The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 25, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Mr/Qucklln's Address Was Taken Ex *
ceptlon to by Speakers Who Fol
lowed Him In the Hot Springs Con
vention D. Mathewaon'a Address.
Now that n number of Nebraska
banks liavo started proceedings to restrain <
strain the state oniclnls from enforc'
ing provisions of the now bank guar
anty law , tlio attitude of W. A. Buck'
lln of Long Pine , president , of the
Western Nebraska Bankers nssocltv
tlon , group G , who at the recent meet
ing of that association openly favored
the guaranty law , becomes all the
more Interesting.
In his address at that time , as shown
by a stenographic report of the meet
ing , Mr. Bucklln said In part :
I believe I am snfo In saying that
three-fourths of those present are nd
verso to this law , Is that not natural ,
nro wo not the class to whom this ape
clal law applies ? Gentlemen , for a
few moments place yourselves on the
outside of the counter doing business
with the banker of your city ; you rep
resent the character of a farmer.
Present indications point toward a
bounteous crop this coming season ;
you labor hard the coming months to
gather from the fields all they will
produce , knowing that when fall comfs
you will receive your reward for
your labors ; the fall comes and you
liavo marketed this crbp and after
delivering the same you receive
In payment the purchaser's check on
your local bank in payment therefor ;
you accept of this check and wend
your way to the bank In which you
nro in habit of doing your business
nnd present the same for payment.
Supposing , for instance , this check
called for $1,000. Now , gentlemen ,
what Is the first question your banker
will say to you , Judging from what
you liavo said In the past , Is it not ,
"Don't you want to take credit for
this amount and check it out as needed
to your several creditors Instead of
carrying this amount of currency ? "
You may say it is to his interest that
wo are looking , endeavoring to safe
guard his money. That possibly maybe
bo true , but yet Is it not true that on
Just such accounts we are building up
our business to where It Is today ? Be
fore deciding to leave the money , did
you ask this banker what security ho
had to offer for its return1 If you had
would ho not have told you that his
capital and surplus was his security ?
Gentlemen , is that sufficient security
for the deposits you have In your sev
eral Institutions ? How many times
more does your deposits exceed your
capital and surplus ? After receiving
the pass book showing credit for this
$1,000. and a check hook for the pur
pose of drawing the same out when
nnd where you needed you pay the
expense of raising this crop , such as
labor , threshing , groceries and other
expenses , provide the family with the
winter supply of clothing , fuel and pro
visions , give to the wife and children
money with which to enjoy the Christ
mas tidings , spring again comes and
you find that you have used all this
money nnd that new machinery or
more horses are needed for the carry
ing on of another successful year's
work , you repair to this hank , where
you left last year's crop returns and
nsk to borrow $1.000.
Now it is different. What Is the first
questlort asked of you when applying
for this loan ? Is It not. what security
you can give ? Do you not demand
sufficient security from your borrow
ers to safely protect you until the loan
is repaid , or do you only take security
in the same proportion as you give
when compared with your capital nnd
surplus to your deposit" , and how of
ten are loans made nnd the borrower
deposits a part of that loan with you
to he used for his coming current ex
penses ? Now , Is It not Inconsistent
for you to demand good and sufficient
security from him nnd only give back
such as Is given by all bankers and
which I mentioned before ?
I am not hero to say that I approve
of the full text of the law passed by
our leclalaturo , but I do approve of
some form of security to the deposit
ors , for the wnnt of whom wo would
not be following the business In which
wo are engaged. Let us be fair with
those who are laborlnc In our com
munity , not solely for their own gains
but for the betterment of nil that sur
rounds them and lay our prejudice
nslde and act towards one another as
wo wore taught In childhood , "Do
unto others as wo would like to have
others do unto us. "
D. Mathewson's Address.
D. Mathowson of Norfolk , who takes
n view opposite that expressed by Mr.
McQueen , followed the president and
took occasion to give a sound rap to
the political demagogue forever proph
ctlng 111 omen. Mr. Mathewson said
upon the subject of "Bankers' Hell
days : "
Every banker owes It to himself to
liavo some time In which he escapes
from business cares and does that In
which perhaps there seems to be no
profit. The life of the Nebraska bank-
cr is strenuous to n degree. Ho is
not n man who fries In hip own fat.
The stress of the life of the minimi
nlty In which ho lives rests upon his
shoulders. Periodically , nnd of neces
sity , If his life is to be made in the
truest sense a success , ho must throw
off this white man's burden nnd for
the time bo n boy again.
In no period of the world's history
,1ms the onrushlng tide of business
been .BO ceaseless nnd strong Us
which IB seen In America today , nnd
of nil those who nro carried in Us cur
rent , the banker Is hold most firmly.
Many evidences of this unrelenting
grip mlght bo cited. For Instance , the
banker la seldom seen seeking polit
ical preferment. Of course , besldo
that of "previous engagement , " there
may be other reasons why bo la BO
rarely found running for ofllco. You
will remember the fltory of the an
cient king who one day , planning a
hunt , consultK the clerk of the weather
nnd Is advised that the day will bo
fair. On the way to the forest ho mot
n peasant riding a Jackass and , In n
spirit of fun asked him If the day
would bo pleasant. No , said the peas *
nut , there will bo a tremendous
storm. The deluge came nnd the hunt
ing party wns drenched. Returning ,
the king again met the peasant and
asked him how ho knew the storm
was coming. "I did not know , " re
plied the peasant , "hut my Jackass
know and brayed 'continually. From
that day to this the nll-wlso Jackass
has been a great long distance talker ,
perpetually running for office , and ho
will probably be running In 1912. But
this Is a possibility too painful to con
template. Lot us return to the moro
cheerful subject of bankers' holiday.
However , in passing , ono might
breathe the hope that in the future
Nebraska politics may bo delivered
from nil braying prophets of ill omen
who view the future with alarm
those of whom history will write , "Ho
was n dreamer of dreams , ho wrought
naught. " But who can tell , who can
toll , no guarantee law has been on-
ncted , securing to our doraogoguo be
stridden people this paramount po
litical blessing.
But I wander from my subject sadly.
Wanderings in this line would soon
plunge ono with Pilgrim in the slough
of despond.
The cheerful doctrine of days off
that I declare unto you is no now doc
trine. In the creation of the world
after six days of activity , it seems
there was taken a day off. The great
est of all teachers urges the wisdom
of going apart by yourself to rest n
while. "In the school of llfo playtime -
time is a part of school tlmo , not a
break in it. " Cultivate the art of layIng -
Ing down your work. First that you
may the moro effectively take It up
again , and , second , that , to have ac
quired this art will enable you the
moro gracefully to lot go of labor
when necessity to do so is laid upon
you. Do not allow business to make
your life like the "petrified forest" of
Arizona , cheerless , cold and dead.
Such n forest would not bo n pleasant
place In which to pitch one's tent.
Neither Is a llfo petrified by Incessant
business worth the living.
"From quiet home nnd first beginning ,
Out to the undiscovered ends ,
There's nothing worth the wear of
winning ,
But laughter and the love of
friends. "
The expansion of business In Ne
braska has been very great. and for
this reason there has been a * tremen
deus and Increasing demand upon the
banker for work , opportunity knock
ing at his door. The poet Ingnlls tells
us that opportunity knocks but once
at the door of each man's life. This
may be true in some sections of the
country , but not in Nebraska. In Ne
braska opportunity knocks and knocks ,
again and throwing modesty aside
she opens wide the door and marches
boldly in. Gentlemen , opportunity is
your attractive friend and deserves
your most cordial reception , but do
not spend all your time with her , for
If vnn fin vnn will i rr w nrnTwotilw
old. Opportunity likes the active Ne
braska banker , and she will not mind
f you take nn occasional holiday.
When you return to her she will be to
you your still moro golden opportu
"He that works and runs away.
Shall live to work another day. "
Gentlemen , I hear the footsteps of
; hat approaching day when the Amor-
can banker , upon whom the fates have
aid burdens of national weight shall
find In his frequent holidays n recu
perative "force which shall render hfa
strength both of mind and body equal
to his days. For those coming holi
days of 'worth , which I trnst the future
lias in store for each of you , 1 bring ,
n closing , the following bit of Hindoo
philosophy :
'Today is ours , why should we fear ,
Today is ours , we have ft here ;
Let's treat it kindly that It may
Desire at least with us to stay ;
Let's banish business , banish sorrow ,
To God alone belongs tomorrow. "
Mr. President , Ladies and Gentle
men of the Association : First of all ,
I wish to assure you that I do not fall
to appreciate the honor which I enjoy
of meeting with this branch of the Ne
braska Bankers' association. As I
ook across this assembly I am im
pressed with the fact that here are a
company of men upon whose wide in
fluence the upbuilding of Nebraska
toward ' a higher piano of civilization
's most vitally dependent. Allow me
to bid you Godspeed in entering this
door of opportunity.
It is also clear to me that if it be
true , as the poet Pope assures us , that ,
"An honest man's the noblest work
of God , " then there was surely some
thing doing in the honest mnu line
some forty years ago , moro or less ,
and because of that good work the fi
nancial fabric of Nebraska is today
for strength unsurpassed by that of
any section of this , our great country.
The subject of "Bankers' Holidays"
has been suggested by the fact that
your eminently able secretary , Mr.
McQueen , la at this time taking to him
self a banker's holiday , thereby mani
festing a sound wisdom , the cultiva
tion of which it is my desire to urge
upon you.
The New State Law.
Regarding the new state guaranty
law , W. B. Hughes , secretary of the
state association , said in part :
I want to congratulate Group No. 6
in getting Mr. Mathowson to address
you. I almost broke my neck trying
to got him to address the state associa
tion a couple of years ago but did not
got him. But I am going to ask him
again next year. I will give him plen
ty ot time now to consider it.
The money that would be collected
under this law Is not sufficient to secure
cure your depositors and If you will
stop to think a few moments you will
see that. This is nothing more or less
than a political scheme. In times of
prosperity like the present there is no
need of this protection , but this money
that Is being paid In It tp protect the
depositors of the banks in times of a
panic when there is danger that they
would lose their deposits , but you
know the moment there la n panic the
insurance companies won't take that
kind of business. You bankers can
flure the reason ; it runs along six ,
eight or ten years without any loss in
times of prosperity and then In one or
two or three yeara In a panic they will
lese all their profits , their capital and
everything else.
What is capital In an Insurance
company for , it Is supposed to cover
the risks that they take In doing busi
ness and means the money that they
can pile up In premiums , etc. Now
these companies with ton million dollars
lars In capital or any kind of reserve
accounts , nor ono of these companies
will touch this business. By this busi
ness I mean the general guarantee
business , with a reserve of five or ton
million dollars , they don't wnnt It ,
nnd yet the state of Nebraska Is going
against It with less than ono million.
What Is the argument advanced ?
That the state Is behind this proposi
tion nnd that is the reason your de
positors nro safe. You are holding out
to your customers that the state of
Nebraska Is behind this. The state is
not behind this. It scorns to mo you
are holding out something In the na
ture of n toy balloon , Just at the tlmos
you think you are safe , it will bust.
I don't know of any bond company
that will take this business , and I am
In position to know something about
them because I am rustling around
among twelve or fifteen of them all
the time. There was n bond company
with a surplus of forty or fifty million
dollars , but they would not touch this
kind of business unless the conditions
as they named them were complied
with , but Nebraska is going up against
this thing with less than a million. I
don't see where there Is any great de
mand for this guarantee business and
I have been around the state and In
quired into it n great deal. This I do
know , ono of these largo bond com
panies , the Fidelity & Casualty com
pany , whose surplus amounts to about
eight million , n few years ago cre
ated a fund nnd proposed to write this
kind of insurnnce , thnt It would give
you n bond guaranteeing your deposit ,
that is , after I had my deposit in the
bank I could get a bond that would
cost me $4 that would insure mo
against loss. When this matter came
up during the meeting of our last leg
islature , I wrote the home office and
made Inquiry about It and the reply
came back that they had found prac
tically no demand for that class of In
surance and when the pnnlc came on ,
when everybody got scared then they
were overwhelmed for such bonds , but
they did not want to write them then ,
they had eliminated that fund. In
times like these nobody thinks about
it , but when we got into another panic ,
if we do , then everybody will want to
get into a guaranteed bank. I don't
think by that tlmo the covernmont
will have it , there will be no guarantee
of the national banks and everybody
will be going into the guaranteed
banks , and wouldn't they have the ad
vantage ? I don't want to be under
stood that I think that the national
banks would want to be guaranteed.
I think that will be the situation nt
the next legislature and it will work
out that way.
Nellgh 6 , Orchard 5.
Nellgh , Neb , , June 23. Special to
The News : One of the best baseball
games played here this season took
place yesterday afternoon at the River
side ball park between Orchard nnd
the home team , Nellgh winning in- the
ninth inning , with no outs , by a score
of 5 to 6. The game was stopped In
the seventh Inning on account of rain ,
but was resumed after the shower.
Owing to the unsettled condition of
the wenther the attendance was small.
Following is the score by innings :
Orchard 02000002 1 5
Nellgh 1,1 201000 1 6
Batteries : Orchard , Hogg and Jew-
Itt ; Neligh , Todd and Cole. Struck
out : By Hogg , 3r Todd , C. Hits :
Orchard , 4 ; Nellgh , 9v Umpire , Housh.
Buys Nellgh Drug Store.
Neligh , Neb. , June 23. Special to
The News : A business , transaction of
much importance took : place in this
city yesterday , when a deal was com
pleted wherein the corner dirug store ,
known as Plank's pharmacy , was pur
chased by W. J. Shane and R. S.
Payne. Mr. Shane has been In the
drug business for a number of years
in THden , and will have entire charge
of this pharmacy. He la expected here
Mrs. Humbert , Superintendent at
Gary , S. D. , Resigns.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , June 23. Special
to The News : The state board of
charities and corrections , following
out Its determination to cut down ex
penditures at the state school for
the blind at Gary , has reduced the
salary of the superintendent. For
some years Mrs. Humbert has been
superintendent of the institution. She
did not desire to retain the position
at the reduced salary and a few days
ago tendered her resignation to the
state board. The board now lias fill
ed the vacancy by electing Mrs. Leila
M. Curl of Watertown , to the posi
tion of superintendent. The reduc
tion in the expenses of the school
Is due to the small number of stu
dents , the present attendance being
only twenty-six.
The new superintendent has been
head teacher In the Institution for
several years and therefore is fa
miliar with the duties of her new
William Douglas Accidentally Meets
Death Near Faulkton.
Faulkton S. D. , Juno 23. William
Douglas , who has been working on
the O'Nell ranch , near here , for some
time past , was accidentally killed by
a man named Bezlk , who is working
at the same place. It seems that
Bezlk and another young fellow named
Moo were figuring on trading rifles
and were iu a shed to the house ,
when Bezlk said ho would show Moo
how his rlflo would shoot , and drew
It up and fired , at a nail head on the
Inside of the shed. The ball passed
through a crack In the shed and
through an Inch board In nn outhouse ,
where Douglas happened to be at the
time , and the ball struck him near
the heart. Douglas was able to come
out and cried , "My God , I'm shot , "
then walked n little wnys nnd lay
down on the grass in front of the
house , whore ho expired a nhort tlmo
The dead man has no relatives here ,
his mother being dead and his father
living In Ireland.
Rain and Hall at Madison.
Madison , Neb. , Juno 23. Special to
The News : Judge Bates issued mnr-j
rlago licenses to Herman O. Klcsnu
and Miss Esta F. Anderson , both of
Norfolk ; and Benjamin K. Blorer. for
merly of Oakdalo , Neb. , but now of
Council Bluffs , la. , and Miss Pearl
Reese of Norfolk. These young people
plo are all well nnd favorably known
In Norfolk.
Suit was begun in the district court
of Madison county to sot nsldb a con
veyance to the BW 4 , town 24 , range 3
west , wherein Ida Kurpgewelt Is plain
tiff nnd Edward Klrby , Patrick Klrby
nnd Raymond Klrby nro defendants ,
the plaintiff having n Judgment against
the defendants for $3,000 nnd costs.
The matter of the estate of Henry
Miuirer , sr. , deceased , was finally
closed up in Judge antes' court.
A heavy rain and hall storm visited
this section of the -country about 5
o'clock last evening , Rain fell in tor
rents and hall fell In largo quantities
for about fifteen minutes , but there
was no wind and It Is thought but lit
tle damage to crops resulted.
Struck Woman With Shotgun.
Nollgh , Neb. , June 23. Special to
The News : Two warrants wore Is
sued yesterday against James Eaton
on complaint of Mrs. Race , a widow
living in the west end of town , charg
ing him with furnishing her little chil
dren with cigarettes and also to the
charge of assault and battery.
While she was forcing Eaton out of
her homo Monday night ho struck her
on the right arm with a shot gun ,
causing a pafnful wound. The young
man was apprehended last evening by
Officer Nichols and lodged in jail. His
hearing will be held today before Jus
tice McAllister. .
Beaten Wife Pays Fine.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Juno 23. Special
to The News : "If I had it in my
power , I would tie you to a telephone
nole nnd nil rnmn nlnnrnnrl
take a kick at you. '
Thus spoke Justice Ackerman , of
Howard , to a traveling tree salesman ,
who had been brought before him on
a charge of wife-heating. The travel
ing man had been drinking rather
freely and , going to his room at a
hotel , proceeded 'to take revenge on
his wife for fancied wrongs by bent-
Ing her severely.
The woman's screams attracted the
attention of the Jlandlord , who went
to her rescue , after some effort get
ting her away from her husoand. .The
town marshal then was summoned
and took the wife-beater into custody ,
lodgfng him In Jail , where he remain
ed until the ndxE morning , when he
wns taken before Justice Ackerman ,
As the result of the trial before
Judge Ackerman the traveling man
wns found guilty nnd fined an aggre
gate of $31.60. A strange ending to
the case , after the Judge had admin
istered the rebuke quoted to the
prisoner , was the coming forward of
the woman who had been beaten , who
produced the money with which to
pay her husband's fine and secure his
Woman Stsnneil by Lightning.
Neligh , Neb. , Juno 23. Special to
The News : During the storm on Mon
day evening , Mrs. William Rlcker , who
resides nfne miles north of Neligh ,
sustained a serious shock while lockIng -
Ing the windmill. Just as she was
drawing the lock down a bolt of light
ning struck the tower , rendering her
unconscious , In which state she re
mained for over an hour. Dr. Conery
was called from hern and started out
in an auto , bnt wna stalled within a
mile from the house on nccount of
water and deep drifts of hail. Mr.
Ricker was called and got them out
with a team of horses. The doctor
reported ! last evening that Mrs. Rlcker
had completely recovered from her
shock , and Indications pointed to the
fact that no serious results would fol
Water Tonight for Nellgh.
Nellgh , Neb. , June 23. Special to
The News : The city council met last
evening in pursuance to adjournment
and proceeded to get busy on the wa
ter bond question. A resolution was
adopted and passed that a special elec
tion be held in the city of Nellgh on
July 12 to vote bonds in the sum of
$8,000 for the extension of water
mains , the purchasing of a new pump
and engine and the completing of four
and eight-inch drive wells at the
pumping station. The plan , as drawn
out by the council , was that eight
blocks of water mains and fire by-
drnnts bo placed In the west part of
the city. About three blocks near the
business center and eastern part of
town. With this addition the proper
ty owners will have ample fire protec
tion from all corners of the city limits.
The water question Is still where it
was the first of the week. All that
there is in evidence is securely shut
off at the standplpe , and only will be
opened In case of fire. And on ac
count of the delapldated condition of
the pump the people of Nollgh are depending -
pending on kerosene lamps. It Is ex
pected , however , that the lighting
plant will bo in operation tonight , as
an Independent pump for the gasoline
engine has been installed.
Assessments Changed Court News
from the County Seat.
Madison , Neb. , June 23. Special to
The News : The board of equaliza
tion , with County Attorney Nichols as
legal advisor and County Clerk Rich
ardson as clerk of the board , hail moro
or less of n strenuous afternoon ,
N. W. Hcrrington , of the firm of
Horrington & Co. of Kowmnn Grove ,
appeared , waived Issuance and ser
vice and by agreement further hear
ing in his case was adjourned until 1
p. m. Juno 29 , with the understanding
that ho appear before the board on
that date and produce all books nnd
records of such company that will In
( any way tend to show what personal
, property was owned by the company
April 1 , 1909. Horrington & Co. nro
In the drug business nt Newman
The assessment on the property of
John Young was raised from $2COO to
$3,500 nnd there was nddcd to Item
four of the schedule of Jncob Young
the sum of $3,000. , These persons nro
farmers and reside west of Madison ,
They appeared before the board in re
sponse to n letter from the clerk.
The most Interest was centered in
the assessment matter of the Elkhorn
Life and Accident association , the
homo office of which is nt Norfolk , R.
E. Williams , secretary. Jack Koenlg-
stein , treasurer , and Burt Mapes , a
member of the board of directors , ap
peared before the board and were In
terrogated as to the assessment of
such association for 1909 , and after
considerable legal sparring It was mu
tually agreed that .the association's as
sessment should be increased in the
sum of $2,200 , actual value , for money
on deposit In the bank belonging to
the association.
At a regular meeting of the board
of county commissioners the follow
ing claims were allowed In connection
with the county assessor's office :
Will McDonald , deputy assess
or , Meadow Grove precinct. . $ 73.24
Fred Terry , deputy assessor ,
Warnervlllo precinct 80.50
Chas. A. Gabolman , assessor ,
Kalamazoo 90.00 |
F. G. Volk , Battle Creek 107.00
Win. Isenhower'Union 102.35
F. G. Coryell , Norfolk city 179.76
W. H. Wldaman , Norfolk city. . 163.75
Samuel Park , Norfolk precinct. 185.00
Wilson Cloyd , Deer Creek 85.55
C. E. Mclntosh , Emerlck 98.80
J. L. Rynearson , office deputy. . 174.00
P. J. Osnes , Shell Creek 157.15
J. P. Gubelraan , Grove 103.70
Frank Whltn. Oropn fJnrrlnn Rfl.Sfl
W. R. Martin , Schoolcraft 98.40
Irven Rogers , Highland 70.15
I. B. Louneker , Madison City. . 147.20
Fred Kurz , Falrvlew 92.70
Robert Dales , Jefferson 104.25
A. B. Richardson , Valley 82.58
R. W. Ruth , county assessor. . . 650.75
Bids for furnishing blanks for the
remainder of the present year for
county purposes were opened this
morning as had been advertised. The
only papers having filed were the
Chronicle and the Post , and it appear
ing that the proposition of the Madi
son Post was the lowest , the contract
was awarded to that paper.
Application of Louis Lederer , guar
dian of Jacob Bcchler , insane and in
competent , to sell real estate belong
ing to his ward by proceedings had In
the district court was allowed.
Francfs G. Johnson , John A. John
son and Mrs. Emma C. Borg of New
man Grove , who are Interested par
ties and heirs at law of Andrew John
son , deceased , a brother , together with
their attorney. H. Hnlderson , nppeared
In Judge Bates' court in connection
with the probate of the wfll of said
deceased. It was mutually Agreed to
adjourn the hearing on probate until
July 1 , 1909 , In order that several
minor matters could be adjusted In a
manner satisfactory to the court.
A bible study class was organized
by Rev. H. McClanaghan of the Pres
byterian church of this city , which
starts oat most promisingly and shows
every Indication of becoming a power
for good In the community. Already
the clasf numbers sixty members. It
Is not a Sunday school class , but dis
tinctly a bible study class , and will
meet every Sabbath morning at the
Presbyterian church at the regular
Sabbath school hour.
H. A. Hensley was chosen president ,
H. B. Allen vice president. Miss Ame
lia Banch , secretary , and Miss Martha
Mentzel treasurer. Misses Evalyu
Harris and Bessie Gillesple and M. S.
McDuflle were selected a committee
on membership , Otto Wolf chairman
of the social committee and Miss Sadie -
die McFetters chairman of the devo
tional committee. Each member was
given a red button with a white center
piece , which Is the emblem worn by
the devotees of this movement. Rev.
Mr. McClanaghan has placed a copy
of Hurlbut's Teacher-Training Les
sons In each member's hands , which
will be the lesson guide used.
Judge Bates Issued marriage li
censes to Ernest I. Bryngelson of Wis-
nor nnd Miss Hannah Marie Johnson
of Newman Grove , nnd Martin S. Jacobson -
cobson and Miss Martha Elizabeth
Johnson , both of Newman Grove. The
brides-to-be are sisters.
Twenty-five teachers and prospec
tive teachers took the teachers' exam
ination Friday and Saturday before
Superintendent House ! , fifteen of the
number being now candidates for cer
H. R. Lyman , who lives In Highland
precinct , Is being mentioned in con
nection with the sheriffBhlp on the
democratic ticket.
C. D. Johnson , steward ot the county
poor farm , transacted business with
the county commissioners.
Nolls Miller , a youthful person , who
drifted Into town some weeks ago
from parts unknown and who has been
doing odd Jobs of painting , was ar
rested on complaint of Marshal Ken
nedy with selling beer to minors. He
was brought before Judge Berry and
pleaded not guilty , Attorney W. L.
Dowllng defending him. Dowling , In
behalf of his client , deposited $10 In
the hands of the judge as surety of
the prisoner's appearance in court ,
whereupon Judge Berry continued the
hearing until next Monday , when City
Attorney MoDuffle will have returned
from Alliance.
the Summer's
No kitchen appliancegivcssuch
actual satisfaction and real homo
comfort as the new Perfection
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook.
Kitchen work , this coming
summer , will bo better and quick
er done , with creator personal
comfort for the worker , if , instead
of the stifling heat of a coal tire ,
you cook by the tcnctntrattd
' " " " " "
JVick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
Dcllvert heat where you want tt ntver where you don't wnnt
thus it docs not overheat the kitchen. Note the CABINET TOP ,
with shelf for warming platci and keeping food hot after cooked , also
convenient drop shelves that can bo folded back when not in uie , and
two nickeled ban for holding towel ) .
Three sizes. With or without Cabinet Top. At your dealer1 * , ,
or write our ncarett agency.
The Vvt/fo T A WP ncver disappoints f ,
> 2 economical and a won-
dcrful llpht giver. Solidly made ,
beautifully nickeled. Your living-room will bo plcasantw
nlth a Kayo Lamp.
If not with your dealer , write our neareit agency.
( Incorporated )
Night Blaze In Richards Block.
Fire broke out in the Norfolk Bar
gain store , owned by Mrs. Bain and
occupying a store room In the Rich
ards block , at 304 Norfolk avenue , at
1 o'clock Wednesday morning. The
.stock of dry goods , notions , etc. , Is
estimated by Mrs. Bain to come be
tween $5,000 nnd | G,000. Ao the ad
juster has not yet examined the dam
age and corrected figures on loss and
Insurance cannot be had , but the dam
age to the stock appears to bo nearly
total. Hats , dresses , shirts , waists ,
etc. , are all burned , scorched or de
stroyed by the water.
Lives Above the Store.
Mrs. Harry Lodor , who was awak
ened by the smell of gas and fire and
immediately turned In the alarm at
1:10. : Driver E. C. Monroe of the fire
department , after waiting fifteen min
utes for the men , arrived at the fire
at 1:25 : a. m. and was then Joined by
twelve other firemen. Ed Mullen , who
was the first fireman to enter the
building , found the gas pipes broken
off from the meter and torn from the
walls and the whole room filled with
gas. The walls were already In flames
and it was only after a hard fight with
the flnmPS thnt. thA flrpmon nrvmnlotnlv
extinguished the fire.
The origin of the fire has not yet
been placed , but It was quite apparent
ly done by a fire bug.
Store Was Robbed.
Mrs. Bain stated this morning that
entrance to the store was secured
through a back window which oneof ,
the employes had left open after the
storm. The cash box was found to
contain only 2 cents. Mrs. Bain said
that It held about ? 18 when the store
was locked.
Mrs. Bain telephoned for her hus
band in Sioux City , where he is in the
wholesale and retail meat business.
Mrs. Bain arrived from Sioux City
Tuesday , after having got out of a
sfck bed. A sister-in-law died a week
ago Sunday in Sioux City. So Mrs.
Bain , who even lost her own clothes
In the fire , complained of "a hard
luck. "
The gas pipes 'are down from the
celling. It is not apparent from their
appearance whether they fell as the
celling burned , were knocked down by
the firemen , or were deliberately pull
ed down. Mrs. Bain uses a "quarter
meter" which was nearly run down
so that a great deal of gas could not
escape. The firemen shut off the gas.
There had been no fire in the store.
Loss on Building $1,000.
The Bain store is in the Richards
block , owned by the Richards estate ,
consisting of Mrs. A. J. Durland of this
city and Mrs. R. W. Nicola now living
in Seattle. The damage to the build
ing is $1,000 and is confined to the
one store room , which was every
where scorched. The building is in
sured for $5,000.
The Lodor apartments were damag
ed to a certain extent by the smoke.
Mrs. Bain's loss is covered by In
"I Sure Am Guilty , Judge. "
A colored man named Marshall was
brought up before Judge Quigley
charged with chicken stealing , and
when the Judge asked him whether or
not he was guilty ho answered : "I
sure am guilty , Judge. " The Judge
sentenced him to six months in county
Jail , with no chicken on his bill of fare.
C. H. Qroesbeck , who is back from
Colorado , left Wednesday noon for a
trip to Dallas , S. D.
Pure Food Commissioner S. L.
Mains was In Norfolk Wednesday for
the annual examination to be taken
by the north Nebraska cream testers
and samplers.
Mrs. P. H. Salter , who Is east to at
tend the commencement exercises at
Wellesley college , where her sister ,
Miss Josephine Buttorfleld graduates ,
arrived In Boston today.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Perry and two
daughters are here visiting E. D. Per
ry and friends.
F. H , L. Schmidt , formerly of Bono-
steel , has decided to locate in Nor
folk. Mr. Schmidt Is an auctioneer.
He is said by people from the Rose
bud country to bo unusually successful
in his lino.
W. H. Livingston , night policeman
at the Junction , is reported still sick.
Mr. Livingston hurt his knee Juno 8.
His limbs are beginning to swell nnd
It is feared ho will be laid up for a
week more. Ernest Sassor was ap
pointed substitute for Officer Living
Water from the river Jordan was
used by Rev. C. W. Ray at the Moth-
odlst church yesterday in baptizing
seven children at the annual "cradlo
roll reception. " Twelve children wore
promoted into the primary department.
There are 150 babies on the Norfolk
"roll , " which was the largest reported
at the recent state Sunday school con
The marriage of Herman O. Klesau
of the Klesau Drug company , and Miss
Esta Anderson , a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. S. H. Anderson , took place at 10
o'clock Wednesday morning nt the
home of the bride's parents , on South
Fourth street. Rev. Edwin Booth , Jr. ,
performed the ceremony. Mr. and
Mrs. Kiesau loft on the castbound
train for a three vfeeks' wedding trip.
Judge C. T. Dickinson , a republican.
has been appointed city prosecutor of
Omaha to succeed Herbert Daniel , for
merly of Norfolk. In the compromise
between Dahlman and the council the
republicans got. nineteen city Jobs and
the democrats thirty-eight. The posi
tion of city prosecutor has been the
stumbling block all along. Dahlman
wanted to appoint democrats the coun
cil would not agree on. The appointment -
ment of Tom Lee was feared. Daniel
as an antf-Duhliqan democrat was not
considered for reappolntment.
Louis Behrens , a tailor In the em
ploy of P. J. Fuesler , had a stroke of
apoplexy while standing In front of
the Atlantic house , where ho rooms ,
Monday evening. He was carried up
stairs to his room and Dr. Pilger Im
mediately called. Mr. Behrens' left
side was paralyzed and his condition
was considered very serious. Tues
day afternoon ho was removed to the
Fueoler home nnd Wednesday was re
ported as slowly improving.
By reason of a change in the timecard -
card of the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
apolis & Omaha railroad , tfoe Sioux
City-Norfolk passenger train will in
the future not arrive In Norfolk in the
morning until 11:05 : , as against 10:50 :
heretofore. Thn TTnlnn PnMflo nnooAn.
ger from Norfolk to Columbus leaves
this city at 11 o'clock , so that in the
future there will be no connection be
tween these trains. It is anticipated _
that the now arrangement will Inconvenience -
venienco many passengers arriving
from the Sioux City line , who want to
proceed on to Columbus or pointsbe
tween here and there.
V'Kld" Jensen is back from a week's
visit at Mullen , Neb. , where he has
done some hard training , which he
will continue here. Jensen says that
by July 3 ho will bo In better condi
tion than he over was before. "Kid"
Jensen Is to battle twenty rounds with
Young Denny of Des Molnes In Nor
folk July 3 , and Jensen is positive he
will make Denny take the loser's end ,
while , on the other hand , it is reported
Denny is training hard and expects to
put up a strong fight. The prelimi
naries are also to be a drawing card ,
the first by colored men who are local
welterweights , the second by a pair
of local fast and clover bantamweights.
While returning from the Junction
last evening at C o'clock George Eck-
ert , a 17-year-old boy , lost control of
the horse he was driving and was
thrown out of the buggy , slightly in
juring his left arm and hip. Eckert
had been sent to the Junction with a
passenger to make a train. When re
turning the horse became unmanage
able and ran into a ditch , throwing
Eckert out The frightened animal
then ran up Fourth street at a terrific
speed , almost colliding with a carriage
and a few teams and very nearly run
ning over a few small children who
were playing In the etrcot , finally coming -
ing back to the Slaughter feed yard ,
from where it had been sent The
horse and buggy and belonged to the
hospital. No damage was done except
that the rear axle was badly bent.