The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Dlihop Scanned at West Point.
WoBt Point , Nob. , Sept. an. Spec
to Tlio NOWH : The semi-annual con
cntlou of tlio ( loan niul chapter of t
nirnl ilcnnory of Wont Point mot
tlio parochial IHMIHO at West Pol
under tlio presidency of HI. Hov. Ill
nrd Scnunoll. bishop of Onmlin. 1
inoillntoly preceding tlio convocatloi
Boloinii roqulom high mass WIIH cc
brulod for tlio repose of the souls
nil the deceased priests of tlio do
cry. The mooting of the clergy v
well nttondud and much business
occtoE.lastlcal . linportanco wan dlspos
of. Tlio next chapter will bo hold
\Vcat Point In April , 1910.
The annual picnic of the Cum !
County Old Settlors' aHHoclatlon tt
plac-o Thursday at tlio Riverside pi
nt Wont Point , The attendance v
largo and enthusiastic. The orator
tlio day was Col. James C. Elliott ,
Itor of the West Point Uopubllc
who was followed by Henry Kloko i
other pioneers. A feature of the t
wns a well contested ball game
IWOOM West Point niul Pilger , wli
remitted In a victory for the latter
a score of 8 to 3. A fine exhibition
llroworks closed the day's fcstlvlt !
The weather was slightly cool r
Miss Emma Ackonnan ofV
Point has been chosen to ropros
Cumlng county at the coronation I
nt the fall festivities of the Ak-Sar-1
as maid of honor to the queen.
The resignation of Dr. F. II. Kuo
IIB county physician has boon accop
by the hoard of supervisors , and
11. S. Summers appointed.
News has reached the city of
death at Wittcn , S. D. , of Aloxan
McKonzlo , a well known citizen
Ciimlng county. The deceased was
years of ago and n native of this pit
The remains wore brought homo i
interred under the auspices of
Foresters nnd Woodmen lodges.
Arland Driggs , a son of the 1
Judge Brlggs of West Point , who 1
been teaching school for some ye
In Cumlng county , has been appoln
teacher of mathematics In the Dl :
military school nt Dlxon , 111. Ho i
nlso have charge of nthletlcs.
A marriage license has been Issi
to Adolph Krueger nnd Miss Cm
Thompson , both residents of Wlsi
In this county.
Revival at Nlobrara.
Niobrara , Neb , , Sept. 25. Spccla
The News : On Wednesday "Sing
Evangelist" F. A. Miller and his
enlist , Miss Graves , began un
evangelistic meetings hero.
Battle Creek News.
Philip Lund nnd Miss Joseph
Iledman wore married Wednesi
morning at 5 o'clock In the Cathi
parsonage by Father Thos. Wa
The groom Is the oldest son of ft
Caroline Lund , and for many year
brcakman on the Northwestern re
The brldo Is the youngest dnughtei
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hedman. Both
well known hero , as they nro natl
of this town. They boarded the tt
at G o'clock for Chicago , and after
turning will go to housekeeping
O. D. Munson arrived here Frl
from Omaha for a visit with his s
Dr. II. O. Munson , and family.
Joseph Derrick bought thlrty-l
acres of the old Drown eighty of I ]
ry Mnssman. Mr. Derrick , who
been living on it for years , will t
the old house clown and build n r
George Nlles and Mike Ambros where
hero per automobile Friday on b
ness from Tilden.
John Renicok went to the Till
hospital Saturday for treatment.
G. C. Denning , assistant cashier
the Valley bank here , Is going to s
here , as the officers of the institut
have raised his salary to the amo
offered him by the Security bank
Meadow Grove.
M. L. Thomson went to Platte C
ter Friday , where the dam of his i
was washed out again. Ho intends
run the plant by steam now. '
cause of the washout was rats.
Dyron Jackson arrived hero M
day from Creston , la. , to bo at
sick bed of his father.
From next Sunday on the servl
of the Lutheran church will ci
memo at 10 o'clock Sunday mornli
George Doerlng , of the Doer
Drug company , went to Omaha S
Charles Drown Is here this w
from Omaha looking after his b
ness affairs at this place.
Goo. Dre-chler , n banker of Pf
vlsltoil relatives here the fore part
this week.
Jc-rw Wr.rrton . arrived hero Sun
from Mullen for a visit with relati
'and 1'iioncK
C. J. Strieker , accompanied by
uncle , Georso Reis of TildenVeni
Omaha Sunday on 'business. '
Gottlieb Slbell , who has been s
with diabetes about six weeks , is
v ting better and was visiting his frle
In town again Monday.
! Mr. and Mrs. August Wlllov
i over to Pierce Monday , where t
' had business In the county court.
' Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Ringer were 1
the fore part of this week nt the he
of tholr daughter , Mrs. G. C. Bonn
Saturday It will be fifty-one yc
that our old friend , Herman Glaus ,
been n shoemaker , having learned
trade In Germany. He Is well knc
In Norfolk.
! Sam Hnnon was hero Tuesday
! business from Meadow Grove.
Excursion Rates.
Ak-Sar-Bon Fall Festival , Oral
Neb. , via the Northwestern line.
Tickets on sale dally October 4
8 ; return limit October It. Witr
the grand carnival nnd parade. Gi
inllltiuy demonstration , all branc
of thf seivico participating. Lar
nnd lttrr l > than ever beforo. Don't
to uttond tor full pnrtl'-ulars ar
to ny ticket agent ot thy Northw
urn line.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers of real estate for tlio pr
week , compiled by the Madison Conn
Abstract and Guarantee company , >
llco with Mapos & Ilazen , Norfolk :
Dora M. Davis to Juno llllbcrt , wi
ranty deed , $750 , nV6 of wVj of lot
[ lock ! , Pasowatk's addition , Norfo
C. 13. Uurnhiun to Clint Smith , S. '
deed , $1,000 , lot 3 , block 4 , Norfolk.
John Herman to Wllholmlnn Kocl
warranty deed , $5,250 , lots 1 nnd
block 1 , Paso walk's Second addltl
to Norfolk.
Mary Gllchrlst to William D. R
Andrew , warranty deed , $1 , so A 7-2.1
Guy Dcuet to village of Moadi
Grove , warranty deed , $22.50 , part
lot 3 , block G , Meadow Grove.
T. K. Odiorno to Frank L. Wld
gron , warranty deed , $25 , tot 2 , bio
11 , Western Town company's First i
dltion , Norfolk.
Nils Olson to Joseph M. Swensi
warranty deed , lots 11 nnd 12 , blc
18 , Railroad addition , Newman Gro
Rosebudders Defeated Norfolk Club
Butte , 20 to 1.
Dutto , Neb. , Sept. 25. After havl
played and won onu gnmo of basob
during tlio afternoon , the Grcgt
team came to Uutto late In the d
and gave Norfolk's crack ball club
awful trouncing , 20 to 1. The slaui
tor was almost tragic. Gregory tn
watched It with delight.
Earlier in the day the.Gregc .
team had beaten Dallas at Doneste
at the Gregory county fair , 11 to 8
Gregory and Norfolk play hero agi
this afternoon.
The address of Governor Shall
bergcr was one of the big features
the fair.
Madison , Neb. , Sept. 25. Special
The News : Yesterday's attendar
was not so large , yet the fair weatl
and excellent attractions brought (
a large crowd. The evening pass' '
ger going north carried away hi
dreds of people and the special whl
left for the south at 9 p. m. was a
jambed , but the number leaving w <
scarcely noticeable so great was t
jamb upon the streets until n h
hour in the evening. The tent she
of the Nichols Carnival company ,
well as the opera house , and the Id
picture show , were crowded to th
utmost capacity.
In the 2:25 : trot Nabisco , owned
A. V. Smith of this city and driven
R. L. Graham , won first money , I ;
ing three straight heats to the
roarlous delight of the spectatoi
Bravo On , second ; Starlight , thli
and Dlna Mack fourth. Time , 2 :
Purse $300.
The Newman Grove baseball agg
gallon proved too strong for Stant
the score being 8 to 3 In favor
Newman Grove. Prevo did good w <
in the box. Batteries : Newir.
Grove , Prevo and Herman ; Stant
Hartman and Hopper. A strang
connected with ono of the carnl
companies , umpired the game.
A matched pony race betwc
horses owned by Busteed and Lc
was won by the Busteed pony. Tc
the Guldeless Wonder , paced a mile
2:10 : to the delight of every one. T
is a star performer and no attractl
of the fair was more highly app
The sensational feature of the t
was the balloon ascension by Hai
Young of the Nichols Carnival cc
pany. The aeronaut was suspended
the air fully twenty minutes and i
loose the parachute at an elevation
4,000 feet.
The Battle Creek bank of twen
three pieces , led by Prof. M. G. Do
ing , made a pleasing appearance
their neat fitting uniforms and fu
ished good music. The boys are
gentlemenly bunch of young folio
and Battle Creek has a right to ta
pride in her possession of suc.i
splendid musical organ ntlon n
capable band leader.
Gregory Beats Dallas.
Boncsteel , S. D. , Sept. . ! , . Gregc
took the rubber here In the ser
of three games between Oregory a
Dallas , neatlng Dallas ye"t" " rday aft
noon , 11 to 8.
Two Governors ; a Congressman.
Two state governors and a congrc
man met In Norfolk yert'jrday. ' Tl
were Governor Shallenburger of I
braska , Governor Vessey of South 1
Vota and Congressman Lnttn of t
Third Nebra-i'n district.
Governor Sliallonbercor had been
" utto , where l > e delivered an addn
'leforo the Hoycl count v fair. G
"inor Vessoy had hee'i at Donestc
delivering an address "U tnc Gregc
> ounty fair. CongresMi nu Latta 1
been at Niobrara.
The three statesmen passed throi
Norfolk at noon , all coming Into teen
on the same train from tbo nor
Hero they separated , < iach going
own way.
Latta's Auto Broke ; Walked 4 Mil
One of the most dramatic inctde :
to mark the visits of the throe p
tlclans Into this territory , was i
breaking down of the witomobilo
which Congressman Ln ta was rid !
near Vordol.
The representative from the Th
district was compelled to get out t
walk four miles on account of the
Passengers on the train enjo :
"jollying" the congressman over
George Ilnrris is in Sioux City.
C. M. Henderson went to Tildon.
Fred Schiller went to Central City
M. J. Sanders woat to Wnkoflold
William Stafford wont to Uutto.
Miss Loretta DoheiU wt nt to Sic
c'lty.W. . A. Kingsky relvi"n ! Sic
City.Rov. . Edwin Bootli returned fr
Mrs. Horton of Stnnton vrns he
Miss Dorthn Hanson of Tildon w
here Friday.
Miss Edith Herman has return
from her vacation.
C. II. Pllgcr gous to Doncstccl
business tomorrow.
Miss Amanda Wanci of Stnnton \ \
visiting fi lends here.
E. M. Huntlngton wont to Albl
land Tildon in his automobile on hi
John F. King went to Dloomflelo t :
morning on business.
Miss May Hlgbco of Meadow Gu
was In the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rastod of Pioi
wore visiting friends hero.
J. 11. Mockott , ex-speakor of t
house , is In the city for n few days.
F. A. Redllne returned from Do
wood nnd goes to Omaha tomorrow
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Dock of H
kins wore in the city visiting frien
Miss Amanda Warnoy of Stani
was In the city visiting with frien
John 13. Cronk , the rural mall <
rler who has been ill , has returi
to his route.
Mrs. W. 1. Austin nnd daughU ,
Misses Mngglo and Georgia , expect
go to Sioux City tomorrow.
Mr. and Mrs. August Millnitz
Plain view were In the city visit ,
with the Charles Uolersdorf family. .
Mrs. W. J. Weathorholt , her dat
ter , Miss Stella Wcathcrholt , and W
A. J. Weatherholt , wont to Hoskins
E. P. Weatherby and J. C. Chnnri ;
lain returned from Verdlgro yestord
Mr. Wentherby went to Fremont
Mrs. Ray Hall of Lincoln stopped
the city for a short visit with r <
tlves. Mrs. Hall was on her waj
D. B. McLaughlin of Brldgepi
Nob. , organizer of the Presbyter
Sunday school , Is in the city transt
ing business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stelnkrnus of Pit
view , who are on their way to Cc
rado , stopped off in Norfolk yesterc
for a short visit with friends.
C. Clasen , a Norfolk contractor , 1
moved to Wayne.
Miss Schram of Norfolk has bou ;
n millinery store at Lindsay.
Mrs. G. M. Peyton , who has b <
reported critically ill , Is now said
bo much better , with chances in 1
A letter from M. C. Hazen waa
cclved from Reno , Nov. , saying he v
on his way to Los Angeles , wheru
would remain a short time , thence
to Seattle.
Walter Jones , former chief clerft
the Nebraska Telephone company
Lincoln , arrived here this morning
company with J. R. Carter , whom
succeeds here. Mr. Carter goeu
Lincoln tonight to fill the position
traffic manager at that place for
same company. Mr. Carter's- fair
are already in the capltol city.
Tim Howard , who has charge of
moving of the Western Union ti
graph office , is today busy with a 'gi
of linemen putting In new cross-ar
on the poles at Fourth street i
Norfolk avenue.
The G. A. R. and the W. R. C. \
enjoy n picnic dinner at the G. A.
hall Saturday. All old soldiers i
tholr families , and all members of
W. R. C. and their families are invite
to attend and to bring well filled I
The posters which are soon to
distributed for "Tho House of a The
and Candles , " the play to bo seen
the Auditorium next Friday event
will attract unusual attention , as tl
are the work of Howard Chanel
G. H. Pratt , general commercial
perintendent of the Nebraska Tt
phone company , tn company with A.
Lowman , division plant chief , and
S. Kelly , assistant traffic superlnt
dent , were in the city consulting w
the officers of the local company
view of remodeling the local offl
also giving the office here InstruHli
and attending to other business n
tors.A number of Norfolk fans w mt
Butte to root for the Norfolk basel
team , scheduled to play Gregory
that place Friday and Saturday afl
noons at the county fair there. Mi
interest is centered upon these t
games , owing to the fact that they
probably the last two games Norf
will play this season. The team
turns here Sunday and will bo (
handed after Monday.
Protection lodpo. No , 101 , Degree
Ilonnr is experiencing a rovi
tl'roufh tl'O work of Mr' . ! . F. Kl
intthV. dovuty grand rhlof of hoi
who lias been in Norfolk during
iwook assisting in building up the in <
, borshlp of the lodge. She Is meet
I with good success In her efforts , r
| by next Thursday evening , when
regular meeting of the lodge Is IK
It Is expected that there will be
large class for Initiation.
Fire Team Driver Ed Monroe r
ex-Fire Chief W. P. McCune mad <
record run with the fire team lastov
ing , making twenty-two blocks in
minutes. The threo-horso httch \
made In nbout 20 seconds. Return
from the Junction , the ditch whlcli
being dug between Madison nnd M
on Second street was overlooked t
the three horses made a spoctacvi
jump across the ditch. More exh
tton runs are to be made In the n
James DIgnan waa arrested Frtc
morning by Chief of Police Marqua
and fined $10.10 In Justice Elselc
court for obstructing the passi
through the alley between Fourth i
Fifth streets , and between Norfolk i
Madison avenues , where ho rentE
barn. DIgnan engaged in n war
words with Mayor John Friday 1
night when the mayor wished to
through with his wagon. It secmi
! ditch which Is being duein the all
caused some trouble to OMimn In t
tliifr his wagon into the burn , wh
angered him to such an extent t !
ho placed his wagon across the nil
'and ' refused to move it. The co
( plaint against him made by Chief Mi
' quardt and his arrest followed.
Methodist Conference ,
Nollgh , Nob. . Sept. 25. Special
The News : The services of Frld
morning of the North Nebraska cc
forenco were conducted by Dr. Gor
after which the bishop took the cha
The minutes of the day previous we
road and approved.
On motion of G. H. Main , it wns i
dored that the district suporlntc
clouts name ono from each district
constitute n committee to solicit fun
for Ward Morse , and on motion of
W. Jennings it wns further order
that Mr. Morse bo considered n nee
Dltlous , and that his case bo referr
to the board of conference stewards
On motion of William Gorst , F.
Lovelaml was excused from furtl
attendance at this session of the cc
Chancellor Davidson took a subscr
lion for the new heating plant of t
Nebraska Wesleyan university , whl
amounted to $ fi22.
E , T. Georgo. for the district sup
intendcnts , nominated the follow !
trustees for the North Nebraska i
nual conference corporation :
Grand Island District S. D. Bart
W. II. Underwood , G. II. Gray.
Nellgh Dlsti let E. J. T. Connoly ,
L. Kellogg , 0. O. Snycler.
Norfolk District J. P. Yost , J.
Leldy , D. C. Main.
Omaha District J. W. Jennings ,
H. Millard , C. W. DeLamatro.
On motion of S. D. Bartle , the ci
ference ordered a special session tl
afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Watertown Man Embarrassed L ;
Congressional Campaign.
Watertown , S. D. , Sept. 25. Tl
the "Insurgent" forces of the sta
the element dominated by the Crs
ford-Gamble wing of the progress !
movement , have determined to put
quietus on further political suppi
for Wilbur S. Glass of this city , w
received the backing of the Crawfc
forces In 1908 at the June primarl
became known at a Into meeting
that wing of the party held nt Hun
state fair week. In order to handle
the ambitious Watertown statesm
so far as possible , and in order
show strength In their onslaught i
on Glass , It Is understood that wltl
a short time the candidacy of E.
Lampy of Codington county , now se
ing his second term as county audit
will be pushed for state auditor.
E. R. Teft Buys Newspaper From Jo
Foley ,
Lindsay , Neb , , Sept. 25. Special
The News : A deal was closed who
by E. R. Teft becomes owner and
Itor of the Lindsay Post , n paper ei
ed by John Foley during the p
year. Mr. Teft has been employed
printer since Foley took possess !
and prior to that time ho had be
editor of the Boomer Times. The j
Icy of the paper remains the same.
Buys New York Life Building.
Omaha , Sept. 24. At a mooting
the Omaha National bank directors
wns voted to purchase the New Yc
Life building , closing an option tl
was given sixty days ago. The p
chase price is about $700,000. 1
books of the insurance company sh
that the property cost $1,240,000 tw
ty years ago.
To Sentence a Forger.
Albion , Neb. . Sept. 25. Special
The News : Crof Orendorf , who v
arrested at Columbus some two monl
ago charged with forging a check
$03 at Petersburg , still remains in t
custody of the sheriff. It Is hoped t
judge will be here within n few dr
to pronounce his penalty. It was g
orally conceded that he would sei
a term In the penitentiary , but repo
are current that the judge will se
him to the inebriate asylum. The
cuscd man has been an Inebriate
some time.
Several Albion people pratlclpat
in the land drawing in Oregon the p ;
week. Among the number are
Whitten , A. E. Garten , Wallace La- -
Paul Hoppon , Carl and Axel Nels <
These people expect to go to Orog
next spring to seek their fortunes.
The Commercial club Is agitatl
the matter of placing a town clock
the tower of ir-o county court hou
When the court IIOUEO was built I
tower wnn mode FO that 'tve day
clook could be placed thoioln. 'I
court hou : o has been built twe
years , and it in hoped thr > clock v
bo put in , for conveuierco. and
show that the people of the county !
Rev. U. W. Stone has resigned
pastor of the Albion Baptist cluu
and accepted n call to the church
Exeter. He expects to leave Octol
Company M , Second Infantry , N.
G. , says Lieutenant Davis has b
the subject of much unfavorable ce
ment by the brigade commander , a
that an inspection of the company v
be made on December 7 , nnd If 1
company falls to make the requli
showing nt this Inspection It will
mustered out , as It Is now on pro
Dakota Republicans Called.
Pierre , S. D. , Sept. 24. There Is
bo no limitation upon attendance
the Mitchell conference of ropubllco
to bo hold on Friday of corn pule
week , beyond the requirement tl
all who participate shall bo In sy
pathy with the recent state and i
ttonal legislation.
If it begins to look as though yr
room , or apartment , or IIOHFC N gel
to "stay vac-ant" over the ' u < > \'ng ' si
son. " U should spur you to v 'Htlo ' i
tra advortlHlng.
Pleasures of the Week.
The visiting dentists who wore
s'oifolk on Tuesday to attend t
.s'ortlieast Nebraska Dental assou
ilon , enjoyed a splendid banquet
ihe Oximrd hotel In the evening. T
aiblo with Its decorations of Howe
jllver and cut glass was a thing
beauty and the menu a tempting 01
Much of the success was duo to t
untiring efforts of Dr. C. S. Parker
The members of the Bridge cl
wore unexpected and very welcoi
guests nt lunch with Mrs. W. N. Hi ;
on Friday , rlio high score favor
the game of brlclgo which followed t
lunch , wont to Mrs. G. D. Duttertlo
The Woman's Homo Mission
jlety of the Methodist Eptsco ]
duirch meets Tuesday afternoon nl
o'clock with Mrs. Howlns , 305 Soi
Twelfth street.
The picnic dinner given today
die G. A. R. hall for the families
the past members and W. R. C. was
ijreat success and thoroughly enjoy
Tlio Irtdles of the Presbytorl
church enjoyed a pleasant meetl
with Mrs. J. A. Ballantyuo on Thu
Jny afternoon.
Mrs. P. II. Sailer returned toe
noon from Kenosha , Wls. , where E
left Miss Dorothy happily settled
the coming year in "Kcmpcr Ha
Mrs. Snltor visited a short time
Madison , Wls. , and Chicago.
Mrs. Joseph Shoemaker and dau
tor Gertrude came up from Omaha 1
day evening for n visit in the ho
of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Weatherby.
Mrs. Leon Tompklns of Inman , Nc
is In Norfolk for a visit In the ho
of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C.
Miss Mellle Bridge has boon spc :
Ing the week In Fremont with Mr. a
Mrs. Robert Bridge.
At the home of the bride's purer
1204 Taylor avenue , at 3:30 : Thursc
afternoon , Miss Ella B. Hauptli o
Gustavo B. Blcy wore united in w
lock. Rev. J. P. Mueller of the Chi
Lutheran church performed the ce
rnony , after which a delicious fo
course luncheon was served. The p
lor was decorated In green and wh !
and the dining room decorated
pink , with many flowers in evldcn
The wedding march was played
Miss Nelda Hans of Battle Creek. 1
bride's dress * was of Persian \a\
trimmed in Inco and Insertion.
was attended by Miss Ethel Long r
Miss Verona Nenow. The groom v
attended by William Hauptli and Fi
At 6 o'clock the newly marr
couple boarded the train for Oina
whence they will go to Portland , Sc
tie and other coast cities and spc
a throe weeks' honeymoon.
At the Christ Lutheran church n
o'clock Thursday afternoon the w
cling of Ernest Klcntz and Miss Nar
Christians took place. Rev. J.
Mueller performed the ceremo
Miss Rosella Klentz wns brldesmi
and George Klentz acted as best m
After the ceremony a luncheon v
served at the home of the groom ,
ter which the young couple went
their new home on the farm of t
groom , seven miles southeast of N
folk , where they will reside. Era
Klentz is the son of William Kler ,
a prominent farmer well known he
Miss Christians is the daughter
John Christians of Atkinson.
Wayne Normal Notes.
Among other new students to
roll this week was Solomon Frank
Herrick , S. D.
Miss Kingsbury will give the S
urday 1 o'clock lecture this week.
Mrs. Pile will go to Decatur on S
urday. where she will give her 1
ture on English and Scottish schoc
President Fred Pile accompanied
friend Professor Theme of New Yc
university , as far as Omaha on '
way homo.
The Utfrnturi * clud. under the dlr
tlon ot Aiiss Kinsbury , meets eve
Monday evening. , The enrollment
lurgor than over beforo. The ch
will study Scott's Lady of the Ln
this term.
A SwodMi club was organized
meet on Tuesday evenings.
Miss Linticom , a classmate of M
Carroll's and who ia now a meml
of a Lyceum company , spent two dr
on the IIH1 this week. At chai
Tuesday morning , she gave sove
Arthur Anderson writes that
hps registered as a full fledged sop ]
more In the university. Arthur Is
graduate of our scientific course.
The graduating classes are now w
organized. At the usual term el
tton which was held Saturday , Charl
Chinn of Concord.was chosen pre
dent of the classes.
Revenue Collector Gets Them.
Pierce Leader : "There v/na BOE
thing doing , " to use n vernacular i
presston , at Plalnvlew one day Ii
week. O. N. Stukoy , revenue collecl
for this district , dropped Into tl
town and , upon investigation , he cl
covered that the doctors had been cl
penslng liquor without a govornmo
license. Says the Plalnvlow News
tlio case : "Ho ( Stukoy ) proved to
u deputy United States collector a
called upon the physicians of our cl
In tlio regular discharge of tits duty
such. As a result of his Investi atl
nil of the physicians were called up
to make application for n govornmi
liquor dcnlor'8 license nnd charged
fee of $25 for the same. In addition
this they were required to pay lines
accordance with the length of tl :
they have boon dispensing llquc
without a government license ,
Hhown by the bills and Invoices
hand. The license fees , together w
the lines , amounted to $37 for two
the physicians nnd nbout $ r 7 each
the other two. The action of-tho g
eminent revenue collector was
doubt as much a surprise to the d
tors as It was to the public In gonci
although the law and the ruling of I
department dates back to the yc
1900. " Concluding , the News snj
"Tho great regret Is that those big ,
fines could not have helped swell I
city treasury instead of bolng pom
into that $150,000,000 dollclt in t
national treasury , where it will not
n 'drop In the bucket. ' "
North Nebraska Deaths.
Hezekiah Dennis died at Gonova.
Dr. Thomas O. Lovlg died at Carr
Karl Frederick Sydow died nt St
Alex McKlnzln of Wlsnor died
Wittcn , S. D.
Mrs. George L. Russell of Nowp
died nt Omaha.
Pierce Fair Paid Out.
Pierce Loader : The Pierce Fair n
Speed association came out somotli
like $180 to the good this year. T
is very well , considering that the n
moots at Norfolk , Crolghton nnd St
ton were n losing proposition. 1
carnival hero did not pay out and it
doubtful whether another ono will
held In connection with the fair.
Northwest Weddings.
Miss Emma L. Miller and Roy
Holbrook of Papllllon were marrlet
Frank Phillip of Hosklns wns he
George Harris returned from Sic
W. F. Hall nnd George Burton i
nt Butte.
Mrs. August Fnubel of Hadar \
in the city.
J. B. Mnylard Is In Knox cou :
transacting business.
B. W. Hlght of Presho , S. D. , \
in Norfolk Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lehman ;
going to Hosklns Sunday.
A ball was given In Railroad 1
last evening.
Mrs. Harry Foote loft for Nlobr
at noon on business. '
Miss Geneva Moolick came do
from Pierce nt noon.
W. E. Mullen went to O'Neill I
evening on business.
Miss Dorothy Peters of Lindsay
here on business this week.
Miss Mary Lcvljohn of Lindsay
here visiting at the home of her :
ter , Mrs. C. R. Kampman.
John Emil , a former employe of
roundhouse hero but now of So1
Omaha , was here yesterday visit
the shop boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Watson 1
this noon for Chicago. Mrs. Wati
will return in n week or ten days ,
Mr. Watson will remain to take
examination for an engineer.
Mrs. William Greenlenf of Omi
Is here visiting at the home of :
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Jenks.
Mrs. Beasom has moved Into J !
John Friday's property , on South
end street , which wns formerly oc
pied by Lyman DoWitt and fam
who have moved to Wyoming.
Mrs. B. P. Pippen , son , Leo A\
iams , and granddaughter , Miss Win
Parker , left for Tilden this morn
for n few days' visit with Mrs. I
pen's daughter , Mrs. Lester Parker.
Mrs. Gustavo Schroeder of Hosk
visited with friends hero Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. August Deck of H
kins were visiting with friends here
Miss Georgia Blakeman returi
from Hoskins to spend Sunday w
her parents.
V. Clzek and family of Osmond i
expected in Norfolk tomorrow to spc
the day with their daughter , Miss T
Dr. Bertha Ahlman went to Orm
to .visit with her sons , Charles and
thur Ahlman.
Mrs. G. A. Miller and daughter , M
Dora Miller , of Hadar , were hero
urday morning.
Mrs. S. Edens of Fairfax was in i
city Saturday spending a few ho1
with Mrs. A. K. Leonard.
G. D. Butturtlohl , who has be
spending a few days on the Dutterfl
ranch atVausn , has returned.
Dr. Mrukay goes to Fremont tonli
to meet Mrs. Mackay , who has be
visiting in Colorado for the past t
Mrs. Albert Stelnkraus of Pierce ,
company with Miss Church of Rhc
Island , who is visiting with the Stc
kraus family , were in the city Sat
day.Mrs. . J. F. Pfunder of Norfolk a
Mrs. George Sypher of Valentine.
turned yesterday from Salt Lake Cl
where they visited tholr brother , C
E. A. Wall , a largo mine owner.
W. C , Ahlman went to Madison , c
rylng as passengers Chief Dopi
Game Warden G. W. GoHmi nnd Di
uty Game Warden J. B. Donovan , w
wore here , It Is said , looting for qu
The retail clerks' Mtoclatlon \ \
moot at the city hall Monday night
8 o'clock.
P. J. Barnes expects to winter
the south. Ho shipped his race hoi
this wcok to Kansas.
The Day of Atonement In the Jo
Ish church began Friday evening , cc
tinning until Saturday sunset.
The Norfolk band will go to Met
ow Grove October 1 to help colebro
the Woodmen of the World fete.
In two hours yesterday 275 en
were out of the yards of the Nori
western railroad nt the Junction ,
Thu advertising of fall goods
Norfolk merchants in attracting n
largo number of people from out ot
town to the city.
' Justice Klsolcy lined Arthur Mast
$8.10 In pollco court yoHtorday , on
complaint of George Fox , who tmytt
ho WIIB attnokod and beaten by Mast.
I Ono car of hogs sent to the South
' Omaha market last Tuesday brought
top price , being sold for $8.20. Thin
load was sent by the Salter Coal nncl
Grain company.
A number of Norfolk people go to
.IlnskltiH . to attend the Gorman Luther-
inn mlsslonfost there Sunday. A num
ber of good speakers on mission work
nro to deliver addresses.
Superintendent F. M. Hunter and C.
L. Williams took tlio senior high school
j football team to Nollgh Saturday to
I play the Nc-llgh high school team the
1 Hrst game on the gridiron this season.
Dr. A. U. Tashjonn has been to Oma
ha to HCO M. M. Gregorian , who Is In
a hospital there from an attack of
cerebral hemorrhage. The doctor re
ports his condition as bolng very un-
The good roads movement looks
brighter. All business men approach
ed by ono committee yesterday were
in favor of the plan. Contributions
had been delayed through carolc'ssnosri
In most cases.
J. 1' . Meyu lectured to a largo audi
ence at the Christ Lutheran school
last night. The subject of bin lecture
was "Tho Life of Luther , " which , with
the aid of the moving plcturoH , proved
a great success.
A hunting party consisting 01' H. II.
Hartford , R. L. Dovorldgo and 10. D.
Kauffman will go to the lakes south
of Wood Lake tonight for a two wcck'o
outing. They shipped their camping
outfit yesterday.
Another campaign against the clogs
loft running about the streets is being
made by the police of Norfolk. Ono
dog was executed yesterday by Chief
of Pollco Marquardt. Many clogs with
out tags , annoying citlzons , are re
George Stalcup is busy moving the
office of the Farmers Grain and Stock
company , Including the sales , to the
corner of Sixth nnd Madison , where
additions will bo built on the old of
fice , with modern improvements In
Hunters nro getting their guns in
shape for the fall shooting. The open
season on ducks and snipe began on
the fifteenth lust. , nnd the chicken sea
son will open on the first of October.
There Is an open season on squirrels ,
but none on quail.
William Beck , the Northwestern con
ductor who was injured in the Coeur
d'Aleno electric car accident some
time ago , returned to Norfolk from n
Spokane hospital yesterday. Mr. Beck
had one of his arms broken twice and
the other severely bruised. Ho is still
wearing bandages.
Norfolk showed the county some
thing nbout fine hogs at tlio Madison
fair during the week. S. J. Ramsey
carried away first money on his Po
land-China hog "Expansion Chief , " in
the one year and over class , while si
six-months-old pig belonging to him
took second in the yearling class. A
hog belonging to William Knobel was
awarded second in the ono year and
over , and a pig of his took first in tlio
under six months class.
Many store windows in Norfolk are
decorated now with trash and rusty
irons of all description , with signs
stuck on thorn describing thorn as
relics of Dr. Cook's , Commander Pea
ry's and Dr. Kane's arctic expeditions.
One window has a piece of log , claim
ing it to be a part of tlio north polo ;
another an old pair of shoes with ar
tificial snow , which arc supposed to
be shoos worn by Dr. Cook. Ono
dealer exhibits a pipe "which Dr. Cook
smoked while leaning against the
pole. "
Telegraphic communication all over
the country was almost * demoralized
Saturday by what is commonly termed
yy wire chiefs of telegraph offices as
"northern lights" or "earth currents , "
which ground the wires so heavily ,
even crossing them , go that communi
cation is practically impossible. In
many cases the wires go open for ri
minute or two and then close , and con
tinue doing this for hours. The north
ern lights arc visible at night , and If
a person Is lucky enough to be lookIng -
Ing toward the north when the lights
appear there will be reward In seeing
flames shooting up In the far north.
The earth currents , which last gener
ally about two or three hours at u
time , make their visits liore ns a rule
once In three or four yeais. nbotit this
time of the year. Probably thcmo suf-
feiiiiK mfis-tly from thp inu-nuptioii
caused by the northern Hp.hH are the
common lal telegraph cntnrnnies
.whole . tolei.iaint. when delayed usually
mean a damage claim. Tlio AwHociat-
led Press wire running into The News
i office , nncl those Into Omaha , gave
considerable trouble.
North Nebraska Football.
Neligh , Neb. , Sept. 27. Special to
The News : The first football game
of the season was played at Riverside
park In thin city Saturday afternoon.
The high school elevens of Norfolk
and Nellgh wore the contestants , and
resulted In favor of the latter by a
score of G to 0.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo , Lucns
county HB.
FrniiV J riiem > y tnakcH oath tlmt no
Is aenlor partner of the firm or F. J.
Cheney & cJo , , dolntr IIUHIIIOKR In the
city of Toledo , county and Htiito itfore-
ald , and tlmt mild tlrm will \r.\y the
each niul every TIIHO of cntiirrh tlmt
cannot lie cured l > y Clio UHU or Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before mo and miliHcrlheil
In my presence. tlilH Cth day of Decem
ber. A. U. 18SG.
( Heal ) A.V. . OUSASON.
Notary Public.
Hnll'n Catarrh Turn IH taken Intt-r-
tmlly , and ac'tn directly on mo tilooa
and mucoiiH HiirfiiccH of the HyHtom ,
Send for toKtlmnnlals free
F CHKN'KV ft CO. . Toledo , O.
Sold l > v nil DriiKKlHtfl. 7fic.
Take Hall'a Family Plln ! ror consti