The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2
THE NORFOLK WEEKIA NEWS JOUllN\L. Fit IDA Y JULY 30 IDO'J Doyd County Candidate * . nutte , Nob. . July 23. Special to Tl TJown : The following IB a comple Hat of ( UliigB nmdo In Hoyil conn' ' nomlimttonR at the prlinnry election too held August : For Clerk S. A. Richardson , repu llcnn. For Judge Lucia Leslie , domocr and people's Inilopcndcnt. For TreaBiircr C. 13. Yocum , repu llcan ; Wm. Whltln , republican ; Chn Mothorshoad , dcinocrntlc nnd people Independent ; J. C. Hoffman , domocrr Ic and people's Independent. For Sheriff Pete Herat , republlcai J. 8. AdhliiB , republican ; E. II. Crai republican ; H. II. Wells , republlcai N. P. Itrndstrrct , deniocrntlc and pe pie's Independent ; M. W. Llowor , doi ocrattc and people's Independent. For County Superintendent Moy Brandvlg , republican. For Coroner J. H. Hentty , repu llcan , For Supervisor District N'o. 2 Jol W. Long. For Supervisor District No. ! "W. Konaston ; Tbeodor Etiglcs , den cratlc and people's liulciicnilont. For Supervisor District No. C Pa F. Danker , republican ; Henry Her homier , democratic. Four Hurt at Pierce ; Auto Somersaul Pierce , Neb. , July 23. Special The News : As the result of n serlo nutomobllo accident between 9 and o'clock last night Mlas Anna Wllllan 17-year-old daughter of ex-Uallw Commissioner J. A. Williams of tl place , was so severely Injured that s was unconscious all night and far In the day today. Prom the fact that s was vomiting blood , It Is feared s has been internally hurt. Her enrw almost con'i'i ' ' 'oly ' torn off , and spl The phybiuans would not say tl morning what her chances wore 1 recovery. Three Others Hurt. Besides the serious Injuries si talned by Miss Anna Williams , otl occupants of the touring car we bruised nnd hurt. The injured : Ben Nelson , driver of the car , s talned a severe ankle sprain. Miss Isabella Williams , a sister the seriously Injured girl , was bruU about the face. Miss Belle Turner was bruised ab ( the face. Speeding In Dark ; No Lights. It was In a Fordo touring car , drh by Nelson , that the party were rldli They were on the race track and 1 : Just boon passed by Bert Miller in Maxwell machine , going in the sa direction. Though it was between 9 and o'clock , and despite the fact that tin were no lights on the machine , I > son put on full speed and headed the Inside of the track In an effort pass the car ahead. Girls In the i screamed that Miller's car was on i Inside of the track. At this , Nels without slacking his car , shot towi the outside track. Seeing that would strike the fence , he turned other sharp angle back toward the aide. Car Turns Somersault. Because of the speed and the shi angle , the car turned over on its 1 side , spilling all occupants , and tl went on over , landing on Us whe ngfttil , Miss Anna Williams , the badly jured girl , was taken to the office Dr. F. G. Salter , and Dr. Pheasant i Dr. Oelke called. Later she was t en to the home of her parents. For a brief period this morning regained consciousness , then lap Into unconsciousness again. Brother Recently Hurt. The Misses Williams had just rived In Pierce yesterday from 1 coin. Judge and Mrs. Williams c.i several days ago , but the daughl were detained by reason of a sti car accident in which their broth head was Injured. Judge Williams has been In p health and the nerve shock of i distressing accident has gone h with him , as well as with Mrs. V lams. Defy a Prosecution. Omaha , July 23. Nebraska mil have thrown down the glove and h defied the United States governir to prosecute them for manufactui and selling bleached flour in viola of the order of Secretary Wilson. Every miller in Nebraska Is a in ber of the Nebraska Millers' assc lion , and there are more than 201 them. The attorney for the Nebraska i ors met three pure food inspec when they were in Nebraska sov weeks ago. Ho met them and 1 them into two of the Omaha n where bleached flour was being n ufactured. They saw the process saw the ( lour being loaded on the i for shipment. He even Introdi them to the millers , who told t' that they were openly violating law. Nothing happened. Now the same attorney has retui from Washington , where he wont the purpose of hurrying up proc Ings in order that a test case in bo made. Ho called on Secretary son and informed him that each every day the Nebraska millers \ violating the bleaching order. W there he wont to the extent of effete to fllo a written statement , ackn edging the violation of the law in tier to bring the matter into cc Nothing has been dono. Recently when the federal gi jury was In session in Omaha i gates from the millers' associa went before the body and told members that they and their asi atea wcro manufacturing and sol bleached flour and that they wen give the evidence necessary to set nn Indictment. The case was touched. The attorney for the millers si "In my opinion Secretary Wilson t afraid rescind . the order and la al afraid to have the matter coma In court , believing that he will bo dcfet cd , In the meantime Nebraska mllle will continue to manufacture bleach * Hour. ' Bryan Mule Hauling Beer. Omaha , July 23. Democrats of N braslca read In the press dispatch that at the national Christian Under or convention at St. Paul William Bryan had signed n temperance pled nnd enlisted In the army fighting Jol Barleycorn. Rlfcht on the heels of tl came the announcement that the Bi nn mulf. Mlnnenmscot , has been i signed to the menial job of hauling beer delivery cart In the streets Goldfleld , Nov. , making house to hou deliveries. MlnnemaHcot came to Mr. Bry and the Nebraska democracy durl the last presidential campaign as mascot. It had been exhibited at t Minnesota state fair , was abandon there by the owner , and the manage sent It to Bryan's home , where It w received with glad acclaim. After the votes had been count nnd the mule had been proved a In dee a democratic committee was t pointed to rid the Falrvlew premia of it. It was sent to work on a far but balked on the job and was shlpp back. Then It was forced upon t south but , not being accustomed cotton fields , again balked and a fi days later was braying for admTssi to the gates of Falrvlew. Finally t democratic central committee hit up a scheme for forever ridding Nobras of poor Mlnnenmscot. It offered t mule to the precinct that could shi the largest democratic gain. Goldfli won. won.For For a time the animal was the f hire of the mining town , but pee ] tired of It and now It Is hauling be Gllddenltes at Columbus. Kearney , Neb. , July 23. A dial era-Detroit tonnenu car entered ; the Detroit trophy was penalized 1 work on the commutator and a Jev touring car for replacing a spc Plug. Gus Buse's Thomas flyer was cauf in n mud hole near Columbus , Nt and remained there forty minutes i til pulled out by a truck. Chairman Hewer , who was sllgh 111 , and came here on the special trj that acts as special for the tourU received a telegram from Columl stating that Chalmers-Detroit No. which had been penalized an un noiinced number of points , had be withdrawn. It is not known whether the i will continue as a new contestant. Secretary Ferguson of the A. A. contest board who was badly cut Tuesday by being thrown from car against a barb wire fence , went Denver by the train , his wounds : showing the improvement hoped I Today's route takes the tour Julesburg , a distance of 206.2 mil the running time being few minu more than the ten hours. On this i the running time of ten hours wo have been lowered over two and o half hours had not the pacemaker h the cars back for more than nn In outside this city , taking more tl two hours to cover the last thirty- ) miles. i Woman Jumps Into River. I Kearney , Neb. , July 23. Mrs. L. 'Mills I of Wlnona , Minn. , who has hi I visiting with her daughter , Mrs. John , at this place , committed suic by jumping into the Platte river , t , Mills , who has been suffering fr mental trouble , In company with party of ladies was crossing the li bridge near here In a buggy , i without warning sprang Into river. Her lifeless body was 3 covered a quarter mile down 3 stream. The family Is prominent. Norfolk Couple Married. Madison , Neb. , July 23. Special The News : Judge Bates issuec marriage license to James A. Rico Miss Ida Farley , both of Norfolk , pronounced the words that made tl man and wife. Final settlement in the matter of estate of Charles W. Wetzel , decea of Falrvlew , was made in the coi court and the executrix , Mrs. Ern ine W. Wetzel , widow , dischar. . Also final settlement was In the i tor of the estate of Daniel M. H ridge , Tilden , and Mrs. Eva IIoldrI < administratrix , discharged from trust. As Mr. and Mrs. Paul Friebo v driving home from the funeral of 1 Florin Beck , the buggy pole dror causing the horses to become unn ageable , and Mrs. Friebo , In Jump sustained a compound commlm fracture of the right leg between ankle and the knee , the bones trudlng. Dr. Smart was called by ophono and reached the patient i shortly after the accident and tern : n arlly set the bone before removing sufferer from the roadside. Will Fight for His Life. Aberdeen , S. D. , July 23. Thrc waiving his preliminary examlnal it Enill Victor substantiates the reef of his confession of the Christie i dor and puts his case up to the clr court , where the final verdict mus rendered. No one except the officials are mlttcd to see the prisoner , who Is 1 closely guarded. While the tall t. lynching has died out , it cannot known that some one would not de Jury to the prisoner if permittee approach him In jail. John Ronayno , father of the boy was murdered on the Christie ft does much to allay any possible m ment toward violence by exprcs confidence In the court and counse that a "public crime would bo n terrible than this private one. " James Victor , father of Erall Vic the confessed murderer of the Chrl family , arrived hero yesterday aftc noon from East Aurora , N. Y. , to star by hid Ron through his trouble. Tl old gentleman Is very much affccti by the predicament In which his B ( Is Involved , but will do everything his power for him. The authorities refuse to give out report of Victor's confession , mal talnlng the same attitude they r sumed Tuesday when the news fir leaked out that the prisoner had co fesscd. From a fellow prisoner of VI tor's , men accused of trivial offense who have been released , it is Icnrni that Victor states that ho laid hlddi all. night In the barn of Christie , < July 2 , waiting for his victim to n pear. When Chrlstlo started to ml the cow , the morning of July 3 , Viet crept up behind him and felled hi with a blow from a hammer. Viet claims ho did not Intend to intird Christie , but simply to stun him that ho could rob him. But ho stru harder than ho had Intended , ni Christie , with a groan , fell dead. T sound attracted the attention of you : Michael Ronaync , who started to n for assistance , when Victor shot hi later knocking him , also , In the her Mrs. Christie then ran from the do and Victor shot her. Entering t house , ho attacked Mildred Christ who struggled for a time , mid then ( claimed : "Oh , you have killed pa and mamma ; you might as well 1 < me , too , " and sat still on the bed. T murderer then emptied his revolver the used shells , reloaded It , and coo shot the girl dead. Madison County Is Out of Debt. The statement of County Treasui Peterson published today , probal makes the best showing of n treasurer's statement ever publish In this county. This statement she that the county Is out of debt , cxce the current bills that have been ci tracted since the 1908 levy was t hausted , nnd these will be paid soon as the 1909 levy Is available , is true there are outstanding warrai to the amount of $936.71 , but the have all been called In and the P son they are not paid is because th have not been presented. Good Work of Commissioners. This showing speaks volumes I the economical management of coui affairs under the direction of ( present board of county commlssli ers. It will be remembered tl some five or six years ago , the coui was asked to vote bonds In the amoi of $40,000 to build and repair bridg which proposition the voters v < promptly turned down. In face this condition during the past f ( years the commissioners have gc ahead improving roads and bridge : having invested some $50,000 in n steel bridges and a large sum roads , without voting bonds or levy : any extra tax , and the county stai today out of debt. Now every brlt across the Elkhorn is a steel brlc except one , the old policy of patch a bridge at constant expense hav been abandoned In favor of pen nent , substantial structures. Sev teen bridges have been built In i county during the past four yet and Incidentally six of them have b < uuilt in Norfolk and in this Imi diate vicinity. Real Things Done. Besides the bridge Improvemei miles of road have been clayed t put in first class condition all o the county , while considerable moi has been invested in takln ? care the river where it was cutting 1 roads and private property , the i tern of rlpraplng adopted having pi ed unusually successful. Make Every Dollar Count. This showing Is somewhat remt able In view of the bad state of fairs four years ago , In that wl the county owed largo sums at t time , it is practically out of d now. No more forceful comment on the business sagacity of the beef of county commissioners who h handled the financial affairs of county could be made. The rea for this better condition is probti due largely to the policy adopted securing a full dollar's worth for county for a dollar , the better meth of making contracts and the perse supervision of individual members the board Insuring that when county's money was being expen just as much results were expectec though It were individual funds , policy that has resulted In brinf Madison county from n chaos of e to a condition of freedom from in < tedness. Democrats Meet on Saturday. Madison county democrats will n at Battle Creek Saturday afternooi 2 o'clock for the purpose of selec six delegates to the state platform ventlon. Caucuses held In Norfolk to se delegates to the county convention suited in naming the following sons : First Ward John F. Flynn , H Gerecke , Theodore Earnhardt , T. Cantwell. Second Ward Henry F. Haaso , 1 Luebke , Tate Wllle , J. E. Haase , C Krahn. t Third Ward August Steffen , I Lou , P. J. Stafford , Julius Degnor. It Fourth Ward W. J. Brannli Henry Kennedy , Matt Shaffer , J Burnett , Cooney Campman. Outside Precinct C. F. Winter , 1 Buettow , Henry Uocker , C. B. F Fred Krantz , John Wade. Chairman John Flynn has just celved a letter from State Chain T. H. Allen stating that Mad county is entitled to six delegates. Mr. Flynn has also received a le from W. II. Fields , clerk of the trlct court , asking that the democ name a full set of officers of elect as provided by law. The want ads are Important to r ( | gain hunters sometimes a close e end to the store ads. Performer * Here ; Al Ritchie Gone. A number of show performers , tl eluding men and women broncho rli crs and aerial acrobats , who came t Norfolk in response to the adverttsi mcnts of Al Ritchie in the nationi dramatic papers claiming that h would start a wild \vcst and fronttc show In Norfolk today , have arrive In the city and are at the present Urn stranded hero. When they arrive last night it was to learn that no pro ] arallons had been made for starting show today , as had been announce ! and that Ritchie , the show "promoter had left the city without stating who ho would return and apparently witl out anything to bring him back. Ritchie left town yesterday and tl ; woman who claims to bo his wife wr unable to say where Ritchie was e whether or not he would return. SI : was packing her trunk , apparent ! with Intention of departing. Lucas Aerial Performers Here. Among the performers strandc hero are the three Lucases aerial a robats who came from Lincoln In r sponse to Ritchie's magazine ndvc tisoment , expecting to Join a she hero. They say they cancelled oth < contracts In order to accept Ritchie offer of higher pay. Other Performers Stranded Here. The Lucases announced they wou give street performances during tl day to raise funds. Besides these , the following she people are here : II. W. Walton , Oklahoma City , wll five horses ; a boss canvasman. Miss E. E. Chase and Miss T. C. Tuner nor , two women broncho riders , fc merly with Buffalo Bills show , now i Denver. James Shea from North Dakot broncho buster. B. R. Daniels , Las Vegas , N. J broncho buster. It Is also said that twenty-five flor ers , such as roustabounts , arrived ai departed during the day. H. W. Walton came to act as bo canvasman. He said Ritchie's lotto looked good to him , so he came. I has now shipped his five horses Oakdale. He says that he has m more than thirty roustabouts he who had come for the show. Women Riders "Dead Broke. " Miss Chase and Miss Turner , tl two women riders , spent their la cent getting here. They ride wl horses , claiming to break any her brought to them. They brought their riding costum with them. They say Ritchie yeste day refused to sign a contract , askli them to wait. They got no satisfc tlon nnd today heard he had gone Sioux City. All of the show people who have i rived are practically penniless , havii had enough confidence in Rltchii magazine announcement to spend the last dollars getting to Norfolk. It was said the women riders a : other riders might give a show he to raise enough money to get out town. All they want for the she they said , is wild horses. Ritchie's Plan. It Is said that Ritchie's plan w feasible , but for the lack of small cr Ital to buy tents and transportatlc He was to be the star performer hi self , being a physical giant. Rltcl was to allow a heavy automobile I run over him and to do other stur r of physical prowess. This people w r saw him work on the street the thl of July , realize he could do. It Is si he could draw a big salary with a c CU3. CU3.Being the star performer , togetl with the woman with him , Rltcl would not have to employ high prlc people. His plan was to get his hon free. A ranchman was to send h wild , unbroken horses. Ritchie's sin people would break the animals part of the show. This would Increr the value of the horses , which lai would be sold by Ritchie , who was send back the money. In this w the rancher would get higher prk for his horses , and Ritchie would i their use without cost. On top of this , he was to get ab < $500 from each town where he play He had contracts signed up for I entire summer. Commercial ch would pay this because of the crow the show would bring to town. Lacks Capital. All this plan seemed feasible , 1 Ritchie lacked the capital to buy c vas ami move the show. He attem ed to Interest local parties , who flnn refused to "come through" in I game. Without funds himself , Ritchie v unable to carry out the plan. gYOUNGEST | KNIGHT OF THE GR Harold Banks , Who Says He Is O 9 Years Old. Omaha , July 24 , "Harold Banks Chicago , " Is the way it appears on i register of one of the Omaha hoti Harold Banks claims to bo the you est traveling man in the world and looks it. He says he is 9 years of i and declares that this is his third e son on the road. In order to subscribe his name the hotel register Harold has to str on his tiptoes , but when It comes doing business ho can give points some of the best of the veterans. Is selling a window cleaning compoi r- nnd deals with the retail trade , has been in Omaha three days t past week and says that his orders \ exceed $1,000. Young Banks started in busln selling newspapers on the streets Chicago and the window cleaning c < pound In the city , and did so well tl he was given a territory , which eludes Iowa , Nebraska and Mlnnc to. Ho makes two trips a year t says that this year his salary and cc missions will net him $2,400. 1 money Is sent homo and placed Ir savings bank. When he gets onoi to make a payment he buys a lot. claims that'ho has great confidence ji real estate and Insists that tils ambl tlon Is to own a farm , well stockec with line cattle and horses. When hi has secured this he will quit the roac and become a farmer. Miss Williams Slightly Better. Pierce , Nob. , July 24. Special t < The News : Miss Anna Williams , tin 17-year-old daughter of former Rail way Commissioner J. A. Williams o this city , who was so seriously Injurei In an nutomobllo accident hero TliurE day night , roused up slightly toda ; from the state of unconsciousness Inti which she lapsed , and Dr. Salte thought that she was somewhat 1m proved , though not out of danger. Miss Williams passed a comfortabl night and for brief periods this morn Ing seemed fairly rational. She dli not regain consciousness in nn ; marked degree all day yesterday. Think Not Internally Injured. Dr. Salter this morning said that h did not believe , as he had nt firs feared , that Miss Williams was Intel nnlly injured. lie had also feared tha there had been a fracture of the skill but now believes it was only a cor cusslon of the skull. Miss Williams sustained a bad gas four or five inches long on the rlgh side of the head and her right ear wu practically torn completely off. She was badly bruised from hea to foot. Nelson , the auto driver , today Issue a statement as to the cause of the ac cldont. He said : " 1 had just turne on the gas and was about to stop an light up. It was 9 o'clock. One c the girls shouted that Bert Miller wa coming up from behind nnd was gc Ing to pass between my car and th fence , on the inside of the track , speeded up and turned out to allo' him to pass , realizing there was nc room as the car stood. In some wa 1 turned on full speed and the en made a short angle , lurching a coupl of times and then going over. " It was Miss Laura Turner Instead e Miss Belle Turner who , with the tw Williams girls and Nelson , was bruli ed up. CHAUFFEUR CRUSHED. Life Extinguished by Machine Smasl Ing Through His Chest. Sioux Falls , S. D. , July 24. Ir Breese , aged 35 , a chauffeur in th employ of the Gates garage in thl city , as the result of an automobll turning turtle , was crushed to such a extent that he died about an hour a ter the accident. Breese came to Sioux Falls enl about five weeks ago from Jacksoi Mich. , where he leaves a widow an one child. His was the first death 1 Sioux Falls as the result of an aut mobile accident. At the time of the accident Brees was engaged in toning up a new m ; chine. While In the southern portlo of the residence section and going i a good rate of speed he turned Into ditch to let another vehicle pass. Ii stantly the automobile turned turtl pinning Breese beneath it and ems' , ing his chest. The machine is cor pletely wrecked. Victor's Father Leaves. Aberdeen , S. D. , July 21. Refuslr to go to a hotel upon his arrival : the city , seeking to prevent his pre ence becoming known to the publl and making his way at once to tl home of the local Lutheran ministc the father of Emll Victor , the accuse murderer , has had an Interview wli his son In the county Jail and will r turn at once to his humble home East Aurora , N. Y. , leaving his boy the Judgment of the law. What transpired at the Interview not known. It lasted several houi with intermissions , during the day , i ter the distressed father had waited full day for the return of the slier so that permission could be securi to meet the prisoner in his cell. Mr. Victor , sr. , stated to the ofllce that he had no money with which engage an attorney for the boy ai would have to leave it to the court appoint one at state expense , that 1 has only a small farm In New Yo ; | and that his other son In Chicago hi not sufficient money to make the tr to Aberdeen to see Emll , The father protests that Emll w Incapable of the commission of sir a crime , that he was timid by natu nnd that he had not been right in li mind since a child. When ho Ic home he ran away and after leavli Chicago nothing was heard of him u til the crushing announcet , ent that 1 was in Jail charged with the brut murder of four people. Judge Frank McNulty of the Fif Judicial circuit has agreed to call special term of court , probably on Si urday , July 31 , to hear the Victor ca If the prisoner pleads guilty , the Jud will at once Impose sentence , whl may bo hanging or life Imprisonmei If Victor decides to stand trial , spite of his confession , the spec ! term will be adjourned until a Ju can bo summoned. Filings In Knox. Bloomlleld , Nob. , July 23. The f. . lowing is a list of the candidates wl have filed for county ofllco in Km county : Treasurer Howard W. Grand ! ( dom. ) , Willard W. Walton ( rep. ) . Clerk Phil B. Clark ( dem. ) , En Ellasson ( rep. ) . Sheriff Charles A. Hillborg , J. Joppesen , F. Q. Klnnoy and Vac. Vlt nick ( dem. ) , Ernest D. Maxwell ri J. L. Burns ( rep. ) . Judge D. C. Laird ( dem. ) , A. C. I gan ( dep. ) . Superintendent - Chris W. Dem and El A. Murphy ( dom. ) , H. H , Hie mann ( rep. ) . Surveyor J. L. Seeley ( dora Charles A. NIppoll ( rep. ) . Coroner J. Harvey Mettlen ( dem , James R. Kalar ( rep. ) . Supervisors First district , Clmrl U. Daly ( dem. ) , L. R. Emmona ( rep , The Great Alaska - Youkon - Pacific Exposition Is The Most Beautiful Fair Ever Held You'll nhvnys bo glad you went. Buy round-trip tickets viu Union Pacific "Tho Safe Road to Travel" nt low rates and enjoy per fect train service cn ; route' . Get full information , booklets , etc. Address E. L. LOMAX , General Passenger Agent , Union Pacific R. R. Co. , Omaha Neb. Third district , Henry Schwartz ( dom. ) ; Fifth district , James Bnkoi ( dom. ) ; Seventh district , James G Wcbor ( dem. ) . That Settles It. Goldle , In Wayne Democrat : Slier Iff Mears and I settled up that ter thousand-dollar damage suit the othoi day. Grant said he would throw of mlf for Immediate settlement , and ' Just as promptly threw off the othoi half , so the account is now squared. Tennis Tournament. Wayne Herald : The northeast Ne braska tennis tournament held Ir Wayne Tuesday and Wednesday was an interesting and exciting series 01 events to those who understand the ; ame. The events came to a close sc ate last evening that we were unable o learn very much about the outcome W. O. Matthewson of Meskell won the cup in the single plays and Jas. Mlllei of Wayne the consolation prize. The cup In the double plays was won bj two gentlemen from Allen , with Mlllei and Osborne of Wayne as runner up and Beebe and Gamble of Wayne foi consolation prize. Those present fron abroad were Messrs. Mathewson , Han son , Carlson , Powell , Haskell , Ware Robinson , Eby , Dorlinger , Schalforc and Pearson. The homo players wen Messrs. Harrington , Morgan , Beebe Gamble , Fisher , Osborne , Miller anc Sims. The visitors expressed them selves as well pleased with their treat ment while here , and the home play ers worked hard to win , but could no succeed. BREAKS NECK. That's What Happened to Theo. T Johnson in California. Burke Gazette : At last the partlcu lars of the Injuries sustained by Theo T. Johnson In California have reachei Burke , and the only wonder is tha Mr. Johnson is alive , since his necl was broken. It seems that he was with a party o people driving In the mountains whei night came on. Rains had washed ou the. road on the side of a canyon am In the darkness the whole turnout- horses , stage coach and people wen over end to the bottom of the canyoi The vertebrae In Mr. Johnson's nee' were dislocated , but expert surglca attention succeeded in a correct reae1 justment and he will soon be as new having undergone an injury which 1 usually fatal. The reason particulars were not re celved here sooner is that Mr. Johr son's brother , who is with him , ha been directing all communications t "Burke , Neb. , " and the mistake wa not noticed until the letters were re turned without delivery. Richmond Loses Place. Lincoln , July 24. When the demc cratlc legislature sought to create berth for Colonel Henry C. Richmoni of the Fremont Herald , by provldln that hereafter the governor shoul have the power to appoint the seen tary of the state printing board , I stepped on itself. VVhat ic meant wa that the governor coula name th printing board expert , wnu is a repul Mean. The error was not aiscoveied unt recently , and when It was , Clio goi ornor politely named Secretary c State Junkin as secretary. Mr. Junki refused on the ground that as a repul llcan ho couldn't accept an appoln ment under a democratic nclmlnlstn tlon. The republican members of th board still retain the power to num the expert , and it won't bo Rlchmonc Homesteader Becomes Bride. Miss Bertha Stumer of Gregory , on of the claim winners In Tripp countj was married to Emll Remter , also o Gregory. The young couple will mak their homo on the claim of the bride Wayne Filings. Wayne Herald : Saturday was th last day for filing under the new pr : mary law and the result does notsho\ that there was any great scramble t get Into the office holding band wngor In fact , earnest solicitation oven coui' ' not get candidates enough to fill al the offices. Below wo give the name and ofllccs for which various candl dates filed. Republican Guy Strickland , survoj or ; Alfred Bohlandor , county clerk G. S. Mears and Gco. Minor for shci Iff ; C. H. Bright and Mrs. Elsie Ltttel for county superintendent ; Chas , S Beebe , treasurer ; James Brltton , cour ty Judge ( by petition ) ; J. W. Uartlott , assessor for Wayne ; F. 13. Bright , as sessor for WlnsldoV. ; . F. Ramsey , road overseer , district No. 7 , Hunter precinct. Democrats James Hrltton , county Judge ; C. W. Reynolds , county clerk ; Charlotte White , county superinten dent ; J. F. Stanton , commissioner , J. F. Soules , constable ; Hclndrlch Meyer , road overseer district No. 7 , Hunter precinct. Holt County Republicans. Atkinson Graphic : The republican county convention , held at O'Neill Monday , to select a new county cen tral committee and eleven delegates to attend the state convention at Lincoln , next Tuesday , named R. R. Dlckson aa county chairman and Romalne Saunders - ders as secretary and treasurer. C. II. Williams , B. E. Sturdevant , W. N. Coats , L. E. Skldmore , J. F. Gal lagher , C. E. Hall , W. Holcomb , Jack Taggart , Mark Howard , Tom Simon- son and Zeb Warner , were named as delegates from Atkinson. A number of the townships were not represented and all of the central committee was not selected at the meeting. George Clabnugh was named for Sand Creek , eb Warner for Pleas- antvlew , Wllber Ogle for Green Val ley , J. O. Hubbell for Francis , Dell \ Root for Wyoming and W. T. Hayes of > . . 'J Sheridan are among the number named from this section of the coun ty. Judge McCutchan Drops Dead. Spencer Advocate : It has become the painful duty of the Advocate to chronicle the sudden death of one of Spencer's highly respected citizens , G. A. McCutchan , who dropped dead on the streets of Lynch , Neb. , Tuesday of ci heart trouble. /H He had gone down to Lynch In com pany with a number of our citizens to attend the republican county conven tion. Not feeling well , he started alone to the train at about 4 o'clock and when within a short distance of the station fell to the ground. Parties seeing him and knowing the weak con dition of his heart rushed to his aid , but it was too late. He expired before any assistance could be rendered. The body was taken In charge by an under taker nnd shipped to Spencer on the 5:33 : train. Judge McCutchan was a pioneer set tler of Nebraska and a resident of Spencer for over six years , coming here from O'Neill. He was county judge of Holt county four years , coun ty attorney of Boyd county two years and at the time of his death filled the position of United States commission er , lie was a member of the A. O. U. W. lodge. Deceased was born In Indiana In September , 1848. A widow , two daugh ters Mrs. Gorio of Inmnn and Mrs. Mable Critchfleld of Indlanola , Neb. and a son who Is In Oregon sur vive him. He was a true friend , devoted husband nnd loving fa ther. While ho has had severe at tacks of heart trouble for some time , he never worried any or loft undone a duty which he had to perform. His Jolly disposition and friendly greeting characterized his walk in life and made surrounding conditions moro pleasant. Funeral services were held at the late home of the deceased today at 2 u clock , conducted by the Rev. Geo. R. Searles and the remains Interred In the Spencer cemetery. The pallbearers were J. A. Golden 'and ' D. H. Cronln of O'Neill , Tom Coleman - man and J. A. Snider of Buttc , and Theo. Knecht and A. C. Mohr of Spen cer. Cntnrrli Cnnnnt lie Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS , ' ( is they cannot reach the scut of the dlsense , Catnrrh la n blond or constitutional dl- HCUHU , niul In order to euro It you must lake Internal rcmedlcH. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally , and nets di rectly on tlio blond nnd inucotiH sur faces. Hall's Cntnrrli Cure Is not n quack medicine. It was prescribed by ono of the best physicians In this country for years nnd Is a regular proscription. It Is composed of the best tonics known , combined with the best blood purifiers , nctlnfr directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect com bination of the two Ingredients IB what produces uuch wonderful result * In curing Catarrh. Send for testimon ials free. F. J. CHENEY , Props , , Toledo , O , Bold by druggists , price 7Ec. Take Hall's Family I'llli for con stipation. 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