THE NOHOLK VVKKI.LY NEWS JOURNAL FH1DA Y AIMUI , 2 1809 8IFTINQ. \ .Dr. Cherry of Wlnsldo was In town between trains. Mrs. 11. A. llaloy IH 111 with nn at- tuck of tliu grip. MTH. Carl Lueck was down from i Hosklns Saturday. Fay Nlglitongaio has boon up from Columbus on a visit. 1) . HOOH wont to Gregory Friday to i attoud tlio land Halo. v Mrs. Warrlck will leave for a vlHlt In Omaha tomorrow. William Havorinan of Wlnsldo wan a Norfolk visitor Saturday. Miss Emma Hoekman returned Fri day evening from an Uinaha visit. II. F. Schiller linn been In Gregory attending tlio government land auc tion. tion.Tho The WoHt Sldo WhlHt club will moot with Dr. and Mrs. Hoar Tues day night. George I ) . Muttorflold IH expected to nrrlvo Monday or Tuesday from Hot Springs , Ark. Henry Kohlhof and family 1mvo returned turned from a visit with Charloa Al bert at HoHklim. A HOII linn arrived at tlio homo of Mr. and MrH. August Zustrnw , 11 vo mlloH northoaHt of Norfolk. II. M. CulbortHon , a Norfolk travelIng - Ing man. lia purchased a touring car from D. I , . Host of llattlo Crook. II. W. Mc-Koen of the Madison Chronicle wan in Norfolk Saturday on * i * " bis way to Elgin , hlH former home. Clyde Whalen Is 111 with an attack of the grip , .lames Peters IIMH taken bin place at ( ho Kllllan Htoro until be rogaliiH his health. MIsHos Clare Nappor , Merle Blake- man and Dorothy Sailor loft for Cen tral City today where they will bo guests of Miss Ha/el Schiller for a week. John L. Davis of Emerson and Franklin Wostraml of Wakolleld wore In Norfolk Friday ovcnlu ! ? , attending tlio Initiation at Damascus com- mandery. C. II. Sailor returned at noon from Pierce , whore ho wont on a duck hunt ing expedition. Ho arrived Just In time to see the ducks go south on ncv count of the night's frco-/o. Mrs. Elsie Desmond has gone tc Los Angeles for a visit of a month ot two. Norton Howe and Frank Broom left Friday night for Woodlukc , Nob. whore they will spend a week or ton days after ducks. A , T. West , a prominent fanner ol Antelope county , living two and r half miles from N'ollgb , was in Nor folk Friday afternoon on business. Mr West says that considerable scedliu will bo done next week. Among the day's out of town vlsl tors In Norfolk were : C. A. Nash I' S Creslon ; Emil A. Luth , Hullo ; Mist W jf Anna Waiitlln. Battle Creek ; Dr. E > , * f M. Barnes , Plainview ; W. II. West rand. Wakefleld ; Miss Sibyl Warner Crolghton ; O. E. Bradley , Burke , S D. ; Everett Barr , Dallas , S. D. ; Join Aurln , Burke , S. D. ; Frances Stands Howolls ; D. F. Felton. Gregory , S. D. lOd O'Shea , Madison , H. E. Fish , Bono stool , S. D. ; John Malone , Madison Mrs. H. E. McQueen , Tilden. C. A. Kraft of Meadow Grove has i come to Norfolk to attend the business 1 * college. / \ \V. A. Portorficld of Omaha has conic to Norfolk to assist In the H. E. Gooch grain office. It was in the old William Heels' yard on South Fifth street that the buffalo head was found. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brewer have de cided not to remove to Page , but will continue to reside near Norfolk. Uev. C. W. liny delivered his lec ture on "Life and Customs In the Holy Land" \Vakefield last evening , H.V. . Winter is able to be about after eight weeks' Illness as a result of catching cold the night of the Nor folk House lire. I'llgor Herald : Paul Schneider went to Norfolk Wednesday noon as ho received word that his wife who Is visiting her parents there was sick. Hov. John E. Craig of tlio Second Congregational church delivered an illustrated lecture at Pierce Wednes day under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Sam Reynolds , formerly chief night train dispatcher on this division of the Northwestern , Is now working as a trick dispatcher at Billings for the Northern Pacific. Newman Grove Reporter : Sheriff Clements was in town Monday serving a summons. He will not be a candid ate for re-election and will probably P4 move on to his farm when his successor ser relieves him of official duties. Scarlet fever this week claimed the lives of little eight-year-old Ella Os- born , whose parents live near Battle Creek , and of Harmon Walker , a nine- year-old Minneapolis lad who with his mother was visiting In Battle Creek. T. H. Brice. the popular Norfolk commercial traveler who has been ill for so many months , Is now at Ex celsior Springs , Mo. , recuperating. In a letter to The News he states that ho hopes to be able to return to work as soon as warm weather comes. Columbus , according to the papers of that city , has been transferred from membership In the North Ne braska Teacher's association , which holds Its convention In Norfolk next week , to the eastern association which holds its convention in Omaha the last three days of the week. Humphrey Democrat : Mrs. Peter Muff and two children , who have been visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bledlngrr for some time , went to Norfolk Tuesday where they have re- recently moved to make their homo. Mr. Muff is a Northwestern railroad man between Norfolk and Bonesteel , Rev. E. F. Hammond , who has been filling the Presbyterian pulpits at Lynch and Verde ] , has accepted a call to the Norfolk church. Mr. Hammond has rented the Parker cottage on South Eleventh street and will move lore with his family next Tuesday. IQ will .hold his first services In Nor- oik the following Sunday. Fremont Herald ; Hov. Edwin Booth , r. , paator of the Congregational church at Norfolk , was In the city be- ween trains Thursday afternoon. The numbers of his church have decided o Install a handsome now pipe organ n the church and the matter of pick * MK out an Instrument has been loft argoly ( o him. Mr. Booth came to Voinont to Inspect'the big organ In the Congregational church. The conviction of JOSH Klnniui at N'ellgh for "crime against nature" Is me of the first of the kind over ironght before a court In Nebraska and there have boon , It Is said , but few such cases In the United States. People at Nollgh who have heard the osllmony In the case declare that nglug would bo none too good for a man guilty of such a crime upon a lolpless and Innocent little girl. Nollgh Register : Earl Thompson came lo Ncllgh via Norfolk from ih-uiiswlck last Monday. On the way ic lost a pocketbook containing $42. Ho notified the railroad of the loss and Tuesday morning the train dis patcher telegrapher him that they tiad located the pocketbook In a resta urant at Norfolk whore ho had lost U. Ho wont down on Tuesday's train to Identify and receive his property. That's a pretty good spirit for a heartless corporation. Plainview Republican : The death of Tobias Jasok still remains a mys tery. His friends at O'Neill have failed to locate the money , gold watch , rifle and valise which Jasek had when he left Wisconsin. Shortly before leaving for O'Neill Jasek wrote that if his fr'mds ' needed money ho would bo phased to send them some. Tlio friends al O'Neill are now convinced that Jasek was the victim of foul play. It is thought that the two suspicious strangers who boarded the freight train at Copenhagen that night for Sioux City were not In that vicinity for their health but for the wealth of Tobias Jasok. Atkinson Graphic : A. O. Perry and family disposed of their holdings hero last Saturday and Mr. Perry left Sun day for Kansas City to look after his show interests and Mrs. Perry and family leaving for Humphrey for a visit with relatives when she will join her husband who has an Interest in the Perry & Smith combination rail road show , whlca they expect to put on the road as soon as the season opens The leaving of this estimable family will be regioted by many who were familiar with their kind and neighbor ly acts as also In business circles where Mr. Perry was always found in the front ranks working for the best Interests of the town and county The Graphic wishes them success in their now venture. Julius Boche With Circus. Julius E. Boche , a Madison county boy who has turned the dense woods of the Boche farm along the Elkhorn river into a circus practice grounds : md who spent last season with a circus , has signed up with the Perry Smith circus. Julius Bocho of the Boche farm becomes "Dare Devil Boche" on the circus poster. . His stunts are ski sailing , a "slide for life" and the high dive. Proficiency in all these acts was obtained out In the giant trees of the Boche woods. With the circus Julius Boche will furnish the high dive outside the cir cus entrance as the principal free at traction. Young Boche is the son of Herman Boche , whoso appeal from the Jarmer verdict is waiting the decision of the supreme court of the state. Al Beemer Is Seriously III. Al Boomer , warden at the state penitentiary , is suffering from a ser ious attack of brain fever. Much ap prehension Is felt for his recovery , according to the Beemer Times. Mr. Boomer is at Lincoln. He had plan ned to return to his home at Boomer next mouth. Relatives at a distance have been sent for , according to a Lincoln paper. Inflammatory rheuma tism first seized him and later the brain fever. West Point Woman is 100 Years Old. .West Point , Neb. , March 27. Spe cial to The News : Mrs. Dora Har- stick of St. Charles township , reached her 100th year yesterday and Is , with out doubt , the oldest woman In north Nebraska. She has been a resident of this county nearly fifty years , arriv ing here with her husband in the year 1SCO. She Is the grandmother of twciity-threo children and the great- grandmother of thirty. Among her grandchildren is W. H. Harstlck , the present county clerk of this county. A. celebration of her birthday was held at her home yesterday. To all ap pearances she will live for some years , her health not having appre ciably declined. Big Victory for Our Schools. Norfolk people , who have long had occasion to bo proud of the local school system , will have an added reason for pride In the record of the seven upper grades of the Norfolk schools In outranking six of the lend ing schools of the state in competitive examinations In arithmetic tests. School Work is Practical. A Norfolk man of forty-five declared - clared the other day that "the schools hadn't progressed a lick In twenty years. " It Is regularly charged all over the country that the schools are neglecting spelling , arithmetic and computation. Tlio showing made by the .Norfolk schools this week Is suf flclont to show the attention given practical mathematics in Norfolk am ] the efficiency of the instruction. Many Nebraska schools are en gaged just now in taking what IE known as the Cleveland arithmetic contest. Five problems are given and an error In any problem counts that problem wrong and detracts 20 from the grade. ' Norfolk Ranks First. Returns have HO far been received from seven schools. Of these seven the Norfolk schools take first place by a surprising load. The schools re porting results so far rank as follows : Norfolk Si ! , Kearney 711 , Holdrego 05 , Hastings ( il , Superior Cl , Aurora 01 and McCook G5. The Norfolk pupils taking the tests In the different grades numbered as follows : Twelfth grade ID , eleventh grade I1L' , tenth grade -I-I , ninth grade 12 , eighth grade in , seventh grade 75 , sixth grade -11. Norfolk's Victory. The following table showing who tno different grades In the several towns ranked Illustrates how complete was the Norfolk victory : Grades 12 11 10 9 8 7 C Norfolk ! ) 'J ! )1 ) 80 85 78 77 71 Kearney 70 81 71 ! GI ! SO 75 C'J Holdrogo . . . ,7'J ' 71 CO 5i ( 87 51JS Hastings 72 72 01 Cl 71 58 > 17 Superior 7-1 G4 5G 5G 85 52 41 Aurora 7J ! 05 58 Cl C5 Cl 38 McCook 01 54 40 49 71 02 43 The Problems. To show just what the test con sists of , the list of problems given the pupils are printed below : 1. Add : 12345G7 891,0 28450 789101 21 ! I 5G789 210978 345G % 78123 432987 05182 2. Subtract : 9882181507 8219383574 -Multiply : 88708040209 7G039 4. Divide : 391)2C544332 ) ( 5. Write only the answers to the several questions : What is 25 per cent of $280 ? What Is 50 per cent of S-9th ? What is 33Mi per cent of .015 ? A merchant had 300 barrels ol flour of which ho sold 25 per cent at one time and 33Mi per cent of the remainder another time. How many barrels had ho loft ? ( The papers wore marked right 01 wrong and the grades are : 100 , SO , GO , 10 , 20 , or 0. Can Figure. The test seems to prove that pupils In the Norfolk schools are taught tc figure and can figure. More Sewer Districts Planned. Indications are I hat the nine latera : sewer districts already constructed Ir Norfolk will bo matterlally added to i this spring and summer. Five or six new districts are already in prospect. A sewer district will probably bo organized on South Fourth street at i the Junction. A new district will ( probably be laid on South Fifth from I the vicinity of Pasewalk avenue. South Eighth street will probably gain further sewer extension. Arrange ments are being made for a new dis trict in the northwest part of the city. LOST THREb FlNGEIRSiNiHRfDDER Young Man Near Nellgh Meets With Painful Accident Saturday. Neligh , Nob. , March 29. Special to The News : John Loyer , a young man twenty years old , lost three fingers on his right hand in a corn shredder Sat urday , his glove catching and drawing his fingers in. He was brought to this city , Dr. A. F. Conery amputating the fingers -at the hospital. Ross Serving Sentence. Neligh , Nob. , March 29. Special to The News : Jack Ross of Orchard , sentenced by Judge Welch to six years in the penitentiary for burglary and larceny , has been taken to Lincoln by the sheriff. Alice Dorsey Dead. Aftet being critically ill for many- days , thirteen-year-old Alice Dorsey died at 2:45 : p. in. Friday afternoon at the family home in South Norfolk. S'he was taken ill with appendicitis while attending the convent school at Madison and underwent two opera tions. For some time It has been known that she could not recover. This week she was brought from Madison to her home In this city. The funeral was announced for 3:30 : o'clock Saturday afternoon from the J. T. Dorsey home and at 4 o'clock from the Catholic church , the Inter ment taking place at Prospect Hill cemetery. FEDERAL LICENSE. Representative Martin of South Da kota Proposes Drastic Measure. Washington , March 27. A bill ex ceedingly drastic in its application to Interstate corporations , particularly those handling food and fuel supplies , will soon be introduced in the house by Representative Martin of South Da kota. The measure may have the ap proval of President Taft. Ho Is fa miliar with its terms and Mr. Martin has made an appointment for a con ference with the president at which the bill will bo considered In detail with a view to possible discussion in a future executive message. The bill provides that before n cor poration shall engage In interstate commerce It shall secure a license from the federal government Issued by the secretary of commerce and labor. The corporation shall show before such license Is issued that it Is not a monopoly ; that It does not operate in restraint of trade as prohibited by existing anti-trust laws ; that it is not over-capitalized ; that its capitalization Is based upon the approximate value of Its plant , and the money otherwise actually Invested in the concern. Authority is given the government to examine the books of all corpora tions , and corporations are required In addition to make annual reports to the government. The bill is framed , In a measure , along the line of recommendations made to congress by President Reese velt. velt.Mr. Mr. Martin was the author of the resolution that resulted In the Inquiry Into the operations of the beef trust and Its subsequent prosecution by the federal government In the court. W. S. Slaughter III. derrick. S. D. ; March 29. Special lo The News : W. S. Slaughter , vice president of the Bank of Horrlck , has boon very ill. WIRELESS OPERATORS SCARCE. German Lloyd Line Makes Frantic Ef forts to Get Man Out of Jail. New York , March 27. The scarcity of competent wireless operators was emphasized In Hoboken , N. J. , yesterday - torday when authorities of the North Gorman Lloyd line made frantic en deavors to obtain the release of Kort Schleder , the operator on the steamer Frledrlch Wllhelm , who was arrested In Hoboken yesterday on a charge of exhibiting a pistol in the streets. Jack Bliins , the Hero of the Re public disaster , was sent by the Mar- con I company to plead for Schleder , but the magistrate declined to fine the offender , and ordered that he bo locked up till the grand jury could hear his case. case.A representative of the North Gor man 'Lloyd Hue said that Schleder's detention would probably mean that the Friedorlch Wilholm would steam away unprotected by a wireless oper ator , but the court remained obdurate. Osmond Track Team Busy. Osmond , Neb. , March 29. Special to The News : The high school track team is at active practice now , and from indications will make a line showing at the meet. Calundan , with the hammer , has already overthrown the best mark last year , and Matteson , In the pole vault , is doing hotter every day. Osmond Business Change. Osmond , Neb. , March 29. Special to The News : A. J. Stnosheck has taken charge of the store purchased ! from William Jllg , a few days ago. Mr. Jllg will probably start up some new enterprise in the town. Pays Back the $20,000. New York , March 2G. The latest trouble of Miss Mary Garden , the Sa lome and Thais of the Manhattan opera house , had to do not with Oscar Hammorsteiii , nor any Italian so prano , but with David Mayer of Chi- > : ago. who was a member of the firm of Schlosinger & Mayer. Mr. Mayer , with his wife , had advanced Miss Garden - don $20,000 for her musical education , and Miss Garden has just repaid the loanThat That was cloven years ago. Miss Garden at that time was a choir singer l.i Chicago. She was about to start for Paris to learn to sing and act. The Mayers were Interested In her they had been friends of her father they believed she had talent. They furnished the money necessary for her grounding herself in her art. She not only grounded herself , but made a big success. However , suc cess at the Paris opera comlque does not mean the same thing financially that success moans In New York and Miss Garden did not find It convenient to reimburse her benefactor. Baseball Notes. Stanton Register : Lewis Hartman writes that he left Monday for Kan sas City from whore he will go south to join the Denver team in their spring work out. His many friends here hope that ho will make good as he Is a clean , hardworking ball player. If he fails to make good ho will be back with the Stanton team about the middle of May. Attempting to Open Meyer. Dallas News : Major McLaughlin , who has succeeded In making more treaties with the Indians of this country than any other one man , is now at the Rosebud agency and his mission there is to make a treaty with the Indians for the opening of Meyer county. Mr. McLaughlin has arrang ed for a council with the Indians on April 3. It is stated upon good au thority that Mr. McLaughlln antici pates trouble in accomplishing his pur pose ns a large number of the influen tial Indlnns are opposed to the propo sition. ALLEN D , BEEMER IS DEAD Warden of Penitentiary Passes Away at Age of Sixty/slx. Lincoln , March 29. Allen D. Beem er , warden of the Nebraska peniten tiary tarough the terms of Governors Crounso , Mickey and Sheldon , died at that Institution following a brief Ill ness. union Boomer was sixty-six years oiu and would have retired from the ofilce the thst of the coming month. Ho had for several years been active In penal Institution reform work , was a veteran of the civil war and a pioneer of the statu. A widow an'i da.ijihior . survive him. West Point , Neb. , March 29. Spec- lal to The News : News of the death of A. D. Boomer , warden of the state penitentiary , reached the city yester day by a telegram to M. J. Hughes , a life-long friend of the dead man. The news of the death of Mr. Becmor was a great shock to the people of West Point , his old homo. His long tenure of office as sheriff of this county and his subsequent residence hero and nt Boomer , his Intimate social and busi ness connections with tbo community oudcared him in a marked degree in thu affections of his neighbors. Ills universal kindness of heart , his public spirit ami unfailing good-fellowship will not readily bo forgotten. Ills dominant thought was over for the welfare of his fellowmen and In his devotion to public duty ami the obliga tions of citizenship he sot an example to the world. Pantomime at Nlobrara. Nlobrara , Neb. , March S0. ! Special to The News : The Eastern Star lodge i Saturday night gave a large reception I and pantomluo In the Nlobrara Ma ( sonic hall. The pantomino was called "Buying a Husband. " The ladles and the "mere man" who took part dis played unusual hlstionle ability. De scriptive motions without words are a test of good control , especially with , the ladles. Much mirth was elicited by the clover and humorous working out | of the plot. After the pantomino the ladles serv ed Informally a delicious luncheon. Can of Boiling Water Placed on Stove By Children Explodes. Osmond , Nob. , March 29. Special to The News : Mrs. Joe Hall was severely burned on the face and nock by the explosion of a can of boiling water. The small children had put some potatoes on to cook In a closed can. The steam blew the lid off into the face of Mrs. Hall. At present she Is Improving nicely. BID $20 AN ACRE. Forty Acre Tract Near Herrlck Brings Record Price at Government Sale. Herrick , S. D. , March 29. Special to The News : The Gregory county and being sold by the government has boon bringing good prices. The ilghest bid reported up to Saturday- was a forty acre tract near Herrlck , which brought $20 an acre. Mrs. Dlckson Taken to Hospital. Herrlck , S. D. , March 29. Special to The News : Mrs. I. S. Dickson , wife of Postmaster Dickson , who has boon very 111 , has been removed to the hospital at Yankton , S. D. MONDAY MENTION. John R. Hays left at noon for Lin coln. coln.C. C. S. Hayes Is home from Newman Grove. Jack Koenigstcin was in Madison Monday. Rev. C. W. Ray was In Stanton Mon day afternoon. Ernest Singer of Chicago Is here visiting friends. Misses Elsie and Helen Marquardt spent Sunday In Madison. James Warner of Chadron spent Sunday in Norfolk with his uncle , S. W. Warner. Miss Emma Heckman has returned to Omaha , whore she is attending a business college. S. G. Grant and daughter , Miss Ad' die Grant , returned at noon from n visit at Emerlck. J. W. Butt of Nebraska City was In Norfolk at noon , returning 'from his ranch at Newport. Mrs. A. Wegener , who has been visiting at the Wldaman home , re turned at noon to her home in Garficld county. W. R. Witzigmai. Is back from Greg ory county , where he attended the government land sale. Mr. Witzigmai ] did not bid in any of the land , the prices being sent too high by the great Influx of bidders to rcpresenl what ho considered a good Invest ment. Mrs. Warrlck wont to Omaha yester day. day.Mrs. Mrs. Clarence White and children left for Logan , la. , for a weeks' visit with Mrs. White's parents. George Jeffors of Dallas passed through Norfolk Sunday on his way tc Washington , D. C. , on business. Mr. and Mrs. H. Keellne and chll dron of Council Bluffs and Mr. and Mrs. Root of Omaha arc the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Klngsley at the Pacific. F. M. Hunter , superintendent of the Norfolk schools , and A. E. Fisher , su porlntendont of the Neligh schools came up from Omaha Saturday even Ing , having attended the Schoolmast ers' club. Superintendent W. T. Stock' ' dale of Wlsner and Deputy State Sa perlntendent F. S. Perdue of Lincoln were voted Into membership in * the club. Among the day's out of town vlsl tors in Norfolk were : Mr. and Mrs D. L. Best , Battle Creek ; S. J. Ham ling , Spencer ; F. L. Bollen , Bonesteel S. D. ; Ralph Dufur , Fairfax , S. D. ; J Kirk , Hartlngton ; A. L. Howser Way-no ; C. A. Nash , Creston ; Lloyd Protlvlnsky , Joseph Protlvlnsky , Stan ton ; Archie E. Mears , Wayne ; G. F Bendcruf , Dallas , S. D. ; J. A. Kensler eadow Grove ; George D. Rich , Wls nor ; M. Paulson , Wayne ; C. S. Amler son , Wausa ; J. W. Fitch , Newmar Grove ; Paul T. Hazcn , Naper ; Join Morton , Wayne ; R. S. Bradshaw , Dal las , S. D. ; O. E. Vlero , Wlsner ; A. G Cole , Plalnviow ; Ira Walker , Dallas S. D. J. R. Carter , assistant district manager agor of the Nebraska Telephone com puny , was called to Lincoln at noor by a telegram announcing that hU father , Dr. .1. O. Carter , a prominent pioneer physician of Lincoln , had diet In Chicago. The funeral will be heh in Lincoln. Dr. Carter was formerly state physician at the state penlten tlary. He was clghty-ono years old. Denying vigorously that they hat been married in Slonx City , Ben Hul and Miss Clara Mansko were nevertheless less treated to a rice shower and in formal wedding reception ns the : stopped oft the M. & O. train Sundaj evening , a report that they had beer married having brought a large crowc of friends to the station. Miss Manslu The Old Overland Trail of ' 49 Is ( ho prosoiil route of Union Pacific The slni'.v ol' its intoMsoly inlorosdnu hislor.v is ( old in "Tho Ovoi-liuul Kotilo to ( ho Roml of a Thousand Wonders - dors , " oontniniii } ! beautiful colored on- jri'iiviiifjs of ( ho superb sconor.v on ( lie direct roulo lo California Son ! i'rco on receipt of 1'Jo postn R m.\IN ( ! CAll MHAhS and SMUVK'H ( ho BUST in ( ho WOULD Electric Block Signals All the Way The Safe Road to Travel Inquire of CHAS. W. LANDERS , Agent Norfolk , Neb. was returning from a Sioux City visit. Mr Hull boarded the train at Wake- Held. The Norfolk lodge of Elks held Its annual election of officers Saturday night , .lack Koenlgslein was elected exalted ruler , succeeding ,1 , , B. May- lard. The other ofllcers elected are as follows : C. B. Sailor , esteemed leading knight ; 15. It. Hayes , esteemed loyal knight ; I , . ii. Nlchola esteemed lecturing knight ; B. C. fjontlo , secre tary ; C. 10. Burnham , treasurer ; L. P. Pasewalk , member board of trustees , . ] . B. Maylard was elected a delegate to the grand lodge mooting to bo bold in July in Los Angeles , Cal. The Norfolk fire department will elect officers for the coming year on April M. John Bond of Norfolk , formerly of Atkinson , has bought the restaurant of Yantzl & Shoemaker at O'Neill. Mr. Bond lias been operating a resta urant hero for the past year. M. Mihills , formerly of Norfolk but now homcstcudliig at Viowfield , S. D. , is in the city looking after property Interests. Ho will bo here about ton days. Mr. Mlhllls says that ho Is very much pleased with western South Dakota. The climate la agreeing with him and his wife. At the organization meeting of the men's bible school class held at the Lyric Sunday afternoon the following temporary officers were elected : Chairman , Dr. O. H. Meredith ; vice chairman. William Burl/ ; secretary , Dr. II. C. Simmons ; treasurer , C. E. Hartford ; teacher , Hev. Hey Lucas. The appointment of committees was Indefinitely postponed , it being the ex pressed opinion of those present that time should first bo allowed for the members to become familiar with the work. There will be an employment bureau In connection with the class which will endeavor to place those In want of occupation. From now on there will ho meetings every Sunday at the Lyric. Next Suudny is Palm Sunday , the Sunday before Easter , and will as such bo the occasion of the annual confirma tion exercises at the Christ Lutheran and at St. Johannes Lutheran church. St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran church , which In the past has hold confirma tion on Palm Sunday , has adoped an innovation and will not confirm its class until next June , thus making the confirmation uniform with the public school graduation and making the school year of both the city schools and the St. Paul parochial school end at the snmo time , just before the sum mer vacation. The practice of con firmation on Palm Sunday was brought over from Germany , where the school system is different. Christ church next Sunday will confirm a class of about thirty-nine , 'St. Johannes church a class of twelve. The classes wore examined for confirmation Sunday. John F. Flynn , who was sheriff of Madison county twenty years ago and chief of police under the Durland ad ministration but whoso local police honors at this time consist simply of a constabloshlp , took another dip Into police life last week , serving as a special night officer at Gregory , S. D. , for three nights. Gregory has been handling a huge crowd on account of the government land sale which started Thursday and which does not close until tomorrow. Mr. Flynn came down from Gregory over Sun day. He did not Invest as the land was selling high , the bidders figuring that when land close by was worth $85 and $10 an aero , the land offered even If not so desirable must be worth at least $5 or $0 an aero. Greg ory has had oven bigger crowds tnan during the rush days , Mr. Flynn says , and has boon able to keep good order. On Tuesday night the Auditorium will offer "Buster Brown , " a musical comedy which has withstood the crucial test of repeated presentation throughout the country. . No bettor little chap , and no bolter known than 1U F ) Outcalt's "Buster" has ever been given the fun-loving world. And yet all of the boy's popularity must not bo attributed to his own person- allty for there Is "Tlge , " the sharer of Buster's Joys and sorrows as Bus ter has grown. . There Is also "Mary Jane , " completing a trio that hue never been surpassed In the realms ol the carrbon. They are still in the lime light of popularity In the play with ) the delightful girl background. ThU season al now scenery and costumes have been provided , together with lh latest and iiionl popular songs and new music. In fact It Is ( ho third edition of "Buster Brown" revised , en larged and brought up to the hour. Master Hlce will be coon In the char acter of "Buster. " ThlH attraction comes under a quurantoo and Hie Audi torium management guarantees a first class show to the public. THREE DOZEN SNAKES. Farm of H. C. Stange Yields a Rent Snake Story. Here Is a real snake story , a story about three dozen snakes. The story comes from the farm of H. C. Stange , who lives midway be tween Norfolk and Battle Creek The three dozen snakes wore found In an old hot bed which was being dug up with the arrival of spring. Thes bed simply swarmed with big and lit tle snakes , measuring from ten Inchon to two foot and a half. After the * slaughter thirty-six garter snakeR wore counted. Mr. Stnngu brought the news of the.- snake fost ( o Norfolk Saturday. Unlucky Home Has Two Fires. Emll Bnimmund's home on Soutlz First street was badly damaged tty lire late Sunday afternoon. The house was badly smoked and entirely water- soaked before the department conloV extinguish the ( lames. Mr. Briimmiind. who has worked at different times in several local hard ware stores , has been unfortunate in. the matter of fires. A year ago his home burned to the foundation A. new cottage was erected on the lot. and it was this house which was ser iously threatened by lire Sunday Mr. Brunininnd with his family had ; left the house at noon , going out to the home of his brother , Paul Bnun- miind. About 5 o'clock the lire ware discovered by a neighbor. The flamesi started in a corner of the dining room : a foot or two from the chimney , but the firemen did not think that the flro stinted from a defective flue. The firemen had to force In the doors to got to the house and did ef fective work In taking out the furni ture. ture.Tho The dannge was estimated at about $200. Insurance was carried. The employe- who could relieve yort of much of the detail that ties you down is not overlooking the want ads. nowadays. School Debate Won by Pierce. The Pierce high school , represented * , by three of Its senior boys , won an Im portant debating victory at Albion ; Saturday evening , defeating the three- representatives of the Albion high-- school In a debate to determine this , district's representative at the state.- debate at Lincoln this spring. The subject debated was the ques tion of compulsory arbitration of dif ferences between the railroad em ployes and the common carriers- Pierce contended against enforced' arbitration and won a unanimous de cision from the three Judges , Professor- Maxey of the law department of tho- state university. Principal Jacqulth oC Gates academy at Ncllgh and Super intendent Gibson of Plalnviow. Al bion's debaters , however , acquitted : themselves with credit. Allen Bechter to Lincoln. In addition lo giving the debate to. Pierce , the three Judges announced that first place was won by Allent Bechter of Pierce , who will accord ingly bo one of the speakers at the annual state Interscholastic debate at Lincoln. Pierce's successful representatives ; Lloyd Mohr. Benjamin Inholder anit Allen Bochtor , were in Norfolk be tween trains Sunday and were the guests of Miss Ilcna Olmstcd , principal of the Pierce high school , IIOWH Tinsr wn'Jd0fSjf J 'oVgSSrff ' Vh" rf eSn5 : nife ! , y . .1Hi" undorHlnniid. huvo known V J. Cheney for tlio innt firioon yi"ir ami bollovo him perfectly honorable In ill bUHliii-HH tranuautlonH ami Ilimnpially able to curry nut any obllKiitloiiH iimYlS lif hwillrm- W'11'11" ' ! * . Kin nan "l , , nr- V'Vf ' } y.0'cn'0 ' ' " 'BB t" . Toledo. 01 Ho Hall's Catarrh Cure la tnkon Interiml- ly , acting directly upon the I. Sod und - mucous aurfacca of the system. Toitl- monlala sent frc Price 7Bo bet per tle. Hold by nil DruKKl tn. * pallon ? Faro" * Tills for conatU