The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, April 02, 1909, Page 5, Image 5
THMNOHKOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL FKIHA , , .PFMI. i fin TAFT CHANGES THINGS. Has Mode Numerous Revisions In Methods Used by Roosevelt , ' ' Washington , Mur'ch' ilO. Athough only eighteen days elapsed between the Inauguration of President Tnftnnd the sailing of Thuoilora Iloosovclt for Africa , It Is a mutter of remark Hint tlio iiruBlilont IIIIH placed tlio son ! of disapproval upon many of the methods of Ills predecessor in doing business. A llHt hastily prepared today Is as follown : Dlsuso of simplified spoiling ; through no longer spoiled "thru. " Abandonment of the evidence ob tained by the bureau of corporation ) ) on criminal prosecutions , Abandonment of plan of 'recom mending details of legislation to con- Kress , Rejection of the plan creating com missions and expending money with out the authority of congress. Hovorsal of the policy Instituted by the HooBovclt administration of closing the 1'onsacola and Now Or leans navy yards. Departure from the policy of ap pointing negroes to office In the south over the protest of a majority of white citizens. Long messages to congress dis carded. Senators given anew the right to recommend presidential appointments. Tennis court deserted ; tennis cab inet dispersed. I Now policy In process of formation I for enforcing the Interstate commerce i laws. Members of cabinet given the privi lege of choosing their assistants. Orders Issued to officeholders at a distance to "stay on their jobs" and keep away from Washington. Luncheon policy discarded ; prcsl dent eats only an apple for lunch. Company "D" Mustered In. Captain , C. L. Anderson. First lieutenant , G. II. I'ilger. Second lieutenant , to be filled later. The order from the state military authorities transferlng the Norfolk mllltla detachment from company "D" of Stanton and converting It Into company "D" of the First Nebraska was read Monday evening to the mem bers of the detachment by Second Lieutenant C. L. Anderson at the Nor folk armory. The work of mustering the new company Into the state set- vice and of increasing its member ship was at onoo undertaken. By next Monday evening the muster reels will have been signed up and forwarded to Lincoln. The election of officers resulted In Second Lieutenant C. L. Anderson be ing elected the first captain. C. H. IMlger , who has had volunteer and mllltla service In the past , was elected first lieutenant. The second lieuten ancy was left vacant to bo Hlled at a later election. Non-commission officers will be ap pointed later. At present Sergeant 12. A. Evanson , who Is out of the city , Sergeant Hans M. Anderson and Cor porals Leo Horiskey and Lorln Brueg- geman represent the full quota of non- commission officers , having held over from the detachment. Clifford Parish an Charles Hulac are acting cor porals. S X Band Serenades. The Norfolk band in the latter part of the evening visited the armory and serenaded the new organization with a band concert. A smoker and lunch was part of the evening's program. Several speeches wore made , Captain Johnson of the parent Stanton com pany being one of the speakers , Several now enlistments brought the strength of the company up to thirty-three. Some Politics at Wlnside. Winside. Neb. , March 30. There are four tickets In the field here for this year's municipal election , eight can dldates for two olllces. Clyde T. Eck- er , who is chairman for two of tlio tickets and secretary for a third , says that "from the reports of workers In every part of the city , straw votes and all other mediums for gaining the con fidence of the voters , there Is no doubt of the election of all of them by overwhelming majorities , " START ON BIG BRIDGE. H. M. Tripp Arrives at Valentine Ready to Begin Work. Valentine , Neb. , March 30. Special to The News : H. M , Trlpp , engineer in charge of the Valentino revision , with his several assistants , arrived here this last week to open offices and direct work of building the now rail road bridge and cut off east of Valen tine. The bridge is to be a big one and will take over a year to build and there will be about 300 men employed in building It. Alleged Rustlers Bound Over. Valentine. Neb. , March 30. Special to The News : The two alleged horse- thieves charged with stealing the big bunch of horses from near Merrlman a couple of weeks ago , had their pre liminary here yesterday before Judge Quigley and were bound over to dis trict court. TUESDAY TOPICS. City Clerk Ed'Harter Is In Lincoln. Snowdon Hook of Creighton was in Norfolk Tuesday on his way to Atkin- FOIL W. II. Stevens of Gregory , S , D. , was in Norfolk oetwcen trains Tues day. day.W. W. L. Dowllng of Madison was in Norfolk Tuesday on his way from Wayne to Tllden. Pat Stanton of Tilden was In Nor folk yesterday , having been In Madi son on county seat business. Mrs. G , D. Dutterfleld arrived homo last evening from Hot Springs , Ark. Mr , Buttorfleld , who was detained on business , will arrive home this oven- Ing. Ing.Mrs. Mrs. ' .Fechnor , Mrs. Hochno , Miss Pauline Fechnor and Walter Fcchner of Stanton were In Norfolk yesterday. Miss Leila M. Stone of Omaha ( s the guest of Miss Charlotte Illgcn , on her way to ( liegory to look over the Hosebud. Miss Stone drew 2.11 ! in the Trlpp drawing. I. Sonnenland , the Newman drove business man who Is to open a clothIng - Ing store in the Marquardt block May 1 , is In Norfolk looking for a home In order to bring hit ) family to this city. Dr. W. H. O'Neill of Wayne was In Norfolk Tuesday noon on his way to Missouri Valley to see his uncle , Con ductor O'Neill ' , who has been seriously sick for some time. The latter has been In the Northwestern service since 1873. Miss Vlda Krause , who represents the West Point high school In the declamatory contest , and Miss One- tab Krause , who Is on the musical part of the program of the teachers' convention this week , will arrive In Norfolk Wednesday noon and will bo the guests of Miss Faye Livingston. Big Real Estate Deal In Dixon. Dlxon , Neb , , March 30. A local real estate linn have sold 1,040 acres of Dlxon county land for a consideration of $02,800 which they claim Is the largest "deal In dirt" over made in north Nebraska. The Wednesday club will meet with Mrs. W. N. Huso. Norfolk gained another citizen through the annexation , when a son was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Krueger In Edgewater park Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nenow have traded their house and lot just east of St. Paul's church for a Holt couty quarter section. They will move to Holt county at once. The Phil Hull will was probated at Madison Monday afternoon without piotest. Acconllng to the terms of the will Jack Koenigsteln and Mrs. A. E. Hull were named as executors. The widow Is left the bulk of the estate. C. J. Fleming , Will Hall and L. t > . Pasewalk , a special membership com mittee tiom the Commercial club , are meeting with success in soliciting now members. In less than two days' work the committee secured over forty new members. A Commercial club membersh'p of 300 Is the aim of the club directors and the committee hopes to approach very close to these figures when it reports at the quar terly meeting "of the club April 8. Under the new rule firm memberships have been abolished and all Individ uals have been placed on the same basis. basis.W. W. N. Huse is in Chicago on busi ness. . H. E. Hardy was in Columbus yes terday. Miss Hattle Manske was down from Pierce yesterday. C. H. Groesbeck has gone to Den ver on a business trip. J. E. Cordry of Aberdeen , S. D. , Is ! visiting his son , D. C. Cordry. Mrs. C. E. Burnham arrived homo last night after her trip east. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Marchant have gone to Illinois for a month's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eberling left for Dallas , S. D. , where they will make their home. C. E. Burnham left on the early morning train for Lincoln to attend the funeral of his old-time friend , Al Beemer. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kuhn returned last night from Los Angeles , Cal. , where they had been visiting Mrs. Kuhn's parents since February. George Williams returned last night fiom a trip to the South Omaha market. In Omaha Mr. Williams met a stock man from Bloomfleld who told him that actual work Is being done on the YanUton-Norfolk bridge across the Missouri river. William McDonald of Meadow Grove was in Norfolk this morning on his way to Madison on business con nected with his office as deputy as sessor. Mr. McDonald has largely disposed of his Interests at Meadow Grove and will leave for the Pacific Coast Monday. Mr. McDonald has been Interested In coast country In vestments before. Among the day's out of town visi tors in Norfolk were : C. O. Shane , C. Hagedorn and sons , A. T , Lybolt , Brunswick ; J. II. Glaus , Madison ; F. Vlbbard , Verdel ; Willard Slsson , St , Edward ; Robert Schwarz , Wisner ; W. L. Dowling , Madison ; F. J. Pratt , Humphrey ; Walter Plank , Madison ; E. E Cartney , Battle Creek ; J. S. DeForest - Forest , Creighton ; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cheney , Creighton ; Ben Tekalsky , Leon Pavhk , Verdlgre ; R. V. Wilson , Butte. Only three smallpox cases are now under quarantine at Fremont. J. S. DeForest of Creighton , who Is wcl known In Norfolk , Is to take charge of Campbell Brothers' circus band. Perry Covert has resigned his posi tion as clerk in the trainmaster's of fice at the Junction to accept a place as timekeeper in the Northwestern gravel pits at Atkinson. It Is understood that another effort to secure the liberty of Pat Chandler , now in the county jail , will be made when district court convenes at Madi son on April 9 , The new King turbine engine ordered some time ago by the electric light company has been received. The engine will furnish 350 horse-power and is expected to materially improve the service. Postal cards pictures of L. M. Wolf and a party of hunters In Montana have been received In Norfolk , show ing a quantity of big game. Mr. Wolf , who formerly lived here , is now fore man of a steam dredge. Yankton Pxessf&nd Dakotan : The Milwaukee has a big carload of lum ber for the Yankton-Norfolk and it will bo Interesting to watch the big Urn- hern go Into1 place with the Nebraska shore us the objective point. The movement of the potato crop , now over , has amounted to about 500 cars , which have passed through Nor folk for eastern markets , Gordon , Alnsworth. Itushvllle and Hay Springs are the biggest potato shipping points In north Nebraska. There was recently Installed In the ' Nebraska National bank In connection with the automatic telephone a new { sound muffler box , which Is not only something entirely now In Norfolk but which Is one of only half a dozen In struments in the state. The sound muffler Is a case Inclosing the telephone - phone and serves as a private booth. The sound muffler IH valuable because banks often have important telephone talks relative to checks and drafts which are presented and ontbldo busi ness generally. The McAllister Contest at Nellgh. Nollgh , Nob. , March 30. Special to ! The News : On Friday evening of week In the auditorium was held tlio third annual W. L. McAllister prize contest , open to the students of Gates academy. The admission was free , and. Is stated that fully COO people were present. The subject of the oration was : "Conservation of our National Re sources. " Seven students , four boys and three girls were entered In the j contest. All did excellent work and showed considerable efforts had been' ' put forth In the preparation , and held' ' the close attention of the large and appreciative audience. ' Wallace Taylor won the first price t of $10 and Harry Johnston the second end pri/.e. Music during the evening was furnished by Mr. McCollough , j Miss Leona Shcnofcldt and Mr. Voget , violinist. Mr. Voget , who was ably' ' accompanied by Miss Bessie Dayton , completely captured the audience by his fine rendering of selections and was repeatedly encored. j Mr. McAllister received congratula tions on all sides for the Interest he' ' has aroused In these contests. He not only donated the prize , but also paid the entire expense of the auditorium. LAWYER FIGHTS HIM. Epithet Is Followed by Slugging Match Crowd Uurges Punishment. Armour , S. D. , March 30. The se- quei to the week's term of court held here in the Cantonwine bankruptcy case terminated immediately after court adjourned. Mr. Cantonwine pplled a disgust ing epithet to Attorney T. J. Spangler , of Mitchell , attorney for the prosecu tion , who resented it and proceeded to take it out of Cantonwlne's hide. The latter bellowed like a loon , cryIng - Ing , "Take him off ! " But the bystanders urged , "Give It to him ! " Several severe scratches are the sum total of the injuries. TALK OF ELECTRIC LINE. C. H. Cornell of Valentine Drives Over Prospective Route. I Valentine , Neb. , March 30. Special to The News : C. H. Cornell. owns the franchise of a water power on the Niobrara river near here , re turned from Chicago accompanied by Mr. Collins , an engineer , who on viewIng - Ing the power site started across coun try with Mr. Cornoli looking for a' ' 1 feasible route over paying territory for an Interurban railroad with Valentine as initial point. They visited Sparks , ' Norden , Springview , Burton , Mills , , Jamison , Naper and Butte near which , place It is proposed forming a junction with the Northwestern railroad. Mr. Cornell returned home last night via Norfolk. Mr. Collins proceeding on to Chicago. They found a large and pro ductive territory to draw from , the people hungry for a road , and Mr. Collins feels sanguine that a third rail , interurban water power electric road can be made profitable. In all prob ability a company will be formed shortly for that purpose. Take Long Shot at Saloons. Sioux Falls , S. D. , March 30. Spe cial to The News : An important fea ture of the state liquor license law will be determined as the result of In junction proceedings which have just been Instituted and in which the mem bers of the town board of Goodwin township , Deuel county , are the de fendants. The injunction restrains the board from issuing a liquor license , the application for the Injunction - , junction being based upon unusual i grounds. Those who secured the re straining order contend that at the recent annual election a majority of the voters of the township , counting all those who voted and those who did not vote at the recent election , did not vote favorably to the Issurance of licenses for saloons , although a majority of those who did vote de clared themselves In favor of such licenses being issued by the township. Those who secured the restraining order Intimate that If the state cir cuit court does not take this view of the matter , an appeal will be taken to the state supreme court. On the face of it there would appear to bo little doubt that license had carried and that those who did not vote upon the proposition should not be taken Into consideration , but it Is a question which has never been determined by the state supreme court and the anti- saloon people appear anxious to carry a test case to that court. Beresford had a somewhat similar case last year , but It was adjusted before It had reached the state supreme court. WOMAN STRANDED BY TIPS. Wife of New York Jeweler Explains That Employes of Boat got Surplus. Boston , Mass. , March 30. Because she spent her last cent tipping the steward , stewardess , waiters , and other employes of the liner Manltou , ht'to from Antwerp , Mrs. Llca Fein- man , wife of a rich New York Jeweler , Is temporal lly detained at the Long Wharf Immigration station with her two children and her young sister tin til her husband can come from New York or telegraph money. Mrs. Felnman , to the surpilse of tlio Iminlgiatlon officials , was penniless although she had the attire and as poet of a woman of means. She had railroad tickets to Now York for her self and the three children , but did not have even the price of car fare to get them from the dock to the South station. Mrs. Felnman explained that it was really her fault that she was penni less. less."I "I am to blame , " she said. "My husband had sent inn enough money and would have cabled me more if I had asked him. But I thought I had enough. But rur steamer tickets and railroad faro and other expenses cost mo more than I had thought. I had some money left when we took the boat at Antwerp , but I gave that away In the usual tips to employes on the boat. " Real Estate Transfers. Real estate transfers for the week ending March 27 , 1909 , compiled by the Madison County Abstract & Guar antee Co. , office with Mapes & Hazen. Hurt Mapcs and wife to Joseph Lampe , W. D. Cons. $5,000. NMs of tnc soV4 of 21-21-2. Adella Blatt and husband to the City of Norfolk , W. D. Cons. $175. Part of 2C-2I-1. Heirs of Leroy Stanley to Mary C. Stanley , W. D. Cons. $0,000. , Part of lots 1 and 2 , block 4 , Tllden. E. S. nicy to John F. King , W. D. Cons. $3,500. The north C9 feet of lot C , block 1 , Koenigstein's Fourth Addition to Norfolk. Augtiste Bransch to Cora C. Buck ley , W. D. , Cons. $3,000. Lots 4 and 5 , block 2 , Dedcrman's Second Addi tion to Norfolk. Clinton S. Smith to Edward Voss , W. D. Cons. $150. Lot 8 , block 91 , Uarnes' Sixth Addition to Madison. Henry F. Kennedy to Patrick Stanton - ton , W. D. Cons. $000. Lots 1 , 2 and 3 , block 17 , Riverside Park Addition to Norfolk. Llbble J. Gow to Emma Tapport , W. D. Cons. $250. Lot It , block 13 , Dur- land's Addition to Norfolk. Herman Hogrefo to Bertha A. Den ning , AV. D. Cons. $250. Sw'4 C-21-2. Mary A. Kidder et al to Carl Drefke , W. D. Cons. $1.00. The w % of the , mv 4 of 21-21-1. I' Mike Ilaher to Albert Uoemert , W. D. Cons $ S,9CO. Nwy , of4224. . | Barry E. McQueen to Myrtle V. Op- | pernmnn , W. D. Cons $1,800. Lots j 1 and 2 , block 2 , Pasewalk's Third Ad- I dition to Norfolk. j Lillian D. Carver to Charles W. 'Sprout ' ' , W. D. Cons. $11,200. Sw'4 of 23-22-2. M. C. Garrett , Referee , to Lillian D. Carver , Referee's Deed. Cons. $11- 200. Swt of 23-22-2. Mathlas Jasper to Joseph Jasper , W. D. Cons. $ C,800. S'/6 of sw 4 of 3C-21-3. Carl Prauner to Herman Eyl , sr. , W. D. Cons. $4,000. W& of sw 4 and the w % of the w'of the c % of the swi4 of 7-23-2. Water Bond Election. Sioux Falls , S. D. , March 30. Spe clal to The News : The trustees of Iroquols have called a special elec tion , to be held on Tuesday , April C , at which the proposition of Issuing bonds In the sum of $3,000 for the providing of a water supply for the municipal waterworks system and the construction of a pump house and elevated tank will be submitted to the voters. AMONG OLD TIME FRIENDS. Editor Cotton of the Ainsworth Star- Journal Tells of Norfolk Visit. John M. Cotton in the Ainsworth Star-Journal : The ( rip down to Nor folk a week ago was a very pleasant one to the writer of these paragraphs. It has always been a pleasure to visit Norfolk , probably the best town in America of its size under 5,000 in habitants. They are a good bunch , those Norfolk citizens , and they not only know how to push their town to tjie front , but to welcome the stranger within their gates and make him feel like he was at home. Among the old time friends whose acquaintance was renewed on that oc casion were the following : I Postmaster John R. Hays , who , when I county superintendent of Storey coun ty , Iowa , gave the writer his first ' teacher's certificate. John R. has ali - i ways had a word of cheer for the am bitious boy or girl and ho keeps up that work to this day. N. A. Rainbolt , a retired capitalist of Norfolk , whom the writer has known since a little boy back at Ames , Iowa. Mr. Rainbolt goes fishing now when he feels the Impulse to do some great thing , where formerly he used to spend the time In business. Ho Is enjoying pretty good health now as a result of this change in Ills manner of life. Jim Stltt , a prince among the Ne braska architects , is still the same Jim Stltt , and Is doing even better work in Ills line than he used to do , Knox Tipple , who , some dozen years ago , used to run the Pacific hotel then the best house In northern Nebraska. If there Is a man any where who knows better how to run a hotel than Knox Tipple did then , the writer would like to see him and Knox is a bachelor at that. He Is boarding at the Oxnard now and enjoying life. Dr. Francis A. Bryant , who wrote that masterful story of Aztec life A Romance of Two Lives Is still at Nor folk folowlng his profession. Dr. Alexander Bear stately and dlgnlllod as ever , and enjoying a flue practice. The writer's acquaintance with Dr. Bear dates back to ( he tlmu when ho was Senator Bear In 1875. M. D. Tyler and Hurt Mapes , two as good lawyers as Nebraska holds with in her borders both injoylng a line practice. W. II. Weeks and wife , the now pub lishers of the Norfolk Press both first class and up to date newspaper people. The writer knew Weeks years ago when he published the Scrlbner News. The writer did not got to see the Huso of Tlio News , but saw the boys , and they are making good every day In the year getting out the best dally paper in a town of that size that can bo found any where on earth. Nor did ho got to see Dr. Markay , a line physician , and one of the ablest writers In Nebraska. If Dr. Mackay would devote his attention to litera ture ho might rival Dr. S. Wlcr Mitchell and Dr. Woods Hutchlnson , H. M. Bushnoll of the Lincoln Trade Review , president of tlio association , an old time friend of the writer. Bush Is accumulating a gray moustache and some gray hairs on tlio back of tils head , while the bald spot on top grows larger and larger , but he is the same big hearted Bush as of days gone by. There are many more but this list is as long as our space will permit. Feared to Put on Trousers. New York , March 30. The jury sit ting in the suit of Mrs. A. E. Herman , costumer , against Mrs. Louise Carter Paine , actress , for the price of certain costumes for the actress" productions , "La Tosca" and "Camllle , " gave its undivided attention to some expert testimony as to "fits" today. The export in question is Phyllis La- Fond , who Is to play the part of the boy In "La Tosca. " She said the coat and waistcoat of the costume were not just what they should bo , but that was not the principal trouble. To be frank , she finally let It be known that the principal trouble was that the "pants" were too tight , so snug , In fact , that she was afraid to try to squeeze into them lest something break. Miss Blanchard , another member of Mrs. Carter's company , showed how she thought some of the costumes ought to fit. One of the jurors did not know what an empire gown was so she illustrated by showing on herself where the waist line came * in such a gown. Lad Killed by Brother. Sioux Falls , S. D. , March 30. Spe cial to The News : Particulars have reached here of the accidental death of Henry , the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Egger , who reside on a farm in the southeastern portion of Faulk county. The unfortunate boy met death at the hands of his own brother. Together with the brother and a companion the dead boy was en gaged in bunting ducks. A 22-calibre rifle held in the hands of the brother was prematurely discharged , the ball striking the lad in the back of the bead. He became unconscious and remained in this condition until his death about six hours later. The brother has been nearly crazed by the accident and the tragic death of his little brother. A physician was on the scene as promptly as possible but was unable to save the life of the boy. TAFT KEEPS A COW. Jersey is liven Liberty of Rear Yard at White House. Washington , March 30. The Tafts are keeping a cow. It Is a nice , paci fic creature , with soft brown spots as big as tubs scattered here and there over a pelt which Is otherwise a fawn color. Owing to the fact that Its horns have been eliminated It is warranted not to hook. i'he Jersey animal showed up on the White House lawn last week. She had been purchased by Mrs. Taft that the White House table might be sup plied at all times with pure milk. Ex plicit orders appear to have been , given that she may roam the rear ex- ] pauses of the executive grounds at will , cropping the luscious grass blades as they appear. At night bossy oc cupies one of the stalls in the White House stables. Richard Davldge , one of the stable men , does the caretaklng and procures the great jar of foamy rich milk which is sent each night and morning to the White House kitchen. Ho dons a special white uniform while attend ing to this process. Near Drowning in Keya Paha. Burton Independent : In attemptIng - Ing to ford the Keya Paha river on his way to Broxsburg , Peter Phillips , father-in-law of W. E. Boyd , of Burton , met with an accident that came near proving fatal to him. When midway of the stream the doubletrees broke , overturning tlio buggy , which floated down stream , turning over and over with the swlfe tide which was run ning at that time. It was about twen ty-five feet from tlio point of the ac cident before Mr. Phillips could free himself from the mix-up , when assis tance came ho was pretty well used up , and some time elapsed after reachIng - Ing safety before ho was able to pro ceed on his way. HATS OFF IN CHURCH. Fremont Methodists Vote Down Easter Millinery Exhibit. Fremont Herald : Complimentary to the men , who object to craning their necks so as to look past a big , fluffy hat to watch the minister while ho de livers his sermon on Sunday mornings , the ladles of the Methodist church have decreed that women shall not wear such creations in church here after. The action was taken at a recent meeting of the general aid so ciety. The motion was passed in the face of a strong opposition that wanted the matter deferred until after Easter In order that the ban would not affect 'the ' wearing of the Easter bonnets. I New Citizens Can't Vote. Norfolk's newest residents , citizens I of the territory recently annexed to this city , ran not vote at the coming city election. After looking up the statutes and court opinions on the mat ter Norfolk lawyers have agreed that the statute requiring three month's residence within the city limits before a can take part In the city election operates against the voters In the new additions. Democrats Take Matter Up. Believing the matter to bo one of Importance , the Democratic city cen tral committee through Us chairman , Dr J. II. Mackay , has obtained a writ ten opinion from former Senator Will- lam V Allen of Madison , on the mat ter. Senator Allen , In his opinion , which Is of some length , takes the question up In detail , concluding as fol lows : "I do not believe the words , 'tho benefits of and bo subject to the ordi nance and regulations of such village or city' would glvo the right to vote at this election. This is evidently a legislative ommlsslon as there Is no justice in preventing them from par ticipating In the election. This section constructed with other provisions of the statute , which prescribe the length of time a person shall have been a resident of the municipality before be ing entitled to vote , would , in my Judgment , deprive these people from the right of franchise at this time. " Additions Are Democratic , While both parlies would gain ad ditional strength from the new citi zens' vote , the not gain , It Is believed , would be in favor of the Democrats as the additions are counted as rather strongly Democratic. Blind Pupils to Give Play. [ Sioux Falls , S. D. , March 30. Spe cial to The News : One of the most unique public entertainments ever given in the state will be given In the near future by a number of the pupils of the state school for the blind at Gary. Although blind , the pupils will present a play and are ex pected to be trained so well that they will be able to move about the stage and present their paits as well as any amateur players who have their eye sight. The pupils who will take part in the play arc beinc ; drilled by Mr. and Mrs. Scoles , theatrical people of unusual ability , and by' teachers and others. Horse Stolen at Nellgh. Nellgh , Neb. , March.29. Special to Tlio News : A horse was stolen last night from tlio barn of A. J. Dean , a farmer living one mile east and two miles north of Neiigli. The man suspected of taking the horse has worked for Dean during the fall and winter. He went by tlio name of Lou Hunt and is described as a dark coinpiexioned young man , twenty years old , with a short white mustache , and weighing about 195 pounds. The horse was a light bay with three white feet and one black , weighing about 1,100 pounds , and with a star on the face. The horse was considered a valuable animal by the owner. The county has been asked to offer a reward. Drainage a Problem Now. Sioux Falls , S. D. , March 31. Spec ial to The News : In the old days in South Dakota , when the rainfall was not as well distributed as in tliase later days , it was customary for farm ers living in that part of the stats which lies over the great artesian basin to "club together" for the sfnk- ing of artesian wells , this being done to reduce the expense to any one In dividual. The water secured from these wells was necessary in some parts ( A tlio state to produce crops. Water from the wells was equally dis tributed o\er the farms of those who had contributed to the cost of the wells by means of ditches. In these modern days , so wonder ful has been the change in South Dakota , tlio farmers' thoughts arc not turned to securing an artificial supply of water to add to the regular rain fall , but to getting rid of surplus sup plies of water. The rainfall has been so great during the past few seasons in many parts of the state that much valuable land has been flooded and rendered worthless for the raising of crops. In some localities the counties have constructed drainage ditches to carry away the excess of water and reclaim the flooded lands. In counties where these drainage ditches have not yet been constructed at county expense the farmers themselves have to bear the burden of draining their flooded lands. Elect Pllger Teachers. Pilger , Neb. , March 31. Special to Tlio News : At a meeting of the Pil ger school board the following teach ers were elected yesterday : Superintendent , Professor A. J. Har- gett ; assistant principal , Miss Rich , retained ; Miss Blackstone , retained ; Miss Jones , Miss White , Miss Olson , primary , retained. TAFT FAVORS NO TAX. Northwestern Members Rejoicing In Attitude Taken by Chief Executive. Washington , March 31. President Taft is reported as being in favor of placing rough lumber on the free list. Ills position in this regard Is said to have been communicated to the leaders In the house and senate. Accordingly , members from tlio north west , who are opposed to either the DIngloy or Pnyno rates on lumber , nro jubilant. It is apparent that the lumber schedule in the Payne bill has excited tremendous opposition. Representa tive Tawnoy's charge on the floor of the house that if the bill became a INDIGESTION ENDS. You ran eat anything your stomach craves without fear of a ram > of Indi gestion or DyMpopsIn , or that jour food will ferment or sour on your stomach If you will occasional ) ' luku a Illtlo Dlapopsln after eating. Your meals will taste good , anil an.\ thing you oat will be digested ; nothing can ferment or ( urn Into neld or poison or stomach gas , which causes Ilelchlng , Dizziness , a feellnj ; of fullness after eating , Nausea. In digestion ( llko a lump of load In stem ach ) , lllllmiHiiesM , Heartburn , Water brash , i'aln ' In stomach and Intestines or other symptoms. Headaches from the stomach uro absolutely unKnnun where tills effec tive remedy Is used. Dlapephln really does all the work of a healthy stem ach. It digests your meals when your stomach can't. IC'ieli trlanjtulo will digest all tlio food you ran eat and leave nothing to ferment or sour ( Jot a large 50-ront case of Pitptt'a Dlapepsln from your druggist and start taking today and by tomor row you will actually brag about jour healthy , strong Stomach , for you then can eat anything anil everything you want without the slightest discomfort or misery , ami every particle of Impurity and ( MB that Is In your stomach and Intestlnea Is going to lie carried away wthout the use of laxatives or any other as sistance. law in UK present form the $2 Ding- ley rate on lumber would automatic ally go Into effect , created HonietbliiK of a sensation. At the meeting of the Republican members of the committee of ways and means Saturday , serious consid eration was given the lumber schedulu with a view to amending it Just what conclusion was reaelied has not. been disclosed. The testimony of Glfford Pint-hot before - fore the committee home weeks ago is the strongest card the lumbermen ha\e to use in their endeavors to keep the tariff on lumber. His evi dence was In effect an argument for the retention of the lumber rates. A meeting of northwestern members In terested In free lumber will be held this week. A resolution will bo ; * adopted urging the committee on way and means to permit a separate vote on this feature of the Payne bill. CANNON FOR SENATE. Rumored That Speaker of the House May Pick Deadlock at Springfield ! . Washington , March : U.-That Speaker Cannon is the man who may pick the deadlock in the Illinois sen atorial situation , is the strictly liiBido Information which comes from Spring- field. It is contained In private ad vices from people in position to Know the real inner workings of politics lu the Sucker state. A letter says "Tho latest tip out here on the seiut- torial situation is that Uncle .loo wants it , and has told some of lifts friends so. The best guess seems to bo that no one will be elected at this session and that there will be a free- for-all fight in a special primary two years from now ; but nobody really knows What is KOlllir fii linmim. From time to time the suggestion of Speaker Cannon for the senate has been heard in Washington , but It ban never been taken seriously. The ex planation now offered of this remark able report from Springfield is that the speaker is satisfied with four triumph ant elections to the leadership of the " house , and would like the privilege of "rounding out his career , " as they all say , with a term in the senate. No Trace of Horsa s'hlef. Nfligh. Neb. , Manh 31. Special to Tlio News ; l'p to a late hour last evening no tiacc bad been reported or the horse stolen last Sunday night fiom the bom of A. J. Dean. Mr. Dean says that ho Is positive of the thief in the joung nan who had been working for him all fall and winter , but is in doubt as to his ilpbt name. Leu Hunt , as he called himself , de clared that he was diiven fiom his home by his mother in Missouri , and since tlieii lias been in Oklahoma. Kansas and Nebraska. In the latter two states lie has served short Jail sentences in the larger cities , but for what caiifo Is not known. A la-go number of postal cards have been issued dining the past two days giving the description of the horst and that of the supposed thief. The young man Is alho charged with tak ing a saddle , blanket and bridlo. Sheriff Miller yesterday increased the reward $50 , for the arrest and convic tion of the guilty party. Mr. Dean's reward of $25 is for the return of the horse. PEPPER CINNAMON ALLSPICE NUTMEG CLOVES MUSTARD GINGER The choicest spices that skill can select from the finest Nature produces ideal in strength and faultless in quality These come to you with their freshness unaltered representing unexcelled goodness , unap- proachcd purity In { ONE BROS SP1B [ Sealed immediately after grind ing no air , no moisture , no for eign odors , no impurity whatso ever can touch them. TONE'S have no superior for fine seasoning. roccfu - 1O oojtfo Ttun ttttwo kladj of plTONE'8 tad "tlltrt. " TONE BROS. , Des Molnes , Iowa