The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 28, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Knnnlu Urauul la In Oninlm on
n nhort vlnlt.
0.V. . Davy left for n visit with
rclntlveB In Michigan.
MlHflcn Clara and Uorthn Mnnaku
ojiont Friday In I'lorco.
Miss Lillian .McCabo Is expected
from Colninliim tlila evening to spend
the week with her filuntl Miss Fno
Mrs. U.V. . Jonas IB visiting rela-
tlvt'H In Randolph for a few days.
0. W. Lomniit Is In Iowa on a busi
ness trip to bo gone several days.
Mrs.V. . L. Howling and Mrs. D. U.
Lynch wuro up from Madison Friday.
Fred Schergor , the Hattlo Crook
miller , was In Norfolk for a few hours
on business.
F. 10. .lames of Valentino has been
In Norfolk the past week visiting his
nlsU-r , Mrs. il. U. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Sprecher left
Saturday noon for Montana , where
Mr. Sprecher expects to locate.
Airs. E. P. Hummel of Sioux City Is
hero to visit her mother , Mrs. August
IJriimimind , who Is sluk. Mrs. Hummel
is accompanied by her son Earl.
Mrs. Fred C. Marshall and little
baby will come down from 'Nlobrara
tomorrow to visit a week or more with
Mrs. Marshall's parents , Mr. and Mrs.
A. II. Vlole.
Miss Emma Ilaumgartnor has re-
Blgned her place In the central office
of the Nebraska Telephone company
and has gone to Laurel for a visit be
fore leaving to spend the summer In
Portland , Ore.
Dr. J. C. Myers came In Friday from
O'Neill , whore he was sent to attend
to some state work as deputy state
veterinarian. Dr. Myers has been
putting In a good deal of his time re
cently In state work. Dr. Myers and
Dr. C. A. McKIm , recently state vet
erinarian , have had their olllces to
gether , but are not working 'under
partnership. '
Editor F. E. Martin of Battle Creek
was In Norfolk last night.
Oil Inspector P. J. Pratt of Hum
phrey was In the city over night.
Among the out of town visitors
wore : Hev. E. Young , Firth ; Sheriff
C. E. Hall , O'Neill ; James Hurrett ,
Atkinson ; J. II. Crabb , Clay Center ;
-Albeit Olson , Fairfax , S. D. ; C. A.
Iilndahl , Elmer Hedlund and Martha
Anderson , Drlstow ; O. II. Glllespio ,
Madison ; Jule Van Gilbert , Nellgh ;
E. J. Flllkson , Ralph Fuerd and W.
M. Kreldler , Battle Creek ; Hilda
Blngtron , Anoka ; A. L. Howser ,
The Damascus coinmanflery of
Knights Templar Installed Its newly
elected ofllcers on the evening of As
cension day. G. T. Sprecher , past
commander , was the Installing officer.
The new officers are as follows ; C. E.
Burnham , commander ; G. B. Salter ,
generalissimo ; David Roes , captain
general ; Joseph Allbory , senior war
den ; S. G. Dean , Junior warden ; A.
II. Vlolo , prelate ; L. C. Mlttelstadt ,
treasurer ; G. T. Sprecher , recorder ;
G. II. Burton , standard bearer ; J.
Warren McClary , sword bearer ; E. J.
Rlx , warder ; J. S. VanAlstln , sentinel.
A new time card , Introducing ad
ditional train service on the North
western , becomes effective Sunday.
The new fast train from Omaha will
arrive Saturday evening for the first
time , coming In on the present sched
ule. The Omnhn local will arrive at
7 p. m. The morning passenger from
the west , which will arrive at 6:15 :
and leave for Lander Instead of mak
ing up at Long Pine. The first evenIng -
Ing train for Omaha arrives at 0:30 :
p. m. from Long Pine Sunday. After
Sunday the evening Dallas passenger
connects with this train. The new
morning train west , though a seven-
day train , Is not put on until Monday
morning , when It leaves the Junction
at 7:10 : and comes uptown , leaving the
city station at 7:25 : , proceeding west
towards Chadron over the west wye ,
All of the trains are local save the
now fast train from Omaha , whlcli
arrives at 7:35 : p. m. The corrected
time card appears In The News today ,
Mrs. H. S. Overocker Is on the slcli
list this week.
The Methodist Aid society will be
entertained at * .he Methodist churcl
next Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Mar
tin Brubaker and Mrs. H. B. Thomas
All the ladles are Invited to attend.
Mrs. H. A. Senn , assisted by Mrs
Myron Collamer , entertained the Al
tar society of the Catholic churcl
Thursday afternoon. A two-courst
luncheon was served and a very pleas
ant afternoon enjoyed.
John Kyi and family have inovei
here from Sioux City. Mr. Kyi Is ar
expert cream tester and will wort
for E. B. Kauffman , who has fount
It necessary , on account of largo In
crease In business , to make an ad
dltlon to his force.
A number of Norfolk followers o
the wrestling sport arranged to at
tend the Saturday evening wrestling
match at Enola between "Kid" Jonser
and Dick Walton. It was stated Sat
urday afternoon that several carriages
and autos were going down to Madl
eon for the match.
The Norfolk high school basebnl
team , which played a return game
with the Nellgh high school at No
llgh Saturday afternoon , will close tin
season next Saturday by a game U
this city with the Stanton high school
The Norfolk nine took the noon trait
to Nollgh Saturday , expecting a clos (
Fighting dogs badly frightened Mrs
Thomas Ferris last evening. Mrs
Ferris , accompanied by her husband
was walking down Norfolk avenue
when several dogs started flghtlnf
beneath her feet and sue fell to tin
sidewalk. She was carried Into th <
Fueslor tailor shop and , after a shor
rest , was able to go homo In a car
J. II. Conley expects to ship hli
household goods to Prosho , S. D. , tlu
last day of the present month. Mr
Conley has traded his home on Soutl
Thirteenth street to W. B. Donaldson
for a quarter section of land three
miles south of town , which ho has
sold to John Harry of Wahoo. .Mr.
Conley disposed of a quarter of his
own adjacent to the Donaldson qiii < r-
tor to Barry two weeks ago.
Sallua ( Kan. ) Evening Journal : Allsa
Hattlo AIcKIm , of 141 South Eighth
street , Is having the pleasure of a
visit for a few days from the follow
ing friends , who composed the party
In which Miss Hattlo and her brother ,
Rev. Win. U. McKIm , for a number of
years rector of the Episcopal church
of this city , took the Mediterranean
crulKO a year ago : Mr. and Mrs. Ill-
land South worth , Miss Elslo South-
worth , Mr. J. C. Stevens , Mrs. G. K.
Alexander of Abilene , and Miss Ber
tha McGregor of Parkersburg , W. Va.
Miss McKIm Is entertaining a few
frlondd with her guests at dinner this
A "tip" was secured today Indicat
ing that the Rlngllng circus would
visit Norfolk. Barnum & Bailey re
cently had a "skirmisher" here but
ho failed to connect with a Norfolk
date and may really have been hero
In the Interest of the other big show
owned by the circus trust. In forma
tion comes In an Indirect way from
the Rlngllng organization that the cir
cus , which Is said to carry 1,1200 people
ple , has contracted with the Union
Pacific to carry Its special trains over
the Columbus-Norfolk branch for a
Norfolk date.
A very pleasant surprise was sprung
on Miss Bessie Hunter Friday even
ing. A party of friends and class
mates calling at the homo of her aunt ,
Mrs. John Phlney unannounced bring
ing with them several beautiful pres
ents and lots of good things to eat.
Among those attending were : Misses
Ethel Long , Lllla Williams , Gladys
Hartford , Hattle Adams , Martha
Brown , Opal Dunn , Ethel Hlbben , Blr-
die Knhl , Marguerite Lough , Buel Low ,
Alice Ogden , Myfamwy Solomon , ant ]
Bessie Turner. Miss Hunter has been
attending high school here , but will
leave for her home In Ouster , S. D. ,
In a few days.
The new clothing store of I. Son-
neland , in the Mafquardt block , was
formally opened to the public on Sat
urday , and the opening will continue
tonight , when cigars for the men and
carnations for the ladles will be given
away by the proprietor. The room in
which Mr. Sonneland opens a clothIng -
Ing store Is that formerly occupied by
the J. D. Sturgeon Music company.
The room has been redecorated and
remodeled. Mr. Sonneland has been
In business at Newman Grove for sev
eral years , prior to that having been
located at Harlan , la. Mr. Sonneland
has rented a dwelling on Eleventh
street. He has two sons , one of
whom is in the state university mod'
leal school , the other Just finishing
the high school course at Newman
Grove. The latter will assist his fa
ther In the clothing business.
The primary election this yeai
takes place on August 17 , the third
Tuesday in the month.
Misses Bertha Hanson or Tllden
and Gertrude Thelan of Alton , la. ,
have come to Norfolk to accept posi
tions In the A. L. Kllllan store.
Joe Trulock , who has been critically
111 , was able to bo up town Saturday
morning for the first' time since his
Pierce Leader : Miss Reua Olmsteil
of Norfolk , principal of our high
school , was offered a similar position
In the Plalnvlew school the first ol
the week. However , Miss Olmsted
will remain In Pierce for the coming
school year.
The Norfolk Jewelry company will
open a new store on Norfolk avenue ,
This Is the same company who have
for years had a store at this location
but , who last year sold their entire
stock to H. D. Howard of Falrfield
Mr. Howard removing the stock tc
Jieven-year-old Charles Mather , a
fishing In a ditch , succeeded yestordaj
afternoon In catching his left hand Ir
the throw line he was using to catcl
fish none of which of course were real
ly In the little pool. One of the hooks
on the throw line became deeply 1m
bedded In the fleshy part of the hand
It was Impossible to extract the heel
until a physician was called. Dr
Hagey cut out the prong. The lad Is
n son of George Mather living or
South Fourteenth street.
A meeting of the Fourth of Julj
committee will be called next wool
to take action on the Norfolk celebration
tion , which has been rather hanglnf
fire recently. The business men declared
clared strongly In favor of a celebra
tlon , and It Is desired that the cele
bratlon be one of the best In Nebras
ka. Wayne has decided not to cele
brate , but a number of Norfolk's close
neighbors , Including Stanton , Pierce
and Osmond , will celebrate. Up Ir
the Rosebud both Dallas and Falrfa ?
have decided to celebrate. Wakofleli
and Carroll , In northeast Nebraska
will celebrate. Norfolk , Pierce , Os
mend and Fairfax have decided t (
celebrate on Saturday , the third. Car
roll celebrates on the fifth. The
Fourth of July escapes the dayllgh
saloon law by a close margin. The
now 8 o'clock law becomes effective
Tuesday. June 6.
Pat Chandler no longer langulshei
In the county jail. Oilo of the act ;
of Judge Welch In Madison during
the week was to issue an order dls
charging Chandler from the custod >
of the sheriff on condition that ho re
main in the Jurisdiction of the courl
and that ho report each month to Dls
trlct Clerk W. H. Fields the amount
of his earnings , which , after deduct
Ing what Is actually necessary for his
own support , shall bo paid on tlu
judgment obtained by Minnie Prouss
Chandler has been In the county Jai
for about six months , during whlcl
thno he has made repeated efforts tc
bo released. Ho was hold In the Jal
because the judgment was not pali
and , having no money to pay H , he
might have spent the remainder ol
his life In the county jail , had not
Judge Welch thought that lie had
been punished enough to bo entitled
to n chance to pay off the claim.
Chandler's real name Is Clmuncy
Chandler , but ho Is known as Pat
Four Dakota Accidents.
Slonx Falls , S. D. , May 21.--Special
to The News : Four South Dakota
children and youths nt widely sepa
rated points In the state have dm Ing
the past few days been victims of
accidents , which lesulted In two
deaths and the serious Injury of the
other two victims.
Tt Tyndall the Infant daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchta was
di owned In a pall of water. The child
Is supposed to have fallen Into the
pall while playing around It. When
found It was wedged headfirst in the
ptrll with the water around Its face.
The child waa less than 2 years old.
While .lighting a lamp the 7-yoar-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo LnBnrge , re
siding on n homestead southeast of
tlio town of Reliance , Lyman county ,
received burns which caused his
death after suffering terrible agony
for an hour or more. The father and
mother were temporarily absent from
the house at the time. The unfortu
nate boy's clothing was entirely
burned off and his body was burned
from head to feet.
Albert.Rlchtcr . , the 14-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rlchter , living
near Hartford , while operating n disc
harrow was thrown from the machine ,
which collided with one of his legs ,
breaking both bones.
Elijah Parker , the young son of Mr.
and Mrs. Elijah Parker , who reside
near Hazel , while unhitching his team
In the field had an experience which
nearly cost him his life. All that
stood between him and eternity was
the fortunate breaking of a leather
strap. Ho became entangled In one
of the lines and the sudden whirling
of the horses caused the line to become -
, come wound around the lower part
of one of his legs. The horses nt this
'juncture ' became frightened and ran
'away ' , dragging the boy some dls
tance , when he was released by the
line breaking under the strain. Had
the line not broken he would have
been dragged to death.
Death of Wayne County Superlnten
dent A.'QUses Officeseekers.
Waye , Neb. , May 21. The countj
commissioners will meet on June 1
at which time it is expected that thej
( wlll appoint a county superlntendenl
to succeed A. E. Littell , deceased , ant
a lively contest Is developing for the
place. Whoever may be appointed tc
fill the vacancy at this time will have
an a'dvantage over others In this fall's
election. Commissioner Farran is In
cllned to the belief that the vacancj
should be given to some one who will
agree not to be a candidate in No
vember , thus giving all an equal sho\\
with the people at election time. II
has also been suggested that Mrs. Lit
tell be allowed to fill out her husband's
unexplred term. Those most prom
inently mentioned are Professoi
Wright and Mrs. Phillips of Wayne
Ben Robinson and Pennle Venneberj
of Carroll , and Professor Ollne o :
Sholes. Wlnslde , which has given the
county Us last three superintendents
appears to have no candidate at this
Only Dead Drunk.
Madison , Neb. , May 22. Special tc
The News : Mrs. Fred Davis , golnj
homo from Eastern Star lodge lasl
night , stumbled upon a man in the
street whom she thought dead. He
proved to be drunk and Is In Jail. His
name Is Joe Bousel.
W. V. Allen has been engaged te
defend Unruh , charged with fraud.
Wayne Normal Notes.
The state examinations are belnj
held here Friday and Saturday. /
number are taking them.
Miss Elsie Dobbin of Hosklns en
rolled Monday for the remainder 01
the year. She will complete the state
teachers' professional course.
John T. Sauntry went to Battle
Creek Thursday where he dellveree
the graduating address for the publli
schools of that place.
Misses Ida Gleason and Helen Hoff
man , two of last year's students , were
at the college this week making ar
rangements for attending next term
These young ladles 'have been ver ;
successful teachers this year it
Wayne county.
Miss Jennie Vennerberg , Carroll'i
most efficient 'principal ' for two years
was a pleasant caller on the hill Mon
day. She will start Saturday for r
trip to the land of her nativity-
Professor and j.trs. d. M. Brlgn
were In Wlnslde Wednesday ovenlni
attending a banquet of the Woman's
club. They report a most enjoyable
Miss Ida Williams , a most estlm
able student here for two years , latei
a resident of Randolph , Neb , , passee
away Monday. She will bo sadly miss
ed by her large circle of friends.
Rev. Mr , Smith of the Baptlsi
church gave a most excellent address
last Sunday at a joint meeting of the
Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A. These
associations together with the Catho
Ho club are doing excellent work thli
North Dakota Bank Robbed.
Lisbon , N. D. , May 21. The State
Bank of Englovalo was robbed earl )
today of ? 3,600.
Lightning Strikes House.
The farm dwelling house of Eman
uel Hubonka , five miles west of Wesl
Point , was struck by lightning am
seriously damaged , The family wort
In the house nt the time , but escapee
Dr. Julius Llngenfelder has resigned
his office as coroner of Cumlng coun
ty and Dr. II , R. Morse of Wlsnor
has been appointed to the olllco by
the county board of supervisors.
North Nebraska Deaths.
HelmberBor , srr ago 73 , who
died at the home of his sou near
Madison , had only recently removed
irom his home In Michigan.
James K. Porter , who had lived In
Aliifiworth , Madison and Fairfax , S.
1) . , died recently at his home In Spo
Miss Ida Williams of Randolph , who
dlud of pneumonia , was burled In the
Wayne cemetery.
Now Believes In Dreams.
Sioux Falls , S. D. , May 22. Special
to The News : That there is nothing
whatever in di cants has been the be
lief of Frank Dellre , a business man
of the little town of Platte , but now It
Is different. Dellro himself had a
dream which proved to of the
moro than ordinary kind.
Last fall he In some manner lost n
diamond while In his store , and a
search at the time failed to reveal the
slightest trace of the missing Jewel.
Since that time he has thought of the
diamond on a number of occasions ,
being greatly puzzled as to what could
have become of It. Doubtless through
thinking of the lost diamond ho a
night or two ago dreamed of the miss
ing gem. In his dream he saw the
lost diamond swept out of his store
and dumped Into a barrel of sweepIngs -
Ings whlcli stood In the yard behind
his store.
The dream was of so vivid a char
acter and made such an impression
upon him that he decided to examine
the contents of the barrel. Going
somewhat shamefacedly to the rear
of his store , he dumped the contents
of the barrel upon a clear spot of
ground , and then commenced pushing
the debris aside as he looked for the
missing diamond. After working for
a time he caught the reflection of
something bright , which proved to be
the lost diamond , which had remained
in the barrel since being placed there
last fall soon after It was lost.
Court at Fairfax.
Fairfax , S. D. , May 22. Special to
The News : Judge Tripp arrived at
noon from Yankton and opened nn
adjourned term of district court , and
it is understood will "clear the cal
endar. " There are probably fifty
cases to be disposed of. Several out
side attorneys are pVesent.
Alnsworth , Neb. , May 22. Special
to The News : Miss Mabel Calver of
this city and Hans Peterson , a rail
way machinist at Long Pine , were
married at the home of the bride in
this city Thursday evening. They are
at home to their friends in Long Pine.
Unite Madison Phones.
Madison , Neb. , May 22. Special to
The News : At a meeting of the di
rectors in the Madison Telephone com
pany and the Farmers' Independent
Telephone company , held in the office
of County Attorney Nicholson yester
day , consolidation was affected. Otto
Fuerst will be superintendent of the
new company and Is now blocking
out the city for new cables and wires ,
About $2,000 will be expended. One
switchboard will be used that now
in the Jensen building. The same
instruments ns those used by the Bell
company , will be used.
$1,914.80 from Braasch Fund.
Madison , Neb. , May 22. Special to
The News' The inheritance tax
which Madron county received from
the Braasch estate , of which final ac
count was made yesterday before
County Judge Bates , is $914.80 , less
the expense of making the appraise
ment and accounting therefor , which
will be paid by the county treasurer
out of this fund. The portion of the
tax coming from the heirs of the es
tate was paid under protest ; however ,
there is little ground or likelihood ol
a contest. All taxes of this nature gc
Into the road fund of the county.
O. H. Glllesple , one of Madison's
popular merchants and a member ol
the city council , has received notice
from Governor Shallenberger that he
had been appointed a delegate to the
national good road congress , which
convenes at Seattle during the expo
sition this summer. Mr. Glllesple has
long been preaching the gospel ol
good roads , and has patented one ol
the best road graders on the market
George Mollne , a pioneer resident
of Madison county , died this morning
nt St. Anthony's hospital , Denver ,
where he was taking treatment. His
funeral will take place at the Cath
olic church of this city Monday.
Goes to Naper
West Point. Neb. , May 24. Special
to The News : Miss Katherine Lin-
ton , primary teacher of the West
Point public schools , has resigned hoi
position and will become principal of
the schools nt Naper , Boyd county , at
an Increased salary.
Wlsner Contributes Liberally.
Wlsner , Neb. , May 24. Special tc
The News : To Rev. L. V. Slocum
and W. E. Kelso Is duo the credit ol
soliciting ? 1C20 toward remodeling
the Methodist church and parsonage
of this city and , as but six and a hall
hours were required for the work , the
gentlemen are happy over their suc
cess. The people of Wlsner are responding
spending generously to this call and ,
since the work of soliciting is not yet
completed , the prospect for a larger
church and a comfortable parsonage
Is unusually good. This need has
been felt for some time , and now that
the work has begun , the desired
changes are practically asoured.
Nellgh 20 } Norfolk 8.
Nollgh , May 24. Special to The
News ; Norfolk 8 ; Nellgh 20. That
was the way the score card loomed
up after the ball game Saturday after
noon at the lUvcrstdo park grounds.
The old saying held good In the
second Inning of the game , when the
* ce > ro should bo eleven or no count ,
and so It was.
listalirook , for Norfolk , was knocked
out of the box In the fifth Inning , after
ho game wes won twice over. Kollo-
her was placed In the box and was
effective the rest of the game , Nellgh
being unable to score during the re
mainder of the Innings. Woods of
Nellgh was credited with two homo
inns , as was also Miller and Herring
with one each. Harrlman was unus
ually wild , allowing eight to walk.
A elanco was given In Daxon's hall
In the evening In honor of the Nor
folk young people.
Following Is the score by Innings :
Norfolk 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 1 0 S
Nellgh 2 11 0 1 C 0 0 0 * 20
Batteries Norfolk , Estabrook , Kel-
leher , Ersklno and Rice ; Nellgh , Har
rlman and Fletcher. Hits Nellgh 19 ;
Norfolk 5. Struck out By Ilarrlman
11 : Estabrook 3 ; Kellehcr G.
Her Parents Objected.
Fairfax , S. D. , May 22. Special to
The News : Eddie Miller , a mixed
blood , living south of Herrlck and
well known ball player , and Miss Cur
ry quietly drove down to the county
capital and , after securing the neces
sary permit from the county clerk ,
were quietly married. It afterward
developed that they had "stolen a
inarch" on the girl's parents , who op-
pof-cd the match.
Gates 17 , Elgin 9.
Nellgh , Neb. , May 24. Special to
The News : The second baseball
game for the afternoon -Saturday
was played after the high school boys
of Nellgh and Norfolk had finished.
This contest was between Gates acad
emy and Elgin , and was an extremelj
> ne-slded affair , the Gates boys Imv-
It all their own way. Owing to the
lateness of the afternoon the game
was limited to seven Innings. Following -
lowing Is the score :
Gates 3 4 0 3 5 2 * 17
Elgin 1 4 1 0 2 0 1 9
Batteries Gates , Harris and Wood ;
Elgin , DeWltt. Clark and Bennett.
Pllger 5 , Wlsner 2.
Wisner , Neb. , May 24. Special to
The News : Pilger defeated Wisner in
a game of baseball on the Wlsner
diamond. Score :
Pilger 5
Wisner 2
Hits : Pilger 12 ; Wlsner , 5 ; bases
on balls : Pilger , 1.
Batteries : Pilger , Cooper and Hap-
pel ; Wisner , Zajizeck , Anderson and
ihompson. Umpire , Saunders.
Theatrical Season Ends.
The theatrical season of 1908-09
came to a close at the Norfolk Audi
torium with the presentation by the
Burwood Stock company of Omaha ,
of "The Girl From Out Yonder. " The
company was greeted by a crowded
house and the audience was well
pleased with the play and players.
The company , which had made the
acquaintance of the Norfolk theater
going public previously during the sea-
sen , Is capable and well balanced , the
play was nn interesting little love
story with human interest and a bit
of pathos mixed In , and the special
scenery brought for the production
was all that could be desired.
Miss Leone capably filled her role
and Mr. Ingraham played the role of
the pitiful oid man with consistency.
Mr. Gibson , the company's comedian ,
was intensely clever as Ben Cook , the
typical fisherman.
The theatrical season just closing
has not been highly successful in a
financial way in any portion of the
United States , due to the money panic
of 1907 , more than half of the thea
trical companies that started out , go
ing to the wall before the season had
fairly begun. This has made it ex
tremely difficult to secure good at
tractions. On the whole , however , the
shows that have come to Norfolk
have been above former averages In
point of quality. Among them was
Klein's "The .Lion and the Mouse ,
which was pronounced by many ; ;
the very best attraction that eer
came to Norfolk.
Promise for next year is 'much
brighter than the past year , the re
vival of business prosperity having
already made It apparent that there
will be more good shows on the road.
The Norfolk theater-going public
has given loyal support to the Audi
torium on those attractions which
could be secured for the year just
closed , and the management wishes to
cordially thank one and all for the
liueral patronage and good words ex
tended. The effort of the Auditorium
management Is to constantly secure
better attractions and this can be
done , of course , only through univer
sal co-operation on the part of Nor
folk people. But Norfolk has already
demonstrated pretty well that It will
support high grade attractions and ,
with the theater-goers and the Audi
torium working together In support
ing the better class of shows , the
promise Is bright for the future.
Said to Have Kissed Bride.
Madison , Neb. , May 24. Special to
The News : Saturday afternoon , at
the county court room , Judge Bates
Issued n marriage license to and
Joined In holy wedlock Warren T.
Rash of Albion , and Miss Florence
M. Bain of Elgin. It is rumored
around the court house that W. H.
Harding , assistant county clerk ,
kissed the bride and County Treas
urer Peterson wanted to , but Judge
Bates refused to either affirm or deny
the report. At any rate , they both
witnessed the ceremony.
Funeral of Mrs. Jones.
Nollgh , Nob. , May 24. Special to
The News : Funeral services of Airs.
Louis Lamson-Jones was held yester
day afternoon at the Congregational
WANTED-A RIDER AGENT ml tllitrlrt to
-,1 . il r. . tide iml e h
t " "l1 * 11" , 1 Model ! "UniiKcr" . bicycle > . ( m , Uur atenticveiywhercate
nuking money ( lit. Hrtti / < " / / / ir/iVM iriiiNjjVfMrYriJf < * w/
NO MUNHV UKUlllKKf ) until you receiveamlapprovei > | jour bicycle , \V ililp
.0llnnJ ° > tnT7 vli'iJiftH a. It'll * ? . * ' , a tilt , W'i1'11 , " < > fr'fiir/rt'J ! * ' , t'd '
. ! \7 \ I.11..1..1.8. 1'UKKTlllAUiluilne hch time . . rule the i.kyi . ami
! . ? ,7 . . . . . . . . . -r- - * you imy , e
Cut . ! ll' ' . WV Ihv H > ou ire theu not perfectly Mtlified or ilo not wiih to
keep tl\e blcytle iiilp It by t k to ui nt our expenie ami < will nfl li tut tut tint ,
' ' ' '
life t'
unite behind your bicycle. I O NOT IIJIY a bicycle or \ - . Irol tires ( rum
nt any fritt until \ou receive our cat.iipRues and learn uur unlic.uj ol ; . , „ * , ,
fruti and rem.irk.iHt ifieul cffert to rlittir HRfiitH.
YOU WIII F1P ASTflNKIIFH wlul" > 0" ' "elve our l < nutlul ( c.M.i1oeue nntl
iv iiikb ui. MOluiiiuiiuu itiidy pur juprtli lmnlt. at the ttvHiltrfntty
/t i/ We tell the Iiinhe tiraieblctr1c : ! > fur leu money
' , .t.h.a,1..5ny.,0.lh.V..1ljn' ' ? ( : Wc atc ? ! ' I "I'll ' ! . > Moill alHixe laclotv cotl.
1IIO\CUJC IJKAI.UKH : , you can tell our bicycle umltr juur own nime | i te at
double our. prlcei. Orders filled the rliy received.
NKCONII HAND mUYOI.US. ' We do not re ul.ulhandle tecond hind d . but
usually hive a number on hand Liken In trade liy our Olilcjuo reuil itorci , 'llnie o cleir out
prom iplly at prices r.inisinir ' Iroiij .l to Krt or * > IO. le criimve Uttiraln | | > U in.iucd free.
uliiKlu vrliuitU , liiiiorliMl | rollrr i-liiiliiN and lU'.liiln , jam , rtpalti and
I equipment ol all klndt at * . > ( / thi HIM !
Tfir ttfuLirrtfail jirictofl/ieu lirtt it
, * * SO ferfMr , fat tj inlr < Jnce tvt ri ill
icllyflnai.i ! fltfiiirtti > } 1MC < is > ruittho' < lrtSii ) ,
NAILS , TiinltN or (51i > s will not lot the
nlr out. Sixty thoiuniul p.ilrs fold li\st ycnr.
Over two liuiiJrccl UioinniiJ pair * now In use.
OfSCn/Pr/OWfMnilclnnllsIze ? . Itlillvcly
and cnsyrldln .veryil ut nblcntidllnrd Inside wltli
a special quality of rubber , \vhlcli never becomes
which closes small without allowIng
norouintm up punctures
Notion the think rnlibor troinl
Ing the air tocscnpe. We have hundreds of letters from s.itlt- "A" nnil HlrliiH "It"
ficdcustomersBtntliiK Hint their been pumped
lireshnvcouty nnil "D , " iiUii rim ntrt | "II"
twice inn whole . wclult thnn
upoticeor season. They no more .
to prnviMit rim mittlng. Thl *
nn ordinary tire , the puncture resUtliiKqunlitlcs being given tire will outlast other
bycevcml layers of thin , specially prepared fabric on the miy
nmkn-SOFT ULAST10 uud
- ,
tread. The regular prlccof these tires Is53.50 per pnlr.but fur UASV
advertising purposenwearcmnklnir a special factory price to
the rider of only fj.So per pair. All orders shipped same day letter It received. We ship C , O , n. on
approval. You do not pay a cent until yon have examined und found them strictly u represented.
We will nllow n ritnh illnoount of 5 per cent ( thereby making the price H-I.Ad per pnlr ) If you
send TULL CASH WITH UllDKIt mid enclose this mlvcrtiscment. Yon nm no ilik In
sending us an order as the tires may be returned nt OUIl expense If for nny rcnson they are
not satisfactory on examination. We arc perfectly tellable anil money sent to us In as safe at In a
bank If you order a pair of these tlrct , you will find that they will ride easier , run fatter ,
wear better , last longer nnd look finer than nny tire you have ever used or seen nt nny price. We
know that you will be so well pleased that when you want n bicycle yon will give us your order.
We want you to send us a trial order at once , hence this remarkable tire otter.
. . - \fftff HJICCn 7115 fTO don't buy any kind at nny price until you send fora pnlr of
If WW fwCCEr alrfCO Ilcdgcthorn VuncturoPtoof tires on approval nnd trlnl nt
the special Introductory price quoted above ; or write for our big The and Sundry Catalogue which
describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the uiual prices ,
nn JU/1T WAIT but write us n postal today. DO NOT TJIINU OP IHIYINO n Mcycle
UHi Nit I Vwfil I or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful
offers we are making. It only costs a postal to leara everything. Write it NOW.
church , Rev. Mr. Hawk of the Meth
odist church ollldntlng , after which
the remains were placed at rest in the
Laurel Hill cemetery. The deceased
waa married to .Mr. Percy .Jones on
January G of this year.
One of the largest funerals held in
Nellgli for soii'e time was that of Mrs.
Jones. She was highly respected In
this city and We t Cedar valley ,
where she lived since three years of
At Keenan Bound Over.
Omaha. May 22. Judge Leslie , in
county court today , bound over Al
Keenan , a local jury fee buyer , on a
charge of jury bribing. Keenan Is
charged with having given Juror Bar-
hrett three sums of money to influ
ence his verdict in a personal damage
fault In which the Omaha and Council
Bluffs Street Railway company Is de
fendant. The company was represent
ed by W. J. Council , former city at
torney of Omaha. The case has
caused an unusual sensation , and the
locar bar association Is making an
investigation. ;
Erskine Heads State U. C. T.
Columbus , Neb. , May 22. Special to
The News : Bugle's U. C. T. colts
walloped the Beatrice U. C. T. bunch
on the baseball diamond here today ,
13 to 4. The game went only for live
innings , and four home runs helped
Norfolk win the day. The home runs
were made by Blair , Shieler , GetUnger
and Scott. D. S. Day of Omaha was
scorekeeper. The batteries were :
Norfolk , Lowery and Shieler ; Beat
rice , Cunningham and Waller. It was
a fast game.
S. P. Erskine of Norfolk was elected
grand senior councilor of the Nebras
ka United Commercial Travelers at
today's session. He was presented
with a very handsome solid Ivory gav
el with an ebony handle and a solid
gold band , upon which was the in- -
bcrlptlon : "Norfolk Council U. C. T. , I
No. 120 , to S. F. Erskine , May 22 ,
1909. "
In an eloquent address of some
length A. Uandklev made the presen
tation on behalf of the Norfolk coun
Following are the other officers
elected : C. W. Hlnsey , grand junior
councilor ; Paul B. Trueblood , Grand
Island , grand conductor ; R. B. Me-
Fadden , Hastings , grand page ; W. H.
Bonnie , Lincoln , grand sentinel ; Fred
\V. Hawkins , Fremont , re-elected
grand secretary for the third time ;
H. A. Fritz , Columbus , re-elected
grand treasurer.
Omaha was selected for the next
meeting place.
Last night's banquet was a brilliant
event. Edgar Howard made the prin
cipal address of the evening.
Business Changes In the Northwest.
August Korth has sold his Pierce
meat market to F. J. Miller , who has
been working at Madison.
G. S. Fielding of Lyons has bought
Golden West Whiskey js
a pure , wholesome , care
fully distilled whiskey ;
mellowed by age , and es
pecially bottled for HOME
USE a favorite in the
sick room.
ansportation prepaid.
\Vo will send , transporta
tion prepaid , anywhere In
Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas
lor Missouri Two Full
Quarts Golden West Dot-
tled-ln-Bond Whiskey , One
Quart Fine 8-year-old Port
wine , and Large half-
pound package Golden
West Smoking Tobacco
All for only
Transportation Prepaid.
Wo refer to any Bank or Express
Company In Omaha. Send Draft or
Express or P. O. Money Order. No
goods sent C. O. D.
"Mama's Recipes for Keeping Papa
Home , " a booklet on wines and liquors
Omaha , Neb.
121 North 1.6th St. Dept. C
a half Interest In the tailor shop of
Henry Schror.
Try a News want-nil.
Legal Notice.
To Justus P. Leaver , Isaac Van
Horn , lots C , 7 , 17 , 18 , 19 and 20 , block
3 , lots 7 and 8 , block G , lots 2 and 3 ,
block 11 , lots 13 und 1-1 , block 13 of
Riverside Park addition to the city of
Norfolk. In Madison county , Nebraska ,
defendants , will take notice , that on
the Sth day of May , 1000 , Napoleon A.
Ralnbolt , plaintiff herein , filed a pe
tition In the district court of said
county , against the salu defendants ,
the object ami prayer of which are to
foreclose a tax lien held and owned by
him , acquired by a tax sale certificate
Issued by the then county treasurer of
Madison county , Nebraska , In pursu
ance to a private sale made by the
said treasurer to Mary Klngsbury on
the 21st day of August , 1905. of the
said described lots for the delinquent
and unpaid taxes thereon for the year
1903 and subsequent taxes against
said lots for the years 1901 , 1905 , 1900 ,
1907 and 1908. Said certificate was
assigned to plaintiff , and on Septem
ber 11 , 1907 , was merged in a tax deed
to said lots , recorded In Book 39 , at
pape S9. That no redemption from
mid tnx sale or tax deed has ever
been made and there is now due the
plaintiff on account thereof the sum of
P5C.27 , for which sum with Interest
from this date , at 15 per cent per
annum , plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the
same or that the said premises may
be sold 10 satisfy the amount found
due , with Interest , costs and attorney's
fett of 10 per cent of the amount
found due.
You aie lequlred to answer the said
petition on or 'before the 21st day of
Jui.e. 1903.
Dated May 8 , 1909.
Napoleon A. R'alnbolt ,
Mapes & Hazen , Plalr *
His Attorneys.
WANTED Succebs Magazine rt >
quires the services uf a man in Nor
folk tc If 'ik after expiring subscrip
tions and hi secure new business by
means of sperlnl methods usually ef
fective ; position permanent ; prefc
one with experience , but would con
sider any applicant with good natural
qualifications ; s1 lary $1.50 per day ,
with commission option. Address ,
with references , R. C. Peacock , Rooa
102 , Success Magazine BJdg. , New
Anrone priding n sketch and ri > < crtr > tlnn nujf
qulcklr ntccrinln our opinion fiuo whether an
liiTentlou U | irolinl > lr pMem < iW i. Comnninlcii. \
tloniMrtctlrronUdemlnl. HANDBOOK on I'aieuti
lent free , ohlejl itconcr fortecunuir Putmiu.
1'ntont * taken throuuli Muim i Co. rucelre
tptelal nottce , without charge , lutho
Scientific ffincilcan.
A tiandiomelr Illuttratml weekly. Larveit rlr >
ruUiloii of nny ciontlUo journal , Turnii , f 3
[ curt . ( oar monthB , f L. Bold b/all nenidCHlon.
ol30IDroiid' ' '
r k * BU WMblogto" D.