The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 28, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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( he Norfolk Weekly News-Journal
! fIcf } NeTwM , KHtabl labed 1881.
The Journal , EHtnbllflhcd 1877.
W. N. Untie , N. A. UIIBO ,
I'roHltlont. Socrotnry.
Every Frldny. Hy mail nor year , $1.CO.
Entered nt the postolllco nt Norfolk ,
Nob. , IIB second chum matter.
r TelephonimKdltorliU : Oopnrtmoni
Ko. 22. IhiHlnoHS OIHcc and Job Rooms
No. 11 22.
There will bo no "old homo" week
celebration for Cnstro this yonr.
The Young Turks nro not nil young ,
neither nro they nil Turks. So whnt'a
lu n nnmo , nnywny ?
rionaures HCCIH to bo on the lookout
for Bnilllng people. Another proof ol
the theory thnt llko nttrnctst llko.
A-ahortngo In the supply of bushel
bnskots Is readily accounted for when
yon observe the spring millinery.
An Austrian nrchduko Is lost. Gel
n bunch of American heiresses to look'
ing for him and lie will not remain
lost long.
As Japan Increases In civilization
and Industrial activity , the number ol
cases of Insanity also Increases.
Japan's fishermen represent n huge
Industry. Last year the total value ol
the catch was estimated at $43,932 ,
The man who howls tlio loudosl
about existing conditions Is not the
one who does the most to remedy
Kansas City has sixty square miles
of land In Its limits , and every acre
Is either built upon or. cultivated
How many cities can say as much ?
Billy Sunday says : "Tho man whc
bets and wins Is a thief , the man
who bets and loses Is a fool. A gambler
blor Is always either a thief or a fool. '
The Uganda natives are keeping i\ \
respectful distance from the Roosc
volt party. They find that It's armed
with something besides hymn books
A now highway Is to bo built across
the state of Pennsylvania from New
Jersey to Ohio. Three million dollars
have boon appropriated to pay for It-
Mr. Aldrlch says ho has spent thlr
ty years In consideration of the tariff
Yes , and evidently It raised In his es
tlmntlon n notch every year.
" An exchange says : "The reason
thnt the country and the state Is rulci
by bosses Is that It pays ordinnrj
folks bettor to attend to their owr
business than to try to control polltl
cal affairs. "
The czar is going to circumnavigate
the globe In his yacht. Let us hop (
ho will complete his cruise more sue
cessfully than that other Russian ex
pcdltlon that cnmo to a sudden 1ml
In the Sea of Japan.
Eleven of old Abdul's 400 wives
escaped with him from Constantine
pie. . Think of a man's making an escape
capo from a dangerous predlcnmen
with cloven wives , Abdul must b <
pretty clover after alii
Charles P. Taft , brother of the president
idont , says ho has had enough of pol
Itlcs and will not bo a candidate fo
the senate to snceed Charles F. DIcli
3t looks as though Brother Charlo
Jolt that ho didn't get his money'
The authorities object to liavlni
George MercHllth interred In Westmh :
Bter Abbey. The novelist's advocac ;
of trial marriages Is the cause of the !
opposition. In America this was no
taken seriously , but just as an attemp
at humor.
Mr. Harrlman has been ordered t
got away from his business and tak
a rest. Of necessity ho must go t
Europe to carry out the physician'
instructions , llo can still travel 1
Europe without passing over his o\ %
Senator Bailey struck the right not
when , ho said : "It seems to mother
are rich men who nro willing to glv
benefactions In order to have thei
published who nro not willing to pa
their fair proportion of the expense
of the government. "
Andrew Carnegie predicts a war b (
tween England and Germany. Let n
hope the laird Is a poor prophet , fc
n war between two nations armed t
the teeth with every modern instn
mont of destruction would be a mos
terrible struggle. .
American college students of todn
nro taller than their fathers or gram
fathers. In England , the landed gei
try and the Bkllled artisan are holdln
their own , but tne laborers are di
creasing In stature and Increasing 1
numbers more rapidly than the othc
Dr. Wiley , the government pur
food expert , gives the people wnrnln
that all soft drinks contain polsoi
The Bweot syrups of all contain mor
or less caffeine , which , though not a
dangerous an strychnine or as strong
ns dynamite , nro just as Hiiro to got
the boy who Imbibes soft drinks ns
those who of older yours take some
thing stronger.
Congressman Sharp of Ohio said In
congress the other day : "I want pro
tection for every Industry till It can
stand on Us feet. " Congressman
James of Kentucky quickly replied :
I'll go that far ; I'll favor protecting
Industries until they can Bland on
tholr own feet , but I don't feel llko
continuing the protection until they
stand on everybody else's feet. "
Thnt famous seventy-year old pe
destrian , Wcston , says "that a middle
aged man may acquire the disease
habit Just as a boy acquires the clg-
arotto habit , llo gets to think In
terms of liver pills , liver pads , elec
tric belts , essences and extracts and
llnnlly scares himself to death ,
There's no enemy that can run n big-
gnr bluff and get away with It than
sickness. "
An Immense bronze statue of James
J. Hill will occupy a central position
on the Alaska-Yukon exposition
grounds. It has been paid for by
popular subscriptions and Is a tribute
from the people of the northwest to
the gonlus of the great railroad build ,
er. At the close of the exposition the
statue will become the property ol
the state university of Washington
and will stand on Its campus.
The fact that a district Judge hae
been accused of accepting a bribe In
Oklahoma , and the fact that such n
charge has created no small sensa'
tlon , Is ntting commentary upon the
fact that for the most part our courts
are clean , honest Institutions. Seldom
dom do you hear of n district Judge
or any other judge of a high court
being actually corrupt In his dec !
Now York politicians are very anx
ions to know what Governor Hughes
Intends to do at the expiration of his
second term as the state's chief ex
ccntlve. Some think ho will bo .1
candidate for a third term , others be
Hove ho would like to succeed Dr
Depow In the senate , while anothei
rumor Is current to the effect thai
the president will appoint him as as
soclato justice of the United States
supreme court.
Old Man Island , off the Maine coast
has boon reserved for the breeding
and' protection of the elder duck. The
warden , who by the authority of the
Andubon society , has charge * of. the
Island , estimates that the colony ol
elders In which there were thirty
pairs' ' last summer , raised about sev
enty-flve young ones. It Is most nee
essary that something should be done
to preserve these valuable wild fowls
from extinction.
The man whose life Is without r
definite purpose Is like a ship without
a rudder. Purpose gives new mean
Ing to life , It shows the only rea
reason for living. The great thing li
life Is not realizing a purpose bul
fighting for it. Failure in a groai
work is nobler than success In a pet
ty one that Is beneath our maximun
of possibility. Wo have nothing te
do with results anyway. "Not failure
but low aim Is crime , "
The refreshing rains of the past tei
days have been highly beneficial te
crops of thlsv territory and prospects
are much more promising than the ;
were two weeks ago. With showers
coming steadily , the rainwater has al
soaked in and a maximum of benefi
has obtained.
There is every indication now tha
the season will bo abundantly produe
tlvo and that prosperity will reign ai
a result of the bountiful harvest.
From August 10 till October 1C
Ecuador will celebrate the olio hur
dredth anniversary of the outbreak o
the revolution which drove the Spar
Ish from South America. Althoug'
Ecuador did not gain Independence un
til 1S30 , her enthusiastic citizens coul
not wait for the hundredth annlvei
* sary of that date for their Interne
tlonal exposition. They romembe
that delays are dangerous and th
eondltlons of South American repul
lies very uncertain.
For crazy propobltions , Professo
Pickering's scheme to construct
huge reflector at an expense of ? 10
000,000 to signal to Mars , Is the cl
max. Supposing that Mars is inhal
ited and that the people should n <
tlce a strange light on the earth , hoi
would Mars know that we wore sis
ixnltng her or how would wo knoi
was an answer wns given ? Professo
Pickering has really overreached th
bounds of silliness allowable even t
college professors.
Texas has long been celebrated i
song and story ns the state where th
"gun toter" was In his element , an
could "get a drop" on his enemy will
out question. But all that Is pas
The Lone Star state now leads man
others in the severe restriction
against carrying weapons. There I
no need In this day for anyone t
carry arms. If the privilege of inal
ing a walking arsenal of oneself wer
taken away many heedless deaths an
unnecessary crimes would bo prevent
There Is no liner evidence of the
growth of public , spirit In this coun
try than cnn bo found In the greater
Interest which is being taken In the
cleanliness and beauty of cities and
towns. A public spirited pcoplo will
not live In foul unwholesome sur-
loundlngs. It Is worth noting thnt In
every community to which hns como
tills new Ideal of the city beautiful
which means the city healthful It Is
the women who have been the lending
spirits In the crusade and in many
Instances they have had to do the
work almost alone.
They used to say western South
Dakota and southern South Dakota ,
along with western Nebraska , were
not In the rain belt. .
Tuesday's copious downpour , coverIng -
Ing that whole territory between the
Black Hills and the Missouri river like
a blanket. Is only ono me/re demon
stration of the fallacy of that old
If there Is any "rain belt , " north
Nebraska and southern South Dakota
are In It.
The Omaha train robbery , together
with the Innumerable bank robberies
that have been occurring In the mid
dle west during the past six months ,
should glvo cause for general alarm
and for a rigid effort upon the part
of states and nation alike to run down
the criminals and bring them behind
prison bars.
Not In years have robberies of this
sort been so commonplace , and the
fact that few of the culprits are
caught points to something rotten in
the police circles of the largo cities ,
where the crooks congregate and too
often receive police protection.
President Taft Is contemplating a
trip to Alaska this summer to learn
at first hand of the condition and
needs of this most Important of Amor-
lean possessions. Important not alone
because of great wealth and natural
resources , but also because Alaska
will become a member of our body
politic and the home of millions of
Americans , while the others can never
bo anything more than hangers-on.
Much Alaskan legislation will come up
In the near future and it is wise for
the president to visit the , country and
get In personal touch with conditions
there as ho already is with Panama
and the Philippines.
While workmen were removing
rock from the old channel of the
Niagara river near Fort Frances , On
tario , to make way for the big power
dam on the American side , they un
earthed a most remarkable collection
of Indian weapons and utensils all
made of pure copper and hardened to
the consistency of steel. They are of
superior workmanship , being evident
ly the work of a prehistoric race who
possessed the knowledge of temper
ing copper to perfection. It Is be
lieved from these aj-tlcles being found
together that they" were originally
packed together in a leather sack and
were being carried In a canoe which
was overturned In the descent of the
rapids and have lain for centuries In
this hole.
A bill has passed one house of the
Ihlnols legislature making thev dealing
in futures a crime. It provides that
any person who sells produce on
stocks or bonds which he does not
actually own at the time ho sells 01
pretends to sell shall be adjudged
guilty of a crime. It provides that
the buyer who knows that the sellei
has not the property but is dealing
in futures shall bo equally guilty. In
short. It puts this paitlcular form ol
gambling In the same legal position
that other forms occupy. No ono can
estimate the fortunes , the reputations
the lives that the enactment and enforcement
forcemont ofsuch * a law would save
The mere maintenance of the appn
rntus for this gambling in futures
costs ? 180,000,000. That Is what the
people pay out without getting anj
return. If this special session of congress
gross would put in its spare time
while not busy on the tariff In male
Ing similar national legislation to thai
attempted In Illinois and the pros !
dent would endorse It , they woult
atone for any past dellmiucncles
reuse the public to a frenzy of enthu
slasm and assure tiie continuance o
the republican party in power foi
many years. Why not try ? It wll
colno eventually , anyway.
The value and necessity of goo (
roads as an adjunct and promoter o
prosperity and civilization is just be
ginning to dawn with power upon tin
American people. Some ono has ob
served that there is no surer hide ;
to a country's real character than li
to bo found in its public highways
This much is true as is known t (
every student of history that Anclen
Rome in the days of her splendor depended
ponded not alone upon the valor o
her arms but the excellence of hei
roads as well. If the first were hoi
support In time of stress of no lesi
Importance were the great well madt
highways over which her troops couh
march In nil kinds of weather will
safety and with celerity. England am
Franco each with 30,000,000 of people
plo living lu areas not larger that
single states of this union are mighty
luflnuncos In the world. Thcr.o mil
lions , llvo In comfort and order very
largely bt'cnuso of the superb roads
which nbouut and bind them together
an great nntuinl bodies , It Is true
here In America thnt every dollnr
well spent on the public highways
helps most wonderfully In Increasing
the wclfnro of sepnrnto communities
but tends greatly townrd the unlflca-
tlon of the grcnt republic which we
love BO well.
Although the Missouri state law
prohibiting from the state Insurance
companies paying any salaries in ex
cess of $50,000 , was upheld by the
supreme court , that tribunal gave as
Its opinion the statement that the
legislation was unwise , and recom
mended the law's repeal. While such
procedure Is rather out of the ordi
nary from a court , In this Instance the
setting forth of such an opinion seems
to bo wholly justified by the situation.
Just why an Insnranco company
should bo kept out of a state because
It was able to employ the brainiest
men In , lho country , is not apparent.
And that a man capable of handling
the affairs of a gigantic Insurance
cpmpnny , Involving billions of dollars ,
ought to be a man worth at least $50-
000 and perhnps more n year , Is self
The solons of Missouri did not take
nto account the fact that a man's
brain can be worth almost an unllni-
ted sum , If It delivers the goods.
And in shutting out the big com
panies , a hardship might very easily
je worked upon those citizens who
night , for ono reason or another , de
sire to buy Insurance from just those
That sort of legislation deprives cit-
zcns of independence and is going tit
.hlngs wrong end to.
Charles P. Taft Is going Into farm-
ng on a most magnificent scale In
Texas. Ho owns an estate of 100,000
acres In the Lone * 3tar state which
ic proposes to cultivate as ono huge
farm , applying modern business meth
ods to the great enterprise ) . He pro
poses to raise a diversified crop. A
thousand-acre cabbage patch and
thousand-acre lots of other vegetables.
There are to be great orchards , herds
of choice dairy cattle and a mammoth
creamery. Railroad tracks will cross
the farm and shipments will bo made
in carload and even tralnload lots.
What Mr. Taft Is doing by hiring an
army of farmers the farmers in any
locality can do for themselves by com
bining and agreeing to raise certain
kinds of products. For instance , in
potato raising , the market demands
certain kinds and demands those un
mixed. Even the best mixed varieties
are worth from five to ten cents per
bushel less than any one of thenl un
mixed. Therefore , a group of farm
ers In a locality can get a much bet
ter price for their potatoes If they
will all plant the same kind. The
same thing holds true In any farm
product. Commission men will pay
a higher price if they can get carload
or larger lots of the same kind of pro
duct in a locality.
In the death of Henry H. Rogers , the
Standard Oil magnate who died sud
denly In New York this week , the
country has lost one of Its most fa
mous' financiers , one of the most
liated and also one of the most be
loved of Inen. In New York business
circles Rogers was a czar ; In the lit
tle town of Falrhaven , Mass. , ho was
a good neighbor.
The career of this man shows tre
mendously what business opportuni
ties arc open to the American youth.
Questionable methods were used In
making the Standard Oil company
what It Is , It Is ttue , but the fact
that a newsboy could develop Into a
man worth from fifty to seventy-five
millions of dollars , In ono short life
time , is a striking commentary-upon
the possibilities presented In this
rich land of oppoitunlly.
It Is claimed In some quarters that
Rogers began luo as a grocer clerk ,
at $3 per week , Instead of a newsboy ,
However , that may be , his beginning
In life was humblo.
Until three or four years ago Mr ,
Rogers' undertakings wore all attend'
ed by brilliant and almost unpreccd
onted success. In fact it is almost
too much to say that he ever lost his
Midas touch , although his huge ex
pendlturos upon his tidewater railway
during the past few years amount
Ing to some forty millions are said
to have caused htm worry thnt finally
resulted in his breakdown and death
Money market conditions were un
favorable , the new line traversed n
thinly settled territory and depended
upon a single Industry for its sue
cess. The result was that Rogers
wns forced to carry the greatest per
tlon of the burden and to carry II
longer than he had expected.
Mr. Rogers was married twice. He
was born In I860 , being 09 years old
when he died.
In some quarters Rogers , and nol
Rockefeller , is credited with the Idee
of forming a pool or trust In oil.
Got your golf sticks yet ?
Probably that Tilden llverynmr
didn't realize he was being taken foi
i bandit when his touring car broke
lown In Norfolk Sunday morning.
How's your dandelion patch ?
Now's the time to sell September
How'd you lllto to bo n girl graduate
about now ?
The sweet girl graduate will bo the
icxt batter up.
The Coney Island press agent cer
tainly knows the game. ,
Whore's that long faced Individual
who was forecasting a drouth ?
The law was on Herman Bocho's
side that tlmo , oven If fhoy did line
Jim Patten scorns to have turned
the laugh on Tama Jim in the latter
lays of May.
Wouldn't It have been cunning If
iCormlt could have caught that charg
ing hyena In his hands , Instead of
killing It ?
Probably the Omaha train robbers ,
when seen whizzing through Norfolk
n an automobile early Sunday morn-
; ng , were bound for Sioux City. It's
only to bo expected that they have
icard of the way the Iladar bank rob-
jers have been taken care of over
A girl who Is engaged to bo married
and whoso trousseau Is being made ,
shouldn't announce that her engage
ment has been broken until she's dead
sure of It. A Norfolk girl during the
past week called off the dressmaker
with word that she wasn't going to ho
married , after all that the engage
ment was broken. Within three days
she gave an older to go on with the
duds that the engagement was "on"
Carlock , S. D. , is to have a jail.
Madison may ask for a Carnegie li
The O'Neill Independent was 21
years old last week.
f _ _ _ _ _
An Eastern Star lodge has been or
ganized at Dallas , S. D.
C. A. Jerrard has started the Demo
crat , a new paper , at Bassett.
The Beemer Times believes that
Boomer's plow factory Is now a sure
Arthur F. Mullen of O'Neill has suc
ceeded C. J. Smyth of Omaha as state
deputy of the Knights or Columbus.
P. L. Wyman , manager of the Brls-
tow cheese factory , may interest
Bonesteel citizens in a factory at that
By a vote of 108 to 0 Gregory , S. D. ,
voted $20,000 bonds , ? 15,000 for a high
school building and $5,000 for refundIng -
Ing purposes.
The Randolph high school won the
cup at the Hartlngton field meet ,
Ilartlngton won second place. In
baseball Randolph defeated Crelghton
3 to 1.
Bonesteel Pilot : James Dahlman ,
who was recently re-elected mayor
of Omaha by a handsome majority. Is
a brother of Mrs. T. J. Thompson of
The Wltten 'town lot sale has been
postponed from -June 1 to June 3 , on
account of the Trlpp county election
coming on June 1. The sale Is held
at Gregory , S. D.
Collins , the newest Trlpp county
townslte. is between Wltten and Seller
lor on nearly a diiect line , . B. F. Col
Hns , J. M. Hackler , Fred Huston and
Wlnd&or Doherty are said to be bacli
of the new town.
W. I. KorUyrlght , editor of the de
funct Randolph Reporter , who won
fame by editing the Fairfax Sun-Re
view from the county jail , was look' '
Ing for a newspaper location in Trlpi
county , but failed to find one.
.The Colome Times asserts that Co
lomo will be a railroad town before
snow files. The railroad survey , II
declared , passes through Colomo golnj
northwest through the John Baudot
allotment. The Times says that r
visit to Colomo by Contractor Tread
way , who built much of the Bonestee'
extension , looks like railroad building
A supreme court announcemen !
states that the decision Is alllrmed ii
the case of II. J. Hoffman against J
W. Aller , police Judge of Wayne
Hoffman sought to have part of the
police court record expunged. This if
denied by the court. The record wns
made by the judge who had fined r
number of persons on a mlsdemeanoi
Business Changes In the Northwest.
Fred Volberdlng has purchased tin
D. J. Brazda grocery stock at WIs
W. P. Bishop , a Gregory hotel man
has sold his cafe to Hocking & Scott
but retains the management of the
The Kllgoro State bank , A. G. Holi
of Johnstown president , E. R. Gurnoj
of Fremont vice president and W. L
Dillon cashier , has been Incorporated
with $10,000 capital stock and wll
open for business Juno 1.
About Norfolk.
Madison Chronicle : Norfolk hat
sidestepped from the camel brigade
after a week or two of drouth , and
has licensed six or seven thirst em
[ Copyrighted , 1003 , by Associated Literary
Press. J
Aunt Mnry Bpoouor , widow of Dea
con Spooner , sat on the veranda of
her house In the village of Parkvlllo
with sonic sewing on her Inp , when
thcro wns n rnttle of wheels In the
road , n "Whonl" from a man driving
a ono horse wagon , nnd she looked up
to catch her breath and exclaim :
"Now. then , If that ain't Sum Holt-
ford , whom I haven't Been for the last
six yenrs , then It must bo Ills twlu
brother , though I know lie never hnd
nny ! "
It wns Gum. He hitched his horse
nnd entered the gate , and they word
BOOH shaking hands nnd asking about
each other's health. A chair was
brought out for him , and after some
general talk the widow said :
"Sam. you are looking worried and
troubled , nnd I'm sorry to see It Is
there anything on your mind that you
want to consult me about ? "
"There Is. Mary , " he replied. "That's
the reason why I've come over to BCO
you after all this time. Yes. I've been
worried for n good spell buck nnd
hadn't anybody to go to for advice.
All at once the other night 1 happened
to think of you , and I says to myself ,
says I , 'Why not go over and see
Mary Spooner about it ? ' and that's
why I am hero. "
"I hope you arc not going to lese
your farm on n mortgage. "
"No ; nothing of the kind. Mary. I've
got to be fifty-five years old. and I've
been living alone all these years. I'm
the oldest old bachelor In the county.
Ten years ago it kinder seemed for
nwhlle ns If you and me wns going
to mnke n match of it. but It fell
through. The deacon came along , and
you preferred him to me. I ain't kickIng -
Ing about It lie wns n good man.
the deacon was , and I wns sorry when
1 heard that you wns loft n wldder.
lie's been dead two yenrs or more ,
but don't think I've come a-courtlng
I've got old and shncklety and bald-
headed , and I know It would be no
use to begin talking about turtle
doves to you. "
"No , Sam. It wouldn't. " wns the
quiet reply as the widow breathed a
sigh of relief.
"In fact. Mnry. I'm sorter bound to
another woman another wldder and
I'm not the man to bo cavorting around
after two wldder women nt once. She's
n woman named Grimes , living about
three tulles this side of my farm. She
owns what they call.the Plum Tree
farm. " '
"Yes ; I know her by sight. So
you've fallen In love with her ? "
"Y-e-s ; my heart's been n-throbblng
for her for the Inst six months. She
hain't no great shnkes ns fur ns looks
go. nnd I wish her hair wasn't BO red ,
but she's got a nice farm there. Mary
n mighty nice farm and she can cook
the best boiled dinner a hungry man
ever sat don to. We agree on the
Bibleon the best way to smoke hums ,
oil having wire screens to the winders
In summer on everything but one , and
that Is what Is bothering tne and why
I've come over to see you. "
"And what's that. Sum ? " asked the
"I popped the question two months
ago. but there's another feller did the
same thing He's Abe Johnson , a wid
ower. He's about my nge and no bet
ter looking , and the wldder Is bunging
fire us to whether It Is best for her to
marry an old bach or nn old widower.
She snys she's got to take time 'to
think It over. "
"And you want to hurry her up ? "
"That's just It. Mary. You vttr'e un
derstanding the situation right off.
Yes , I want to hurry her up , and 1
wnnf the eleclslong be In my favor.
.You are a woman'and n wldder. You
ought to know what another woman
and wldder would do under certain
circumstances. "
"Perhaps. " was the doubtful reply.
"What nre the certain circumstances ? "
"Jealousy , Mary Jealousy. I've hud
It all planned out for a week past , and
I believe that If you will help me I
can win out us easy as grease. I take
It that Abe and me stand about equal
In the Wld.der ( Jrltnes' affections. It's
like balancing n stick 'on the top rail
of n fence Abe can drive oxen nnd
not swear , nnd In case the preacher
ain't there he can tuke the leid ; nt a
funeral or prayer meeting. I cnn drive
a hog out of the garden "without .veil-
Ing to be heard a mile away , and I
have inn do two speeches on the Fourth
of . .Iul.It's . about nn even thing be
tween us The wldder Is balancing.
She may balance for a year If MMIIP-
thing hain't dune. Something Is going
to ty done I'm going to appeal to her
jealousy I'm going to make her.thlnk
she's lost me forever. "
"IHtt Just how ? "
"That's where you come In. Mnry.
You'll set a day. and I'll drive over
here and get you. I'll drive you past
the farm and back She'll surely see
us. She'll see us sorter cuddled up to
curb other and talking confidentially.
Ulj.'lit In front of her house she'll sec
my arm stealing around your walnt.
nnd we'll both be looking as happy ns
nil outdoors. The demqn of Jealousy ,
ns jhe.v call It , will bubble up In her
heart at once , and she'll feel that she
loves me only and must have me or
die When I pass for the third time
after leaving you home she'll be down
to the gnte to stop tne und nay. 'Sam
Bottford. you hump yourself and bring
D preacher here and marry tnp or I'll
nhow you what a desperate woman
rando. . ' She'll eay that , Mary , and
within two hours she'll be mine.
Come , now , wouldn't you tier Jesf llkr
that under the HUIIIP clrcunmtuneesV"
" 1 1 hardly think so. " replied the
woman after u moment' * thought.
"But you hain't re-d bended , you eep.
and that makes a heap of difference.
Mebbe you couldn't be made Jealous ,
but red headed women und Jealousy go
together. Lord , but when lie HCCH my
arm stealing around your waist Hho'll
grow n fool taller lu a mlultl"
"Hut 1 couldn't allow that. Sam. "
"Oh. yes , you could , Mary. You'll al
low It for old time's sake. Your con
science has alwa.VH troubled4 you for
the way you throwed mo down , ami
I'm telling you that thin In the last
chance for mo. If 1 lese the Wldder-
Grimes I'm a gone coon , Tim turtle
doves will never coo for mo ngnln. "
There was more tnlk , nml the Widow
Spooner finally gave n doubtful nnel
rcltictnnt consent. She warned Sum ,
however , that ho was taking chances
and must put up with consequences.
A tiny nnd hour were named for him
to drive over again , and he went homo
with a smile on his face for thn first
time In weeks. When the dny cnmo
for him to bend for Pnrkvlllo ngnln ho
drove nt a slow pace past the Plum
Trco farm.
The Widow Grimes wns out nmotiB
the cabbages killing slugs. She saw
him and waved her hand , but ho look
ed Btralght ahead and never stopped.
This was to make her wonder what
was up. The oilier widow was ready ,
and In nn hour or so the old whlto
horse nnd democrat wagon came trot
ting back. The Widow Grimes stood
In the open door. They saw that who
did. and Sam chuckled and cackled
and whispered to his companion :
"It's n world beater , Mary. Lean on
me us If you loved me half to denthl"
Mary leaned , and two minutes later ,
as they were square lu front of the
house , ho said :
"Now my arm goes around your
waist The Wldder Grimes sees It.
Her heels are lifting up. 1 Hasn't look
at her. but I know that her face Is as
reel ns n beet. The demon has sudden
ly appeared , and she's saying to her
self that she'll kill any woman thnt
tnkes me nwny from her. Lord , Mnry ,
but I shall bo grateful to you all the
rest of my days ! "
They drove up the road two miles
and then turned about to repeat the
performance. This time the Widow
Grimes was halfway down to the gate.
She pretended to be pulling some
weeds out of the bed of pinks , but It
was only pretense. She saw the Widow
Spooner lean ; she saw nn nrm go
nrouml her waist ; Bhe almost licnnl
whispers of love as the old wagon
creaked along.
"Mary Spooner , " said Sam Hottford
ns he helped her out of the wagon nt
her own gate' , "I'm owing you n debt
I cnn never , never pay. You've helped
mo through like the good woman you
nre. As I drive along back the Wld
der Grimes will be at the gate to
blow me up , ami after the blowing it
will bo the preacher and a marriage.
Nobody ever bad such n plan before.
It has worked without skipping a cog.
Don't you buy no taters this fall. I'll \
sec to it that you have ten bushels to
start the winter on yes , ten bushels
of tnters nnd n crock of butter. "
"And when shnll I know how you
cnme out ? " she nsked.
"Oh. you'll hear It tnlked of In two
or three dnys , and you'll hear thitt we
nre off on our wedding tour. Lord ,
Mary , hasn't It worked beautifully
beuu-tl ful-l.v ! "
Two hours later , as the Widow
Spooner wns eating her supper , she
heard the rattle of that democrat wag
on ajraln and another "Whoa ! " and
went to the door just as Sam ISottford
reached the veranda nnd sat down on
the steps.
"For mercy's sake , but what has
happenedV" she exclaimed.
"There won't he any wedding ! " re
plied n hollow voice.
"No ! "
"Nor any bridal tour ! "
"No ! "
"Nor any nothing ! "
"Rut why. Sam. why ? "
"Hecnu'-e the Wldder Grimes nnd
Abe Johnson were married three days
ago ! She was down to the gate to tell
me nn I drove back and to hope that
my health was the same ns tjsuul. "
The Widow Spooner turned her
bend to hide a smile.
" 1 knew It all along , Samsaid , she ,
"but 1 thought you wouldn't ever be
satisfied until you hud tried every way
you knew. "
Samuel looked at her. Slowly a
smile crept over his face.
"To tell you the truth , " said he. "I
nearly hollered for joy. Mary. " he
sold sharply. "Mary , do you want mete
to remain an old bachelor ? "
And after a little while the Widow
Spooner whispered "No. "
On Saving. > }
"The late James Molloy. " said n
music publisher , "wrote humorous
ponas now and then , but It Is as the
author of 'Love's Old Sweet Song *
thnt he will be remembered.
"Yet his humor was good , too
brli'ht. ( lean nnd lure. lie liked to
make fun of people who lived In the
country.I I once heard him say In
London to a Devon man :
" 'Why do you live in the country ,
any how1
" 'So us to save 'money , ' wns the reply -
" 'Are vegetables nnd mill ; nnd meat
cheaper1 i
" 'They arc. on the contrary , slightly
' "How do you save , then ? '
" 'No opera. $ . " > 0 n year , No restau
rant dinners , $100 n year No theater. .
$100 n yenr No tnxlcab fares. $50 a
year. No distractions of any kind ,
$75 a year. '
" 'Look here , ' said Mr. Molloy ,
'couldn't you save money If you
died1New York Tribune.
"Where do nil you Americans live ? "
Inquired the European.
"About 4,000,000 of us live In Now
York , " nnswcred the caustic American ,
"nnd the rest of us live In caves. "
Louisville Courier-Journal ,
Always there Is a black spot in our
/sunshine. It Is the shadow of our-
selvtw. Carlyle.