TUB NOitOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL FRIDAY MAY 141'JOO' Another Swindle at Fremont. P. Noillno , a passenger onthe Union Pacific train No. C , complained to Conductor Huzza just before the train reached Fremont Dint ho was holding 11,200 , of another man's money and that ho couldn't find the man. Investigation revealed that No- ( line had In his possession a worth less draft for that amount , and that he had loaned a bunco agent $100 on It. . "Conductor,1' said Nodlno , "I'm afraid you've left a passenger behind. I've got $1,200 of somebody's yiotioy nnd 1 can't find the man. Hu must have got off at HOIIIO station and you pulled out before he could got on t < gal n. " Nodlno was going to Los Angeles , Cal. , to locate. He IH a farmer by occupation. O Ulcers In Fremont nnd Omaha have been making nn effort to find n llttlu man In a brown suit that Nodlno describes as the person ho befriended. The man , Noillno any a , wanted the $100 In a hurry to get a C. O. D. package at the next station. " Funeral of Fiederlck Trennepohl. The funeral of the late Frederick Trennopohl , who died Wednesday at his homo on South First street , was held from the Christ Lutheran church. Rov. Mr. Scholps of Pierce spoke In English , Rov. J. P. Mueller , the resi dent pastor , In Gorman. The Interment - ment was In the Lutheran cemetery. Mr. Tronnopohl wns born on Sop- tombqr , 1833 , In Takonbora , Ger many. In 18G5 Mr. Trennepohl came to America , lie settled In Warren county , Missouri , where ho farmed for seven years. Ho then moved to West Point , Neb. , where ho lived two years. From there ho moved to Clearwater , where ho lived about twenty-eight years. The pant seven years ho spent in Norfblk. The year ho moved to America Mr. Tronnopohl married Donla MIna Brok er In Lldda , Germany. Mrs. Tronne- pohl died on April 11 , 1897. nt Clearwater - water In Antelope county. Nine chil dren wore born of whom four sons and three daughters nro living. On December 23 , wul , Mr. Tronnopohl wns married to Fannie Pluchat In Norfolk. Mr. Trennopohl Is survived by the following children : Henry Tronne- pohl , Edward Tronnopohl , August Trennopohl , William Tronnepohl , Mrs. ' R. W. Shivers , Mrs. T. J. Adams nnd Si' Mrs. Lena E. Wllklns. Card of Thanks. Wo sincerely thank the neighbors nnd friends for kindly assistance and for thoughtful gifts of flowers during H - our bereavement through the death of our dear father. ( Signed ) Mother Trennepohl , S/ Henry Trennepohl nnd wife , Edward Trennopohl , August Trennopohl , R. * * ' , * W. Shivers nnd wife , T. J. Adams and $ k wife , William Tronnopohl , Lena E. Wllklns. * tf. 4 i r-8 , . Gasoline Can Tells the Tale. Plalnvlew , Neb. , May 8. Special to Tile News : The finding of a two-gal lon gasoline can In the basement of the Methodist church ruins proves be yond any doubt that the flre that threatened Plalnviow early Thursday morning was the work of an'Incen diary. It has also been found that the win- .dows and basement door of the Con gregational church , about a block away , had been opened by somebody before the fire and flying embers did once start a fire in that church. Goodell Family's Narrow Escape. It Is now wondered at that the fam * B > V ily of the Rov. Mr. Goodell , pastor ot the Methodist church , escaped with their lives. In fact , they did have a very close call. But for the fact that George R. Hill was up and about with a sick child at midnight , It Is known that the Goodell family , consisting of Mr. and Mrs , Goodell and two little children , imist have perished as they slept. Mr. Hill saw flames in the church and rushed to the Goodoll home. He had great difficulty In waking them , as they were apaprently very soundly sleeping. Not without extraordinary effort did he finally arouse them , Just in time to save their lives. Town Now Patrolled at Night. PInlnvlow Is now patrolled at night by several special watchmen In ordei to guard against a repetition of the attempt to burn the city. Three 01 four special men are patrolllni ; throughout the night. The firemen have received ? 150 In cash already from citizens for theli valiant work. They will 'now buy n new chemical englno and ro-enforcc the department with more members It Is realized more than over how vital a fire department is to the community Will Rebuild the Church. At a meeting of the trustees of the church , held last night , It was decided to rebuild on about the same proper tlons as before , and a building costing about $12,000 will rise in the ashes ol the old. Some of the members of the churcl nt first authorized heavy rewards foi the firebug , but later these were with drawn , as it was decided the spending of a certain amount would bring bet ter results than the hanging up of t reward. It Is not known whether or not then are any detectives In the town at thl : time , though it Is believed there ma ] be. Blacksmith Shop Caught Six Times Ono blacksmith shop , near the build ing , caught fire six times during tin height of the flames. Several men are under suspicion In connection with the flre. Madison Man Dead In Bed. Madison , Neb. , May 8. Special tc The News : Charles Dlttberer , a plo neer of Madison county , was fount ! dead In bed when his wife called bin this morning. Heart trouble was the louse. The deceased wa sixty years of ago. / Mr. Dlttheror Is survived by a widow and five children : Mrs. John Knapp , Mrs. ErnoHt T. Nathan , Mm. Eiull Kiuil nnd Fritz and Otto Dlttboier. All , but Mrs , Kiuil live In this county. The deceased \\ns a prominent mom- > or of the Lutheran church. Ho was respected nnd substantial citizen , lie cnmo to Green Garden many years ago and homesteaded. Ton years ago 10 moved Into town , Two Game Wardens for Norfolk. Madison , Nob. , May 8. Special to The News : John Donovan , deputy ; amo warden , returned last night from . .Incoln where ho held a conference with tno chief game warden. Today Mr. Donovan left for Not folk to np- joint two "Special deputies. State Fish Commissioner O'Brien ms promised to come to Madison June 1 wftli his fish car , to stock the mill ) end with plko , pickerel and black uass. Ho will seine out the carp. O'Neill Office In Second Class. O'Neill , May 8. Special to The News : Postmaster R. J. Marsh re ceived a telegram from Congressman Clnkahl Friday afternoon stating that the O'Neill offlco had been raised to ho faecond class by the postofflco do- mrtment. The O'Neill offlco exceed ed the past year the $8,001) ) annual re ceipts required to make It a second class offlco and It will henceforth bo inder that class. It raises the postmaster's salary to > 2,000 per year and will also give an- othe- clerk for the office , besides prob ably requiring enlarged offlco room. Northwestern Adds New Trains. Effective May 23 , the Northwestern announces a now fast train from Omaha to Norfolk , leaving the metro polis at 3:55 : in the afternoon , stopping only at Fremont and reaching this city nt 7:35 : , a new morning train out of Norfolk west to Chadron and a new train from Long Pine to Omaha stop ping at the Junction eating house be tween 5:30 : nnd G In the evening. The Lincoln line at the same time secures motor car service between Fremont and .Lincoln , while the passenger reaching Norfolk In the evening from Dallas comes at 5:20 : p. m. to connect with the now evening train to Omaha. The train which reaches Norfolk In the early morning from the west be comes n through train from Wyoming , Instead of making up at Long Pino. A Long Jump Forward. The new time card , which goes Into effect two weeks from next Sunday , Is probably the most Important card over Issued by the Northwestern in this territory. The Improvement In the train service Is such as to fully measure up to the desires of the travelers along the system in north Nebraska. The Trains From Omaha. The noon train from Omaha , No. 1 , retains Its present schedule , nnd con tinues to run through to Long Pine. Norfolk after May 23 will have two evening trains from Omaha. Train No. 5 will leave the union depot In Omaha at 2:15 : p. in. nnd reach Nor folk at 7.p. m. , making all stops. This train will tie up in Norfolk for the night. Train No. 3 , the new fast passenger with the Pullman coaches , will leave Omaha at 3:55 : p. m. , reach ing Norfolk at 7:35 : p. m. It will stop only nt Fremont. This train will pick up the traffic from No. 5 at Norfolk and then proceed' west at 8:05 : on the present schedule. The Morning Train West. Train No. 7 , the new morning train west , with the same equipment which cnmo In from Omaha the evening be fore , will leave the Norfolk Junction depot nt 7 : 0 a. m. and the uptown depot at 7:25 : via the west wye , run nlng through to Chadron and arriving there nt G:20 : p. m. This , like all trains save No. 3 , is a local train. The Trains From the West. The Deadwood passenger , No. G which reaches Norfolk at noon , wll keep Its present schedule. Train No 2 , the morning train which now makes up at Long Pine , will run Huong- ; from Lander , Wyo. It will be nl Chadron from G p. m. to G:20 : p. m and at the Norfolk Junction from G:2E : a. m. to 6:45 : a. m. , reaching Omaha al 11 a. m. This train carries the Wyom Ing connections nnd a sleeper fron Chadron to Council Bluffs , making Io cal stops. Train No. 8 , the now train , leave ! Long Pine nt 12:30 : p. m. , arrives a Norfolk Junction at 5:30 : p. in. , leiues at G p. in. nnd 'arrives In Omaha a 10:30 : p. in. This train will get .hi Dallas connections nt Norfolk. The Dallas Train. The evening train from Dallas , S D , , No. 408 , which now gets Into Nor folk at about 7 p. m. , will arrive n Norfolk Junction after May 23 nt 5:2 : ( p. in. To do this It will leave Dallai at 10:50 : a. m. ' The Motor Car. The new motor car service on tin Lincoln line Is nn extra service. Tin motor car , which Is the car formerl ; used on the Bonestcel line , will leavi Fremont nt 7:10 : in the morning , pull Ing to Lincoln nt 9:20. : Returning 1 will leave Lincoln at 4:54 : , making Fre mont at 7 p. m. FRIDAY FACTS. Dr. O. R. Meredith is back fron three days spent in Creighton. A. E. Stubbs , a Tllden real estat man , was in Norfolk on business. Mrs. E. R. Fairbanks and son ar visiting relatives in Montrose , la. Miss Florence Hagol of Columbiu who has been visiting her sister , Mn Will Hall , returned home this morr ing. ing.On On Jils way home to Newport , Ser ator E. L. Meyers passed through th city , John Huntlngton of Luvcrno , Minn Is visiting with E. M. Huntington , hi nephew. Joseph Trulock , wno has been ver ; sick , is not expected to live. Mr , and Mrs. James Blair of Llncoli are In Norfo.K looking over the farm which Mr. Blair' purchased from Abrnm Whlto several years ago. Miss Minnie Schratn 1ms returned to Norfolk after u ton days' vacation n Chicago. Mlus Dora Hanson IH In from Battle Jroek to lake a ten days' course of rcatmont for her oyetj. Mr. nnd Mrs. Moses Horner have gone to Boston to attend the thirty- second annual convention of the Or- ler of Railway Conductors Mrs. E. S. Cummlngs leaves to join icr husband In Great Falls , Mont. , voro her husband , formerly a North- vcstorn conductor , Is now with the Great Northern. The J. D. Sturgeon music and racket itoio will be moved to Its now loca- Ion tomorrow. ( The hot weather has brought the 'anairtas from the closets and shelves onto men's heads. Mrs. A. Rogan Is having an addition of five rooms put on to her residence it Third street and Madison avenue. Also , Norfolk had Itu first taste of ho delightful summer girl attired In icr neat white dress and dainty ox- ords. The board of county commissioners , Burr Taft , John Malone and Henry Sundorland , were In Norfolk Thursday ooklng up county affairs. The members of the Household conomlc department will hold their innual social session Monday after noon , May 10 , at the homo of Mrs. F. G. Coryell. Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Macy wore call ed to Bcllcplalne , la. , on the noon rain Friday by a message announc- ng the death of Mrs. Macy's mother , rs. . .icrrill. ' W. A. Porterfield , local manager of he Herbert Gooch grain commission company , today expiessed the opinion hat the farmers in Nebraska would realize more this year from their crops off the thresher than for many years past , which would have a tendency to make money plentiful in the state. The state railway commission has ) ormltted the Nebraska Telephone company to reduce Its toll rates from Norfolk to Meadow Grove , Tllden , Bat tle Creek , Enola , Hosklns , Madison and Warnervllle , according to the Lin coln dispatch. The company desires o make the reduction to compete with he Norfolk Long Distance Telephone company. The sale of the August Karo resl- lence on Norfolk avenue and Ninth street to Fred Braasch for $3,500 , of he E. Drummund residence property on South First street to Mrs. Ada oranch , of the northeast quarter of section 11 , township 25 , range 1 west , Pierce county , to Julius Foecks for J5.250 and of the southeast quarter of .ho same section to Carl Mlttclstadt for $4,750 are sales reported "by the Ransom & Anderson agency. Dr. P. H. Salter , the newly elected president of the Nebraska Medical so- ilety , has returned Irom Omaha. Dr. . Salter was taken completely by sur prise when he wns elected to head the state organization. His friends feel [ Wticnlarly well pleased over his se lection , in view of the fact that there were four other strong men nominat ed , among them some of the most prominent physicians In the state. ' A party of young people who hied themselves to the Junction last night for the purpose of greeting Mr. and Mrs. Seymour , asnewly married couple from Long Pine , who are well known In Norfolk , were disappointed when the bride and bridegroom failed to put in an appearance. However , they loaded up their supply of rice and old shoes and will be prepared to do full honors when the bride and bridegroom do appear. Giving information desired by a Nor folk subscriber , The News will state that the temperature for February 12 , as shown by the local weather report for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock the morning of the thirteenth , varied between 3 degrees below and 12 degrees above. During the twen ty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock the morning of February 12 the mercury was as high as 43 degrees , but dropped to 3 above. The big blizzard occurred on February 8 and 9. Herbert S. Daniel , a former Norfolk boy who has been city prosecutor In Omaha for the past three years , will not retain his place under the new Dahlman administration. Daniel fought Dahlman nt the primary nnd under the circumstances does not as pire for to stay with the cowboy mayor. Daniel was originally elected by the city council three years ago u..or tno mayor's own appointee had been turned down. Daniel was an active Berry man In the democratic contest for the nomination. E. S. South , who recently retired from the firm of Coleman & South , and who was previously engaged In business In Newman Grove , has pur chased the business of the Norfolk Plumbing and Heating company , con ducted by Beck and Dignan , heating and plumbing contractors. The In voicing of the stock , preparatory to Mr. South taking possession , will be gin Monday. S. Beck and James Dig- nan , who retire .roin business here , have not decided just what they will do In the future but both "expect to locate somewhere In the west. Over twenty-five former Norfolk residents are now living in the Imme diate vicinity of Los Angeles. Robert Johnson , formerly of the Johnson Dry Goods company , according to a letter written by a member of the Norfolk colony there , has ono of the finest orange ranches in southern California , Oscar Johnson's ranch Is a mlle to the north. The Miller ranch Is a few miles cast of Orange. Mr. Miller Is not satisfied with California and may return to Norfolk to take up his trade as a carpenter. The Misses Locschor are engaged in the dressmaking bust ness In Orange , which is an hour's ride from Los Angeles. E. B. Kenyan , formerly in the clothing business here , is a Los Angeles real estate man. Ills wife IB reported to be re covering rapidly from a recent opera tion of a serious nature. The Gaul- no re llvo In Alhambra , a Los Angeles suburb , Mr. Gardner Is In the lumber justness. Roy Gaidnor , who has been narrled for Hovoral jonro , Is hook- cooper for the Pasadena Gas com- mny. Hugh Gardner IB to bo married soon nnd is In the clothing business n n near-by town. Robert Smith , formerly ot Hoffman & Smith , Is with ho Los Angeles Electric Railway company. Mr. Record Is a wood- tvorkor In the electric car shops. Mr. Toll Ivor , formerly of Kccthlage & rolllver , Is buyer for a department In ho largest department store in Los \ngeloH. Ed Holllngsworth works as x presnmnn in San Diego. Mrs. Fan- ilo ICoenlgstoIn Is devoting her time o music and has a large class of students. Henry Boveo Is managing a ranch near Oxnnrd. Will Boveo Is .caching chemistry In the Los Angeles college of osteopathy. Miss Hulda Nlonow Is In the dressmaking busi ness. Dr. Kclper nnd John Hulff and 'nmlly are also members of the Nor- oik colony. MADISON HAS HOPES. Commissioner Cowglll Spent a Day There Looking Around. Madison , . Neb' . , May 7. Special to The News : As announced In The News yesterday , Commissioner W. H. Cow- Ill , of the Nebraska railway commis sion , visited Madison and was enter- ained by the members of the Madison Commercial club. In addition to a horough Investigation of the depot facilities , the entertainment commit- ee , In company with the commission er , toured the city and surrounding country In automobiles , so that the commissioner has a clear idea of the iceds of the community depending upon the railroad. Badly as a now passenger station is needed , a freight depot with better fa cilities for loading and unloading ) s even more urgently wanted . Addi tional help will also tend to relieve the congestion at this point. Under present conditions , merchandise Is un- oaded In front of the passenger sta tion , where the space Is all too small 'or such purposes and where the op erations of the trainmen and piles of jarrels and boxes are a source of con stant annoyance to passengers , and at times somewhat dangerous. Fey many years there has been im portant freight traffic here. While this 'raffle ' has been increasing In Import ance and value , the same old methods of caring for It are still In use. The commissioner met the comittee cor- liaily and took a keen interest In these matters and seemed to get at all the 'acts bearing upon the situation. Mad ison people ore greatly impressed with Commissioner Cowglll , and believe that tie will exercise his good offices In heir behalf. SIOUX FALLS JAIL BREAK. Two Prisoners Saw Their Way to Liberty. Sioux Falls , S. D. , May 7. The Mln- nehaha county authorities are making every effort to recapture John H. Larkin - kin and Elmer Volght , the former n state and the latter a federal prisoner , who escaped from the county jail In this city while a fierce blizzard was prevailing. Larkln , a few days ago , was sen tenced to five years In the Sioux Falls penitentiary , while Voight was under Indictment in the United States court on the charge of postoffice robbery. That the two fugitives had help from the outs-ide is evident. One of the cell bars had been sawed clean off and an outer bar bent downward. Two blankets fastened together en abled the fugitives to climb from their cell on the second floor to the ground. South Dakota Traveling Men. Yankton , S. D. , May 7. At an ex ecutive sessioi here of the officers of the State Traveling Men's association final plans were made for the big con vention to be held here June 18 and 19. This Is the fifth annual conven tion. Rumored Northwestern Will Build. Sioux Falls , S. D. , May 7. The be lief Is general that the Chicago and Northwestern railroad company have In view the construction of a line be tween Iroquols , In Klngsbury county , and Dolami , In Splnk county. An overland journey recently made by a stranger , who purchased several quar ter sections , presumably for town- sites , and who is thought to be In the employ of the Chicago and Northwest ern , Is what has given rise to this be lief. TO EXTEND KANSAS LINE. Railroad From Marysvllle to Onaga , Kan. , Will be Built. Beatrice , Nob. , May 7. Prominent Union Pacific officials who arrived In Beatrice from Marysvllle , Kan. , an nounced that the contract had been let to McArthur Bros. , for the exten sion of the road from Marysvllle to Onaga , Kan. The distance Is forty- two miles. Class Barb Wire Fence With Rattlers. Sioux Falls , S. D. , May 7. To the average western cowboy , the barb wire fence Is n deadly trap , construct ed with devilish ingenuity by the homesteader nnd farmer to catch arul destroy him when ho Is tearing across the country on his pony. This was what'happened to Orson Earll , an oldtime cowboy , living neai Midland. While driving cattle , hlc horse crashed Into ono of the loathe some barb wires , throwing Earll vlo lently ai\d causing serious Injuries. Black Hills Mine Scrap. Rapid oity , S. D. , May 7. Default judgments aggregating $650,000 wore entered this week In the Pepnlngton county circuit court against the Har-1 icy Peak Tin Mining and Milling com- mny In favor of the Farmers Loan and Trust company , trustee , Theodore L. lerman , Charles Rcmsun , Emlta M , jowla nnd George Khret. The com- ) lalnants reside In Now York state intl were represented by ex-Senator A. t. Klttiedge of Sioux Falls. The court ordered that an execution jitlo of the moi tgagod properties bo undo to satlfy the judgment. The noporty of the Hnrncy Peak Tin Mln- ng and Milling company Is located In 'cnnlngton county , In the vicinity of 1111 City nnd Keystone. It is consld- ircd by those who mo posted to bo of considerable value for mining pur- loses , but , owing to a factional fight n the early nineties between the American and English stockiloldors , each accusing the other , the mines vero shut down and have remained die ever since. LEAVES SEVEN SMALL CHILDREN. Vladison Mother' Succumbs to Blood Poisoning After Operation. Madison , Neb. , May 7. Special to ho News : Mrs. J. W. Fitch , the nothcr of seven small children , died it her homo six miles northeast of Madison from blood poisoning , fol'.o\v- ng an operation. During her illness tnd at time of her death the home was luarantlncd for scarlet fever , several it the children being ill with that dl- ease nnd ono not being cxpqcted to Ive. A husband survives. ODIORNE , BRAASCH APRAISER. Reported He Will be Named by County Judge Bates. Madison , Neb. , May 7. Special to [ 'he News : It Is reported that T. E. Odlorne of Norfolk Is to be appointed the county judge to appraise the Braasch estate. He will have author- ty to call witnesses and take testimony or the purpose of fixing the value of he property. Upon his findings the : ounty judge will make an estimate of he amount due as Inheritance tax. The county's Interests will bo looked after by County Attorney James Nich ols , while the interests of those Inner- ting under the will are In charge of Allen and Bowling. Battle Creek News. Mrs. Albertlne Maas of Hosklns Is visiting hero this week at the home of her sister Mrs. Leonhardt Seip. Thursday of last week . Fred Eyl ook two carloads of fat steers. to the Omaha market and he returned with about $3,600. Henry Tassemeler /Tlldon was here Saturday attending the directors' neetlng of the Battle Creek Mutual 'lr Insurance company. The village trustees met Friday and ranted saloon liquor licenses to F. C. Miller and E. E. Cartney- and granted Iquor permits to the Morris Drug com pany nnd Doering Drug company. On ly two saloons now , as Henry Walter nude no application. F. J. Miller Is re-appointed street commissioner. Joseph Dlttrick Is building a large low addition to his blacksmith shop , which he is going to use for Implement warehouse. A ne\v roof of shingles was put on the Hedman building which is occu pied by Harry M. Reed , jeweler , this week. Sunday C. J. Strieker went to Leigh to attend .he funeral of his aged nother. He returned the next day. O. H. Maas has traded his roller mills at Creighton for a 1600-acre ranch in Holt county , near Ewlng. A. C. Daniel wns here Monday on justness , from Norfolk. Fourteen carloads of cattle and hogs were shipped from here Monday and Tuesday. J. W. Schlecht of Beemor , who bought the Ira Jenkins farm southwest recently , Is here this week making all dp of Improvements on the build ings on his new place , which he has rented. Charles Nlles was here Monday from John Henderson of Norfolk was here on business1 Mpmlay. Wes Wheeler and Joe Miles were liero Tuesday per auto , on business , from Tllden. Jeff Jackson went to Long Pine last week to benefit his health of that water resort. Cyrus Henderson , nn old Battle Creek boy , who lives In Newman Grove , was hero on business Tuesday. Dr. Campbell of Tilden was here on professional business Tuesday. Balsen Werner and family wore visiting Sunday with relatives at Buf falo Creek and Meadow Grove. ABERDEEN SCORCHED. Number of Buildings Burned and Part of Town Threatened. Aberdeen , S. D. , May 7. During the high , flre broke out in the elevator of the Freeman-Bain company. The fact that the Great Northern fireproof sta tion stood between the burning build ing nnd several blocks , of frame struc tures saved the town from terrible loss. To Freeman-Bain elevator , two grain warehouses , an Implement ware house , two barns and five horses wore burned , causing a loss of $60,000 ; in surance , $19,000. BATTLEFIELD BABY WEDS. Indian Child Picked up After Wounded Knee Fight Marries. Omaha , May 7. Eighteen years ago last winter , when the battle of Wound ed Knee wns fought on the Pine Rldgd Indian reservation between the Sioux Indians and the United States troops , Gen. L. W. Colby , then In com- maiul of the Nebraska militia , found an Indian girl baby on the battlefield , clasped In the arms of Its dead mother , a Sioux woman , who had been shot by the soldiers. Although In the dead of winter , Gen. Colby took the little Indian girl to his camp , had her cared for , and when an opportunity presented sent her to i-/uttSfr/ieultriaiuliftti.tlrlttr . alt . * t 11UQ U.Uf until jou receive ami approve < , > our 1.1. . . vet. . . V hjto&W , . \S * VHKIC TKIAltfluiIng lime in. which ) wi nny tl.lc Oio . y oni rut Ittoanrteit von wUli. II jxm are tliei , not | widctly < uiliiic < l or iki m.i uli lt > k p the ticvtle tri It Ivu \ io < tj at our n n e ml JVM W/ „ . . / * ON/ < : / . FACTORY PRICED WB ' "n.lsh . tl.o . Illicit Kt.-u.fc hlnclri It I ] | > i > iltl la m.iV rmilUKI milled M one inu I profit above nclii.il factory put. You tun no to f ic niUU cmcu'i i nrollti by luiitnir direct of ui ntul line I i numificturcr in'tr- ante * behind your bicycle. IX ) M > T IIMY a Llcjcleorn j' ml llrnfr. at nv trici " "til you revive mir cataWiei nml learn u..r unlMani c. jfruw and rtm.irk.Mi tfttt.it ttffert In ruler iiRi' YOU WILL BE ASTONISHED when , > ou tectlve our l ntlut ( Mtltwio nr- . IUW niLk Oli ItaiUmonCU , , lul , , „ „ upeil > in. . < < 1 J nl I'm TivW-f ' , / / . . . . . , . . . . _ . /.m'/riiYjwecnnimVooulMsycjr. Wo tell thnliiulicMfr.nl blcveU ( or i than any othrjr Ijctorv.'e are aitiiflcd wlih * i oo mo it aUivo l.icti . -I1U\OU5 lu.AlfMlH , yuu can cll our bliyilcj under jour own name pl. te at our prices. Orders filled the < Uy received , F Hltqo.NU ItANlk lUUYCjJ.KS. We du not rtiniUrly lumllo erond Inml Wrjclei. but ' usually have number on hand taken In trade by our I'lilcairo reuil notes. T lu-ne j clc.ir out promptly at prices ranglns from a to WH or 810 , le crlnilvc lurcain Hits nu icd Irfe. rnfl TPR.nDAKF < $ " "V10 Ml ooUr Imnurtcjl mllrr cliuliiM and | > i-duln , bUHOlCll-tlnnrVCd , equipment of all kinds at Aa < / thi mull rttoit fnttt. 5J HEDGETHORN PUNGTORE-PEiOOf $ SELF-HEALING TIRES A SAMPLE PAIR TO INTRODUCE , ONLY The regular retail f rice of these iires it t-$0 ftrf'air , tut la inlnxluct we it'll ! NO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NA1I.S , Took * or ( Una * will not lot the nlr out. Sixty tliousnnJ pairs sold last year. Over two hundred thousand pairs now In use. DESOniPTIOHlMtu\e \ in nil slics. ItWlvely and ensyridliiR.vcrydntablcnMj Html Inside with a special quality . of _ rubber . _ _ - , - which l - _ never - . . . become . _ - * - , Notion tlio thick rulilixr trnnil "A" uii < l iitinoturn utrlim "If * uponccortwlcclnawliolc8cason.TI.cywelR . ' JiJVI anordlnarytlrctlieputictureresl8tlnBquairtlcst > citiRBlvetl 7i ! by Beveranayera of thin , specially prepared fabric on the , , A - ? ? i I0 lud tread. Tl.ercgulnrprlceof . tl.esetlresljfS.fopcrpalr.butfor ] f Klv * i .a . iiiu advcrtlsliicpurposcswearemaklniraBpccralfactoryprlceto the rider of only ft So per pair. All orders shipped ! same dnjr letter If received. We ship C. O. I ) , on approval. Youdotiotpny n cent until you l.avc . examined nnd found them strictly nil tepresentetL we will allow n c h ilUoount of 5 per cent ( thereby making the price W4.60 per pair ) If you send FULL. UASll WITH OltDUil and enclose this ndvertisement. You run no rltlc In scndlne us an order as the tires may be returned nt OUIl expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We ore perfectly reliable and money sent to us Is as safe a * in a bank. If you order a pair of these tires , you will find that they will ride caller , n.n . faster. wear better , last longer nt.d look finer than any tire you liave ever used or seen nt any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that When you want n bicycle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once , hence this remarkable tire offer , gfmf Uffn TMOfO don't buy any kind at any price until you scntl for n pnlr of tr WVU fWCCfl i JnJCO Hcdgcthorn runcture-l'roof tires on approval mid trial nt the special Introductory price quoted above ; orvrlte for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue \vhlcli describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. n/1 inr WAIT but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF IUJYINQ a bicycle IInUI wwftll or pair of tires from anyone until you know the new aud wonderful offers we are making. It only costs postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY , CHICAGO , ILL. ils magnificent homo In Beatrice , Neb. , whore she wns adopted , becom- ng one of his legal heirs. Now word comes to Omaha , all the way from Portland , Ore. , that the In dian maiden , Known as Miss Clara Colby , has been married to Albert Jhalivat , a descendant of one of the old French families of the Pacific coast. BABIES NOT WANTED. Omaa Woman's Club Does Not Wel come Stork. Omaha , May 7. It Is quite apparent that the stork and the members of the Omaha Woman's club have not been on Intimate terms during the club's year , wlch ended May 1. At the an nual meeting of this club , which Is composed of the most Intelligent and prominent married women of the city , having a memberslp of a little more than 400 , among other things , the sec retary submitted a report on vital sta tistics as pertaining to the club. Tills report showed that but once had the stork spread Its wings over the club during the period reviewed. The home that his blrdshlp | had visited was that of Mrs. David E. McCulley , where a few ( Jays since he had left a bounc ing boy that had been christened Will- Jam Strcight McCulley. The announcement was greeted with applause and thereupon It was voted io draw upon the treasury a draft sufficiently large so that the pro ceeds would cover the expense of pur- casing a huge bouquet to be sent to young William. Wlsner Man Asks Divorce. West Point , Neb. , May 7. Special" to The News : Thomas King , a well known citizen of Wlsner , has filed a petition In district court for a divorce from his wife , Mrs. Mary King , now residing at Fremont. The pending divorce suit of Martha Glenn against Thomas Glenn has been settled out of court and the action withdrawn. Wedding at Lindsay. Lindsay , Neb. , May 7. Special to The News : The marriage of ' Mr. Chas. Schaecher and Miss Josephine Albracht took place at the St. Ber nard Catholic , church. After the cer emony the bride and bridegroom were tendered a reception at the home of the bride's parents. John Sweeney has been appointed marshal and street commissioner , to succeed J. J. . Ducey. Physician Must Label. Lincoln , May 7. A bottle of medi cine or a package of pills put up by a physician on his own prescription must be labeled If It contains any inhibited1 drug. This Is the law , says Food Commissioner Mains , and he Is going to enforce It as best he may. Windy Blaze In Railroad Yard , About 1 o'clock Friday afternoon .1 fire , the origin of which Is not known but presumably started by sparks from an engine , broke out in the bridge supply yards of the Northwestern rail way company at the south end of Fourth street. Obtalnlng a good start and fanned by a strong southwestern wind , the flre had already made much headway by the time the flre department ar rived , and In spite of the valiant ef forts of firemen and railroad em ployes , who wore much handicapped by poor water facilities , It seemed for a time that the valuable tiers of 40x44 piling nnd other lumber In the yards would be destroyed. The strong wind blow sparks from the burning tiers of piling fifty and sixty feet away , and It kept a number of meji busy extinguishing these smaller blazes. An attempt was made to pull an en tire tier of piling out of the way of those already on flre by attaching one end of the long three-Inch rope to an englno and tlelng the other part around the timbers , but the enormous weight proved too much , for the rope , and when the eufil.no started It snapped like so much twine After nn hour's hard work , however , the firemen had the fire well la hand A largo crowd witnessed the con flagration. While no approximate es timate of the damage Is yet known , It Is thought It will bo around ? 6,000. Advertisement for Bids. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo receiovd at the office ot the county clerk of Madison county , Nebraska , on or before the first day of Juno , 1909 , for the furnishing of blanks and stationery for the re- malndor of the year 1909. Following Is. a statement of the llrobable gross number of each Item of such blanks and stationery that will bo required during said year : Blanks. Three sots election proclamations , 500 tax statements , 0 x8 , ruled ono side ; 4,000 delinquent tax statements , 4,500 blanks , 8 x14 ; 2,000 blanks , 7' x7 ; 500 blanks , 8 x3 ; 500 blanks , 8 % x28 , 500 Institute enrollment cards , printed one side ; 5,000 perfect attend ance certificates , 3,000 envelopes , , No. G % ; 1,000 envelopes , No. 10 ; 2,000 letter - tor heads , 1,000 circular letter , 100 In each order ; 100 bar dockets , fall term. Separate bids must bo made on blanks and stationery , all bids must be made on bidding sheets furn'ahed ' on application by the county clerk of said county. . All supplies must bo furnished In accordance with specifica tions on file in the office of the county clerk. All supplies are to be furnished as ordered. Bids must be marked bids for blanks , and addressed to the coun ty clerk of Madison county , Nebraska. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a good and sufficient bond , for the faithful performance of his con tract. The county commissioners re serve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids will bo opened according to the requirements of the law at the regular meeting of the county board , June 20 , 1909. Dated at Madison , Neb. , this 28th day of April , A. D. , 1909. George E Richardson , County Clerk. WANTED Success Magazine re quires the services of a man In Nor folk to Ir-ik after expiring subscrip tions and Insecure new business by mdans of bpeclal methods usually ef fective ; position permanent ; prefc ono with experience , but would con sider any applicant with good natural qualifications ; salary ? 1.50 per day , with commission option. Address , with references , R. C. Peacock , Hoota 102 , Success Magazine Bldg. , New York. REI5TLE5 RATES ARE RIGHT FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER AND ELECTRO ! YPER 1420-24 lAWRtNCt DUIVCR COLO OUR CUTS PRINT FAIR PRICE 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. Anrona ending a f ketch nd rt-ncrtntlnn m r qnlcklr aacertnlu our opinion free whether an Intention { prntinbljr piuemnlilo , Coniniunlra- tlonmtrlctlrconUdeiillitl. HANDBOOK on I'aloim lent ( roe. Oldett osenry fur i-curlnir patent * . 1'atenti taken tbrouuu Munu & Co. recelt * tpfcititnotUt , without charge , lathe Scientific flmcricam A handtomolr Illnitrated wekljr. Tjinrett cir culation of any clentlQo Journal , Terra * . M V MI four montlii , $ L Bold brail newidaaltr * . New York * ? ! to D.L