The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 27, 1909, Image 2

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Dr. C. W. Ray has returned from
MHB | Nora Huns 1ms returned to
Uattlo Creek.
1 . J. Kuofllor returned from Crelgh-
ton last evening.
William Hnuptll IB expected buck
from Chicago this evening.
M. C. llnzon IB expected to return
from flrogory this evening.
C. I-1. I'IIKO , former manager of the
Norfolk bull team , IB In the city.
MlBs Freda Korth nnd Mrs. Martin
Bnorn went to I'lorco for a short visit
G. IX IluUorflcld loft for n short stay
nt the Unite rllold ranch nt Wausa Sat
Mrs. Edward Iloopman of Madison Is
In the city for a short visit with
13. N. Vail left for Foxhoino , Minn. ,
to look after the threshing on his fnrm
near that place.
Jack Hanloy of Omaha Is expected
In tliu city this ovonlnR for n ahott
visit with friends.
Miss Lydlu King , who has been here
visiting with Miss Minnie Maas. re
turned to Stanton yesterday.
Miss Tllllo Lehman , who has been
visiting with friends at Hot Springs ,
S. D. , returned to Norfolk yesterday.
William Graves returned from Denver -
vor and Cheyenne yesterday , where ho
Imd been for a two weeks' vacation.
Miss Margaret Hamilton , who has
been attending the teachers' Institute
nt Pierce , returned to Norfolk yester
day.Joe Parker , who has been In the em'
ploy of the People's store , has accept
ed n position with the Fair store as
Kov. J. 13. Craig of the Second Con <
gregational church of the Junction ,
left the city for Avoca , la. , to visit
Among the day's out-of-town visitors
In Norfolk were : C. S. Smith , Madi
son ; Theodore T. Johnson , Burke , S ,
D. ; Jennie Nelson , Wayne ; W. E. Me
Cord , Albion ; Addle Kuhlor , Page ;
Chas. Mllner , Fairfax , S. D. ; H. A ,
Berry , Wayne ; N. C. Emery , Pierce ;
W. E. Thompson , Lainro , S. D. ; H. II.
Pylman , Wlsner.
A. Koyen has sold nine automobiles
during the past week. Among them
was one six-cylinder Overland to R. B
Schneider at Fremont.
Mrs. Rose Cooney and daughter
Miss Gladys Cooney of Omaha , are Ir
the city visiting with her parents , Mr
and Mrs. John F. Flynn.
Mrs. Hnnah M. Tlndall , wife of Dr
D. K. Tlndall , Is on n visit with hei
daughter , Mrs. G. II. Gray , Centra
City , Neb. She will return about Mon
day of next week.
W. A. Klngsloy , who has been Ir
Omaha attending the annual conven
tlon of the Northwestern Hotel Men's
association , returned to Norfolk yes
A number of persons enjoyed picnic
suppers on the Country club greet
last night. An Informal dance fol
lowed In the evening.
J. D. Sturgeon opened up his nev
store In the Krug building to the pub
lie Saturday. The new place li
equipped with fine washroom and res
room , and-coffee was served all day.
Louis Behrens , a tailor employed a
the Fuesler tailor shop and who sui
fered from a paralytic stroke semi
weeks ago , Is able to walk about on s
crutch , but bis left side Is still pai
Rev. D. K. Tlndt.ll , D. D. , left fo
Pllger , whore he and Bishop Nuelsei
will dedicate a new church tomorrow
There are four now churches for ded
Icatlon in Dr. Tlndall's district thl
conference year. His work prospers
Oscar Richie , who was arrested fo
fighting on the street a few nights age
came to town Saturday and paid :
fine of $10 , which was Imposed upoi
him by Justice Eiseley on a charge o
disorderly conduct and using obsccn
C. H. Groesbeck has rented the res
donee property at present occupied b
John Koenigstein on Koenlgsteln a\
euue. Mrs. Groesbeck and son wl !
arrive tomorrow noon. Miss Nelll
Cantwell will go as far as Fremont t
meet them.
Vaclav Lodl , who fell from an ic
box nnd broke his arm In the Thlei
meat market some time ago , has wrl
ten from Battle Creek saying he i
rapidly recovering strength and e :
pects to return for duty at his ol
place as sausage maker soon.
Another case of cholera inorbus ho
been added to the list of one of th
physicians who has had his hands fu
treating this disease , now provider
in Norfolk. Although an epidemic hn
been reported , physicians sny they bi
Hove It will soon bo over.
Monday morning the good road
committee who have interested th
farmers and business men with the :
project , expect to get their subscrl ]
tion list started. There is no questlo
but that they will meet with succes
as the necessity of good roads trlbi
tnry to Norfolk has already become n ]
parent to all.
The annual picnic of the Norfolk Ri
lief association will be held in Pns
walk's grove Sunday , beginning at
o'clock in the afternoon. The ban
will be n feature of the day's progran
There will be refreshments and game
of all sorts. The public generally !
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wiles , who hav
been visiting nt the Seattle exposltla
and other coast cities , returned 1
Norfolk yesterday. Mr. Wiles was E
pleased with the country around Per
land that he purchased a fine fru
farm near that city. Ho will probabl
move to the west soon.
Roy Anderson , the cook In the Me
chants cafe who was overcome by
dkzy spell and spasms yesterday , !
reported much better today , nlthoug
It was thought his case was serloi
yesterday. Excessive cigarette smol
Jng and late hours , physicians say , ai
the cause of his ailments.
I. M. Ma'cy and family , who hav
> ecn touring Iowa and Nebraska Ir
iclr automobile , returned to Norfolk
its morning. No-accidents were ex
crlenccd and a delightful trip was
njoye\l by the entire party. Thej
nndo the trip from Norfolk to Rci
Oak , n distance of 180 miles , In OIK
The Corrcctlonvlllo ( la. ) basebal
earn , which comes to Norfolk Sundaj
or three games , has just been defeat
d at Crofton by the Bloomflold tcan
n a fast game , score 4 to 3. The Cor
cctlonvlllo boys look like good bal
layers , and reports that have come
o Norfolk recommend them as a fas
much of players. Following Is tin
ne-up of their team for games Sun
ay , Mdnday and Tuesday : Rice , c
Corocan , p ; Smith , Ib ; Davis , 2b ; Har
enbrook , Kb ; Johnston , us ; Gaspar
f ; Nash , cf ; Dlltz , rf ; Stoddard , sub
Stanton Picket : "The best game
vor saw , " said a gentl6man who hai
ecu authority on baseball for years
peaking of the game between Nbrfoll
ml Stanton , played on the homi
rounds Monday. "When one of oui
toys made a run at the beginning o
he game they just went over am
ueered him. They thought those Nor
oik boys , coming from a small town
ame down to have a good time am
ve may as well give It to them. Thej
lon't know much about the game
hose farmer boys , so we'll just le
hem run till they get tired. " Am
hey did run. They made a record o
tx against a string of goose eggs fo
Stanton. A number who were then
aid they did not see any game. Per
> aps they didn't. It Is nothing agnlns
our boys , however , to throw a garni
once In a while , and while they wen
it it they made a good job of It.
Brown County Returns.
Alnsworth , Neb. , Aug. 23. Specla
To The News : The official canvass o
the primary election vote was madi
with the following results :
Supreme Judges Barnes , 125 ; Sedg
wick , 101 ; Cobbey , 96 ; Hamer , 89
Duffle , 82 ; Fawcett , 78 ; Yelser , 60
Calkins , 84 ; Good , 101 ; Sullivan , 114
Dean , 100.
Regents W. G. Whltmoro , 232 ; AI
len , 229 ; Knapp , 112 ; Haller , 238
Newbranch , 110.
County Clerk Republican : H. C
Wilson , 186 ; H. S. Jarvis , 121. Dem
ocratic : Thos. Heck , 118.
Treasurer Republican : W.H.Mel
calfe , 249. Democratic : John B. Stoll
Sheriff Republican : F. A. Stept
enson , 56 ; I. M. Reed , 213 ; E. W. Cur
In , 40. Democratic : Anson Houst
43 ; George L. House , 35 ; Marlon Fos
, er , 46.
County Superintendent Republican
Uame McAndrew , 240. Democratic
John M. Graybiel , 100.
County Judge Republican ; Joh
Pfelfer , 3. Democratic : C. W. Pottei
County Surveyor Republican : M
i. Moore , 248. Democratic : J. \ \
Ferguson , 2.
Coroner Republican : J. O. Beattj
18 ; Dr. Black , 13. Democratic : H. C
Smith , 2 ; Dr. Reny , 3 ; Dr. McKnlgh
7 ; H. C. Cameron , 6.
County Commissioner ( First Dli
; rlct ) Republican : A. F. Doroth :
188. Democratic : Louis Carlson , K
County Commissioner ( Third Dli
trict ) Republican : A. E. Westo\e :
20. Democratic : A. J. Syfen , 13 ; (
Li. Carpendor. 25.
Madison Prepares for Fair.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 23. Special t
The News : The Nichols Amusemer
company with seven big attraction
has been engaged for the Madlso
county fair September 21 to 24 inch
sive. Each day there will be a hig
dive of ninety-two feet , a balloon ai
censlon. Aerial work by the LUCD
family and exhibition of revolvln
ladders , free , on the fair ground :
This variety of exhibitions should fu
nish barrels of amusement to old an
young alike and moreover It will coi
tinue throughout the afternoon eac
day of the fair. Also the Nlchol
Amusement company's band will a
sist the Madison band In providing a
abundance of music for the occasloi
Secretary Rynearson says that a
rangements have been made for
ball game each day between the fas
est teams in northeast Nebraska.
In conjunction with the county fa
will occur the annual races of th
north Nebraska short-ship race circul
There will be six harness races an
one running race with ? 300 purse
pledged for each race. The ground
and track are in excellent condltln
and will receive constant attentio
from now until fair time. A bar
and judge's stand of octogon shar
will be erected , the first elevation 1
bo occupied by the band , the secor
by the judges. This will place tt
band in a comfortable position aero :
the track opposite the amphltheatc
where the band can be seen and heat
by all.
Mothers are requested to bring ar
register their babies for the bal
show. A first and second prize wl
bo awarded to the mother presentlr
the best looking baby ; also to tl
mother presenting the fattest bab
The corn show will also be a spec !
feature. Secretary Rynearson wl
cheerfully give full Information to ar
inquirer concerning It.
Thursday , September 23 , will I
Norfolk day. The morning passengi
will be provided with extra coacht
to accommodate the largo cro\\
which will come from Norfolk ar
other points west. On that day
special train will come from Colur
bus and return in the evening co
nectlng with the passenger train fro
the west on the Scrlbncr branch I
the morning and from the cast In tl
evening , so that any one from Alblc
and Newman Grove and other poln
on that road may attend the fair ar
return homo the tame day.
Mrs. Henrietta Dlttberner , plonei
of Madison county , died at the boa
of her son west of Madison Saturdi
morning. The Immediate cause of hei
death was dropsy , however , nho .had
been an Invalid for many years/ She
was 66 years of ago and leaves clghl
children , all grown , to mourn hei
death. Interment will take place nl
the Lutheran cemetery , Greengarden
Hev. Mr. Just , the pastor of hoi
chureh , will have charge of the funcra
J. F. Klynn , candidate lor sheriff 01
the democratic ticket , was a countj
seat visitor Saturday looking after his
political fences In these pat Is.
Commissioners' Proceedings.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 13 , 1909 , 2 p. m
The county board of eqimllzntloi
met pursuant to call of the count ;
clerk , as stated In adjournment of Julj
Present , County Commissioners Bur
Taft and John Malone , and Count ;
Clerk Gco. E. Richardson.
The minutes of July 1 , 1909 , wen
ead and approved.
The board then proceeded to mak <
ho tax levies for the year 1909 , amen
on motion the following levies wen
nado :
County general fund C mill ;
County bridge fund 4 mill
County road fund 2 s mill
Newman Grove village 21 mill
Norfolk city 60 mill
Battle Creek village 15 mill
Meadow Grove village - . 10 mill
Jilden village 25 mill
Madison city 31 mill
On motion the following school lev
es were made :
Dlst. Dist.
No. Mills. Bond. No. Mills. Bond
1 19 2 42 10
2 25 3 43 10
44 7
4 10 45 10
5 10 46 5
47 6
48 10
8 10 49 8
50 6
51 10
1 13 52 7
2 25 53 5
13 25 5 54 5
14 10 55 6
56 8
57 5
17 4 58 10
8 13 59 10
19 7 60 6
20 3 % 61 12
21 17 62 G
22 8 63 17
23 10 64 7
24 10 65 7
25 10 66 16
26 10 67 11
27 8 68 10
28 6 69 16
29 10 70 4
30 7 " 71 17
31 10 73 13
32 6 74 7
33 7 75 20
34 7 76 10
35 6 . 18
36 7 78 13
37 10 79 13
} 7 4.2
( To reimburse Dlst. No. 81) )
38 5 80 21 2
40 10 - 81
41 10 114 . . . .
On motion the board of equallzatlo
adjourned sine die.
Geo. E. Richardson ,
County Clerk.
Madison , Neb. , Aug. 13 , 1909 , 1 p. n
The board of county commlssionei
met pursuant to adjournment. Pre ;
ent , Burr Taft and John Malone.
On motion the following bills wei
allowed :
The Huso Publishing company ,
supplies ? 340.S
The Huse Publishing company ,
road notice , road district No.
1 2A
The Huse Publishing company ,
county printing 182.4
Frank Ulrich , work , road dis
trict No. 7 4.C
Hammond & Stephens Co. , sup
plies for county superinten
dent 30.E
Win. Lowe , work , road district
No. 7 4.C
Chicago Lumber company , lum
ber , road district No. 2 20.1
Tony Weiland , work , road dis
trict No. 9 15/i
Mrs. Hannah Nabe , nursing pau
per , 10.C
On motion the county treasurer wa
authorized to make the followln
transfer of funds in his office :
From 1908 county general fund 1
1909 county general fund , $2,100.
From 1908 county bridge fund t
1909 county bridge fund , $1,000.
On motion the board then adjourne
to September 7 , 1908 , at 1 p. m.
Geo. E. Richardson ,
County Clerk.
Dallas Wine Over Gregory.
Dallas , S. D. , Aug. 23. Special 1
The News : Dallas defeated Gregoi
at Gregory yesterday before a crow
of 1,500 people. Score , 7 to 6.
The game was anybody's until tli
last man was out in the last innln
Dallas hit Klrkland with men o
bases. Cy Young was freely hit , hi
kept his hits scattered.
Batteries : Gregory , Klrkland an
Ford ; Dallas , Cy Young and Georg
Strike-outs , Young 10 , Klrkland 9.
Considerable money was bet on tl :
Hopkins for Sheriff.
Nellgh , Neb. , Aug. 23. Special I
The News : The official canvass <
Antelope county-for the primary ele
tlon was completed Saturday afte
noon. A total of 899 votes was cai
in the entire county. Following is tl :
official figures of the nominees on tl
several tickets :
Democrat For supreme judge-
Dean , 136 ; Good , 137 ; Sullivan , 14
For regents of university Knapp , 15
To fill vacancy Newbranch , 155.
Republican For supreme Judge-
Barnes , 300 ; Fawcett , 145 ; Cobbo
146 ; Hamer , 126 ; Duffle , 124 ; Yelse
88 ; Sqdwlck , 223 ; Calkins , 140. Ft
regents of university Whltmoro , 441
Allen , 431. To fill vacancy Halle
Peoples' Independent For supreir
judge Dean , 74 ; Good , 73 ; Sulllvai
75. For regents of university Col
74. To fill vacancy , Nowbranch 74.
Prohibition For supreme judge-
Staple , 6 ; Wolfenbarger , G. For r
gents of university Von Stccn , 5
Llnch , 4. * > '
Not a socialist void was cast In An
tclopo county.
The only contests on the rcpublicai
ticket was that of sheriff , county superintendent
perintondent and supervisor of tin
f on i tli district. Allen Hopkins wa ;
nominated for sheriff by 38 votes eve
Huny M. Dewey. C. 13. Ward , tin
picaent county supeilntcndent , wn
nominated over C. G. Hutclilns by 15
votes lo 367. The vole on supervise
of the fourth district , which Include
the city of Nellgh , Henry Reutzel de
footed George H. Homlg by a vote o
150 to 48.
Old Soldiers at Nlobrara.
Old soldiers of northern Ncbrask
will gather at Nlobrara this week fo
their annual reunion. The reunion be
gins Tuesday and continues until Fr
day night. The Nlobrara Tribune give
the program as follows :
Tuesday , August 24.
Morning gun at sunrise.
7 a. m. Reveille.
8 a. m. Turning over camp by Her
F. Nelson.
2 p. m. Address of welcome by Mai
cus E. Lindsay. Response by Dlstric
Commander W. II. Strain.
4 p. m. Balloon ascension.
7 p. m. Camp fire ; address by 03
Senator William V. Allen.
Wednesday , August 25.
Morning gun at sunrise.
7 a. m. Reveille.
9 n. m. Business meeting , olectlo
of officers , G. A. R. nnd W. R. C.
1 p. m. W. R. C. day.
2:30 : p. m. Ball game , Lynch vi
Bloomflold ; balloon ascension afte
ball gamo.
7 p. m. Camp fire. Address by I
F. Barnhart and Hon. J. P. Latta , M. (
Thursday , August 26.
Morning gun at sunrise.
7 a. m. Reveille.
10 a. m. Address , "Gettysburg , th
High Water Mark of the Rebellion ,
by Marcus E. Lindsay.
2:30 : p. m. Ball game , Royal vi
Bloomfield ; balloon ascension afte
ball game.
7 p. m. Camp fire. Address b
Fred H. Free and Department Con
mander L. D. Richards.
Friday , August 27.
Morning gun at sunrise.
7 a. m. Reveille.
10 a. m. Address , "Gettysburg , tt
High Water Mark of the Rebellion
by Marcus E. Lindsay.
2:30 : p. m. Ball game , Royal v
Lynch ; balloon ascension after ba
7 p. m. Camp fire. Address t
William P. Warner , United States ma
Music by the Northwestern ban
each day.
North Nebraska Deaths.
Mabel Williamson , 10-year-old daug
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wllliamso
died at her homo in Hooper August 1
Norfolk Loses to Iowa Team.
Norfolk's Standing.
Played. Won. Lost PC
22 12 10 .5-
Correctlonville won Sunday afte
noon's game from Norfolk ; score 3
It was a pitcher's battle. Your
held the visitors down to a zero t
till the first of the eighth with not
hit against him. It was all Norfolk
game till then , when Rice put out
i two-bagger , bringing In two men , tyir
I the score and saving his team from
possible shut-out. And another BCD :
in the ninth won the battle.
The features of the game were Buc
master's three-bagger and the fii
catch of Gaspar when ho collided wii
All through the game fine team woi
on both sides was displayed , wil
spicy playing on the part of bol
Although this was ono of the fine
games pulled off on the local dlamon
the attendance was very small.
Correctionvlllo plays here aga
Monday and Tuesday.
The score :
Correctlonvllle AB. R. H. PO. A. :
Johnston , ss 4 1 0 1 0
Rice , c 4 0 1 9 0
Smith , Ib. . . 4 0 0 5 3
Hardenbrook , 3b. . . . 4 0 0 1 2
Corcoran , p 41131
Davis , 2b 4 0 0 3 1
Gaspar , If 30040
Page , cf 4 1 1 0 0
Landers , rf 3 0 0 0 0
Totals 34 3 3 26 7
Norfolk AB. R. H. PO. A. . '
Neno , ss
Brown , 3b 5 1031
Buckmaster , Ib 4 1 2 10 1
Luclnsky , If 3 0 0 2 0
Spellman , c 3 0 1 10 3
Haak , rf 4 0 0 1 0
J. Ward , 2b 4 0 1 1 0
Schoenauer , cf
Young , p 4 0012
Totals 35 2 G 29 11
Score by innings R. H. ' .
Correc'illo 00000002 1 3 3
Norfolk . . .00101000 0 2 5
Summary : Three-base hit Buc
master. Two-base hits Ward at
Rico. Bases Stolen Page and Ho
denbrook. Double play Corcoran
Smith to Hardenbrook. Left on basi
Correctionvillo , 5 ; Norfolk , G. Basi
on balls Off Young , 1 ; off Corcora
4. Struck out By Corcoran , 9 ; I
Young , 7. Time , 2 hours. Umplr
Visitors Took Second Game , 11 to
Rubber May Be Played.
Seward turned the tables on Norfo !
Saturday afternoon , winning In nboi
the same manner as Norfolk did tl
first game. Score , 11 to 1.
It all came about in the fifth Innlr
when Ward went up in the air at
Seward landed two two-baggers ar
three singles from him , netting the :
seven runs in that one inning. Afti
that the visitors only got ono moi
score , Ward having calmed down to
hla old style of pitching. There was
bull-headed playing on thor part of the
.Norfolk team , especially In the Infield ,
Spellmnn , the now catcher , came Infer
for a bad error.
The features of the game were the
fine base running of the Seward team
and the two-bagger by Spollnmn , who
was fast , save that one time.
Owing to the fact that the two t .tuns
are about evenly matched It Is ox
lectcd the rubber will probably be
played oft In the near future to prove
whether or not Sownrd really Is the
champion amateur team of the state
The score :
Seward AB. R. II. PO. A. E
Neff , 2b 4 2 2 G 4 C
Beboau , cf 5 1 4 1 0 (
Ling , 3b 4 1 2 1 0 . '
Noff. rf 5 1 2 0 0 (
Browning , Ib 5 2 1 11 0 (
Frledo , ss 3 2 2 0 2 1
G. Ling , c 3 2 1 5 1 (
Bellamy , If 3 0 0 2 0 (
Trimble , p 5 0 0 2 4 ]
Totals 37 11 14 27 11 '
Norfolk ' AB. R. H. PO. A. E
Ncno , ss 3 0 0 3 4 '
Brown , 3b 5 0 0 0 3 (
Buckmnster , Ib 4 0 2 14 2 (
Luclnsky , If 4 0 1 2 0 (
Spellman , c :
Haak , rf 4 1 1 0 0 <
Schoonauer , cf 4 0 2 2 0 (
J. Ward , 2b 4 0 2 4 3 :
A. Ward , p 2 0 0 0 4 I
Totals 34 1 9 27 10
Score by Innings R. H. E
Seward . .03007100 0 11 14
Norfolk . .010000000 1 9
Summary : Two-base hits : Ling
Neff , Frlede. Double plays Browninj
to Neff ; Neff to Ling ; Frledo to Nof
to Ling ; Ncno to Buckmaster ; Browi
to Ward to Buckmaster ; Buckmnste
to Ward to Brown. Bases on Balls-
Off ward , 5. Passed ball Ling. Strucl
out By Trimble , 4 ; by Ward , 3. Will
pitches Ward , 1. Hit by pltchei
ball By ward , 1. Time , 2 hours. Um
plre , Young.
Wisner's Version of the Game.
Wlsner , Neb. , Aug. 23. Special ti
The News : The Wlsner team take
exception to the one-sided report sen
from Pllger about the Pllger-Wisne
game. The locals think they-are er
titled to more credit than was giver
The Wlsner team was not at Its bes
that day and took defeat like men , a
they will again , If It falls to their lol
The score was 6 to 1. Hits off Coope
5 , off Schwarz 6. Strike-outs by Cooi
er 8 , by Schwarz 11. Wlsner is wil
ing to meet Pilger any time and giv
them a courteous welcome.
Haley Seeks to Recover Child.
H. A. Haley , father of Marguerlt
Haley , who ran away from the boarc
Ing school at Lake Geneva ten day
ago , is going to Chicago in a few day
to seek possession of his daughte
who ho believes is being held agalns
her will. Legal action will be taker
u necessary.
"I sent my daughter a reglstere
letter last Tuesday , " said Mr. Halej
"and have received no receipt. I ai
going to nave the postofflce depan
ment send a tracer after it. I bellev
there Is something wrong. As soon a
I hear from A. S. Maxwell and con
pany , of Chicago , the people I travt
for , I will leave immediately for the
city. All I am now waiting for i
their telegram. "
Mr. Haley seems uneasy about nc
having received any -receipt of hi
registered letter to his daughter an
says he will have possession of th
girl no matter what it costs.
Second Trlpp County Rush.
Gregory County News : During th
rush for the second filing on Rosebu
lands In Tripp county , which is alrcad
being felt In this community by th
presence of the early numbers awal
Ing September to arrive , and while di
Ing so are looking over the country t
be able to tell what they want , the Da
las postofflce is endeavoring to accon
modato the large number of transient
by opening the general delivery wii
dow every evening after the dlstribi
tion of the evening's mail and also ha'
Ing it open from 11 to 12 o'clock o
Explosion In Verdel Bank.
Niobrara Tribune : A. E. Nelson n
celved a phone call last Tuesday evei
ing stating that the bank at Verdt
was on fire , The Nelson and Keste
autos went up to sec what damag
had been done. The fire was cause
by a leak In the wire of the gas plan
which caused an explosion. The bac
room of the bank was burned in sei
oral places , and a large amount c
stationery was damaged before th
fire was put out. The cashier , A. E
Pischel , who was in the bulldln
when the explosion occurred , sustair
ed rather serious injuries in makin
his escape. The passage to the dee
was so obstructed that ho was con
pelled to break through the plate glas
Took It Seriously.
A little girl once visited the famou
brothers Grimm , the fnlry talc writers
The little girl knocked at the modes
Grlinni door , and William Grimm open
cd It.
"Aro you , " she said , "tho person win
wrote these pretty tales ? " And sh
showed him under her arm a copy o
his Immortal book.
"Yes , " he answered , smiling ; "I am
my brother. We wrote them together.
"And you write tfih Etory about th
clever llttlo tailor who married th
princess ? "
"Yes-oh , yes ! " snld William Grimm
"Well , " said the llttlo girl , "It say
at the end of the story that wlioeve
doesn't believe it must pay you
mark. Now , I don't believe that >
princess ever , over married a tailor ,
haven't ua much as a mark , but her
is n penny , and I will pay you the res
s soon s I can. "
sample Latest MoM IUn bicycle fumUhul by
talking money Int. \\'r \ > ti7trfMtirticUrtaitJito < alffir at tint.
NO MUM BY CQtIIUKU until you receive and approve ot your bicycle.e ihlr >
to anyone. anywhere in the U. S. nMfla Hnt itfrnt In advance./r /rf / * / . and
allow TEN UA18' Fllia5 TUlALduilne which time you miy ride the notlc > ce and
rut It toanyttst you with. I I you ire tint , not perfectly satUfied or do not with to
't ' H
„ , . . profit * by burins ; direct u ( us nd have the manufacturer's guarantee -
antee behind your bicycle. I O NOT 1IUY a bicycle or a pair ol llres Immanent
at any frict until you receive our cataloeuti and learn our unheard /aciery
frictt and rim.irkjfti ifttiil sfftrt to rliiur ncenin. i . . . . .
when you receive our beautiful catalogue and
YOU WILL OE study our supetb models at the
Imafrtfii we can maVe you this year , we tell the hUhtittridc Wcvclti for leu money
than any other liciory. We are tatUfied wllh. | i.oo profit alxive ( acturv co t.
_ BICYGia ; DKAI.KIIH. you can icll our bicycles under your o n name plate at
double „ our prices. Orders filled the day received , .
SKCONU 1IANI > 11IOVCLKS. do not rcrularly handle Itconil hand bicycle * , but
usually have a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. Ihese v > e clear out
' promptly at prices ranging from 83 to VH or HO. Descriptive bargain listi mailed ( tee.
alnRlo wheels. Imported roller clmdia and i > cilul , parts , repairs and
t equipment oi all kinds at haf ( tkt tuial ritatl fruit.
The regular ntnil trice ol 'that ' tires it
fJ.Si > fir fair , tut lo introduce ve will
tell ) ouasanipteJKit rforf < .SOcath ( wil ft orJtrftM ) .
i NAII.S , Tack * or Olait vtlU not let tlin
air out. Sixty thoutnnd pairs sold last year.
Over two hundred thousand pair * novr in use.
I crSCmPr/OW/MnJelnnll sizes. ItUllvely
nd easy riding. vervdurableandllncdlnilde with
special mtnlity of rubber , which never becomes
porous and vrhlch closes up small puncturea without allow- Notion the think rnblirr tr nd
ncUiealrtoescape.Wehavehundredsoncttersfromsatl * . tA ? .nd i nniinturitrl i " 11"
ficacmtomersatatlnBthatthelrtireshaveonlybecn pumped Ad JJV , . . "uS rim $ " 11"
uponceortwIceinawholeaeason.TheyTrelghnomoretfian i rim outtlnir. ThU
nordlnarytlre. .thepuncturercslstlngquairtlesbelneBlvea ? ? ? nr other
by everaiyiayers of thin. peclally prepared fabric on the KtASlio I
. day tetter is received. We ship C. O. n. on
approval. You do not pny a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented.
I We will allow a cash discount of 5 per cent ( thereby mating the price 84. 05 per pair ) If you
send rill.L. CASH WITH OUDEK mid enclose this advertisement. You run no rlslc In
sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OU1C expense if for any reason they nre
not satisfactory on examination. We ore perfectly reliable and money tent to us is as safe as in a
bank. If you order pair of these tires , you will Gnd that they will ride coder , run faster ,
wear better , last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We
know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order.
We want you to send us a trial order at once , hence this remarkable tire oiler.
. . . \ffm miftrn fSFlfe * ' don't buy any kind at any price until you send fora pair of
Ir YUU JVCCI/ IflaCO Iledgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial nt
the special introductory price quoted above : or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue wlilcli
describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. _
rtfn mtft-r tUM If * but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF ntTYlNG a bicycle
Ulf nit I VwftH or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new aud wonderful
offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW.
Teachers Here Do Good Work.
Madison county teachers at the close
of the Institute here Friday afternoon
listened to several short addresses of
farewell by the Instructors. City Su
perintendent Hunter , who gave a lec
ture Thursday evening on the person
ality of the teachers , was listened to
with great Interest by a large number
of teachers. "The schoolroom is no
place for fatalism , " said Mr. Hunter.
"The teacher can make herself what
she wishes. The only way to get in
touch with the children Is through fair-
mindedness , enthusiasm and self con
trol. "
In his farewell to the Madison
teachers Mr. Hunter thanked them all
for the good work they have done In
the past , saying he was well pleased
with the work done by the teachers
in Norfolk schools.
Mrs. Grace Truax , one of the In
structors at the Institute , recited a
short poem , "A Large Heart Loveth a
Small Child. " Her lecture was on
the need of teachers being sympathetic
with children , saying that nine times
out of ten the child never has any
wrong motive. Mrs. Truax said In all
her experience as an Instructress she
finds that Madison teachers have done
more and better work than any she
has yet come In contact with.
County Superintendent Housel talked
briefly of the teacher's work , thanking
them for their Interest In the school's
welfare and saying he had no fear that
they would continue with their good
At 8:15 : p. m. E. L. Rouse gave the
teachers a lecture on the "Rewards ol
the Teachers , " which was listened to
by a large number of the teachers
who take their examinations. After
the close of his lecture Mr. Rouse
thanked all the teachers and expressed
his wish to see them again at the next
inbtitute here.
Superintendent E. A. Murphy ol
Knox county was present at the lee
President Blames Physical Instructor
for Stories of Pugilistic Prowess.
Beverly , Mass. , Aug. 21. President
Taft is angry enough with his physl-
1 cal culture Instructor , Dr. Barker , to
put on the boxing gloves and hand
nlm a knockout punch on the jaw.
The boxing stories which have been
printed broadcast throughout the coun
try have caused the presidential
wrath to reach the boiling point and
Barker Is blamed for their distribu
As a consequence , the nnti-fnt man
is doing n tremendous lot of explain
ing nnd denying , and the harder he
tries to sidestep , the more certain the
president seems to be that It is all
his fault.
"The president is not taking boxing
lessons , has never taken them down
here , and In all probability will never
take them In the rest of his life , "
declares Secretary Carpenter In reply
to the avalanche of queries he Is re
ceiving as a result of the pugilistic
"But the papers have declared he
was almost knocked out by his In
structor , " said ono of the questioners.
"Well , I can't help what lies are
sent out frpm this town , " cried Car
penter at his wit's end. "All there Is
to these stories Is that the presi
dent Is taking morning exercises regu
larly under the guidance of a physical
Instructor. Ho exercises with weights ,
dumbbells , weighing machines and
other gymnasium apparatus. Barker
came to the white house for n couple
of months before the president Toft
Washington , nnd his duties here are
no different from what they were
there. "
"I never said that the president was
taking boxing lessons , " said Barker
today. "I never said that the presi
dent's weight was this or that. I have
never said he would make a fine prize
fighter or wrestler , with a llttlo moro
practice ; I never said any of these
things some of the papers say. It Is
a shame and no wonder the president
Is feeling sore about It. "
Leon Manvllle Reported Dead.
Spencer Advocate : It was reported
that Leon Manvllle had died In Omaha
I'uesday. The particulars were not
learned at this writing. Ills wife was
operated on for appendicitis several
weeks ago , and It Is supposed he was
there taking care of her. He was sick
only a few days.
Hurt By Sweep.
Brunswick Independent : Albert Mc
Kay met with n bad accident Saturday
afternoon. While driving a hay sweep
he caught his foot In some way , In
juring It quite badly. Dr. Watson was
called to dress the injured member.
Notice to Creditors.
The state of Nebraska , Madison
county , ss.
In the matter of the estate of Aaron
C. Anderson , deceased. Notice Is here
by given to all persons having claims
and demands against Aaron C. Ander
son , late of said Madison county , de
ceased , that the time fixed for filing \
claims against said estate is six
months from the 25th day of August ,
1909. All such persons are required
to present their claims with the vouch
ers to the county judge of said county
at his office In the city of Madison , in
said Madison county , on or before the
2Gth day of February , 1910 , and that
all claims so filed will be heard before
said judge on the 2Gth day of Febru
ary , 1910 , at 1 o'clock p. m. C. E.
Burnhnm is the administrator of the
It Is further ordered that notice to
all persons Interested in said estate
be given by publishing n copy of this
order in the Norfolk Weekly News-
Journal , a weekly newspaper printed ,
published nnd circulating in said coun
ty , for four consecutive weeks prior to
said day of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal this 10th
day of August , A. D. 1909.
( Seal ) Wm. Bates ,
County Judge.
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