The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 25, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    TM NOill'OLI ! WEFltliY NKWS JOU.iNtL F1I1DAY JUNE 2V1909
County Judge of Madlion County from
1890 to 1894 Had Retired.
Madison , Neb. , Juno IS. Special to
The News : Judge M. J. Meyer paused
nwny nt his homo In this city at 12:30 :
o'clock yesterday , death resulting
from licnrt nntl stomach complications.
Ho was 52 years of ngo. The end was
not wholly unexpected , ns the de
ceased hud boon Hlowly but surely failIng -
Ing for Boino months. Judge Mayor
wnn well nntl favorably known to the
pcojilo of Madison county , having
served as county Judge from January ,
1890 , to January , 1804 , and to the bar
of thlH and neighboring counties as a
prncfldng attorney. About two and
n half years ago , owing to falling
liealth , ho sold his law business and
library to II. S. McDulIlle. Ho leaves
n widow and four children and a host
of friends to mourn his departure. The
funeral exorcises will occur Sunday
afternoon , conducted by Hov. D. W.
McGregor of the Methodist Episcopal
church , of which ho was a member ,
and Intermbnt will bo made In the
ClauBsen cemetery.
Decatur Sllpplno In River.
Docntur , Neb. , Juno 21. During
the recent high water , the Missouri
river has been slowly , but surely un-
dormlnlng the town of Decatur and
citizens arc signing a petition to nsk
that a portion of the ? 75,000 devoted
by congress to navigation work In this
part of the river bo devoted to rip
rapping the banks here.
The accident to Dan Shelan of
South Omaha , who was drowned when
n largo piece of the river bank foil
on his boat has called attention to
the rapidity with which the river Is
eating Its way Into the banks In the
vicinity of Decatur.
Dccatur people arc becoming alarm
ed and will make a strong effort to
induce the government to stop the
ravages of the stream.
Until the attempt Is made , tt may
not seem possible to secure It , or eel"
It , through a want ad.
A Police Court Docket Leaf.
Police court 1ms been very much
stirred over that street grass case.
Remarks addressed to Police Judg
Elseley by Street Commissioner Ueck
er have been made a matter of cour'
The present status of the case
wherein Messrs. A. H. Vlele and H. S
Overrocker , two prominent resident
of South Eighth street , were accused
of throwing grass Into the street , 1
that both cases , after being contlnuec
for several days , were finally dls
missed by Judge Elseley. It Is stated
In court that the case against Dr. Over
rocker was finally revived at the In
stance of the mayor. The case wa
settled by the payment of a small fine
Judge Elsoley's record of the case
especially his conflict with the stree
commissioner , Is Interesting. Someo
the continuances secured are not re
corded. Mr. Vlele , It Is stated , wa
never formally summoned to trial o
legally notified of the suit.
The police docket description of th
course of the case , after It had bee
filed , Is written by Judge Elseley a
follows :
The defendant , H. S. Overrocker , be
Ing present , I continued this cause ate
to him until further notice to Juno 15
nt 2 o'clock p. m. to bo given for con
June 15 , 2 p. m. Parties being fur
ther notified this day and hour to ap
pear , but for the reason that A. H
Vlele was reported again out of tow
trad the city attorney. H. F. Barnhar
and after consultation with him as t
further proceedings , this cause wa
ngaln continued for an uncertain near
date , later to be determined upon and
for further notice to the defendants to
be given.
June 1C , 1 p. m. Defendant , A. H.
Vlele , appeared , denying every allega
tion In the complaint , except that In
Ills absence at Omaha lawn on his
promises was trimmed and certain
trimmings thereof scattered In alley
and street , which on his return ho
carefully removed therefrom and this
cause , In the absence of the city at
torney out of town , I dismiss this as
to him.
The same day , 3 p. m. Defendant
H. S. Overrocker , appeared , claiming
* to have had notice to do so , possibly
by mistake or misunderstanding. I
Informed him that the city attorney
H. F. Barnhnrt , wlio drew the com
plaint , would call on him to plead
guilty after arrival homo ; until then
the said defendant could consider the
case dismissed for want of prosecu
Comes now William Uecker , street
commissioner and the complaining
witness , addressing the court using
among others these words In a loud
violent , disrespectful , boisterous ? and
unseemly and Insulting language : "I
you had Imposed fine on Overrocker
when ho first appeared after service
wo would not have had this trouble
You want people high up to go with
out punishment and Impose heavj
fines on the poor. I will make yoi
prosecute. " To all of which the courl
excepts , as Interfering , obstructing and
insulting the court.
Juno 17 , 9 a. m. Cornea now the defendant
fondant , H. S. Ovorrocker , being notl
fled to appear by my request per C. P.
A. Marmmrdt. chief of police. Com
plaint being read , pleilds guilty , whicl
I accepted on condition that ho paj
one-half of the costs , of prosecutiot
nnd ? 1 fine , nil of which was paid
line , $1 ; Judge's fees , $1.40 : ofllcer'i
fees , 11.10 ; there being no trial , henc <
no attendance. Total amount Idnt
$3.50. Payment received. Defemlan
Banks Fight Guaranty Law.
Madison , Nob. . Juno 21. Special to <
The News : William V. Allen ed <
from Omaha last night , whore he aden
been in consultation with John 1
Webster in the matter or an actloi
wherein fifty-two banks of the Btat
are plaintiffs and the members of tin
Btato banking board , consisting of thi
governor , auditor of public account :
ml the attorney general are defon-
Allen and John L. Webster arv the
ttornoya for the banks In this suit.
pplleatlon will bo mndo today In the
edornl court for an order restraining
10 present state blinking board nnd
10 secretary of the inccynlng state
milking board from exorcising , carry-
ig out or putting In force the provl-
Ions of what Is known ns the gnar-
nteo bank act , passed by the last log-
It assails the constitutionality of the
aw and the hearing will probably bd
old before one of the federal Judges
i a very few days.
On account of this suit , Senator Al-
on Is compelled tq cancel his speaking
ngttgoment on the occasion of the
ounlon of his regiment , the Thirty-
econd Iowa infantry , at Eldora , this
Atkinson 8 , Valentine 1.
Valentine , Nob. , Juno 21. Special to
"ho News : Atkinson and Valentino
> poiicd the baseball season hero al
jttBebnll park with nn easy game for
Ukinson , winning with a score of 8
o 1. Score by Innings :
Valentino 01000000 0 1
\tklnson 21001100 3 8
Batteries : Valentino , Grimes and
Cox ; Atkinson , Klrkland and Tomslck.
Struck out by Grimes C , Klrkland 12.
Umpire , Gllmoro. .
Yankton Road to Life Again.
Yankton Press and Dakotan : Lot
ers received hero yesterday and to
day fronl Messrs. Graham nnd Dickie
son Indicate that the deal that has
icon pending for some months , In
vhlch the transfer of the Yankton-Nor
'oik ' grade and right of way was ln >
volved , Is 'now practically closed and
hat C. M. Dickinson nnd his associ
ates will take possession of the road
at once.
C. J. B. Harris has received such
notification from Mr. Graham and
says ho expects the principals to bo
liero in a few days and that work on
.ho long contemplated bridge will soon
1)0 under way.
Drives Cow Home With Auto.
Orchard News : lue prophecy ha
been fulfilled. Dr. Fletcher drove his
cow home with his automobile Wed'
Grand Island Man , Living With Son-ln
Law , Ends. Life.
Grnn.d Island , Neb. , June 19. Spec
ial to The News : Joachim Paustlan
a widower , aged 81 , hanged himsel
late yesterday in a. barn on the farm
of his son-in-law with whom he had
been living for twenty-two years. There
was no known cause. The man was
In good health and had always re
celvcd kind treatment.
Court Renders Decision Giving Offlc
to Former Norfolk Man.
Dallas News : The contest brougn
against A. P. Hendrlckson ns a resul
of the recent municipal election hel
In Bonesteel and which on the face
of returns gave Hendrlckson a major
Ity of one , and which was taken lnt (
circuit court upon a complaint o
Candidate Llntecum and tried bcfon
Judge Tripp at the recent term , ha
resulted , from the Judgment of th
court , in the success of Llntecum.
Mall Robber No. 5 Arrested.
Omaha , June 19. Advices have bee
received here of the arrest at Beeh
Ida. , of G. W , Marvin , believed to b 3
the fifth man wanted In connectio :
with the Union Pacific mail robber ; r
of May 22.
Marvin is now in prison at Twl
Falls , awaiting action by the federa
authorities here. Woods has hereto
fore been called the leader of the a'
leged bandits by the officers , but no\\
that Marvin is under arrest , the stat
ment is made that he was the man
who directed the affairs.
William Marvin and Wm. Davis are
said to bo among the names by which
Marvin Is known. The police say ho
Is 42 years of age and has served two
erms In the penitentiary. One was
n Idaho or Montana for safe blowing
, and the other at Walla Walla , Wash. ,
'or ' horse stealing. Ho has operated
for years In the northwest. He and
* ihelton are said to have boarded together
gether while hero.
Marvin will be brought here fortrinl ,
under the "John Doe" indictment re
turned with those of the other four
Effort to Prevent Infuriated Animal
, From Charging Women and Children.
Spokane , Wash. , Juno 19. Frank
Jonas , a husky rancher of Columbia
, county , south of Spokane , has Ursus
, of "Quo Vadls" fame stepping side
ways in an effort to retain his grasp
on the laurel wreath as n result of a
: tusblo with u maddened cow , which
charged a throng , including many wo-
men and children , during a parade by
the Ancient Order of United Work ,
men nt Dayton , Wash.
. Jonas made the attack when the
animal plunged , gaining holds on both
horns. The struggle was a terrific
one nnd the rancher was lifted off his
feet several times. However , ho
: : twisted and tugged and finally put
8 the cow's head to the ground , holding
it there until Harvey Price , a special
policeman , dispatched the animal
with two rifle bullets into the brain
The animal's final effort was desper
ate , but Jonas was master and the COM
died with the rancher clinging to it
horn a.
The pitched battle between man
and animal was witnessed by several
thousand persona , attracted by the
celebration of Workmen's day , and
they acclaimed him the hero of Co
lumbia county.
Jonas declines to talk about the
feat < , saying ho simply did what any
man ought to do under similar cir
Aurora Editor May Be Asilitant Com
missioner of Indian Affairs.
Washington , 'Juno 21. Secretary
Balllngor offered the position of an-
slstant commissioner of Indian affairs
to Fred J. Abbott of Aurora , Nob. , to
succeed Robert G. Valentine , who has
been promoted to succeed Francis E.
Leupp , resigned.
Mr. Abbott Is editor of the Repub
lican of Aurora , regent of the stnto
university and a man about 40 ycare
of ago. Ho has Indorsements of Sen
ators Burkett and Brown and the re
publican members of the Nobraskn del
egation. It Is said the proffer of this
position comes to Mr. Abbott prac
tically unsought.
Enola to Celebrate.
Madison , Neb. , Juno 19. Special to
The News : Enola hae decided to cele
brate on July 5. Committees have
been appointed and nro busy making
Trlpp School for Court House.
Dallas , S. D. , June 19. Spoclal to
The News : The now officers of Trlpp
county will use the school house ns
a court house until a suitable room
for court house can bo provided.
Mrs. Kasc Dying In Austria.
West Point , Nob. , June 19. Special
to The Nows. A cablegram has been
received from Joseph Knse , a business
man of West Point who Is now In
Austria nt the bedside of his dying
wife , convoying the sad Intelligence
that Mrs. Kase's detua is only n matter
tor of a very short time , no hope re
maining. She Is suffering from tuber
Mosaic lodge , No. 55 , A. F. & A. M. ,
will have Installation of officers to
night at 8 o'clock.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson -
son , living northwest of Hoskins , a
Mrs. E. A. Amarlne will entertain
the Methodist Episcopal Aid society
on next Thursday. She will bo as
slsted by Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Shaw
All Eagles are requested to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Swan Johnson , 412
South Ninth street , Sunday morning
at 9 o'clock. Mr. Johnson Is a mem
her of the Norfolk lodge , F. O. E.
Frank Lamb was fined $10 in police
court by Judge Elseley Friday evening
on the charge of dumping garbage in
the Northfork river from the Norfolk
avenue bridge. The fine was paid.
A. Randklev has traded his South
Eighth street homo for a Boyd county
farm. Both properties were valued a
$6,000 in the transaction. Mr. Ranklei
has rented the Norfolk property untl
next March.
Friday evening saw the foundation
of the new Country club building com
pleted. The foundation is of cemen
blocks and is three blocks above th
ground. It is thought that consider
able progress will be , made with thi
frame work of the club house thi
coming week.
Dallas News : Fred Hawksworth o :
Kenyon , was In Dallas Tuesday on
business. While he was here he ha
the misfortune to lose one of his drlv
Ing horses. While in the barn it wa :
taken with n severe siege of the coli
and in a few hours it died from th
C. H. Groesbeck Is expected bac'
from Colorado this coming week
Word from Denver is that Groesbec !
is meeting with success in oenver an
the surrounding country , that terr !
tory having been added to the othe
northwest territory already under M :
Groesbeck's direction _ as manager fo
the John Gund company.
The funeral of Mrs. August Brum
mund , first announced at the Congre
gatlonal church , will be held from the
home at 414 Madison avenue Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The service
will be conducted by Rev. Carl Martin ,
pastor of St. Johannes Lutheran
church , of which Mrs. Brummund was
a member , under the auspices of the
Sons of Hermann.
A fine of $2 for "contempt of court"
stands on police court docket against
Herman Sleso , who filed a charge of
assault and battery against a Norfolk and then failed'to ' back up the
case. Judge Elseley also assessed the
court charges against Sleso who , however -
over , has not been heard from. Judge
Eiseley held that the charges were
not made in good faith or Siese would
have been on hand to prosecute.
Only $200 more and the Norfolk fans
will have an opportunity to see n Nor
folk baseball team in action. R. Brad
ley , who has agreed to run the team
for $ 400 a month , is in Omaha , but
will return shortly. Monday will see
Asa K. Leonard "on the Job" for the
other $200. It Is reported that Sfan-
ton is waiting for Norfolk to get ready ,
also that throe other teams In the vi
cinity of Norfolk nro waiting to get a
chance to play hero.
D)1. ) C. W. Ray , pastor of the First
Methodist church of this city , wno
elected as n member of the state board
of trustees at the recent state Sunday
school convention at Kearney. The
board consists of fifteen managers ,
who have charge of the state Sunday
school work. J. D. Haskoll of Wake-
field was ro-elocted to the board.
George C. Wallace of Omaha , who was
a prominent speaker at the state Y.
M. C. A. convention last year , was reelected -
elected president by the convention ,
Norfolk was represented by Rev. C. W ,
Ray , Rev. Roy J. Lucas , C. C. Gow ,
Dr. O. R. Meredith , Mrs. Fred Sprech-
er nnd Miss Bessie Sterner.
Friends of the late Mrs , Anna Car
. berry Kennedy , the wife of Henry
Kennedy , more than filled the Cattv
ollc church at the funeral services Sat
- urday morning. The tribute to the
dead woman was further expressed in
many floral offerings. The funeral uer
mon was given by Father Thomas
Walsh of the Battle Crook parish. Father -
ther Buckley of the Norfolk church
was assisted by Father Walsh and
Father Rothkcgol In the "solemn mass ,
The funeral party at the close of the
services drove to Battle Creek , where
Interment took place. The pallbear
ers were Maurice' , Pat and John Car-
berry and James , William and Ed Ken
nedy. Mrs. Kennedy was born In
Kanorn , la. , In September , 1872 ; she
cnmo to Norfolk with her parents In
1883. Her marriage took place three
years ago ,
At the regular meeting of the Hose
company No. 1 held last night , n com
mittee1 of twelve were appointed to
erect n Fourth of July stand at Fourth
nnd Norfolk avenue , Ice cream , lemo
nade , peanuts and popcorn to be sold.
Most of the evening was spent In hear
ing the excuses of fines and dues of
members who nio very for behind. A
fo\v could not give satisfactory ex
cuses nnd some had poor memories as
to where they were on certain meet
ing nights and when and where cer
tain fires were when they wore ah-
sent. A communication was received
from the secretary of the Pure Ice
company asking that their employes
be excused from attending the parade
on last Decoration day because Ice
had to bo delivered and no substi
tutes could be found. A vote was
taken nnd the members were not ex
cused nnd will have to pay their fines.
Jack Koenlgsteln war In Wayne on
business Saturday.
Mrs. Fred Koerber spent last Mon
day at Wlsner , whore she visited rel
Mrs. Charlotte Illgen left this mornIng -
Ing for Humphrey , where she will visit
at the Relland home.
Mrs. I. Freund and C-year-old daugh
ter of Washington , I ) . C. , nro visiting
here at the home of Charles Rice.
They expect to stay in Norfolk about
two months.
Miss Bertha Hanson , who came
down from Tilden to assist for a short
time in the sales department of the
A. LI. Kllllan store , returned to Tilden
last evening.
A. T. Hutchlnson of Valley , who is
coming to Norfolk to assist in the
management of the A. L. Kllllnn store
left Saturday morning for Valley ,
preparatory to moving to Norfolk ,
Mr. Hutchlnson has rented the South
Twelfth street residence , until re
cently occupied by Mrs. Otto Tappert
C. J. HIbben and family are In Chi
Mrs. E. H. Brewer was In Elgin this
week to attend the funeral of an uncle
Mrs. Walter Ballantyne of Bloom' '
field and Mrs. James Ballantyne of
Crofton are now visiting nt the home
of Mrs. J. A. Ballantyne.
Mrs. C. J. Havlland , who has been
visiting with her parents , Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Brueggeman , leaves for
her home in Sioux City , la. , tomorrow
Mrs. Walter Ballantyne of Bloom
field , Mrs. James Ballantyne of Grot
ton and Mrs. J. A. Ballantyne of Nor
folk visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
Ballanlyne of Gregory , S. D. , for a
few days this week.
A party of four young people o
Pierce came to Norfolk In an automo
bile last night and after spending
short time at the uxnard hotel
turned to Pierce Those in the party
were L. H. Mohr , Miss Burtherd , Miss
Chllvers and D. C. Chase.
Among the day's out-of-town visit
ors in Norfolk were : D. A. Criss , Da
las , S. D. ; J. A. Brown , Albion ; E. C
Sweet , Madison ; W. Metcalf , O'Neill
D. L. Murray , Fremont ; Albert Pohl
man , Pierce ; L. A .Peterson , Brlstow
M. S. Corch , FairfaxMr. ; and Mrs. C
E. Haight , Verdel ; Mrs. S. G. . Alyea
R. Alyea , Meadow Grove ; Mr. and Mrs
F. J. Jones , Spencer ; O. S. Splllmnn
Pierce ; F. A. Nietzel , Columbus ; H
H. Howerth , West Point ; O. H. Wertz
Crelghton ; Mr. and Mrs. John A. Eller
man , Fairfax ; "Doc. " Rose , Fort Dodge
Driver of Fire Department E. C ,
Monroe had the fire team out practlc
ing last evening and made a very goo I
showing on Norfolk avenue.
Charlie Blersdorf has purchased a
Interest In the real estate business o
G. R. Seller & Co. The same title wl
be retained by the new firm but th
company will be Mr. Blersdorf.
Pierce Leader : Miss Ella Goff , wh
has been taking a stenographic cours
at the Norfolk business college , was
obliged to como homo Monday on ac
count of sickness. Mrs. Goff went
down and accompanied her daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Asa K. Leonard and
Dr. Little of Omaha returned yester
day from a camping expedition on the
Elkhorn lasting over a week. Dr. Lit
tle was at one time superintendent of .
the Norfolk hospital for insane. He
now lives in Omaha.
Mrs. Swan Johnson , whoso husband
is stonemason for the Northwestern
railroad , died last night at the homo
at 1208 Hayes avenue. Mrs. Johnson
died as the result of n cancer. She
was 4G years old. The funeral will
bo held Sunday morning nt 9 o'clock.
Mrs. Johnson wns born in Stockholm ,
Sweden. She loaves a misband and
three children : Mrs. Leo Glldoa , Mrs ,
George Schwartz and Harry Johnson.
The funeral will be held nt the home
and will bo In charge of Dr. C. W.
Hay of the Methodist churcii.
Pierce Lender : Lewis Bokemper
returned to his homo at Norfolk Wed
nesday noon , after a few days' visit
west of Plerco with his sons. Ho says
that ho may move back to Pierce
county within the next year. In n
week or two , Mr. nnd Mrs. Bokempor
will take a trip to Colorado for the
former's health which has not been
of the host for some time. They will
probably bo absent from homo for two
or three months.
Mack Harding , son of C. R Harding
of Omaha , who graduates from Yale
this year , won a fellowship on schol
arship , the only one Issued this year
In a class of 200. The fellowship prize
Tgives ! him the option of attending any ,
Gorman university ho may select , and
he has clioscn Borlln. Mack's parents
lived hero when ho wns n small boy ,
remaining until after ho had passed
the eighth grade In school , and Nor
folk pcoplo will bo glad to learn of his
success In Yale.
Walking barefooted and bamhended
nearly a score of miles , from her homo
ten mlles east of Plofco to Norfolk , a
Miss Kntlo Daniels , 18-year-old daugh
ter of Carl Daniels , n farmer , reached
this city most scantily clad , She had
wandered away from her homo In the
afternoon while temporarily Insane
and was found about 9 o'clock the following -
lowing night by Officer O'Brien on
Norfolk avenue. The officer took the
girl to the Thlem restaurant , where
she wns cared for. Her father and
mother were notified at once nnd came
hero yesterday to take their daughter
home. Mr. Daniels said that his
daughter had "spoils" quite often , but
had never been subject to Mich severe
attacks ns she had on this occasion.
The ( ilrl had recovered when taken
homo yesterday nnd could not account
for her queer wanderings. She could
not recollect anything of her long
Journey until she awoke yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John A. Ellerman of
Fairfax , S. D. , arrived In Norfolk yes
terday afternoon at 4 o'clock from
West Point. Mr. Ellerman. who Is a
well known banker of Fairfax , Is mak
ing the trip .from Omaha to Fairfax In
a Bulck car , which ho recently pur
chased In Omaha. "Doc" Rose efFort
Fort 'Dodge , la. , well known In auto
mobile circles , is driving the car for
Mr. Ellerman. The party left Omaha
at 2:15 : Thursday afternoon , arriving
at West Point at 8:45 : in the evening ,
leaving West Point at 9 o'clock yester
day morning and arriving In Norfolk
at 4 p. m. About three miles out of
Norfolk , while turning down an In
cline In the road to let a team pass ,
the brake blew out , which caused a
wait in Norfolk for repairs at n local
garage until today , when the trip wns
resumed. Mrs. Ellerman was taken
sick nt Pllgor and left for Fairfax by
train Saturday morning.
Fremont Tribune : John Johnson , n
former conductor on the Northwestern
and resident of Fremont , was here
this week a guest of Deputy Sheriff
W. C. Condlt. Mr. Johnson lost a
leg below the knee In a railroad accl
dent and subsequently went to demon
strating artificial limbs. He Is con
nected with a company now that
manufactures such nt Council Bluffs ,
la. He gets around ns lively as a
man with two sound feet , being able
to run a footrace or participate In a
Jumping contest. Deputy Sheriff Con-
die , who had his left leg cut off while
trying to save an Insane patient from
under the wheels of a train , will be
supplied with an artificial substitute.
He things he will be ready for It In
six or eight weeks. Meantime Mr.
Condlt is getting around with the
aid of crutches.
West Point Man has Narrow Escape
From Freight Accident.
West Point , Neb. , ' June 19. Special
to The News : William Goeken , an
employe of Schlnstock Bros. , had
narrow escape from death at the
freight depot at West Point. He at
tempted to cross the track immediate
ly after the passage or the westbound
freight train which backed up unex
pectedly before he could get across
breaking the wagon in which he was
riding into kindling wood. Goeken
Jumped in time to save his life and
the horses also escaped.
New 'Criminal Code of Washington
Makes Boom for Idaho Ministers.
Spokane , Wash. , June 19. Since the
enforcement of the new criminal cede
In the state of Washington , effective
Juno 11 , which requires applicants fo
licenses to wed to bring with tLen
certificates from physicians and rec
ommendntlons from acquaintances at
testing to their physical and moral fit
ness to marry , Justices of the poaci
and ministers of the gospel at Coeu
d' Alone , Ida. , thirty-two miles east o
Spokane , and Wallace , In the heart o
the lead silver mining belt In the pan
handle of Idaho , are vying with eacl
other to make their respective abode
the Gretna Green of modern times
Hero Is a sample of the attractive
manner In which printer's ink Is usec
in the advertising sections of city
newspapers to welcome the prospec
tlve Juno bride nnd her lover :
"Be married In Wallace , where
penalties , premiums or restriction
confront Cupid. Come to the Sam
uols hotel , where a bridal apartmen
Is maintained. Judge L. L. Lelghtj
'tho marrying Justice , ' will tie you
knots with speed nnd dexterity. "
Twelve licenses were Issued In Spo
kane the first day the now cede wn
In operation , nnd It is believed tha
the total for the month will make
now record In this county.
As Viewed at Sioux Falls.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , Juno 19. The ver
diet of the Jury in the Kaufmann ens
was received hern with some surprise
ns the fact that the Jury had romalne
out over night had led these who hnv
closely followed the case to expect
disagreement. The antl-Kaufmann e
omont was indignant , declaring that
strnlghtout acquittal would hnvo bee
better fjan the verdict roturnei
which they term n fnrco. Those , hoover \ \
over , , who have not permitted tliel
feelings to bo swayed one way or th
other by this celebrated case oxpros
gratification that the case has flnall
been definitely settled , after having d
vlded communities nnd created person
nl enmities for more than three years
Not the least of the calamities resul
Ing from this long drawn out case ha
boon the breakdown of the mind o
Mosoa Kaufmann , who stood loyall
by his wife during her trouble.
Father Murphy Talks.
Lincoln , June 19. Bishop Bonacum
I who was threatened by a mob at Cllya
1NTED--A RIDER AGENT nil dlmlcl to
title uml rihlblt ft
. ' "LV ? l ! ll ? 5cr" Wcytl ? . ui. . Ouraqen
v. * * * * * " * < * * * * & ubi4uunnff wnicii limn you may rmcuic iiivytic unu
put It to any te t you with. II you tra ther. not perfectly stiUfied or do not with to
keep th bicytle tlilp It wck to u * at our eipense anilrt * will < > / ti mil f < a tint.
PRICES lurallhtlie , M he i grade blcjeles It li | K itbl to m V
rniflUni miyCOat one null profit above * tual r clorrcoit. You iivc ; . .
to > i | middlemen's profits by buvnc ( direct ol ui and have the manuhcturer'a u r-
nice behind your bicycle. 1 > O NOT lltlv a blcycUora ptlrol tire * from IKIX"/
t axy frict until you receive our catiWuea and learn our unheard ol jMttry
frtcn anil nm.irkifU cfftrt to rlilur iigmit * .
VnU Will PF fltTflNKHPIl Hncn > ° " rcctlva our t.iutlful csl.\locue anil
\m. lfcl " iylvnl lltH itiiily our itip'rh mnilcli at the wfmltr/Mlty
/ > /rir/iwecanmaVeyouthU year. We icll tliel\ltfhcitE \ il < lilcyclta for Icia money
than any other lactonr. We are s.itlifieil with fi.eo pniflt alwve factory cult.
UUVOia ; IJKAl.KUH. you can tell our bicycle * under your own name l > Ute at
' double our prlcei. Order * filled the rt.ty received ,
HKOONullANDllICYOLKS. We do not retulirly handle ifcond lnn.t blcyclei. but
f uiually lute number on hand taken In trade liy our Chlrairo retail atore * . 1 he e ve clear out
promptly at price * ramrtnir Irom SJ to S or 1O. Uescrlmlre barealn Hits mailed Iree ,
rfllKTFR.nDAKF < : " 'U'0 wll.otl , ' r , ll1l ! > "r.tpi ! roller cliiihi and t'vdnl * . pan , , repair * and
, equipment ol all idndj at laf ( tttt utual ntjil fritu.
Tfit rtevtar rttjit fn'te of l/iete tirtt it
f3M fir fair , t tit h introduct we wilt
llyouatamplepairforJtJiJkastiuiilfioniertlM ) ,
NAILS , Tnckn ur Glnu will not lot the
tr out. Sixty thoucnml pnlrs sold last year ,
ver two hundred thousand palri now In use.
DESOniPTlONl Mode In nil Ues. It It I Ivcly
nd easy riding , verydurnhleandlluedluildenrltli
. _ , _ _ _ unlityof rubber , which never twcomca
wroui and which closes up small punctures without allow *
.ncthcalrtocscape. We have hundreds of letters from satis I Notion " " the tlilok rublirr trend
fied customerastaltnR that their tlrea Imvconly beeu pumped J "A" and imtiotnro atrljis " 11"
nnd " It " nUu rliu ' II"
, atrln
twice In whole .
uponceor a Beaton. They welpli no more than
tire to i > r < nm > t rim cutting , ThU
an ordinary , thejpuncturereslstlnRqualltleabelng given
by several layers of thin , specially prepared fabric on the i tire will outlnat nnr other
tread. The regular price of these tire Is per palr.bu t for KASY malto-SOlT. r KL&STIO cud
advertising : purposes we ore making a special factory price to
the rider of only $4.80 per pair. All orders shipped same dny tetter is received. We ship C.O.D. on
approval. You do not nay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly ns represented.
We mill allow a cash uUoount of 5 per cent ( thereby making the price tM.OA per pair ) If you
tend rUI.l. CASH WITH OHOEU and enclose thlt advertisement. You run no risk Iti
tending ui an order aa the tlrca may be returned at OUlt expense if for any rcaion they are
not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money Kent to us is as safe as in a
bank. If you order pair of these tires , you trill find that they will ride easier , run faster ,
wear better , last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We
know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order.
We want you to aend us a trial order at once , hence this remarkable tire offer.
miff vffttg UMiefn TfDat'O don't buy any kind at any price until you send for npnlfof
far F ft/fir aTWCKUf aTfflX.O Hedgethorn runcture-Proof tires on approval and trial nt
the special Introductory price quoted above ; or write for our b\g \ Tire and Sundry Catalogue which
describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices.
nn mtn-r IM/Air but write us a postal toilay. 1M > NOT THINK OF nDYlNQ a bicycle
* V IWM Wwftll or a pair of tirea from anyone until you know the new and wonderful
offers we are making. It only coata A postal to learn everything , Write it MOW >
es , Neb. , last night , arrived in Lin-
oln today at noou. Ho retired to his
esldence and had not Issued at stato-
nent at a late hour this afternoon.
Father Murphy said :
"Bishop Bonacum , with two priests
> y whom he sought to secure- legal
majority , attempted to overbear the
hurch trustees of Ulysses. His ob-
ect was to go through the form of a
egular church meeting- and pass a
esolutlon to oust me from the church. '
This resolution , had it passed , would
mve been used as the basis of legal
proceedings such as were followed to
remove me from tile church at Sew-
"The Ulysses trustees refused to
neet with the bishop. 'The meeting
hen was opened in the hotel. The
bishop had called it to order and a resolution
elution was proposed when the people ,
ndlgnant at the procedure , swept in
and smothered the whole thing. "
Omaha , June 19. A special from
David City , Neb. , says Father Kline ,
who , with Bishop Bonacura and Fa-
.her O'Brien , was forced by a mob to
eave Ulysses last night , arrived there
this morning and drove from there to1
Brainerd. He reported that the three
walked to Garrison last night , where
Bishop Bonacum and Father O'Brien
ook a train for Lincoln.
In the County Court of Madison
County , Nebraska. |
In the matter of the estate of F. Wil .
liam Boche , deceased. i
Now , on the ijih day of June , 1909 ,
came Paul J. Boche , the 'administra
tor of said estate , and prays for leave
to render an account as such adminis
It is therefore ordered that the 10th
day of July , 1909 , at 1 o'clock p. m. ,
at my office in Madison , Nebraska , be
fixed as the time and place for ex
amining and allowing such account.
And the heirs of said deceased and
all persons interested in said estate ,
are required to appear at the time and
place so designated , and show cause ,
if such exists , why said account
should not be allowed.
It is further ordered that sojd Paul
J. Bocho , administrator , give notice
to all persons interested in said es
tate by causing a copy of this order
to be published In the Norfolk Weekly
News-Journal , a newspaper printed
and in general circulation In said
county for three weeks prior to the
day set for said hearing.
In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed my of
ficial seal this 12th day of June , A. D. ,
( Seal. )
William Bates ,
County Judge.
In the District Court of Madison
county , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Jacob
Beehlar , an insane and incompetent
person. Order to show cause. .
Now , on this 2d day of June , 1909 ,
it being of the regular May , 1909 , term
of the district court of Madison
county , Nebraska , regularly adjourned
to this date , this cause came on fern
n hearing upon the petition of Louis
Lcderer , guardian 01 Jacob Beehlar ,
Insane and Incompetent , praying for a
license to sell lots 1 to 9 of block 23 ,
lots 11 and 12 of block 23 , lots 1 to 12
inclusive of block 21 , lots 1 , 2 and 3
of block 25 , and lots 3 and -1 of block
26 , of Hillside Terrace Addition to
Norfolk , Nebraska ; nnd lots 1 to 4 of
block 21 , and lots C to 11 of block 21 ,
and lots ] a and 2 of block 22 , and lots
4 to 11 of block 22 , lot 1 of block 2S ,
and lots 3 and 4 of block 28 of Hillside
Terrace Second Addition to Norfolk ,
Nebraska ; nnd lot 20 , bjock 4 of Nor-1
folk Junction ; lots 2 , , ' 5 and 4 of block
2 of Reese's subdivision- block 15
of Dorsey Place Addition to Norfolk
Junction ; nnd lots 1 and 2 of block It
of Reese's subdivision of block ID of
Dorsoy Place Addition to Norfolk
Junction , all In Madison county , Ne
braska , or a sufficient amount of the
same to bring the sum of $1,500.00 for
the payment of debts due nnd owing
by the said Jacob Beehlar , insane and
Incompetent , and for the payment of
mortgages now past duo against the
"estate of the said Jacob Beohlar , in
sane and incompetent , and to provide
for the support and care of the said
Jacob deehlar , Insane and Incompe
tent , and the costs of guardianship ,
and of this sale ; and there not being
sufficient personal property to pay the
Indebtedness of the said Jacob Beeh
lar , Insane and Incompetent , and to
furnish him with suitable care and
u i.s inuruioru ouiurca that
all persons Interested In Bald estate
appear bp're mo , on the Ifith day of
July , 190b , nt 2 o'clock p m. , nt court
house In Wayne , Nebraska , to show
cause why a license should not bo
granted to me said guardian to sell
so much of the above described real
estate of the said insane Jacob Bech-
lar and Incompetent , as shall bo
necessary i to pay the said debts nnd
expenses. '
And It appearing to the court that
j personal service cannot bo had upon
the next of kin and these Interested in
the , estate of said Jacob Beehlar , In
sane , nnd Incompetent , it is ordered
that a copy of this order be published
in the Norfolk Weekly News , a legal
newspaper published in the city of
Norfolk , in Madison county , Nebraska ,
for four successive weeks prior to the
date fix'ed for cause to be shown.
Dated this 2d day of June , 1909.
Anson A. Welch ,
Judge of the District Court.
To Peter Demetrnkos , Spires Keffe-
sotls , direst Kost , defendants , will
take notice that on the 12th day of
May , 1909 , C. F. Elseley , a Justice of
'the peace in nnd for Norfolk precinct ,
In Madison county , Nebraska , issued
nn order of attachment in the sum of
$60.00 in an action pending before him
wherein Nick Grants is plaintiff nnd
Peter Demetrakos , Spires Keffesotls
and Chrest Kost are defendants.
That the property of the defendant
Peter Demetrakos , consisting of the
sum of $24.74 in the possession of the
Chicago & Northwestern Railway
company , has been attached and gar
nished , under said order. And the
property of the defendant Spires Kef
fesotls , consisting of the sum of
$20.22 in the possession of the said
railway company , has been attached
and garnished under said order. And
the property of the defendant Chrest
Kost , consisting of the sum of $21.27 ,
in the possession of the said railway
company , has been attached and gar
nished under said order , Said cause
was continued until the 9th day of
july , 1909 , at 9 o'clock a. m.
Dated at Norfolk , Neb. , June 16 ,
Nick Gronls , Plaintiff.
By Mopes & Hnzen , his attorneys.
WANTED Success Magazine 10
quire. " ? the services uf n man in Nor
folk 'to If 'ik after expiring subscrip
tions and to secure new business by
means of special methods usually ef
fective ; position permanent ; prefc
one with experience , but would con
sider nny applicant with good natural
qualifications ; s : lary $1.50 per day ,
with commission option. kddrcss ,
with references , R. C. Peacock , Roorj
102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New
'York. '
. , . > COPYRIGHTS dC.
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qulcklr aarertalii our opinion fruo whether an
sent free. OMeit tft rcy for avcurlnir pa
I'atanu taken through Uunn & Co ?
ttwlal netKt , without * , In the
Scientific American.
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fear i Tour roonuis , 91 * BoidbyaJI tiawsdcaleraB