THE NOHKOI.K NKWS JOU N\L FK1IAYMAY ) 14 1'JOO ' Paris May Not Have Strike. Paris , Mny 10. Conditions nro rath- cr fnvornblo for the government In HP controversy with the postal employe ntul It IB not likely that a strike will bo declared for the present. The gov ernment's flrtnnoss hiifl made a deep ItnprcsHlon on the rank and ille and tlio leaders of the strike movement may conclude to postpone the hattlo until they arc hotter organized and prepared for what would prove to bo n hard struggle. A mooting called for today by the federal committee was attended by about 4,000 persons , but no great en thusiasm was Hhdwn. A resolution was adopted to go out at the wont of command In the fight for the rein statement of the dismissed employes and for complete reform In the postal Horvlco. Delegate McCarthy , repre senting the English postal employes , Eiivo assurance of the llnanclal and moral support of the English collea- cues , A section of the postal employes Is engaged In exposing alleged scandals In the telephone service. The charge is made that much money has been squandered and particular references made to purchases In the United States to replenish the plant destroy ed when the telephone exchange was burned last year. The various unions In the Seine department have called for Wednesday n meeting of delegates day to decide what stops shall be taken to help the postal employes In case of strike , to counterbalance the aid offered to the government by mer chants and employers. Brussels , Mny 10. An arrangement lias been concluded by the various ministers whereby , In case of neces sity , tlic state employes , Including soldiers , may bo relegated to other services for the purpose of meeting such contingencies as might arise. Iho particular object of the govern mental departments Is to be prepared In case the Belgian postal employes follow the exnmp'o of the French. Roosevelt for New York's Mayor. New York , May 10. The nomina tion of ox-President Roosevelt as mayor of Now York Is proposed by General Stewart L. Woodford. MONDAY MENTION. John Horn , In two straight falls over Harvey Carson , won the Enola wrestling match Saturday night. A largo crowd attended from Madison. Mrs. J. A. Mullen Is very low at the home of a daughter In Fremont. Mrs. J. H. Mackay was called to her mother's bedside Monday. Two sons from Colorado and Mrs. C. D. Brown of Fairfax , S. D. , are also In Fremont. Walter C. Elley .of Madison Is the first man to publicly announce his candidacy for the republican nomina tion for sheriff. Mr. ' Elley was In Norfolk Saturday and took occasion io begin his campaign by the Inser tion of an announcement in the ad- vdrtiilng columns of The News. August Schukey , a farmer living near Newman Grove , In Boone coun ty , was brought to Norfolk Saturday by Deputy United States Marshal John F. Sides of Dakota City. Schu- Key Is charged with sending obscene matter through the malls. He Is al leged to have written a postal card to his daughter-in-law , calling her a vile name. He gave bond in the Nor folk federal court. George W. Lossy , driving a team ol colts , was In a runaway Saturday af ternoon In this city which might have resulted seriously. One of Norfolk's surplus canines ran out and implant ed Its teeth In the hind leg of one ol the colts. The team ran several llocks until they struck a telephone post. There they split apart , one go Ing each way. The buggy was brok en but Mr. Losey and the horses CS' caped unhurt. To Balloon Across the Atlantic. Boston , Mass. , May 10. A balloon trip over the Atlantic from Boston tc "Europe Is planned by Professor Henrj Clayton , who recently resigned at meteorologist at the Blue Hill ob servatory after sixteen years of studj of the direction and velocity of wind currents. Professor Clayton believes ho can accomplish the feat of cross Ing the Atlantic by taking advantage of an upper air , or planetary current which , his experiments have shown flow constantly eastward at th height of two miles or mo-c abov the earth. He declares he can cover the dis tance of 3,000 miles easily In three or four days. As a sort of preliminary test of th < possibilities of the trip , Professo Clayton Is now making plans for ai air voyage from San Francisco to tin Atlantic coast. Chinese Prince Forgives. Pekin , May 10. The regent , Princi Chun , who , since the dismissal o Yuan Shi Kai , has been collectinj lists of officers who were dlsraissei previous to his taking office , Issuei an edict rehabilitating the reputa tions and rewarding the families o five officials of the late dowager < im press , who were beheaded for op posing the Boxers. Started Revolution In Venezuela. Bordeaux , May 10. Passengers 01 ihe steamer Guadeloupe who hnv < just arrived here from Venezuela state that friends of Castro attemptei to start a revolution there , but me with failure. The situation In Vene ztiela appeared to be satisfactory a the time they left. Although in thcl opinion the army favors Castro , thi re-election of Gomez as president ep pears to be certain. James K. Hackett Broke. New York , May 10. James K Hackett , the ac or , filed a voluntnrj petition in bankruptcy , giving his Ha buttles as 120,000. His wife , Marj Mannering Hackett , has the larges claim , $00,000. NELIGH lIY ) ! GLEKK RESIGNS ' . 8. Pcxton , Newly Elected Clerk , Can't Serve Drug Permits , Nollgh , Nob. , May 10. Special to 'he News : The city council met In djourncd session Saturday evening. \ 8. I'exton , the clerk-elect , resigned ils position , stating that It would bo mposslble for him to act. After some irglhg Hobcrt Wilson was again hof > en to accept the position. The much-tnlkcd-of drug store ordl- lance was brought up and discussed t length. It Is to the effect of regu- atlng and keeping and sale of liquors , mending sections G and 11 of ordl- lance No. 70. It provided for the granting of permits to druggists to un three months , after which time hey would lapse unless renewed by he action of the council. It was drawn In such a way that no now np- Mention need ho made , the intention icing to keep the permit in force hroughout the year , provided the law vas * compiled with by the licenses. All the councllmon agreed on this eature. .But the clause In the ordl- lance providing that all sales by Irug stores of liquors must bo upon ho proscription of a licensed physi cian , was objected to by one of the vet councllmen , hence the motion to > roceed with the second reading of ho ordinance was lost , the roll call showing two for and two against. The nnyor is not allowed to vote on the question of this nature. The drug store applications were hen taken up and Wattles moved hey bo received and granted . There being no second to the motion , Wlnn noved , seconded by Beckwith , that ho applications be layed over until ho next regular meeting , which mo- .ion prevailed. As It looks now the only way per- nits will be granted in this city will bo for n period of three months at a line , and all sales of liquor to be on i physician's prescription. A fur- her provision of the amendment to he ordinance Was that no beer should je kept on hand or sold at these places. To Head Chinese School. Chicago , Mny 10. Wu Ting Fang , Jhlnese minister plenipotentiary to the United States , has accepted the presi dency of the Chinese school of Chicago cage , according to an announcement icre. The school Is of one of a series started under the auspices of the im perial Chinese govei ment. Courses In Chinese literature ; do mestic science , Chinese' and Interna tional law and the habits of the Chin ese in their own country will be given. There are thirty-two students , rang ing in age from six to thirty , already enrolled. Daughters of Revolution Meet. Boston , Mass. , May 10. For the third time in the history of the so c'lety organization , an annual conven tion of the general society of the Daughters of the Revolution opened In Boston today. The forenoon was given over to a meeting of the com mittee on credentials , at which the delegates to the convention were en rolled. The rest of the day was de voted to a recentlon. The real busi ness of the convention will begin to morrow and will continue until Sat urday. - Buenos Ayres Quiet. Buenos Ayres , May10. . The cltj was quiet throughout the day , the strikers making no attempt to dls turb the peace. The situation here Is now almost normal. . SENDING RELIEF TO ADANA. Turkish Government Promises to Pun ish the Guilty. Constantinople , May 10. The gov ernment Is taking hold of the relief work in Adana province with vigor. II was announced that $150,000 had been sent there. The grand vizier nnd Ferld Pasha , the minister of the In- terlor , received a deputation of the Armenian clergy and laity last Thurs day. The delegation was headed by Arscharann Baurscharni , the pro visional representative of the Patriar- cate , which is assured that the gov ernment would inquire thoroughly Into the Adana massacre and severely pun ish those guilty of inciting them. The minister said the investiga tion would be conducted by a military court. Ferid Pasha told the delegation 8f,00 troops hnd been sent from Smyrna but that several also had gone there from Constantinople. A number of noble Armenians met here and submitted to the government the following resolu tions : First , that the murderers of rhris- tians bo punished. Second , that stolen property be re turned and Indemnities be paid for property destroyed. Third , that the women and girts who were stolen bo returned and also thai men and women who were compelled forcibly to adopt Mohammedanism bo allowed to resume their original faith. Fourth , that the Investigation con ducted under the chairmanship of the governor general be suspended and that a new investigation of the disor ders from their commencement be made by n military committee. Fifth , that Christians be permitted to participate in the local police es tablishment ; and Sixth , that Armenians bo allowed to participate in defraying the cost of erecting a monument to those who have fallen in the army of liberty. The agricultural bank has arranged to loan ? 75,000 without interest to the farmers of Adana province , to aid them in planting now crops. Brad Slaughter Dead. Omaha , May 10. Major Bradner D Slaughter , acting chief paymastei ol the department of the Missouri , died hero of heart trouble. The Dublin Cab Driver. In few cities in the world Is your Jehu more rich in fancy than In Dub lln , more skilled in embroidered words , better nblo to sting and wither with the cunning of his quick scorn. It Is a feast of that "Impassioned logic which outruns the hearer In Its fiery course. " Dublin Freeman's Journal. Arabian Proverb. A day that Is not thine own do not reckon It as of thy life. Chautauqua August 7-16. The dates for the Norfolk chautnu * iua are announced as the ten ( lays be ginning Saturday , August 7 , and end ing Monday , August 1C. This an nouncement Is authorized by S. M. Holladay , marager ot the Midland hnutauqim circuit. The chautauqua will follow right err t. o heels of the Norfolk race meet. The big annual affair at the Norfolk driving park Is held this year on Aug- u t 4 , F and C. The races close Frl- ilay and the chnuttutqua opens Satur day. Last , year the chautauqua pre ceded the races. The campaign for the advance sale of season tickets for the chautauqua will begin boon. Manager Holladay has written that he will be In Norfolk soon. Florida Negro Lynched. Jacksonville , Fla. , May 10. Mrs. John D. Eas , wife of a well known farmer residing nt Camden , fifteen miles from Jacksonville , was assault ed by an unknown negro who was Inter captured by a mob of citizens and lynched. Mrs. .Augustus Evans Wilson. Mobllo.-Aln. , Mriy 10. Mrs. Augus tus Evans Wilson , the well known southern authoress , died from an at tack of heart failure. Mrs. Evans Wilson was a native of Columbus , Ga. , and was seventy-four years of age. FARM HOME BURNS. Dwelling of John Hoehne , Five Miles South of Wlsner , Burns. Wlsner , Neb. , May 10. Special to The News : A telephone message just received tells of the destruction by fire of the large farm house of John H. Hoehne , five miles south. A large addition had Just been built to the farm home. Bath Cord Suicide In Stanton. Andrew Anderson , a prominent Stanton county farmer , sometimes known as "Uutfalo" Anderson , who committed suicide by hanging him self with a bath robe cord fastened to a nail , took his life because of de spondency and ill health , according to the verdict of the coroner's Jury. Anderson was well-to-do , leaves a wife and a number of children , and had only recently returned from the Arkansas hot springs. Anderson lived about eight miles north of , Stan- ton. Going to a bed room to get ready to go to Norfolk , he placed the loop around his neck and dropped down so that his knees almost touched -the floor. When his wife found him in ten minutes he was dead. Neligh H. S. , 3 ; Norfolk H. S. , 1. The Neligh high school opened the Norfolk baseball season in this city Saturday afternoon with an earned victory over * the Norfolk high school nine. The score , 3 to 1 , Is a good in dex to the fast snappy contest. Con sidering the weather , a good sized crowd was in attendance. Neligh won the game in the second Inning , when two runs were scored on a safe hit by Powell. In the sixth Norfolk scored' Quinn on a safe hit by Ersklne. In the last of the sev enth Powell scored a final tally for Neligh on a safe hit by Stevenson. Harrlman , for Neligh , pitched a re markably strong game for a high school player. Ho was handicapped "by a sore thumb , the result of a bad cut in the laboratory , and let three men walk. Ersklne's catching gave him a good standing with the Norfolk fans at the game. A catch hy Ander son In the right field was the sensa tional feature of the game. The score : Neligh 02000010 0 3 Norfolk 00000100 0 1 The llnup : Neligh. Norfolk. Harrlman p Estnbrook Fletcher c Ersklne Leonard Ib Durlaml Ryan v.2b Qulnn TMiller . . . . , 3b Ward Powell ss Kelleher Herring rf Anderson Wood If.1 Mapes Stevenson cf Morrison Umpires , R. Kryger of Neligh , Law rence Hoffman of Norfolk. Scorekeeper - keeper , Superintendent Fisher of Ne ligh. ligh.A A return game will be played at Neligh on May 22. Baseball Notes. Long Pine plays at Alnsworth Tues day. day.O'Neill O'Neill Is reported as well satisfied by the showing made by its team when defeated by Atkinson 3 to 2. Long Pine opened her baseball sea son with a 9 to 7 defeat at the hands of Bassett. SATURDAY SIFTING. Miss Edens of Battle Creek was a Norfolk visitor Friday afternoon. Dr. C. A. McKlm returned yestpr- day from Lynch , where he had been called on professional business. 0. S. Hayes Is bacK from Pilgor. Mrs. C. W. Anderson and Miss Dora Ruelow of Hoskins were Norfolk visitors. Rov. Mr. FrlcKe of Madicon was In the city on Tils way to Dakota looking after land. W. L. Dowllng , Senator Allen's law partner , was In Norfolk Saturday on his way to Lincoln to try a case be- -7" BfcWKT fore the supreme court. Dr. J , H. Mackay arrived homo Fri day evening from Chicago , having ac- ( onipnnted Mrs. Martcl to that city. Mrs. Mnrtr ) stood . -e trip well. Miss Anna Hazon , who has been . school at Crofton , has ar rived In Norfolk and will spend the summer witn Mr. and Mrs. A. O. ilazeu. Leaving for Omaha Sunday , E , A. Oullock will no In Omaha the coming week to attend the annual meeting of the state electrical society there Tues day , Wednesday and Thursday. Mr. Bullock Is president of the society. Dr. C. W , Hay lectured to a house full of people at the Methodist church at Butte on Thursday , May C. Herman Froloff will erect a cottage this summer on the lots which ho recently purchased on South Second stret t. Chris Schavlnnd of Madison was re cently re-appointed to his position as secretary of the state assessment board. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Esh , who nave been connected with the Umm- for some time , have gone to Merrill , Neb. , to live. The funeral of Ludwlg Sledschlag will be held nt 2 o'clock Sunday af ternoon from the home , and at 2:30 : o'clock from Christ Lutheran church. Chris Gllssmnn , who played on the baseball nine last year , is working in a bakery in Columbus and will .prob ably not be available for the Norfolk nine. The business meeting of the Wo man's club will he held Monday evenIng - . Ing , May id , at 7:30 : o'clock at the home of Mrs. C. B. Durland , 102 North Ninth street. Don E. Cameron , formerly of Nor folk but later of Gregory , S. D. , has established a hardware store nt Co- lome in Trlpp county and taken up his residence there. Julius Hulff , once city clerk of Nor folk , according to word from Los An geles , Cal. , is professor of violin in struction in the New York School of Music in Los Angeles. A birthday party was given yester day at the home of Vera Emery , 210 South Second street. A number of her little friends were present , each one bringing her a choice present. Mrs. Charles Verges entertained a company of some forty young people Friday evening In honor of Dr. Ver ges' sisters , Misses Minnie and Marie- Verges , who leave Monday for Go many. Mrs. Ernstine Lueck , sixty-six years old , will be burled Sunday af ternoon from the Reformed Lutheran church , seven miles northeast of the city. Mrs Lueck lived five miles east ' o ( Hoskins. The Nebraska Telephone company has just completed a new fanners' line giving service to thirteen sub scribers living beyond the M. Bene dict farm. The line runs about twelve miles north of the city. Under the leadership of Miss Belle C. Clark , the superintendent of nurs es , the state hospital will head the governor's proclamation to observe Mothers' day. The Inmates will be cheered by the sight of white carna tions in honor of her whom all hold sacred. Title to the Rome Miller dairy farm , just south of the Junction de pot , Is still vested In the Standard Stock Food company of Omaha. The farm was sold some time ago to an Iowa stock raiser , but the transaction fell through after the deal had been virtually completed. Fred L. Dommisseo , whose Norfolk avenue restaurant was closed recently , was named a local deputy game war den by State Deputy Warden J. B. Donovan on the latter's visit here en- route to Crystal lake. Mr. pommissee was to he. 7e accompanied Donovan but ' 'be new officer overslept and missed the train. Some Interesting house statis tics are given by Z. H. Bateman , the bill distributor , whose work puts him In touch with the subject. Bate man says that there are 1,010 occu pied houses in Norfolk at this time and that there are sixty new houses inprocess of construction , none cost ing less than $1,000. General Superintendent S. M. Bra den of the Northwestern has given the Norfolk fire department a check for ? 50 as showing the company's ap preciation of the work of the Norfolk firemen at the big blaze In the North western material yards Friday. Mr. Braden also furnished refreshments to the firemen Friday afternoon. Norfolk business men are asked to heed a warning to be more careful about burning rubbish in the alleys Last Wednesday night , during the wind storm , Officer O'Brien carried some twenty buckets of water to pul out a flre. Notice is accordingly given that outdoor stoves and cans used for burning rubbish must have a screen on top to lessen the danger from rflre. Robert Gruchow , an S-year-olii son of Fred Gruchow , Jiving ten mllbs north and a mile east of the city , is dead as the result of dropsy follow ing an attack of grip , \yhlch settled In the heart. The funeral was an nounced for Sunday afternoon from the German Lutheran church , in the neighborhood of the Gruchow home. Interment will bo in the cemetery nearby. Clint Smith , ex-mayor or Madison and a prominent Madison county re publican , was in Norfolk Friday after noon on business. Mr. Smith will probably bo a candidate for the re publican nomination for sheriff , Nor folk Is apparently -leaving the sheriff contest to Madison and the fight will uo between a number- south-end candidates. If these conditions con tinue , and 'they seem likely to , Mr. Smith will be in the race when the entries are made. Miss Edith Vielo , Mrs. L. B. Mus- selman , Mrs. George B. Christoph and Dr. R. C. Simmons , Norfolk's reprc- scntatlvo at the grand chapter meet ing of the Eastern Star order at , Lin coln , have returned to Norfolk. Miss Vielo was accorded an unusual honor nt the grand chapter meeting being ilaced In charge of the ritualistic woik. Fourteen worthy matrons of the state took part In the \vorK. Miss > lelo has had the distinction during ho past year of being the youngest icad of an Eastern Star chapter In he state. An > cffort made by Water Coimuls- donor August Brummund to Improve the water pressure at Friday after- loon's big blaze In the rnthoud yards uy giving direct pressure from the pumping station , proved of no avail on account of the gate at the standpipe - pipe being filled with bricks and mid. This was apparently the work , of boys and nad probably been done' ' some time ago. It was Impossible to shut off the standplpo at the time of the lire , but the water commissioner toou steps today to have the trap gate cleared against future emergencies. Chief of Police Marqunrdt and the railroad authorities arc anxious to > ut a stop to the practice of boys lumping on the gravel trains which arc now running up the Boncsteol lino. rJoys have always given trouble by riding short distances on the stops of outgoing passenger trains , but the slow gravel trains have resulted In the practice becoming even more gen eral. Boys said to be high school lads are among some of the worst offend ers. Some of the boys steal rides to dar and then catch returning trains back. The practice is a dangerous one and the trainmen have authority to make arrests. Norfolk will have three girls on Tripp county claims. While a good percentage of the Norfolk men who drew farms failed to file , the three young ladles were not frightened by the scare stories. Miss Delia M. Howard has her claim in the extreme west end of the county. Her next door neighbors are Lulu Eagle Hawk , Mathew Night Pipe and Julia High Bear. She Is eight miles southwest of Wltten. Miss Charlotte lllgen is eight miles south of Wltten. the two Norfolk girls being eight miles apart. R.J. Ecles * claim is midway between. Miss Agnes Raasch is more in the center of the county , being some sev en miles northwest of Colome. She is thirteen miles from Miss Illgen's claim. At the same time that the North western material yards were ablaze and the flames rising to such a height as to cause more or less excitement , the farm home of , Fred Lehman , five miles east of the city , burned to the ground. It was a two-story frame dwelling. The loss was In part cov ered by Insurance with the Farmers' Mutual. The furniture was removed from the first floor. The flre caught from the chimney. Five or six buck ets of water were thrown on the blaze , but it was Impossible to sum mon help from the neighbors in time on account of the confusion arising over the Norfolk flre. The wind made it impossible to save the build ing , but had the direction of the wind been different , all of the farm build ings would probably have been de stroyed. Superintendent Fisher and the Ne ligh baseball nine arrived In Norfolk Saturday noon for the afternoon game with i.he Norfolk high school. "Fans" were Interested In this open ing game on account of the possibil ity that there might be high school material which can be switched to the regular team later In the season. It is not denied that the local situa tion is far from encouraging Just now. Before baseball Is practical In Norfolk this season , more local ma terial will have to come to light than is now in sight. It is recognized as impossible for sufficient funds to be raised to support a professional team and that baseball here , as in other towns of this size , will have to de pend almost entirely on young men who are willing to play for love of the game and for the credit of the town. Remuneration- be an In cidental feature except where it Is necessary to Import players to fill holes in the team. < Battle Creek Enterprise : The mat ter of securing an electric light line from Norfolk has been discussed more or less in Battle Creek for some time , and on invitation of business men and the village trustees E. A. Bullock of the Norfolk Electric Light and Power company addressed n meeting neld for the purpose of discussing the matter. Mr. Bullock believes that Battle Creek can secure excellent service at a nominal cost , and pre sented several propositions , any one of which Is worthy of consideration. The proposition regarded as most fa vorable to all , however , Is one which would involve the expenditure of about 5,000 for a line to be owned and con trolled by the Bullock interests. Mr. Bullock does not nsk a bonus to aid in construction , but does nsk a loan as a guarantee tluu Battle Creek Is willing to assume some responsibility. Assuming the security given to bo ample , the Interest offered should at tract Idle Battle Creek capital If for no other than purely business reason * . The proposition presents itself most favorably , as the amount asked by the Norfolk company by no means lost to the investor is less by half , per haps , than the cost of a small munici pally owned plant , the operation of which would entail an annual expendi ture almost equal to the income. A committee of business men was ap pointed to boost the project and if capital can be secured developments will come rapidly. Stanton People Contribute , Stanton , Neb , , May 8. As soon as the report of the PlalnvJew flre was received hero a subscription list was circulated and over f 100 have already' ' been pledged hero to assist In re-j building the Plalnvlew church. The real test is in the baking. Other Rikinjj Powders may make broad claims , but when it comes to the production of real delicious biscuit , cakes and pastry CALUMET BAKING POWDER proves its real worth. This is because of itsjmich prcatcr leavening power and the strict purity of its ingredients. It costs only a trifle more than the cheap and bitf can brands and much less tlian the Trust Baking Powders. Received Highest Award World's Pure Food Exposition Chicago , 1907. Renewing Hostilities. Nogloy "I've discovered there Is one state in which divorce Is wholly un necessary. " Mrs. Nagloy ( sharply ) "Which Is that ? " Nagloy "Tho state of single blessedness ! " Illustrated Sunday Magazine. Reducing Weight. Racehorse Owner "William , you are' too heavy. Can't you take some thing off ? " Jockey "I'm wearing my lightest suit , and haven't tasted food all dajV Owner "Then , for good ness' sake , go and get shaved. " Tit- Bits. Rewards Constantly Paid. The rewards of great living arc not external things , withheld until the crowning hour of success arrives ; they come by the way In the con sciousness of growing power and worth , of duties nobly met , and work thoroughly done. Joy and peace are by the way. Mable. A Literary Reporter. I do not profess to be a politician , but simply one of a disinterested class of observers who , with no organized and embodied set ot supporters to please , set themselves to observe hon estly and report faithfully the state and prospects of our civilization. Matthew Arnold. To Preserve Historic Battle-Ship. Nelson's flagship Victory , almost the last relic of the great naval wars , is to be rerlgged , repainted and as near ly as possible restored to the condi tion in which she gloriously led the port column of the British fleet Into battle at Trafalgar. Source of Poison Dangers. The action of foods and liquors on their receptacles may produce deadly poisons. Acid fruits cooked In copper or zinc pots are a particular source of danger. A man who was taken l\l \ in the hunting field with symptoms of mineral poisoning learned that the fine old brandy he carried In his back pocket had dissolved some of the cop per In the sterling silver flasks. The British Press. Not a little world wisdom lies in the' conduct of the British press. Its managers do not let their Instincts for news run away with their appreciation of how things said in heat look In cold print to the world abroad. They do not furnish arrows for the quivers of their foreign critics. Boston Tran- script. Grand Success , But Elevator girls may bo a grand suc cess , but could one , of them smooth her pompadour without taking her hand off the controller , and who would swear at the automatic door ? St. Louis Republic. Marked Improvement. "My washerwoman , " Mrs. Lapsllng was saying , "used to lose ever so many of my sheets and pillow cases but she doesn't now. I mark them al with intelligible ink. " Shows Influence of Mind. Careful estimates show that the av erase business man walks a mile in ISVfc minutes , while the ordinary loiterer , who has no business on his mind ) requires 29 minutes to walk it The Ruler of the World. When wo get behind all the circum stances of our dally life we flnd the thinker , the man with ideas. He is the true ruler of the world. He gives us all things , from the clothes of our bodies to the clothes of our minds. He gives us coats and commandments ; J mutton chops and morals. He gives us our policies , our religion , all , In short , that wo have. Lm ' n Dally Dispatch. Health. Bad as conditions are to-day , great progress has been made during the last 20 years. People are growing more careful as to what they eat and drink. There is no city that is not bestirring itself to Improve its water supply and its system of sanitation. The demand for more freih air is al most a fad In progressive communi ties. Lund of Commercial Industry. The traveler through Saxony IB rare ly out of sight of & factory chimney. In probably no other land are indus trial establishments no numerous in proportion to the area. The present number IB 24,707 , an increase of 1,755 orer the preceding year. The number of operatives U 686,319 , an increase of 41,236 In th couna of a year. Analysis of Qood Temper. The good temper is born In natures of low vitality , iron nerves and thick skin. These are Insensitive to change of moral atmosphere , and what would wound another soul mortally barely Inflicts a scratch on them. The rest of their emotions are usually on a par with the temper placid , Imper turbable and slugRlah. Those inca- paple of the passion of anger must bo incapable of any other great passion. Exchange. Care Not Necessary. Scientific knowledge Is sometimes negligible. "My boy , " said the kindly English rector to the hobbledehoy ot a youth who was picking mush rooms In the rectory Holds , "beware of picking a toadstool Instead of a mushroom ; they are easy to confuse. " "That be all rolght , sur , that be , " said the urchin , "us hain't a-goln' to cat 'em ourselves ; they're goln' to mar ket to be sold. " Native Education at the Cape. Generally speaking , the natives are keen about education , though , Jlko many Europeans , they do not much like paying for it. In Flngoland the desire for knowledge is so widespread that the percentage of children attend ing school compares very favorably with that of the most civilized Euro pean countries. Klmberley Diamond Fields Advertiser. About Right. A boy was asked to explain the dif ference between animal instinct and I human 'Intelligence. "If we had in- I Btlnct , " ho said , "we should know I everything wo needed to know with out learning it ; but wo'vo''got reason , und so we have tq study ourselves v 'most blind , or be a'fool. " Universal- 1st Leader. " . Angel's Gins. If , Instead of a gem , or even of a flower , we could cast the gift of a love ly thought Into the heart of a friend , , that would be giving as the angels , I suppose , must give. George Mac- Dorinid. Perfectly Safe. When a woman Is first married , she fears her husband Is so brave and gen erous that ho will get hurt some day rushing Into a dangerous place to do a noble act. but she Is not long in find ing out thiit on that score ho is par- fectly safe. Atchlson Globe. and Brain. The heart that husbands a desire to "get even" with , Imaginary enemies is the haunt of unhapplness ; and the brain that strives to conceive a ineuna of retaliation for a fancied wrong is the abode of misery. Sunday Maga zine. Vanity. The more one speaks of himself the less he likes to hear another talked of. Lavater. . , Woman's Natural Sense. One woman's natural sense is worth . 60 men's trained reason in a predlc- nent. New York Press. Caught In Bad Prairie Fire. ' Four Norfolk traveling men were caught in a terrific prairie tire during : Wednesday afternoon's sixty mile wind , between Ainsworth and Norden , and one of them , Burt Hancock , was burned about the face , neck and. hands. The party who were caught in the flro were Ed. C. Engle , H. M. culbort- son , C. A. Adams and Burt Hancock. They were driving from Alnsworth to- Norden and got caught In n draw. By back firing they saved themselves. The fire burned a strip fifty miles long and from five to twenty-five miles wide , going to within four and a half miles of Long Pino. The fact that the wind was so violent lent saved the day , the wind itself finally whipping out the flre. Not a spear of hay remains In haf region. Many farmers wore burned out. Will Foster lost a now hoiiso and barn , seventeen cattle , tour horses and all machinery'and other stock. Many burned shacks were seen. Charred cattle carcasses wcro seen along the roadway the next day. The scene is ono of gross disjoin- tlon , according to the traveling men vho have Just returned to Norfolk. They drove back over Iho route the lay after the flro and declare that the scene is ono of Indescribable waste. \ The flre is thought to have started n the vicinity of Arabia. Mr. Hancock's wife was telegraph- d and met him at Fremont , accom panying him to his homo in Omaha , le travels for the Itcn Biscuit com pany.