The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 24, 1909, Page 2, Image 2
THE NOKOLK. WEKKLT NEWS-JOURNAL FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 24 J909 COURT ADJOURNS AT NELIQH. Several More Onset Are Dlapoied of In Antelope County. Nollgh , Nob. , Sept. 17. Special to The NOWB : District Judge Welch ad journed court yesterday afternoon and ordered the jury to report again for duty on December 13. The following are the moat Important cases disposed of : City of Nollgh vs. A. J. Anderson , ot nl. Defendants given further time to aiiHWor. Ella LI. Hayworth , ot nl. , vs. Lula M. nnd Ernest Qallaway. DofondantB do- faulted. Amount due , $1,101. Decree of foreclosure and sale as prayed. John Edwnrd Moore vs. Mattlo M. Moore. 1'lalntlff ordered to pay Into court $100 , to bo applied under dlrcc- tlona of the court for payment of at torney fees and defendant's costs. Defendant dismissed her petition to ot aside decree of divorce rendered Juno 11 , 1909. Custody of children awarded to Kdward Applogato. Ada D. Buckingham vs. Orln B. Buckingham. Defendant admits that order of court for alimony has not boon compiled with , nnd defendant's answer stricken. Hearing to court nnd taken under advisement. Defen dant ordered to refrain from Interfer ing with plaintiff In any manner , until further order of court. Arreoted at Foster. Plorco Leader : A session of court was hold In the office of Justice of the Pence Lewis P. Cox In the little village of Foster at midnight last Thursday , nt the conclusion of which that magis trate drawled out , "Tweuly-uoven and costs. " The defendants were those traders who were hanging around Pierce last week. Not having the "nerve" to try to steal anything around hero , they moved on toward Foster. On their way , however , they stopped at the homo of Richard Rahl , seven miles northwest of here. Discovering that the husband was not at home , they took advantage of his defenseless wife , who was all alone , and compelled her to supply them with all the eggs on the farm , which wore seven or eight dozens , as well as with a liberal quan tity of butter and other groceries. Without even thanking her , they moved on , going toward Foster. Upon Mr. Rahl coming homo In the evening Lo was told what had occurred. Los ing no time ho proceeded to Foster and told his story to Justice J. P. Cox , who In turn telephoned the county sheriff at Pierce , who was not at home. Ho then notified County Attorney Stewart , who , after deputizing G , W. Goff , Vic Peterson and John Walker , proceeded after the horse traders , armed to the teeth. This was about 10 o'clock : Thursday night. But first they went before Justice Cox and had the neces sary papers made out. Part of thorn then went out Into the darkness in search of the criminals. Their efforts wore finally rewarded. There In a lonely swamp and about two miles west of Foster were their men. It was quite dark and no sound was heard save that of an occasional croak from a bullfrog. Without much hesitation the Plorco deputies pounced down upon the robbers and placed thorn un der arrest. They were then led Into Justice Cox's office at Foster. The county attorney then diagnosed the case and submitted It to his honor , who thought there was sufficient evi dence to convict , and drawled out , "Twenty-seven and costs. " It was paid. Sued for Breach of Promise. Dallas News : Like the more thick ly settled communities , this section of South Dakota Is alive with ro mance , hearts are wooed and shat tered and the atonement soothed by the filthy lucre. Such is the case at least in the affair of Mary Thomas and E. T. Van Busklrk. Mary Thomas is a beautiful young maiden , so It Is said , and Van Busklrk Is a wealthy bachelor who has operated extensive I , f ly for about a year In Dallas real es i , tate and In lands In Trlpp county. Ho Is also said to be a wealthy land owner of Iowa soil and previous to coming to Dallas resided near Spen cer , la. The case promises to be a sensational one when It comes to trial , if it Is not previously adjudicat ed by the parties In Interest before It ll reaches the tribunal where these mat ters are adjusted. Hon. William McDonell of Gregory is the attorney for Mary Thomas and Patterson & Harvey of this city have been retained to care for the Interest of the defendant. The amount sued for is $25.000. Captain Mack Sold. Pierce Call : Wo notice by the West Point Republican that William Zulauf has sold his fast pacer , Captain Mnck , to J. II. Krause of that place. The price Is not given , but our readers can rest assured that "Billy" received n fancy price for him. Captain Mack is a pacer with a record of 2:14 : or bettor , and could not bo purchased for any small amount. Wo understand that Mr. Zulauf has decided not to follow the racing business any longer , but wo have not learned whether ho In tends to dispose of King Woodford or not. Conrad Wagner Dies. Pierce Lender : Conrad Wagner , an old nnd respected farmer living south east of Pierce , died Tuesday morning. September 14. The cause of his death was old ago. Ho had a largo circle of friends and had lived In this county n good many years. Funeral services were hold at the German Lutheran church , east of Pierce , being in charge of Rov. Aug. Hoflus. Interment was made in the cemetery east of the church. Editor Mitchell Weds. Brunswick , Neb , , Sept. 17. Special to The News : a very quiet wedding took place hero yesterday afternoon nt 2 o'clock when C. A. Mitchell , edi tor of the Brunswick Independent , and Miss Rose Konltzcr of thin place were united In marriage , Rev , Joaoph Stopford , pastor of the M. E. church , officiating. The bride IB n prominent young lady ot sterling quality and well liked by many friends. Tlu.y went to housekeeping nt once In north Brunswick where they are at hoint to their friends. Jailed for Horse Stealing. Valentine , Neb. , Sept. 15. Special to The NOWB : Sheriff RoRsobcr went up to Gordon , Neb. , nnd arrested George Brewer and brought him back here and landed him In Jail for horse steal ing. Ho is accused of stealing five head of horses from the Julian ranch on the Nlobrnn1. . The horses are being held at Hyannl. This Is the second time Brewer has been In Jail for horse stealing. The other time ho was ac quitted. There nro a great many com plaints of horse and cattle being stolen In this section. MADISON COUNCIL SETTLES. Votes $300 Anually for Use of Fire Department. Madison , Nob. , Sept. 18. Special to The News : The city council today met nnd voted ? 300 annually to the flro department , In settlement of the controversy over the hall for dances. Ulrlch Mathews bought Walter El- ley's Hvcry barn , conducted by Allen Avery , and now owns both barns here. The democratic county central com mittee met hero today. ECHO OF FOURTH OF JULY. Committee Issues Statement of Fin ances $171.64 Left Over. The Norfolk Fourth of July commit tee has Just Issued the following state ment : Receipts. S. J. Schoreggo $ 2.00 A. K. Leonard 5.00 P. E. Carberry G.OO J. Weidenfellor 25.00 Coleman & McGlnnls 5.00 M. Zlesche 2.50 Sonneland 2.0 J. Fleming S.OO Koehn 25.00 Pacific hotel 6.00 H. C. Sattler G.OO Chicago Lumber Co ti.OO Salter Coal Co 5.00 Matrau & Wtlle 5.00 Itlzens National bank 10.00 . G. Brucggeman 2.00 Queen City hotel 2.5 ' ) S. South 2.50 R. S. Lackey fi.OO Koyen 2.00 Wm. Burtz 10.00 I. J. Graves 10.00 D. E. Lutz ' 5.00 Martin Sporn 25.00 Talr store 15.00 Beeler Bros 10.00 > V. A. Redmer 25.00 3. H. Pllger 10.00 Norfolk Furniture Co 5.00 C. Mlttelstndt 5.00 Hutchinson Bros 5.00 A. Bullock 5.00 W. H. Blnkeman 5.00 Farmers Egg Co 5,00 und Brewing Co 25.00 eo. Dudley 4.00 has. Dudley 1.00 ! . B. Davenport 1.00 H. J. Cole 2.00 W. J. Gow & Bro 2.00 P. Parish 5.00 J. L. Baugh 2.00 Henry Haaso 2.00 John Krantz 3.00 John Schelly 5.00 Bennett Co 5.00 Crystal theater 10.00 J. E. Montague 2.00 Star Clothing store 20.00 A. L. Kllllan 20.00 Norfolk Shoo Co 10.00 larry Lodor 5.00 A. Degner 5.00 Durland Trust Co 5.00 eo. Chrlstoph 5.00 A. . H. Krahn 5.00 W. F. Hall 10.00 G. F. Burton 5.00 B. Reed 2.00 A. Balloweg 1.00 Huse Publishing Co 15.00 'armers ' Feed Yard 5.00 F. E. Davenport 5.00 H. A. Haley 5.00 B. C. Gentle 1.00 M. Macy G.OO 'ress Printing Co G.OO iesau Drug Co 10.00 A. . Buchholz 5.00 Merchants Cafe 2.00 A. . Bear 1.00 3aum Bros 10.00 Nebraska National bank 10.00 Mathewson Co 2.00 W. J. Weatherby 1.00 Mapes & Hnzen 2.09 J. C. Stltt 1.00 M. D. Tyler 1.00 R. Schiller 10.00 Norfolk Dye Works 5.00 J. A. Upton 5.00 Lamnnn 1.00 R. Broker 5.00 W. C. Roland G.OO W. G. Berner 25.00 M. Dudley G.OO II. W. Winter 5.00 II. Maas ' . 1.00 H. A. Pasewalk 5.00 Schenzel 5.00 Norfolk Bottling Works 10.00 J. S. Kudrlo. . . ' 5.00 C. S. Bridge 2.50 Gus. Nltz 3.50 Henry Klug G.OO P. M. Barrett 25.00 Sessions & Boll 2.00 C. Schmledeberg 3.00 R. Peter 2.50 Geo. Fox 2.00 W. J. Stadelman 5.00 Oscar Uhlo 10.00 Gus. Cedes 2.00 F. L. Estabrook 2.00 John R. Hays 6.00 Total f075.50 Receipts. Attached subscription list $ 075.60 Cash ( no names given ) 114.75 Baseball gate receipts 207.75 Grand stand receipts 26.80 Concessions 199.00 Total $1,223.80 Disbursements. Parade committee $ 146.85 Decoration 99.30 Fireworks 254.13 Advertising 307.33 Sports 352.10 Sundry items 42.45 Ponnted to Company D , N.N.G. 25.00 Donated to Norfolk flro de partment 25.00 Total , , . . . . , . $1.052.16 Total receipts ? . . ' ; . $1,223.80 , Total disbursement * . ' . 1.052.1G Balance on hand $ 171.64 The balance on hand has been turned over to the Commercial club treasurer. ( Signed ) W. A. Wltzlgman , W. J. Stndolmnn. Battle Creek News. On Friday Paul Vrzal ot Lindsay wont to Verdlgro for a visit with his son , John Vrznl , who Is In the saloon business at that place. G. C. Bennlng , the assistant cashier In the Valley bank here , Is going to leave us In the near futuro. Ho Is going to Meadow Grove and will bo the first cashlor in the Security State bank nt that place. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bennlng were among the high es teemed and best liked people here , nnd a score of friends are sorry for their departure. Mr. and Mrs. Warner H. Daniel re turned Friday from a three months' visit at their old home In Virginia. Ed Brleso Is going on the road to sell cigars and tobaccos for a reliable Virginia firm. Chas. Fuerst and family arrived here Saturday from Latlmer , la. , for n visit with his parents nnd other rela tives. He may not return to Iowa , but may locate In Boon county. Mrs. S. Kuhrts left Friday for Hoi- stein , In. , where she will meet her sister , Mrs. Bucl , and together they will go for an extended visit at their old homo at Clinton , la. Next Sunday a mlsslonfest will be hold at the Lutheran church , on Buf falo creek. The members of the Luth eran church hero are invited. County Commissioner Henry Sun- derman of Falrvlow was hero Monday on official business. Henry Fuchs went to Albion Mon day for a visit with his daughter , Mrs. Gus Brleso and family. He was ac companied by his daughter-in-law , Mrs. Emll Fuchs , who Is here on an extend ed visit from Portland , Ore. Rudy Blatt was hero Monday on business from Norfolk. Hon. F. J. Halo was In Battle Creek this week on business from Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morris went to Omaha Sunday , to select Christmas goods for his drug store. O. H. Maas , an old druggist , Is supervising the prescription business during Mr. Mor ris1 absence. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lochmueller , of Alnsworth , were here the latter part of last week visiting friends. Mr. Lochmueller Intends to buy property here to live , In order to educate his children In the Lutheran schools. He Is an old friend of Rev. J. Hoffman. Andrew Christiansen was here from Spencer Wednesday. James Clark returned Wednesday from his Kansas visit. Jeff. Jackson , who has been sick for a long time , Is very low at this writing. G. R. Seller was hero from Norfolk Tuesday. Herman Maas went to Crelghton Friday , where he has taken a position In the general store of Ryan & Schneider. Wm. Dlttrlck went to Verdigre Sun day , for a visit with his son , Fred Dlttrlck , and family. O. H. Maas sold his Interest in the ranch of Maas & Brechler , near Ewlng , to Wm. Tiedgen , of Battle Creek. October 1 Mr. Mass will open up a clothing store in the Gardels building , vacated by John Locht , the shoe man. Still After Threshers. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Sept. 17. Last fall a number of threshing outfits In South Dakota wore destroyed by a peculiar sort of crank , who for con venience was referred to as "Jack , the Separator Smasher. " After hav ing remained Idle since that time , this species of crank has again appeared In the state. The first victim of the season Is Charles Balne , who Is ope rating a threshing outfit In Klngsbury county. A chunk of Iron had been concealed In a bundle of grain , and when this was fed Into the machine considerable damage was done and several members of the crow had narrow escapes from death or ser ious Injury by the flying parts of the machine. The villain , who Is supposed to have had some Imaginary grievance against the owner of the threshing outfit , has thus far succeeded In con cealing bis identity. FRIDAY FACTS. C. S. Hayes went to Lynch. Constable John Flynn Is on the sick list. list.C. C. E. Garrett has business In Stan- ton. ton.C. C. P. Parish wont to Omaha on busi ness. ness.Mrs. Mrs. Rowlett of Warnervlllo was hero. Albert Degnor went to Lincoln yes terday. Emll Moeller returned from Omaha yesterday. Dr. C. S. Parker wont to Stanton yesterday. Mrs. C. Joklns of Hosklns was In Norfolk Friday. Mrs. H. A. Haley returned from Pierce last night. Mr and Mrs. J. S. Mathewson went to Stanton yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. James DIgnan attend ed the county fair at Stanton yester day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Henry Wetzllch of Hosklns was In Norfolk yesterday. F. G. Moldonhauer went to Water- town , Wls. , on a visit. Adolph Moldonhauor returned from a short visit nt Stanton. Mrs. Mlttelstadt of Hadar is in the city visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Boecks of Plorco were In the city yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. KIngsloy re turned from Stnnton last evening. Miss Hattlo Fischer and Mrs. Mabel Peters went to Stanton last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Marotz of Hosklnfa were visiting friends In the city yestor day. Mlns Helen Bcobo loft thla morning Nob. Nob.Mrs. Mrs. Gustavo Bchroodor of Hosklns were In the city for a short time yes terday. Rov. and Mrs. Znremba.'ot Hosklns were In the city visiting with friends Frldiiy. Miss Molllo Wilde returned from n pleasant vacation which she spent at Rising City. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Beemor of Hosklns made a short visit with friends here. Rev , Aaron and his son , Albert Aaron , who were hero vlstlng friends returned to Hosklns. Miss Dora Moldcnhaucr nnd Miss Lillian Lnngonberg wont to Stanton to attend the county fair. William Mnrtell Jias accepted n po sition with the Norfolk Long Distance Telephone company as solicitor. A carload of tiling has arrived here for the now sewer on Norfolk avenue , nnd Is being unloaded. W. H. Livingston , the Junction po lice , Is experiencing hard luck. Wednesday his horse , valued at $200 , died with the colic. J. D. Sturgeon has boon confined to his bed and is under care of a trained nurse. Mr. Sturgeon Is suffering with a very painful carbuncle on his neck. M. A. Howard sold his chicken farm , which consists of two and one-half acres , to Joseph Folger , who will re tire and make his homo on the little place. An Informal dance Is planned for the Country club house this evening. Launches on the river will bo run from 7 o'clock on , so that transporta tion may be had In this way. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Davenport and Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Mayer drove to Stanton to attend the county fair. George Burton went .to Brunswick to assist F. G. Koester of that place In Invoicing a drug and Jewelry stock. Ed Brueggeman , who was a delegate to the Eagles' convention at Omaha , returned to Norfolk Friday morning. Miss Pearl Keolor of Loup City was here visiting with Mrs. Twlss. Mrs. Keeler was on her way to Pierre , S. D. Miss Edith Herman and Miss May Johnson start on their vacation Mon day. The two young ladles will spend a week's outing at the Jenkins farm , Kalamazoo. W. C. Ahlman , who was a delegate to the Eagles' national convention , re turned from Omaha last night and re ports about twenty Norfolk people at tending the session. Word has been received of the death of the 7-year-old daughter of William Koenlgstein of St. Louis Thursday morning. William Koenlgstein Is a son of John Koenlgstein of Norfolk , who left at once for St. Louis. Robert Craven , 5-year-old son of Dan Craven , fell from a flight of stairs at the new Craven laundry , which Is be ing completed , and was rendered un conscious , but only sustained a few scratches and was not seriously hurt. It Is expected that the Iowa supreme court will hand down a decision on the Hadar bank robber suspects' mo tion for rehearing next Tuesday. It is hoped by Pierce county authorities that the men may bo brought to trial the week after at Pierce , when Judge Welch convenes court. Wlnslde Tribune : The following people comprised a theater party to Norfolk Thursday evening to see the play "The Man On the Box" : Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Needham , Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Needham , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Prescott - cott , Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Slman and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracy. Norfolk's Woodmen of the World camp lias been revived here by Rev. T. D. Davis of Tecumseh , who has been busy the last two weeks getting now members Into the local camp. He has been successful In getting twenty now members Into the lodge , which makes a total of sixty-eight , and a drill team will probably be drganlzed Immediately. Miss Lois Gibson , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gibson , returns tomor row to the New England conservatory of music at Boston , for her third and probably her last year. She expects to finish the four-year course this year. Miss Gibson has made remarkable progress as a planlsto and an extra ordinary musical future Is looked for by her friends. That the taking over of the Junction depot eatlnc ; house by the Northwest ern railroad company Is very satisfac tory has been shown by the comments of business men and gardeners of Norfolk , who say that where the for mer management of the hotel pur chased very little In Norfolk for the maintenance of the house , the railroad company buys not only garden stuffs nnd meats In Norfolk , but hardware and other merchandise. Another change has been made In the baseball schedule , and the Nor folk fans who have figured on seeing the game with Herman Saturday will have to wait till Sunday for that game. Norfolk Is playing at Albion today and then goes to Brunswick for a game Saturday , returning to Norfolk to play Herman Sunday and Monday. No game has as yet been scheduled for Tuesday. The following Is a part of a bill which the Butte fans are circu lating and which shows what they think of the Gregory and Norfolk teams : "Little needs to be said of the class of baseball that will bo put up by the Gregory and Norfolk ball teams , as they are known to bo two of the strongest teams In Nebraska or South Dakota. The games at Butte will de cide the championship : " Many fans are enthusiastic over games with Lynch and Dallas , two strong teams , which It Is said the Norfolk manage ment Is trying to nrrango. The games nt Butte tnke place September 24 and 25. 25.F. F. W. Juneman , retiring Union Pa cific agent of Madison , was In the city visiting friends. Mr. Juneman loft for Colorado. Earl Antrim , of Crolghton , was In the city yesterday looking for his 14- year-old sister who had run away for a visit to relatives at Chambers , from her homo n week ago. The girl was traced to a house at the Junction but when the police reached the place she had gone. It Is said the girl's mother , Mrg. .Edward Antrim , a widow of CrelRhton , Is endeavoring to find her with Intentions bt putting her In the reform school. Among the day's out-of-town visit ors In Norfolk were : H. H. Howarth , West Point ; W. Vonscggorn , Wayne ; Joe Melster , Wayne ; Ray Reynolds , Wayne ; Harry Fisher , Wayne ; Al bert Snss , Wayne ; M. L. Ringer , \Vnyne ; F. W. LIcrman , Boomer ; C. C. Kelley , Pierce ; M. J. Zncek , West Point ; lorry Francis , Wnyno ; Mrs. Jeffries , Wayne ; W. S. Justice nnd wife , Meadow Grove ; William House , Wayne ; E. A. Houston , Nlobrara ; M. L. Post , Monowl ; Wilfred Stnmllford , Gregory ; J. T. Packard and wife , Monowl ; George Sweet , Onkdalo ; C. S. Wattles , Nellgh ; W. L. Staple , Ne- Ugh ; Joe Melster , Wayne ; Dick Knight , Naper.J. ; P. Anderson. Nnper. How That $1,000 Came to Be Bet. H. F. Slaughter "Hank" Slaughter of Gregory , was In town last night. Hank's the man who offered to bet Dallas $1,000 that Gregory could beat Dallas In n series of ten ball games. Dallas live ones called the wager and Hank put up the $1,000. That's how It happened that Dallas and Gregory are now playing their big- prize series. E. A. Jackson of Dallas took $600 of the hot nnd five others took $100 apiece. Hank went back to Gregory and told the town. Ho kept half the bet and other fans covered $500 of It. Its' the biggest baseball wager on record in the new northwest. Dallas and Gregory have been playing mighty close together all summer both put ting up a high grade commodity , nnd the bet appeared to bo nn even break at the outset. Next Week Great for Baseball. Next week Gregory and Dallas play at Bonesteel , at the Gregory county fair , on Thursday and Friday. On Friday and Saturday Norfolk and Gregory play at Butte. And on Sun day it Is now thought all three Dal las , Gregory and Norfolk will play at Gregory. It Is planned that Dallas and Gregory shall play , and Norfolk will play the winner. The betting on the two games at Butte between Norfolk nnd Gregory is that Gregory will or will not win both games. Norfolk will play at the Madison county fair on Thursday , goIng - Ing to the Boyd county fair at Butte on Friday. Gregory plays Dallas at Bonesteel at 1 o'clock Friday and then goes to Butte to play Norfolk at 4 o'clock the same day. It Is now possible that Norfolk nnd Gregory may play a game at Plain- view next Tuesday. Plan League for Next Year. Hank Slaughter and Manager Hall of the Norfolk team discussed pros pects for a northwest league next year , to Include Norfolk , Gregory , Dallas , Lynch , O'Neill , Stanton , Nellgh and teams of other towns In this vicinity desiring to enter. It is likely some such plan will ma terialize. Gregory Wins the Series. Gregory's Standing. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. 42 28 13 .683 Gregory , S. D. , Sept. 17. Special to The News : Dallas won her second game In the ten-game series with Gregory for a purse of $1,000 yester day afternoon. Score , 9 to 1. This gives Dallas two of the games and Gregory five , with three more games to be played. Gregory has only one more game to win , but Dallas Is de termined to take the next three. In case each team gets five games , the eleventh game will bo played to de cide the bet. Gregory and Dallas have both played great ball all season. The two teams have met fourteen times , Gregory winning eight nnd Dallas six of the games. Stanton Beats Wlsner. Stanton , Neb. , Sept. 17. Special to The News : The second day of the Stantw fair was a great one with a big nowd and lots of amusements. The ball game between Wayne and Stanton was a great one with lots of close plays nnd fast base runnlrg. fatanton won , 4 to 2. The features of the game were Hartman's pitching nnd the batting of Hollsteln and Seldel. The former got four hits out of five times up and Seidel three hits out of four times up. Seldel's fielding at third was one of the features. Summary : Batteries : Hartman andt Hopper ; Wayne , Sahs and Skeen ; hits , Stanton 11 , Wayne 6 ; errors , Wayne 3 , Stanton 3 ; three-base hits , Hollsteln ; two-base , hits , Hollsteln , Seldel and Mayer. Umpire , William Hollstein. The races were great. In the 2:25 : trot Nabisco won , Starlight second , and Diana Me third ; tirao , 2:35. : In the 2:35 : trot Gretchen first , Catch On second , Shady Lady third ; time 2:29. : Herman Wagner won the mule race. Today Is the last day nnd Pllftor nnd Stanton will play ball and the big races will be run the same as yesterday. NORFOLK WINS AGAIN. Took Game at Albion Thursday , Score Was 14 to 2. Norfolk's Standing. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. 35 23 11 .676 Norfolk won a game at Albion Thurs day , 14 to 2. It Is thought Newman Grove was the opposing team , though as not known. Wlsner 12 ; Pllger 4. Wlsner beat Pllgor 12 to 4 at WIsnor Thursday. Three County Fairs Next Week. Next week will bo a busy ono in northern Nobraoka nnd southern South Dakota , .with three county fairs goliu' . The Madison county fair will hold forth at Madison , the Boyd county ( fili ' al'Butto , nnd the Gregory county fair at Bonestcol. Interesting bnncball games and horse races are on the schedules. At Madison Norfolk's baseball team plays Newman Grove on Wednesday and Stanton on Thursday. At Butte Norfolk plays Gregory Friday nnd Sat urday. At BonesteoJ Dallas playa Gregory Thursday and Friday. And on the Sunday following It Is likely Norfolk , Gregory and Dallas wW play -Gregory. . The Madison races will bo hold the last of the season on the north Nebras ka short ship circuit. Thursday will bo Norfolk day nt the Madison fnlr. It Is nntlclpnted tlmt Norfolk people will bo pretty much In evidence nt ench of the fnlrs. Kills 25 Rattlers. Sioux Falls , S. D. , Sept. 17. A rancher named Eckcrt , who resides near Blunt , Is something of a snake killer himself. Ho reports that while engaged In mowing ho ran across a nest of rattlesnakes In n hole In ono of the fields. Eckort temporarily abandoned his mowing operations and for a time devoted his attention ex clusively to killing snakes. When ho had killed nil In sight he counted his victims , nnd found that he had killed twonty-ftvo of the reptiles. It was quite cold at the time nnd the snakes are believed to have taken refuge In the hole from the cold air without. Ruling Favors Homesteaders. Lamro , S. D. , Sept. 17. Ever since a tract of nearly 1,000,000 acres of land formerly belonging to the Rose bud Indian reservation In Trlpp county was opened to white settle ment there has been the most bitter feeling between the homesteaders and white owners of cattle who had been grazing their herds of cattle on the land , In accordance with agree ments entered Into with the Indians , with the consent of the Indian bureau officials at Washington. The settlers have steadily maintained that the herds had no right on the ceded Innds , nnd this view now has been confirmed by the authorities of the Interior department , who hold that all grazing leases in the ceded portion of Trlpp county expired in June of last year , and that the cattlemen who have agreements with the Indians have had no rights In the ceded portion tion of Trlpp county since that time. In view of this , If the cattlemen con tinue to disregard the right's of the homesteaders by permitting their cat tle to continue to roam over the ceded lands , they will be declared common trespassers nnd will be prosecuted under the laws of South Dakota. Gregory's Standing. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. 42 29 13 696 Gregory , S. D. , Sept. 18. Special to The News : Gregory took the eighth game of the series from Dallas at Dallas yesterday 8 to 2. Batteries : Dallas , Cy Young and Hasty ; Gregory : Stewart and Neff. Dallas got her two scores In the first on a hit by Pierce and a homo run by Declssons. Gre gory got one each In the fourth , fifth , sixth nnd eighth nnd four in the seventh. Clyde Neff made a home run In the seventh bringing In Stewart. Hits off Young 12 , off Stewart 7 ; struck out by Young 4 , Stewart 11. This gives Gregory six out of eight games in the series. Score : R.H. Gregory 00011101 4 8 12 Dallas 20000000 0 2 7 The winning of Friday's game by Gregory gives Gregory the $1,000 purse wagered on the ten-game series between the two teams. Out of fif teen games between the two , this gives Gregory 9 , Dallas 6. Shade-On Wins the Race. Stanton , Neb. , Sept. 18. Special to The News : The Stanton county fair and race meet came to a successful close yesterday afternoon. In the 2:20 : trot , a $300 race , Shade On was the winner , Skylight second , Red Light third. At baseball Stanton de feated fllger , 4 to 2. Stanton got 11 hits , Pllger 2. Schlndlar struck out 9 , Atkinson 7. Norfolk Again Victorious. Norfolk's Standing. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. 36 24 12 .666 Norfolk defeated Newman Grove at Albion Friday aftornon , 9 to 1. The same teams play at Madison again next Wednesday. It was Cedar Rapids that went down to defeat before Nor folk the day before. Norfolk's game with Stanton next week will be the rubber , each team having won two games. Wlsner Stock Show Ends. Wlsner , Neb. , Sept. 18. Special to The News : The Wlsner stock show , a complete success , closed yesterday. Wlsner bent Herman at baseball , 7 to 6. Alliance 4 , Valentine 3. Valentine , Neb. , Sept. 18. Special to The News : In the first of a series of games with Alliance , the champions of Nebraska , the locals lost a hard fought 11-lnnlng game. Haney's sin gle , followed by a sacrifice and an error , gave Valentino ono In the first. Fischer's errors at first , a hit bats man , Marsh's error nnd n sacrifice fly gave Alliance two. In the fifth , with a man on first , Marsh drove out a three-bagger , which , with an over throw , put the locals ono to the good. Alliance tied In the ninth with throe safe hits. With ono down , Lofty Marsh came to bat and knocked out his second clean threo-baggor , but in trying to stretch It Into a homo run was thrown out at the plate. This lost the game for Valentino , for the next man singled , which would hnra scored Marsh with the winning ran , had ho held third. The visitors finally won In the elev enth on n walk and two hits , Score : R. If. K. Valentino . .10002000000 3 7 4 Alliance . . .00200000101 4 7 2 The Monkey Versus th Rose. Alfred Frumpton. 1 < \ R. I 11. A. , a well Unowu Londoner , has written an open letter , lu which ho Biiyir. "The time has arrival when the royal Imumlf gardens and zoological KimhMiH Khiiuld be umalpimatrit. "Tho zoological gardens should bo liuTt'ittu'd In tiron to receive the botan ic pmli'itH. It would bo. n grout public bonollt to hnvc the gardens of the Hiini und fiiunii Hldo by xldo. "A monkey l u much Kronlor attrac tion tliiui mi ) rose fvi-r will l > c. The l KiirdiMiM uro much moro pat- l < 'he ' million tlmn nro the liiiimilc pmlt'im mill oiiNciiiontly | the 'Illlllli ' Illl PI'Mllll" ' > ' ! . .u Hlllt. " Notice. To the Citizens of Norfolk : You are Invited to co-operate with the of ficials of the municipality to clean up all streets , alleys , vacant lots , business places and home promises. A clean city means loss sickness nnd n lower death rate. Rats , ( lies and In sects feed on and breed In garbage and rubbish and as the former carry dis ease , the danger from them Is les sened by eliminating their food supply and breeding places. Last month there were ninety cases of the plague in Canton , Ohio , with seventy deaths. This disease Is carried by the rat lloa , and the rats In Norfolk could become lnfect ° d as easily as those of any other city. There are twenty-six varieties of files that frequent sewerage and hu man food and carry typhoid and other diseases. Earth closets should , there fore , be treated with quicklime and screened , and all manure removed weekly during fly season. Please do not , for this reason , throw waste from the table or kitchen upon the open alley , but In a screened box. J. H. Mackay , City Physician. Notice. In the county court of Madison coun ty , Nebraska. The state of Nebraska , Madison county. To all persons Interested In the es tate of Carl Raguse , deceased : Whereas , there Is on file In the coun ty court of said Madison county , nn Instrument purporting to bo the last will and testament of Carl Rnguse , late of said Madison county , deceased , and Augusta Rnguse has filed her petition herein praying to have said Instru ment admitted to probate , and for the Issuing of letters testamentary , which will relates to both real and personal estates. I have , therefore , appointed Tuesday , V the 5th day of October , 1909 , at 1 o'clock In the afternoon , at the county court room In Madison , In said county , as the time and place for hearing and proving said will , at which time and place you and all concerned may ap pear nnd contest the probate and al lowing of the same. It Is further ordered that said pe titioner give notice to all persons In terested In said estate of the penden cy of the said petition , and the time I and place set for the hearing of the same , by causing a copy of this order to be published In the Norfolk Weekly News-Journal , a newspaper printed , published and circulating In said coun ty , for three weeks successively pre vious to the day set for the hearing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this 3rd day of September , 1909. ( Seal ) William Bates , County Judge. WANTED Success Magazine re quires the services of a man in Nor folk to lrik after expiring subscrip tions and l secure now business by means of special methods usually ef fective ; position permanent ; profc one with experience , but would con sider any applicant with good natural qualifications ; srlary $1.50 per day , with commission option.ddress , with references , R. C. Peacock , Room 102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , Now York. 6O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone fending n Kkctrh nml deocrlptlon may qnlclclr ascertain our opinion frco whether an Invention Is piolmbljr pnlcntnlila. Coniiminlrn- tlons strictly conllrtonllul. HANDBOOK on Patents ecrit frca. ol < 1o t nizcnry for eeiuriuiHmtents. I'mems takn ilirouiih Munn A Co. receive tptcMnotice , without cbnrce , la tbo Scientific flntericati. A handsomely Illiutrntert weekly. I.nrcMt clr. filiation or any clentlUc Journal. Terms. 13 roar : four roontbi , f L Bold Uy II newsdealers . . . . . . &Co,301BrMdNew York Branch Office , KL V BU Wuhlngton , IX , C. REI5TLES PLATES ARE RIGHT , REISTLE'S RATES ARE RIGHT FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTROTYPER IIU 1410-24 LAWBtMCt OtNVCB COLO. 1R CUTS PRINT FAIR PRICE