The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 09, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Pleasures of the Week ,
Mm. C. H. Reynolds was hostess lo
n company of sixteen Indies on
\Vodnosdny , the party being compli
mentary to the Misses Reynolds of )
Chicago. The ladles mot nt the Reynolds - ,
nolds homo nt 10 o'clock , bridge occu-1
pylng the tlmo until ft throe-courso
luncheon wns served nt 1. Mrs. A.
Dear won the high score honors.
Society Personal.
A. H. Burroughs , formerly In the
banking business In Norfolk , now liv
ing nt Donlson , Tox. , Is spending the
mimmor nbroad with his wlfo nntl
daughter , having Joined n touring par
ty which Includes Judge and Mrs. M ,
TO. lleoso of Lincoln. Miss Hurroutlm ;
IMH Just graduated from Dana Hall ,
\Vollosloy , Mass.
Mm. 0. R. Allen arrived In the city
fnHl evening for a slfort visit with her
Bister , Mrs. W. N. Huso. She Is on-
route to her homo In Hawnrdon , la. ,
tfrom Durnnt , Okla. , where they hnvo
spout the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fisher of Atchl-
on , Kan. , nnd Miss Roe Fisher of
"Waterloo , Noh. , arc visiting Mr. nnd
Sirs. E. F. Fisher.
Mrs. John R. Hays , and granddaugh
ter , Miss Dorothy Sailer , have re
turned from Denver.
Misses Helen nnd Molllo Brldgo nro
liomo from n short visit with relatives
in Fremont.
Butte , Neb. , July 2. Special to The
News : At the homo of the bride's' sis
ter , Mrs. Brant Freeman , nt Lnko An-
< lcs , S. D. , occurred the marriage of
Dr. John R. Beatty to Miss Maybollo
Brazoll , nt 6:30 : o'clock Wednesday.
'The doctor has enjoyed n fine practice
In Butte during the past six years/
.coming hero from Charles Mix , S. D. ,
where he and Mrs. Beatty nro both
well known , as ho was nt ono tlmo
located at Wagner.
Mrs. Beatty Is the reflned and ac
complished dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Thomas Brnzell.
Dr. and Mrs. Beatty Immediately
left on their honeymoon through the
cast , Including the Now England
states , after which they will bo nt
Jiome in Butte.
To Be Married on Street.
'Gregory Times : John Ham nnd
"Bliss Lucy Fngley , both of whom are
nt present residents of Dallas , will bo
tuo principals In the public wedding
on the Dallas Main street Sunday af
ternoon , July 4. The committee had
several applications for the honor , but
these people were the first ones to
make definite assurance that they
would comply.
Wayne Normal Notes.
Deputy State Superintendent Perdue
wns n college guest Snturdny. He
mnde the nddross for the eighth grade
graduating exercises In Wayne.
Miss Grace Peterson of Nellgh was
made happy by her brothers , who came
to visit her this week. Miss Peterson
Is n member of the graduating class.
Wondel Nles , scientific , class of
1907 , "visited the college Tuesday. Mr.
Nlcs Is principal of the schools at
Java , S. D. Besides teaching , he Is
looking after the fnrrnlng of a section
of Innd in that garden of the north
"Wm. Von Seggorn , who was pre
pared here for Phillips , Andover , wns
a visitor Wednesday. Mr. Von Seg
gorn reports a pleasant year and will
return ngain in September.
One of the most unique nnd nt the
same time most entertaining social af
fairs of the school yenr was the Ger
man social given by Miss Klngsbury
nnd her German students last Frldny
eVenlng. The Germnn clubs of town
were Invited. Only those who spoke
or understood Germnn were present.
Miss Klngsbury is a most popular
teacher nnd Is herself the nuthoress
of several Germnn books.
Junction News.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Williams arrived
liomo yesterday noon from n trip to
Kansas City and other Missouri cities.
Mrs. Harry Luelow is 111.
Mrs. Hugh Dick returned home
from a business tHp to Omnhn last
Frank Kropntch has stored his
household goods and moved his family
to Battle Creek.
Miss Jessie White of Logan , la.
came down yesterday to spend the
Fourth with relatives.
Mrs. A. R. Beaten and two children
arrived homo from Omaha last oven
Ing. vtl
Miss Nellie Ward nrrlved homo
from O'Neill yesterday afternoon
whore she had been visiting for a few
Miss Nona Quick , who has been 11
for the past few days , was roportec
much bettor yesterday.
Mrs. B. B. Wood was in Wlnsldc
Jnke Chrlstensen nnd Frank Slama
had n collision this morning , as one
wns going to work nnd the other re
turning home , on their bicycles. Nel
thor one wns hurt , but Mr. Slama's
bicycle Is out of business for good.
Mrs. Mlle Perry was In Wlnsldc
The Ladles' Aid society of the Chris
tian church held an ice cream soda
at the home of Mrs. C. R. Cox Friday
afternoon. A large' number attended
and nil had a fine time.
Engineer F. P. Kennedy has been
assigned to runs No. 3 and 6 , between
Norfolk nnd Council Bluffs , nnd Dan
Ftnley nnd H. J. Butler have been as
signed to runs No. 116 and 110 , be
tween Norfolk nnd Long Pine.
Mrs. Johnson nnd daughter , Vera
nro In Omaha on business this week.
A Peony Farm at West Point.
Fifty years ago n person who dared
to forecast that the day would como
when Nebraska would not only produce -
duce n largo portion of the agricultural
crops of the United States , but would
likewise become n homo for the culti
vation of totally now varieties of flow
ers long cultivated In the cast nnd In
Europe , would have been laughed out
of court.
Yet today Nebraska north Nohras-
ca claims ono of the half dozen orlg-
nntlng peony farms In the United
Stales. It Is a farm of flowers and
lowers alone. Acres nnd acres of It
re given over to the breeding nnd cul-
Ivntlon of the peony In its countless
rofuslon ( Of kinds.
Peony Farm Near West Point.
Probably comparatively few Nebras-
cans are aware that for a quarter con-
ury this exclusive peony farm has
> eon developing In Cutnlng county
liree miles southeast of the city of
Vest Point.
Yet for almost that many yen'rs J.
F. Rosonlleld , one of the half dozen
renters of new kinds of peonies in
his country , has been working out his
deal and building up a unique instltu-
Ion upon the prairies of the once
Jreat American desert.
And today this peony farm is worth
trip to look at. It is as novel as the
arden of the Gods , as interesting as
a circus and withal as beautiful a spec-
acle as one could wish to see. The
big farm of flowers presents a picture
hat defies reproduction in painting
or description In words , and the per-
time of the thousands and thousands
of pretty peonies , as they contentedly
1ft and nod their proud heads on a
day In June , is a Joy not soon to be
Began As Market Gardener.
About twenty-five years ago J. F.
Rosenfield , a Swede , came to Cumlng
county to locate. He farmed for a year
or so , but wasn't Just sure he liked
'arming. Ho knew he loved flowers.
Bye and bye he turned his attention
to the cultivation fet vegetables and
market gardening , raising cauliflower
and lettuce and asparagus and the
like. He sold his products in West
Point and surrounding territory.
Then he planted a few peonies.
And that was the start of the unique
peony plantation that graces Cumlng
county today.
Rapidly the peonies crowded out the
vegetables , nnd today there are ton
solid acres devoted exclusively to pe
They stretch out In n long , wide mnt
of white and red and other bright col
ors against a background of dark
The balance of the farm Is rented
150,000 Plants On Farm.
All In all , Mr. Rosonfleld estimates
the number of his plants at 160,000.
The commercializing of the peonies
Is done In a wholesale and nation-wide
way. Indeed , many of the West Point
bulbs are shipped each year even to
Each spring In time for Memorial
day thousands of the big , fragrant
flowers are shipped to Chicago , where
they are retailed by a brother of the
Nebrsaka peony man a florist In Chi
One year Mr. Rosenfield snipped 16-
000 flowers to Chicago.
Mr. Rosenfleld has attained wide
fame throughout the United States
among florists and those interested In
flower culture , by the striking new pe
ony creations that ho has produced.
Probably the most beautiful of these
is a mammoth double peony of rich
crimson color. This ho named the
"Carl Rosenfleld" peony , giving It the
name of one of his sons.
A few years ago he bad a single bulb
of this product , but by constant culti
vation he now has several rows ol
This Variety $5 a Bulb. '
This rare peony sells at wholesale
at $5 per bulb. Recently a Massachu
setts man ordered twenty of them
and sent $100 for the twenty bulbs.
Franco is the greatest homo of pe
ony cultivation , nnd Mr. Rosonfiold has
succeeded In outdoing oven the French
In many varieties.
Each year the Roscnflold peony farm
contributes large quantities of peonies
to the big flower shows of Chicago and ,
occasionally , other cities.
The Rosenflold homo , nestling close
to n big grove of trees that break the
north winds of winter , Is Ideal In every
way. The dwelling is modern and
beautifully finished. And throughout
the home on every available stand
nnd In every available vase In the
hall and In the parlor and In the living
room , nro peonies and peonies and
peonies fresh plucked from the limit
less supply at the front door.
Throughout the homo stand musical
Instruments of one * type and another ,
indicating clearly the artistic tempera
ments that fill the homo of this great
peony artist.
Peonies Are Little Cure.
When Mr. Rosonheld operated a mar
ket garden farm , ho had waterworks
piped from a big windmill. Today
waterworks nro unnecessary. The
roots of the peony go so deep into the
ground that , even In dryest weather ,
.hey never run out of moisture.
The peonies are little care , Mr. Ros
enfleld says. They take care of them
selves In the severest winters. The
lollage falls down In such a way as
: o perfectly protect the bulbs and In
the springtime the growth begins
Each year's cultivation adds to the
size of the big double flowers , until
some of them become monsters.
Remarkable Surgical Case.
Brown County Democrat : Mrs.
Chris. Eddy and son , Clifton , were ar
rivals from Omaha Wednesday even
ing , where the young man has been
under the care of a physician for the
past several veeks. When taken to
Omaha he was suffering from a wound
In his head resulting from1 a kick by a
horse. Paralysis and other complica
tions followed , but the many friends
of the family will be pleased to know
that he returns home in possession of
his faculties , with the single exception
of his speech , and It is believed that
it will only be a matter of time until
he is in possession of that , also. His
case is considered one of the most
remarkable to have come under the
observation of western surgeons In
Banks Consolidate.
Colome Times : The Bl-Metallic
bank and the Trlpp County State bank
have bought out the Bank of Colome ,
and that institution is no longer In
business here. The ofllce fixtures were
used to replace those of the Tripp
County bank and add much to its ap-
Tllden Board of Education.
Tilden , Nob. , June 30. Special to
The News : Tom McDonald and C. A.
Smith were re-elected for three years
as members of the board of education.
New Phones on the Rosebud.
Colome Times : The Tripp-Meyer
Telephone company closed a denl the
past week taking over the lines of the
Interior Telephone company , giving
them n line from Lamro to Blunks , and
direct connection with all towns on
the Milwaukee road , north of White
river. This purchase will bo n val
uable accession to the company's fa
cilities and a convenience to Its pa
City Editor of The News Tor Over Two
Years , Goes Tomorrow.
J. S. Jackson , for over two years
past city editor of The News , will
leave Norfolk tomorrow morning for
his homo at Nebraska City , where he
will spend the next three months In
rest and recreation. During the sum
mer ho will definitely determine upon
the line of work ho will permanently
enter , being nt this tlmo undecided as
to whether ho will take up law , stick
to the newspaper work or go Into some
other line of business or profession.
Mr. Jackson is ono of the most cap
able young newspaper men that the
state of Nebraska has produced. He
Is thoroughly a Nebraska man , having
graduated at the Nebraska City high
school and later taking work In the
stale university at Lincoln. In his
work on The News ho has proven un
usually ofllclent , possessing the requi
site "nose for imws , " nnd ability to
write the news In clean-cul , Interest
ing fashion , and a keen scrutiny that
made his work particularly reliable.
Mr. Jackson has made many friends
In Norfolk nnd has made n place of
prominence for himself. His friends
and The News will hope that at the
end of the Ihrco months ho will decide
to return to The News and to Norfolk.
Among the day's out-of-town visit
ors were : . County Attorney Nichols ,
Madison ; J. B. Bottlcjohn , Lamro ; E.
Colombo , Lnmro ; Dennlo Botls , Mndl-
son ; F. G. Holt , Atkinson ; Wm. Baun-
gardner , Wayne ; W. L. McAllister , No-
ligh ; W. T. Wills , Butlo ; Mrs. R. V.
Wilson , Bulle ; S. F. Oilman , Nellgh ;
A. J. Tyler , Nellgh ; W. Krenzler , Stanton -
ton ; Lee Burokor , Wayne ; E. M. Bur-
okor , Wayne ; Jacob Berg , Napor ; Wm.
F. Schultz , Naper ; C. A. Smith , Al
bion ; Miss E. Jackson. Newman
Grove ; E. L. Parrnalee , Tekamah ; E.
M. Erlkson , Redfield ; Sylvester Lewis ,
Meadow Grove ; W. R. Martin , Mndl-
son ; Geo. Frlederlch , Pierce ; J. H.
Mundun , Pierce ; Mrs. W. H. Herring ,
Ainsworth ; Mick Larson , Emerson ;
H. L. Howard , Emerson ; H. C. Rogers ,
Emerson ; W. S. Wheeler , Emerson ;
J. R. Plerson , Randolph.
Rev. J. H. Oohlorklng , lately from
Illinois , has taken the pastorate of the
German Evangelical church 6n Sixth
A. C. Taylor of Cedar Rapids , la. , Is
In Norfolk going over the plans and
specifications of the new addition that
is to be built on the Beelcr brothers'
store , before asking bids.
Dr. W. H. Pllger , who has been ap
pointed a member of the United Stales
pension board , was elecled treasurer of
the board yesterday. Dr. W. H. Ha-
gey retains his place as secretary.
T. F. Memnilnger , well known in
this county as having at one time been
county treasurer , member of the leg-
islalure and connecled with the Citi
zens National 'bank in Norfolk , is
starting a new bank at McAlester , one
of Ihe good lowns of Oklahoma.
J. B. Donovan , deputy state game
warden , of Madison , confiscated a 100-
foot net which he discovered on Aug
ust Klentz's farm. At first , when Mr.
.Donovan accused Klentz with having
a net Klentz denied it , then after the
game warden threatened to take him
to Madison , Klentz disclosed the hid
ing place of the net
The mortgaged indebtedness of
Madison county was Increased during
June , the total amount of mortgages
filed being $81,551 nnd the tolnl
amount of the mortgages released be
ing $43,240.90. The monthly mortgage
statement prepnred by County Clerk
Richardson shows the following fig
ures : Farm mortgages , filed 13 ,
amounting to $42,900 ; released 21 ,
amounting to $21,063.20 ; town and
city mortgages , filed 20 , amounting to
$19,350 , released 17 , amounting to $16-
804.75 ; chattel mortgages , filed 69 ,
amounting to $19,301 , released 20 ,
amounting to $5,372.95.
Judge Lambert issued an order of
attachment on the furniture of Frank
Graham , the M. & O. news agent , for
whom there has been a warrant out
for over two weeks charging mlscon
duct. Yesterday James A. Kelleher
commenced action against Graham for
$75 on a promissory note , which Is
now alleged to be due and which was
signed by Kelleher , who was forced to
pay It. Kelleher also charges Gra
ham with absconding with intent to
defraud his creditors. Graham Is said
to be in Omaha and when notified he
was wanted on the first charge he
promised to return , but has not as yet
made his appearance. Constable Flynn
went to the Junction yesterday and
attached his goods.
Barley Caused Appendicitis.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , July 2. Special
to The News : An appendicitis case
of an unusual character Is reported
from Parkston , the victim "being Miss
Rosa Schurz , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Schurz , who reside on a farm
near Parkston. The girl recently was
operated on , and when her appendix
was removed and examined It was
found to contain a grain of barley and
a barley-head , both of which were In
a perfect state of preservation. As
near as the girl can remember she
swallowed the barley about eight years
Butte Drug Store Sold.
Butte , Neb. , July 5. Special to The
News : Mrs. E. A. Warner disposed
of her drug store in Butto. The new
firm will bo Mahanna and Darrow.
Wm. Mahanna has been clerk In the
V/arner store for the past six months
and has won ; , by his strict ntlentlon to
business and agreeable manner , the
esteem and good wishes of all. Dr. G.
E. Darrow Is one of Boyd county's
most prominent physicians , and that
the new firm will piove n success is
doubted by none.
Mrs. Warner will leave soon for Se
attle and other western points to
spend the summer. She will be ac
companied by her daughter , Gladys ,
and son , Carl.
The brick walls of the now St. Pe
ter's and St. Paul's school building
are complete and the carpenters are
now at work.
Our new $10,000 Catholic school
building Is nearly completed. The cor
ner stone was laid Tuesday last.
The brick nnd snnd for the now
opern house nnd ledge hall nro on the
ground nnd the nxcavatlng for the
bnsoment Is nonrlng completion. Mr.
Short of Sioux City has secured the
contract for building the same. It is
expected that the building will bo com
plete by September 1C , 1909. When
done It will bo the best hnll In Boyd
county , nnd will cost $10,000.
Guaranty Law to Highest Courts ,
Mndlson , Nob. , July 2 , Speclnl to
The News : The Nobrnskn bank guar
anty law will bo carried to the Unllcd
Stales supreme court , whatever the
decision of the highest court in Ne
braska. Senator Allen , ono of the nt-
Lorneys for the bankers , says that the
case will bo fought to n finish.
Order Lot Sold.
Madison , Nob. , July 2. Special to
The News : An order of sale was Is
sued by the clerk of the district court
for out lot 5 of Railroad addition , New
man Grove , to satisfy a Judgment of
$1,591.07 and costs to Iho amount of
$11.75 rendered Juno 3 , 1909 , nnd the
property of the Farmers' Milling nnd
Elovalor company.
Saloons Close Now at 8 p. m.
Most of the saloons of Nebraska will
close nt 8 o'clock tonight , for the first
time coming under the now statewide
daylight closing law.
According to the atlornoy general.
Ihe new law Is now In effect. The at
torney general held that the law be
came effective sixty days after the
legislature was supposed to adjourn
that Is to say , sixty days after the leg
islative clock stopped.
That would make 'the law effective
today. And saloon men over the state
liave pretly generally declared their
Intenllon of taking no chances , and of
closing at 8 o'clock tonight.
Some of the saloon men of Norfolk
have said they would not close at 8
o'clock until July 6 , sixty days after
the legislature actually adjourned.
They refuse to go by the time the fab
ricating clock put down as adjourn
ing time.
Following Is the text of the law :
Section 14. Every person who shall
sell or give away any malt , splrltous
or vinous liquors or any intoxlcaling
drinks on the day of any general , spe
cial or primary election , or nt nny
time during the first day of the week ,
commonly called Sunday , or at any
time upon any week day , after the
hour of 8 o'clock a. m. of the following
day shall forfeit and pay for every
such offense the sum of one hundred
dollars , and his license shall be for
feited and cancelled by the board
granting the same forthwith , whether
such person convicted shall appeal
therefrom or not. "
City Attorney Baruhart says the sa
loons will have fo close at 8 o'clock
Madison Saloons In Early.
Madison , Neb. , July 2. Special to
The News : Madison saloons closed
last night at & p. m. under the new
daylight law. The saloon keepers took
no chances of getting caught under
the new law.
Reorganize Pension Board.
At the reorganization of the United
States pension board today , Dr. A. L.
Macomber was made president of the
board , vice Dr. A. Bear , who has re
signed. Dr. W. H. Pllger retains his
place as secretary. .
The United States pension board
was organized in 1893 rind Doctors
Bear , Hagey and Macomber were its
first members. Before that time Doc
tors Bear , Daniels and Powers were
pension examiners.
In the future all business meetings
of the board are to be held at Dr. W.
H. Pllger's office , 332 Norfolk avenue.
Judge Jackson Leaves Nellgh.
Nellgh , Neb. , July 2. Special to The
News : Hon. N. D. Jackson left yes
terday morning for St. Anthony , Ida. ,
where a splendid opportunity of ad
vancement awaits him. Mr. ' Jackson
has been a resident and in the active
practice of law In this city for more
than thirty years. He has been among
Neligh's most enterprising citizens and
has been at the head of every move
for its advancement in prosperity and
It was through his efforts that this
city acquired , without cost , Riverside
park , one of the most beautiful na
tural resorts In the state. He has
been repeatedly honored by the repub
licans of the county and state. While
severing his business connections
here , yet he will return some tlmo in
September to look after legal matters
in the district court
Judge Jackson leaves many warm
north Nebraska friends in Norfolk nnd
north Nebraska. He has been district
( Judge in this district and supreme
'court ' commissioner. North Nebraska
, will regret his departure.
Herman Boche Taken to Pen.
Madison , Neb. , July 2. Special to
The News : W. H. Field , clerk of the
district court , In obedience to Instruc
tions received from Judge Welch , dis
trict Judge. Issued an order of com
mittment to Sheriff Clements com
manding him to take Herman Boche
forthwith to the state penitentiary at
Lincoln. Sheriff Clements left for Lin
coln today on the 11 o'clock train with
William V. Allen , attorney for Bo
che , In a few days will make another
effort before the supreme court In his
behalf. Judge Root of the supreme
court handed down a 'dissenting opin
Telephone War Brewing Here.
There's war brewing between the
two telephone companies In Norfolk.
W. J , Stadelman , manager of the
Norfolk Long Distance Telephone com
pany , Is minus a Bell telephone In his
ofllce. Thursday morning throe em
ployes of the Bell company came .to
his office and asked to be shown thg
Bell telephone , after which thoj dis
connected It nnd took it to the Boll
olllco with them. Mr. Stndolman says
ho cannot understand why this should
bo done , ns the telephone 1ms boon
taken good care of. lie has served a
written notice on Q. T. Sprochor , local
manager of the Bell company , saying
that unless the telephone Is reInstalled
stalled suit will follow.
Mr. Sprochor says he cannot say
why the telephone haa been taken out ,
but that ho has orders from the gen
eral manager to that effect.
Stndolman says Iho cause of remov
ing the Bell telephone from the Auto
matic ofllce may bo laid to the fact
that soiuo people who have automatic
lelephones only , and who wish to com-
munlcnle with people who have Bell
loloptionos , cnll on Iho conlrnl auto-
malic ofllco to relay for thorn over the
Boll telephone to which , It Is said , the
Boll company Is objecting.
Emery Boys Walked Home.
Detective Stuart of the Northwest
ern railroad has been In Norfolk for
two days Investlgallng Iho alleged hid
ing places of goods Hint nro said to
hnvo boon stolen by Iho Norfolk hey
bandils. Up llll Thursday ho had not
found a sign of nny of Iho stolen
goods. Although Forest nnd Prairie
Emery hnvo been homo since Tuesday
there has been no atfompl to re-arrest
them. The Emory boys nro said to
have walked all Iho way home nnd
their father snys the Chndion authori
ties have notified him that they have
nothing against them now nnd that
the bond holds good.
The other boys who broke Jail have
not been heard from , although It Is
said Detective Stuart can place his
hands on any of them nny tlmo ho
New Dakota Road.
Pierre , S. D. , July 2. A now rail
road project , for which articles will
be filed In a few days , Is the Red-
field and Southern road , with head
quarters at Redfield and a capital of
$2,000,000. It will bo incorporated
by H. P. Pucknrd , Peter Norbeck , Z.
A. Grain , E.-O. Issenhuth and W. S.
Clark of Redfleld , nnd J. H. Grosen-
heiser nnd L. E. Snyder of Onelda.
The company proposes to build a
line from Pierre to Brownsvalloy ,
MInn.sby way of Onelda and Redfleld.
The counties proposed to be crossed
by the line are : Hughes , Sully , Hyde ,
Spenk , Day and Roberls. The pro
posed line is lo be 200 miles in
Governor Vessey re-appolnled O. S.
Basford as insurance commissioner
and W. E. Ego of Carlervllle telephone -
phone Inspeclor. There will be sev
eral changes in Ihe Insurance de
partment. Herbert Gregory of Wes-
singlon Springs taking the position of
assltant fire marshal and assistant ex
aminer and Mrs. G. B. Fox the posi
tion of fire marshal clerk.
At the organization of the state
veterinary board Dr. J. P. Foster of
Huron was selected as president ; Dr
J. C. Trotter , Beresford , vice presi
dent ; Dr. F. L. Moore , Brookings ,
secretary-lreasurer. The board will
hold another meeting at Sioux Falls ,
July 12 , to examine applicants to
Valentine Beats Long Pine.
Valentine , Neb. , July 2. Special to
The News : The ball game between
Long Pine and Valentine at Baseball
park was a walkaway for the home
team , ns the visitors seemed to be un-
nble to touch the ball tosser that Val
entine had In the box. The final score
was 6 to 3.
Score by innings :
Valentine 00302100 * G
Long Pine 10000001 1 3
Batteries : Valentine , Hanoy and
Cox ; Long Pine , White nnd Klrby.
Strike-outs : Haney , G ; White , 1.
Hits : Valentine , 5 ; Long Pine , B.
Errors : Valentine , 1 ; Long Pine , 5.
Time of game , about two hours. A
fair crowd witnessed the game.
Boy Prevents a Train Wreck.
Fairfax , 3. D. , July 2. Special to
The News : With rare presence of
mind Joe Kocum , " a 15-year-old boy
who is learning telegraphy with Local
Agent Edens , prevented a train wreck
an the Northwestern here n few days
During the temporary absence of
the agent , who loft Joe to look after
the station , Joe heard an order for a
train from Anoka to Bonesteol ; then
In n little while another order for a
special out of Bonesteel east. Joe
didn't know what to think of this , ns
he had heard no "passing" orders giv
en , so he decided he would "hold" the
one first In for the other to "pass. "
The eastbound train being nearest ,
and having a "down-hill" pull , was
first In , but Joe had the "stop" signal
up and "stop" she did , but hardly before -
fore the westbound hove in sight
Had Joe , gone on about his business
a wreck would surely have occurred.
As it was , the matter was quietly
passed over and only leaked out when
some trainmen wore discussing the
rare presence of mind of the boy In
preventing n wreck.
* _ _ .
Doesnt' Think McCowen Insane.
When nsked ns to me sanity of
Isaac McCowln , who murdered W. D.
Tonoy nnd J. Gooden , the Sioux City
horse dealers whoso bodies were found
In a well on the McNally ranch , near
Kadoka , S. D. , June 11 , H. F. Barn
hart , the atlorney of Norfolk who ac
quitted McCowln of a murder charge
at Nlobrara seven years ago , said to
day :
Yes , I have read about the killing of
Toney and Gooden at or near Kadoka ,
S. D. I know the party arrested and
who gives hie name as Mike Maloney.
His true name is Isaac McCowln. I
was one of the attorneys who defend
ed him in the district court of Knox
county , Nebraska , when ho was on
trial there charged with the murder ,
of William Meredith at Nlobrara. This
was , I think , In December , 1902. The
evidence in this case was circumstan
tial , but underlying It nil there were
clrcumstnnccs thnt mny have boon
considered In some degree Justification
for the killing , since It was n nintlor
of common notoriety thnt Meredith
wns responsible for tl\o \ Reparation of
McCowln nnd his wlfo , who had boon
divorced from htm nbout a your before -
fore the killing ,
I have not seen much of McCowln
Hlnco the trial. I mot him' oncu about
n year ngo nt Vordcl.
Believes Him Snne.
Ho Is n queer acting fellow. , but I
never thought him Insane in nny de
gree. If ho killed those men In Da
kota 1 llilnk him mentally rcaponslblo
for his act Of course , 1 do not know
the clrcuniHtnncos mirroundlng the
killing. There may bo legal Justifica
tion for the homicide.
Mr. Biunlmrt says ho has had no
word from McCowln to defend him In
this present case , nnd oven If ho Is
nskcd to , ho will veiy probably doollno
to do so. <
Out of College ; Now Sh'll Wed.
Boston , July 1. Special lo The
News : Iloforo 200 Wollusloy class-
males , who were scaled nt banquet
tables at the Hotel Somerset , last
nlghl , Miss Josephine Uullcrlleld of
Norfolk , Nob. , announced thnt she had '
determined to 'enter Inlo the bonds
ot matrimony with Iho best man In
the world. Miss Duttorllold , although
prosbed lo nnnounco who Iho lucky
man was , declined lo do so.
The announcement was made at the
banquet board after a request had
been mnde by the tonBlnilalreas for all
the young women who woio engaged
to make Iho announcement Seven-
loon girls , all graduates of Wellesley ,
coylshly stood up and admitted Ihe
Miss Butterflold received an ovation ,
for she was one of Iho first to tell the
Although Miss Buttorfleld refused
at the Boston banquet to give the name
of the man lo whom she admitted she
Is engaged , It is an open secret among
her Norfolk friends that the fortunate
man Is Jack Wellls of Omaha , the only
son of Rev. J. C. S. Wellls , paslor of
Trinity Episcopal church , Norfolk.
The Boslon banquet announcement ,
told of In the above special telegram
to The News , Is the first formal word
Norfolk friends have had of the be
Miss Butterflold Is the youngest
dnughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. II. But-
terfleld of this city. She has been ,
fiom reporls brought to Norfolk by
olher Wellesley girls , ono of the most
popular students in that famous col
lege for the past four years.
She was president of her class in
her Junior year and was president of
n unique organization of eminence.
Norfolk Boys Make Good.
The two Norfolk baseball players
who are playing with Lyons this sen-
son , are playing wonderful ball. In n
fast game Tuesday afternoon the Ly
ons baseball team easily defealcd Iho
Oakland learn by the score of , G to 0.
The feature of the game was the pitchIng -
Ing of Bovee , who did not allow a sin
gle hit and struck out eleven men.
Not an Oakland man reached second
and only two reached first base.
Score : R. H. E.
Lyons 00211011 * G 3 2
Oakland . .00000000 0 0 0 G
Batlerles : Lyons , Bovee and Hoff
man ; Oakland , Slorme and Palmqulst
Slruck oul : By Bovco , 11 ; by Storme ,
1,000 Indians Now at Dallas.
Dallas , S. D. , July 2. Special to
The News : Everything Is now In.
readiness for the largest celebration
that has ever been held in the Rose *
bud country. The celebration begins
on Saturday , July 3 , and continues for
three days. On Monday , the 5th , the
Walter Savldge Attraction company
will arrive with their big street at
tractions and begin a week's engage
The Indian parade , dancing , riding ,
roping , etc. , will be the best ever seen
in this country. The Indians will bo
here from all portions of the Rosebud
and from the Pine Ridge leservatlon.
They commenced arriving early today ,
and more than 500 will be on the camp
grounds before nightfall. They will
continue to arrive up until tomorrow
morning , when it is estimated that
more than a thonsand Indians In gay
costume and war paint will be on the
ground. The streets are now being
decorated and only a little work rn-
mains for the committee until they
can rest and feel Justly proud of the
work they have accomplished.
Falls From Elgin Building.
West Point , Nob. , July 5. Special
to The News : Amandus Derr , a ma
son nnd contractor , sustained a broken
leg by falling from a scaffold of a
building he was erecting at Elgin , Nob.
The Schlnstock Bros , announced the
second of their series of race meets
on their tracks at the city limits for
J. W. Hoar , the only son of John
Hoar , for many years proprietor of the
Nollgh hotel at West Point , has been
admitted to the bar of the state of
Washington and is now practicing at
.Seattle. Mr. Hoar was In West Point
last week visiting friends.
Bride 70 Days , Asks for Divorce.
Madison , Neb. , July 2. Special to
The News : Mrs. Irene Slmpklns of
Norfolk filed a petition in the district
court praying for n divorce from her
husband , Ernest Slmpklns , who has
already received some notoriety In
connection with the disposition of
some mortgaged property. They wore
married April 21 , 1909 , Just seventy
days past.
She alleges In her petition that her
husband frequented questionable" re
sorts at Norfolk and committed adul
tery on various occasions with one
Jennie Fuller ; also charges nonsupport
port and asks for divorce and alimony. \ ;
Mrs. Slmpklns would have filed her
divorce action earlier but
, was com
pelled by law to wait until she had
attained legal residence in the state.