The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 16, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Miserly Farmer Reported Dead IB
Alive , but Daughter-ln-Law Dies.
Alson , S. I ) . , July 10.--Nils P. Swan-
BOH of Gnrllc'ld township , this county ,
who WIIH yesterday reported doud , la
nllvo to road the account of hh mys-
turlotiH demise mid I ho suspicions
Hint hover about liln taking away.
MPH. CharloH Swanson , u daughter-
in law , In dead , however , at the homo
of the nged man. and whether her
dontli was caused by poison self-nd-
ministered or coming from outside
sources , thu officers now Investigating
will Book to determine. The woman
and her husband had madu their homo
with thu old man nlncu tholr marrlagu
live years ago , and are known to have
had much trouble with him , owing to
hlB miserly habltn. Although having
acquired a large fortune atid being ac
counted one of thu richest men In the
Htato Swnnson has lived like ono In
Income Tax for Nebraska ?
Lincoln , July 10. Nebraska may be
the first among the states of the union
to adopt thu Income tax amendment
to the federal constitution as piopos-
e-d In the senate amendment now
pending before that body.
Governor Shallenborgor said that If
the federal court Injunction against
the bank deposit guaranty law was
not of such a character as to make It
possible , for the legislature to remedy
Us defects , ho would call that body
In special session. Until then he
could not say what he woufd do. K
the law was entirely knocked out , he
would not resort to that measure.
Ho added , however , that If the legis
lature Is convened In special session
ho will Include In the call and recom
mend for their consideration the pas
sage by that body of the Income tax
amendment. It Is not expected , that
any formldlble opposition to It will de
velop In Nebraska.
Representative Henry Weds.
State Representative H. II. Henry ol
O'Neill , and Miss May Martin were
married at the homo of the brlde't
parents at Mount Vcrnon , la. , Juno 30
Lid on at Boncsteel.
Gregory County Pilot : The city
council hold an Interesting meeting
Monday night at which Mayor Llnto
cum presented a proclamation for the
approval of the council , prolix and pro
scrlptlvo In Its makeup. It dlrectt
Chief of Police Biggins to "put on the
lid" and correct numerous ovlls pro
sunicd to be existing In Bonesteel.
Wanted to Die In His Arms.
Two letters written by Genla Han
sen , the 19-year-old daughter of Chris
Hanson of Croighton , Just before she
suicided by drinking carbolic acid n
week ago , have been made public and
are printed In the Croighton News
The letters show that the young wo
man ended her life because her lover
Oscar Grim , bad broken the engage
inent and taken up with another girl
In her letters Miss Hanson said she
wanted to dlo In his arms and thai
she wanted his letters burle"d " 'In hoi
coffin with her. Following are the
notes :
Dear Mamma and Papa and all :
/ \ Oh , Mamma and Papa and sisters
and brothers , I am nearly crazy will
grief and am going to end my life
with poison and I want to die In Os
car's arms. Mamma , all of my clothes
night gowns , underwear and all o :
my dresses I want you to put la the
trunk and give them all to Carrie , al
the things I have In those two dressei
drawers put In the trunk with all 01
my dresses , don't give a dress ol
mine or a skirt away , for Carrie gets
them all , even my white dress. Maybe
bo she will never wear them , but
want her to have them. And Mamma
that little glass heart and the little
spoon that Gillie gave me , put then
away for Edna , and when she gets i
big girl tell her they are from hei
dead sister. All my dishes I wain
you lo have , and , oh yes , that Jackei
I want you to have and my black ha
I want Mamie Melkle to Ijave , maybt
she won't wear It , but I want her tc
have It. Mamma , I want Mary am
Chris to be sure and be at my fun
And now , I want you all to trea
Oscar like your own son , he will b <
almost crazy , but don't look down 01
him , he Is young and don't know hov
great my love Is for him.
Papa , I want you and all to be awfu
good to Carrie and don't let her d <
very much work , and send her awa ;
to school ; let her have a good school
Ing , and there Is dear little Edna
bless her little heart If I only ha <
her In my arms now , and Lewis am
George and Raymond , tell them all ti
be good and not to forget their broken
hearted sister , How I long to sei
you 'all now , so will close with all thi
love a letter can bring. Oh , yea
Mamma , all the letters that Osca :
wrote mo , they are In my closet ,
want you to put them In my coffin ,
want them buried with me.
Your daughter and sister ,
This letter was written to Mlsi
Maymo Meiklo :
Mamie Meiklo : In one of thosi
boxes I left by the school house thn
day Is a stick pin and you give tha
to Oscar just as soon as you get thl
letter for it was meant for him am
the other box was face powder , yoi
can have that and I am going to glv <
you my hat and I hope you will tak
it and wear it , I wrote and told Man :
ma to give It to you , I am
Mrs. Frank Kroholer and daughte
went to Missouri Valley at noon for
few days' visit with Mrs. Kroholer'
parents , Mr. and Mrs. George Arp ,
Fireman H. E. Anderson has n
signed his position with the C. & h
W. and will work In a Norfolk butche
Herman Wltte and family went t
Omaha for a few days' visit , Durln
his absence H. R. Gleason will hav
charge of the round house nights.
Irvln G. Edwards , who was hit o
the head with n piece of coal in Fr <
mont about at week ago , was able to
go to work last evening.
Miss Catheryn Hewitt of Arlington
Is hero visiting at thu 12. W. Stansbory
K. W. Pratt of Chicago , assistant su
perintendent of motor power for the
C. & N. \ \ ' . , passed through the Junc
tion last evening on his way west.
August Grauol loft for n visit In
Deadwood yesterday.
The steam shovel of the gravel pit
at Atkinson finished the work there
and wont east to worir for a few days.
H. F. Hnrnhnrt has returned from
Mrs. W. Uccker has returned from
.1. G. Collins went to Dallas Friday
J. L. Doyle has gone to Omaha for
medical treatment.
W. A. Klngsley has gone to Lincoln
for a couple of days.
Mrs. P. H. Suitor returned at noon
from Boston and New York.
Louis Hanson of Tlldun was visiting
friends In Norfolk yesterday.
M. J. Doerlng of Battle Creek Is In
Norfolk visiting Prof. August Stoffon.
Miss Laura Waller of Menomonlo ,
WIs. , who Is returning from the Urn-
atllla government Irrigation project
country In Oregon , stopped In Norfolk
to visit her cousin , Mrs. C. J. lllbben.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Twlss , who have
been visiting his parents , Mr. and Mrs.
M. Twlss , on South Eighth street , re
turned to their homo at Pierre , S. D. ,
at noon.
J. B. Williams , formerly of Norfolk
but now of Lebanon , Mo. , had the mis
fortune to lose one of Ills line horses.
Another horse kicked It and broke one
of its legs.
The drainage dltcli on Norfolk nv-
onuo east of First street will soon see
I Its completion. The tiling for the
ditch arrived Friday morning and
Street Commissioner Uecker had the
work started Immediately.
Claire Blakeman , son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Blakeman , suffered during
the day from a bug In bis ear. The
bug , an unusually largo Insect , flow
into the ear and lodged there. It re
quired considerable effort on the part
of a physician to extract It.
I Miss Knthcrlne M. Shatto has been
I appointed superintendent of nurses In
the state hospital for insane , here , and
will have entire charge of the training
department for nurses. Miss Shatto
comes highly recommended , and has
, had extensive experience in this hue
of work. She Is a graduate of the
Northwestern hospital at Minneapolis.
Fremont Herald : While Chester
Beemer , who resides at 832 North
Clarkson , was repairing some electric
light wires near the Country club yes
terday afternoon be accidentally
grasped a live wire containing 1,100
i volts of "Juice. " The shock stunned
, him for a short time , but he was not
, knocked unconscious. The electricity
, went through his hands and down to
his feet , leaving a large scar on the
ball of each foot.
A movement Is on foot to Improve
down town streets and gutters , partic
ularly at points now pawed up by
horses hitched along the sides of the
thoroughfares. People passing by are
frequently bespattered with mud , and
great holes have been dug Into the
ground by the horses' hoofs. Cement
gutters are suggested by many , while
a layer of ground brick and cinders
is in favor with others. It is said the
matter will be brought before the city
council at its next meeting ,
i The work of checking out N. B. Dol-
sen and checking in S. E. Martin aa
manager of the Norfolk yard of the
Chicago Lumber company was finished
yesterday and Mr. Martin is now in
charge of the office. Mr. Dolsen will
leave Norfolk within a week , his fam
ily having already preceded him. Mr ,
and Mrs. Martin have rented a cottage
at the corner of Norfolk avenue and
Eleventh street. Mr. Martin was for
merly with the Dlerks Lumber and
Coal company of Lincoln , and has been
in the lumber business all of his life ,
being one of a family of prominent
South Dakota Bank Examiner Report :
Substantial Increase.
Madison , S. D. , July 10. That the
deposits In banks other than national
in South Dakota are now increasing
at the rate of $7,000.000 a year is
shown by t ie abstract of reports by
such banks for May 28 , just Issued by
Public Examiner John L. Jones. The
deposits increased from $41,125,521.50
on February 16 to $42,890,798.65 on
May 28 , a gain of $1,775,277.15. Sines
this is a comparatively quiet season In
all agricultural states , the showing is
thought especially good.
Highlanders at Tllden.
Madison , Neb. , July 10. Special tc
The News : The Royal Highlanders
drill team of Madison castle , consist
Ing of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis , Cap
tain Fnes , Earl Potter , Oscar Lum
beck , Preston Palmer , Dan Grlflln and
the Misses Stella Smith , Pearl Becker
Edith Potter and Nora Gllland , lefl
for Tllden to assist in the organlza
tion of a castle at that place , whet
a class of sixty members was taker
New Church at Clearwater.
Clearwater , Neb. , July 10. Specia
to The News ; The new German Luth
eran cnurcn which , though not r
largo building , Is one of the neatest
and best built churches in this locality
is nearlng completion and Is to be
dedicated with appropriate coremo
nles August 1.
Good Rain at Alnsworth.
Ainsworth , Neb. , July 10. Special t (
The News : A fine rain fell here yes
terday 1.75 Inches. It was mucl
needed. The rain wet down the hot
torn of the potato hills and assures i
good crop. The Valentlne-Alnswortl
ball game was spoiled.
Oakdale Banker to Wed.
Norfolk frlcndu have Just received
word from. Battle Creek of the forth
coming marriage of George F. Boyd ,
n banker at Oakdale , to Miss Mabel
Richardson of Battle Creek. The
wedding will take place at the home
of the brlde'B parents , Mr. and Mrs.
A. B. Richardson , nt Battle Creek ,
m-xt Wednesday.
'Miss Richardson has taught school
In Oakdale for several years. Mr.
Boyd Is 'cashier of the Antelope
County bank.
Special Train for Sake of Babe.
Tllden Citizen : The only child of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Hanson was taken
suddenly with an attack of illness
which throw the little fellow Into a
convulsive stoto last Friday. Medical
attendance wns at once procured and
the doctor diagnosed the case as quite
grave , Involving the telescoping of ono
of the bowels. The direct cause of the
trouble was traced to the eating of an
acid cherry. A surgical operation be
ing urgent , and Dr. Campbell absent ,
a special train was secured to take the
parents and the llttlo sufferer to Oma
Specialists In that city coincided
with the opinion of Dr. Barr , but de
cided to defer operating until other
treatment was applied. For about
twenty-four hours the child seemed to
bo Improving and the hopes of the
anxious relatives In Tilden were cor-
lospondlngly raised. But n telegraphic
dispatch on Monday afternoon , asking
T. 1C. Hanson to go to Omaha nt once
wns equivalent to the announcement
that a change for the worse had tak
en place. This fear was Justified In
the evening by a telephone communi
cation to the effect that the llttlo fel
low expired at 6 o'clock. The be
reaved parents have the sympathy of
the whole community in their afflic
Bank of Naper Sold.
Naper , Neb. , July 10. The Bank of
Naper , one of the oldest banks In
Boyd county , organized some years
ago by R. L. Crosby and later trans
ferred to his son C. G. Crosby , has
just been sold to John Flannlgan of
Stuart , Neb. , and to Michael Flannl
gan of Minneapolis , Minn. The new
owners have been big cattle operators
In this country for years and also ovm
the Citizens Bank , Stuart , Neb. , and
have three cattle and chattel loan
companies located at Mills , Brocks-
burg and Jamison , Neb. They make a
specialty of % cattle paper and have
been very successful bankers.
Engleman to Madison.
Madison , Neb. , July 10. Special to
The News : J. C. Engleman of Nor
folk , who made the race for county
I attorney on the democratic ticket In
this county last fall , has decided to
locate nt Madison and was in the city
looking up office quarters.
Revival at Clearwater.
Clearwater , Neb. , July 10. Special
to The News : The Adams Evangel
istic company Is holding revival ser
vices this week at the opera house.
Considerable interest is being mani
fested , both In the singing of the Ad
ams sisters and In the preaching of
their brother , and a full house has
greeted them every night this week.
They expect to stay two weeks more
at Clearwater , after which they go to
Wayne , where a large tabernacle is
to be put up for Evangelist Adams.
Victor's Alibi Weak.
Aberdeen , S. D. , July 10. There is
nothing left to the nllbl set up by
Emil Victor to show that he was in
Conde When the Christie family was
murdered at Rudolph last Saturday
State's Attorney Van Slyke fails to
find anyone at Conde who knows Vic
tor or recalls the visit of any such
appearing man there at the time he
claims to have been there , and like
wise the trainmen fall to recall any
one answering his description riding
on the train from Conde to Northvllle
on the day In question.
On the other hand , the route of the
murderer has been traced all the way
from the farm where the murder was
| committed to Northville * . where Victor
was arrested , and several parties
identified Victor as a party whom they
met at points between Rudolph and
The accused man has not yet se
cured counsel , and claims to be unable
to bear the expense of securing any
one to defend his case , and the court
has not yet taken action in the mat
Two Rains at Stuart.
Stuart , Neb. , July 10. Special tc
The News : This vicinity had twc
heavy rains yesterday. While not par
ticularly needed , no harm will re
sult , providing it lets up soon. The
corn , at this time , promises more than
an average yield. The small grain ,
notwithstanding unfavorable condi
tlons in the early spring , will be up tc
the average.
How Anderson Was Killed.
Stuart Advocate : Charles Andersen
son , a C. & N. W. brakeman , whose
homo was In Norfolk and who was o
member of the local freight crow , was
caught In the frog at the east swltcl
of the Stuart yard , Monday morning
about 10 o'clock , and received injuries
from which ho died in a couple ol
hours. Ho was helping with the regu
lar switching , and was walking ahead
of a moving car and probably failed tc
notice the frog , or intersection of the
two rails , and wedged his foot betweer
the rails and did not have time to es
cape before the cars wore upon him
The left leg was cut off below tlu
knee and the right one above the knee
and he had a large hole torn In the
abdomen. Ho was no doubt otherwise
Injured internally. Dr. Colburn was
called and the man was placed on i
stretcher and carried to the depot and
accompanied by Dr. Colburn , Jack Me
Grow and John Hoffman , jr. , was taken
to Atkinson , where the doctor would
inve assisted in operating , The man
died , however , before any operation
could be performed. He was a man
about 30 or 32 years of age , was mar
ried and had three children.
Dakota Farmer Injured Haying.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , July 9. Special
, o The News : T. J. Hunt , a well
uiown farmer living In the eastern
part of Charles Mix county , Is the
first victim of an accident in that lo
cality during the present haying sea
son. While operating a mower ho was
thrown from the machine , whlctf
passed over htm , Injuring his back so
severely that he Is paralyzed and can
not move n muscle. It Is feared that
oven If ho recovers he will bo helpless
during the remainder of his life.
Digs Up an Old Murder.
Valentino , Neb. , July 9. Special to
ihe News : Sheriff Rosseter received
a telegram from Sheriff Knox of
Stevenson , Wash. , asking If one Pros
per Marlon was wanted hero for kill-
: ng Murphy In 1S84. The message
brings to light an old case. The
Prosper Marlon mentioned better
known as Frenchle killed a ranch
man by the name of Murphy down on
the Nlobrara river southwest of here
In a quarrel over land In the year of
1881. Ho was arrested and had n trial ,
the Jury disagreeing , eleven being for
conviction and one for acquittal.
Then ih his second trial the very
night that the second Jury was out , he
broke jail. It was thought that he
had help from the outside nt the time
and up till now has never been heard
from. Sheriff Rosseter Immediately
wired to have him arrested and held
until he could get the required requi
sition papers after which he will go
out and bring Marlon back and he
Will have to stand trial yet for the
crime committed over twenty-five
years ago.
The family and people of the mur
dered man , as well as many of the
witnesses , are still living In this sec
tion of the country , so it Is likely to
bo an Interesting as well as an un
usual case.
Probate Trennepohl Will.
Madison , Neb. , July 10. Special to
The News : TJio will of Frederick
Tennepohl of Norfolk was admitted to
probate In the county court of Madi
son county. Julius E. Haase was ap
pointed administrator with the will an
nexed. Attorney Burt Mapcs appear
ed In behalf of Mrs. Trennepohl , widow
of deceased.
Found Dead Near Bonesteel.
Gregory County News : W. D. Whit
ney , a homesteader living about nine
miles east of Bonesteel was found
dead in his home Wednesday noon.
The deceased was a widower and was
50 years of age. The last seen of him
alive was Monday evening and it is
thought that he died at that time.
Heart failure is assigned as the cause
and Coroner Fish did not deem it
necessary to hold an inquest after In
vestigating the circumstances sur
rounding his death. The deceased was
a brother-in-law to H. I. Pierce , chair
man of the board of county commis
sioners. The funeral was held In
Fairfax Thursday.
Oilman Buys Pierce Light Plant.
S. F. Oilman of Nellgh has bought
the electric light plant at Pierce and
will operate It by water power. Her
bert Craven -formerly ran the electric
light plant.
North Nebraska Deaths.
Mrs. Julius Kuhl of Pierce died at
the General hospital at Omaha Fri
day , July 2 , whither she had been
taken about a week previous for treat
ment. The doctors say that the
cause of her death was heart trouble
and blood poisoning.
Mrs. Adelia Donaldson , wife of
Allen D. Donaldson , died at her home
three miles southeast of Ewlng , July 4.
Waterways Congress Ends.
Ynnkton , S. D. , July 9. After a
spectacular and sensational contest ,
Governor John Burk of North Dakota
was elected president of the Missouri
river navigation congress over Edgar
C. Ellis of Kansas City , Mo. The
friends of the Mlssourian fought every
inch of the way and did not give up
until a division of the house showed
almost two to one against them.
Omaha was voted the next conven
tion , which will be held in December
in connection with the national corn
exposition. At the last minute the
town of Glasgow , Mo. , entered the
race , but the cities north of Omaha
favored Its selection. '
Vice presidents of the congress wore
elected as follows :
North Dakota Gone E. Williams ,
South Dakota C. E. Deland , . Pierre.
Iowa Judge J. L. Kennedy.
Montana Jerry Sullivan , Fort Ben-
Nebraska F. D. Wead , Omaha.
Kansas W. P. Shields , Kansas City ,
Missouri Judge W. K. James , St.
Omaha as the next convention city
will be given the secretary and treasurer -
urer , who will bo selected later.
The resolutions adopted by the con
ventlon favor the issuance of bonds
that the Missouri river may be per
manent'/ converted into a channel ol
commerce , work to commence at
once ; disapprove of the recent report
of the board of engineers for rivers
and harbors upon the lakes to the
gulf deep waterway project , protesl
against the application to that greal
project of the rule , which has already
been too far recognized , that improve
ment of waterways shall respond only
to the needs of commerce actually
moving upon water ; commend the
work of the executive council of the
congress In undertaking to make r
thorough traffic survey of the sever
states and of the area * tributary to
them , and recommend Its continua
tion ; favor locks upon navigablt rlrers
dammed for Irrigation and oppose nil
obstructions of narlgable rivers.
Delegates Prove That the River Is
Ynnkton , S. D. , July 9. Actual proof
that the Missouri river is navlgablo
for vessels of light draught has boon
furnished by the delegates to the con
vention from Pierre and Fort Pierre ,
who made the trip to Yankton In the
steamer "Rosebud. "
The staunch little vessel covered
the 325 miles separating the two cit
ies In twenty-seven hours of actual
running time. From Plorro to Cham
berlain consumed ten hours and the
remainder of the distance took seven
teen hours.
Politics In Holt.
Atkinson Graphic : Petitions are
being circulated hero , asking that the
names of J. C. Harnlsh for treasurer ,
W. P. Slmnr for clerk and Henry D.
Orady for sheriff bo placed on the re-
rubllcan primary ballot and from pres
ent Indications It would look as though
they would have no opposition for the
nomination. Mr. Conklin , who wap
considered by ills friends for clerk , has
concluded not to enter the race.
Bread Famine at Spencer.
Spencer Advocate : A new baker
girl arrived at the home of Voc .lira-
cek Sunday and Voc was so jubilant
over It that he forgot to do any baking
and consequently the community ex
perienced a bread famine for several
This Is Some Corn.
Spencer Advocate : Our wife claims
the distinction of having the largest
corn in Boyd county. There is only
one stalk , though. It is flve feet high
and if It keeps on growing wo hope
to build a twenty-foot fence around It
to keep the boys from climbing it and
swiping the silks off for cigarettes.
A Lot of Things for Nebraskans to
Get Busy Boasting About.
Lincoln , June 9. Of course Nebras
ka is a great agricultural state one of
the very greatest , " and Deputy Labor
Commissioner Maupln the other day.
"Other states may raise a greater
number of bushels of corn and wheat
and oats , but Nebraska raises more ,
wheat and oats per capita than any
other state. In all three of these
grains our yield per acre Is away yon
der ahead of the general average of
all the states. We've got 'em all beat
in output of hay , wild , timothy and
alfalfa. We have every reason to
boast of our agricultural resources ,
but agriculture is no longer our sole
dependence. It is the basis of all
wealth , to be sure , not only in Ne
braska , but everywhere else , but the
time has come in the history of Ne
braska when we may feel satisfied that
our agricultural supremacy is no
longer questioned or menaced , and
therefore devote some time and atten
tion to letting the world know what
we are doing along other lines.
"We are doing some manufacturing
in Nebraska and when we get wise
to our opportunities we will do more.
In 1908 Nebraska manufacturing plants
and industries turned out $151,000,000
worth of manufactured goods from
raw material raised mostly in Nebras
ka. That was $20,000,000 more than
the value of our live stock In 1908.
Men engaged in mechanical pursuits ,
Including transportation , received up
ward of ? 20,000,000 In wages in Ne
braska in 1908. Ever stop to think
what a great variety of articles we
manufacture in Nebraska ? I'll give
you a partial list , and It will help you
form some Idea of our growing im
portance as a manufacturing state. "
Deputy Labor Commissioner Maupln
then fixed up the following list :
Automobiles , alfalfa meal , aprons ,
artificial stone , awnings. .
Beet sugar , beer , buttons , brooms ,
baking powder , boots , boxes , brick ,
breakfast foods , butter , barrels.
Carriages , creamery supplies , candy ,
caps , crackerjack , cornice , crackers ,
canned goods , cigars.
Dental supplies , dusters , divans ,
Engines marine , locomotive and
stationery ; electrical supplies , en
Fire escapes , fences , flour , foundry
Gloves , garments , garden tools , gas ,
Harness , hats , hardware novelties.
Incubators , isinglass , Ice.
Jellies , jewelry , job printing , jams ,
Kalsomine , knit goods.
Leather goods , loose leaf ledgers ,
lightning rods , liquors.
Machinery , marble goods , mat
tresses , mineral waters.
Overalls , optical goods.
Pickles , pumice stone , paints , paper ,
patent medicines , mill products , pave-
raents , planing.
Quince preserves ( out of real
quinces ) .
Rugs , roofing , rubber stamps.
Stoves , shoes , shot , Saratoga chips
saddles , shades , signs , soap , suspend
Trunks , tinware , tags , tools.
Underwear , umbrellas.
Valises , vinegar.
Whisky , washing machines , wagons
whips , wire goods.
Xcellent Ice cream In carload lots
Yacht engines , yeast.
"Try a new game some evening , "
suggests Mr. Maupln , "Just take thl <
list and see how many things yen :
know are made In Nebraska that yen
can add to it.
"We stand nt the head of the e > du
cattonnl column , yet wo foolishly ship
our raw hides to Massachusetts and
buy them back In the shape of shoes ,
mulcting ourselves for thu freight
charges both ways and leaving all the
wages on the Atlantic coast. Samu
thing with the millions of pounds of
\\ool annually clipped from thu backs
) f Nebraska sheop. Why not tan No-
> raska hides In Nebraska , and make
his Nebraska leather into shoos by
Nebraska labor In Nebraska factories ?
Why not do thu same thing In regard
o wool ? Don't whine about not hav-
ng cheap fuel for power purpose. .
lust harness the millions of horse
lower going to waste In the Missouri ,
Matte , Loup and Nlobrara rivers. All
ho wheat that Is raised In Nebraska
uul not exported ought to be ground
n Nebraska mills , and the Nebraskan
vho neglects or refuses to Insist upon
laving Nebraska ground Hour In the
cltchon lacks some of the needful olo-
nents of state pride and patriotism.
Everything made in Nebraska and put
) ti exhibition anywhere ought to be
aboled 'Made in Nebraska. '
"When you are not 'standing up for
Nebraska" you nro missing an oppor
tunity to boost yourself as well as your
state. "
Rattlesnake Kills a Horse.
Sponger Advocate-- Will Lamb Is
lomp from Trlpp county , where ho
as been tilling the sol ! on his home-
fcteuid. Ono of Ills horses died from
! l-e effects of a ir.tllcyiinke bite , which
caused him to abandon his work up
there for the present.
Sinclair Moves to Lamro.
Butte Gazette : It is with sincere
regret that wo chronicle the departure
of D. A. Sinclair and his estimable
'amily. Mrs. Sinclair and the children
eft for their now homo nt Lamro , S.
D. , Tuesday. Butte loses a staunch
and loyal friend , one ready at nil times
to boost for Butte. Our loss Is Lain-
ro's gain , and the citizens of that now
town arc to bo congratulated on their
good fortune , for Don Sinclair and
family will be a valuable addition to
: heir town.
Accidentally Kills Stepson.
Sprlngvlew Herald : Earl Billings
was killed on the 5th day of July by
an accidental shot fired from n 32-
caliber revolver In the hands of Mr.
Kast , the boy's stepfather. Mr. Kast
was preparing to go to Tripp county ,
S. D. , and Intended to leave on the
afternoon of the day the boy met his
death. Mr. Kast cleaned and loaded
the revolver , and while In the act of
closing It the shot was fired and struck
Earl Billings near the base of the
lieart. He died In a few minutes after.
Mr. Kast , Mrs. Kast and four of the
ihlldren , two llttlo girls and two boys ,
of whom Earl was one , ' testified to the
same story. Dr. Evans was , called as
loroner. No Inquest was held.
Herman Newman and daughter of
Stanton were visiting friends in Nor
folk Friday.
Mrs. John F. Klug and children went
to Spencer Friday afternoon for a
week's visit with relatives.
James Bottou of Rothesny , Scotland ,
visited at the home of William Gra
ham , on Madison avenue , from Tues
day till Friday on his way to Casper ,
Among the day's out-of-town visit
ors in Norfolk were : George E. Gra-
don , Albion ; R. M. Johnson , Stuart ;
M. F. Harrington , O'Neill ; H. H. Ho-
worth , West Point ; G. H. Bogenliager ,
Bloomfield ; W. F. Bogenhager , Bloomfield -
field ; John Book , Bloomfield ; F. J.
Pratt , Humphrey ; S. H. Pickering ,
Elgin ; N. S. Westrope , Plninview ;
Martin F. Zimmerman ; Lynch ; H. M.
Scott , Plalnvlew ; A. J. Roepe , Pierce ;
J. W. Smith , Yankton ; Frank Light-
ner , Lynch ; Father Thomas Walsh ,
Battle Creek ; George Warner and
wife , Wayne ; C. Landerfield , Dodge ;
John Engel , Gregory ; W. C.ElIey ,
A telegram has been sent to the Ex
position Amusement Carnival com
pany at Columbus by the fire depart
ment stating that their contract with
the Norfolk fire department Is can
celled and that they are not wanted at
"The railroads of the country are
so overburdened with freight that
they are not opposing the develop
ment of the rivers and waterways as
channels of transportation , " said
George N. Beels , who attended the
Yankton river congress from Norfolk.
Tllden Citizen : Nearly 200 persons
bought tickets for Norfolk at Tllden
on July 3. Judging from those who
expressed themselves , the citizens of
Norfolk made very successful provi
sion for the entertainment of the big
attendance , with the gratifying result
that all came away satisfied and with
a good feeling for the hospitality
shown them.
Stanton Register : Ludwig Koenig-
stein was down from Norfolk yester
day and made this office a pleasant
call. He is an ardent baseball fan and
deplores the fact that Norfolk has no
ball team. We fall to understand why
that town doesn't have n team. They
have plenty of material , and only need
a good hustling manager. It Is a good
ball town and the Stanton boys would
like to meet sonic te'am there and
play a game In the near future.
Madison Star-Mall : "I did not care
to go , " said ono of our business men
after the celebration , "and did not In
tend to go until I went to the train
and saw that jolly , good hatured bunch
got onto the train. I couldn't stand it.
I got on , and to say that I had n good
time at Norfolk Is putting it mildly ,
and from the general appearance oi
things everyone had a big time. I am
glad I went. Norfolk people are preat
entertainers and they certainly demon
strated It on this occasion. "
J. W. Stadelman returned from
Omaha Friday.
Mrs. S. T. Adams left for n twc
weeks' visit at Lincoln and Fremont.
Mrs. I ) . Kulin will leave Monday for
Mnrshatltown , la. , on a two weeks *
C , A. Dolormlorf left this morning
for Minneapolis to spend n two weeks *
Paul Zuolow , of the Nebraska Nn-
tlonal bank , will leavu tomorrow for
1,11111 ro on a business trip.
Mrs. R. IS. Howe and children of
Wakollold are In Norfolk visiting her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Law.
Mrs. Bon Blerur , who has boon' visit
ing her sister , Mrs. L. M. Boulor , re
turned to bur homo In Council Bluffs
The day of uxucutlon has arrived for
the dogs which Chief of Pollco Mar-
quardt has In his possession , without
licenses. Ono suffered death today
and It Is said more will be killed to
D. Rocs returned from Council
Bluffs and reports that 150 men are at
woiklng loading the mud , which Is two
feet deep In thu main streetH , onto Hat
cars. Mr. Roes says the Hood caused
great damage- that place.
The P. B. T * club was entertained
by Mrs. William Hill.
Miss Gladys Hartford entertained a
number of her girl friends last night
at a birthday surpilsu party.
Candidates for political olllco In Nev
braska huvo Just one more week In
which to file with the county clerks
notices of their candidacies. The law
provides that notices must all bo Illetl
thirty days before the primary elec
tion , whlrh comes on August 17. Next
Saturday , therefore , Is the last day for
The Christian church has called
Evangelist Edward Clutter for a meetIng -
Ing in November. Mr. Clutter Is an
evangelist of several years' experience ,
having held meetings In many differ
ent states. Ho has Just closed a meet
ing at Mine LaMott , Mo. , with eighty-
eight added during the hot summer
Dr. C. S. Parker of Norfolk will leave
Norfolk the latter part of this month
for Old Point Comfort , Va. , as a dele
gate to the national convention of
dental examiners. Dr. Parker Is presi
dent of the Nebraska state board of
dental examiners and In this capacity
goes as a delegate to the national as
sociation meeting.
Not every finder of a watch and
chain Is given the watch as a reward
for his find. Such was the luck of
Elmer Beeler , son of Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Beeler. The watch and chain were
lost on the golf links at the Country
club by D. Mathewson. The chain wna
valued because of Its age as much as
anything. The watch , luckily , was n
cheap one which Mr. Mathewson
chanced to bo wearing while his real
timekeeper was laid up for repairs.
With Two Men Out and Two Strikes
In Ninth , They Won the Game.
Gregory , S. D. , July 10. Special to
The News : Gregory won from Dallas
Saturday at Dallas , 3 to 4. A home run
by Graham was the feature of the
5ame. Batteries : Gregory , Burke and
Ford ; Dallas , McDermott and Shirley.
Sunday's game was called on account
of rain in the second inning. Mon
day's game was a merry-go-round , 14
to 5.
Tuesday's game with Sprlngvlew at
Gregory wns exciting from start to
finish , neither side scoring until the
ninth , when Springview got a score on
a bunt. Gregory , in the last half of
the ninth , had two men out and two
strikes on Bobbie Ford , when Ford
landed a two-base hit. Lamro hit to
shortstop , who errored to first base
and Ford at third worked the catcher
to throw the ball away at second ,
while Ford came in on the overthrow ,
tying the score. It took eleven in
nings to decide the game in favor of
Gregory , score 4 to 1.
Batteries : Sprlngvlew , Grimes and
Cox ; Gregory , Burke and Ford. Um
pire , Ed Biggins.
World's Largest Barometer.
The biggest Iwromotor In th * world
Is in the city of I-'aonza. Itnly It Is a
monument to Torrlci'lll. Invrnror of
the buromotor. wh" wa < b-irn In that
city o < V ) yt > : irs njro Tht > scale of this
baromi'tPr Is on n bads of foot whore
the ordlnnry tan : : iori-r N measured in
inches. The liquid ri lumn is thirty-
seven foot > -'ch ' nt n < > r" ' 'I ' itvns In-
teudi'U tn u.a t'lr" -iw < > fix i
of water lit ; ! t' ' - v .1' niiVnrd
Then glycprl'.ivi : . trr < l. hut with this
liquid tin' normal l" > l-hi was only
twpnt.v-t = ( > von foot , which was iot
onoutrh. Ollvo i II wns chimon finally.
The till * ' ri'sts : : . ; .st ; i nil nu'.iontil of som- Olive , | | Is the UshioM
liquid ) i't nHl for u 1 1. n"iotor. When
n IJphtrr t : U r. ! ( ! i > iivti' ! 'o a taller
hnroiwtiT taaj bv n > : isnii'r : ] Pas
cal tmuJo tM.-jtniM'l1 * if nater aril
wine mu ! > d 'AAmT \ Ml'lx of New
York mod a bnixnotur , and
Jnuborr wt up UK : > ( .1" wnter In the fa
mous Tour St. Jacques , the \\eathcr
burvnu confer of Paris. Detroit Fruo
Scrry Ho Spoke.
Ho wire very deferential , but be- was
a deacon In the church , and he felt
that he had a right to criticise. "I
hope youl ! pnnlon me , " he said. "If I
suggest that jxrar sermons arc nh"
'Too prosy , I suppose ? " suggested
the minister.
"Oh , no , not that hut too long. "
"But yon mustn't blame me for that , "
returnctl the minister pleasantly.MIf
you knew n little more I wouldn't have
to tell you BO much. "
When nsbet ] whether Napoleon shai-
ed himself Tniloyrnnd replied : "Yes.
One born to bo n kins has some one to
shave him , but they who acquire king
doms shave themselves. " Dlonyslus ,
the tyrant of Syracuse , not daring to
commit himself to n harbor's hands. Is
said to have pinged his own beard with
glowing walnut shells.