu'ht. nir and
exercise such a life should put any
one In good physical trim. "
Wives Need Have No Fears.
Perry looked the part. Ills eyes
were clear and his skin glowed.
"There are several other advan
tages. " he continued. "One's wife can
go to the country confident that her
husband ] will not bo up to any mischief.
1 j imagine there are many wives out
of , town who would rest easier were
their | husbands in my position. |
"Then , too , one goes to bed here with 1 -
such n sense of security. There are no
burglars ] to break In. Uiough there may
be | a few who would like to break out.
There are no frantic telephone ! calls In
the | middle of the night , no bill collectors - ,
lectors | In the morning. |
"Of course 1 shall be glad when I
Sept. ; oU comes and 1 am free. | i
" 1 have commissions to execute , and
there j are more In sight. My imprison
ment , has not hurt me professionally ,
1 believe. I am assured by friends
that I I have done tbo sensible and prop
er ( thing. I could not pay all the money
my i first wife demanded , and i had the
choice ( of leaving Now York state or
going j to Jail. My professional future
would be Jeoparded by banishing my
self ! permanently from New York , so
1 took this way out of the dlllii-nlty. "
In jail Perry has received frequent
visits from his second wife and artist
friends. Miss irnia Perry , the first
wife , is In East Aurora , N. Y. , at the
Roycroft colony. New York World.
Automobile to Run on Rails.
A motor Inspection car , convertible
Into an automobile , has been built by
the Chicago and Northwestern railway
for the use of one of Its division super
intendents. The car has flanged steel
wheels like an ordinary one for use
on the rails. These may be replaced
by pneumatic tired wheels and the
steering wheel unlocked , so that the j
car may be used as an ordinary auto- |
mobile. It carries seven passengers , j
Is driven by a twenty-two horsepower ,
engine and to a certain extent will
take the place of the superintendent's
private car.
Indiana Clergyman Given Valuable' '
Land For Concise Preaching. I
The HPV. J. M. Williams , a Met ho- '
dlst minister at Pine Village. Ind. . re
ceived a deed recently fur sixty acres
of land worth $12. an acre from Mr.
nnd Mrs. Murgoyne Davis because ho
preached short sermons while pastor ,
of the church which they attended. j |
Mr. Dnvls Is wealthy and was so Im >
pressed with the brevity and pointed- ' '
ness of the sermons of Mr. Williams
that he determined to make him Iiule-1 !
pendent. The deed specifies the brev
ity of Williams' discourses as the con '
sideration received for the land The
sixty acres comprise one of the most '
fertile tracts of land in Montgomery
county , .
Willoughby , Frobisher , Davis , Hudson ,
i I Franklin , Nanien , Abruzzl , Eto.
The boat previous record to Dr.
Cook's reported final triumph was
that of Peary , who ou April li ! . UKKI.
reached the latitude of ti" degrees 0
minutes north of Greenland Previous
to . that time the Duke of the Ahruzzl's
expedition held the record of latitude
8(1 ( degrees : tl minutes , which was
reached on April 'jr. . KKIO. north of
Franz Josef Land. Nanseti'M record
was SO degrees M minutes , made on
April 7. LSU5.
The search for the polo hnu been n
quest which has drawn adventurous
men Into the arctic regions for cen
turies The Norsemen were probably
the t | first Europeans to visit ( ireenland.
Sir Hugh Wllloughby sailed In 1551) )
"for the search and discovery of
northern parts of the world. " He
discovered ' 1 Nova Xetnlil \ . but starved
with most of his men In Lapland on
his return voyage. Frobisher In l" > 7i !
nnd Davis lu 158 , " ) made voyages to
( ireenland and the north cunst of
America. Henry Hudson In 1007
reached , latitude 7IJ degree * on the
eastern const of Greenland and added
to t < the knowledge of Splf/bergen.
which was discovered by Wlllom llu >
reutz In 10UB.
In 1707 Captain Glllls made a voy
age far to the eastward along the
i northern shore of Greenland and HUW
high land , which has since been
Glllls Lund , in latitude 80 degrees.
Captain Scoresby , in command of n
whaler , succeeded In advancing his
ship , the Resolution , as far north ns
Intltudo 81 degrees 12 minutes seconds
ends in 1800. This record wns not ex-
cooded until Lieutenant Robert Penry
reached latitude 82 degrees 45 mlnutea
in un attempted dash for the pole from
the northern coast of Spltzborgon.
The 111 fated expedition of the Eng
lish admiral Sir John Franklin sailed
on May 10 , 1845 , and consisted of two
ships , the Erebus nnd Terror , with
crews of 134 officers and men. The
ships were last seen in Da 111 n bay on
July 20 In Intltudo 74 degrees 48 min
utes. No great anxiety was felt until
1848. but In that and succeeding years
expedition after expedition was dis
patched In quest of the missing ex
plorer nnd bis men. Between 18-18 nnd
1854 nbout fifteen expeditions set out
from ' Euglnud nnd America In the hope
of rescuing Franklin. Various traces of
the ' missing ships and crews were dis
covered through Eskimos , and in 1859
three ' sledging parties from Sir Leo
pold McCllntock's relief expedition dis
covered nil along the west and south
coast of King William's Island re
mains , of articles and skeletons , which
told , the tale of disaster. A record was
discovered In a cairn at Point Vic-
tory. ( which briefly told the history of
the | expedition up to April 25. 1848.
The record tells the tale of Franklin's
death j and the beginning of the end for
the ( survivors and staled that twenty-
four | men had already died.
This Is all that Is known of the fate
of Franklin and his men The catas
trophe ( which overtook him led to 7.000
miles , of coast line being discovered.
The Interest aroused In America In the
search , led to the expeditions of Do
Haven and Griffith In 1850 and of Dr
Kane In IS. : ? . Following those were
the I American expeditions of Dr. Hayes
and i of Hall. In 1871 Hall reached 82
degrees < 1C , minutes In the Polaris.
Probably the most spectacular at
tempt to discover the pole was that of
the I III fated Androe. wbo set out in a
balloon I aud has never since been heard
of. i
IlxplorPr Lost.
1553 .Sir I Inch WlllmiKhby C'J
15i3..Uic-hnnl Chancellor s
la7B..SIr Murtln Krolilsher 40
15S.S..Captain John Davis 14
1594..WIIIPI11 Hurentz 3b
lUOG..John Knmhl 3
1012. .Thomas' Button 14
l ( 'O..Han Munk G2
Itm. .Thomas .Inmes 14
IK',3 .lsli > < > f Jan Mayen settlers. 7
lKU..lslu of Jan Muyen settlers. I
lW..l > e htipfr 70
17rj..JaniPs KnlBht r > 0
17 % . .LasylnliiH . 6'J
173U. rhnrlton l.apllef . 1'J
174l..licrlllK . 31
1773. .1-onl Mulgravo . . . _ . t )
177i..Cn ( plain COOK . . . 4
ISIS. . Parry . llrst voyaRO . i
ISlSr. . Frunklln. first voynco . 'i
ISJL.l'arry , second voyuge . I
ISIS Franklin , second voyaco . . 4
lSJU..SIr Jonn Hess . 4
ls&s..I't > asu and Simpson . o
lS45..FranKlln. third voyage . . . . 135
lMS..Hr ! james C. Rosa search
expi'Ultiun . 1
ISiU. . North Star expedition . 3
IR)9..J'loviT ) utul Herald . 3
ISM. . Hue . | j
ls."i3. .Kane expodltlon . . . 3
isu-j..liull. tlrxt voyage . z
lhi..llull. ( ; pei'ond voyage . 3
1X70. . 11 Leigh .Smith . 2
ls71..11all , la.nt voyage . 2
U7.TeBetthon : . 2
IS7.i. . KiiHlish expedition . 4
1879..Jeanncitu ( Lu ) Long ) . 23
ltSl..iin > l.v . w
1S37. . Andrea ( balloon ) . j
Total . m
Not Complete.
"Sir , " says the sleek looking agent ,
approaching the desk of the meek ,
tneachlng looking man nnd opening
one of those folding thingumajigs
showing styles of binding , " 1 believe
I can Interest you In this massive sol
of h'jokft containing the speeches ol
the world's great orators. Seventy
volumes , $1 down and SI a month until
the price , fiiso. lias been paid. This
set of books gives you the most celO'
brati'd speeches of the greatest talk-
era the world has ever known , and"
"Let me see the Index , " says the
meek man. The agent hands It to
him. and ho looks through It careful ) }
and methodically , running his finger
along the list of names. Reaching the
end ho hands the Index back to the
agent nnd says :
"It Isn't what you claim It Is. I unp-
pen to know the greatest talker In the
world , nnd you haven't her In the In
dex. " Chicago Post.
Unwritten Rules Which Texas
Cowboys Rigidly Enforce.
-low Automobiles Are Stopped In
Hurry When Cowboys Think They
Hnve Deen Unfairly Treated Ex
citing Experience of a Real Eclat *
There are certain unwritten rule *
hut must be rigidly observed by auto *
noblllsts In tlie ranch region of wont-
cm Texas In the vicinity of Hrady.
The joy rider soon comes to grief In
hut part of the United States.
The automobile Is lu general use In
the range territory , but the cowboys
do not permit any undue liberties to bo
alien lu running the machines. The
Khootlug up of automobiles by cowboys
is a commtn practice. This method of
bringing an automobile to a stop la
not used unless the cowboy thinks that
.10 ' has not been treated with proper
'oiisldcratlon. '
An Instance occurred near Brady ,
Tex. , a few days ago. Dick Davhi
started from Brady on a thirty mile
: rlp to his ranch In Coticbo county. IIu
was driving hlw aulomiblle himself and
" ,111(1 no passenger , lie was lu a hurry
: o reach tin- ranch aud did not olmcrvo
e rules of the rend as laid down In
that part of the country.
Stopped by Three Quick Shots ,
lie was spinning along at a high
speed when he came upon a drove of
mules lu charge of a man on horseback
who carried a rlile In a scabbard. In
stead of bringing the automobile to a
stop when he came upon the mules ,
Mr. Davis sped right past them , caus
ing a stampede. A moment later throe )
quick reports of a rllle were heard , and
Lhe automobile's two rear tires col
'The bullets knocked the machine
completely out of commission , " Mr.
Davis said In telling of the alTnlr.
"The man with the mules got his stray
animals together and continued with
them down the road. I knew that ho
was right , so 1 didn't try to round
liirn up. "
A man from Ohio opened a real es
tate olllce at Swcetwater recently and
Liought a big automobile In which to
convey customers over the country.
He had an experience on bis llrst trip
that taught him a lesson.
He had four Missouri land pros
pectors In bis automobile and was on <
the way to look at some hind about
forty miles south of Sweclwater. In
order to make a short cut to the prop
erty lie was crossing a bl ; : pasture.
In the distance could be seen large
numbers of cattle which were being
driven by cowboys.
"None of you men ever saw a cattle
roundup , did youV" Inquired the real
estate dealer.
There was a chorus of answers In
the negative.
"Well , that's what's going on over
there. I'll just run yon over to the
place and we'll watch 'em awhile. "
Bullsts Whizzed Around the Wheels.
The automobile was h'-adi-d In the
direction of the gathering herd of cat
tle I and soon attracted the atii-iiiio-i of
the 1 cowboys. They gcntli-nluted at
1c the I auto , but the signs \\cro not un
derstood c by those at whom tin1'1 ' were-
directed. The cattle were beginning
to I snort and were on the vet-re of n
stampede when two of the cowboys
pulled their six shooter * art ! be-an to
lire at the automobile. Tbo bullets
whizzed around the wheels.
"Here ! " yelled one of the land pros
pectors to the real estate dealer. "Get
us out of here qiilciJl"
The real estate mini wanted to get
away from the scene a * badly as bin
companions , aud lie lost mi time In
turning the automobile iitound and
spinning away as fast as tu ! > umchinu
could go.
Many of the ranch bronchos are not
u ed to automobile * , and when one of
thcvc u ul ma IN I * boln i ; ridden by a
cowboy and comes np"ii 'an automo
bile In the road the chauffeur who
knows the customs of tin1 region stops
nnd keeps the mnchine quiet until the
horse and rider have gone by and are
a safe distance on the other side.
New York Sun.
Europe's Dirtiest Town.
All travelers should slinii Ilor.'sluw.
In Galloln "the buck of Europe"
truthfully called the dirtiest place In
Europe It Is the oil trade center nnd
is decidedly not liPiiutlfni In tli1 mniii
street all ( he houses have tieeii built
on mine refuse , and most of them
have sunk below the level of thu
street. In fact , there Is not ! i solid
brick or stone building In the whoiu
of the town , and nmn.v of the house *
are In a stale of partial or entire col-
lapse. Unrefined petroleum Is every
where H uols Into everything fond
and clothing and the atmosphere
rocks of It Along one side of the
main street Is n raised wooden pave
ment , and beneath It Is an oily ditch.
Boryslaw's main waterway Is a nar
row. Hluggl * ! ) . oily stream Ou It *
banks the town's rofiiM1 Is cant , and
the market booths are erected along
side , while the local washerwomen
thouuh from external appearances ono
would judge that laundresses did not
exist there at all do their washing ID
Its oily depths.
World's Largest Pictur *
Another record lias been broken.
This time the size of a paliitin ; : will
stand for the new r-cord. Until now
It has been supposed that the Tinto
retto "Paradise" lu the palace of the
doges. In Venice , which covers n
space equal to 1,000 square feet , was
the largest work of that kind In ex
istence. Malo-Xord'0 creation for the
Paris courthouse will have n mirfaeo
npiii'0 of about 3,235 square feet and
will undoubtedly be the largest dec-
orntivc painting In the world.