The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 23, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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\ Evelyn Thaw ; Her Story.
New York , July 20."I was n darl
ing , an angel child , n bravo little wo
man and everything else BO long n'
Harry K. Thaw was In danger of the
ulectrlc chair , but once his precious
body was saved oh , well , then It la
different. "
This was the statement made by
Evelyn Nosblt Thaw today when aho
told for the first time how she consent
ed to sign papers In a suit to annul
her marriage with Harry K. Thaw and
afterward withdrew her signature
when the older Mrs. Thaw failed to
fulfill lior side of the contract.
Whlln Evelyn Thaw refused testate
the amount , of money that was offered
to her , soon after Thaw's second trial
for the murder of Stanford White , to
induce her to consent to nn annulment ,
It Is well known to the authorities that
the amount was about $30,000 a year
for life.
> Cut It to $6,000 , a Year.
This amount was Bubsequently re
duced to $0,000 n year when the elder
Mrs. Thaw refused to sign a $30,000
a year contract with her daughlor-ln-
"It was because I learned things
about him In his second trial , " said
Evelyn Thaw today , "that I came to
the decision that wo would never live
together analn as man and wife. "
Mrs. Thaw was found In her $95-a-
month apartment on West Thirty-
third street this aftorn n. She wore
a white sliht waist and a lavender
skirt of washable material. She was
Just about to eat some Ice cream with
a girl friend when the reporter reached
her apartment. She spoke carelessly
about the heat and then , Mi no more
expression of oxciti-nipnt or pleasure
than had she been discussing the lat
est fashions In clothes or hats , she
talked about her troubles.
In fact , once during the talk she
took up a magazine , looked at some
new styles In hats and then , passing
the book to her companion , remarked
carelessly :
"Those nro beautiful affairs. "
Then , turning to the reporter , she
added :
"You know I am Just crazy about
hats. I never can cease admiring pret
tlly trimmed ones , either.
"I laugh and piny and cut up the
highest kind of high jinks In spite ol
all I've gone through. I'm still n verj
young woman. I'm an optimist by dls
No Delusions About Her.
"I have no desire to pose ns an ex
ample for young American women tc
follow. I want no one to have lllu
slons as to what I am. But I am Jusl
ns anxious to end for all time the rl
dlculous nonsense that Is being spreac
abroad as portraying me. I want twc
things thoroughly understood :
"Tho first one Is that I have novel
committed any crime. I am a young
woman whose unfortunate upbringing
has ended In my being connected wltl
a sordid murder In which I had m
part and which I tried for three yean
to prevent.
"During my married life with Thav
I lived at home as quietly and with as
much regard for the conventions ai
any woman ever had. I may innrrj
again. It Is all a question In my mint
\ as to the advisability of giving up i
, career I have mapped out for mysel
or of settling down to rear chlldret
in the fashion of a good housewife am
"Tho second thing I want made plali
is that I will not trade on the notoriety
that has attached Itself to me as i
result of this terrible affair. If I chosi
to accept the many offers that havi
been made to me to go on the vaude
vlllo stage I should bo independent ! :
I'm Unmoral , She Says.
"That I have refused these things Ii
no indication that I am wonderfully
high principled. If you will have thi
truth , I am distinctly unmoral , as thi
world today views morals. I have m ;
own code of ethics and I live up t <
them. But from present day Ideals
am unmoral. There Is no question o
it. "
And here Mrs. Thaw made It knowi
for the first time that there Is a mm
of whom she thinks more than of an ;
ono else In the world. She would no
tell his name.
"But I nm not a bad woman , " shi
went on , "In the sense that I spofre o
bad women In that first 'trial. If
make up my mind to marry the man
love , I shall do It and the world wll
hunt in vain for a chance to accusi
me of Indiscretions.
"If , on the other hand , I reach thi
conclusion my art means more to mi
than the raising of children , if I dccldi
It is not right for me to become i
mother and stigmatize children wltl
the curse that has been brought upoi
my name I shall tell the man I love
as I have already told him I shouli
do , that I cannot marry him ; that ou
marriage would bo a thing to hurt u
both later.
"And I shall have no hesitancy ur
dor those circumstances of glvlnc bin
all the love any wife could give an ;
husband. But always , that way ,
shall reserve to myself the right to de
vote myself to my art and there wll
be no bond holding mo to him.
"But to tell the story I have mad
up my mind to tell , I must begin wa ;
back when I was a child of 15 In th
chorus of 'Florodora. ' I was flabbei
gastod by It nil. The tights and th
muslo and the cabs and the suppers-
they loft me wondering if I were stant !
, ing on my head or my feet. Remeir
ber , I had always been in more or les
want for actual necessities and I wa
only n child besides.
How Stanford White Bought Her.
"It Is not strange that when Star
ford White singled me out and bough
me a pearl drop that cost $1,000 an
let everyone know ho approved of m
It is not strange that I thought h
wan the moat wonderful man in the
"But No. 1 cornea right here , and by
mistake I meant popular Impression
that was gained from my cross-exam
ination on that first trial. You will
remember I nworo on the stand that I
was given a drug by Stanford White
that loft mo unconscious and I also
said that I recovered from the 111 ef
fects of the drug In less than three
lours , dressed and went home. At the
line I know ns well as anyone else
.hat everyone doubted the ruth of that
statement. But It wasn't untrue. And
what Is more , District Attorney Jerome
ma told me since that he had discov
ered what ho had believed was Impos
sible that thorn Is not only one drug ,
aut three drugs that can do this.
"When I found how widespread was
the disbelief on this point I consulted
ono of the most eminent physicians In
New York and got from him the three
drugs that can produce unconscious
ness without deleterious after effects
and woik within sixty seconds of their
Introduction Into the system.
"It Is not true that 1 hated Stanford
White then or nt any time. Ho was
so much finer and bigger hearted and
more considerate of all women than
any man ono meets In the ordinary
course of events that his unhappy at
titude toward women and girls Is a
fault to bo minimized In summing ur
his whole life career.
Harry Thaw Stole Her.
"Thaw stole mo away from Whlto
Just the same as men In the Stone Age
stole women , If folk lore says sucli
things happened , and I understand that
Is the way the old talcs go. White
was my protector , my patron , If you
will , and I loved him more than I evei
had any man or woman In my life , mj
mother and father not excepted. "
Norfolk Wins the First Game.
They won the first game.
Norfolk , 0 ; Royal , 4. That's the way
It stood when the nlno Innings were
over. But tnat doesn't tell all tlu
Up till the ninth It was nip and tuck
with a 2-2 score. Then Tottenhof
clinched the initial victory for Page's
gray-suited bunch by rapping out t
timely three-sacker and scoring three
men.Page's new salaried bunch of ball
tossers made a splendid Iropressior
upon the 400 local fans who took ir
struggle No. 1. In fact , everybody wai
surprised at the classy quality of thi
national game presented on the verj
first day.
And , now that Page has come across
with the real goods in putting up i
team , It Is to be hoped that Norfoll
will meet him half way on his sub
scriptlou paper and , by fair support
make It possible to maintain the garni
at the standard already set.
To Have Best Team In State.
Manager Page said : "With tw (
more good pitchers , whom I'm nov
looking for , I'll have the best team h
the state , outside the Western leagu <
clubs at Omaha and Lincoln. "
Royal sent down ono of the fastes
bunches of ball men assembled togeth
er in northern Nebraska and the fac
that Norfolk was able to bat out a vie
tory on the first day , Indicates tha
there'll be genuine sport In times t <
The entire local crowd earne *
praise. Neno at short made a numbe
of snappy plays , shooting the sphen
to first with admirable accuracy-
South played nn errorless game at second
end and Haak was there and over Ii
the rlghtfield garden.
Schwartz pitched well for the locali
and Lusinskl as catcher made a num
her of spectacular plays , besides hit
ting the ball In his time at bat.
Carl Forsburg and Hughes , for Roy
al , played spotless games and came t <
their team's rescue In several Ugh
places with good stick work.
West Point comes to Norfoll
Wednesday afternoon for a game
which will be up to snuff. Stanton' ;
team arrived Tuesday noon for thi
second game against the Page crowd
The score :
Royal AB. R. H. PO. A. E
Score by Innings : R. H. E
Royal 00110002 0 4 4
Norfolk . . .01100030 * 5 G
Three-base hit : Tottenhoff. Twc
base hits : ToUenhoff , Buckmoister , C
Forsburg , G. F'orsburg , Hughes. Let
on bases : Norfolk , 4 ; Royal ,
Struck-out : By Peck , G ; by Swartz
8. Bases on balls : Off Swnrtz , 1 ; ol
Peck , 2. Hit by pitched balls : None
Time , 2 hours. Umpire , Howe. Al
tendance , 400.
Madison Gets New Depot.
Madison , Neb. , July 20. Special t <
The News : Word was received toda ;
from the state railway commlssloi
that the Union Pacific railway will a
once begin construction of a new , mod
ern depot in Madison. Notice to olc
vntor men has been given , BO thn
elevators now within 100 feet of th
depot may bo moved.
Some time ago the Madison commei
cinl club complained of the depot here
Company F , N. N. G. , left here toda
for Ashland.
"The Man of Many ClMs"
Itcmarktble Claims Made
by Horace Fletcher , the
World Famed Authority on
Food * and Feeding and Ex
ponent of Kiting Rightly.
"If nil person * < o lived at to have
normal diget' ' ' < irlme would prac
tically be ellr t j. "
\viis the astounding state
ment of Ilorucu Fletcher , the
world fumed authority on foods
anil feeding , made to the writer
In his last Interview given before his
departure for Europe. The originator
of the system , revolutionary I" the
world of matters dietetic , known as
flctcherlsm or tlctchorlzlng , docs not
consider Ills claim as to the elimina
tion of crime to be at all ( icnsatlonal.
He Is habitually and characteristically
retiring awl conservative In his words
und thoughts. As a patient disciple of
moderation and founder of the new re
ligion of "dietary righteousness" Horace
ace Fletcher offers logical arguments
and cold facts to substantiate his
I talked with him for several hours
In his sitting room In the I'hlpps model
tenement No. 1 , In New York's tragic
east side , where this kindly soulcd ,
gray haired humanitarian has chosen
to dwell In preference to his costly
marble palace , Palazzo Balbanto , on
the Grand canal , In Venice , a palace
800 years old.
"Tlit effect of a nation's food on a
nation's minds , " said Mr. Fletcher , "Is
too easily ascertalnable to be under
estimated. While I have never made a
point of naming arbitrarily what a person -
son should or should not eat , I have
spoken and written as to how an < l
when and how much to eat. Persons
who overeat In their consumption of
meats become mentally different from
those who cat normally or who depend
chiefly or wholly on vegetable forms of
diet. Large , abnormal quantities of
meat as diet are for oavagery. They
create an unnatural condition of mind
How He Would Eliminate
Crime by Proper Dieting
and Cure Intemperance by
Drinking Vital Economic
Side of His Campaign. - <
The poisoning of mind and body ,
hence the Intoxication resulting from
overindulgence In meats , Is very ! " !
liar In the last analysis to that occa
sioned by alcoholism. It Is what Mr.
Fletcher describes as "taking boo/.e In
the form of beef. "
According to his philosophy , there IB
ns much evil In "food drunkenness"
as there Is In alcohol drunkenness.
For Instance , he states that "tho body
throws off the effects of alcohol drunk
enness much easier and more quickly
than those of food drunkenness , and
In the latter form of Intoxication the
dangers from uric acid are probably
greater than In the former. "
Hut the reader should not assume
from the foregoing that the great au
thor of "Tho A B K of Our Own Nu
trition" and "The New Glutton or Epl-
uire , " etc. , Is an exponent of vegeta
rianism. "I do not subscribe to the
many Isms , " he smilingly told the
writer. Hut ho is an opponent of nil
Immoderation , whether the food bo
the best or the most Injudicious In the
world. lie subscribes to the following
catholic doctrine :
It IbVt what ono cats ; It's how ono outs.
There Is not a thing which cannot be
oaten it It Is eaten rightly.
There should bo no restriction on the
tatlng whatsoever. This Is not a fad at
all. I simply bellevo In following what
nature Indicates. If nature gives us
grinding teeth they are to grind with.
When I am hungry I know that nature
Is telling me to cat. When I am thirsty
I drink. When one la sleepy the logical
thing is to go to sleep.
There Is no slavery like the slavery of
habit. The thing Is to strive to follow
nature ae closely as may be and you
can't go wrong. Cat only when you are
really hungry with a natural , not a forced
or stimulated , hunger. And If you crave
meat eat It , but don't overeat , and eat It
Eatlnc rightly Is to cease eating when the
appetite censes to call for food ; to masti
cate thoroughly , chcwlng the food scores
of times If necessary to mix it so com
pletely with the saliva that it will bo
and so lead to a state in which crime
Is more readily committed.
"The respective careers of the Indltin
tribes of the Pueblos and the Apaches
afford an Illuminating comparison. The
Apacnes were notorious as Devastators ,
warlike ravagers , merciless slayers.
They were most ravenous caters of
"The Pueblos were homo builders ,
dwelt' ' In established villages. They
worked industriously. They tilled the
soil , a peaceful agricultural people ,
and their tribe exists today in mate
rial numbers. The Pueblos have al
ways been moderate In their eating.
Consuming very little meat , they have
subsisted for generations on different
kinds of grains and other vegetable
"In Japan during the Tokogawar pe
riod of about 300 years the simplicity
of the diet and life of the nation
found marked reflection In the crim
inal records of the country. The mod
erate diet , consisting chiefly of rice ,
fish and fowl , was responsible for the
practical elimination of crime ns a se
rious factor in the economics of the
country , ns witness that in one year
in a total population of 80,000,000
people only 8,000 cases of criminal ac
tivity were brought before the an-
thorltlrs. "
Those 8,000 cases were principally
of the minor class of crimes , known aa
Overeating Lowers Morality ,
Mr. Fletcher went on to state that
nations and tribes that Indulge Im
moderately In foods and gorge them
selves with meats produce the largest
number of criminals compared to to
tal population and exhibit a lower
degree of morality generally. Their
death rate , moreover , Is proportionate
ly larger than that of other countries.
nd Intemperance of varying sorts Is
shown to Increase. Ills arguments do
not necessarily demonstrate , nor does
ho BO claim , that all crime produced
by Improper diet proceeds directly
from the blight of overeating or that
of eating In an improper manner. In
many cases there may bo an interme
diate stage produced from which , In
turn , actual crime may result. For
instance , Intemperance as to alcoholics
may result from efforts to overcome
the effects of Improper amount of or
improperly digested food. From this
intemperance or intoxication criminal
acts readily spring , aa authenticated
prison and police court records con
clusively reveal.
Booze In the Form of Be" '
swanc 'a in seminut * . rracucsity.invdl-
unlarily , lo get all the taste out ot liq
uid food ; lo stop eating the minute the
saliva stops flowing freely , resting your
appetite before It gets tired ; to eat only
when you are cheerful , for you won't di
gest enough to make It worth while.
Don't eat when you nro sad or when
you are mad , but only when you are
glad you nro alive. And that is all of
"Cure Intemperance by Drinking. "
Mr. Fletcher makes another startling
assertion one that has a well defined
relation , moreover , to the Influence of
diet in crime. He says :
"Whisky can be taken In seemingly
harmless form and in such a manner
as to cure the craving for drinking In
excess , thus promoting temperdnco. "
The food scientist relies on the ef
fects of holding the fluid lu the mouth
to thoroughly Insalivate It , so that the
muscles governing the swallowing Im
pulse will sooner or later send It down
the throat automatically or Involun
"It will bo difficult without actual
demonstration , " says Mr. Fletcher , "to
convince the advocates of 'total absti
nence' that any whisky can be taken In
a seemingly harmless form , but it is
true that thorough Insallvatlon of beer ,
wine and spirits until disappearance by
Involuntary swallowing robs them of
their power to intoxicate , partly because -
cause appetite will tolerate but lit
"As a matter of fact , whisky taken in
this analytical way is a sure means of
breaking up desire for It , and It Is an
excellent protection in drlnkng ns well
as eating. Many of our test subjects
have been steady and some have been
heavy drlukers , but persistent atten
tion has cured all of them of any de
sire for alcohol , and In time It surely
leads to complete intolerance of It.
"It Is also true that , taken In the
way suggested , the body refuses to
tolerntp more than sips and thlmblo-
fuls of these liquids and then only on
rare occasions , so that the epicurean
habit Is the best possible insurance of
temperance. "
To insufficient mastication and disre
gard of the teachings and warnings of
appetite Mr. Fletcher attributes most
of the dietary evils of the hour In all
lands. Ho pronounces the late Premier
Gladstone's rule of "chewing every
mouthful thirty-two times" as based
on false theory. "The number of time *
food should bo chewed varies accord
ing to the nature of the food. Thirty-
two chews might do for some sorts ol
pabulum , but others might require
BOO or 400 to prepare them for involun
tary swallowing. "
Savin ? Millions For the Public
The tremendous campaign Mr.
Fletcher Is Waging ngalnnt interna
tional dietetic profligacy has a vital
economic side. Under his system the
amount eaten by the Individual is BO
much less In amount and coat and the
increase of the ctllclcncy of the Indi
vidual is so markedly increased that
all classes of persons can add to their
usefulness whllo reducing the cost of
living. Owing to the thousands of per
sons following the teachings of "the
man of many chews" today It Is esti
mated by a recognized statistician that
Mr. Fletcher , In enabling them to cut
down their food bills 40 to 00 per cent ,
has brought about a saving of over
$20,000,000 a year In the United States
alono. And his propaganda has spread
wider proportionately In foreign coun
tries than In America because of his
long residence In Italy.
Another competent statistician Is
authority for the statement that more
than 200,000 families are saving from
n dollar a ( lay upward ns the result of
the practlco'of Mr. Fletcher's teachings.
This estimate was made more than n
year ago , and the number Is Increas
ing In geometric ratio.
Students of political economy are
amazed nt. the possibilities of Iletch
crlzlng as a contributor to the na
tion's good. When nine Yale univer
sity students , Messrs. Bauer , Edwards.
Laporqulst , Lawton , Mltke , Parmelee.
Reeds , Taylor and Weymaii , were
formed Into an eating club to test Mr
Fletcher's claims that he could In
crease their physical endurance
through proper mastication , many pro
fessors scoffed. Yet at the end of the
test period Irving Fisher , Ph. D. , pro
fessor of political economy at Yale ,
wrote a voluminous report , In which
ho said , "Our conclusion in brief IP
that Mr. Fletcher's claims are justi
fied. "
Ten Benefits Obtained.
Demonstrations at other institutions
in England , Belgium , Italy and Amer
ica have shown conclusively that Mr.
Fletcher's teachings produce unmis
takably the following results :
First. Reducing half of the former cost
of nourishment.
Second. An Increase of CO per cent to
00 per cent In physical endurance.
Third. Immunity from sickness and
"that tired feeling. "
Fourth. Suppression of craving for al
coholic stimulants.
Fifth. Suppression of morbid desires.
Blxth. Restitution of nerve soundness.
Seventh. Elimination of various pot-
sons from the body , natural purity.
Eighth. Progressive recuperation ot
muscular and mental tone In those al
ready past middle life who had begun to
decline , renewing youth and memory.
Ninth. Renewal of native assurance ,
confidence and nt/bltlon.
Tenth. Optlmftm and happiness Instead
of pessimism and unhapplnoss.
A Gentleman of the World's School
Theodore IU > osevcIt has said thai
"our greatest national physical assel
Is our national health. " No man is do
Ing as much to put American hcaltli
and happiness bonds above par as the
discoverer of tlctchcrlzlng this mai
who persistently refuses to consldci
financial return for himself to be 1m
portnnt. Quite remarkable , quite un
believable , one might say , for a re
former to be laboring purely for re
form and not with motives of gain
Yes , quite remarkable until one meett
this unassuming gentleman of the
world's school , who has lived wlthoul
losing his Ideals , who uses his wealtl
and talents and time to uplift not onlj
the poor , but the rich ns well , and
whose one weakness is a kind heart.
The personality of Horace Fletchei
Is a greater force than any of his
teachings , any or all of his books 01
his theories , for all of these are bul
outer manifestations of his personality
and character. They are but frag
mentary testimonies of the splrli
which actuates him In dwelling in th <
diminutive rooms of the Phlpps tene
ment , giving free Instruction In living ,
with lessons In hope , to the stricken
poor , while his silk cushioned gondo
las swing Idly In the tide at theh
moorings beneath the marble balconies
of the Palazzo Salbante , on the Grand
Making a Rare Lettuce.
Mrs. Francis G. Rowlands , niece ol
Ward McAllister and wife of the Ne
vada senator , has succeeded In grow
ing a rare lettuce In the garden of hei
country home near Washington. The
lettuce is very bitter , and as a salad it
Is a delicacy to the cultivated taste ,
Mrs. Ncwlands Imported the seed
from Italy , and she is ono of the first
to grow this variety in America. Th <
Rowlands occupy the estate which
formerly was the homo of John R
McLean and later was owned by Ad
miral Dewey. Mrs. Newlands person
ally directs all work in the extensive
garden. Here she grows a large varl
ety of herbs. She has cut the garden
In two with n low wall of loose stones
which now Is covered -with vines ot
wild roses , honeysuckle and Ivy.
A Parasol Like an Awning.
Ono of the latest and greatest oddi
ties In parasols has a modified flat top ,
like oriental models , and cut In one
with each gore is a proportionate lam
brequin , which , Joined together at the
seams , falls down to the depth of sev
en or eight Inches and Is trimmed
with fringes an inch wide. As the
parasol Is opened and held up for use
one recognizes the suggestion of an
awning somewhat , and no doubt It
protects the eyes and complexion ad
Grlmsby So you want to marry my
daughter , elr ! What are your princi
ples ? Are you temperate ? Fledgely
Temperate ! Why , I ntn so strict that
It glvoa me pain even to flnd my boota
tight Londun Plck-Mo-Up.
Motorcar Service Across Gobi Deiert.
Among the latest activities of awak
ening China Is to be a service of motor
cars across the Gobi desert to replace
the tea caravans of old. The service
will cross the desert between Urgn
and Knlgun , which will shortly be
connected with Pekln by rail.
Don't Miss
The Exposition
All eyes ore now turned toward Seattle.
The cost of this marvelous undertaking has
reached the $10,000,000 mark.
It's ' the most beautiful and instructive fair over
held. You'll ' always be glad you wont ,
Unexcelled train service and low round trip
rates via the
Union Pacific
"The Safe Road to Travel"
Electric Block Signals
Perfect Track
Get booklets iiiul further
iiii'nrmntion of
E. L. LOMAX , General Passenger Agent ,
Union Pacific R. R. Co. , Omaha Neb.
J. K. Boas of Sioux City was a Sun
day visitor In Norfolk.
Mr. and Mrs. Gco. D. Butterflekl
hnvo returned from a week In Chicago
Miss Helen Marquardt , who has beer
spending a week's vacation at Plorro
returned this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Schmledeberg drove
to Stanton yesterday to spend the daj
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pettee.
Miss Roba Schmledeberg left on the
early train yesterday for Omaha for t
, wo or three months' stay with hoi
aunt , Mrs. Relff.
Miss Dorothy Boas of Sioux City , for
merly of Norfolk , Is In the city vlsltlnf
with Miss Beatrice Gow and othei
young friends for a week.
I. Friend of Washington , D. .C , ii
a guest nt the home of Charles Rice
Mrs. Friend and daughter , have beei
here for some time. Mrs. Friend ii
Mr. Rice's niece.
Mr. and Mrs. Eaton of Columbui
were visiting with Rev. Edwin Booth
Jr. , over Sunday. Mr. Eaton Is a foi
uier resident of Norfolk , und former ! ;
had a canning factory at Warnervllle
The families of M. C. Ilazcn and I.
M. Beeler have gone to Jackson's lake
near the Yellow Banks , where the ;
will camp out two or three weeks
John Krantz and family plan to go ou
Many complaints have reached Noi
folk that certain farmers are killlni
prairie chickens. The winter wheal
which Is now being cut , affords hldin ;
places for the chickens , and It Is ni
sorted that after sunset many of th
birds arc killed.
E. Nethaway died nt his home , 40
South Third street , at 11:35 : o'clocl
Monday. He had been 111 for som
time , having only recently sufferei
from a stroke of apoplexy. The ft ;
neral will be held at 2:30 : o'clock TUBE
day afternoon from the home. LeRo ;
Nethaway , a son , Is here from Wahoc
The latest word from Mrs. D. Bauc
is that she Is still gaining steadily am
is apparently on the road to recovery
Owing to a breakdown on the stree
sprinkler , the buslnesss treets of tin
city were wet down by means of a fin
hone Monday. It was said the stree
sprinkler would be repaired by Tues
Water Commissioner Brummund 1
on the warpath. A too liberal per cen
of 'the city's water customers havi
failed to contribute to the water fund
some of them being behind In the !
dues a year or more. Now the com
mlssloner announces that tomorrow h <
proposes to start out collecting wltl
the water i < ey , and where the mone ;
Is not forthcoming delinquents wll
find themselves lacking one of the nee
essary elements to boll potatoes.
Norman S. Westrope of Plalnvlev
was in Norfolk and filed suit in Jus
tice Lambert's court , through Attoi
neys M. II. Leamy of Plalnvlew am
II. F. Barnhart of Norfolk against Hen
ry Pruden of Plalnvlew for $1GO , whlcl
he says Is due him as commission fo
finding a purchaser for Pruden's farn
in Knox county. All the people concerned
corned In the case wore In Norfolli
and papers were served on Prudei
here. The case will come up In Jus
tlco Lambert's court July 24.
II. F. Barnhart goes to Butte Tues
Mrs. A. A. Gregg of Crawford Is ii
W. J. Stadelman Is in Omaha 01
J. C. Chamberlain was at West Poln
during the day.
The railway commission has decldei
to hear the Hay Springs telephon
complaint August 10. probably at Ha ;
Springs. The Hay Springs Telephon
company has filed a complaint undo
the Bartos law alleging that the Nortli
western railroad company has fallei
to Install an Independent telephone Ii
Its station at Hay Springs. The com
mission will hear the complaint of thi
Norfolk Long Distance Telephone com
pany against the Bell company July 2 :
at Norfolk or Lincoln. The long dU
tanco company complains that the Bel
company took out its phone In the ot
flee of the manager of the independen
company and has refused to reinstall
the disconnected service.
Leo Bohmer of Norfolk was at
ralgned before Justice W. L. Berry o
Madison Saturday afternoon on com
plaint made by Q. R. Seller , also o
Norfolk , charging Bohmer with havlni
threatened to do him great bodll ;
harm , County Attorney James Nlchoi
prosecuted tha case. Bohmor mad <
his own defense , declining the servicei
of tin attorney , his wife appearing us
a witness. The com I , after duly con
sidering the law and the ovldoneo , do-
elded that the defendant should bo re
leased from the custody of the HhorlfC
upon procuring a bond binding him to
keep the peace which the court could
approve. Falling to procure the re
quired bond Saturday evening , Bohmor
remained over night in the custody oC
the sheriff.
Among the day's out-of-town visitors
In Norfolk were : Harriet Whiting ,
Spencer ; J. W. Stewart , Dalian ; Gee
Gorman , Dallas ; Z. K. Doane , Dallas ;
H. J. Barker , Humphrey ; John Korl' ,
Fairfax ; T. A. Weber , Dallas ; W. II.
Pine , Bonesteel ; F. R. Baker , Creigbr
ton ; Nathan Chnco , Stanton ; W. E.
McCord , Albion ; J. L. Chapman , Ran
dolph ; A. R. Pearson , Randolph ; John
Engel , Gregory ; J. J. Clements , Mad
ison ; Aug. Roth , Crawford ; F. W. CoV
grove , Meadow Grove.
Colonel C. P. Jordan of Rosebud Guett
of Dahlman.
Omaha , July 20. Colonel C. P. Jor
dan of the Rosebud Indian agency lu
South Dakota , the captor of Chlnff iClt&i
zy Horse , the Indian chief wUo > lbdUhe
assault on General Custer , Is In the
city , a guest of Mayor Dahlman , whom
he had known for thirty years. Col
onel Jordan and General Custer worw
cousins and the colonel captured his
cousin's slayer on May 18 , 1877.
A brothel of Colonel C. P. Jordan ,
Colonel W. H. Jordan , was in com
mand at Fort Omaha In the early-
years of that post , and Captain W. ni
Jordan , jr. , of the Twelfth Unltedt
States Infantry , was born in Omaha , .
' Colonel W. H. Jordan died in Tuoomrev
last April. Colonel Jordan Is descend
ed from Mayflower stock and his greufc
grandfather , Captain David Cady , Jr. , .
of the Lexington Alarms , fired the first
shot In the war of the revolution.
Real Estate Transfers.
Real estate transfers for the past
week , compiled by the Madison County
Abstract and Guarantee company , of
fice with Mapes & Hazen :
N. A. Ralnbolt to Herschel V. Evans ,
warranty deed , ? 1,000 , n > / of lots 22.
23 and 24 of block 8 of Riverside Park
addition , Norfolk.
George Eckart to Peter Bovee , war
ranty deed , $1,330 , lot 4 , Pllger's See.
end addition , Norfolk.
George Eckart to Peter Boveo , war
ranty deed , $1 , lot 5 , Pllgora Second
addition , Norfolk.
L. B. Baker to Samuel McAllister ,
warranty deed , $2,000 , part of no1
neVi 1-23-3.
James W. Harper to Anna B. Har
per , warranty deed , $1 , lot 7 , block 3 ,
Battle Creek.
Hortense M. Bagley to Frank A.
Lawrence , warranty deed. $1,000 , lots
20 and 21 , block 1 , and lot 8 , block 2 ,
Norfolk Junction.
Lawrence Koppl to Jacob Felger ,
warranty deed , $300 , part of uw % of
nei 20-24-1.
Clara C. Mapes to Walter T. Recroft ,
warranty deed , $600 , lot 5 and n > / . lot
C , block 8 , Diirland's First addition ,
John Rogers to James Clark , war
ranty deed , $1,400 , part of lot 8 , Block
14 , Battle Creek.
B. F. Brown to II. H ; Luke. $425 , lots
11 , 12 , 13 , 14 and 15 , block 2 , Norfolk
N. A. Ralnbolt to H. G. Bain , war
ranty deed , $1,080 , lot C , block 8 , West
ern Town Lot Co.'s addition , Norfolk
Louise fcoenng to Ernest Raasch ,
warranty deed , $80 , lot 4 , block 1 , Ded-
ermau's Second addition , Norfolk.
John C. Jones , to Nora C. Barley ,
warranty deed , $1 , Interest in lot 7 ,
block 7 , Madison.
Isaac C. Farley to John C. Jones ,
warranty deed , $1 , Interest In part of
w' . of no'/i sw'A 32-22-1.
Isaac C. Farley to John C. Jones ,
warranty deed , $1 , Interest in west 22
feet of south CO feet of lots 7 and 3 , .
block 6 , Madison.
An Elephant Experience.
A friend of mine told me of K > curf-
ous experience. lie was carefully
stalking a big bull elephant In n large
herd , when they got his wind , and
big cow elephant charged him. He
Jumped behind n large tree as the
elephant rcni-hed hl.u and
, , being un
able to stop herself In time , the ele
phant drove her tusks with such force
into the trunk of the tree that they
onapped off close to her head. The
elephant was stunned for a moment ,
but luckily turned and galloped after
the fast retreating herd , leaving him
the possessor of some eighty pounds
of ivory valued at about | 2oO. Circle