The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 14, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE NOM'OLK ' WEP LY NEWS JOtittNAL FHlllAY MAY 14 11)09 )
V/alter Wellmnn Sails.
Now York , May 12. Walter Well-
man , who twice has made visits to
Spitsbergen with the Intention to
reach the north polo by airship , loft
Now York on the Kron Prlnz Wll-
helm to make n third trial for the
honors of discovery. v
Strike In Milwaukee Breweries.
Milwaukee , May 12. The federal
trades council called a general strike
for building trades craft In Milwaukee
breweries , nffcclliiK about 300 men.
Nearly all the breweries laid off their
B carpenters , declaring they had network
work enough to keep them employed.
The men affected are electricians ,
millwrights , painters and some car
penters. A refusal to sign a now wage
Hcalo brought about the trouble.
Bill for Porto Rico.
Washington , May 12. Senator Do-
pew Introduced n bill for the relief of
the cl/ll government of Porto Rico In
the manner suggested by President
Taft In n special message sent to the
congress. It Is expected that n moot
ing of the committed on Pacific Islands
nnd Porto Rico will bo held at nn early
date In order to procure Indorsement
of the proposed leglslallon and llml
action will bo taken by congress at
the present session
Sir Robert Morris Wins.
St. Johns , N. F. , May 12. The com
plete returns from Salurday a olecllon
show the party headed by Sir Edward
Morris has won an overwhelming vic
tory and that Premier Morris will have
twenty-six members of the legislature ,
as ngalnsl ton supporters of Sir Rob
ert Bond , the former head of the gov
Boyle's Tale Discredited.
Yoftngstown , 0. , May 12. Unless
stronger proof than the word of James
Doyle Is offered to show that there Is
n mystery connected with the death
of Daniel Recblo , jr. , which occurred
hero four years ago , there will bo no
olllcial investigation of the story.
Daniel Reeble , father of the dead man ,
nnd the police and county officials are
unanimous in expressing the opinion
that Boyle's story Is untrue.
Sixteen Villages Laid Waste.
Beirut , Asiatic Turkey , May 12. Re
cent rioting In the vicinity of Marash
has laid wnsto Iho entire district. Ma-
rash Itself has boon spared , although
a few persons were killed , but within
sixty miles to the southwest a total of
sixteen villages with a population of
8,000 souls have been partly wiped
out. The only survivors are boys un
der ton and old women. The girls
were carried away and the men killed.
Telegraphic reports declare that the
hungry and naked number 1,400. Im
mediate relief Is required. The in
terior districts are still far from set
tled and from all directions the most
heartrending nets happening are TJC-
Ing received hero.
Big Balloons to Fort Omaha.
Washington , May 12. Owing to the
failure of congress to provide funds
for the construction of a gas plant and
balloon house at the Fort Myer aero-
dome , General James Allen , chief en
gineer of the signal corps , has boon
forced to change his plans for the
neronatlcal trials and tcsls and Fort
Myer this summer.
The army motor balloon No. 1 pur
chased last fall will bo shipped imme
diately to Fort Omaha where a mod
ern hydrogen gas plant and a hangar
or balloon house has been erected.
Within ton days the balloon will bo de
tached nnd Lieutenants Lnhm of St.
Louis , Foulers , Winter , Bamberger
nnd Dlrkcuson of the aeronautic divls-
slon , will go to Fort Omaha.
In the meantime three flights will
bo made In the signal corps spherical
balloon No. 11 , which has a capacity
of 85,000 cubic feet of gas and can
carry three men. Lieutenants Lahm
and Fouler will return to Washing
ton for the aeroplane trips after In
structing the other ofiicers in the
handling of the dirigible.
General Allen had planned to con
duct numeVous experiments with the
dirigible at Fort Myer , Including ex
haustive test with wireless telephone
nnd telegraph. Ho had also planned
to qo-operate with the nrlillery corps
In conducting various tests to demon
strate the feasibility of using dirigi
bles for the purpose of attack.
The change In the program for the
bqlloon flights will not Interfere in
* 40 plans for the Wright brothers and
IJerrlng neroplnno trials at Fort Myer.
Prairie Fl-s Near Atkinson.
Atkinson , J 'b. ' , May 12. Special to
The News : The fire bell rang and
about twenty-five men went to a pral
rle fire six miles south of town a
few days ago. Many homes nnd groves
were threatened , but by hard work
scarcely any damage was done. The
wind was blowing a. gale and the flro
traveled east. It was finally stoppet
near Emmet.
Northwestern Agent Disappears.
Colon , Nob. . May 12. Will Hicks
ngcnt for the Northwoblorn rallroat
here , has dioppod out of bight. IK
loft a note with $8S in It for his wlfo
Taft Names Ministers.
Washington. May 12. The presldon
today sent to the senate Iho following
nominations :
Ambassador extraordinary nnd mln
1 , tcr plenipotentiary , Oscar Straus o
N < \v York to Turkey ; William Wood
vlllo Rockhlll of District of Columbia
to Russia.
Consuls'gonernls , Charles Donby , In
dlana , at Vienna ; William A. Ruble
Wisconsin , at Hong Kong ; Amos P
Wilder , Wisconsin , at Shaug Hal.
Judge general with rnnl
of brigadier general , George B. Davis
Always Keeps Ahead.
Mnny a man has n great future
ahead of him , but Is unable to cajch
up with It.
Commissioners of Insanity Order Fil
ipino Committed to Hospital.
MmllBon , Nob. , May 11. Special to
Flic News : The wlfo of John E. Gam-
lo n Norfolk colored man , was
rought before the board of Insanity
oBterdny and adjudged Insane. vSho
v\\l \ \ bo committed to the hospital for
ho Insane at Norfolk , Mrs. Gamble
i a native of the Philippine Islands ,
her husband meeting and marrying
or while ho was serving In the Unit-
d States army In the Islands. Three
oars ago they moved to Norfolk ,
A'horo they have since made tliolr
Julius Meyer Suicides.
Omaha , 'May 11. Julius Meyer , n
iroiulncnt pioneer , suicided by shooi
ng yesterday.
Detective Says Stephenson Man Gave
Democrats $35,000.
Madison Wls. . May 11. P. T. Wog-
icr of Milwaukee , who said ho was n
private detective , startled the sona-
orlal Investigation committee by test- !
ylng that ho saw M. J. Regan , n Mil-
vnukeo politician , pay $3G,000 , to As-
omblymen Ramsey , Parroll , and
towno , the three democratic mom-
tors of the lower house of the legls-
aturo , whoso absence from the joint
esslon on March 4 resulted In the re
election of Senator Isaac Stephenson
iftor the long deadlock.
The money was paid to the thrco
assemblymen In a hotel In Milwaukee
on Saturday , February 20 , Wegnor
aid. Wegnor was In an adjoining
oem and peeked through the transom
onnoctlng the two rooms , ho said.
The charge Is discredited , however.
State Victory In Express Suit.
Lincoln , May 10. The state lias > von
ho first round In the litigation to on-
orco the SIbley act reducing express
atcs twenty-five per cent in Nebraska.
J. J. Sullivan , appointed by the su
n-erne court , to take testimony , today
oported that the act was not conflsca-
ory and that Judgment should be en-
ored in favor of the slate.
The railway commission attempted
o enforce the Slbloy act two years
ago. The United States , American ,
Adams , Wells Fargo and Pacific ox-
> ress companies are Involved.
Plans Definitely Made to Secure New
Building There.
Nellgh , Neb. , May 12. Special to
The News : The plans for the now li
brary building for this city were elef-
nliely adopted at a recent meellng
leltl by the board , and they are now
o bo submitted to Mr. Carnegie for
Us approval. As Iho plans are piv <
isely Ihe same as Ihose acceplcd by
Mr. Carnegie in Ihe library building
milt at Lcwlston , 111. , and the same
amount , $5,000 , appropriated , it is an
assured fact thai Ihoy will be ap
Beemer Wrestler Thrown.
Fremont , Neb. , May 12. Ford
Kuhns of Beemer was thrown in n
wrestling bout here by Peter Shu-
naker of Ohio.
Small Flowers to Lead In Hat Trim *
mings Later on In the Season.
In striking contrast lo the large
flowers of the la-ginning of the season
FOOD on millinery are the small posies
tlmt have t-eune to us recently. Sweet
| ) us. cowslips nnd nil kinds of feath
ery [ lowers lend the van. These flow-
r.rrriiB COAT.
ITS are curried out In all kinds of un
natural coi | rings
Lurge Jet iifiieU threaded , with tullt
tinoxteiwlvfi. . , used for the brims of
toques , while ribbons of all uiuils tire
being filmed with chiffon , which gives
the much desired " "
"bloom" effect.
This loose cunt Is one any small girl
can slip on herself without the least
trouble and be comfortable. For the
early season It will be made of broad-
clotb and of serge , and a little later It
will bo In demand curried out in pique
linen nnd other similar materials. II
may bo trimmed with braid or simply
stitched. Altogether It Is a mightj
nsefuj littlewrap. .
Celled th Deal Off. .
A lad attending school craved a lit
tle holiday one morning when ho
Btntted out to wrestle once again with
the trial * Incident to getting nn edu
cation AH lie entered the schoolroom
lie hutched u plot to get the coveted
holiday tie went up to the teacher's
tli-Hlf and told bis story "My mother
wuntM to know If you won't OXCUBO
me for today ? " he begun "Sho wants
me to elo some work at homo and
thought If I'd study ut home this even-
hit ; mid initUe up what I'd missed
mcbliy you'd let me off. "
Something about the lad's manner
kept the words from carrying convic
tion The teacher bluffed buck ns fol
lows : "Tommy , " suld she , "you won't
need to go 'home at nil. Since you
started to school your mother called
mo on the phone to tell mo that uho
liad changed tier mind and for you to
stay here. "
The hid looked ut her. startled. "Aw ,
well , " ho said , "as long as both of us
are l.vln' about It let's Just call II
quits. I'll stay here. " Cleveland Plain
A Wealthy Soldier's Idea.
Australians still tell stories of the
colonial volunteers , although the war
Is u fur memory. One , a member of
the Stock Exchange , was left one wet
and miserable night to guard u wagon
loutl of goods. , lie shivered In the un
sheltered place for some hours ponder
ing many things , and then a brlghl
thought struck him Just as the colonel
came around on his tour of Inspection ,
"Colonel , " ho nskcd , "how much is
this wagon worth ? "
" 1 don't know , " was the answer.
"Much or little , we can't afford to
lose It. "
"Well , but , colonel , " persisted the
umntciir soldier , "you might give me
n rough Idea of the value. "
"About 200 , " said the colonel tcslily.
"Very well , " was Ihe answer ; "I will
come down to the camp and give you n
check for the amount. Then I'll turn
In. I wouldn't catch my death of
cold for twice that much. "
What the colonel said la not record
ed. Melbourne Times.
Fourteenth Century Doctors.
Syuge's "Social Life In England"
quotes a number of fourteenth century
hints to success for physicians :
Suppose you know nothing , say there
Is nn obstruction of the liver. Perhaps
the patient will say , "Nay , master , it
Is my head or legs that trouble me. "
Repeat that it comes from the liver ,
nnd especially use the word "obstruc-
lion , " for piillents elo not understand
1L which Is Important
Never dine with n patient who has
not paid you. It will bo cheaper to
get your dinner nt an Inn , for such
feasts are usually deducted from the
surgeon's fee. . .
When you are treating n wound or
accident , the friendsof Ihe patient
should be excluded , for they may faint
nnel cause a disturbance , but some
times n higher fee may be got from
persons present fainting and breaking
their heads ngntnsl wood nnd Ihe like
than from Ihe principal pnllent.
Secret Society Among Sese Islanders.
The Sese Islander : * huve attained n
peculiar notoriety In Uganda because
of n secret society called the Bachlchl ,
which is not n burial society , although
Its members lake u deep and intelli
gent Interest In all deaths and burials
In their midst. In the more retired vil
lages , although greatly discouraged by
the British authorities , it Is said to be
still the custom for the sorrowing rol- to bear the body of the deceased
wrapped in bark on a rough bier to
some forest thicket , desolate ravine or
other unfrequented spot , where It la
left unburled by the bearers , who nev
er revisit the place again. The Bachl
chl , who are denizens of a neighboring
village , nnd distant relatives of the
deceased avoid the.nccesslly of burial
or cremation and show Ihelr respect
for the deceased by simply eating him.
National Magazine.
A Disappointment.
"Yes , " says the lady after an ac
quaintance of ten or llfteen years before -
fore bus been renewed , "I remember
you perfectly. "
"Indeed ? " murmurs the gratified
man. "I am glad to know that. "
"Yes ; at one time I thought of mar-y
rylng you. "
" ,0h. " > he replies dejectedly. " 1
thought for the moment that there
might have been something that made
nip different from all the other men
V.MI ever Unew" Life.
'Death of Paul Miller.
Wlsner , Neb. , May 11. Special ( o
The News : Paul Miller , who has
been a resident of this community for
many years , died at his homo , len
miles southwest of Wlsner Friday
night. Lasl fall , while hauling hay ,
Mr. Miller in some way broke his leg.
Doforo recovering from Ihls accidenl ,
ho suffered an attack of appendicitis ,
for which an operation was per
formed. Death came after he had
lingered flvo months. He loaves a
wife and lltlle daughter to mtiurn hla
death. The Masonic frnlernity had
charge of the funeral services , which
were held from the homo Sunday nf-
Russian Cabinet Matter Settled.
St. Petersburg , May 11. A solution
of the cabinet crisis , whereby Prem
lor Stolj'pln nnd his colleagues In the
cabinet will ictaln Ihelr posts , was ar
ranged nt a conference1 between the
premier nnd the emperor which con
tinued until 1 o'clock this morning.
Mr. Stolypln returned to SI.Peters'
burg from Tsarsko Solo nn hour laler
bringing Iho text of nn Imperial re
script , expressing the confidence of
the monarch in the ministers and his
gratlludo for tholr services and ex
plaining Iho mollves lending lo the
rojecllon of Iho naval staff bill. .
"Classification" is the next best
thing to display In enabling people to
"find your ad. "
His News Ads Get Results.
Omaha , Nob. , May 11. Special to
The News : The second annual con
vention of Iho State Electrical society
opunud heio today. President E. A.
Bullock of Norfolk , In his opening ad
dress , emphasized the fact that the
object of the association is not to
ialso rates but to derive mutual bono-
lit from Interchange of Ideas regardIng -
Ing electricity and electric plants. Not
oven uniformity In rates Is ttlmcd at ,
duo to different cost problems In var
ious localities.
Mr. Uullock suggested the forma
tion of a "new business" department
for small plants of the state. Ho
would have nn expert solicitor cm-
ployed who could devote A small portion
tion of his time at each of several
plants , getting new business for It.
In this way each town could bo care
fully canvassed annually but without
the heavy all-year expense on each
plant. In this regard the speaker
said :
"Thoro is n great deal of business
1 : . your town that can bo secured for
you by some man wljo has no pecun
iary Interest In your plant , and who Is
a stranger to your * customers. People
arc'BO apt to bollovo the stranger In
preference to ybu , not because your
reputation for truth and voracity is
bad , but because anything you say is
discounted. "
Good Results From Advertising.
Mr. Bullock , who has secured ex
ceedingly satisfactory results from his
advertising In The Norfolk Dally
News , told the Convention that news
paper advertising pays big returns if
used right. In this connection ho
said :
"I nm a strong advocate of local
newspaper advertising , h.ast year wo
used practically no other method of
soliciting rcsldeiico business , and our
now customers from this source were
almost double that of any other one
"You can use this space not only to
secure now business , but to keep your
customers and the people In your lo
cality acquainted with your plant it
gives them a personal interest in it.
"You must get'a ' way from the theory
advanced by Mr. Vonderbllt a great
many years ago that it is none of the
people's business how you run your
plant. It may not be any of their
justness , but they will make It their
business if you act on any such hypo
thesis. "
Service That Should be Given.
Regarding electric light service , the
speaker continued :
"You have agreed to grow and de
velop this property with the growth
and development of the city. Which
means that if you put in a plant for a
town with a population of 2,000 , and
a midnight service , that when this
town becomes a city of 6,000 or more ,
you must have a plant suitable for a
city of this sizerand probably operat
ing a twenty-four hour service.
"Again , you have agreed to give the
citizens of the city or town good regu
lation , and practically continuous ser
"No city will be satisfied and you
ought not to expect It to be with a
service which Is Intermittent In Its
"Accidents will happen , but there is
no excuse for their being frequent ;
and you have agreed , as I slated be
fore , that you will not have them hap
"Again , while' It may not be stipu
lated in your franchise , you have
agreed to give them reasonable rates ,
This question of rates is , of course ,
the most serioud one with which you
have to deal. But , to my mind , the
question of rates is almost self ad
justing. In every community condi
tions are .different , so that it is Impos
sible to say from outside what , would
be the correct fate ; but you will find
that the lowering of some of your
rates , especially to the long hour cus
toiner , will give you the greatest re
turn on your Investment , and , when
this is true , no one will discover It
sooner than you yourselves.
"It will not bo nearly so hard to
satisfy your customers with the rales
they are getting , as it is to satisfy
yourself thai you have established the
right rate , because wo all know that
a rate too high Is much more danger
ous to the owner of the plant than to
the consumers. ' The lower rate fre
quently may produce n greater net
profit than a higher one. This Is In
your contract , although you possibly
did not sc6 it.
"I think , also ( that In your dealing
with the scily for the lighting of its
streets , that you should be more than
liberal doing the city lighting at very
close to your cost.
"You should 3also thoroughly famil
iarize yourself 'with ' the best plan for
lighting the streets of the clly you are
operating In , and you should give
them the benefit' of Ihis Informallon. "
Balloon Lan'ds at Jackson , Neb.
Omaha , May'11. ' Army balloon No.
1 , which ascerided from Fort Omaha
shortly after 'll ' o'clock yesterday ,
landed at Jaclteon , Neb. , at :45 : last
evening. In nmklng the landing , the
gas bag exploded a few feet about the
ground , but neither Captain Chandler
nor Lieutenant Ware , who made the
( light , was seriously Injured.
Almost to Norfolk.
The town oil" Jaclcson is about sev
enty miles northeast of Norfolk.
Lieutenant Ware declared that ,
asldo from UIQ deslruction of the gas
\\as \ \ , the flight" , was nn entire success.
Captain Qlinn lor believes that while
at a high altitude the gas bag became
charged with Static electricity and on
reaching the- ground contact with the
earth caused an arc to form , thus
producing nn electric spark which set
lire tq the .bag ,
We'rit/'Up 4,400 Feet.
The highest altitude reached was
4,400 foot , shortly after the balloon
loft the earth. A fair breeze carried
the bag at a thirty-mile gait the first
hour , when the wind died down nnd
the balloon was becalmed for an hour
and n half. The wind then sprang up
nnd carried the big bag at n rapid
rnto to the northwest.
Running out of ballast In the vicin
ity of Jackson , Captain Chandler do-
elded to make a landing. The balloon
came down In nn open field In nn
easy manner , but just ns It reached
the earth the explosion occurred.
Explosion Destroys Balloon.
Both Captain Chandler and Lieu
tenant Ware were knocked down by
the force of the explosion , hut not
sorlously Injured Captain Chandler
said that , despite the destruction of
the balloon , much was accomplished
In nn experimental way by the flight.
The bag was a now one and had never
before boon Inflated.
Reached Fifty Miles an Hour.
The distance traveled was about 120
miles , and , deducting the hour and a
half that the balloon was becalmed ,
the flight was made In about six hours.
Much of the time , however , up to 3
o'clock the wind was so low that the
balloon moved onlyvabout five to eight
miles an hour. The maximum speed
reached was about fifty miles.
The occupants of the balloon wore
taken to town In n farmer's wagon
and are expected to reach Omaha this
Took Photographs Enroute.
The weather was Ideal , Iho temper
ature being about 70. The occupants
of the basket did not roach an alti
tude which would make It uncomfort
able' , and were able to lake numerous
photographs and measurements which ,
together with a test of the now bal
loon , formed the principal objects of
the flight.
Loss of Balloon Will Stop Work.
The bag had a capacity of 19,000
cubic feet of gas and a lifting power
of 1,300 pounds. It was built In
Franco and was of considerable value.
The destruction of this balloon will
temporarily Impede the 'work of the
signal corps at Fort Omaha , but Col
onel Glassford , the commanding offi
cer , expects a new one will be soon on
hand for experimental purposes.
This flight was the first of a series
of aerial events arranged by the Fort
Omaha signal corps .station , which has
recently been equipped with modern
appliances for ballooning and other
signal work.
Wayne Democrat Damaged by Fire.
Wayne , Neb. , May 11. Special to
The News : Fire here last night de
stroyed a pool hall and gutted the
Wayne Democrat building and plant.
The pool hall and bowling alley of
D. A. Jones was completely destroyed ,
Jones carried ? 1,900 Insurance , which
will not cover the loss.
Editor Goldie , of the Democrat , sus
tained a loss of about $1,000. He car
ries ? 1,400 Insurance. The upper half
of his building was burned , though
Ihe flro was kept off the presses.
Much of the plant's equipment Is out
in the street. Some of the typo is
The fire starled from Ihe explosion
of a gasoline lamp In the pool hall.
Attorney General Wlckersham Hands
Down Opinion on Matter.
Washington , May 11. It Is a mailer
for the discretion of the directors and
officers of a national bank to deter
mine whether they will enter Into n
contract with an Insurance company
guaranteeing the bank's solvency ,
says Attorney General Wlckersham , in
an opinion forwarded to Secretary of
the Treasury McVeagh. "This discre
tion , " says the attorney general , "Is to
bo exercised in view of the solvency
and general financial conditions of Iho
company making Iho insurance and
the reasonableness of the rate of pre
mium. Mr. Wlckersham says lhat af-
ler Ihe form of Ihe policy is modified
lo conform to the suggestion he makes
In his opinion he socs no legal reason
why a bank may not snler inlo such n
Episcopal Church Congress Opens.
Boston , May 11. With many of the
loading bishops , rectors and laymen of
Ihe Episcopal church presenl from all
pnrls of Iho country , the Twenty-sev
enth National Episcopal Church congress -
gross was openbd In this city today.
The congress will bo in session four
Lincoln and Omaha Barber Talk.
Lincoln , Neb. , May 11. "Will you
have it combed Lincoln or Omaha ? "
asked the barber. "Lincoln , " said the
man In the chair , and the barber
combed it dry.
Two Women Under Restraint.
O'Neill , Neb. , May 11. On Informa
tion filed .by J. F. Shunk , treasurer of
school district No. 155 , Miss Elizabeth
Banks has been bound over to the dis
trict court , It being charged that she
hag attempted to break up the school
by making it so unpleasant and dis
agreeable for teachers lhat they soon
throw up the Job ,
Mrs. A. H. Bently of Stuart has also
been bound over to Iho dlslrlct court ,
It being charged by R. H. Robnoy and
\V. A. Jones , of the same town , that
they have reasons to fear that she will
'poison tholr horses , cattle and
swine , " and that she will "put poison
In their wells nnd other sources of
food supplies. "
Sioux Falls Packing House.
Sioux Fals , S. D. , May 11. The
packing house "Which recently 'came
Into the hands of W. R. Green Ihrough
a system of litigation , has been sold
lo an Independent packing concern
said to bo the Morroll Pacldng com
pany , of Ottumwn , la. , and represen
tatives of that institution now on tholr
way to this city will bo hero to agree
on all details In connection with the
transfer of the property ,
T o Portland
This lo\v one-way Colonist Halo in effect every
dny to April (10,11)09. ( ) Tickets good ( on payment
of tourist car rate ) in through Tourist Sleeping
Cars which run daily to Portland and the
Northwest -
Union Pacific
Electric Block Signal Protection. The Safe Road to Travel.
Dining Car Meals and Service "Tho Best in the World. "
Ask about the Alaska-Yukon-Paeifio Exposition , Seattle , Wash.
For reservations , tickets nnd information ui < ] uire ut
E. L. LOMAX , Agent , Omaha , NebrJ
Mothers' Day In Madison.
Madison , Neb. , May 11. Special tc
The News : "Mothers' day" was fit
tlngly observed by the different
churches of the city Sunday , and ser
mons appropriate to the occasion wore
preached. Everyone attending chnrcl :
was met at the door by a young ladj
nnd presented with a white carnation
the emblem of Mothers' day , whlci
were worn as a tribute to a mother's
High School Play at Madison.
Madison , Neb. , May 11. Special tc
The News : The pupils of the Madl
son high school , assisted by soveru
of Ihe teachers , are pieparlng to present
sent a play cntllled "The Cow Boy'j
Honor , " on May 19.
Wlsner Farm Home Burns.
Wlsnor , Neb. , May 11. Special tc
The News : The farm residence o :
John E. Hoohno , living five mllcf
south of Wlsner , was completely destroyed
stroyed by fire lale Sunday afternoon
A defective flue was the cause. Mr
Hoehne was away from at lh (
Umo of Iho accident , but his wife
with the aid of a neighbor , succetlet
in saving most of the furniture. The
loss Is partly covered by insurance.
Will Send Lecturers for State Through
New District to Teach Farmers.
Phillip , S. D. , May 11. That the
railroads of the west , which Intro
duced the practice of sending out ex
perls on pure seed and crop cultlva
tlon In address the farmers from spe
cial trains , will go even farther is
shown by an announcement Just made
by Superintendent Dike , of the North
weslern railway. He slaled thai the
railroad company will pay the expenses
ponses of a Irlp by Professor A. E
Chamberlain , superinlendenl of farmers
ors * Institutes , and Professors Larsoi
and Willis , heads of the dairy and ag
ronomy departments of the state col
lege , to make an overland trip througl
Stanley county and speak to the farm
Sherman's Son Heads Corporation.
Utlca , N. Y. , May 11. Richard U
bnerman , son of Vlco President Sher
man , was elected president of the Con
solldated Water company of Utlca , c
throe million dollar corporation , ant !
immediately resigned his position a"s
private secretary to William Loeb
collector of the port of Now York.
Fake Figures on Massacre.
Constantinople , May 11. A tele
gram received hero from the vail o ,
Adana with regard to the recent dls
turbances there , states that 1,924 Mos
lems wore killed and 533 wounded
while only 1,465 Armenians w'ere slalr
and 382 wounded.
These figures , It is claimed , com
pyise the casualties throughout the
entire vlltfyot. This slalemenl by the
vali is considered here an obvious ant
monstrous misrepresentation , made
with the object of throwing the re
sponslbillly on Iho Armenians lo Jus
llfy Iho numerous arresls of chrlsllam
which , 11 is roporled , sllll continue.
Medal to Be Asked fop Georgia' Hero
fne Who Acts as Surgeon.
Bowdcn , Ga. , May 11. For hoi
bravery in gelling the members ol
her family out of the ruins of tholr
sloriji wrecked home , a Carnegie here
modal is lo bo asked for 15-year-old
"Mnmio Price , who lives near Jiorc.
The slorm struck the Price home
Friday night , wrecked It , and burled
all the Inmates In the debris except
the girl. She procured an ax and
guided by tha cries of Iho victims and
a lantern , she be''an lo cut them out ,
Mrs. Price died ns the girl cut the
last timber from about her , but she
rescued her baby brother and a young
sister practically unhurt , Her father
had been caught by heavy timbers
nnd his loft arm was.'crushed.
The girl cut nwny Iho timbers from
Iho body of her falhor , but the man
gled arm was still hold. Price real
ized that , the arm held only by shreds
of skin and flesh.
So ho told the grl | to sever the
strings with the ax. The child ob
jected , but when the father Insisted
she brought down the ax and Price
was free.
Under her father's direction the
child made a tourniquet ] to stop the
loss of blood from t\te \ severed arm ,
and then wont through the darkness
for assistance. Doctors say Price will
A handsome memorial will bo given
the girl by citizens of Dowden.
Big Hunt Planned for Coast.
San Francisco , Cal. , May ll. There
Is going to bo n hunt hero in August
that temporarily at least may take
the eyes of sportsmen off of Africa
and Iho ox-presldentlal Invasion.
The big roundup will bo In Monclo-
clno county , and 1,000 men will laku
part In It. It will begin on the third
of the month and continue for ton
days. The hunters will spread out
over a largo space of torrilory and
gradually work in , beating up the
quarry , which will Include coyotes ,
bear and 'deer , finally closing In for
one grand slaughter.
The big event , it Is said , has the
sanction of the stale gqmo warden ,
and a pleasant lime Is .anticipated by
all who Intend to bo present.
Easy to Get Gold Brick There.
New Orleans , La , , May 11. A negro
arrested with a brick of gold in his
possession today said ho stole 11 from
Ihe local mini five weeks ago and
lhat employes Ihero may sleal as
much as they Iik9. He declared they \
were neither searched nor watched.
Madison , Neb. , May 11. Special to
The News : A marriage license was
issued Saturday evening to Walter
Charrlco of Dattle Creek and Miss
Lullia Freeman of Cherry county , Ne
Rev. Father Vaughn Dead.
Dubuqne , la. , May 11. Rev. Father
Lawrence Vaughn , Iho Catholic di
vine , Shakespearean lecturer and play
wright , died here in a hospital yes
terday. '
Turpentine Trust Guilty.
Savannah , Ga. , May 11. "Guilty"
was the verdict brought In by the
Jury In the case of so-called "turpentine
trusl , " though the names of two of the
indicted corporations arc omitted nnd
the verdict applies only to Iho flvo In
dividual defendants , E. S. Nash , presi
dent of the American Naval Stores
company ; Spencer M , Shotlcr , chair
man of ils board of directors ; George
Meade Bordmnn of New York , its
treasurer , and J. F./C. Myers , vice
president of the company , nnd Carl
Moller of Jacksonville , Fin. , manager
of the company , nnd also Jacksonville
manager of the National Transporta
tion and Terminal company.
Legal Notice.
To Justus P. Leaver , Isaac Van
Horn , lots C , 7 , 17 , 18 , 19 and 20 , block
3 , lots 7 nnd 8 , block C , lots 2 and 3 ,
block 11 , lots 13 and 14 , block 13 of
Riverside Park addition to the city of
Norfolk , In Madison county , Nebraska ,
defendants , will take notice , tha"t. on
the 8th day of May , 1909 , .Napoleon A.
Ralnbolt , plaintiff heroin , flled a po-
tltlon In the district court of said
county , against the said defendants ,
the object and prayer of which are to
foreclose a tax lien held and owned by
him , acquired by a tax sale certiflcalo
issued by Iho then county treasurer of
Madison county , Nebraska , In pursu
ance to a prlvalo sale made by Iho
said Ironsurer lo Mary Klngsbury on
the 21st day of August , 1905 , of the
said described lots for the delinquent
nnd unpaid taxes thereon for the year
1903 and subsequent taxes against
said lots for the years 1904 , 1905 , 1900 ,
1907 und 1908. Said certificate was
assigned to plaintiff , and on Septem
ber 11 , 1907 , was merged In a tax deed
to said lota , recorded In Book 39 , nt
page 89 , That no redemption fiom
said tax sale or tax deed has over
bpen made and there Is now duo the
plaintiff on account thereof the sum of
? 5C.27 , for which sum with Interest
from this date , at 10 per cpnt per
annum , plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants bo required to pay the
same or that the said promises may
bo sold to satisfy the amount found
duo , with Interest , costs and attorney's
fees of 10 per cent of the amount
found duo.
You are required to answer the said
petition on or before the 21st day of
Juno , 1909.
Dated May 8 , 1909.
Napoleon A. Ralnbolt ,
Mapes & Hazon , Plaintiff.
Ills Attorneys.