TTlli * TAITT vr l r Militiamen Off to Camp. Company "D , " Nebraska National guard , who hnd boon on duty slnco Sunday , loft their bnrrnckn at 6 o'clock Monday morning nnd , under command of Captain Andoraon , marched to the Northwestern depot , whore they em barked on their special cars nnd left at 0:3C : n. m , for Ashlnnd. The compnny musters forty-eight men , but only forty-two loft with the compnny. The following arc these who wont : Ofllcora : Captain C. C. Anderson , First Lieutenant C. H. Pllger , Second Lieutenant P. a. Koostor. Non-commissioned ofncors : First Sergeant II. M. Anderson , quartermas ter Sergeant 0. S. Wllloy , Sergeant B. A. Bvnnson , Sergeant L. P. Brueggo- man , Sergeant D. T. Hodson , Sergeant Cnrl Davenport , Corporal B. L. Horls- Key , Corporal Clifford Parish , Corporal Cbns. J. Hulnc , Corporal P. J. Hamil ton. Musicians : First Musician B. J. Lyndo , Second Musician II. A. Schel ly. Cooks : William Jones , Fred John- BOM. BOM.Artificer Artificer : Henry Wiles. Privates : Cnrl B. Anderson , Martin II. Drccsen , A. C. Erwln , Win. A. Ev ans , Arthur Flshor , U. A. Grnuol , Paul Grauol , A. Hlght , Bon Hull , Frank Kayl , Wm. P. Leu. Win. O'Brien , Wal ter MeParland , William Moxloy , Tom Merlin , O. Pnsownlk , Frank Potrns , B. A. Solffort , Lester Weaver , Frank Johnson , Chns. P. Larkln , M. I. Klllnp , Herman Woher , William Strong. The company will bo gone two weeks. Stanton Here In Game Tuesday. The first baseball gnmo of the sen- sou'for Norfolk's now salaried club will bo played at Norfolk on Tuesday with the Stanton team. The Stanton club has been playing n winning game , having been this week nt Alnsworth and Vnlentlne In some fast battles. The game will ho watched with great interest by Norfolk fnns , because It will be the first try-out of the new team in public. The players were out practicing yes terday afternoon nnd nro getting lim bered up for their game with Stanton Tuesday. The boys seem to bo In fine condi tion , ns most of them have been playIng - Ing ball with teams outside of Norfolk over slnco the season opened. The grounds are being put In shape and Manager Page , who was out all day yesterday working with saw and hammer , says he expects It to bo in good condition. The home plate has > been moved ten feet further from the backstop. It is not known yet with what teams Norfolk will play during the race meet August 4 , 5 nnd C , but the team will bo a good one ) ns the purse offered them by the race committee will , It is snld , ho a good sized one. Valentino and Wlsner arc likely to be some of tha teams that will play here In the near future. Madison County Candidates. Madison. Neb. . July 19. Special to The News : Herman Buettow , resid ing west of Norfolk , came over Satur day and filed as a candidate on the democratic ticket for the nomination of county commissioner. The last fil ing was made by Frank Dowllng , brother of W. L. Dowllng of the firm of Allen & Dowllng , for county Judge on the republican ticket. The time for filing having elapsed , the only contests before the coming primary nro on the offices of sheriff and commissioner , there being four candidates for the nomination of sheriff on the repub lican ticket nnd two on the democratic ticket , and two candidates for the nom ination of county commissioner on the republican ticket. The following persons have filed cer tificates with the county clerk asking that their names appear on the pri mary ballot at the primary election , August 17 : For sheriff on the republican ticket : C. S. Smith , W. R. Martin. Walter El- ley , Col. Fred Gegner ; democratic ticket - ot : John Flynn , John Penny. For county clerk on the republican ticket : 9. R. McParlnnd ; on the dem ocratic ticket : Henry Haase. For county judge on the republican ticket : Frank Dowllng ; on the demo cratic ticket : Wm. Bates. For county treasurer on the repub lican ticket : F. A. Peterson. For county commissioner on the re publican ticket : Burr Taft , Obed Raasch ; on the democratic ticket : Herman Buettow. For county superintendent on the re publican ticket : AB. . Ward ; on the democratic ticket : N. A. House ) . County Seat News. * Madison , Neb. , July 17. Special to The News : County Judge Bates Is sued marriage license to Walter Newman < man Lulow and Katherlna Honretta Welting , both of Tilden , Neb. Adjustment of claims in the matter of the probate of the estate of Vincent Kuntz of Grove township was had In the county court today , attorney H. S. McDufilo appearing in behalf of the estate. The board of county commissioners having chocked up the county officers for the first half of the present year , adjourned to meet August 9. Whllo there are a few outstanding warrants appearing In the report of County Treasurer Peterson , yet they are wan rants which belong to people who have had notice and have neglected to call nnd receive their money. The fact Is , the county does not owe a dollar lar of outstanding interest bearing In debtedness. Dallas Beats t-amro. Dallas , S. D. , July 16. Special to The News : Dallas' fast team went to Lamro and defeated that team by a score of 3 to 0. The feature of the game was the all around work of the Dallas team and the pitching of Cy Young. Cy struck out thirteen men and allowed three hits , none of them the same Inning. Not a Lntnro man reached first until the seventh Inning. The same teams play nt Dallas Friday , July 1C. Bntterlcs : Dallas , Cy Young and George ; Lnniro : Probst nnd Lnlrd. i Hits , Dallas 8 , Lamro 3. Struckout by I Young. 13 ; Probst , 8. Two Killed at Lead Game. Lend , S. D. , July 10. During n ball game between the teams from Dend- wood nnd Lead on the Load grounds yesterday afternoon in the last half of he fifth Inning , a thunderstorm pass ed over the grounds and lightning struck the wire screnn on the left Held 'once ' , passing from thnt to nn um brella held by John Butler striking ilm unconscious nnd prostrating from .hlrty to forty people In the immediate vicinity , nnd killing two , The dead : Weston Fry and Thomas .Inrvlson. The seriously Injured. A. B. Oliver , .ohn . Butler , Isaac Shane , Leo Cowln , Charles Rosslo , William Reomo. Antelope County Filings. Nollgh , * Nob. , July 19. Special to The News : The candidates for county ofllco have been unusually slow In fli ng this year. A large portion ( lied the > ast week , and Into Saturday after- loon three republicans filed for the ofllco of county sheriff. The following nro the nominations as made up to iloslng time at the court house Satur- lay afternoon : Republican John W. I imson , : lork ; Geo. Fletcher , treasurer ; Robt. Wilson. Judge ; C. E. Ward and C. G. jlutchlns , superintendent ; Allen Hop kins , Calvin Frady and Blanche Wy- ; lnt , sheriff ; W. P. Conwell , coroner ; > V. L. Staple , surveyor ; M. M. Mitch ell , supervisor Second district ; C. E. Fohnston , supervisor Second district ; Geo. H. Romlg , supervisor Fourth dis trict ; Henry Routzcl , supervisor Fourth district ; Geo. Sweet , supervis or Sixth district. Democrat nnd Peoples' Independent J. D. Miller , sheriff ; A. E. Kleth , ilerk ; R. B. Skinner , supervisor fourth district ; J. S. Stringfellow , su- lorvisor Sixth district ; J. M. Payne of Clearwntor filed Satiirday evening nf ter 8 o'clock for county Judge. Two Brothers Drown Near Crelghton. Crelghton , Nob. , July 19. Special to The News : Two brothers boys aged 1 17 and 14 lost their lives together In a pool whllo bathing In n pond oil their father's pnstureland yesterday after noon. The victims of the dual drowning wore sons of Anton Hanson , a pros perous farmer living ten miles north west of Crelghton. Parents Almost Crazed. The parents of the two dead boya are almost Insane todny in their grief over the terrible tragedy. Three boys the two who perished and a McGee boy went bathing In he pond during the hot afternoon. S'one of them could swim. They did not know that the pond contained any deep spots. The older Hanson boy waded Into ; ho water first. The bottom of the liond was slippery anil inclined aharp- ly. Suddenly ho dropped from sight , sinking beneath the water's surface , tie did not come up. Then his younger brother jumped Into the hole nfter the older boy , think- ng to help him. And the younger brother , also , stayed down in the wa ter. Into Hole Eight Feet Deep. The "brothers had sunk Into a hole eight feet deep. The McGee lad walked along the dge of the hole , trying to get sight of the missing brothers. Ho could not swim and dared not venture into the deep pool. But the bottom of the pond was so slippery that he , too , almost went In nnd hnd a difficult time escap ing with his life. Ho gave the alarm and Albert Mauls dived Into the hole , bringing up both bodies , which lay below the water In the same spot. The two brothers were unusually large for their age. The tragedy 1ms cast a gloom over the community. Ball Game at Nellgh. Neligh , Neb. , July 19. Special to The News : There was a baseball game at Riverside park Saturday af ternoon between North Nellgh and the Antelope Creek boys. Score : North Nellgh , 8 ; Antelope Creek , 10. Chicken Case to District Court. Madison , Neb. , July 19. Special to The News : The Jack Kincald chicken case , involving the sum of $2.60 , which has acquired considerable local notori ety , partly on account of the accused constituting the "colored population of Madison , " nnd which was first brought before Police Judge Berry and after wards , by a change of venue , trans ferred to the court presided over by Justice Peter Oberg , there being dis i- missed by County Attorney Nichols ii i , was tried before County Judge Bates Saturday morning , the complnlnnnt , Mrs. Nellie Horst , charging the ac cused with po'tty larceny. Judge Bates bound the defendant over to the dis trict court , requiring bond for appear ance in the sum of $300. County At torney Nichols assisted by Burt Mapes. of Norfolk represented the state , and Attorney W. L. Dowling the defense. Friday nnd Saturday were busy days for Superintendent Housel , being the occnslon of the regulnr teachers' ex amination for July. Forty applicants wrote upon the examination. Dallas Beats Lamro. Dallas , S. D. , July 19. Dallas won In a slugging match with Lnmro , 12 to 7. The feature of the game was the hard hitting of the Dallas team , which got eighteen hits off BobbI Probst. The wind was bad and pre vented fielders from pulling down many drives that would have been easy outs. Hits : Dallas , 18 ; Lamro , 9. Bat teries : Lamro , Cy Young and George ; Lamro , Probst and Laird. Umpire , O. W. Scgrlst. EUGENIE'S ' WEDDING DAY. The Qlft of Violets From the Market „ Womtn of Paris. Even on her wedding day the Km press Eugcnlo received n sign of 111 onion. Thu market women of Parli presented her with a mountain of violets lets on the day of her marriage to Louis Napoleon. And those market women they boil ed over ! They yelled nnd pushed nnd crowded Into the pnlaco gardens. They screeched and screamed for the em press until nt last a window opened , and Eugculo stepped out on the 1ml cony , and , over eager to please , she held In her hands a great mass of tha violets the market women had sent her. her.Then Then suddenly ono old fish wife shrieked out at these of the commit tee : "Pigs ! Idiots ! It is the flower of sorrow you have sent to her. " Whllt quick another raved out : "It Is the col or of mourning that you BO ml the bride of the emperorl Violets purple violets to a bride ! Plgsl Idiots ! Dev ils ! It Is an omen a sign of evil ! " And then the light began ! Ob , mon DIeul They are terrible ! They tear ono another llko wild beasts ! The gen darmes try hard to niako order , when a voice up above us soys out clear nnd gentle , "Oh , soldiers , don't hurt them ! ' And the Idea thut any soldier on earth could hurt a dame des Hallcs was so funny thnt everybody stopped fighting to laugh. And they laugh and laugh and wlpo off the blood and slap the gendarmes and say , "Don't ' hurt us , messieurs don't ! " And they dance and shout , and the beautiful empress stands now by the emperor nnd bows and throws violets to the crowd , and all below cry , "Vivo rimpcratrlccl" And she smiles and smiles and so re tires. But that old witch was right I Yes , nindame , though the violet was the flower of the Bonaparte , it Is the flower of sorrow , not fit to send a bride ! It was an omen and given at the Tullerlcs It pointed to Chlselhurst. Clara Morris in Woman's Home Companion. . _ Up * and Downs. "Ups nnd downs , " said nn etymologist - gist , "Is a phrase of curious aptness. "Take ups. Aviators tell us , balloonIsts - Ists tell us , alpinists tell us , that the higher one ascends , the more exhila rating grows the air , so thnt It Is qulto common , nt n height of a mile or BO , for men to sing and shout in pure hilar ity and Joy. So much for ups. "Take downs. Submarine boatmen and divers and miners tell us that the deeper one descends below the earth's surface , the sadder one becomes. Those depths resound with oaths , groans , sobs. So much for downs. "Ups and downs an apt phrase , truly. " New Orleans Times-Democrat Crime and Penalty. Aunt Jane 1 think the young mac who tried to steal a kiss should br punished. Dorothy So do I , aunty , dear. Aunt Jane I nm glad to heai you say that , child. Dorothy Yes ; h ho should he punished severely foi only trying. Rochester Democrat. Ice by Mall For Nevada Millionaire. Uncle Sam's ability to handle almost anything as mail matter was recently demonstrated when fifteen pounds of Ice carefully wrapped In a rubber cov ering were forwarded to Dr. A. M. Mil ler of Hawthorne , Nov. , the pnckngo being consigned to him by nn Ice com pany in Reno , Nov. It was very sultry In Hawthorne the other day. and Dr. Miller , who is n millionaire , longed for a cooling drink He telegraphed for fifteen pounds of Ice by mall It was forwarded as requested , bearing many stamps. Eleven pounds were lost in transit Lake Champlaln'a Monument. The monument to commemorate the discovery of Lake Champlaln by Sam uel de Champlaln is now spoken of as likely to be erected on Split Rock point , says a Burlington ( Vt. ) dispatch. The lake at that point is only about half a mile wide , but just to the north gradually broadens to Its greatest width , fourteen miles. Those who fa- Yor the Spilt Rock site point out the fact that the monument , if erected there , would be in full view of all craft traversing the lake north or south and that a light placed at the top of the shaft would be visible for more than fifty miles in both direc tions. Great Eleetrlo Power Station. The largest electric po cr station in the world Is planned for , a suburb of Johannesburg , South Africa , whcro a high waterfall will be utilized to fur nish current to operate practically all the mines of thnt district The Cause of War. The fair young debutante was sur rounded by nn admiring crowd of of- fleers at the colonel's ball. Mamma was standing near by , smiling complacently - placontly at her ' daughter's social suc cess. The discussion was over the quarrel of the 'day before between two brother officers. "What was the cnsus. , belli ? " asked the fair debutante. a "Maud , " exclaimed mamma in a e shocked voice , "how often have I told c you to say stomach T' 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wherein They Were Alike. . A country minister who in Scotland T was notoriously defective and hesltatc ing In bis style of delivery in the pul pit was sitting having a cup of tea with one of the old spinsters connect ed with hl.i congregation when ho oh Borred that the spout of the teapot was either choked or too narrow. "Your teapot , Mlsa Kennedy , " ho marked , "dlsna ( Jhraa rlnreel. . " "Aye , JLit llko yoursel' , Mr. Broon , " retorted the nettled lady. "It has an uncp pulr delivery. " I Speaker of the House Ridicules Uplift Movement "PURE ROT , " SAYS UNCLE JOE Declares Former President Roos- vslt's ' Country Life Commission Is a "Flat Failure" Has No Patience With Attempt to Relieve Condition * That Are Not Understood. Speaker Joseph G. Cannon in a re cent after dinner speech before the national city planning conference In Washington dcnlt some hot shot to ono of former President Roosevelt's pet commissions nnd other curlositlua of thu uplift movement. The speaker took the following falls out of the uplift : "Don't try to relieve conditions that you don't understand. " "This country life commission that has been trying to uplift the poor farmer with theories ! I'll take oath that they don't know what they are talking about. " "What they have compiled Is pure rot. The commission is n flat failure. " "The Idle rich bear about the same relation to the great mass of the t American people that the fly on the clephant'ti trunk bears to the clo- phaut. j , " ' "Tho people who do the most harm nro those who give to what they call charity either for notoriety or to bribe God. " "It Is well enough to plan for the future of this country , " said Mr. Cannon - non"thls country which Is to have GOO.000,000 inhabitants In the years to come. There are a great many things which can be done In planning for these years , but no plans thnt wo in this generation can map out will bo big enough or broad enough to meet the coming noeds. "I bid godspeed to this planning thnt you nro working for , but for heaven's sake don't follow the exam ple of some nnd try to relieve condi tions thnt you don't understand. I have no patience with these theorists who nro trying to relieve what they are pleased to call the agricultural section of this country. , There arc several excellent gentlemen on the country life commission , but what they have compiled is pure rot. if what I have rend of It Is a fair sample. The country life commission Is a flat fall- uro because It has dealt with condl tlons that didn't require dealing with by theorists and bccauso Its members don't know what they nro talking about. "Open the sensational newspapers and the magazines and you will read all about the activities of the Idle rich. their foolishnesses and their fads. They are of no real consequence. They bear about the same relation to the great mass of the American people that the fly on the elephant's trunk bears to the elephant , but they give the excuse for demagogues , who live not by the sweat of their faces , but by the sweat of thi'lr tongues , to Inveigh against economic conditions existing In this country. Thnt Is why they con stitute a real evil. Once In awhile when other methods of seeking notoriety riety have failed they declare them selves to he friends of the people and proclaim themselves to be Socialists. "I don't regret immigration. I would not be here If It wasn't for that. I'd be scattered over the continent of Eu rope. There'd be n little of me In the Low Counties , a mite in France , n portion tion In Irel.ind. .some more In England nnd Scotland. The great bulk of our immigrants live by the sweat of their faces , and any one who does that ! worthy to be given recognition In this country of ours. " Mr. Cannon paid a high tribute of respect and admiration to Mrs. V. G. Slmkhovltch of New York , a settle ment worker , whose work centers In a block In a New York city street In which more than 1,000 persons live , Mrs. Slmkhovltch spoke In a quiet but effective manner of her labors In this congested district , where the work of the settlement worker Is so often beset with trials that demand forbearance and endless patience. The speaker found every reason to believe that the world Is growing bet ter each day nnd deprecated the exist ence of pessimists whose chief mission Is to flaunt discouragement before the eyes of the public. _ A Story of Father M thew. "Father Mathew was the roost lor Ing nnd lovable of human beings , " nnd in the light of this statement found in a biography of the famous Irish priest by Mrs. Katherlno Tynan Hlnkson two Incidents of his crusade for tern- peranco in the north of Ireland should bo read. At Clones , in Ulster , there were two brange flngs raised when he visited it. Instead of considering it ns an In- Bult , bo thought it a very great com pliment , never having seen ono or been honored with one before. When he saw them he called for three cheers for the Orange flag. Commenting on this , an Irish writer says : "A Catholic priest calling for a cor dial salutation of the Orange banner and a .Catholic assembly heartily responding spending was something almost Incon ceivable. It bed never occurred before in Ireland , , I'm afraid It baa never oc curred since. " For the time being there were good will and friendly feeling from one end of Ulster to the other. One recruit who knelt for Father Mnthew's bless ing snld : "You wouldn't be blessing we if you knew what I am. " "And what are you , my dear ? " Fa ther Mathew called men , women and children 'my dear. " "I am an Orangeman , your rever ence. " "Why , God bless you , my dear , I wouldn't euro It you were a lemon manl" VISITING CARDS. Names and Muting * * Used to Qt Scrlbbltd on Playing Cardt , It Is aorncwhnt ourloun that so n p- ful nn Invention ns the visiting card should have been unknown to society until comparatively recant tlnn-n. Yof 150 years ago the cnrto de visit ? did not exist. The belles of thu seven tccnth century used nothing in the fllmpo of n naino card , or "tlekot , ' ' aw It was afterward called. Invita- ( Ions to routs and drums no well an names nnd addresses wore written across the backs of playing cards , which In those days wore made with n white reverse nnd Innocent of the Intricate pattern familiar to us In modern times. Mary Wortley Montagu , n lady often ton , says the Connoisseur , would be apt to use n red plnying card a queen of hearts for ordinary social purposes , while nn amorous beau Inscribed his name and the most tender of Inquiries on the back of a jack of spades. The great world of the seventeenth nnd eighteenth centuries was n small world. It was rigidly exclusive. Liv ing In the same quarter of the town , the quality Bent each other scribbled messages by the hand of a favorite page. Society , In n word , was in formal In the midst of stately formali ties , nnd wo have no dltllculty In believ ing the Comtesso de Bolgne when she tells us that In 1800 Lady Harlngton used to trot up and down Bond street picking up guests for a party for the same night Quite Simple. It Is told , no matter on what author ity , that n telephone company In Chi- cngo has no end. of trouble with Us order. Nobody seemed to know why. An Investigation was started. Most of the subscribers In the terriJ lory where the trouble was were Poles. Hungarians , Russians , etc. An expert after due consideration of the matter decided that the wires were unable to withstand the onslaughts of languages like Polish , Hungarian , Run * slan , etc. "Can yon suggest n remedy ? " asked the officials of the telephone company. "Certainly , " answered the export. "Substitute barbed wire. " The suggestion , was followed. There I was no more trouble. Philadelphia Ledger. To Spade It Up or to Plow ItT I am not sure but that the spaded garden has some advantage over the : plowed I one. The soil can be turned up just whcro you want It and as you want It by the use of the spade , whllo the plow works alike throughout the garden , though the soli may vary In depth and nature to n considerable ex tent. A spaded garden always looka best at the beginning , and looks count in gardening as well as elsewhere. But the gardener who has a liking for neatness will make his garden look well after n little in spite of all obsta cles. "Home Garden , " by Ebcu E. Ilex- ford. A Courteous Boy. "Would you rather for your mother or me to whip you ? " "I dislike to show favoritism , fa ther , " said little Clarence. "You and mother had better settle the matter between you by flipping a coin. " Bir mingham Acn-IIorald. TRIBUTE TO SIOUX INDIANS. Small Band's Brave Deed to Be Com memorated by a Monument. After the lapse of well nigh half a century the band of young Sioux In dians known ns the "fool soldier" band , which In November , 1802 , nt great personal risk to themselves , res cued nt a spot near the Missouri river in what is now Walworth county , S. D. , two women and four children , whites , who had been abducted by a roving band of Sioux from their homes nt Lake Chetak , Minn. , are to be re membered and their heroic behavior commemorated by a suitable monument ment Under the auspices of the South Da kota Historical society and the South Dakota Pioneer association n granite shaft will be erected on June 27 a mile from Mobrldge , 3. D. , whcro the rescue was effected. The "fool soldier" band consisted of eleven young Indian braves , and their act was one of the exceptional deeds of the aborigines In which the whites were befriended at the risk of Incur ring ostraclzatlon and the enmity of not only their own tribe , but the entire Sioux Nation , at the time powerful and warlike. After conceiving the Idea of saving the white captives the young braves watched with unceasing vigilance un til the opportune time came , when they secured possession of the captives and rushed , them to a white settlement whence they were returned to their homes. Wnlworth county was at that time totally unsettled by whites , but after the whites settled the country the members of the baud were always welcome - come guests at any whlto man's house , nnd nfter the Walworth County Old Settlers' association was formed the survivors of the band were features of every reunion of the association. The monument erected to their mem ory will bo a plain granite shaft , stand' ' Ing upon two mammoth native bowl dcrs nnd suitably Inscribed with the account of the deed which won the In dlans Immortality , Doane Robinson of Pierre , S. D. , state historian , will de liver the address nt the dedication of the monument Evolution of the Modern Play. With the decay of dialogue In Im portance leas attention has been paid to delivering It so exquisitely ns to give value to It for Its own sake. And so by degrees wo came to the mod ern play , In which everything Is sac- Hiked to vralscmblance , soliloquies are tabooed , and people talk as they do in real life naturally and entirely to the point Era. Features of Mansion on Ramapo Range at Arden , N. Y. BUILT IN FORM OF A CROSS. Railway Magnate's Country Estate Will Be One of the Moat Remarkable In North America Mansion Will Contain Oeventy Room * . It wna once said of E. II. Harrlman by nn attorney ns skilled In the rules of the game of law as thu great trans portation king IH In the complex shiftIng - Ing of hlnckH of bonds and stocks that represent his tltlo to more miles of railway than one man ever dominated before that Mr. Harrimnn , who is the president of the Union Pncillc railway , moved on n plane and In nn atmos phere so altltudlnous that no ordinary mortal might hope to do more than contemplate his eminence from nfnr. That was true In a llgurntlve eenso perhaps when It was announced at any rate , the nduintory attorney ap peared , to think It was but now It Is about to become literally true , so far as Mr. Harrlman's homo In the coun try t is concerned. His house on the top of ono of the mountains I ! of the Itamnpo run go at Ar- dcn , N. Y. , Is on such a height and sur rounded by so many leagues of path less forest that nro his by right of pur chase that ho can dwell thcro , if ho chooucs , In an Isolation so splendid ns . to be Incomparable with that enjoyed by any other American multimillion aire. It IB doubtful If Mr. Hnrrlman In his wanderings over continental Eu rope this summer will sco any castle that can equal bis In its majesty of view nnd aloofness from , yet geograph ical ! nearness to , a vast center of popu lation. ' " , „ ! The Hnrrlmnn homo at Anloa has been building for nearly three years , and when ho went abroad recently ho left orders that it must be ready for his occupancy when ho returns lirthe early autumn , that no expense was to bo spared , that the work must be push ed forwiird night and day If necessary , but that It must be finished. The Hnrriuinn house at Ardcn con forms to the rules of no style of archi tecture except the rectangular school. The dormer windows In the attic roof are moro English In their design than anything else. That Is the only feature to which any architectural nationality can be assigned. It looks more like nn attempt to reproduce In stone on a largo nnd modernized scale some old New England farmhouse. It Is un doubtedly designed more for use and comfort than for anything else. It contain * * seventy rooms , and twenty- two of these are bathrooms. It IViHt of gray stone with trim mings of sandstone nnd Is In the form of n cross. The entrance hall Is In the west wing. This hall Is thirty feet wide nnd fifty foot long. A Now York city lot Is twenty-live feet wide , so the spaciousness of this great entrance hall may bo Judged by that. Off of this Is the big living room , n chamber so Inrge that It could easily contain the floor space of the average seven room , two thousand dollar uptown flat without crowding. The other rooms are proportionately spacious. The windows on the first floor especially nro large , some of them exceptionally so. The last year or two Mr. Hnrrl- inan has hnd a passion for an abun dance of air and sunlight , nnd one can easily Imagine him going over the architect's plans and telling hliu , In spite of his protests thnt It would tnnr the harmony of the exterior , that cer tain windows must be double the width thnt he hnd indicated In bis drawings. Set on the apex of one of the high est nnd steepest mountains of the Ramnpos , the land originally sloped abruptly away from the site of the house. The art of the landscape art ists has broken and softened these declivities by the formation of a se ries of terraces. Many of them had to be blasted out of solid rock nnd their sharp outlines smoothed over with earth nnd turf , so that now the once rugged outlines of the bowlder strewn hilltop arc graceful In their descent to the edge of the forest. In other places the terraces rise vertically from the edge of a cliff. Hard by the house Is n great swim ming ' pool of stone nnd cement , n bnth whose size even Caesar or Carncnlla might have envied hud Ilnrrlmnn lived in Homo in their day nnd built his pal ace there. About the grounds , too , arc many sunken courts that in summer will be filled with flowers. Through the green shrubbery will shlno the whiteness of marble statuary , and coo ? fountains in the courtyards nnd Ital ian gardens will plash nnd whNper all night , long In midsummer when the cit ies on the lowlands toward the sea ar J swathed in torrid , humid air. Beneath this commonplace looking mansion , Is n network of tunnels for the passage of servants , the convey ance of everything needed. Some are equipped with llttlo electric tramways for the whisking of things to nnd fro. Everything contributing to comfort that the skill of the mechanical en- tslwpr could adapt to use In a dwellIng - Ing has been Installed. Human hand sprvlro hns been supplemented everywhere - where , HO far as possible , by steam , electricity nnd compressed air. For Indoor amusement there are billiard parlors and bowling alleys enough for the entertainment of all the guests the house can hold It ban been the contention of poets md other Impecunious people from time Immemorial that no man can own n Jandscnpe-tlmt the pleasure of any jjxtcn j d view or nature U the common property of the pauper and the plutocrat Tula la nil rerv fylng to the proletariat , but It is noV true In thin part of the Ramapos whcrsr Mr. Harrlman has built bin uyrtc. IT * tins become n monopolist In scenery well ns In railroads , It IH practically n virgin wilderness and within fortr ml I OH of the Horoiul grontont city In tha world. The llttlo village of Arden , which tit the only nu'aim of locating the llarrl- man CHtntc geographically except by latitude and longitude. IH down In the- valley , far below the house nnd tnlleti nuny. It IH not won visible from the top of Tower hill. Yet ouo of the Harrlman railroads starts from near thnro. This railroad Is the shortest that tha transportation king owns , yet It Is oner thnt is particularly ami peculiarly es sential to bin comfort In hU mountain home. U runs straight to the steep hillside. It makes no detour for the sake of oany grades , for the cars nro pulled up to the top by the main strength of Hteam and a big Hteu ) ca ble. It has been used HO far to trans port nil the building materials and ma chinery needed In tlio work thnt has boon going on and will later be equip ped with pasHonger cars. The Harrlman estate in the Itamapo mountains Is probably the largest In area of any private property of Itn kind Iti America , though there nro sev eral that far surpass It In magnificence. Tower hill , however , Is nnlquo In the Isolation nnd solitary grandeur that It will afford Its master. New York Press , BOY'S AIRSHIP MOTOR. Small , Light and Powerful , It May Revolutionize Aerial Navigation. A now motor , the Invention of Charles Godlove , n twenty-year-old 8t Louis boy , which combines the best features of the standard motors In a simpler way , has recently been enter ed nt the United States patent ofllco for the American rights. Owing to its light weight nnd email size Godlove hopes this motor will revolutionize aerial navigation. The chief feature of the motor la the great amount of horsepower thai can be oU- tnlned In proportion to the size of the machine. A thirty horsepower motor will go within n sixteen Inch circle nnd will weigh only sixty pounds. The small size nnd light weight nro made possible by the simplicity of the mechanism. The ignition system which necessi tates a spark and carburetor Is elimi nated. The Ignition" the gas Is brought about by heat produced by high compression of air. This docs away with premature explosions of the charge. The motor has no valves or mechan ism making use of valves , Is air cooled and has a stationary crank shaft , the cylinders themselves revolving. This reduces the number of moving parts nnd hence reduces the wear. SHIP LEAK DETECTOR. Device That Gives Warning as Soon as Danger Appears. Captain Joseph B. Williams of Pitts- burg has completed an Instrument which sounds an alarm when n ship springs a leak , and the United States has become interested. The detector consists of n metal foof on which rests n hollow cylinder to bo placed nt the point In the hold of n vessel where water might enter and prove a danger If not Instantly detect ed. This plpo is continued to the bridge , pilothouse or other point where nn ofllcor Is on duty. It ends In n brass bowl , In the center of which Is n diaphragm constructed of metal and HO thin as to be susceptible to the slightest pressure and so constructed as to be air tight. Itestlng on this diaphragm Is a pis ton that projects through the top of the bowl , where It may come In con tact with metallic lips at each side. Over all of this is an electric battery , nnd on top of the battery is a bell. When the water enters the cylinder down In the hold It drives air through the tube to the diaphragm , which In stantly expands nnd , lifting the piston , brings it In contact with the metallic lips. This causes the alarm gong to sound. "GUESS YOUR SILHOUETTE. " Washington Society Woman Evolves New Qame For Summer. To whllo away the torrid days of Juno a Washington society woman evolved nn amusing pastime. Gather ing together n half score photographs of her smartest friends , she had ouo of the Corcornn Art students "do" the profiles in silhouette. At one of the functions the shadow pictures were brought out and a general guessing contest instituted. Not n girl In the crowd made a hit on her own picture , though almost everybody landed right on the first guess In the cases of Mrs. Alice Itooscvolt Long-worth , Miss Ethel llooHevolt , Miss Helen Cannon , Miss Anna Ewlng Cockrell , Miss Frederlcn Morgan , > JIss Eleanor Terry nnd the pretty llttlo Countess Lulso Alexandra von Bernstorff. Youthful Kansa * Financiers. Some .yp.ung .boys near Alma , Kan. , have been practicing high finance re cently by gathering crow eggs nnd putting them In a hen's nest to be hatched. In Kansas a bounty of 1 cent Is allowed for crow eggs , but there Is a bounty of 6 cents on crows , and a sitting hen charges no commis sion. A Debtor's Woe. . "The worst thing about owing people ple , " sighed the woman , "Is that It seems to give them the right to a k us such personal nna Impertinent ques tions about things that really should be none of their business. I never etave off my piano man , for example , that be doesn't ask bow It Is that I can afford to pay BO much rent for my flat"-Neir York Press.