TT1R NOHOUv WEKKLY NEWS-JOURNAL Fill DA Y AP , IL 10 1909 THE NEW LAWS SN NEBRASKA | WHAT THIRTY-FIRST LEGISLA TURE HAS ACCOMPLISHED. PRESENTED HERE IN A NUTSHELL One of the Last Act * Was the Now Famous "Daylight Saloon" Law. Guaranty of Deposits and Oregon Senatorial Plan , Onu ut the lust nets of the turo of 1'JOt ) WUH to puss a bill provld- Ine that all BiilooiiB In Nebraska should cloHu at 8 o'clock In the uvoulng and remain closed until T the next morn- Ing. Ing.Of Of the bills passed of Bjoneral InUr- st wore the following ; : The bill to guaranty bank deposits ; the Orogoi plan for the election of United States conators ; the reciprocal demurrage bill ; the non-parllBon Judiciary ; re gents of the state university and state and county superintendents ; the levy of a nut tax on all foreign corpora tions based on the capital stock , to b paid annually and to ho called an oc cupation tux ; the bill to provldo all foreign und domestic corporations , ave Insurance and ralloads and those not engaged for profit , shall list tha niuno of their agent with the sea- rctnry of atato and pay to him it foe of $50 for Keeping the records of th niiinuB and addreBBca ; the amend- incntB to the .primary law changing the dale of the primary to the laat Thursday In July and providing for the county convention ; the Olliu prim ary bill which provides for the open primary. Hills signed by the governor : SENATE BILLS. IB. Tanner. Governor shall desig nate In what papers proposed canstitu- tlonal amendments are published pre vious to being submitted.x 44. Hansom , Provides for a bond ed Imlebetodness of 5 per cent for Omaha ; penults Issuance of bonds for maintenance of public utilities ; per mits council to iuBitu Huwor and in tersection bonds. Emergency. 50. Hansom. Kopeals law making county comptroller ox-olllclo city comp troller. Emergency. ' 136. IIowcll. Joint resolution me- moriallzliiB congress to issue $500,0 , > 0- 000 waterways bonds for rivers and harbors and reservoirs Impiovements. 150. Miller. Prohibits rights of high school and elementary schools to members of fraternities. Makes It a misdemeanor to solicit membership on School grounds. Penalty a fine of $2 to $10. 20. Fuller. County and proclnct uscsaors may administer oaths. 52. Miller. Makou constitutional the blackmailing law which was de clared ! Invalid by the supreme court. 65. King. Clerk of the district court annually must report to tha state board of health statistics of marriages and divorces. Penalty for violation. Emer gency. 89. Hansom. When not In viola tion of wills lands of minors may be mortgaged on order of the court for the necessary support and education of said minors. Guardian must give a bond for right application of the mon ey and may mortgage property In his own name. Emergency. 93. Randall and King. Permits vacation of lands In villages for park purposes. Provides for condemnation proctodlngs. Emergency. 56. King. County judges annually hall report marriage statistics to the secretary of the state board of health. Penalty for violation. Emergency. f20. Miller. Complainant entitled to divorce. for cause ofjictfon arising In thle state upon oiio yen ins resilience ; unless married In state and lived hero up to the _ Umo of application. Two years' residence necessary lo secure a divorce for cause of action arising outside of state ; throe months' search for defendant necessary after filing pe- tltlon before notice by publication Is permitted. Decree final after six months without action by the court. 149. Hartos. Villages of 1,000 pop ulation upon petition of legal voters may vote on the question of retaining village government. Vote to be at tha next annual election. Emergency. 163. Ruck. Cider vinegar shall not contain less that 1.6 percent by weight of elder vinegar solids. Emergency. 176. Miller. Vests In Lincoln fee title to block 29 , in return for lto for historical building. 1. Howell. Omaha charter. Emer gency. 18. Rnneom. The icovernor shall appoint five persons who with him self. shall constitute the otate board of osteopathy. 315. Howell. Providing a pension tor retired Omaha public school teach ers. 13. Tlbbetts. Legal acknowledge ments made outside the state mutt contain the seal of record of the per son or court making same , and If by Justice of the peace a verification of Justice Jurisdiction under teal of a court of record. 152. Miller. Permitting the regents whenever they may deem Jt advisable. o establish a school of cltltenshlp at the Btttte university. 101. Tanner. South Omaha chart - t r. 28. Panning. The food cotnmliilon- r shall have tv/o drug and food In- epectors , who shall receive $3 a day for their services , to carry out the provisions of th dairy inspection act 262. Ha'nnlng. Person * engaged In the transportation or manufacture of dairy producti. Ice cream or the iale of milk or cream la bottles may have distinguishing marks for the contain- r * of the same , a description of Which shall b * Dltd with the secretary tt BtaU aid which shall kt by law. 408. Hansom. Corrects a mistake 'In Omnlm chirrtor bill , - * . 147. lluhnimn. Amends the law relating to regulation of soldiers' homes by providing veterans may pay portion of their board In the homos If desired and the amount of the pen- lion they receive shall not bo taken Into consideration In the qualifications of a member. 143. Hnrtos. Requires railroads to put In telephones In their ofllcos In towns of 200 or over. Applies also to express companies. 164. Llodlnsoii. Provides the land commissioner may permit the removal of sand' and gravel from school lauds. 345. BartoB. Limiting the liability of hotel keepers. 71 , Running. Reciprocal demur rage bill. 263. Cain. Enables people of Jllch- ardson county to correct hlitory of Rome drainage bondi Emergency. 264. dan , Amend * tha drainage law under which drainage IB being done In Nemaha county. Emergency. 95. Wlltfie. Railroads mutt settle claims for damages for IOB * In shipment - mont or overcharge for freight within 60 days on lnta ntaU shipment or 90 days on Inter state shipments. If not adjusted then , they are liable for 7 per cent Interest on claims , and attorneys' fees. If ault Is brought and Judgment does not exceed the tender of railroad company , attorney fee * cannot bo recovered. 2il. Committee on Drainage. Drainage - age districts may borrow money for not to exceed five years , interest limited to 7 per cent. Districts may dissolve upon three-fifths vote of mem hers. Prescribed territory may be added by a majority vote of both the old district nnd the new territory to bo added. Territory may be detached by majority vote. Hy three-fourths vote , directors may change meeting place. Emergency. 10. Tanner. City treasurer of South Omaha shall be deputy county treasurer for collection of taxes at (1,200 ( a year. Emergency. 71. Banning. Reciprocal demur rage. rage.MO. MO. Randall. Places apartments used for the preparation , sale or dls trlbution of any food under the Jurist diction of the pure food commission. 255. Mnndall. State railway com mission i' ve power to compel rail roads to pi"vido transfer switches at points where there are two railroad's Emergency. 825. Raymond. Provides for the publication of the proceedings of irri' intlon district boards. 340. Majors. The state shall pub llsh the proceedings or the encamp ment of the Grand Army of the no- public in the official stale records. 94. Kandnll. The plalntln In suits In district courts shall have power to designate In what newspapers notices by publication shall bo printed. 134. King. A judge on the convlc tion of any person of a felony shall determine whether It is the defend ant's first offense and also the extent of moral turpitude. Emergency. 11C. Myers. It shall bo unlawful for any person to drain any natural lake where the same Is twenty acres In extent at low stage. 10. King. AH corporations doing business in Nebraska shall pay to the itate an annual occupation tax , based on capital stock. Emergency. 394. Laverty. Where the title to a drainage ditch Is vested In the county the county may lay out a rend along the ditch. 339. OIlls. Providing that motor cars other than street railways shall provide In the coach a smoking ; com partment and toilet room. 28. Fuller. Providing that the itate board of equalization cannot In crease the aggregate assessment re turned by the county assessors unless the board gives the county officials a bearing. 330. MUler. Giving authority to street railway companies to extend their | Incs ten miles outside of the city limits providing they can secure a right of.w"ay. . 51. Bartos , Providing a salary of M.OOO a year to the county attorney of Douglas county. Emergency. 193. Brown. Giving greater power to cities of the second class In the matter of forcing the building of per manent walks. 109. Ollls. Primary bill. 350. Miller. Createi a school for dependant children in the homo for the friendless at Lincoln. 3. Buck. Provides that when a deposit is made in any bank in the names of two or more persons , the lame may bo paid to either of the par ties or their survivors. 386. Howell. Adding to fees of coroner for viewing body of persons supposed to have died of unlawful . means , by suicide or accident when no Inquest Is needed. ' 81. Randall. Making it unlawful for any person to drink liquor on any Irain. ' 284. Brown. Permits the county attorney of Lancaster county to em ploy a detective to search for evi dence. Emergency. 166. Bartos. Provides for thw in corporation of Bohemian fraternal so cieties. 123. Volpp. Mutual benefit associ ations may pay policyhoIderB at the 176. Raymond. Permits Issuance of refunding bonds for irrigation dis tricts. Emergency. 389. Besse. Provides that Irri ra tions board may arrange for the exten sion of laterals and their construction , go of seventy as an old age benefit nt-ienth of the sura due at the tirnn of their death as an annuity tor ten years provided the same shall bo tak en from the face of the policy at death. 225. Howell. Prevents Insurance companies placing-any contract or pol 1 icy of Insurance 1or on any property or persons except through a legally oru thorized agent within the state. 247. Raymond. Provide * tor a re- part * om Irrigation district * to tn Ut kwd ot irrixatto * . | 302 , Mlllor. Block Insurance com panies imiBt- deposit with the state \ auditor socurltleu to1 the vnlws'of tht-lf policies not to exceed $100.000. 196. Ransom. Providing a system ; > f fees for district clerks. Emergency 100. Donohoo. All supreme , din- rlct and county Judges , regents of ho university , slate superintendent and county superintendents Khali go on the ballot at the general election without being nominated at the prim arles and without party designation , by petition. 288 , Banning. Road overseers arc authorized to mow woods on railroad right of way when railroad neglects to do It. 122. Randall. County depositories may guaranty county deposits with farm mortgages or other securities equal to the deposits. 117. Randall. Btato depoittorles may deposit securities for guaranty of state funds instead of giving surety bonds. 318. Miller. All postage or delivery stamps uaed In any department of the state government shall be perforated with the letter * "Neb. " S83. Wlltae. Saloon * ahall close primary day and on every day of the week In the state of Nebraska at 8 o'clock p. m. , and remain closed until 7 o'clock In the morning. 191. Brown. Any time after com plaint has boon filed In justice or county court against a husband or parent - ent ( for nonsupport of wife or child , de fendant I may be released upon giving n , bond for their support. 368. Gammlll. Permits villages i and , cities to Issue bonds for the con | struction , of electric or gasoline rail roads. Emergency. 314. Howell. Repeals the law which created the office of county comptroller of Douglas county. Emer gency. 300. Klein. Cities of 5,000 to 25- 000 population may issue bonds not to exceed $150,000 for waterworks. 321. Tlbbetts. Provides foreign corporations , except Insurance , beno- flclary and rallroadn , to appoint an agent and' file the name with the sec retary of state and with the register of deeds. Emergency. 275. Bartos. Penalty for destroy ing or injuring the mechanisms of electric safety signals * or stealing brasses from the Journals of railroad cars. 30 i. Brown. Villages of 1,500 pop ulation shall be one school district. 133 OIlls. Physical valuation bill. 109. Ollls. Primary bill. HOUSE BILLS. 69. Taylor ( Cnster ) . If a school district Is not able to maintain nine months of school by levying the lull amount of the school levy and with the aid of the entire state school mon ey , the district shall not ' > bo liable for the tuition of pupils in frea high schools of the county. 514. Snyder. 'Applications for par dons made to the governor may not be made oftener than once n yeni. 478. Bygland. Repeals lid animal bounty law. 83. Taylor ( Ouster ) . Damages fcr laying out , alteration and vaeat.ion cf rondo shall bo paid out of the couuty general fund. 474. Connolly. The dental secre taries of the state board of health may . Issue licenses to dentibts of ctbsr states having the same standards as Nebraska laws Imposo. 284. Henry , It shall bo a felony to sell or give away liquor to Indians either of full or mixed blood' . 17 , Gerdes. The auditor must ls < | BUO licenses to insurance agents and shall have authority to revoke the same for good and sufficient causo. 57S. Ransom on request of the gov- I ernor. Prevents the issuance of wat ered stock. 465. Clark. Appropriating $998,640 for the payment o'f salaries to state of ficials und employees. 516. By committee on deficiencies. Deficiency claims bill. 464. . Alison. Creating a board to license state accountants , 163. Nottleton. Attoi'ney ' general shall give opinions to all state officers when the same are requested. 529.Snyder. . Miscellaneous claims bill. 463. Clark. Appropriating $2,289- 918 for current expenses of the state government for the blonnlum. 358. Wilson. Establishing maxi mum rates for oil , 486. Smith. Requires the net weight of contents to bo stamped upon all food packages put up by'a whole saler or manufacturer , except meat products , canned corn , canned and pre-j served fruit. 468. Brodrock. Appropriates$50 , - 000 for ft building for the Nebraska Institute for the deaf at Omaha. 224. Noycs. Game bill. . 130 , Kraus. Warehouse receipts act. 41. Clark. Appropriating $20,000 for Incidental expenses of the legisla ture. Emergency. 42. Clark. Appropriating $80,000 for salaries of members , officers and employees of legislature. Emergency. 29. Begole. Appropriating $3,600 for 400 copies of Cobbey'B statutes for use of state. Emergency. 118. Wilson. Judgoa of district court by which person Is sentenced to : execution may suspend sentence and order examination as to sanity by the superintendents of the three hospita.v for the insane. Women sentenced' to execution may also be examined upon order ot district judge , as to her con dition. Emergency. 181. Clark. Appropriating (16,000 to pay deficiency at state penitentiary. Emergency. 79. Skeon. Joint resolution memo rializing congress to order a clock with four ffals striking the hour nnd half hour for the tower of the federal building at Lincoln. * 103. Clark. Appropriating $600 $ for the governor's office .for the first quarter of 1909. Emergency. 129. Leldlgh. Amending charters for cities of 9,000 to S5,000 to that k * without a.yoto of thipeople ) , Emer-u gency. 1. Humphrey. Oregon plan of elect ing United States senators. 99. Uushee , Counties may bo re- surveyed upon a majority of the voters favoring It. Emergency. 90) ) Cnrr. Every firm or corpora tion selling farm , dairy , orchard or garden products on consignment for commission must take out n license from the food , dairy and drug commis sioner ( license fee $10) ) and give $2- 000 bond , which may bo used for breach of conditions. Penalty from ' $100 to $1,000 flno. 80. Dolezal. After Jan. 1 , 1010 , It will be unlawful to soil any toy re volver shooting blank cartridges , blank cartridges for toy revolvers or firecrackers over five inches In length or more than throo-quartor * In diam eter. 2. Griffin. Providing for the ap pointments of judges and clerk * of election fifteen days prior to the flret Tuesday in September. 49. Thomas. Create * police relief and pension fund In Omaha. Police men may retire on $40 a month after twenty years' service at the ago of fifty years. Disability while on duty entitles salary for three months. Re tirement may bo ordered at $40 a month for full disability. 73. Taylor ( Ouster ) . Moderator of school districts may administer oath * to directors or treasurer. 76. Kotouc. University regent * may organize teachers' college in the university. 89. Hadsell. Binding twine must' be labelled with the name of manufact urer , number of feet to the pound , per cent of oil contained , material from which It Is made , tcnsllo itrctigth and date of manufacture. 110. Fries. Exempts precinct oflV ccrs from primary lection. Emer gency. 132. Barrett. Appropriates the ma triculation fees of the Kearney nor- mal school to the purchase of books for the library. Emergency. 201. Case. Appropriates 95 per cent of the 1-mlll levy for the state university for 1909 ami 1910 and $30- 000 of delinquent taxes yet unpaid. Emergency. 36. Henry. Appropriates $20,000 for Lincoln monument on capltol grounds at Lincoln. Donations of $10- 000 are to be made , making total of $30,000 to be expended 47. Young. Police Judge In cities outside of county spats have jurisdic tion over truancy cases. 127. West. Provides a penalty for any person advertising false pedigrees of stallions. Emergency. MO. Killcn. All paint packages must be labelled with formula showing contents. 12. Taylor ( York ) . Costs due de cedents shall be paid to the estate. 13. Taylor ( York ) . Administrators may secure an extension of time foi the payment of legacies or debts ot deceased person. 22. Talcott. Persons criminally in ' sane may be committed lo the asy lum when convicted of crime. 27. Taylor ( Hitchcock ) . Prevents buying or selling a commodity In one town at a higher or lower rate than in another community by the same par ty. Freight rates taken into consider ation. Emergency. 58. Ollls. Stock trains on branch lines of 125 miles shall travel 14 miles an hour ; toilet rooms shall be furn ished In combination coaches. Rail road employes must call trains at sta tions. Trains srall leave from point not over half mlle from waiting room. 271. Buhrman. Quiets title to cer tain lots In St. Paul. Emergency. 31. Sink. Compels hotels to pro vide beds with ninety-nlne-lnch sheets ; individual towels to guests ; sanitary closets where water connections will | ] permit ; . Provides for Inspection of hotels by the labor commissioner. 137. Chase. Providing for the In spectlon of shipments of horses am * cattle by county Inspectors nnpolntod by county boards. Designed lo pre vent shipping stolen cattle and horses. 357. Hosp'oilsky. Appropriating $5.- 000 for barn and $5,000 for horses and equipment for the Kearney Industrial school. Emergency. 39. Kelloy. Appropriating $3,000 to reimburse members of soldiers' homes for money taken from , them by the state board under rule 17. 114. Carr. Appropriated $5,000 for an experimental station in the north west. Board of regent * to select the | site. 126. Hector. Appropriating matric ulation fees for the Peru normal school for the purchase of books. Emergency. 158. Bushee , Giving bondholders In Irrigation districts authority to bring suit to test validity of irriga tion bonds. Emergency. 235. Clark. Increases salary ot deputies , secretary of state and state superintendent to $1,800. 170. Moore. Adding to the bushel welgths fixed by law as follows : Spelts , 40 pounds ; alfalfa , 60 pounds ; green apples. 48 pounds ; sorghum ieed. 50 pounds. 70. Case. Providing that person * desiring to become professional nurses may take an examination before the ttate board of secretaries appointed by the state board of health consistIng - Ing ; of graduate nurses. A satisfactory examination entitles them to be desig nated registered nurses. The title cannot be used by any falling to re ceive a certificate. 10. Taylor ( York ) . Providing ad ditional fees to bo charged by county t judges. 11. Taylor ( York ) . Providing county judge shall Jceep In addition to other records a "General Index to Probate Record * ' and an "Index to Wills Deposited. " 149. Carr. Permitting the county superintendent to attach to a school ' district or organize Into new districts ' any territory which IB not now BO - organized. 128. Lawrence. Amands tH pros- tat Military eodt 'to attsfarsa to tk * United Stntqa laws. | * ' ir9 < . kuh'l The Rtnfo commlttoo of e'nch political 'party shall de'slgnalo In what manner atato , congressional , judicial nnd legislative committees of the vnrloua parties may bo chosen. State convention shall bo held on the second Tuesday of July In each year , County conventions shall select the delegates to the state convention and also eounty committees. 111. Taylor ( Hitchcock ) , Dormant judgments cannot bo revived after en yearn. 179 , Busheo. For the appointment of n superintendent , of an Irrigation ditch by the secretory of the state board of Irrigation at n salary of $3 a day on the fnllurn of the owners to do HO and makes the salary a Hen on the property. 246. Connolly. Ponnlon fund for Omaha firemen. 236. Miller. Provides county sup erintendents shall furnish each dis trict with a con mo of study prepared by the state superintendent ; shall furnish supplies for reports. 254. Smith. Trustees of n school district upon a petition of one-fourth of the legal voters of said district shall submit the question of A special levy to create a fund for now school house , levy not to exceed ten mills . above thj levy for general school pur ' poses. Emergency. 533. Wilson. National banks may participate In the guaranty fund ot . Nebraska whenever congress or n ' federal ' court declnlon or departmental construction of the national banking law gives them permission. 397. Taylor ( Hitchcock ) . Appropri ates $52fi for the re-establishment of the fifty guide meridian In Dundy county. 123. nushce , Carr. Chase , Harring ton , Moore nnd Swan. Appropriates $75.000 to enable wnn.k . school districts , to hold at least five months' school annually. IHO. Thomas. Fixes salaries of bailiffs of district court of Douglas countv at $1.200. 391. Clark. Permanent school fund rnav ho invested In mtinletpal bondn of oities nnd vll'nRcs of the state ot Nebraska. Emergency. 19. Stoecl'or. Omnlin board of edu cation shall conslit of twelve persons , elected one from eneh wnrd. 4. Evans. Prevents discrimination bv ra'lron'la ' In the shipment or load IIIK of srnln. 203. Klllen. Pro'Mdes for gravity test of oil nnd era" "line : for the ap pointment of a chief ( lenutv oil Inspector specter nnd six oth r donnMes : fees for In npet'on Uss th n ten .barrels. 25 eents a barrel , more thin 10 nnd Irss thin Bf 1FI eents ; more tJinn HO , 10 cents. Emergency. 57. Oesole. Apnrop-lates $70,000 for buildings at the feeble minded In stitnte at B < * ntrlcc. Emergency. 133. Armstrong ; . Appropriates $50 , I 000 for n north wins for the Kearney normal ieh"ol. Emerpenev. 374. Clark. Freight train shall have crew of five ; main line iooal freight running more than 1 < 10 mlle and carrying passengers , crew of six ; mall or express of more than five cars , crew of five ; passeniror train of five cars or less , crew of four persons. 18. nuphee. Appoprlates 15,000 for an experimental sub-station west of the 102nd meridian. 189. Skecn. Appropriates $40,000 fnr tn t'-it-arnHon ) huiM'ns ' ; nt the , Peru normal school. Emergency. 369. Fish am1 Gnme Commission Appropriates $2,000 for Cherry county sub-fish hatchery Emergency. 227. Gate" Appropr'ates ' $3,000 for South Pend fish hatchery. I 112. Fr'e * County boards may I levy not over one mill for special emergency brlrlRe lew. 131. Bowman. Unlawful for em ployer to threaten to discharge em ployes in effort to Influence his vote. Penalty $100 fine or 30 days Imprison- merit or bo'b. 242. McVIe.ker. Treasurer of politi cal committee must file with county I clerk 15 days before election campaign . contributions of $25 or over. Penalty ' provided. 214. Sko"n. For the election of precinct assessors. 215. Skeen. Duties of the precinct assespors shall bo the same as the former deputy assessors. County boards shall divide cities or over 4,000 Inhabitants Into assessment dis tricts , as nearly .as possible with 4,000 people to the district. 228. Griffin. Makes It A misdemeanor meaner punishable by a fine of from $10 to $50 for any person to throw debris in any road ditch along a pub- lie highway. Offender IB liable to damages to the party Injured. 136. Bowman. Owners of swine which dlo of disease or sickness shall burn the carcass within forty-eight hours. 423. Joint committee of house and , renate. Guaranty banking bill. 169. Busheo. Service may be se cured through publication upon per mission of a district court or a district judge in vacation , when proper show ing has been made that planitlff does ' not know the residence of the defend ants. 198. Raper. County commission ers upon a petition of five freeholders In a precinct or municipality mark graves of veterans of the civil war I with metal markers. 286. Talcott. Governor shall ap point a state normal board. Ecier gency , | 322. Pool. State board of health Bball designate hospitals to care for Indigent consumptives. 270. Blystono. Appropriates $1,000 for office of G. A. R. la Lincoln. Emergency. 347 , Scheole , Wbere drainage ditch ha * been laid through Und be longing to others than party whoe Und 1 * drained and ha * been la COB- tett fOf U 7 * . attack the right of use shall be vested In owner of Innd drained. I ' ' I72r"S1lo0mnU < 3r , Joint 'resolution'1 for n constitutional amendment proof ' vldlng that foreigners who fall to tnku ' out their serotul papers after live | years shall be denied the right of fran chise. 202. MeVlckor. County board shall determine the cost of location and construction of ditches or drains and ' damages occasioned by construc tion. , 512 , Claims committee of the house. Governor , auditor nnd attorney general , shall Investigate rates of sure- y and fidelity companies doing bust- less In the state nnd by June 16 , 1909 , Ix a maximum schedule of premiums o bo charged. Emergency. 98 , Boelts. Roads that have been n use ten years shall bo declared' pubIc - Ic highways , 26. Sink. Buildings of more than wo stories , Including every hotel , boarding house , store house , tenement building , public building , public or private Institution , office or store building , school house , theater , public mil , place of assemblage or public re-1 sort more than two stories high and containing Above ground space for the occupancy of fifteen porons or more * ihall bo equipped with fire escapes. . 203. Eastman. On petition of not ess than one-fourth of the legal voters ers the county board shall submit at ft general or special election a propo sition for the levy of an annual tux of lot over f > mills on the dollar for the erection of new court houses , Jail , or other public buildings. 9. Taylor ( York ) . The county board shall divide the county into roud districts , except in cities and villages 139. IMlgcr. Appropriates $90,000 to buy for the state the Nebraska nor inal school at Wayne. 192 , West. Widows nnd dependent children of employees of railroads ing in the service may rccelvo Ireo tiansportation from railroads. 215. McVlckcr. The town board , shall consist of the assessor , the town clerk nnd the Justice of the peace re celvlng the highest number of votes at the election , if there Is more than one , 372. Grlflln. The county board shall ' furnish supplies for the olllee , In- eluding stationery , to the county aur- vejor. 370. Pool. Salaries of sheriffs. Sii. Lcldigh. Clerk or supreme court anil office foico placed on salary 125. Holmes. Mayor of Omahu shall appoint a lire warden. 509. Humphrey. Legalizing the Nebraska Corn Improvers' association. GO. Wilson. Provides for the call ing of an annual grand jury unless the judge otherwise orders. 271. Young. Appropriates $18,000 fcr the completion of buildings already begun at the Norfolk Insane asylum. 15.i. Taylor ( Custer ) . Land com. missioner \ < is authority to appoint deputy state surveyors. 359. Bates. Governor , auditor and secretary of state constitute the state printing board. 499. Groves. Governor appoints board of secretaries of the board of health , consisting of two members of the regular school , one eclectic , one homeopathic physician. C15. Connolly. Husband or father who refuses to support hia children and is convicted thereof may iflve bond for the support of such wife and children and secure his release. 232 , Chase. Appropriating $35,000 for a state normal school to be located In the Sixth congressional district. 233. Baker. The town meeting shall be hold on the first Tuesday In March. 287. Smith. Permits the sale in season of sturgeon , catfish , buffalo carp , suckers and garfish. Emergency , gency. 273. Hospodsky. The state insti tution in Omaha shall bo known as the Nebraska School for the Deaf. 72. Brown. Creates the olflce of fire commissioner. 418. Blown ( Sherman ) . Authoriz ing tne co't'ity of Sherman to pay $512 to "W. T. Gibson for building n bridge. 419. Brown ( Sherman ) . Authoriz ing Sherman county to pay W. T. Gib- ion $566 lor building another bridge. 18 , Bushee. Appropriates $15,000 for nn experimental substation to bo established west -of the 102d meridian. VETOED. S. F. 174. Raymond. Permits con demnation of private reservoir sites. S. F. 335. Brown. Indeterminate sentence - tence of persons convicted and sen tenced to the penitentiary. H. H. 60. Gates. Permitting the es tablishment of a saloon within two end one-half miles of a military pout , Votoed. HOWS THIS ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward - ward for any case of Catarrh tliat can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , Ohio. We , the undersigned. Imve known F J. Cheney for the Inst fifteen years , nnd bol'ove ' him perfectly 'honorable In alt buxlness transactions nnd llnancially able to carry out any obligations mndo bv his firm. Wnldlnp. Kinnan & Mar vin. Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly , acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi menials sent free. Price 75c per bet > UP. Sold by all Druggists , Toke Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. i Council Fixes New Salaries. Norfolk's new salary schedule. ! Mayor $300 per year , councilman $15(1 ( a year less $5 for each regular meet ing missed , city clerk $800 a year , city attorney $400 a year , city treasurer $300 a year , street commissioner $120 a year , chief of police $900 n year , night policeman $720 a year , chief ol the fire department $75 a year , June ; tion policeman $660 a year , police judge $300 a year , water commis . sioner $600 a year , members of public works committee $1 a year , city en- qlncer $5 a day , special police $2 a day. A new salary ordinance for the city , drawn up along the lines of the now city charter , was adopted by the city council at a special meeting called by Mayor J. D. Sturgeon Saturday ci - Inn. The now ordinance will KO Into effort with the Induction Into offlctf of ( ho Fildny hilmlnlHlratlon Tuesday. The ordinance provider ( hut all ftum shall | | he turned over to the city. Council Procorcllnus. Council met April 10 , 1909 , In spns clal pension at 8:30 : p , m. , Mayor Stur geon prosldliiK. PreBout , Coiinollmi'U Schwenk , Winter , Craven , Kauffiniui , FucHler and Dollu , Ilhbon. Ordinance < ' 1IIO watt read the first line. Moved by Knuffninn , Hecomloit by Winter , that mien be Himpciiileil and that ordinance 330 ho passed to > second reading. Carried. Ordinance * ItllO was read a second time. On notion of Fueslur , seconded by Schwonk , the rules wore. miHpentted and ordinance was passed to third reading. . Ordinance 330 WIIH rondt ho ' third time. On motion of KaufF- man , seconded by Degner , It wnn adopted as read. On motion of Winter , seconded \if \ Dolln , a special mooting of the mayor and council was called for Monday. , April 12 , at 2 p. m. for the purpose or canvesslng the election return * and for the purpose of punit- Ing on all claims lilted ngulnutt passing on all claims tilled ngnliiKX the city and for the purpose of consid ering the question of nmcndltu ; Ordin ance : ilG nnd voting on such proposal. Council adjourned at 10-15 : p. in. Ordinance No. 330. An Ordinance Providing for the t'a > - nu'iit of Salaries of Ihu Officers ami Employes of the City of Norfolk , , and the Amount Thereof. Be It Ordained by the Mayor anrt Council of the City of Norfolk. N - hrnska : Section 1. The officers nnd out- ployes of the City of Norfolk. NehraB- ka , shall no entitled ruspc'i'tivob to receive , the following salaries , for their serlvces , to ho paid In city war rants at par , towlt : Mayor The sum of $1100.00 per an num , to be paid quarteily. Each Councilman The sum of , $150.00 per nnuni , to he puld quarterl ) , $5.00 to bo deducted for each regular meeting ! not attended , excepting motn hers of the auditing and street and I1 alloy committees , each of whom Hhur. | receive their full salary * City Cleric- The sum of $800.00 pox- annum , to ho paid monthly , he to devote vote his whol < > time to the city. City Attorney The sum of iflOa.W' ' per annum , to lie paid quarter ! : , City Treasurer The sum of $300.0f per annum , to bo paid quarter ! } Street Ccmnilssloncr-t-Tlic sum ol" $120.00 per annum , to be puld month Chief of-Police The sum of $9MO.Utr > per annum , to he paid monthly , ho tr receive no other or further coinpetisa tion or feus or rewards fiom any per son or source , for any purpose wlm { soever. Night Policeman The sum or 720.00 per annum , to ho paid monthly , ic to receive no other or further com lensatlon or fees or reward from any ; ierson or source for any purpose- rt'hatsoever. Chief of the Fire Department The- sum of $75.00 per annum , to he paldr quarterly ; no fees to be paid , for In spection. Junction Jollcemnn The sum of * $ GCO.OO per annum , to he paid monthly , to receive no other or farther com- lensation or fees or rewards from anr person or source for any purposes ivhntsoever. Police Judge The sum of $ ; JOO.OO " per annum , to be paid monthly ; nil "ils other fees as police judge , to bej paid to the city. Water Commissioner The sum of. $600.00 per annum , to he paid monthly. Each Member of the Board of Public : WorKs The sum of $1.00 per nnatinr. 'o he paid monthly City Engineer The sum of $5.00 per day , for each and every day , uc- ually employed. Special Policemen The sttnioC $2.00 per day. All other employes shall receive such compensation for their services as may be agred upou. Section 2. Ordinance numlier 14CT ; and all other ordinances or parts of1 ordinances , In conflict with this or dinance are hereby repealed. Passed and approved April 10 , 190 ! > . J. D. Sturgeon , Ed Harter , Mayor. City Clerk. Gale Sweeps Iowa. DCS Moines , April 12. A gale reach ing a velocity of sixty miles raged In Des Moines and the central section o Iowa yesterday. Street signs , windows and roofs were wrecked. There was rain late last night. Wires are down In every direction. BAPTIZED IN ICY RIVER. Eighty Negroes are Ducked In slppl at St. Lou te- St. Louis , April 12. Whlfo thoin- sands of persons struggled for placets. of vantage , eighty of the 125 recruiter for the "Tho Navy of the Lord , " iu negro church , were Immersed Into * the Icy waters of tup Mississippi rlverr by the pastor of the congregation , tlur Rev. J. B. Parker , who is called. "Uiu ? admiral , " by his converts. The negroes , after running from the water , changed their garments In a nearby boilorshop. Forty-five of the recruits turned their back on joining1 "tho navy" when they felt the cold water. Idle English Coming West. Now York , April 12. Fifty English mechanics unable to obtain employ ment In England arrived here today on the American Hno steamship St. ' Paul. The party IB bound for the- by'middle west